The Mario Movie but it's a Video Game! [custom map]

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hello everyone and welcome to the Super Mario movie fully we made inside of Mario Odyssey but this custom map is pretty much the Mario movie video game and I think all we have to do to start is go down the start pipe I'm so excited for this Mario's bedroom Brooklyn New York oh so the Mario movie actually takes place in the real world to start with what Mario and Luigi are both real plumbers and then after messing around in the sewer a little bit they make their way to the Mushroom Kingdom oh my gosh wait Mario wake up what's Luigi doing watching me sleep what are you doing here hey bro you gotta wake up that terrible job you did yesterday is blood in the city you gotta go out there and fix it oh okay so in the movie Mario and Luigi get beaten up by this scary dog on their first job and they literally destroy all the plumbing in Brooklyn oh oh wow the city really is flooded oh thankfully we have Luigi here to help me as well holy moly Mario look at this water hey you're a plumber right can you fix this mess of course I can and I have my handy brother Luigi to help me fix some messes wow what's causing all this mess though how can I fix it oh wow I think I see the problem oh hey buddy I bet this big spout of water has something to do with all this water on the floor I think we have a genius with us this guy this guy's so big brain he thinks that the water here is leading to the water on the floor you ain't going down there are you well I might have to go down there if I have to fix it unless I can use this like no I can't use the fire hydrant I'm gonna jump in and see oh never mind it shoots you up when you go to the water scream oh oh oh wow that shot me up so high come on Luigi we've got to go down and fix the sewer all right all right I'm swimming down where's Luigi gone oh never mind Luigi's here I hope I don't drown swimming in oh the underground power plant there's a big rat oh my oh that's where it's all spewing out from as well oh oh Brooklyn Water that might be the machine that's going wrong it's like got a flashing light on let's see if we can fix it anyway hopefully this oh no this bridge is falling the Brit oh oh okay oh I know what this is meant to be this is like the bit from the movie where they go down to the old bit of the sewer this should be a pipe back to the Mushroom Kingdom not back to the Mushroom Kingdom I mean there's not been to the Mushroom Kingdom oh are you so nothing at least Luigi found as well I think Luigi just follows yeah but it looks like we're not gonna be able to fix the sewer this time I guess Brooklyn's always gonna be flooded It's Just Gonna Keep On flooding forever but I think this is the pipe that takes you to the Mushroom Kingdom oh the Mushroom Kingdom in the movie looks so cool I hope it looks this cooling game oh I'm hovering over should I enter or should I quit looks like Luigi's just disappeared I'm gonna enter it let's see let's see what the Mushroom Kingdom looks like where's Luigi gone oh before we're being teleported to her our low universe oh nice it's taking me to the Mushroom Kingdom but there are way more mushrooms than normally as a Mario does he look how badly there are can I keep I can kick them oh this is so satisfying I hope these mushrooms are safe to touch oh hello Captain Toad what are you doing here do not touch that mushroom you'll die oh too late too late oh no actually those ones are okay okay it's fine it's fine it's fine that I touched them but we're here we're here in the Mushroom Kingdom we made it from The Real World this is so satisfying though with the mushrooms oh hello Captain Toad I heard that you're looking for your brother yeah where's Luigi gone Luigi's completely disappeared the princess can help get to the castle on the hill Oh do you see that oh this looks so different to oh oh this looks so different to how it normally does in Mario Odyssey Ah that's a bit solicit that Bowser ship in the sky well I guess we should make our way to the castle see if we can find Luigi oh this is such a cool Recreation of the movie I love how there's mushrooms and everything around have you seen that big ship in the sky why yeah yeah that is it's looking very scary what is this guy doing what's he looking at I think he's meant to be looking up at that but he's looking the wrong way oh my goodness oh Oh Captain Toad's made his way how is Captain Toad so much faster than me oh my goodness the quickest way to the castle is through this pipe let's go okay let's go go oh oh no oh no I shouldn't have gone down that pipe it looks like this is a picker party but that is actually a handy hint that you can do to win all these pick-a-pipe things oh you see how Mario looks at a pipe that's actually the right pipe which means that means that you can progress to the next part because if you pick the wrong pipe there you'd actually get sent back right to the start halfway to the castle you better hurry let's see which one Mario looks at but it looks like this one is it yeah okay it's this one I love how happy that toad is there we go we've made it to the castle Peach's castle you made it what took you so long what do you mean what took you so long you litcher I think this guy's cheating he's like beating me everywhere this Captain Toad let's get past these guards yeah we need to get past these guards no one gets past me no one gets past him if no one gets past him that means I can get past you haha outsmarted I outsmarted the guards to be fair I probably could have got past them both anyway but anyway we made it inside of Peach's castle oh it looks like they're having a meeting here a big meeting but also has taken the power star and his ship is heading towards the Mushroom Kingdom we are doom is this a map of the Mushroom Kingdom I guess it is that's Bowser's land that's like the Donkey Kong Land and that's like the desert I don't know and that's Mushroom Kingdom because I see the mushrooms on the map but I'm gonna try to do my best peach impression don't worry I won't let Bowser hurt you ah so it looks like Bowser's taking over the Mushroom Kingdom what can we do oh okay peaches up here she's saying if you want my health my help you're gonna have to prove yourself head down the pipe I can't really do that peach voice for very long but oh oh I think this is the pipe to the training course because in the Mario movie there's like a trading course that Mario has to complete and it's in the shape of a question mark block it'll be really oh hello Peach okay Mario if you can finish this you're coming with me oh it's a question mark how is Bowser catched up already oh my gosh okay so maybe when we flip the switch this will turn into a training course let's see oh okay that's epic that's epic oh but those are coming towards me so in the movie Peach is like a beast at this peaches a pro at this parkour I'm gonna see if I'm able to do it as good as Peach I don't know I've played a lot of Mario Odyssey but I don't know if I'm good enough for the training course oh I can't believe Peach one shot at this in the oh oh wait I can go then oh these pipes lead to each other so I can take out the piranha plant oh I can take out the piranha pants by going down these pipes oh why did that pipe bleed out oh my goodness this is too difficult I think all we want to do is make our way round it and then it wraps back to the end and we want to bring down the flagpole and if we do that we should be able to prove us out to Peach because Peach is wanting to go to the Kong Army to win win over the Khan's Army so we can team up with all the Donkey Kongs and defeat Bowser oh I think these blocks full oh oh no I don't I really don't want to die here I can't believe I died that much or I've died that much so far like in the movie there's a big death montage and this video is probably gonna look like a big death Montage with the amount of times I just died in a row oh we have to be careful the bullet bills are destroyed everything all right I'm watching parkour skills I'm gonna bounce on the Bullet Bill make up my way to the platform oh okay oh I somehow made it up I just oh okay okay I want to be quick before these things destroy me oh I'm On One HP now hey oh but I think that counted as beating it even though I died last second I could actually see Peach's castle from where we were on the platform I guess this pipe leads all the way up to it but I think we're gonna go find the Kong Army now what wait what is this taking me I was expecting it to take me to Peach's castle ah ah it's taking me to the snow Kingdom for some reason I think I know what this is wait I see a red pipe okay there's a red pipe there that's not normally there in game I think I know what this is so Mario Peach and Toad go on a big Journey throughout a load of different kingdoms so this pipe might take me to another kingdom and then we might be just going through all the different kingdoms oh yeah yeah okay it's taking me to the lost kingdom next which means we have to find another pipe somewhere but this should be super quick because in the movie it was literally like two scenes but I want to give a huge shout out to everyone who subscribed from the last video subscribe if you also want to shout out it's completely free and you can always change your mind now when the I think this is the wooden Kingdom yeah what what is happening here what am I doing here all these guys are just watering the fields oh bruh what's that wait wait it's Donkey Kong hello what are they all 2D why do they have those silly hats on it's literally just a PNG which means that the pipe might take us to the Donkey Kong Temple it's kind of Suits where their Temple is it's like in sort of a woodening kingdom area oh okay this is a bit Boogie go get him Mario thank you Cappy wait where am I oh this area looks so cool oh hello Captain Toad what are you doing here oh here's Cranky Kong he's actually the king of all the Kongs and there's two of the bouncy gongs I like all the Kongs are 2D maybe all the Kongs are just cannonly 2D I like oh it's just a real monkey with a tie on Bruh Bruh this is a rare moment we need the Kong Army's help to defeat the battle sir only if you can beat my son oh wait I think Donkey Kong's behind him I guess maybe down this Donkey Kong pipe it will take us to a place where we can fight Donkey Kong where we can beat his son in a 1v1 battle yes yes oh it's taking us to an arena how have they teleported over there so quickly there are packet or something wow there's a lot of Kongs watching I don't want to embarrass myself and fail the parkour and fall into the water blow parkour parkour yeah there are so many they're all just 2D they're all just too deep I think the image on the Donkey Kong like 2D people is that image of where a monkey stole someone's camera and then they took a photo of it it's a very pretty picture I'll put a picture on screen on screen now oh parkour I just need to get into this 2D pipe there we go very epic oh I can see Donkey Kong's battles which I just want to avoid I don't know which I'm not doing a very good job of avoiding give me that life bro I'm so bad at avoiding these Powers wait is that oh I can see Bowser's ship in the background there as well oh we really need to get the Donkey Kong got obvious helped I'll be embarrassed if I died the Donkey Kong it looks like he's stopped okay there's another heart so at least I won't die if I get touched by one again hello Mr Donkey Kong monkey man you're gonna go down one two okay you've got one left do you have any last words Donkey Kong no you don't you're defeated which means we've got wait where have they all gone they're all despawning below but we've got the help maybe if I go down this Piper wall oh okay yes yes we've got the Kong Army's health so we've got all of these guys helping hmm fine I guess you have the Kong Army on your side good I have the gang Army well done Mario we need to get back to the Mushroom Kingdom yeah we do need to get them back there's a shortcut to the Mushroom Kingdom down this rainbow pipe oh this is a bit in the movie I think where they go into the carts and play like Mario Kart on Rainbow Road let's see let's see oh I'm looking forward to this so much yo let's go it is go get it Mario thank you Cappy but look there's Mario Karts okay we gotta get to the Mushroom Kingdom quick yeah we do peach oh I just stole Peter's car and now she's flowing I can probably do the same to toad haha toad you no longer have a car I'm just gonna make you guys float and wait there forever I stole your car yeah it's good yeah they do oh wait actually but I love Rainbow Road so much rainbow road is probably one of all you guys still nothing you guys saw nothing that never happened but rainbow road has got to be one of my favorite tracks in the world oh no oh no oh no that Bowser ship is giant off oh Bowser has caught up with this thank you Donkey Kong I can see that his ship is ginormous uh okay what do I do here I'm just gonna keep on going oh wait is that about oh a load of Bowser's Minions spawn behind me blocking the road and I can't do the loop-de-loop because this game doesn't have the correct physics so I guess I have to do no no no I fell into the fish's mouth what's gonna wait I got eaten by the fish I've been in the end I'm inside the fish's tummy what how am I gonna get out wait is Donkey Kong here as well Donkey Kong I Hate You Mario I can't believe we got eaten I can't believe I got eaten either how did you get oh my gosh at least we have a cart still at least we still have our cart so I can do epic tricks oh I reckon I could use that brick as a ramp watch this watch this oh that was kind of lame can I create These Bricks can so anything in them there might be something in them to help me escape unless it's not maybe there's not and maybe I'm oh oh never mind there's a rocket Donkey Kong it doesn't matter we can get out this giant fish by using the rocket to escape in three two one jump oh that went straight out of it oh my gosh the Rocket's taking me to Bowser on his ship I think we're on Bowser's ship wait let me see on the free cam yep we're definitely on Bowser's ship and Peach's Castle's right there whoa wait what's happening it looks like Peach is about to marry Bowser the Superstar is right there though what's going on in this place yeah I want to go home oh they're all in cages oh they've got like Donkey Kong and oh they've got all the Kongs and cages oh my gosh they're gonna be dunked in the lava okay we have to stop this Bowser you're going down oh I love this cutscene the superstar has gone a bit out of you but if we can grab this Superstar I reckon oh what how did you not see that oh wait what's he doing he's shooting a bonsai Bill oh no I remember this one the movie the bombs I built destroys everything oh oh no oh my God okay how's uh what have you done it's destroyed everything even ourselves wait oh oh wait oh what it's taking us back to the Metro Kingdom AKA Brooklyn New York oh and all the toads are here now as well as Peach oh Bowser's ships here oh we're gonna have to defeat Bowser oh the toads look terrified oh how many ships does Bowser have Mario I don't have time for you I don't have time for you Bowser what are you doing in my city and oh it's gonna take over everything with the Superstar any oh that scene looks epic oh this looks epic oh Bowser you're a bozo you've left the star right out in the open oh look I'll get that later get the star and then grab this you're going down Bowser you are so dumb oh fighting him in the cities what what's happening with the fire okay Bowser you're about to go down punch punch punch punch punch I will teach you yeah you're so bad bowser he's on top of a taxi he's being driven around and it also looks like they've somehow managed to deflood the city whilst I've been away in the Mushroom Kingdom all right get punched down Bowser that was that one more hit and you'll be down big time what's gonna happen when we beat him though it looks like he should destroy the city it's like in one of those superhero movies where they're just going around causing a lot of damage who pays for that who pays for that in like superhero movies someone tell me because it makes no sense it's like a ripe I've had for a while okay there we go Bowser get out of here Peach what are you doing on this ship I just oh wait there's two peaches oh this is so odd anyway I think it's time for Mario to go home he's got a family and stuff in the Mario movie I wonder what happened to Luigi anyway I hope you enjoyed this video If you enjoyed it you might also enjoy Mario Odyssey with custom power-ups it's a really cool video of Mario gets a bunch of new abilities click on screen to watch it now I spent so long making all the levels for it but I really like how it turned out I really hope you enjoyed this video subscribe
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 2,102,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario movie, mario movie game, new mario game, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, super mario, smo, mario, bowser, peaches, peach, Mario, challenges, super mario odyssey 2, super mario bros, funny mario videos, funny, mario mod, mod, modded, mario odyssey mod, mario odyssey challenge, manx, manx ninja pig, SMO, custom, custom mario, modded mario, new mario, super mario challenge, mario modded, mods, funny mario, mario power up, power ups, ninja, pig, custom map, video game, mario game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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