Super Mario Galaxy but it's my first time playing this game

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today we play Super Mario Galaxy for the first time ever I've had so many people recommend this game to me for years so many people have told me that this is their favorite game ever I've wanted to play this game for a long time but I've never actually even seen footage of this game so this should be really exciting to finally play is because of all of you watching this Channel that I finally get the chance to play this game thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoyed this video okay so this is Super Mario 3D All-Star so we are going to be playing Super Mario Galaxy of course wait a minute Mario doesn't normally wear this color who is this Super Mario Galaxy I can't believe that this game came out in 2007 that's 15 years ago what in the world have I been doing for the last 15 years this looks like the interface for the Wii because this did come out on the Wii originally oh I haven't sneeze coming soon hopefully I can sneeze selected icon you want to use this icon yes we want to use that yes we're not going to choose tote we're not choosing total today I'm sure someone else for choosing she Yoshi okay let's play come on let's go there's just a big spinning Yoshi head I'm ready to play every 100 years a comet appears in the skies above the Mushroom Kingdom hey I guess this is the story the comment was so large one year it filled disguise and sent countless shooting stars raining down the towns brought the shooting stars to the castle where they became a great Power Star [Music] it should have been a very happy time for the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom should have been so what happened something go wrong that was the night of this star Festival held once every hundred years to celebrate the comet wait there's a festival every 100 years how long do these people live here Mario I'll be waiting for you at the castle on the night at the star Festival there's something I'd like to give you from each each what is it that you want to give us oh and here comes my like how he rides with his hands like that he's like an airplane he's got a nice jump oh wait oh I'm already controlling Mario oh my goodness the game starts already wait I want to turn the camera I like to turn the camera please wait am I supposed to collect these what are these I got some money wait what are you saying toad star Festival I just stay here and collect these all day wait are these Star Bits I've heard of Star Bits before but if I just stay here I collect these I'm not gonna play the game I'm just gonna collect Starbucks wait can I do Dives I can ground pound can you do a dive oh my goodness what have I played the whole game crouching like this you look so silly when you're crouching and I do Dives is there a dive button I don't see a way to dive let's talk to you speak to me toad [Music] boy dear wait I'm not using that though I'm using a a Pro Controller I'm not using joy-cons oh you could just point out the Star Bits like that to collect them that's pretty cool welcome the Mushroom Kingdom I wonder if this game looks better on this switch version than on the uh on the 3D All-Stars version that's it oh there you look like a Happy Toad if you're from here is just that's how the toad sings do we want to get up here wait can you do a side flip hey let me up there I guess we can't go up here can we can't go up here can we go no he can't get up there what if we jump into the water from here can we do that no we can't jump into the water either way can we do long jumps oh you can do long jumps that's pretty cool okay we can do long jumps like this lots of these Star Bits to collect what are they for though and what do we need them for oh he's carrying a star bit I thought he was carrying a crumpled up piece of paper way that he's moving is so weird this does not look like a game that would be on the Wii this looks like Gamecube or older okay so let's see where are we going to go oh there's the cutscene now hey who's shooting at us is that Bowser's ship over there oh my goodness powers are just falling over multiple ships are here multiple Bowser ships Bowser airships are here oh no they're shooting at us and I still didn't get to sneeze yet that's also part of the bad news over here I hope I can sneeze soon oh look at that bird oh my goodness whoa the toads are getting Frozen in giant icicles this is an exciting start to the game there's just chaos and Madness happening here wasn't there supposed to be a star Festival going on why are we being attacked yeah there's a Bowser flag over there is Bowser in here what if the bad guy isn't Bowser it's just someone pretending to be Bowser it's going right up to the ship Peach go hide they're gonna kidnap you obviously you always get kidnapped Peach oh she's holding a big star there I like my star pillow no one can separate me from my star pillow that's what she's thinking right now wait oh maybe those stars are Lumas I wonder if those are the same things as in the Mario and Rabbids game oh there's Bowser okay that Bowser does actually look pretty good it does graphically look like something that you'd see on the Nintendo Wii I've never seen this cutscene before Princess Peach we are formally invited to the creation of my new Galaxy we're gonna create a new Galaxy wait are the Toads supposed to be guards why are they hiding behind Princess Peach this festival's over okay Bowser actually looks really great you can tell that this game did come out after Super Mario 64 and after Super Mario Sunshine and Peach actually looks great too the model okay well when you zoom in at her eye you can tell that it's a bit of an older game wait what in the world is going on over here are you panicking fear panicking fear where do we have to go wait the festival is what yes it is so where are we gonna go oh the princess is what the princess is this way okay sure why don't you help me though oh I bonked into a tree oh it looks like maybe you can't climb up the tree wait where'd we go then oh go this way I guess help me there's Princess Peach let's go do some long jumps over too huh whoa those things are raiding down at us can we just go up here to Princess Peach what is this I wonder if Peach is gonna get kidnapped that would be very unique for a Mario game that never happens in Mario games you never see Bowser kidnap Princess Peach maybe this game will be something different well there are a few games where Princess Peach doesn't get kidnapped by Bowser Sometimes some different stuff happens and it usually is funny when that happens whoa are they gonna take this because I might have a sneeze uh oh boy oh no my sneeze is going away oh that's so right when you have a sneeze that it goes away guys leave a comment if that happens to you sometimes oh no the bridge is breaking over here what's this are they gonna pick up the whole castle oh there are a lot of ships working together over here this is kind of similar in a way to the original Paper Mario it looks like the Castle's all gonna get lifted up like that this did happen in the original Paper Mario on the Nintendo 64. except instead of attacking from above Bowser got his ship below Princess Peach's castle and then lifted it up out of the ground and they had a floating ship and you have to try and make your way back to the floating ship for the entire game that was incredible it was an incredibly fun game I loved the original Paper Mario on the Nintendo 64. one of my favorite games of all time and this looks like it's similar to it in some ways oh my goodness they're going up into space but wait what's that UFO who's in that UFO Bowser isn't in the UFO is he is someone else in there this Bowser says he's going to be creating a new Galaxy what's going on Mario I don't see the background are like turn order turn order oh no we got him wait I thought she was in space a moment ago so long enjoy your fly oh I'm up here in space with them oh that's why I'm on the bridge still Dodge Mario Dodge it he's not gonna Dodge it is he oh my goodness kamik hit us wait how are we still able to breathe up there we're not wearing a space suit or anything hammock's laughing he thinks that's just the funniest stuff ever and are they going away now wow I'd like to rescue them wait was something just coming off the ship or was that them flying away so what's going on now oh Mario is asleep it's just like the Mario movie time for Mario to sleep ah time to wake up oh it's a star hello star friend I got to get some power moons oh we're on a very little planet this is a tiny planet there's a house over there on the planet and a pipe but you're a rabbit finally you're awake let's play okay come on jump with beat I already know how to jump I know how to do long jumps too I'll catch you you're trying to run away I'll catch you come on jump with me I know how to jump I know how to jump I know how to jump don't worry oh what's this come on jump with me okay why do you keep saying jump with B I know that let's play hide and seek if you catch all of us we'll tell you about where you are all right hey what they disappeared how am I supposed to find them they disappeared okay this is kind of weird being on a tiny planet like this I'm not normally on a planet that is this small in fact not ever wait why am I sliding off here get up on the roof there we go oh this is so weird I have to tilt my head to see properly where we have to go what could be down this pipe do we want to go down this pipe get on the pipe Mario oh you automatically go down the paper when you stand on it wait where are we oh that brings us here hey I'm gonna get I'm gonna get you come here come here you ask me Widow wabbit come here you West Wee with a web it I'm gonna get you I got you hey we got him you caught me oh this is just like in Super Mario 64 in Mario 64 DS you have to catch the rabbits ah I knew I should have hidden in the crater oh so one of them are probably hidden in the crater okay I guess that's the pipe that we came out of okay let's grab those very nice and where's the crater I see some logs right there's the crater there's got to be someone in here right whoa we fell through the planet that is wild okay but I don't think anyone is in there where are the other rabbits where are the other rabbits it is so strange to be exploring a surface like this okay let the sun over there this is so strange it just feels incorrect okay let's get up here whoa how am I doing big jumps like that what in the world is going on and my neck is going to hurt after playing this game because I'm gonna have to tilt my head in a bunch of weird ways oh there's water here but I thought that we'd be able to swim but I guess it's not deep enough so there must be life on this planet wait oh there he is did I get him or no what happened because there is a bubble that just appeared come here come here you ask me Widow wabbit I'm gonna get you here we'll wabbit I'm gonna get you I'm Gonna Get You There we go gotcha you caught me and what do you have to say I should have hit it in the grass okay so there's gotta be another one of you in the grass where's the guy in the grass any wabbits over here no wabbits over here any rabbits over here none over here how about this is this considered grass this doesn't look like grass okay let's get that come on now is there anything at all like Cappy in this game I wonder if there's anything at all that is similar to Cappy okay I keep seeing you guys so I've got to explore other parts of this planet wait there's B yes there we go there we go there we go we've got you we've got you bro babe got you gonna get you right now oh boy oh boy jumps are so weird I'm gonna get you come here come here I'll chase you literally across the planet come on come on I'd love to do a roll or go a bit faster there we go we got you I can't believe I let myself get caught finally okay we got all three wow you caught all of us maybe you really can help Mama is Mama Rosalina is Rosalina the mother of these Stars okay what's this something shiny and what's going on I'll have a chat with you hello friend sorry about bringing you here so suddenly we should probably tell you where you are there's a connection here to deep space far from your lands we call it the gateway to the Starry Sky [Music] okay and what do you have to say Mama's waiting up above please help her with whatever she asks please do as Mama asks yes we will do as Mama asks hey the camera is a little weird in this game it's like a mix between oh it's Rosalita up there and she's so shiny look at her hello there Rosalina I have a little Rosalina toy we got that in my video where we played Mario Party Superstars but I buy whoever wins in a mini game oh my goodness Rosalina you are glowing you are absolutely and positively glowing over here her eyes open I've been watching you from here this place is called the gateway to the Starry Sky I don't think that she sounds very angry she's probably calm my name is Rosalina I watch over and protect the cosmos Dave your special one you'll need the power to travel through space and will you give me that power here's a little star Luma can give you this power I will entrust you with his care thank you Rosalina Mario looks so surprised wait what do I do now my gloves are shiny you have the ability to spin now shake the joy-con and you can spin with why okay good good disaster has struck us just as it has visited you with Luma I hope you can rescue the grand star so I guess those are like the power moons okay the stars shine down on you thank you Rosalina wait where are you going no come back what if I need your guidance more Rosalina I might need more of your help Rosalina take that or spin oh you can spin into things that are breakable or enemies to stun them okay let's break this then whoa okay is this gonna launch us this is a launch star I've heard of these okay press that when you're near one to shoot through space like a comet now go and explore the universe there are lots and lots of galaxies for you to discover this is like Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball GT I guess whoa shot me to another galaxy and what's going on here wait is the whole game going to be like this wait that was weird hi there good to see you I have some bad news though see I had a launch star ready for you but a meteor smashed it up you can't leave without it so find all the Starships to fix it oh and make sure to not fall in the black hole wait where's the black hole wait are there gonna be enemies around here a Goomba I punched that Goomba oh here's one we not want oh the black hole's in the center there I see okay got two of those whoa baby let's go let's go watch out for those is that a golden Goomba oh no it looks like just a regular Doom okay we could probably smash this get that hey oh you are not the thing that I'm looking for anything down here on this part of the planet want to be careful enough fall off the planet okay and we can spin jump that's so cool wait is that one down there there it is and we got all five but wait there's a one up right there oh there's the launch star perfect perfect like I said it shows us where to go oh nice and you get the legs grab you earned one additional Mario if you had additional Marios in real life that'd be nice well I guess they wouldn't be additional Marios unless your name is Mario what if you just ended up being Mario after you lost a life that would be quite the shock whoa boy Goomba Goomba okay let's see what are we doing on this planet now and moving around on these planets is a little weird wait what in the world is this what does this do does that make some noise that pushes everybody away or what does it do what are we doing on this planet are we going to get to actual levels soon because I I expected that there would have been actual levels in this game get me out of here one of those enemies should have the key you're gonna spin around them and make them dizzy once they're stunned just run into them hey sounds easy enough do you have the key whoa you're a dizzy Goomba bam take you away oh I wonder if it was that Goomba that had it or if you had to actually defeat all of the enemies I really wonder what it is I still didn't figure out what that does I don't know what that does oh I'm scared that if I do a long jump what if I long jump away from this planet can you jump so high that you can get from one planet to another without a launch star I wonder things would you mind rescuing my buddy in that base up there too I'll transform into a sling star just jump into me after I transform all right let's go launch me bro I'm ready to be launched go bin okay wait oh okay okay so that does work how I thought it would if you hit this it makes all the nearby enemies a little bit dizzy then you could kick them around like this which is lovely and we probably gotta defeat a bunch of enemies wait anything near here let's go like that oh you're not close enough to go I can't see because everything's upside down it's so hard to see the way that you move it's so weird in this game wait oh man oh man I'm gonna have to get used to the camera the camera is so strange oh and that thing zaps you I guess hey did you have a key no you just have Star Bits hey let's go oh that's a big Goomba that's a big Goomba over there let's take out these little Goombas first let's do that oh that little Goomba is spinning over here hello there little Goomba friend hey you're defeated Now where's that big Goomba big Goomba come here big Goomba I've got a big present for you big Goomba um I demand your attention that didn't work hey my controls are the opposite of what I expected them to be okay you're defeated now right there we go we got the key now that guy is rescued are we gonna go into the pipe or are you going to launch us somewhere that is the question oh maybe wait is this zappy or no I can't tell if this is zappy or no oh but we can probably just go like this wait oh you don't have to hit R you just have to point at it to get it okay I see how it works okay so let's go back to the top of the planet I guess is here did we just Bonk hurry down here okay oh man the movement of this is so weird I have to get used to this oh are we inside the planet now what in the world we've been waiting for you and who's we that's a grand start we have to save it oh is this like the first Power Moon of the game they're using the grand star to power that awful machine it looks like it's making something we have to do something before the grand star's power is drained quick find a way to stop that terrible machine I wonder if a lot of levels in this game are going to have funny gravity like this turn off the flip switches on the floor to shut down this machine got it do I just have to step on all them is it just as simple as that this seems really simple way does someone here hey wait I do it or no wait what's going on with this one why can I not get that one I have to make them all blue or what did I miss any of them I made them all blue what's going on they're all blue now what turn them off to shut down the machine I thought they would be off yeah I'm just running in circles repeatedly I don't know how we have to turn this off what do we have to do to turn it off we have to defeat all the Zumbas I'd be so surprised if what you actually have to do is just defeat all the enemies oh there are more buttons to step on not just those oh my goodness we got hurt for the first time in this game can you guys believe it was it a Goomba that damaged us or one of these zappy things okay but I guess you have to make them all blue blue blue blue let's come here you gotta look out bro look out okay any other switches like this oh get that one very nice wait that one's already blue so does that mean that one stepped on I guess that one's already stepped on hey let's see let's go like this there we go now we got them all okay I see how it works so there were some around the edges that we also had to step on man I wonder if a lot of the game is going to be like this where you have interesting gravity and we got our first star ever it's called a grand Star right oh man I'm probably gonna be calling it power moons Our Stars or shines or even catch shines but there you go we got a grand star though oh we're flying around it's almost like in Mario Odyssey when you get a multi-moon wait and I've seen this before because in mods of Bowser's Fury and other games people have modded Mario Galaxy levels into that so it's pretty cool to see this and what's gonna happen here oh it's growing a little bit the ball is growing a bit bigger it's kind of like how in Super Mario Sunshine at Delfino Plaza the area that is covered by Sunshine it starts to expand as you get more of these shines in that game over here is this going to expand as we get more of these as we get more Grand Stars okay and what do we want to go in there oh wait is this the first main level that we could go into you gotta star Grand star rescue Gateway Galaxy I score update 16 coins nice oh and we got more Star Bits you discovered a new Galaxy oh man this is exciting so I guess the galaxies are probably like actual levels not just little planets that we move around on oh it's Rosaline again the beacon is lit again it shines weekly maybe only as bright as a Class 6 star but at least the poor Lumas Will Survive now oh thank you for saving the grand star these star people are my family they mean so much to me no problem Rosalina welcome to the comet observatory it's my home and also home to the Lumas Rosalina is so nice you see we travel The Starry Skies we pass by this area once every 100 years that we suddenly stopped in front of this planet the strange Force had latched onto our ship pulling away Star Bits and our power source power Stars wait power Stars not Grand Stars her ship had lost power so it entered a deep hibernation state in which it could not move those who took your special one picked up the power stars and look it's Bowsers he got to use those power stars to make a new Galaxy and discovered the power to cross the universe please I have a request this Observatory uses star power to project images of the galaxies that are scattered across space and there's a chance we can use our few remaining stars to look for other power Stars wait so do we need power stars or grand Stars these round rooms are called domes we observe galaxies from domes such as these but the only one that is working now powered by the star power you restored is this one the Terrace please go to the Terrace and try to recover power stars from the galaxies you can see from there I'll do it if we do that we'll be able to restore the comet observatory's ability to fly like a Starship then perhaps we can pursue the thieves who ran off with the power Stars I was like let's go save your game oh boy it's so weird that I point with my actual controllers like we're playing Wii or something game has been saved Splendid oh so we can just go right in there let's go where are we going to go in here wait let's read the sign if you need to rest press Plus oh you could quit okay very nice very nice okay let's go in here what is this galaxy going to be welcome this stuff access and I have the observatory from yeah we can gaze upon distant galaxies once this Luma transforms into a star pull star he will guide you to those far away galaxies Point your start the polo star and press a if you lose sight of the star you can reset it with uh you're playing in handheld mode you can just tap it I'm not playing on handheld mode because we are recording right now some people are asking how you record Nintendo switch and yeah I use something called a capture card and yeah you can also play on your TV at the same time that you uh record onto your PC these are the galaxies that can be observed from this Dome wait there are several galaxies the numbers represent their distance bigger the number the greater the distance more power Stars you find the farther you'll be able to travel hey we can probably go to one then right can we go to three oh you don't have enough Stars okay oh wait these are question marks we don't even know what these are that one is what ate away that far one over there and the far one over there is an eight so let's go to this one here Good Egg Galaxy let's check it out yes it's undeniable we're detecting Power Star Energy patterns in the nearest galaxy but I must warn you that the evil energy readings are off the charts so be careful why are we in a bubble like this are we Mew let's fly to this galaxy oh it looks like there are three stars that we could get here let's go to the Galaxy oh my goodness we are launched by that star like a launch star oh my goodness are we gonna be flying through space wait Dino piranha oh are there three different levels or three different stages kind of like in Mario Sunshine and in Super Mario 64. I know piranha do we have to face off against a piranha plant Boston oh my goodness it's like we are actually at a wait are we at a real level now or are there also other planets like before let's see what's gonna happen oh there goes Mario let's go oh man smg4 is such a good Channel I was watching some smg4 earlier today smg4 is hilarious oh don't touch me don't test me Bros hey wait wait can I just jump on them because in in a Super Mario 3D World in Bowser's Fury you actually have to ground pound them if you want to hurt them I keep expecting that you can just hold left or right on the joystick to move left or to make the camera keep moving but you actually have to tap it you have to keep going like that if you want the camera to move okay now where do we go can we go into the house I don't know if you can't actually go into the house it doesn't look like you can go into the house but oh get up there let's go oh no come on come on come on I can get up there no problem let's go bro come on come on why can I not get up there oh we made it up we made it up okay you actually can make it up what is it you get tired and want to return for the observatory oh you can't bring back starbitch that you pick up I see well let's go into this pipe then I don't know if this is the first place that we have to go but let's see what's in here let's go down the pipe Mario oh we're an upside down land for an upside down land over here oh you could use these to travel to different walls I guess what is this mystery coin oh this is like in Super Mario Odyssey I guess it probably originated in this game though or wait maybe in uh maybe it started in Super Mario 3D Land actually because I think these were in Super Mario 3D Land and I don't know which game was first this one or 3D Land [Music] all right next we got a boat and ah is it just a one-up I thought that we'd get something nicer than that okay let's come here give me the one up okay cool we got the one up boy what's even the point of lives what happens if you run out of life it's not like you have to restart your game or something like that what in the world are these I can't tell what this is do I have to ground pound it or what is it yeah I don't even know what this is I don't know what in the world those are wait and why is there a little Z shape cut out over here like a Tetris block oh I guess maybe it's not that significant because there are some other pieces cut out like this whoa that was the weirdest log jump I've ever done in Mario what are the weirdest okay let's see where's this pipe gonna take us then now we end up wait am I doing the level backwards I might actually be doing the level backwards because I don't know if we want to actually be here right now oh let's go back to where we were we probably shouldn't be going this way nice around here where's that uh piranha plant there's a piranha plant guy that we have to get or something right unless I have a chat with you do you have anything nice to say hello there friend pick up Star Bits scattered around the galaxies touch them with your star collect 50 to get a one up and it really wouldn't hurt to store so up okay cool [Music] yeah but why are you telling me how to get Star Bits I already know how to get them oh oh and we can probably just block multiple times to get a few there we are now what about you where are you oh spin okay where do we want to go that's the question oh let's go down here whoa wait a minute oh I thought that we would skip past a huge portion of the level by taking that pipe but apparently not because we could just go down here and that's where we came from oh I was actually worried wait a minute and I saw something shiny over here is there something shiny that we want to get over here let's come here there's a big sun over there let's break this oh oh lots of uh he's over here Star Bits that's what they're called the crystals hey how do I get out of here I want to get out of here that's enough of being over here and it looked like there's one other area where we could travel over here can we oh and we can also try this pipe I guess and then we could try going up there oh and this is nice wow okay so that pipe just brings you to here to the start okay so do we want to continue that way to the left or do we want to keep exploring this island let's check what's in here oh I wonder if maybe you could get a star for getting enough Star Bits because they said if you get 50 Star Bits then you get a one up but can you possibly get a star or a power Moon if you or not a power moon but a power star could you possibly get a power Moon from getting enough Star Bits I don't know if it works like that oh here's a launch star can I use this my friends are ahead hurry I guess we'll take this then let's go oh do I have to jump or Shake oh if you shake then you go like that I see okay so we get launched do I control where I go or no okay I don't think that we control where we go oh oh this is another one of these islands where you wanna collect these oh stay away from me you balls balls let's stay away okay here's another one of those okay that's two so far that's lovely oh boy don't go slow there at that lovely three now where are the others where are the other balls oh boy they only travel on these paths it seems like maybe they only travel on these paths oh boy you're close okay we need one more where's the final one this planet is in the shape of a peanut anyone ever notice that this planet is in the shape of a peanut oh there's the final one go oh I didn't see where you were I was worried there a little bit let's see hey you can go there I thought you could only travel on the paths oh boy oh I'm gonna die okay we didn't die we didn't die we didn't die yet so hard to see where you have to go okay and come on get me off of this planet oh my goodness please I'd like to go somewhere normal oh no we're almost dead don't kill me oh don't kill me please please don't kill me come on I can get you okay good and what about the product we are an enemy you're an enemy I was wondering what's that little thing over there hey you're a monster I will defeat you okay you're all defeated now what oh cool Vine but wait maybe I actually want to come back to this planet is there anything on the bottom side point question mark oh are you an enemy are you an enemy are you an enemy I'm almost dead how do I heal I'd like to heal please you have any information about healing please can I please heal please let me heal grab a sprouty Vine and Shake That tutorial up it you can also twirl with why I just want to get healed that's all I want can I go back to where I came from please I just want to go back to where I came from I don't want to be here anymore Mario doesn't want to save the Lumas anymore where do we land what's going on no get off of me wait how did my health come back to my health is starting to come back what healed me does your health come back automatically after a period of time my grand pound on these actually let me stay away from that okay Grand pounding on that didn't do anything stay away from me big rocky rocky they're back hey William stay back oh and you don't want to get sucked into that black hole I guess whoa oh that's what we could use these for oh boy oh boy let's just stay back here I should be safe here right it looks like we're safe here now then we made it past that oh hello there product oh is this the product plant that I want to defeat oh I probably have to defeat it with these things oh come go yeah there we go oh and it's defeat okay I thought that we'd have to hit it three times or something I wonder if that's the product plan that we have to defeat for this star okay let's go let's go get a bunch of these let's get them out get him out get all the star bits and make your way up spin Mario spin what's going on here who is that down there who's here who's here oh grandpound on you oh grandpound on you I see your footsteps but I don't see where you are wait why did Mario get dizzy oh oh I got stuck in there whoa I saw a guy a guy came out where are you where are you bro all right bro there you go I got you now got you now uh lots of Star Bits over here for us to collect Glenn did I probably don't want to walk into these because they're spiky and that's scary so let's just make our way up to the top of the planet okay I think I'm starting to get used to how this game works now wait let's have a chat with you watch out after you spin once you have to wait until your Luma comes back before you can spin again yeah there is a bit of a cool down on it oh we should be able to get you lovely and get you oh I thought that this was the star that we needed but nope another one of these that's going to launch us somewhere where are you gonna launch us we keep getting launched between planets we're going to the Yoshi egg no wait where are we going oh oh let's collect these collect them all and the big egg over here oh is this gonna be a boss fight now uh uh is this gonna be a piranha plant is it gonna be Petey piranha yeah I'll Attack you wait do I want to get on top of it and ground pound it or what do I want to do whoa don't swing at me it looks like it's gonna swing it's like it's gonna swing mate what if I attacked that oh oh it bumped itself in the head it is some kind of piranha plant like PD piranha but it looks more evil ah it's chasing me around the planet [Music] is this planet safe oh nice another one up okay because we got to 100 that's good if I attack your tail again ah we got you bro I know how this works gotta get behind you and attack your tail kind of like Bowser except instead of uh grabbing your tail and Swinging you around I just have to attack your tail Oh I thought a long jump would make us go faster to get behind you uh oh I felt that that would slow you down at least a little bit but come here oh boy you got me bro got me there gotta admit it okay there's another hit on you do we need one more hit on you you probably need one more hit on you uh let's see how can I avoid you oh Oh I thought that I'd be able to get you there but nope come on now come on now and let's go come on come on come on come on come here come here come here I got something for you let's go oh I missed come on come on let's go like that there we are okay are you defeated now oh boy all the Leafs on his head fell off now you're screaming what happened to the piranha plant you're defeated why did we have to defeat it oh that's not a grand star that was like just a power star that's so strange I didn't expect that well actually I did because they did say that it would be a Power Star but earlier in the game I thought that we'd be collecting Grand stars because we got a grand star earlier but now we just got a star [Music] okay so back here we go and I guess that there are probably two other stars that we could get on that planet on Good Egg Planet hooray we got Dino piranha from Good Egg Galaxy high score updated five coins on we get to keep all those Star Bits very nice those are Star Bits to Lumas they are the tastiest most delectable treats imaginable oh so I guess they eat they eat Star Bits aim your joycon at the screen Point your start at them to pick them up okay I know that already I've been told that like 10 times already yeah I know that we can pick them up once you have some shoot them by aiming that oh wait shoot them wait a minute what in the world's going on now why don't we try it out aim at me and feed me some Star Bits hey press R okay aim at that that's the ticket wait how many do you want to eat you want to have some more yum oh is that enough hey I just missed one mmm tasty let's call those little morsels my fee for this lesson uh okay you can also shoot them at enemies or feed them to Hungry wait can I just shoot out stars at anybody either way I'm sure starbits will be a big help on your adventure they actually sound quite useful wait can I use this now oh oh we're going back to the same level right or I guess we should right yeah because over there we need three we don't have enough Stars yet let's go to Good Egg Galaxy again fly to this galaxy man that peanut planet was a little difficult the last time we were there oh what's this now a snack of cosmic proportions pretty cool music playing in the background too I've always heard the music of this game be praised very very highly wait there isn't going to be a race is there no it doesn't say anything about a race almost looks like we're gonna have a race though let's fly Mario where shall we fly to okay so we're back at this level again wait we have to get a new star here now right oh boy I'm hurt already wait aren't these guys supposed to shoot out balls but expect that these guys would shoot out balls and wait how do I get healed because earlier something did heal me Let's uh go and get all these now what could be down here what if we go down this way oh wait oh that just brings you to here I see okay and wait if we go all the way up here oh then there's just this here okay boy last time there's a star there but now there's probably a star that launches us somewhere else oh it's right over here actually this is the star that we need let's get some of those let's get a bunch of these wiggle this around and get wait I saw a star here just a moment ago where did it go okay let's get these getting lots of Star Bits that's Splendid great to get a lot of star I could have sworn that I saw the launch star somewhere around here though wait where is it was it here where is it oh get this you can shoot those Star Bits with ZR zap zap zap out okay I know I know I know run into your enemies while they're stunned I know you tell me where to go I've got a hungry friend up ahead you don't mind sharing your snacks do you head forward using that and that wait oh there's one right up there ah hold on wait do I have to do this wait press and hold a oh now go to this one oh that's so weird this is so strange okay now boost me Now launch me let's go bro hey uh brought me all the way back down that's so sad so sand very very sad times here and now bring me there launch me no come back come back how do I make this launch me if I do this button or what do I shake [Music] oh okay there we go okay you have to press white when you go through that okay all right I'm still getting used to the controls over here I don't know if that's meant to be difficult or if there's going to be something difficult like that later on wait we had a pair right now let's break this stuff okay what are we gonna get while we are on this pear Planet over here hello there little Goombas I didn't expect that a lot of this game would be going around on other planets like this I thought that we would be at things that are basically like Kingdoms in Super Mario Odyssey that's kind of what I expected to be here but I guess with the name like Super Mario Galaxy for the game it does make sense that we're spending a lot of time in space the music actually reminds me a little bit of Harry Potter don't land right on the Rock okay good yeah what do I want to get launched up this way launch me up here wait you not launched me anywhere why aren't you launching me I want to be launched well I guess we can do this and get some Star Bits I would expect I would have expected that Mario would be jumping faster oh there's something right here is this the one that we need are you the one that I need launch me yes are we going to that big capsule in the middle we haven't been to that yet and now we're going to the egg Planet oh are you the hungry friend wait oh oh if you tap up that's what makes it go like that I see Hello there hey you yeah you got any tasty Star Bits you feed me a bunch I'll burst with snaggy happiness and then transform you need a hundred Star Bits oh boy I don't have a hundred I've almost got I've got 80 now get them start a bit come on Mario hey I guess we'll try and collect some Star Bits then let's try our best to collect Starbucks oh nice we can get a few here we can destroy this this should be a lot right and come on now almost there 95 96. let's go on any in here there should be some in here right anything in here yeah there we are 98 oh oh and there are three right there perfect okay have enough okay I'm gonna shoot them at you let's go Army oh my goodness Kirby's getting even bigger and there we are here so happy now that's it I'm stuffed here we go transform now wait I thought you're gonna transform into a star oh a new planet was born oh my goodness you ate so many stars that you became a planet that's quite wild all right let's go over there then and I wonder if we're gonna go to that capsule at the center or not wow it's so wacky that we are on planets like this for so much of the game so far this was very unexpected I did not expect this at all okay if we head up come on up Mario Blended oh I probably could have used that to get up here very nice let's go oh I wanted to whack that ah spiky spikies Mario there's a spiky Spike here oh do I want to get that one up let's get it and can I do wall jumps oh I guess we only needed one wall jump I guess and let's just get launched now are you finally gonna launch me to the center I want to go to that Center capsule here and if you die over here and you have to redo this you have to restart from the beginning I wonder if that's the way it works oh should I be looking down here seeing what the solution is to the maze I'm guessing this is going to be a bit like a maze wait we get in there please I would like to enter the maze please please let me enter the maze there's a spot where we can enter the maze these Goombas look really funny they look like Nintendo 64 Goombas but more optimized it's like the optimization for Goombas that Kaze has made for Nintendo 64. that's they look a lot like and finally we found an entrance so let's just make our way in here whoa now gravity is like this all of a sudden okay that's a little different oh oh oh but these arrows so what way gravity goes okay so we've seen some stuff like this in Super Mario Odyssey actually where gravity sometimes changes like this and that was quite cool to see oh maybe that's more convenient oh actually that's amazing that we did that because we could have had a very bad mistake if things went badly okay so let's just head across this way and it looks like our objective is we want to make it to the top that's what it seems like hell I'll just jump on you very easy this is actually a really cool section okay so that should bring us up there oh and look at that we made it up hooray goodbye Goombas okay now oh my goodness we just blast through that glass and wait is that it is that the star right there no yeah [Music] um how do I get that without dying how in the world do I get that without dying if I fall off this star do we lose do we have to restart I'm guessing that we also have to collect these wait can we walk off here no please tell me okay good good good you can walk off here okay that's fine I was worried that we would fall off the planet and fly away that's what I was very worried about let's go here I'm so worried that we're gonna fall off the plant there's a black hole back there too so I'm a little scared hey this is all right we got three guys can I fall off into the black hole I'm so worried about that that is a big fear of mine right now okay let's get the final one please why just don't go into the black hole don't go into the black hole you do not want to go into the black hole okay stop doing that I need to stop doing that I keep trying to change the camera angle and that's happening and where's that oh oh this uh I'm not good with these I am not good with these they bring me to there okay now bring me to there and there uh how about that one there they're there I want to get pulled into the star just bring me into the star not the black hole uh okay I wonder if you could get that star without getting these blue stars you probably can you could probably long jump into it or use that boost when you press the Y button man you have to do quite a bit of work for some of these Stars over here we only have two power Stars and there's some more Star Bits we discovered a new Galaxy wait wait wait wait wait wait we discovered a new Galaxy what well done Brave Explorer you've discovered a new Galaxy collecting power Stars will expand our range of vision perhaps to eventually include the enemy base save your game yes all right let's come on up and there should be one more star in this level right wait where's the new Galaxy that we discovered new Galaxy appeared oh because we have three stars but wait let's finish off this galaxy first before we go to the next one let's fly to this galaxy okay what's this one now ping Calientes battle Fleet so this is like some kind of Fire King or something maybe Helen takes some kind of hot or warm King here oh wait is that the king over there no where's the king oh there are ships up here I guess we have to make our way all the way up there they're a nice fast way that we can get there what are we going to do oh it looks like there is a star up on top of this house let's just make our way up and oh I'm so much better at this now let's go all right that was fast remember before when I was struggling to get on top of that house okay so we are at this planet now wait there's a toad Frozen in here code I will free you save me thanks Mario and return let me tell you a secret about this place he's still spitting that's so funny that the toad is just spinning apparently those spiky things eat coconuts shake that or smack them with coconuts Oh Come Back coconut where did the coconut go oh I wanted to pick up the coconut I thought I could pick up the coconut well I don't know if we have to get rid of this okay let's go like this coconut you guys don't like coconuts hot we'll take this wait do you not care that there's a coconut right here oh there we are okay and now what are you gonna do launch me oh I'm on another planet all of a sudden okay and and this planet seems similar to the last one whoa pokies [Music] go go coconuts you stay back go coconuts wait expecting it to be at one of the big ones wait and why is this spot shiny over here is it shinier is it just that there's water around it maybe there's just water around it maybe there's nothing special about that wait what if I get you maybe I actually have to defeat you instead of the oh and yes okay okay good good thinking over there you know I was thinking that maybe we have to defeat that guy instead of the spiky thing since that would have been a bigger boss oh my goodness you're on a chain Jump Planet what I do if you chain chompykins oh there's a pipe what if we just go into the pipe go sometimes it's confusing what way oh and we're inside the planet oh my goodness this is so wacky if we get that and wait does that make us invincible what in the world you transform into rainbow Mario you're Invincible oh my goodness are there power-ups in this game are there power-ups in Super Mario Galaxy I know that some past Mario games have power-ups like the original Super Mario Bros even has power ups I didn't know that Super Mario Galaxy would have power ups well maybe it's maybe there's only the star power I don't know if there are going to be other power-ups in this game also oh oh oh while we were Invincible we should have came out and defeated those guys I didn't really think this through did I power up please what am I gonna do now with these guys huh I can jump into these guys and go like this oh I think that'll hurt me is there anything I can do to defeat them or are they going to defeat me I don't know if there's anything I can do against them now I get a start from somewhere else maybe hold on what if I leave this planet and come back will it reset the planet oh wait or does this bring us somewhere else yeah this is a new planet we haven't been here yet wait what is this oh that's probably zappy that might kill us if we touch that actually okay so let's see what are we gonna do with you guys oh don't touch me let's jump over this and where do we want to go oh this is so weird I really wish I could turn the camera more but Mario get out of there get out of there Mario what are we doing hey there's a circle over here what if we ground pound in the center oh oh okay uh we had to do the Y button press I thought that was so strange though when we ground pounded nothing happened where in the world do we want to go now on this planet can we go around okay looks like we can go around that's fine got some of you guys oh chain jumping in stay back it'll change on beacons and come on up oh boy don't kill me wait did my health get healed because I don't hear the beeping sound anymore does your health just automatically regenerate in this game I wonder if that's how it works oh they're bullet bills up there for a second I thought hey let's capture it Bullet Bill then we'll be able to go a bit higher I don't think you have Cappy in this game did Cappy originate in Super Mario Odyssey I'm guessing that's where Cappy originated is Cappy in any other game other than Mario Odyssey I wonder if there are any other references to Cappy in any other Mario games oh and it looks like we're actually making our way up to the ship now that's Splendid oh there's a frozen tote whoa those guys they look like they want to shoot out some stuff at us God will you give me advice her tags won't reach those mean looking aliens here's a great idea what if you're trying to bounce something back at them oh like they're melons maybe I could shoot those back at them oh can I not hit them back at them would have thought that we'd have to uh hit these and knock them back at them okay oh and I am back at full health so I guess that's nice anything up here at the top of the ship not seeing anything super helpful here I don't know if we want to go up there but I guess we have to send something back at them but how that is the question you know what I really have to get used to the camera in this game because I am a lot more used to the camera oh wait I could probably hit the Y button here yeah I'm definitely a lot more used to that oh wait I probably can't hit those back because they're on fire but what about these let's go like that oh yeah it's wrecked guys described both of you together yeah I've definitely gotta get used to the camera in this game because I'm a lot more used to the camera in Super Mario 64. and even in Super Mario Sunshine in this game the camera oh my goodness Mario stop falling back in this game the camera is a bit more restrictive than Super Mario Sunshine it's similar to Mario 64 but in some parts it's more restrictive like I can't move left and right here at all but maybe it's just because I've done a little bit of Super Mario 64 speed running so I'm more used to where you're allowed to and not allowed to move the camera wait are we gonna get a star now come on tell me we're gonna get a start what do you have to say do I have to feed you a bunch be careful there's a big big danger up ahead if things get really bad should a star bit at one of those lights on the ground then a coin will pop out oh coins replenish your health ah wait can I do this then how's that ah coins replenish your health I see how it works now oh this is gonna be Captain Caliente right okay you're a big fire squid hello there fire squid oh Mr fire squid oh do I have to attack you with bees I wonder if these are oh I probably have to hit those back at you give me another one let's go baby there we are okay that's nice you don't even need perfect aim when you do that so this seems pretty simple so far how hard is this going to get let's go I want to hit that back at you whoa whoa are we playing a table tennis or something over here are we playing Wii sports or something guys should I play Wii Sports Resort would that be a good video playing Wii Sports Resort for the first time what in the world oh you uh get me on fire you guys over there you guys are dangerous I didn't think that those would be dangerous okay let's see up spitting up fire give me a good one yeah let me send those melons back to you oh you're doing it again huh but let's keep going I can keep going Bam are you destroyed now is that the whole boss fight that wasn't too bad at all oh that actually seems very easy I thought that this star would stay in the center and I thought that we'd have to get it uh by jumping over the center of the lava pool over there I don't know if lava insta kills you or if you just take one damage and you get burned well in Super Mario 64 you take three damage from jumping in lava but you have I think eight health in Super Mario 64. all right so we've got three stars so far wow so the first galaxy of the game is done I want to see what the other galaxies are like and well I guess we will see what the other galaxies are like okay let's say let's check out what this next galaxy is going to be wow and time's going by very quickly while I am playing this game so it must be a fun game uh soon we'll be able to go there and I don't know what we need for these over here these question mark boxes but let's check out this one what galaxy is this going to be Galaxy is honey Hive Galaxy I've heard of this before and I think I've actually seen a remake of this in either Mario Odyssey or Bowser's Fury but I guess we're gonna find out let's see [Music] okay oh honey Hive Galaxy be Mario takes flight is there a b Barrio power up oh I actually have seen this level remade in was it Mario Odyssey or Bowser's Fury wait there are a bunch of bees around what in the world is going on hopefully this won't be too difficult oh and this one it feels like an actual level not just a little planet which is great I like the music that is playing here a lot okay and the sign said something about looking around okay let's just get the one up and We're Not Gonna Die by getting the one up also which is great news now then oh wait a beat let me catch you with Cappy oh do you just want to speak to me okay let's just speak this actually reminds me so much of Conker's Bad Fur Day one of my favorite N64 games of all time welcome to the honey Hive Kingdom Our Queen rules this land yeah well maybe I'll go capture your queen with Cappy let's see how she likes that okay what do you have to say Sir hello there you bees must greet her highness Queen B I'm not a bee though I am not a b so I don't know if you guys expect me to do that too do we want to go back here like there's water here what else is down here okay got some uh wall jumps that we can do over here just make our way up oh we're up high okay and whoa who attacked me who attacked me why are you guys doing this you shouldn't be attacking me like this you should just be oh boy boy let's go I got you now okay there we go is there anywhere that we could get some coins I'd like some coins so that we could get healed let's go down this pipe I guess then where is this going to bring us are we going to go inside here oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh this is actually all right there now we can just get that are we gonna become invincible after getting this coin what's this wait I am Invincible nobody can stop me now I will run up I'll destroy all of the boulders I will destroy you oh look at how quickly we are running hopefully my power up doesn't run out in a moment okay let's go in here bring me in go go down the pipe Mario why won't you go down the pipe come on oh oh maybe you lose your invincibility I don't know if you lose your invincibility once you go through the pipe or if that was just a coincidence there are those Star Bits there because I kind of like those Star Bits all the Star Bits are gone that is so sad all the Star Bits are gone there are so many Star Bits to collect there now where do we want to go that is the question the question is where shall we go we shall go to this here oh wait a minute the mushroom looks like a bee thank you it looks like a bee mushroom oh stay away from me stay away from me oh oh it's actually more scared of me than I am than I am afraid of it see that area behind the waterfall that's how a queen's castle I see it wait where did that mushroom go though oh the mushroom's right down here am I gonna turn into B Mario oh my goodness I am a b Bari I've got a little Fuzzy Beard too you transformed into B Mario hold B to buzz around oh that is way too good that is way too good this is amazing I can't believe I haven't seen this before this is unbelievable oh my gosh I feel like I'm playing Super Mario Odyssey for the first time and I'm just learning all kinds of new stuff no did I lose my power up because I went into the water bro what's this bro [Music] oh cool we got a coin nice oh oh and we can use these coins to heal us that's amazing wait is the mushroom still here yes yes ah nobody can stop B Mario nobody I tell you nobody can stop be Mario B Mario is Invincible hello I am one of you the castle is straight through here I know that because I am a bee oh boy I almost got knocked up bro bro that was quite cruel all right let's come over here let's become a b again let's do this and wait does the water make you lose your ability okay yeah so it looks like bees can't handle the water you want to be dry okay let's just come up here be careful with the water don't go into the water oh and make your way up all right now wait where is the queen bee she was somewhere back here wasn't she or is it up even higher let's see where do we want to go yeah I thought the queen bee was just back there um tell me where the queen bee is oh she is just right back there okay so let's go back a bit farther then so let's go like this fly Mario fly and spin and defeat these oh do these guys not like these no you lose it if you get hit oh my goodness that is so sad that's so sad we might have our first death in this game what happens if you die in this game hopefully it isn't something very bad and horrible hopefully we can just avoid these guys crows you gotta move you gotta move Bros get me in there okay oh we're going down a slide okay so we can get right here but wait what are you gonna say Castle is past this wall it's true bees never lie I thought the castle was to the right from here what if you actually are lying do bees ever lie everyone leave a comment if you think bees Never Lie let me know if B is a lie or not hey that's nice that we could get these do I even want more coins or should I save these coins in case we need a heal maybe I'll save the coins in case we need a heal oh the honey over there is sticky oh that bee said honey is heavy okay let's make our way here you guys can get out of my way and we're still flying which is good and oh maybe this will launch us where we have to go let's go lunch meat the queen bee not into the black hole but to the queen bee oh boy I keep thinking that we're going to Bunk into it oh oh and you got to be careful because you don't want to land in the water here let's see you're a little troublemaker aren't you no no [Music] no no no why why power up that we can get somewhere around here maybe maybe you guys are quite the troublemakers what do you have to say Sir hello there speak to me grab a flour 7 shake for a boost okay sure let's do that I'll defeat you first though because you're a little up to my octillary Pokemon creature come on up oh that's nice that we can get boosted up to here hey did that hurt because I'm regular Mario or why did that break right away oh boy I'm guessing you have to be a bumblebee over here otherwise you break those I'm guessing this yes yes there's one right here I thought that we'd have to go back but that is perfect thank you so much for this that's exactly what we needed Okay so oh fling me over that's so cool how you could just cling your controller like that and wait do these break right away when you land on it oh and we can probably collect a bunch of those nice and I can stand on it because I'm a bee so I don't break it so now we can just fly across to wherever it is we need to go as long as we can avoid the water and that's what we need right there right there bring me up here please please bring me up into that come on okay and we're going to the queen bee that's the queen bee there right right this lady over here oh oh are we gonna have to climb up now what do you have to say wait can I grab on azabi what are the perks of being a b is that we can stick to this honey wall wait let's fly up first as high as we can oh man oh oh okay that's what I thought would happen Okay so yeah you can only grab onto this part then you fall off and then you have to keep climbing that's quite fine let's just make our way up here oh I thought that climbing would be much slower actually okay so we can probably get to here hey look out bro oh nice can you give me one of these let's spin on up oh man and we made it to you are you just gonna give me a star now and who might you be a physician we presume no matter we're in the most vexing predicament and require assistant the most furious itchiness plagues our entire being it must be stopped please find the source at once what are you talking about hey well there's some kind of problem around here what's that oh oh there's some of these to collect wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay good good we landed here yeah there's some of those to collect I see some stuff inside or around you how in the world oh we just got one there oh I could climb on the V I was wondering what in the world is going on over here okay there's another one oh is this why you're itchy because you have a bunch of these on you okay let's climb over here this is so weird climbing on the bee like this why thanks you have shown much brave for a newbie we trust that we may rely on you in the future foreign I'm just going to get off of you because this makes me uncomfortable I don't like sitting on you like this I don't like this one bit okay where'd we have to go right here come on Mario let's go now launch me please and can we get the Stars soon tell me that we could get the star soon oh we're up very high actually it's Captain town what where more escape from Beach's Castle too but then we thought Bowser would get us and then we got lost with Luigi oh I just remembered we found a power star sir you need this so here take it thank you so much toad this is actually Captain Toad because he does have the headlight and he does have a backpack but he looks a bit different doesn't look exactly like Captain Toad oh I'm not B Mario anymore B Mario was so cool I wonder what other power-ups might be in this game oh boy this is actually really cool I'm enjoying this a lot that's super cool that we got to see that I wonder how many videos it'll take me to finish this game I might do a few but yeah this is a really great game so far guys does this game keep getting better or have I already been to the best Galaxy oh oh and new stuff is discovered there okay but we need some more stars here Mario your name is Mario isn't it that's what I heard from your friends who just arrived Mario it has such a nice ring thank you Rosalina your friends are waiting for you in the garage wait my friends are there I think they want to tell you something so you'd best hurry on over there uh oh my toad friends are there I thought they meant Luigi or Princess Peach or something I thought there's no way peaches here maybe Luigi would be here the music playing here is beautiful this is so nice there's a song like this in Super Mario 3D World also oh man this is such a nice song so I guess this is probably the game that it originates from okay so my friends are over there wait what uh something oh that's a butterfly over there I'm thinking what's looking so Twitchy over there okay but I still want to do this first wait what if we unlock Luigi that'd be crazy if we unlock Luigi and let's do this bring me up there please I'd like to go to another galaxy please oh that's a new Galaxy oh can we just go to it right now because it doesn't say that we need a certain amount of Starscape but I want to do this one first we need two more stars here fly to this galaxy I wonder if there are going to be three stars for every Galaxy or if there are going to be any kind of secret stars in any of the galaxies or any galaxies with more than three stars trouble on the tower let's check this out honey Hive Galaxy trouble on the tower okay there's a wiggler there and there's a button to press there quite tempted to press that button and there's some kind of windmill up there so let's see do we land back at the same spot okay we land back at the same spot I did like that b power up last time that was very nice I wonder how people move in speed runs of this game because I've never seen a speed run of this game I've never even seen footage of this game before okay this looks like a cool swing that we could have here and bring me up oh that doesn't bring us as high as I thought it would I thought that might be more useful and what in the world are these there's something cool oh oh that guy over there is ground pounding so they're probably giving us a hint that we should ground pound on these let's see yeah because they do look quite breakable okay very nice let's uh just get some of these around here Point around everywhere and let's just get this okay that's fine getting a few of those let's grandpound this one also man that was a big that was big destruction over there hell I'm getting me a before you can get me I'll be there Mike you guys gotta stay away now get off of me all right that's nice in it what about you these guys are really quite Troublesome the piranha plants wait where's that spot that we had to go to oh I guess we probably have to go across to the left wait how in the world do we make it across there oh maybe from the beginning we actually go that way wait what the what in the world oh boy that was so weird we just got to one up all of a sudden we got a lot of Star Bits and nice that we got that oh boy it is just space in the background always all kinds of stars okay can we come up this way or no let's see Oh I thought that might be slippery that's a little tricky can I just jump up repeatedly no this won't work will it no there's no way this will work they can't just let you come up here right yeah at a certain point they just don't want you to go up any higher or maybe a certain amount of jumps I can get so close to making it up and I imagine that they can make it up in speed runs but look I could get so close well not super close oh this might work actually what if we start with a triple jump like that can we get high enough now come on come on come on come on we're right on the edge come on you gotta let me up there go on okay this might work this might work I've got an idea okay let's see this is probably not the intended strategy but let's see come on we can get so close okay you know what I wonder if it is possible we can get so incredibly close to that if we go like one two three like that we can get so close but I don't know if it is possible you know what there probably is some speedrunner somewhere that can do this but I can't I can get so close though all right let's try and do the level the intended way then wait did we speak with you yet The Rock just fell from the sky it was scary oh breaking that just gives us a bite wait wait wait tell me that doesn't just let us go oh oh my goodness I just spent a lot of time trying to get here but you could just do that all along oh my goodness I Must Have Spent maybe 10 or so minutes trying to do that as a shortcut there but all you have to do is ground pound that to this side oh boy wow wow yeah because I was wondering I'm thinking where in the world would we have to go and I just kept trying that okay let's see you bring me up you launch me oh hello there little wiggler I'm gonna ground pound on this switch here what does that do that makes a bridge appear for us now we can go across this what in the world why are you upside down what happened to you are you gonna be angry when you get up now I hope not hopefully it doesn't chase me okay that came down oh wait what does this sign say well that was some weird movement yep it's me the famous gilborn if you want to climb this wall you'd better listen up when you stick to the wall after a jump press B to do a wall jump use a string of wall jumps to reach really high areas yeah we know that we've done that before yeah and in this game it looks like you could actually stick to a wall for a moment wait do not stick to this well oh oh that was weird we couldn't for a second but we can now oh this is a cool little section like how we could move around like this these look like little mushrooms this almost looks like something out of Pikmin oh and there's something up there let's pick this wait do that hit it go um pick it I'd like to pick this how do I pick it I'd like to pick this please come on I'm standing right here I'm wasting my Star Bits okay I made it to this plant but I don't know what we have to do with the plant okay whatever who cares about that plant anyways there probably is something you can do at the plant but I'm just hitting the wrong button oh I wonder if we have to come up here because I see the shadow of a star there oh launch me and we are going goodbye goodbye oh wait where are we going actually oh up here hello there this is actually pretty cool how there are a bunch of little play ah there are a bunch of little planets like this piranha plants are so annoying in this game they're so annoying in this game oh my goodness how do they do this wait can I just oh nice nice you can just jump to that next planet and get caught in his gravity oh now there are wigglers down here okay let's just avoid those wigglers and come to here come go Mario and I'd love some coins does this Heal Me Oh brought a place or anybody I'm scared wait what's that does that make me Invincible wait yes yes I'm Invincible cannot stop me now oh I could even defeat a wiggler goodbye Wiggler goodbye to all of you shall all be destroyed wait is that everyone anyone else up here or no wait is that everybody okay let's drop down then get me down there let's go oh we're not Invincible anymore oh we got a one-up oh nice and we got healed and we're getting lots of Star Bits here and we land here back on this part of the planet hello there those Mandy bugs have taken over our observation deck oh they make me so mad I swear I've heard that lying somewhere before where have where has someone said oh they make me so mad there's been another Mario game where they say that okay wait I can just probably go across like this what is that that's gonna be some kind of power up what are you give me this wait what am I your health grew to six oh if it drops below four it'll drop back down to normal okay so that's just like the heart in or sorry the max of heart or whatever it's called in in Super Mario Odyssey it works exactly the same way well exactly the same way from what I can tell oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh guys guys let's let's relax a bit okay let's just relax I'm just a normal Mario over here okay all right that wasn't working the way that I thought it would I thought that we'd be able to do a spin attack against him and I thought that they wouldn't like it but they really don't mind you don't mind a Spin Attack being used on them okay this is a switch that you just really want to ground pound that switch just screams ground pound me and we've seen switches like that in Bowser's Fury too as a similar looking switches I wonder if they were in Super Mario 3D World also I can't remember okay let's get on here this reminds me of the windmill from Super Mario Sunshine guys I should play through Super Mario Sunshine I've never fully completed that game because as a kid it was really hard very difficult oh oh oh I forgot that I have to defeat you guys wait can I just jump on top of you or do I have to ground pound I probably have to ground pound okay there one defeated now what are you gonna get angry oh you're getting angry I'm getting angry now let's see come on let me on top of you I just want to get on top of you let's go oh oh where are you going bro there we go got you nice try but we get we get started that is absolutely beautiful game this game is becoming more and more fun as we play more and there we are another star for Mario I wonder how many stars are in this game wait I thought green stars were in this game are green stars not in this game or green stars only in Super Mario 3D World I'm kind of surprised that these are just normal Stars not green stars oh and that guy he sits in our cap I didn't even realize that he sits under our cap the entire time it's almost like Cappy in a way bang man this would have been such a fun game to play on the Wii as a kid oh and there's still one more star here okay I wasn't sure if we got them all or if there's one more because they spent a really long time trying to get up that hill that you could just very quickly walk around so I thought that maybe I had gotten all of the stars okay what's this final star over here big bad Bugaboo I wonder how long the speed run for this game is I don't remember what it is I must have checked that some point what it is but I don't know how long it is okay so got more of these bugs I know that they're little troublemakers and we're coming over here now I know that it's quite difficult to walk up that slope to the left I don't even know if it is possible but it is quite difficult so let's go like this and where do we even want to go wait maybe we actually want to defeat these guys let's see do we just want to defeat you there we go okay one down where's the other one there's another one right here let's go oh yeah come on I tried to time it but I don't know when their attacks are hey you can come here now there we go got you okay now just uh just some Star Bits over here is every color star bit worth the same or are some of the different colored Star Bits worth more worth less depending on their color oh that's so weird I went in a circle and I re-grabbed it I didn't expect that that okay get off my head and okay got some of those that's nice wait wait wait are you going in this bubble oh we're launched in the bubble wow that's quite cool game those are just scaredy cats they run away wait is this another Max Health up I'll take one of those nice does your max Health get reset when you leave a level I'm not sure if it does is this end of the level is this the goal pull to grab right here wait that's what it seems like but oh it's just a regular old pull okay but where in the world do we want to go oh it's B it's B time to be it's Piper no let's see where will this take us oh that brings us to here wait Oh I thought that that pipe was going to go away but I guess not all right what in the world are these we want to avoid those actually maybe we want to avoid those because they're water so maybe that'll be trouble if we're a bee I'm guessing that's the case but I guess we're also going to find out where do we want to go I don't know where we have to go in this let's just be careful to not get hit I think you lose your power up if you get hit right oh you're right here the neighbors are causing trouble again we would be most grateful for your assistance of course I'll help let's go okay now there's this nice star for us so this is kind of interesting it seems like you have to go to each stage in a galaxy in a row I don't think you could do any skipping oh that brought us there quite quickly okay and I already have one of these so that's nice now let's just spin along to over here oh oh oh I gotta fly because I want to be careful gonna fall into the black hole not one to get sucked up in the black hole and bring me to there please please let me come up so we don't go into the black hole how are their black holes so near the planets how are the black holes so close to the planets oh that's an interesting little uh grasshopper there oh there little grasshopper friend don't mind me I'll just ground pound on you like this are you angry you're angry aren't you oh now you're gonna fly oh you're making stuff quite tricky for me that's uh just come on up high and ground pound you from here oh I'm actually so surprised that that worked oh now you're really mad bloody now really mad look what we did here this time okay what if I just get you quickly like that again see oh oh I'm not ready I'm not ready wow you can't go on your side like that bro bro how am I supposed to get Fair okay let's see you're coming around now's a good time to know let's go come on up and go hey too slow too slow okay well it looks like these things help out quite a bit oh no where are you I'm here um oh I can grab onto that on the side I can grab onto that honey over there hey hey good boy I think grabbing onto the honey might be a good idea let's see unless we can just get them now let's see go ah come on come on come on come on come on I'm so tempted to try to just fly over to the honey we can probably grab onto this honey here then we can jump up at a good time when he is coming by I don't think he's gonna shoot at this right okay let's just see when he comes here oh oh here he comes here he comes oh no why is he so hard to hit is it possible to get him without this power up I wonder if it is go come on this little rascal over here such a little troublemaker but we got you okay three hits are you done now or are you going super chaos ultimate mode Ultra part three and we get a lovely star for that and we're the Bumblebee oh oh and there's another bumblebee power-up that you can get over there if you need it on we just stepped into the water before getting the star but yeah that should be all of the stars at least all the stars as far as we are aware in this galaxy and that's the first two galaxies that we got all the stars right yeah I don't know if there are more other stars that you could get later on in the game but yeah that's pretty cool oh and another new galaxy has been discovered a hungry Luma Loom appeared where's the hungry Luma Uma oh there's a hungry Luma right outside the Terrace interesting okay let's save so you've got all of the stars here all the stars here are at least all three because right now it looks like you could only get three maybe later in the game we could get some more now we have these two galaxies that we can access and we can almost access this one oh but for that one we need eight we should probably stop by one of these galaxies first to get one more star I really recommend you watch my video where we play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the first time ever it is a super fun game and the best selling Nintendo switch game of all time thank you so much for watching hope you all have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody foreign
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 865,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, super mario, super mario galaxy, mario galaxy, super mario 3d all stars, mario 3d all stars, mario switch, mario nintendo switch, nintendo switch mario, nintendo switch, nintendo, switch, switch mario, mario animations, funny mario, zxmany, zxmany mario galaxy, zxmany super mario galaxy, part 1, mario part 1, mario galaxy part 1, mario movie, 1 hour, mario 1 hour
Id: YhDLt3o0V6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 51sec (4911 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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