100 Mystery Doors But Only One Lets MARIO Escape (Preston 100 Mystery Doors parody)

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mario is trapped in a room with exactly 100 mystery doors some doors will lead mario to a room that punishes him and some doors will reward him but only one door will lead to the exit with the omega golden tiny button and if mario can find it he gets to press the button and see what reward is waiting for him all right so which door will we choose first first let's choose this blue door right over here as our first door there is a one percent chance that we might find the right door on our first try let's see and mario falls into a pit of spideys there are spideys everywhere mario can't get up back to the door over there and the spideys have defeated mario all right all right all right so it looks like that blue door there was unlucky so let's try this dark red door right here let's see what this is oh we are in a room with a red button you guys could let me know in a comment right now would you step on this red button if you were mario or would you exit back through the door maybe this is the button that we have to press what would you do you know what guys we are going to have to step on the button let's see what happens the floor is lava the floor is lava oh no oh no can mario make it out of here this looks very very dangerous and let's see if we are a certified pro gamer if we made it out we made it out we made it out without spin jump oh man we are able to make it out mario is still alive let's see what happens if we go back into the door will it still be lava mario is curious okay and that there's just lava waiting for mario right there he doesn't even have a chance to close the door okay you know what door we should choose next the next door that we should choose should be should be let's do this one right over here oh we are in a room with a pipe now then do we take the door back or do we go into the pipe let's go into the pipe let's see what happens okay the pipe just brings us back so we're lucky that it doesn't kill us it's not the exit we're still back where we started but at least we're not dead let's try going into this very first door this green door right over here green door number one oh that makes us pop out of this red door over here and we can see that there are five floors in total there are 20 doors per floor and we are now on floor number three we have got a see-through floor over here so which door will we choose now that we are on floor three let's go into this one right over here okay there's a block right oh what is that down there it is a pancake goomba there is a pancake goomba a very wide flat pancake goomba that is running towards mario mario must flatten out the pancake look at how wide it is and there we go it becomes even flatter when we finally squish it but it doesn't look like there's anything else over here for mario so let's make our way up here and get out of here all right all right all right you know what we should do you know what we should do let's try this blue door right here i think that will be a nice choice where will that bring us oh we're up in the air okay we're dropping down are we just gonna fall into the water wait a minute wait a minute this might look familiar to some of you some of you might notice this from somewhere else this is a remake of the first level of the original super mario bros that's what we are seeing over here and you even get a fire oh goodbye goombas but it looks like now we are in a 3d world instead of a 2d world like the original super mario bros taking out those goombas oh my goodness and there's even a door right here for us there isn't normally a door here in super mario bros as far as i'm aware of i think that that would get used in speed runs if it was here but let's see where this door takes us oh this door just takes us down here back to the first floor okay well let's hop back in here let's keep going through the super mario bros remake and see where that takes us let's pop up here let's just jump across here got some more goombas right there we could take out those easily and over here this is where the end of the level's normally supposed to be oh would you look at that look what we've got right here we've got another door all right let's go through this door [Music] okay and we are back on the third floor but we have to still find an exit because mario is still stuck here so where do we go let's try going into this cyan colored door with our fire flower mario and where do we go beautiful we just popped straight into lava that was not a good choice of a door if mario saw the lava why would he still take a step in all right you know what i think we've tried both of those two doors so let's try this door right over here let's see where that takes us okay we are up on the fourth floor now so we're getting close to the top you might be wondering if we have to get to the very top to the fifth floor to be able to escape but we don't know we don't know on what floor the exit is on which floor do you think the exit is do you think the exit is on the ground floor on the top floor or in one of the middle floors all right let's pick a door around here you know what i think green might be good because there are green stars green means go so let's try picking this green door right over here and green is also for luigi so maybe we'll see a luigi back here oh even better than a luigi we have toads of all shapes and sizes and colors and there's a green star up here and a bomb in the tree you know what let's throw that bomb let's throw that bob at the toad all right let's get out of there okay so he got the first green star so that's very nice that we got the first green star you know what let's try going into this purple pink magenta colored door over here let's see where this takes us what will we see oh my goodness there are goopas floating towards the ceiling oh man that goomba actually hurt us over there what in the world we have ceiling goombas the room is full of ceiling goombas goombas that reside on the ceiling what are they doing up there at least they're very comfortable up there they seem to like it there and this goomba is trying to climb up this is still a young ceiling boom that hasn't made it up all the way up to the ceiling yet it's on its way up slowly though join your goomba brethren up there all right let's head back because it doesn't look like there's anything in here for us you know what now that we're back at floor four i think a nice door to try could be this ice colored door right over here let's pop on in oh okay we are on a train and the train is stuck in the lava it is a very good thing that this train is not sinking into the lava see if there's anything up here on the front gate it doesn't look like there's anything at the front of the bowser train here but over here we've got some bully enemies so you know what mario knows what to do with these he definitely knows what to do with these he's gonna push them into the lava without getting pushed into the lava himself that's what he's gotta do now that we've defeated all them a green star spawns for mario mario gets the second green star all right let's head back to our room all right so we've tested this door so you know what why not try the door right next to it let's see what we get here oh okay okay okay okay oh you know what let's turn big like this okay goodbye koopas no more koopa problem for us anymore we just had a giant mario take them all out that was quite nice okay but with giant mario he can't fit through this door this door is too small for him so we have to shrink back down before we can make it back through like this all right you know what let's try this red door right over here i'm thinking about this red door next okay that brings us down to floor two so it looks like we are on floor two right now let's try you know what we had some luck with green doors before and there are two green doors right next to each other here so let's try this one oh okay we are in a room with a single button we've been unlucky with buttons before but this is a green button so maybe we want to press it let's try let's see what happens let's see what happens when we press this button we have to do it it looks like nothing happened but what happened all right let's try leaving oh my goodness everything is all filled with water now all of the doors are all underwater the whole room is completely filled with water mario is swimming now all right you know what let's try this purple door next then while we are underwater okay good thing we can open doors while we are underwater okay and this one just brings us to an empty room there's absolutely nothing at all in here for us all we can do is come back but hey hey at least there's water here so that's nice you know what it's quite bright can't really see but i think there will be a door for us right over here let's try this door okay we end up in a room where this is the door that we came from we came through this door this black door right here now we have a choice the red door or the blue door which do we choose which do we choose i don't know i don't know maybe you don't want to choose either door let's see what happens if we choose the red door okay we fall right into lava so you don't want to go into the red door at least mario almost closed the door that time since we just died we have to pick a new door let's try this one looks kind of ice colored let's go into this kind of ice colored door oh we are back at floor too so you know what last time we went into this black door let's go in here again and last time we went into this red door that brought us to lava what about this blue door where could that bring us let's see where will it take us oh wow we just dropped onto a cube of water oh my goodness and there's a green star down here hold on i'm curious we could leave through here can we leave through this door or no we can slide down the door but it doesn't look like we could actually open this door because this door is on the water like this no it doesn't look like we could open that door okay so let's drop down and get this green start what are we going to do then if we can't open this door how in the world are we going to get out we can't open this door you know what let's try going down then let's just fall through the water and let's see where we land where will we land whoa we made it to the doors how nice is that oh man and we are back at the top floor we are on floor five right now let's try going into another one of these ice like doors because that's been lucky for us before so let's try that again okay where what the oh man that door's up really high i don't know if we can get back to the door over there let's see man that is uh that is a really high door right now i don't know if we can get back to it okay now all that's here is just this switch here so do we press it do we press it it looks like we have to press this switch there's nothing else to do what are we going to do what are we going to do let's step on the switch let's see oh my goodness there are koopas going up to the ceiling again goombas of all shapes and sizes a very very wide surprise happy goomba little goomba cupcakes wider goombas taller goombas and they're all just walking around off the ceiling right now what in the world are we going to do and they get very surprised when mario gets close to them but it looks like hitting that switch also spawned a warp box here so let's pop in there see where that takes us perfect and it brings us back to here okay so mario can keep trying to exit this room now that is so nice let's try going into into you know what i feel like this door right here is calling to me let's try it oh that just brings us back down to the first floor okay so let's pop back here and you know what let's try this purple one right over here this was actually the purple door that was calling to me i meant this one wait a minute we are back in another 100 mystery buttons room we already had a video like this why are we in a room like this this is the wrong video this is supposed to be 100 mystery doors not 100 mystery buttheads all right let's get out of here maybe what we need is a red door because we have got a red mario we are on the top floor so it only makes sense that we should go for a red door to escape this room we could go to red door one red door two red door three or red door four i think we should go for red door number one let's go for it but mario dies immediately before he goes to the door we have zero lives left now so that means that mario is almost at a game over mario will get a game over if he loses a life just one more time and something very bad will happen if mario gets a game over you might know what happens if mario gets a game over here right the police will come and arrest mario if he gets a game over so he has to be careful if he wants to not get arrested by the police all right let's try this ghost ice colored door here that brings us up to the top floor through this yellow door over here okay so we are at the top floor again let's try let's try i am really hoping that the top floor is what we need to escape you know what we are very unlucky with that red mario door over there so let's try one more red mario door there are one two three red mario doors what one do we go for left middle or right let's go for the middle one this time and let's see what happens and would you look at that oh my goodness here we are it looks like that right there is actually the end of the level so mario can grab this goal poll and the video ends wait do you remember what i said at the start of this video but only one door will lead to the exit with the omega golden tiny button and if mario can find it he gets to press the button and see what reward is waiting for him that's right that means that mario gets to make his way over to the omega golden tiny button and mario really wants to press that tiny button and there is luckily a wide toad right here to give us a blessing before we step on this button so let's step on this button and see what reward is in store for mario oh we actually missed the button okay so let's try again [Music] oh i think the button is actually too small to step on oh no we activated it oh no i was worried that it wouldn't work but we got it we got it coins are writing down on mario mario is getting so many extra lives now mario doesn't have to worry about getting a game over and getting arrested because he has all of these coins now how nice is that for mario if you like seeing what is possible in games and more fun gameplay wow
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 4,125,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 mystery buttons, 100 mystery doors, preston 100 mystery buttons, preston 100 mystery doors, unspeakable 100 mystery buttons, dangie bros 100 mystery buttons, mario 100 mystery buttons, mario 100 mystery doors, 100 mystery buttons but only one lets you escape, 100 mystery doors but only one lets you escape, mario 100 buttons, mario 100 doors, mario challenge, super mario, funny mario, mario 3d world, super mario 3d world, zxmany mario, zxmany, zxmany super mario, mario mod
Id: Q6nvvI-OGyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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