Sonic's Fury FULL GAME (Bowser's Fury but you are Sonic)

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today we play sonic's fury this is bowser's fury but you are sonic you are faster than normal we test out every power-up and we beat the game and i hope you enjoy this video so here is our lovely start to the game we have a few birds here in the opening cut scene and sonic is going for a walk over here sonic's just stretching like this we've got peach's castle in the background when all of a sudden sonic notices something over here and these swatches on the ground this paint this just reminds me so much of super mario sunshine i've got to play super mario sunshine sometime the game that people have been recommending to me for so long that i've been wanting to play for so many years is super mario galaxy i've heard so many good things about that i really hope like oh my goodness sonic space sonic's face is so funny right now but yeah i really hope i can play mario galaxy sometime i'll most likely play oh wait and hold on here comes sonic falling over here oh now here goes sonic look at his face and bam right there his head just falls right in does his foot twitch yeah his foot twitches are bent so here we go we are sonic and we are pretty fast oh my goodness yeah we really are quite fast okay let's get up here let's go let's make our way over there and here's the bowser that we have to defeat but yeah as i was saying i was going to say that yeah i'll most likely play through mario's sunshine first and then after that i'll probably do galaxy after that okay so let's get up here hold on can we get up here let's get up here bowser wants to blow fire at us but we made it to the catch all right there we go this looks so cool with sonic instead of mario and getting that cat shine makes lots of light come out of this lighthouse here and we scare away bowser okay but i really want to see what some of these other power-ups are going to be like oh you know what would be so funny it'd be so funny if instead of bowser jr if we had tails joining us that would be such a good idea okay so here's sonic over here bowser jr is like sonic i need your help look at what happened to my papa here's my normal papa but then this paint got on him and he got all evil and big we gotta calm him down somehow you gonna help me sonic and sonic's like ah is that right sonic's face is so good i tried to help him but he's too big and mad i can't change that back by myself sonic's like is that right please help me sonic and sonic's like yeah let's go i can help you i love the little smirk on the side of his face that is way too good all right so here we go here is our great team we have got bowser jr and sonic here so let's go it's kind of funny seeing sonic face off against goombas and stuff like this okay so what we want to do is go over here and let's see what is our first power-up going to look like the super bowl power up hey look at that how cool is that i think people have told me before in my comments on my other videos that this is so oh and let's grab this power up too people told me that i think this is called like sonic the werehog or something like that yeah but there we go there's a very nice cat shine shard for us over here we need to climb up here and then we can just jump to that there we go we got it that is perfect wow i just like bounced off that cat oh my goodness we are so incredibly fast this is kind of unbelievable okay so let's see we want to make our way over here keep going climb a little more now go to over there perfect we made it let's go let's go man we are so fast i am not used to being this fast okay there we go got another catching so that's very nice this sonic looks very tough over here looks like we have a very very tough sonic this reminds me of one of the first like kind of major mod videos that i made on my channel was mario in bowser's fury but every cat shine makes him faster and oh man this kind of feels like that because sonic it just goes so fast in this game in sonic's fury but there we go we got the five cast iron shards so we get another cast sign over here okay and you know what let's check out this other level over here because there's going to be another level over here so let's head to over here to fort flap trap what are we going to do bully the cat bullies okay that sounds interesting we'll give those cat bullies a taste of their own medicine if we could make it to the level that is okay let's climb up here come on get me up there get me up there give me that there we go very nice okay now let's see there's something hidden right here there's a hidden block over here so there's some cat bullies here so normally what you want to do is push them into the lava but since we are invincible well we have the star power up we can just run into them all like that and they get defeated which is a great way to defeat them and before we get the cat's shine there's a catch line shard right here that he wants you know what why not go for this one over here too let's grab that one right over there and hold on there's going to be one right here and then we need just one more off on the other side we got almost all the cast iron charged but let's just go over to this i almost called it a moon it is not called the moon i've been playing a lot of super mario odyssey and making a lot of mario odyssey mods recently so i want to call everything a moon but that is not a moon okay so let's make our way back over there and now there's a little pink blob over there reminding me even more of super mario sunshine i'm curious how many people who are watching this have played super mario sunshine you guys could let me know in a comment if you've played super mario sunshine before now lexi where are you going luigi jump right away yeah i ran into him with the shell okay where are you running to now since we're pretty fast i think it should be kind of easy to catch up to him oh man bowser jr was the one that got him there okay where are you going where are you going we can move quite quickly you know what i'm coming up here because i think you're going up where are you going oh my goodness bowser jr is an incredible teammate what in the world was that there's some weird confetti flying around the screen there okay but let's see oh wow we already have five cats shines that is so many well let's be careful over here okay so is there anything that we want here right now i kind of wanted to take one of those kittens with us okay but we'll head over here let's go okay head back to this island over here what is the next cat shine over here going to be oh and bowser's almost awake uh oh bowser's about to wake up you know what on blue coin bustle do i have time to do that one okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna stay right here and we're gonna have bowser blast this force i probably could have gotten that other catch line before can i get it before bowser wakes up do i still have time do i have time yes okay you still got it you don't want to get a cat shine while the bowser phase is active because then it actually scares away bowser and right now we do want bowser to be active hold on i really uh oh oh where is he where is he where is he where's bowser i need bowser perfect that's exactly where i need him because i need him to blast fire at this because the only way that you could break these blocks is by having bowser blast his fire at it so please blast your fire here blast your fire here good job bowser and i'm not grabbing that cat shine that's there right now because otherwise the bowser phase would come to an end and only when bowser is active like this that's the only time that we could go and use the gigabell over here so we're going to use the gigabyte and we are going to face the first boss bowser right now very exciting let's see what are we going to transform into oh my goodness we are a yellow sonic is this super sonic is this like in the sonic movie do they have this let's see all right look at this little grin there that's so great let's go time to face off against the fury bowser over here we are giga cat sonic instead of giga cat mario let's go swipe at him swipe him do some damage here okay push me back whoa he pushed me back pretty far this is a little scary here where are you jumping to bro huh jumping over here i don't mind i can dodge that attack very nice up up up swipe and a dive into him did a bit of damage over there that's very nice okay let's get up close attack him let's go how you like that huh okay pushing me back some more his hp is getting a little low now get your fire away from me get your fire away from me i do not want to get hit by your fire oh i didn't even see his fire what's going on wait where are you going why don't you do your ground pound attack over here bro let's go oh no he didn't come here i wanted him to land over there but let's see let's do a ground pound on him now bounce up and bam there we go we defeated the first bowser boss fight i would like to ideally do all of the boss fights i think that'd be pretty cool we're going to beat the game hopefully we can face every boss so that we can see lots of exciting boss fights and it's funny bowser explodes like this it almost looks like this would be the end of the game this is actually just the first boss fight in the game but yeah this is a pretty exciting game the way that it's like you face all these bowser bosses there's all these cool levels that you could go to bowser's fury is a very nice game so is sonic scary looks like bowser jr has more to say and look at this sonic over here he looks so suspicious he sank back into like but trust me it'll take more than that to beat my papa sonic and bowser jr what a kind of funny crossover we have over here not something that i expected to see okay so let's get this kitten bring the kitten back to the crying mama all the crying mama loves its baby okay here you go you can have your baby i found your baby no need to worry woman and we got a nice cat shine for that that is fantastic okay so what's over there oh oh i know what is over there okay first first let's go over here first let's go do blue coin bustle over here i think that'll be a nice one to get we just need to get these blue points oh man oh man actually with my fast speed oh boy with my fast speed actually kind of hard to control okay but but but let's just send bowser jr after these get this one now get those i'll get those i'll get these bro just get the last coin come on right there okay go go go go go go go go go go you're doing great bro you're doing great bro bowser come on bro let's go get those okay ambassador jr got all of them for us very nice bowser jr did a fantastic job over there and look at the plus he's just pausing in the background there okay so let's see where would we like to go first of all let's get on plessy maybe we want to go up here let's see can we get up here yeah this will be a nice place to go we can just climb up here go over here and there's a key right there for us oh my goodness we are moving so fast okay let's pick up this key great p to have this is the key to our success okay let's throw the key over there there we go oh no but we still have the hard landing over there okay but there we go that is where the key for this cage is the keys up there i know that the key is up there and sonic gets another cat shine okay now where's the plessy where's the plessy i need a plessy where my plus he's at where all my plus he's at where my plus he's at where are my plessies okay there's a plessy right over there man we move so fast that maybe it's actually better to uh actually not go on plessy because of how quickly we move but there we go there's another couch hang for us right over here blast the fury blocks wait wait wait wait wait oh do we have to uh bully the magic koopas now is that what we have to do we have to defeat the magikoopas let's go bam there we go okay normally you use bowser jr to defeat these guys but oh and bowser jr is helping us out a bit over here let's go is that all them are there still more where are the other magikoopas there's one more somewhere where is it where is it where is it oh and bowser's junior spawn camp that guy oh my goodness right as the magikoopa spawn bowser junior destroyed them okay so it looks like we got all of the cat shines in this level which is very nice we have 100 completed fourth flat trap over here so we won't have to be coming back to there but where we still can go is over here wait a minute and i think going on to a dash panel actually makes you slower because i think that your normal running is faster now okay so let's see where are we going over here we want to go up this way oh oh i know some stuff that we can do over here okay this is a pretty fun level okay so you want to get that that's very nice again wait a new power-up what is it [Music] oh my goodness look at this we are now a boomerang throwing sonic very exciting and we've got a little bandana okay so let's get up here great place to go because now we can get that now then let's go like this ah bowser jr i didn't expect to bounce on you over there okay but now we can head down this way got some boomerang bros over there hello boomerang bros let's grab another boomerang power up that'll be nice nothing can we get up here very nice and bowser jr i need you to grab that right there for me get it please please great job bro you're doing fantastic let's bounce on that guy come across this thing whoa we just got a nice power up we just got a tanooki leaf powerup that's a very good power up okay let's climb up here make our way up okay barely making it there okay that we could grab with the boomerang fantastic it's great that we still have the boomerang out man it's almost like we're speed running this we are going through this quite quickly okay but i want to head right over here and now look at the way that sonic's standing that's so funny we have all five cat side sharks very nice okay i guess this is a speed run because it's like we are sonic so we move quickly and it's like we're also oh boy we're getting the cat shines quite quickly so it's kind of like we're speed running it too okay so getting that cat shine makes all of that goop over there disappear now then you know what i will do though i will use this power up right here oh man look how cool this sonic looks okay and where we want to go it's down here wait where's the shine right here right here get it get it get it get it get it get it get it yeah we got it there we go okay climb to the shine we didn't do any climbing though okay where's plessy i need a plessy where my plus he's at where my plus he's at clap if you my pluses there we go there we go there's a plushy okay let's go let's go okay so where you want to go is i guess to the next level let's head this way because there might be some stuff that we can do over here and the way that riding on plessy works is you see these sparkles that are coming out is if you dive underwater and you jump at just the right time like that there weren't any uh there weren't any sparkles there if you jump out of water at just the right time then those sparkles appear and i think that's actually the fastest way to move okay let's see when i take out some of these enemies oh my goodness we are so fast it is actually almost uncontrollable but see is that all them yeah there we go gate and can i dive into it oh no i didn't dive into it okay but there we go regular sonic gets the cat strike there's still a few power-ups that we didn't get oh and we already have 15 cat strength oh my goodness okay so we are already ready for the next bowser boss fight hello there goomba sonic is just gonna squish a goomba one of his favorite pastime activities sonic is known for squishing goombas [Music] hey but what i was saying is there still a few power-ups that we haven't gotten yet okay so we want to collect all five of those okay there we go we've got sonic in escape now which is kind of funny why would sonic move around on this skate when he could just run very quickly himself it's like why does sonic have a car wait no i missed it okay it looks like we need this dash panel and there we go okay we gotta be back now don't go into the spikes bro fantastic job okay now make your way across over here stay up high stay up high don't miss it don't miss a bro good job bro now just come over here and yeah there we go we got all five of them so we get a cat shine here and there's also going to be a catch sign down there for us there's one right here basically for completing the level they give you a cat sign right over there man we are getting a lot of these cat shines very quickly can you believe that we already have 17 hold on what happens if you hit a koopa troopa while you're in this scape let's see bam oh they're just immediately defeated in a single hit their shell doesn't give them any protection at all okay so you know what let's go right over here because i know that this island over here that there's a bonus area right up here and we get to see sonic climbing up some trees and missing the trees okay bowser is starting to get up over there oh oh oh that would actually be a nice power-up to have but i'm not gonna drop down for it i'm just going into this cloud cause we are speed running okay so let's see where are we going okay so we are invincible right now which is nice oh oh and i probably should avoid the dash panels because the dash panels actually make you move more slowly compared to our regular run oh i need that guy though let's go oh boy and is that all them yeah there we go and jump jump jump jump jump jump jump yes okay we got it very nice dash and smash in the clouds smash like super smash bros man super smash bros is such a great series i have to play some more super smash bros ultimate i've played quite a bit of the first two super smash bros games a lot of people were recommending super smash bros brawl to me actually okay let's see bowser is about to wake up so you know where it would be a good place to go okay plessy you just wait right there you just wait right there plus you'd be a good little plessy and wait right there okay i'm gonna go here and if we can get bowser to break both of these blocks that'd be amazing i'd love bowser to break that because there's a cat shine back there and i'd also love him to blow fire on this so that he could break this there's going to be a pipe in here they could launch this up high oh and you know what while we are here let's return this kitten i don't know if we're going to return all three kittens so in a strictly speed running sense maybe this is a little bit of a waste of time but i just can't leave a little kitten lost like that i just have to help the little kitten okay so bowser i need you to blow fire on this and then that over there okay so let's go and it looks like the gigabell is also active for us now so we are ready for the next boss fight okay you know what i'm actually gonna wear this power up so that if we get hit we lose the boomerang power up instead of the super bell power up because i think that the super rail power up is in general a bit more useful and i rather have more of them okay let's go let's go that's destroyed that's fantastic now bowser i just need you to break this one for me just break this one for me please please break this one for me please bowser please blow your fire here yes he's blowing fire fire fire right here bro right here bro right here bro look right up there yes he did it he did it he destroyed everything that we needed him to destroy that's amazing okay let's go have the boss fight now before the bowser phase ends because when bowser turns evil like this and everything gets all rainy it's like there's only a little bit of time that you have all right time for the next bowser boss fight here is our grinning sonic over here and we're golden super sonic time to face off against this bowser and what is in this fight oh in this fight he rolls like this let's go bam smack him like that let's go okay now then let's do a swipe and a dive nice amount of damage over there getting some damage onto him let's be careful we don't want him to hurt us let's see do i get pushed back yes he says i'm stuck on the island i wanted to swipe at him again i couldn't do it wait are you gonna blow fire now don't blow fire bro don't blow fire bro you know i'll get behind you and i will grab you by the tail huh how will you like that oh you could actually just swipe out him and damage him that's kind of funny where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro i'll get you yeah we got him that was so cool okay let's go swipe and dive and the boss fight is already over can you believe it oh my goodness that was quite the easy bowser boss fight all right so let's keep going through the game oh you only need 20 catch signs for the next bowser boss fight well look at this we get one over here so we are up to 19. and now there's going to be a very very easy one for us to get right over here it should be very very easy right wait can we just walk straight you know what i'm actually going to avoid the dash panels because we go a bit faster when we don't use the dash panels because our regular run speed is faster than the run speed from the dash panels okay so here we go and there we go wow we already have 20 cat sides can you believe it yeah you've collected 20 cat signs when the beast awakens so shall i now then should i go down there or should i go to this next island here you know what let's see where's the plus yet i need a plessy i need a plus here where are they plus he's at where the plus he's at look at how fast we are going because we are vectoring oh my goodness yeah if you move well if you hold diagonal to the direction that you are moving they just keep building up speed and you can move very very quickly it's very obvious to or it's very easy to do that and the effect becomes more apparent when you do a rolling long jump from somewhere up high and you're moving diagonally as you fall you just keep going faster and faster okay let's see oh no i missed i missed i missed i missed i missed let me just let me just bounce on him let me just get on top of him oh my goodness bastard junior was the one that wait oh okay i thought that bowser jr hit him but he just stopped being dizzy if we take damage maybe we'll become little sonic and we'll get to see what little sonic looks like because normally if you take damage then you become a little mario let's see oh he's invisible he's partially invisible let's see how's that yeah right on his head oh we are little sonic look at how adorable that little sonic is oh look at the little sonic we're not wait where is he where is he where is he where is he i actually can't see where he is where is he where is he i have to stay away from because i i ah there he is there he is there he is stop it stop it stop it bro stay away stay away stay away stay away bro stay away bro okay there we go little sonic is going oh little sonic wanted to defeat a bowser jr why did you do it oh no okay well at least little sonic gets to collect this cat shine how cute is that little sonic okay and that makes you grow into big sonic okay bowser jr get that for me please and i'll get this one right back here which will be great but bro can you get up there please thank you you know what let's use one of these power-ups now we'll be able to climb right up here very nice and hold on is there one to collect up here as a junior i need you to get that one right there for me get it and wait wait and also get that one while you're at it thank you very much for your help sir okay and wait wait wait can we make a bowser jr just reach that rabbit right there what if we go like this go like this come here wait wait from here here and go right to the rabbit can you teleport to the rabbit or will the rabbit right away can you get it he got it he got it for us oh my goodness i can't believe we could just get the rabbit from right up here bowser jr is great at catching rabbits hey now where is the last cat shining shirt hold on oh no no it's not down here it's down a bit forward it's like right over here in a little pool right there there we go okay so we got another cat shine from here which is fantastic okay so we've got quite a few cats shines already wait wait wait do we want to go for this one should we go for this one right away you know let's get that first let's pop off of here there we go and let's just uh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy let's just make our way up here where are you going bro where are you going bro i'm so scared of you okay let's see we've got some invisible floor now and the nice thing is if you ground pound then the floor lights up a bit so you can see a bit where you are supposed to go and hold on wait wait if i remember correctly is there something up here yes there's one right up here wait bowser junior can you reach that one for me please please reach that bro just go over there come on bro thank you and please get that one for me that should be an easy one for you very nice okay so we've got one cat shine in this and hold on can i just jump to there that's the top part can i just reach that from here it'd be nice if we could just head on over there and can i just fall through yes and we get the coins and we get yet another cat shine so close yet so far yeah and the reason that we can't just go straight to this one is because all around there are these invisible walls all around so you have to basically climb up and then drop down from the top center oh wait wait and i think this one might have a fire flower yeah now we're gonna get to see fire flower sonic hey we are red how cool is that okay and it's almost it's it's a little bit like knuckles but not really like knuckles it's like knuckles is red so i guess that's the main similarity that we have on you know what well we are here why not do this okay so where we want to go we want to follow this path right over here okay and let's see let's take this first dash panel why not and let's see give me another dash panel there we go okay now then we have 10 seconds to make it to over there and get me up there oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy and very nice we got it you know this actually could have been a good time to do the um this actually could have been a good time to do the shadow luigi stage over there oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is this plastic please move well plus he actually just moved for me that's fantastic okay and now we have a time limit to climb up there because we ground pounded on this so let's see let's make our way over and with our very fast sonic it shouldn't be very difficult i hope let's go over here get up there get up there get up there come over here and very nice with a lot of time left our red fire flower sonic gets another cat shine okay but it's still quite a while until bowser wakes up so what am i supposed to do now where do we want to go next let's see where can we go you know what why not go over there right there that level's like right in front of us it's staring us in the face maybe we can go over there but wait if i miss it that would be a big big time loss that would not be very good for our speedrun if i missed this okay so i'm gonna risk it i'll take a risk because that is what we do in speed runs we miss the pipe that we are going right towards and let's see what we want to do is not miss any coins at all so we oh boy we really have to control ourselves while we are on this skate okay let's go let's go let's go where are we going okay so we need those oh boy okay i am going without the skate hopefully we can do all right without the skate let's see let's see can i do all right without the skate now do you want to go down here okay let's see it's so weird doing this without the skate i don't know if this is possible without the skate but it's so weird doing this without the skate we are faster since uh since you know what since wait wait is that all wait is that the last three no we just missed it oh man that's actually so incredibly sad yeah what i was going to say is we are a bit faster oh wait but bowser's about to wake up soon can i still do another boss fight before bowser no i can't because it's raining already but yeah what i was going to say is that we are a bit faster than just the skate itself ah man that's actually so sad that we missed those last three coins they're so sad that it is now raining pathetic fallacy oh and maybe we actually would have had time to bring over that cat that's there on top of that gate to over here okay so here comes bowser bowser's now wait wait where is bowser i'm not seeing him oh there he is he's right over there and another gigabyte awakens so it is time for another bowser boss fight let's go here we go turning big we are actually kind of getting close to the end of the game there are still quite a few bosses in quite a few levels yet but man i'm actually surprised at how quickly we are making progress through this game oh this is such a great boss fight this is the one where these spikes come down i love these spikes okay let's go where are you going bowser come right here come right here okay there we go he just walked right into me perfect now come here perfect now hold on hold on can i bring him back a bit with this let's see go back that way a bit perfect now let's see let's grab another spike i want to bring him a bit closer let's see come here come here bro i gotta push you that way i'm gonna push you over there very nice now let's see can i get two more spikes on them or just one if i can get two that'd be amazing let's see there's another spike let's see there we go there's another spike on him now if we ground pound him is he defeated let's see yeah what an easy boss fight i love the boss fight with this spikes it's so nice throwing the spikes at him like that because it pushes him back knocks him over stuns him for a bit and it does quite a bit of damage that's just a fantastic boss fight i love this one oh nuts i really hoped he would change back this time now we have access to a lot more of the map we have a few more levels that we should be able to access now and we need 40 cat shines for the next fight that is quite a few okay and let's see let's go like this let's bounce up here okay now we should just be able to climb up over here come on mario come on mario i mean not mario sonic that's why he's not cooperating it's because i'm calling him mario instead of sonic he's like hey i'm not mario i'm sonic okay now we are facing off against the boss pom pom let's see oh she disappears before we can get on her i wonder if you could damage her like that okay and here's the real one i see the real one oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy that was scary i missed the jump of that i think i got her with the cat swipe this one is real oh boy you know what you know why i'm having so much difficulty landing these jumps is because we are so much faster that it's like if you just tilt a little bit you move so much more than you'd expect and now we have a very nice cash shine as a reward for that boss fight okay so let's climb on out of the colosseum and the cool thing about this colosseum is that you can see stuff like this where the colosseum it keeps coming hold on more and more out of the ground as you progress through the game okay there's my plessy right there okay and we've already caught that rabbit before so that's not important this is where we want to go well can we make this jump tell me we can make this job oh boy oh boy okay hey we gotta back up gotta back up gotta go down and go over it yeah we made it very nice oh there's a kitten right there okay now then what is the first catch sign here oh make the lighthouse shine okay wait wait wait wait wait does this have what i want yes it does yes it does this right here is a fantastic power-up you can fly very high with the propeller box power up oh boy oh boy oh boy okay we just bumped into that over there okay so we got to be careful okay so there's a you know what for us right there okay we got one of those which is fantastic oh oh hold on i actually want to try something oh that didn't give us a lot of speed actually i thought that might give us more speed because when you crouch repeatedly on ice there's something called the ice glitch which gives you a lot of speed oh hold on and let's just climb up here and the scary thing about this level is oh man if you fall you fall and you have to climb all the way back up here and it takes a bit of work to get up here okay now let's see whip let's get up here i was going to see like weight and whoops okay get the fig mario okay there we go i was gonna say like weight and whoops and it ended up being like whipped okay so we've got three of the five cat shine shards so far we are oh we want to go up there we want to go up there oh boy oh boy okay there we go good thing that we did not fall now bowser jr you could just get that one down there for me you'll do great i know you can do it wait and over here is actually just the top right here so there's a cat shine shard right at the top for us over here which is very nice i wonder how many times i accidentally said moon instead of cat shine in this play through hopefully not too many but yeah that's what happens when you mod a lot of uh super mario odyssey okay but there we go now we have all five cat shine shards so we get another catch line for that which is quite nice and we should be able to uh climb back up right right get me back up get me back up there get me back up there let's see get me up there there we go okay now we are up high so should i fly over to there should i go back that way where should we go we have so many options let's fly to over there that'll be a good place to go we're not moving as fast as i would like to be floating but we do have our propeller box which is quite nice yo bowser jr give me a boost give me a boost get down here get down here give me a boost bro give me a boost bro come on bro get over here bro i need a boost give me a boost give me a boost bro i don't want to touch this ship oh i have to touch this ship unfortunately oh don't hit the thing now then let's see there might be a plessy around somewhere so funny that we still have the uh propeller bugs here wait [Music] no we lost our propeller box we couldn't make it all the way that's so sad but luckily there is a plessy here so we can jump up like this and get over here climb please climb this way very nice okay there we did get the cat shine okay so now we're going to want to go over here oh and look at these cats or not cats these cat gulls they're like seagulls but they have cat ears and we're so fast so we could basically uh catch up to them normally they run away as you start to get close but it's kind of funny that we could just reach them like that okay and it's great that we could just use bowser jr to uh if he will reach it there we go great job bowser jr and can you get that one too bowser jr bowser jr you're doing fantastic i just want to say that we are all very proud of you let's all just take a moment to appreciate bowser jr right now and all the great work that he has done for this company bowser jr we salute you oh boy get me up there please get me up there okay there we go now we are getting up okay let's see we want to go up here i guess you want to climb up to the top and up at the top there's a little kitten for us and with the little kitten we got the catching but as soon as we grabbed the cat shine the cat disappeared where's the cat that we were just holding and it is back in our hands what a nice magic trick cat you're going into the pipe oh i guess the cat can't go into the okay now where are the two you-know-whats that we need okay there's one right down here get that for me please bowser jr where is bowser jr can you get that please get it bro yeah good job nice teleport to that [Music] and oh i jumped away from it okay so bowser jr i need you to get that then you're getting it thank you sir bowser jr and sonic make a very nice team over here it is very nice to see us collecting all these cat shine shards bowser or not only catching sharks but actual cats shines but man bowser jr is doing a fantastic job at helping us collect the catshine shards okay so you know what let's drop down right here onto this plessy and it looks like there's a plessy metal right over here oh and i know where this one is taking us let's see let's come up here let's go this way go over here give me that boost make it across very nice be careful to not fall here be careful not fall oh there's a shiny rabbit down there now the final stretch just don't fall don't fall and we got it that is such a relief okay another nice cat side for us and if it was almost the bowser phase right now then we'd be able to just camp out over here and have bowser break those but i think it might still be a little while before bowser wakes up oh and you know what would be nice home let's do this let's see can we get bowser jr to teleport right to that rabbit that'd be great if we could get him to do that okay come here bro from here bro look look look stay here now go to the rabbit go to the rabbit yeah the instant teleports okay that's something that's super cool that you could do if bowser jr stuck behind a wall when you tell him to reach something then after a moment if you let go then he uh he can instant you can instant go to it oh boy i almost got hit by the bullet bill okay i was very focused there okay so let's go up here what we want to do is you guys might have noticed the locked cage back there so we are climbing up here we need to get this key with sonic of course let's go very nice we got the key don't mess with me bros oh that was so cool how he bounced on bowser junior there that was perfect okay let's just go over here right across bounce up whoa we did not bounce as much as i thought we would oh my goodness it's like we did a regular jump instead of being lamp instead of being launched from the jump panel but there we go the key was safe if you land in the water while you're holding the key you actually lose the key and you have to go back for it okay so let's see where are we going to go next oh i've got an idea i've got an idea because we should have oh wait wait wait i'll do that one later let's go over here first this will be a nice one a nice fast one and there will also be a nice level that we can head to over there so let's go up over here we need to make it to that cat shine in time and it's funny there's a plessy that forms right there but we just saw plessy with us a moment ago and man when you have the super bell power up that makes this very trivial you could just climb straight up like that just get to the catch line otherwise you have some platforming that you have to do that might be slightly difficult but like this is it's like it's easy mode for us super super easy mode okay so let's head up here climb up here this will be a great place to go make your way over here oh there cat bob on okay the wall has been destroyed now got one of these power-ups this might help us out because we can float oh we are floating way too fast for my control okay so there's a you know what that is down there there are two things that we need bowser jr to get there's gonna be one down there get that one for me great job and there's gonna be one right over here somewhere hold on where is it right there i need to get that bro get it bro come on bro bro don't be afraid of the lava are you getting it [Music] ah you did not get it bowser jr we needed your help when we needed his help the most that's when he vanished okay now get this please please bro please bro please bro please bro thank you bro you did a fantastic job he appeared yet again okay so let's oh i almost didn't even realize that one was over there now give me that give me that look at me swiping with my tail okay but what we want to do is get that over there get me out of the lava okay good good good now we want to get into that and we move so quickly that this is so weird let's see get in there get in there get in there very nice now let's just get back to safety for a moment so that we could recalibrate okay now where are we going okay i don't want the ball bomb near me i wonder if maybe using a super bell would be better here you know i'll switch to the super bowl because we don't have a lot of tanooki leaf power-ups so let's go like this let's see let's go up onto these steps oh my goodness this is almost like one of my videos where i make every level make mario go faster it is actually so difficult to control sonic like this okay let's see bro bro bro why are you messing with me bro don't mess with me magikoopa but we get that cat shine shards that means that we get a new catch i know which is fantastic how many of these do we have 38 that's quite a few weight can we go like this oh no we can't we can we can don't go into the lava bro don't go into the lava bro just go over here let's play it safe just play it safe be careful sonic you're doing fantastic over here and we made it hello there kittens bowser jr why are you knocking the baseball away from the kittens just leave them alone okay we've got 39 if we could get one more before the bowser phase that would be absolutely amazing because we need 40 for the next bowser fight oh you know what there's something right over here this looks like the perfect one to get let's see can we get this let's see [Music] okay so what we want to do is get over there before the timer runs out and i don't think it should be too hard just go under when you have to with the dash panels go under there we go and you know what i'm actually avoiding that i'm just gonna go like this just a few seconds four three yes okay with a bit over two seconds left we got it very nice and that means that we have 40. the message is ringing out from the gigabit when the beast awakens so shall i so where are we going to go where are we going to go because bowser is going to be getting up soon so you know what oh we could go over here this might be wait wait can we still get one more catch line before bowser's ready can we still do blue coin bustle let's try it let's try go here you gotta go down very nice now go left go that way very nice we might be able to do it we might be able to get this one let's see i really hope that we can let's see where we going okay very good we're doing fantastic work here now come down this way okay now where's next okay come over here go to the left uh right keep going bro keep going come down here now oh time's almost up time is almost up no no don't go like that don't go like that over here oh no i don't know if we can make it no no no no no we are too early okay should i even wait i didn't even get it okay i missed the last two anyway okay well i guess the good news is hold on wait the good news is if we could find it where is the bowser block that we need him to break wait why did you run away bro i needed you to blast this here oh no so not only is he not blasting that but he's running away from me okay you know what guys we just wait are you coming back over here now i don't know if i'll have time to make it to the gigabill after i need him to blast that blast that blast that did he blast it his fire's right there but he didn't even blast that oh no oh no what do we do what do we do do i race to the gigabill okay hopefully he broke those blocks i don't know if we can make it to the gigabit in time though before the bowser phase ends i hope that we can i really hope that we can make it to the gigabill before bowser runs away please otherwise it's just bad news after bad news after bad news let's see we just have to touch that bell we have to make it to there before this ends come on come on yes yes yes yes thank goodness we made it oh my goodness i was so scared that the bowser phase was going to be ending because i was just moving around so much i was trying to do so much and it sounded like the music was coming to the end of its loop but luckily we made it to here and we are going to have a bowser fight which is very very nice okay let's see where are we going where are we going coming over here where's bowser bowser what are you doing all the way over there bro why don't i come over here no no i lost my spike oh no oh no oh no this is not good i just wanted to uh throw him towards the other spikes bro go over there good job you know where the other spikes at let's see there's a spike over here this might be our worst bowser fight yet i need to throw this spike at him but he's in the wrong location let's see where are you he's going over there this is fine oh actually this is all right we salvaged this quite well oh no all of the spikes are destroyed uh do i ground pound him i guess i'll ground pet him this probably isn't defeating him but okay we did some damage on to him let's go collect one of these gigabells over here there we go and i guess we'll have to wait out the fight and see how it goes give me more spikes yeah that's what i need what i need is some spikes maybe we could have some long distance spike action let's see here i'll just get you like this bro eat that there we go very nice i'm gonna give you some more okay just wait there bowser wait there bowser don't go anywhere i got some more spikes for you how you like that spike i visited oh no oh no okay swipe at him swipe at him now push me back good good good he gave me like a boost back towards here so that i could reach the spikes more soon hopefully i get it before it disappears let's see wait wait wait swipe him ah all i had to do was swipe him like that to defeat him we had so little hp left oh my goodness i wanted to grab some more spikes to throw at him but he was almost defeated anyways all right and it is raining right now so hopefully we can get bowser to destroy a bunch of these blocks for us that'd be nice i'd love for him to destroy this so that we could get up there and then we could also run to another level with more fury blocks nearby and maybe we could also get him to break that one so please bless your fire here look i am a great target i am sonic i need fire blasted at me yes that's what i need perfect perfect okay so that is destroyed so that is great news okay lots of evil kittens over here all the cats turn evil during the bowser phase which is kind of funny there are these big bowser footprints over here okay so let's make our way over here go he got me he got me i have to sneeze so badly i have a sneeze coming up but i need bowser excuse me i need bowser to destroy the blocks down here ah there's a super bell there i would love that super bowl bowser i need you to blast fire right over here where are you bowser blast your fire here please bro please blast your fight here where are you going please blow fire here please yes bro thank you bro and let's see very nice he destroys that i don't think we could get him to another level still i think he's going to run away before we could get him so what i should do is ground pound the shiny spot right here ah just coins i was hoping maybe there'd be a power up that would be nice let's get this power up and let's see oh wait where's that guy bowser jr you can get him good job bowser jr okay now let's see let's just try and collect some of these over here let's just go like that you know what maybe we actually did have time to get bowser to another level to blast another fury block that would have been nice if we could have done that but no maybe by the time that we actually got to the level he would have gotten away oh no i've got to take a power up because we're almost dead hey bowser jr get that and get that one okay so i think this sounds the music makes it sound like bowser was about to leave case so we get a cat shine right now so that does scare away bowser because bowser doesn't like the light fury bowser doesn't like the light at all we can go like that he gets that guy bowser jr takes out this fury shadow over here so we get another catching man we're just collecting these cat shines so quickly okay and a bunch of goop everywhere clears now and there's also this cat shine right here for us this one right down here for us that is a nice great one for us okay and where we can go hold on where are we going we have access to another nice level where do we want to go now do we want to go up this way yeah i think going up over here would be nice oh and look at that another super bell power up for us that is fantastic okay and if we go over here then we should be able to get access to another boss fight we might actually be able to access the boss fight now if we do something crazy let's see what if we do something like this if i go from up here can i reach it with sonic speed can i get there ah we just ran off we just ran off okay what if we just go like this and yeah that's so cool okay we are ready for the boss fight we basically skipped the whole level and made it straight to the boss right now let's just do a bunch of cat swipes against this guy okay or rolling long jumps that's fine too you know what no we need our cat power well we don't need it but it is quite convenient okay so let's see swipe at this guy swipe at him get him in there where is he going he's going across where is he popping up pops out here ben there we go that's a second hit on him it's so funny how he turns into a little can like that when he's pushed through the pipe because you think like how is he able to fit through the pipe but there we go he is defeated and we should get a very nice catch right before that right over there if we can reach it there we go back off cat prince bully and a pretty cool boss fight to have in the game and a bunch of this goop around mount magmeow is now cleared so that's fantastic and the cool thing about this game is every time you get 100 coins you get a power-up okay so maybe we could have bowser blast that where else do we want to go oh you know what would be nice maybe maybe we could go over here because now that these blocks have been blasted we now have access to this and hold on these things are sometimes extremely glitchy these things are probably the glitchiest things in the game oh boy oh boy we almost ran off okay i've got to be careful let's see you know i'm going to try it still just to see ah like that like that look look look at this why is sonic just standing like that like a cat look at this this is what i mean even if i cat swipe ground pound nothing happens oh my goodness oh and hold on a second looks like we've got a rabbit right there to catch so bowser jr please come right here and now get the rabbit no he's just chasing it instead of teleporting can he reach okay so you know what let's do blue coin bustle for now we could go for that rabbit another time let's go like this and up here and hopefully this time we will successfully do it let's see just come over here come down here all right now just come across this way now with just some very very careful movements we go like this very nice now go left over there very nice now go that way very nice now just go this way okay now down okay good up this way left and is that all them nope that's not all them we need a few over here still let's see let's go in a circle and just pop out there is that all them yes there we go okay that's what we wanted to do last time as bowser was appearing but at least we did get it this time which is very nice and we are up wait wait wait wait did i get the cat shine that was over there i don't remember if i got the one that's over here we didn't get this one yet so look at that we now have 46 cat shine shards that is so many and if we get this rabbit then we're going to have 47 so hopefully we get the rabbit the rap where's the rabbit going no we bumped into a fig come here you ask we will rabbit look at it running by this lava over here isn't that scary wait did i get it or did it turn around ah we went under it oh no oh no that was scary and we got so close to the lava too okay let's go let's go let's go where are you going bro bro bro bro bro bro i'm gonna get you you ask we win a wabbit i'm getting you you ass we win a webbit go come on how close can you get to it without catching it there we go we finally got it wasteland rabbit plays tag okay and bowser's waking up so you know what that means that means that there are going to be a few nice and easy cat shrines that we should be able to get okay so there's gonna be one over here i don't know if fury bowser has his permanent fury phase now oh and fun fact if you go between his legs you get a super bowl pop move let me throw your legs okay yeah so that pow bro wait are we little sonic i can't tell if we're little sonic or not no we're just regular sonic please blast your fire here but spare plessy is plus he destroyed plessy was destroyed by the fire okay but we do get blasted fury blocks from here and look a message is ringing out from the giga belt the beast's fiery has grown too strong the light of the cat shines can no longer keep it at bay yeah so we now have a permanent fury bowser wait where's the plessy there's my plessy let's go bro okay i'm going around you instead of through your legs this time hey and you know what oh there would be a nice one there are actually two nice ones over here and then we'll have 50. okay so let's get these two over here this one right here is a super super easy one wait should i park my plussy somewhere else let me park my plussy off to the side over here so hopefully my plessy doesn't get destroyed by the fire come here bowser bowser bowser okay now there's blaster fire right up here right there not too high did he destroy it tell me he destroyed it yes okay now let's just get in there get in there get in there get in the box get in the whole sonic sonic just get in the hole please there we go okay there's another catching force that is fantastic blast the fury blocks and a little flag comes up over here perfect time for the flag to come okay that means that we got everything in this level which is nice news for us and where we want to go is right over here now hopefully bowser knows where we are going and he comes over here and helps us out because what we want him to do is blast this ah he was so close to blasting it but he was like team rocket just blasting off again okay so we need him to do this last year blast here yes perfect and this gold one explodes into a lot of coins but more importantly for us we get this cat shine we now have 50 cat shines so now we can take on final bowser and we'll be able to beat the game and another level fully complete which is pretty cool and here we go we've got some light on the gigabell over here so it is time for our final sonic versus bowser battle let's get to it okay we have to make it over to the you-know-what come on plessy plus he isn't used to having sonic right on top of plessy let's go and just bounce up here and it is time for the final battle very exciting times over here let's go here we go stomping down here is our sonic we look like we are very eager for this battle and there's a very evil bowser up ahead so let's go i'm ready for you fury bowser give me your spikes sonic is ready to take you on oh you would like to walk towards me would you well then i have something for you it is called spikes that's what i have for you okay let's go over there uh let's do one more like that oh my goodness these spikes are like perfectly arranged no that one broke okay let's see can i push bowser this way one more time let's see go over there okay i am loving these spikes i am loving these spikes so much oh my goodness let's see one more over there can i have this one can i have this one yes i don't know this is probably defeating bowser let's see there we go oh my goodness final bowser defeated with all spikes over there it is so satisfying when that happens because the spikes are so much fun all right so let's take a look at this bowser spitting out all of that paint over there and you know what this makes me think i should probably play paper mario color splash i have paper mario sticker star and i haven't played that one i really really like the first two paper marios and the most recent one origami king all fantastic games but yeah i should play some more paper mario i haven't played paper mario in a while so now bowser jr is coming over to check on bowser and bowser actually isn't defeated here is the bigger batter bowser right over here on the new nintendo switch bowser's fury plus super mario 3d world and bowser is taking three gigabytes over here it's like they're giant super bells and wait a minute they even have cat whiskers and cat ears and eyes like this [Music] and what is bowser going to do it looks like he's not transforming into meowser but what we want to do is while on plessy we're going to want to chase after this guy over here and this is a pretty interesting phase too for this boss fight okay so let's see let's see let's just be careful just make our way over here wanna just wanna defeat this guy we just wanna defeat this guy okay took a little bit of damage that's all right though still safe over here still safe let's see and very nice hit over there on him let's go let's go let's go come on come on come on come on now come on out let's see don't burn me bro let's see make your way over here let's jump over that one and go down and he's still running wait and you have to hit him four times i'm pretty sure because in a lot of games with a lot of final bosses you'd expect that like you have to hit them three times and they're defeated but with this boss i'm pretty sure it's actually four hits to defeat him okay let's see there's a nice power up for us the first oh boy oh boy okay okay good we avoided the fire yeah i was gonna say the first super bell that we got during this boss fight we kind of wasted because we already had a super bell powerup active and we also had five of them in storage something so cool about this game that actually uh makes the game really quite easy like it definitely adds well i was gonna say it adds to how easy the game is but i guess you can say it decreases the difficulty is um being able to have up to five of each power-up in storage it's like you can take so much damage before you're defeated but here we go that is the final hit on bowser let's see what happens we fly into the three gigabytes now and what's going on here plus he grows sonic grows and there's our little bowser down there and we are using the normal type attack body slam and somehow it is super effective on bowser goodbye bowser got our nice yellow cats sonic there and team rockets blasting off again [Music] and he explodes into some nice fireworks here what an exciting finale for the game and there's so many just like references to cats and just like everything looks like cats here like that cloud looks a bit like cass the sun it has cat ears now rainbows earlier in the game had cat ears and here comes bowser flying along over here and he falls onto this material over here his head falls in and all the little kittens run away but bowser jr is here and this is really funny for those of you that haven't seen the end of uh this game before haven't seen the end of bowser's fury i have a playthrough of this where we play through as bowser jr and i am super surprised at how many views that video has had it actually blew my mind how many people watched that video but over here we have cat sonic over here bowser's like oh i'm gonna attack that sonic and bowser junior is just pulling away bowser by the tail like hey bowser papa sonic's actually the one that saved you don't be mad at him and here's our sonic just sitting here how great is that oh my goodness this was a super fun playthrough the added speed bonus in a lot of parts of the game it wasn't really too different in some parts of the game but made it a bit easier and in some parts it made it slightly more difficult because it's a bit more difficult to control when you move so quickly but here come the kittens the kittens all love cats sonic over here that's just lovely ah and there's sonic and all along we were actually on plessy during this ending cut scene okay there's actually one powerup that we still haven't seen yet so let's just make our way up here let's see climb as much as you can then get up here go like this bounce off oh man that was so cool how we made it up there okay let's see okay and right over here there's some nice propeller boxes for us so let's head up here wait can i pick up a cap oh i guess you can't hold a cat while you have this but the lucky bell power up let's see what happens if we grab this okay let's lose our propeller box and what we have it looks very much like the cat sonic that we had before but we do have a lucky belt and if we ground pound we transform into a golden sonic like this holding a coin how cool is that so if we go up somewhere really high like all the way up here okay great and the lighthouse wants to give us some advice thank you for the advice lighthouse but what we want to do is jump up high and if we ground pound you just collect lots of coins as your sonic statue comes down like this which is lovely i really recommend you check out my playthrough of yoshi's crafted world it has to be one of the most creative nintendo switch games ever made with so many unique levels game mechanics and cool bosses thank you so much for watching i hope the rest of your day is an absolutely incredible one and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,193,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, super mario, mario sonic, bowser's fury, sonic's fury, mario all bosses, sonic all bosses, mario vs sonic, sonic vs bowser, sonic vs mario, mario animations, sonic animations, full game, bowser's fury full game, sonic mario, mario custom power-ups, bowser's fury ending, super mario 3d world, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, full movie, bowser's fury all cat shines, mario full game, mario full movie, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany, zxmany sonic, zxmany mario
Id: mmZ2ow6oi3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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