Mario Odyssey but with NATURAL DISASTERS…

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Mario Odyssey put as natural disasters like tsunamis volcanoes forest fires and even asteroids let's find out which disasters Mario can survive so here they are in game the new natural disaster paintings some of these paintings look insane but it looks like this sport guy is saying some complete paintings to unlock the pages oh okay so when I beat the disaster I unlock more disaster and we've only got one disaster unlocked at the moment which looks to be the volcano all right let's go into it let's see what it does I'm honestly looking forward to all of these so much I see a bit of a volcano it doesn't look like it's abrupting yet which is good we don't want the volcano to erupt because that will be bad oh oh okay okay it just erupted oh my gosh did you hear that explosion I think there's some hot stuff rising up save yourself Mario oh okay okay there's lava Rising we can see it going up the volcano a little bit this looks honestly so cool there's another volcano behind me as well and that's also erupting oh no I guess we need to make it to some Higher Ground oh oh oh oh I forgot to mention this but there's also custom enemies to fit in with each disaster so this one has a lot of the themed enemies get out of here I'm guessing there's lava fuzzy guys burn you when you touch them oh normally there's a river here but it's been completely dried out I guess it's evaporated we need to make it to some Higher Ground is that that's a lava T-Rex isn't it oh oh okay there's lava chain Chomps that I guess when you jump on them they burn you they're normally white but when they charge up they get lava themed like that oh that's sick that's sick oh no oh no the lava's nearly at the mainland I need to make my way to some higher land quickly do you know what I'm gonna go up and capture the dinosaur oh my gosh just lava dinosaur you got like heat ripples okay let's see if we can capture it yeah we can we can oh this might be quite useful to get some higher oh no I only captured it by accident don't burn me this might be useful oh no the love is it wait a second the dinosaur can walk on the Harbor so can these chain Chomps chain jumps oh the fuzzy guys can't though let's break these routes with the dinosaur wait maybe we can make it to one of the volcanoes let's give that a try oh my gosh it's submerging everything everything's being absorbed by the lava oh no peach peach watch out oh no rest in peach peach we lost a real one today oh I feel bad for peach you can only capture the dinosaur for so long so I'm guessing the dinosaur's about to disappear oh but it looks like the lava stopped Rising there we go we're losing the dinosaur now I need to make sure I'm in the middle of this platform so I don't get burnt there we go Kathy couldn't hold on to it for any longer we've survived we completed the objective I think that's the exit painting because it's got that Hub world of all the other paintings in oh this one just looks so cool with all the lava around that one chain jump still here though the one chain jump was the only thing to survive the Legend legend it oh have we unlocked the tsunami next it looks like it oh that was probably the one I was looking forward to the most what's the fork do it up there Fork how did you get up there what does he have anything to say it looks like he had a speech bubble for a second the city doesn't know what it's about to hit it that does not sound ominous at all this painting looks so cool though it's new donk city with a giant wave going over it all right all right let's go into it what it didn't let me in let's go into it see what happens oh nothing looks out of the usual yet okay okay okay okay we need to seek shelter fast oh my gosh okay maybe down this alley by this trash Oh no why are they just standing there like nothing's happening there's a giant tsunami behind you bro stop having a conversation and take cover about to impact oh my gosh how did those guys survive that how other people wait we're underwater and that building's been knocked over these trees have been knocked over what the heck how are the how did these people survive that there's these things floating around as well oh my gosh okay we need to make it to the surface before we drown oh oh oh oh oh oh we made it everything's good I guess everything doesn't look quite good everything looks like it's been knocked over this building's been knocked over as well there's these floating crates I see we can do parkour onto them can we still yeah we can still crush them there's a floating taxi we can still jump on the taxi which is epic oh wow there's floating Mario parts we can capture them oh you can't capture them for very long they just sink down immediately there's trees floating around everywhere wait you can still do jump rope yeah I want to do jump rope the system this still works even whilst you're underwater wait it's not giving me like a count on my best this is kind of bugged it's going faster and faster though what uh oh what I got a moon for it what on Earth I somehow got a moon for it that's so cool oh but it looks like Pauline's up here with a load of other people I guess these are the people that can't breathe underwater somehow the mayor sure did a bang-up job of getting the city run in again sure thing what's she saying I'll be sure enough to lose this one with your handbags anyway we've got a new objective reach the top of the new donk City Hall it's now the leaning tower of New Dong City I see we can do some Parkour over to it though I can't just climb up it it's too steep just to climb up I need another big wave to boost me up oh maybe we can get up using these things these girders are very straight so it sort of shows how much this Tower's leaning oh I guess we can use this electricity pylon we want to be very careful with this electricity especially when there's a lot of water around oh no whoa the view from appears crazy we can see everything okay okay we've got a platform let's see if we can make it to the p-switch with a little bit of parkour there we go very nice and with that platform this morning we should be able to make our way to the top of the tower can we still climb on it even whilst it's leaning this might look quite odd yeah we can okay nice nice so gonna be anything at the top oh there's a chili what happens if we eat the chili well I think this is a dash pepper all right let's collect it oh wait wait wait wait is it made Mario really mad I guess it's too spicy for him wait it's just made him dead huh oh wait I've got an idea what would happen if we jump in the water as red chili Mario let's do a big dive let's do a big dive in maybe a bomb don't belly flop Mario don't barely flop that might hurt oh my gosh it got rid of all the water we've still got the leaning tower of new donk City though I guess we fixed up the city for everything although everything might be a bit wet and Soggy for a bit and there's also the painting back to the hub world that spawned all right let's go into it and let's see which disaster we've unlocked next papa papa it looks like we've unlocked the drought next what does this Fork man have to say about it let's stop the late Kingdom has been hit with a drought yeah it looks like it there's all cracked on the ground there's a dry bones for some reason and it's that Jared the alien I missed Jared the alien let me know if I should bring back Jared the alien anyway anyway let's go into this painting see what's changed see if we can fix it like how we fix the city oh oh the grass looks like it's dyed here there's a cactus as well there's a cactus here there's shrubs it looks very very dry interesting no ice in the late Kingdom there's no water in the late Kingdom from the looks of it it looks like this whole area has been hit with a proper drought there's all cracks on the ground it's telling me to swim as well the game's so stupid obviously I can't swim if there's not any water oh my gosh I've got covered in sand there's also a dinosaur bone here I think this is from the Cascade Kingdom what how are you flying how have you learned the ability to fly what the heck this guy's cheating anyway we've got a new objective find Captain Toad I wonder where he could be maybe he's the same place he normally is which is down like a giant hole you see that hole there right there but I just have to make my way towards it oh it looks like dory's been dried out oh no wait maybe we can snipe one of these holes oh my gosh it's a collected Moon there we go nice I'm a sniper hello Dory how are you doing I feel bad for her she's just flapping around on the ground oh she's gone off color as well normally she's white my skin feels so dry I hope it will rain soon oh I feel so bad for her this is so sad get out of here driving these dry bones are annoying me so much I'm trying to help Dory will I be able to bring the water back to this place maybe where's Captain Toad though I need to keep my eye out for him there's these giant bones here these bones aren't normally here there's a bit of greenery as well there's a bit of Shrubbery so I know there's a bit of Life everything's gonna be okay but I think these are from the Cascade Kingdom as well these bones here there's also another Cactus on this pillar we're praying for the monsoon toad said that he would help us have you seen him no I haven't but he should be down this hole I haven't seen water in a long time around here or if you haven't seen water why are you wearing swimming gear that doesn't make any sense at all bruh this guy's negative IQ I need a drink yeah same it is very dry here it looks very very dry a mushroom man came around this way he said he was a great swimmer maybe the Mushroom Man on this giant hole but I'm not going to be able to come back from this one wow this is really deep I need to do a dive straight away to break my fall like that there we go very nice oh hello Captain Toad what are you doing here thank goodness you're here I've been trapped here for ages I'm so busy can you help me out maybe I can help you out toad because there's a painting behind you that can bring you back all you have to do is follow me come with me toad come with me through the painting follow me he better have followed me Toad's a bit of a dimble sometimes oh it looks like we've unlocked the forest fire next and this poster looks sick I'm not gonna lie this looks so cool whoa that guy kind of reminds me of Wally you know the robot film my friends are trapped in the foreign yeah okay okay okay guys I will save your friends in the forest fire let's go into it let's see if we can save his friends oh oh okay there's a lot of fire around here oh no oh my gosh birds get out here birds fly away you don't want to get burned I have to duck under this fallen tree oh no oh my gosh how are these people still here you've got to save the Boris Mario yes I do I have a new objective stop the fire how am I gonna do this the fire's everywhere oh my goodness come to the sand Kingdom it's way cooler than here I bet it's cooler than here it's really warm here somewhere oh that's a good idea if I can find a fire truck I'll be able to put out all the fires oh my gosh Maybe This Way by the waterfall there's like a little water patch there isn't any fire around this fresh water so maybe if we follow the stream we'll be able to find a fire truck yeah this music is the best toad I do like the music here this area has some pretty cool music and this fire bro is fitting I think this fibro is normally in the wooden Kingdom but in this natural disaster it fits even more oh this room looks so burnt this natural disaster honestly looks so so cool I really like this one this might be my favorite one so far oh wow okay these guys have been watering the plants that's Epic okay up this way that satin Kingdom guy seemed way too eager to see it burn but anyway we should be able to make our way up this way as that guy said there should be a fire truck around here somewhere oh oh there it is the fire truck oh my gosh this is your fire truck can you drive sure I can drive it let's find out let's find out if I can drive it I guess I just need to hop in like that yes I can okay why to accelerate Visa jump okay I can jump the whole fire truck we need to get this to the fire or let's follow this path oh okay the path's going up this way doing a bit of parkour there we go okay we made it up oh this area with the black grass looks so cool but we should be able to do a jump up here and down to all the Fire come on okay all right let's activate my hose and shoot oh we put out all the fire in one hit whoa I like how everything's just gone back to normal that water somehow healed the trees and put the trees back up as well anyway I think that's our objective complete for this area and we can go into this painting that's just spawned I hope Toad's happy with me now how let's go oh okay Captain toads move the fork has moved what they saying now hello Captain Toad yeah hey you just gave me a moon for no reason I guess that's for saving his friends thanks so much for saving my friends very epic oh thank you Captain Toad oh that's put a smile on my face that's very very wholesome what's the fork saying maybe you'd be nice like Captain Toad one person watching isn't subscribed to manx ninja pig wait a second one person isn't subscribed scroll down and check if that's you and if it's you change it immediately because you don't want to be unsubscribed unsubscribe people are cringe anyway anyway it looks like we've unlocked because this is acid rain I believe this is acid rain acid rain and poison all right let's go into it let's see if we can fix the acid rain and the poison oh my gosh okay it's raining everything looks toxic and there's a giant lemon we have a new objective to beat the giant lemon oh what the Sands turn green and toxic it looks like the grass and plants are dead they've all turned brown they've shriveled up and died what is this in the water what is that nuclear waste oh and all the snails all the snails are covered in Poison oh no this is so sad how can we Save the Snails and it looks like we've got special poison gushings that we can capture that we can go around in the poison in so instead of dying in the poison these actually use the poison to regenerate with which is super super cool oh what are these wait are these Goombas are these poison Goombas I think they are you can stomp on them like normal Can I stack them and capture them let's give that a try no oh that's so cool yes we can and we can actually walk around oh no oh no oh no okay oh apparently they die apparently they die if you go too deep in the poison come out your shell I need to clean you off your poison bro but the objective is to beat the lemon wait I've Got a Theory on why you have to beat the lemon it might be like a scientific nerdy Theory but acid rain is a very strong acid but lemon lemons are a very strong Alkali so maybe if I somehow blow up the lemon maybe it will neutralize the whole Kingdom and it will go back to normal it's worth a try at least we should just be able to look at the laminars tentacles as well we should just be able to like shoot down on this head and then blow him up go on go on go on there we go okay we've got our first hit on Lemon oh no the lemon's running away oh my gosh lemon man where are you going Lemonhead come back it's so cool that I could use these things to get around and not get poisoned oh my gosh are those poison like skewers things these aren't normally in the game what the heck wait how is he spinning and shooting me that's got some mad skills that does Lemonhead has some mad skills it surely he's a bit dizzy now loving head come back bro there we go he's stopped spinning he surely he's dizzy now so I might be able to get an attack in there we go we should just need one more hit on the lemon head and then the kingdom will go back to normal hopefully what happened to oh okay so the water also regenes these guys not just the poison so I can use the water also too come back lemon head everyone comment lemon head if you want lemon head to be defeated get back here lemonade you're about to die I want to see if I can ground pound on Lemon head there we go we ground pounded on Lemon head get out of here he looks so goofy is he gonna explode please say Lemonhead explodes yes yes it's just gonna turn the kingdom back to normal oh let's go hey and we've also unlocked a painting back let's go into it hopefully Captain Toad will be happy with me now oh where's Captain Toad gone oh is he missing this is so sad and the only painting we have locked now is the asteroid which is probably about the coolest looking painting out of all that it's heading straight into Peach's castle how would I survive that how would I survive that in there anyway anyway let's see what the Fork's saying oh it's the blizzard if you dare oh the blizzard wait it looks like Captain Toad's been trapped in the painting all right Captain Toad we're gonna come in and save you what have you been turned blue as well oh my gosh whoa this looks cool this is the lost kingdom but a blizzard so anything here for me and where's Captain Toad our only objective at the moment is to find glide on and I know where glider normally is he's normally just chilling at the very very top of the Kingdom there's Captain Toad hello nah you're not a captain Tov you've got glasses on Captain Toad would never wear Harry Potter glasses oh oh snow spider get out of here spider your cringe there's another snow spider I need to knock you into the poison get out of here okay there's also a snow Beetle which I can throw give Cappy and then he'll come back and charge at me you're meant to blow up the whole thing not just one there we go these Buzzy Beetle things are cringe they're not even Buzzy beetles they're snow beetles oh there's also snowy wigglers do these have any special abilities or do they just look cool oh I can also use these snowy beetles to barge my way through these holes shoot me a shoot me there we go he blew up more than once at a time there all right blow some more stuff up then oh I can use this ledge very smart now I don't want to use this ledge I can do a park or jump oh no oh how did I make that I almost died but I believe glidon should be up here if I press this button those should spawn and then I can make my way to the very top getting a lot of coins here you're not Captain Toad you're green stop pretending to be Captain Toad my goodness I wonder if this shop will be able to stay in business probably not if there's a snowstorm at the same time hello glide on I found you nice I found the objective okay we've completed that objective but there's a new one find an exit which there's one down there straight away I think that's the exit painting let's glide through the snowstorm wait is that a pipe that's the pipe that spawned oh no glide on I'm sorry rest in peace to grow item we lost a real one today but it looks like there's a SpongeBob pipe and a painting which would you go into I think I'm just gonna go into the painting I hope I'm gonna ignore the SpongeBob pipe no oh my goodness he's so wide now what the heck I bet you can't survive the asteroid well I bet I can I bet I can prove you wrong with this big asteroid coming in that painting though that painting looks so sick let's see if we can survive the asteroid like he says we can't let's just prove that fork guy wrong I don't like that thought guy I think he's got something to do with Captain Toad disappearing oh okay okay why hasn't anyone noticed it the sky looks pretty no it doesn't it doesn't none of them have noticed it okay we need to find somewhere to hide oh why aren't they noticing the giant meteor in the sky everyone's acting so nonchalantly everyone's acting like there's nothing going on okay maybe it'll survive if I go in this tunnel oh my gosh I can see the meteor coming in it's about to impact let's run into the tunnel oh my gosh oh my gosh okay here I should be safe come on come on did you hear that impact the grass here has been turned very black the grass has changed colors I guess everything's what the trees have like been burnt as well there's no more leaves on the tree I can still climb it for some reason I can still climb thin air that's pretty epic climbing for now I love climbing for now my favorite hobby wait is the castle be knocked over oh no the Castle's been knocked over and it's on fire oh wait is this the meteor impact wait a second it's coming it's like a giant lava hole wait whoa that looks so cool the giant meteor that's hitting hit Peter's castle and I think it's knocked all the trees away but where is everyone did no one take cover oh no wait it's just Captain Toad Captain Toad what are you doing here so many kingdoms so much possibility that sounds rather ominous Captain dude I don't know if you should be saying that what the heck has the meteor made the dog mutate what on Earth anyway this meteor looks super cool and if you enjoyed this natural disaster video you might also enjoy Bowser's Fury but every shot I make for Mario bigger and stronger and I'd really appreciate it if you press like And subscribe because I've spent so long making the levels for these videos like it's unreal I've spent probably like 100 hours on this honestly watch the shine makes Mario a stronger video and I'll see you later bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 3,811,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hlFsGlIE92Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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