Marco's & Rob's EPIC Exxaero Falcon 900 Ultimate Cockpit Movie: BIG TRI-JET AMS to Figari [AirClips]

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good morning guys from beautiful skipal airport in amsterdam where i'm just enjoying a little cup of morning coffee now recently i've published the first flight clip of me trying the flight simulator and a few of you have commented that i'm probably doing much better as a passenger well i'm glad to take this challenge being a good passenger let's see if at least i can do that and right now here behind me you can see this launchy lovely setup and that's the avia partner executive lounge used by the airline xi aero which i'm flying on today here at ski pool in the general aviation terminal now if you look around this is really some beautiful lounge here it's very very cozy and it is totally empty um yup apart from a very friendly guy who was serving me this lovely cappuccino here now i can enjoy great views if i just turn around a little bit over here and what you see or what you don't see in the background is now you can have a great look here a beautiful falcon 900 operated by xiaoro of the netherlands and that's going to be my ride for today i will have a roughly two hour flight from amsterdam down to figary and corsica mediterranean island french island and i'm looking forward to being the only passenger aboard with a lovely crew of two pilots and charming flight attendant and i'm really looking forward to this exciting trip here xiaoro is one of the leading private jet operators in europe and i'm glad to start a new series here starting with the classic falcon 900 long-haul business jet three engines absolutely something lovely really like those three jets and they do also operate a fleet of brand new 7x aircraft hopefully we can have a look at that later separately now it's time for meeting the crew they already gathered down here in the briefing room let's uh get to know them and then thereafter let's look over their shoulder and chase them to the aircraft i wish you and myself a lovely day a great flying experience and a very nice glimpse into luxurious life of private jet operations welcome aboard eclipse so welcome air clip viewers welcome on chapel today we have a nice flight into figurine and we will take you in our falcon 900 the c model and the flights probably will take roughly uh one and a half hour and a little bit i think one hour three quarters i think that's it that's like like the plan like to introduce marco my colleague he's also captain and sandra so go ahead marco yeah my name is marco we're flying for x0 now already uh from the start when it began we always well i always flew in a private jet aviation i like it a lot and we will tell you a little bit more during the flight sandra yeah hi my name is sandra and i will be the hostess today and this flight and i forgot to introduce myself my name is rob rob the man so for those guys who do not know where skipper is skripal is amsterdam mzm is the main capital of uh of holland and we go to figure figurine is a very nice island the corsica island and now we'll take you for the flight preparation debriefing towards the computer take my jacket off it's still hot here so we work with the crew briefing program so everything is uploaded by our operations it gives us the weather it gives us the the no terms of the flight our operation flight lock additional uh stuff regarding the the passengers fueling policy we always fly in a kind of fuel index fully next year in amsterdam or skipple is 100 and based on the the price on the other fields we can decide to take more or go for more or less on a minimum fuel requirement towards the destination and for this part we need almost 15 000 pounds of fuel it's a completely tree we get with it i checked this morning everything already marco i think you did it the same before you came here so basically the paperwork went that heavy as the aircraft we are allowed to leave it's always a lot of paperwork for yeah yeah and we are it's for tena yeah this looks so good some occasionally 380. no big deal let's see 230 is probably 30. now yeah i see some showers here as well yeah i saw him this morning so the departure time might be good 240 goes to 20 years you can expect that i'm way too too yeah six kilometers in shower range see bees broken no big deal and figuring that's 250 to 30 50 tempo in between arrival yes at three o'clock okay it's good so there it's 2 30 with the fifth tempo we can expect tempo between thirteen fifteen hundred yeah yeah to seventeen gusts so that's uh what is it fifteen roughly fifteen crossing cross all right yeah perfect and uh joshua was the um alternative over the airport that's good as well perfect i'll check all the the no toms no big deals here so there's no difficult stuff i figure i list two three is insertable i don't know and 19. visual weather so yep all right i accidentally joshua is the yeah it sucks let's see about the fuel it's 14 40 500. so i assume we take on fifteen thousand years of clothing you use and a little bit extra correct anyway excellent okay we do that for the ipads the unroot weather significant uh weather chart yes with amsterdam figurine so we're here in this area what is it icing and some turbulence the ground till flight level 160 so yeah the parts will have some bumpy bump stuff probably and here in the middle of the route it gives you some uh turbulence 270 till 400. so it's important to climb fast to to overfly because we are filed with fly level 410 yeah so we'll make it directly and maybe we go straight to 410 i think performance-wise we are able to do so and then here the next is occasionally cb from ground till uh 3 80 so probably will be above it hopefully i'll pick some tops and then down here to figure is okay perfect and the winds yeah 15 knots with no turbulence no no no nothing went from the side yeah okay 410 i think it's uh southwest yes bueno all right i see the jefferson we have to update them it's not like the old-fashioned paper anymore so just click this one is running as well already and again okay updates so since we're now waiting for the for the updates of the ipad actually we do have four flights today after this flight with patrick into figuring we are going to leon with eight passengers and after leon we fly empty back to ibiza and from ibiza we fly with another i think eight people towards ain't over the netherlands so it's a it's a long duty today we started here at uh the flight at the quarter to one so meaning that uh our duty starts at 12 a quarter to 12 actually and we are close to uh 11 o'clock in uh yeah so it's a long day for us and also each day it's different i think now we've got four uh four legs but sometimes we we only have one leg and we stay for two days in the city long days sometimes you're a week somewhere sometimes we are yeah we have five flights on it on a day that's uh you never know where you end no that's right it's always a surprise sometimes yeah to explain something about operations uh operation wise we mainly fly in europe but also we have some periods that year flights along the across the world we have had flights into australia south africa south america and canada united states japan china so literally around the world and actually with this aircraft the 900 you can reach every part in the world just with one shield stop except australia and new zealand and that makes it nice because if you're a really long-haul flight let's say 14 hours off i think it will be boring anyway without uh stretching your legs yeah in between that's a nice combination so you fly europe and sometimes you got the nice flights uh yeah yeah across the ocean or something three four weeks ago i was in the malady for uh almost more than a week and it was actually it was just holiday it was not even work it was just like holiday not mentioned there it was a tough rough yeah work week everything was nice yes as we can see the data is current now so basically this is the flight uh our flight plan i already checked it with the this is the nav log i checked it already with uh with the original flight plan it corresponds so we can see a new flight we will put in a door region no amsterdam where the destination fighter lima fox killer fox and alternate lima fox kilo juliet and then we started to enter the the whole route low pick november eight five two shoot all uni from november 852 and that shows us the route here on the ipad and here we can switch from the original take off uh amsterdam to destination airport there it is and we are now in amsterdam as you can see amsterdam is a big airport we've got six runways and so one two three four five and this is the little one the original where that original started that's mainly used for the general aviation that's why we're gonna take off runway two two so now we're ready to go let's go okay guys i think this is gonna be a nice ride i hope you enjoyed the first part already i did and now let's move over to the aircraft okay thank you i follow you let's crank it up there's the mini thing coming well brings us to the aircraft it's always a nice experience to depart from a general aviation terminal this was about a 10 meters away i guess from the departure lounge to the bus now it's a very short drive over to the aircraft and then we're gonna see the beauty of a three-hole over there looking forward to that you only have to wait for uh let's go somewhere yeah and in my view she's the most important person for this flight it is no offense that's right don't take it personally we started with a sunny morning here and now uh it's like raining all over and then we have the sun again yeah you can see four seasons in one day if you want good yeah and i think it's pretty windy today so i think we have a good pilot's challenge here today you know yeah well i think so rob is flying so should be no problem good so how much how much uh what wind do we have on takeoff how many knots it's uh 20 25 gusting okay in the departure straight from the front or 20 degrees yeah okay well so almost half of the of the wind components marco which is your favorite destination to have a layover also or to fly to murcia wow oh yeah yeah because i lived there oh yeah that would be the best i can understand that yeah i've never been there yet by uh flying with x-rays no no no not yet okay maybe in in the future i hope and yes rob my yeah to be honestly the last time i was in the maladies on a private island yeah that was just uh should be good the top yeah really yeah better you will never get it in life no no [Music] i was last month in uh an island from in greece okay yeah yeah that's an interesting life i think like yeah the caribbean uh white sands blue i've never heard of it no me neither but it was very nice sounds good yeah all right let's go thunder after you yes [Music] hello again well we uh we're gonna do the walk around now with the falcon 900 the c model so yeah come with me i will show you some things first we always take off the the pitoc offers we've got ten so i always put them there here on the floor first and then when we are finished i count them to be sure that i have everything ugh so it's one two three four five to so they are basically here because that the holes gets covered and there are no insects going inside or dust so i put this first in the back all right oh there's no battery on it yet okay let's first connect the battery so here we've got two batteries we have to connect them we always take it off after last flight we disconnected because maybe they can leak and we will we will get a flat battery and when you come in this side when you come inside we've got the fire extinguishers one two three four five and there's one outside to protect uh this side as well for fire so they're all good no normally but um all right so i always look a little bit the the range of the stability of the step if it looks outside is normal i go to the tires it is now loose cables we checked and in the front if you go from the other side you will see uh the brake pins they are here they're still sticking outside so if they are totally in then it's uh it's time to renew them but it's good oh oil leakage or some hydraulic liquids or something i leave them down when we later we'll start up the engines we will notice that the hydraulic pressure the system is is working because they will go up then let's see i'm looking for damage in something this one is free of movement that's good the static discharges you get them also there so i'm basically checking if there's no uh bumps in the in the wing on the leading edge i take a few here for the fuels lodge and the engines that look so good one of uh a very important thing with the fog 900 is when they they are towing the aircraft they have to disconnect the pin is this one the tires they are good you're basically the same if every cable and rods are perfect and we do the same thing on the other side here we've got the parking brake accumulator so it's set at three thousand millimeters one thousand this size so it's good brakes see basically the same all right the fuel guy is here so i will uh program the fuel one moment perfect hey come in stella so this is the fuel panel i put it on the 15 000 this goes on on on this one is impartial you're already connected so it has to start we check here if there's no leakage of oil so that's basically it so we did a walk around in the fog 900 now uh the fuel guy is uh fueling the aircraft so let's see what i can do more let's see what rob wants for me all right so outside is clear you did a walk around here yeah i've done a walk around everything is good nice baggage compartments closed okay then for the viewers welcome on the fly deck of this falcon 900 c model from xero company located in the in the netherlands and we're now going to start the apu first put on the generators and the batteries we check the the voltage voltage in the green so we can start pump on then shall we check the master rights clear right so let's put the irises on let's check and on my side as well flight time is to zero oxygen how to do this one altitude and a biggest test i because do again the the ground props because he that he didn't have any loaded i will load the fly plan okay yeah perfect it's working kf air brakes i will go shell close the door yes all right okay doors closed and locked that's not nice about to see the the c and the ex falcon 900 it's electric with a 900b we have to sweep it and we have to first go to the gym to do that all right okay three degrees the leaf is one two one nine eight zero cleared figurine uh low pick one golovk in the climb six dow six zero fly level six zero and three one six one sport kramer 3t4 okay um what do we have low people golf departure out of room at 22 next roll and we have a score of three one yeah i put in the flight of the already three three four are we but it's checked let's see what that will bring locust one goal hello pick one golf yep out of the final radio that's uh 163 radial [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so let's do the checklist preparation checklists avionics masters emergency interior lights objects yeah no smoking sign s three times as well gallipower on setko master on rtu two times hold on check my standby horizon engaged landing gear panel i tested the current pressure is tested and set fuel used we have to zero it yes zero fuel quantity sufficient for the flights hydraulic quality zero to my side the battery temperature tested oxygen mask and mics on my side is 100 and tested maintenance panel i checked the standby pump yeah i put it to auto the air brakes position tool stop 2 i tested air brakes zero and light out and the standby pump all right guys time to settle in for me the cockpit film work part number one is done now part number two comes the passenger part and luckily we got sandra up from there thank you so much for the center it looks absolutely awesome yeah thank you i really feel like a vip i understand i'm not but they treat me as one and that thank you very much exahero now i think i should have some of this right okay let me try there's friends lady again it's a stall stall let's search for takeoff yes anc one and two i tested tested egbws tested the raider weather terrain the weather i got the weather terrain and traffic on my side to an eid test epic test tested fms three times that's programmed and so on all sides now checked i take off told cards and speeds 121 172 and a diamond speed 190. all right all set scene all the mirrors you need so once you want to set my size your size and departure settings set on my sides yeah i have 10108 decimal 4 and uh outbound radio 1 5 0 towards lopic all right yeah i've got the first part of the 163 that's just a bit good mommy turn at 500 left how many passengers can this one [Music] 45 minutes of service really yeah it's like it is the reason i need to do a lot of preparation before to be like really fast and for uh afterwards we're gonna have nine questions as well tough job for you thank you very much okay marco we are going to fly to uh figurine we will start at the engines then we will taxi out uh turmoil to the left gulf delta and we will fly out of runway 2-2 the weather notice how it checked uh yeah it's a little bit rainy here but with the weather rather a weather radar and hc do have sight on the on the weather as well so probably we get radar vectors if it's a cloud or whatever is on our route in vigory the weather is good i wrote no particular things the only thing is we have some we might have some bumpy in the first part of the of the flight after that we will fly over the over the weather the aircraft is good we only have three ddl items but it's only cabin related so not towards the aircraft it's satcom i think one chair and another small thing so no no big issues a threat an error as briefed before it's just a little bit bumpy here and some uh some rain all right and then we will fly out of runway two two it's a rumored track 500 feet then we make a left turn to intercept the radial 163 and finally fire the fms we will track outbound the radar 150 towards a low pick in the climb 6-0 yeah at 2000 feet contact atc yes and so i do not have any questions everything is programmed the speeds are set you have any questions uh no i don't have questions ask your son how far she is and otherwise we can ask for the startup okay sandra we are about ready to go are you ready there was a very short time that we had here actually preparing the flight and um actually the one who's guilty is me because uh of course setting up all the cameras for the concrete flight um in a solid way that takes time and we came already a long time before the flight before i met the crew i spent some additional two hours at the aircraft fitting a total of more than 20 cameras on the flight deck in the cabin and i think now we have a good holistic view so that you can really get the whole impression of this fantastic falcon 900 trijet and also the fantastic service of xiaoro that they offer to their clients so really looking forward i think right now is start-up time sandra told me that usually she would come to the passengers welcome them in a very personal way and explain introduce yourself and explain the route but since today is a bit different i'm not a normal passenger i'm not a vip i'm just a guy from the street um and also we knew each other we introduced ourselves in the crew room i asked her to skip that and anyway we don't have much time i think engine startup is about to come out now so i'm very much looking forward to whatever whatever's gonna come now and i hope you want to enjoy with a green drink a good smelling green drink hmm a great tasting green drink delivery good afternoon kremer 334 uh request start up now quickly for uh a little bit traffic for another runway i give you a call in one or two minutes sir uh let's copy standing by you like to have some newspapers no thanks never thought i would become a film star yeah what about you huh maybe we never know the route to hollywood huh for the new top gun oh well what kind of wind did you put here 330 was four five five knots average uh what up okay i'll send the text messages start up in about one two minutes three three four where the tango q h on zero two general aviation next one two one nine three zero inflation okay one 171.2 and next frequency one two one nine three zero kramer three three four but are we clear startup is proved general aviation star approved before okay all right check right yes right side click start starting number two yes light up all pressure rising checked fifty percent and now we got the generator line yes minus -50 yeah okay check right again uh still clear number three that looks good and number one coming up yes it looks good all right and the outside please the afternoon star checklist circuit breakers fall in check a b buses about normal falls and ends you are checked isolation rotary switch checked the windshield hit normal on your damper yo themself standby pump on hydraulic pressure and quantity checked sufficient anti-skid tested sled flaps sf2 indicating yes stall one and then start two yeah we tested wiring panel we got one light flat controls checked so again and the eyes yeah the eyes can check now let's check it yeah it's rising oh three rising yeah as well i guess i could do the digs here on the on the spot yeah let's do it it's a short texture all three back to 40. and stabilized let's see what it does perfect yep coming back well after any subject is completed next accident yes general aviation 334 at kiloman 5 request taxi okay you may take me out from your parking position to call delta at call delta hold position and call me back on this frequency taxi out yes please [Music] [Music] all right let's see the brakes check your brakes number two yeah checks all right i've got fms 2 fms on your side speeds 104 121 190 lnf coupled on your side to go around six thousand five six zero and negative twenty with q nate's one zero one two and now passing heading the zero three zero no and it's all cross checked okay contact one to one still on the 334 as it looks we're getting quite some weather and takeoff which makes it more fun i guess so let's go for it here inside it's dry okay let me first do that the taxi checks the textiles one transponder let's put it on song breaks two on checks and set in one again flight instruments check the thresher first just check peaks we didn't spot the flaps app the faps the feds flaps app trim speeds they're all set slider window close keyboards apu is off cabin departure briefing is standard coordination if anything appears before v1 we stop after that we fly the srd and we handle the problem and together we decide what to do all right perfect hello kremer 334 and both delta requests this is where we may not actually go on hopefully 3v4 hey 100. [Music] two three zero bye-bye yeah are you ready or i'm ready for reaching yes all right tower please just request a radar vectors around it if possible we request rain effects around the weather kramer 34. okay we'll make it a runway heading then for starters really having to maintain climb to 3 000 feet on this frequency q81012 landing lights and all warning lights out yeah okay are you ready ready yo yo take me okay yeah trust checked acceleration normal [Applause] 80 microphones hero we should keep you clear of the weather sf1 and the level 60 mpg sm0 sm0 about today kramer at 54 and heading 180 climbing level 60. sf0 set check just ask a heading 190. set by your side continue yeah continue on hitting 180 miles their weather rate is better speed 250 speed 250. speed 250 is set yep yes [Music] stand at the set pass 4-5 now okay landing wraps let flaps clean climb power set ignition instant ground start and the eyes [Music] hey firm foreign it's climbing it's good climb check is completed i'm able um low pick or whatever yeah this one on the tickets here so yeah okay check gamer334 climb zero yes it's coming and hanging on level one three zero and sets for the shutter speed vertical speed mount select 490 in the climb 334 you may proceed direct to low pick contact amsterdam one two three eight five zero global one two three eight five zero bike range low pick direct lopic assets and el nino coupler lmf thank you and couples oh clouds yes out of the clouds out of blue that's the nice thing i try to get uh in contact with them before the climb flight of the water you make me work today yeah [Applause] that's what happened when we fly manual isn't it speed 300 out of ten thousands okay lights and i can put on the autopilot yeah finally when all the hard work is done all right thank you outside engage in lnf your side effort the speed mouse wonderful let me do that ten thousand checks ten thousands climb passing ten thousand landing lights off fast simple sign off and the entry door curtain that's to go it's with cycle flight level mode yeah selected yes [Music] okay let's get the times i left nothing foreign check so you arrive at five to three local time five minutes to three yeah twelve fifty five you can see so it's almost two hours flight yeah it's one uh 150 okay 152. [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] there's the galley just a quick look i don't want to bother sandra during my work but you have everything you need here with all the glasses and storage is hot and cold and so on but again don't let me bother her now during her work since especially since i'm the one taking the benefit of her work on this flight i don't want to interrupt her so let's see the guys up front definitely they are having fun that's good if they have fun i assume you will have fun too and i'm very very happy i think we are going to have a good film and this is what makes me happy whether we have a good film or not i leave it on you to judge please leave me a couple of comments here below the film i really really appreciate your comments it keeps me going and please be so kind speak with me where were the crews let's talk about some systems in this aircraft particularly in this uh three-engine aircraft uh marco yeah the viewers the airclip viewers yeah explain them a little bit rob what we're gonna talk about well basically we have three engines and uh we have several systems with a good backup redundant systems we have two buses the abers and the b bus that provides electrical uh stuff to all the systems it's now uh disconnected so let's say if you have uh you lose an engine on the system one that's the the a the abuse let's say you lose number one engine you still have number three engine that provided the the bus electricity and the number b bus is uh provided by the by the second engine so if you lose number two you don't have uh electricity on the b bus only from your batteries so the only thing you have to do in flight is just to open the bus the two engines provide the two buses on the for the whole system yeah it's basically a simple system nice thing about the the falcon it's they they write it down as well you know the e the a bus the b and with the disconnection and just connect it yeah this is also what's the other system there with the fuel system is the hardware is the the the the planemetics the bleed the bleed system yeah it's nice this time you see here with the fuel systems it's basically the same we've got uh like it offset three engines we also have three fuel compartments so you gotta hear the wing so it's for the engine number one and the right wing is for n geometry and then we have the in the fuselage that's uh for the engine number two we can add yeah cross transfer is basically cross feeding it is from one tank till direct to the engine one moment drop you have to do uh an rpg you call it out to h0 climb fly level three nine zero three three four five two nine zero checked i'll go in the first speed mode so uh that's fine i just hit one thousand minutes yeah checked so we were talking about the fuel system um yeah we can cross feeds from end we've got either engine one two and three so you got the line from the wing if we open this one we can cross feed to two if the tree if we want [Music] [Music] [Music] and the good thing of this aircraft is you never have to switch off actually a pump to cross feet because if you open one of these valves that energize the other pump a secondary pump or an extra pump so you can over over pressure in this in the system so it flows directly to the to the side you want to have it i'm switching into the mach area 0.80 checked and here we have the fuel indications we've got a total of almost 13 000 pounds and at the moment correctly divided you see the temperature of the fuel so it's plus 20. it has to be at least three degrees above the freezing level of the jet a yeah i never had a low temperature uh have you had a once a low temperature in the no not that much and as i told we just switched off from the vmo area into the mach area and it has to do with the compressibility of the of the air and basically in the this height we are flying on on a mac figure percentages of speed of sound how long ago did did we do your uh line check my line check yeah when you became captain on the 900 a year two years ago already uh it's now one half year ago yeah it was also towards italy i think isn't it was towards italy oh the czech was bologna or something time flies when did you start in aviation how did you became a pilot oh man that's a long long story wow we've got one hour one half hour yeah well i can't do it briefly it's too short i started in 91 that time i was working for another company not not aviation related 91 and then did my ppl yeah ppl i was finished ppl and i think at night yeah 95 i decided to become i want to become an uh professional pilot so i left left the netherlands i quit my job left netherlands towards florida and lakeland there did my multi-engine instruments a single engine instrument it took me half a year and after that i went to uh california that's also kind of a package and i flew 300 hours 300 hours on a beach 99 flying cargo it was a merry flight there was a feeder company for the ups yeah and i flew between oakland and burbank fresno so night operations and when i had all those those hours three three hundred hours i was done in three that was done in three year months uh i went to the klm flight academy sorry you came back to the klm flight academy yeah to do my atpl theory and when that was done i uh converted my uh my stuff my uh flying out with hpl yeah to into us how to call it the cpl and at that time it was very yeah poor business in the aviation so i uh i got another job in january uh no no yeah i think january 98 99 or something like that and i was just another four years in in aviation not in aviation but in the telecom and after that uh i started my own company my handling company in vege in la brewer yeah it's a former military airport that they converted into a civilian one so there i started yeah the uh the handling i did it for one year and then the opportunity came just to go to fly the jets i flew started on the nine on the citation citation 550 then the citation 650 i flew also uh one year gulfstream 100 or astra spx all right and yeah and then the falcon 910 all the time for the 900 i think eight nine years already yeah that's quite historical also a lot of uh contract work in africa gabon for the government also in uh angola luanda in africa how's that yeah i live i like africa i like it every day is different nice people always fun but you have to pay attention here what what are they doing yeah let's say if you have to buy fuel look for the fuel truck if it's zeroed because most of time they already took some fuel out of it they put it in the cars yeah and then you have to pay those uh those 30 or 40 liters but uh rainer kramer before requesting go ahead is possible to level up with the flight of 390 for the final cruise um what's your what's your cruising number gonna be eight eight four eight three uh eight zero eight three uh in that case it's not possible there's uh slower traffic in front of you climbing is about 10 miles ahead at the moment it's a 737. okay we can slow down if we want here we can slow down if you want greater than 24. okay if you want to slow to 7 8 or less then 39 is available yeah okay for the moment uh three niners here and then we'll fly uh point seven eight roger thanks thank you does bonk 737 there slow movers no i know afterwards you can you can climb on top of it that's good check yeah ceiling out just 400 with uh isa 7. and if we go do a direct or something no sorry no i thought maybe if we have a direct to cut some corners we can uh pass him by but actually too let's see if we can see it with speed frame 3 3 4. checked no like i was saying i was flying to tunis or something so we landed over there and he said do you need handling if you need handling it will cost you one thousand dollar okay so i was looking to my colleague so we don't need headline is it anyway because you want us in cash yeah that's seven eight coming up yeah we are in the clear and it got tomorrow i fly to khan again yeah five days where do you stay normally in which hotel yeah it's a good hotel it's the same you know what you have i like it because if you go to another hotel it's not good to say well have you ever stayed in the mmv three speeds let's copy three speed claim in three three four and uh still waiting for fly level four one zero if possible climb flight of four one zero three three four zero set checked it speed up a little bit and then we yeah it's better yeah crank it up a lot of winds 60 knots from the side yeah good third squid selected check in the climb gentlemen how are you doing yeah we're fine all good yes so um oh yeah so he's treating you well let's go absolutely yes thank you all right hello i just wanted to manage one or two batteries if you allow me yeah for a second and then go ahead and i leave you with hollywood again yeah yeah you flew the citation 650 i flew it as well it's holiday yeah i know but we never flew together no no i started in 2007 i did solo solo solid there yeah i did my flight course at the the dutch flight academy the the nls in the bake wasn't big yeah i was still in big and the flying part was uh we were the first the second class that we did the whole flight part in portugal okay yeah that was a good time in ephrata but uh yeah the main goal was to go to the airline of course yeah yeah yeah and then i i started with uh with solid there uh on the settings 650 then the piaggio the piazza fanti yeah also you never flew on the broadway did you no no never flown a but i found it was also a nice aircraft yeah funny with the propellers on the back a lot of noise yeah but not from the inside no no inside was quiet and then became captain first on the piaggio the after on the 650 then i went to to prower in germany but the owner is all the aircraft so i beca yeah okay jobless and i wasn't flying for four years because it was hard to to get a job in uh in aviation and i tried to go to the airline but i never nobody was hiring so and i had an offer with a different company but i had to pay uh 40 000 euros again for a typewriting on a premium one so i didn't do that because the depths were rising and rising so basically i was four years without flying and then uh i came back here yeah yeah at xero do you know the story how our i came back yeah i heard it you were driving a taxi somewhere yeah uh yeah i was living in spain already but uh i had a high tax declaration from the netherlands for five years before so i came back to the netherlands because yeah the salary in spain is not that good so uh yeah i drove uber and i had uh to pick up somebody it was somebody from x0 and they say you have to come inside you have to come inside shake some hands say hello yeah so everybody knew everything started again like now you come fly with us and uh yeah so you can see how life goes yeah yeah it can change momentarily yeah because after four years four years i didn't expect to fly again uh to be honest it's hard to come back but uh i'm happy that i came back now flying this aircraft fargo 900 yeah i'm lucky despite i started flying uh like commercially when i was 41 41 years old but till then i always had a job as a pilot yes great man now it's going to be crazy times again of course i'm sorry that always busy of course with the with the other stuff the uh historical aviation i'm involved in yeah you're flying uh and off yeah yeah antonov 2 round flights incentive flights air shows it's nice to do always say this is the best out of the best of uh out of two worlds yeah also fly to uh air shows and uh even to dutchfoot with the with that airplane that's nice three three four [Music] sorry speed's catching up now ready good day kramer 334 maintaining flight level 4-1-0 direct 334 odinna see you never seen the website i have on the the classic wings no what's the name of the website there's classic wings dot nil classics all right i will check it out hey if you can take over the controls for a moment and i'll have a look on the on the approach plates already yeah that's fine yeah yeah your controls fly level four one zero inbound audina fms coupled to elnov yeah so we're now almost flying over at swiss i'm gonna speak to the eclipse viewers one moment i don't know where to look out there we are overhead swiss flying almost now with uh this ground speed of 444. true airspeed is 454. we got some winds from uh from the side it's not the fastest day today but uh we're coming there flying point eight zero at fly level four ones here as well we got the temperatures here is a plus one so it's like a standard temperature the iron actually two three was out of service yes let's use the time and explore a little bit further the aircraft now there's one thing i've seen there's a lot of drawers here in the sideboard and i want to have a look what's in there must be some sort of amenities or whatever we'll know in a moment so right here we have it let's see this one fantastic macadamia nuts and nut mixes different types of nuts very very nice what else do we have here pringles a full drawer with pringles that's always good when you have a cocktail here overnight and here we got a lot of sweets that should not be my drawer you got chocolate here you got whatever that is here kitkat everything oh not too many man calories for me here below that okay for the cookie friends amongst you you got the full set of basically anything you could find in the supermarket you have it here as well for free for you to use and enjoy amazing it's variety peppermint not bad so and here i'm not sure if this continues no here we can obviously fold it up and have another uh seat absolutely interesting so for um for lunch or dinner then you can extend that seat and you have an arrangement for five people here that's awesome and here on the other side it continues so here on top we got some technical equipment ah that's more more more my type of technical equipment yeah different variations of this sort of drink is also not bad and yeah this one i can't open and down here we got some water and some refreshment towels with a logo that you have to remember predicted rain check 12 48 all pilot selects i love kiev you have to fly this this one was a continuous flight angle yeah it's a 5.3.5 if you want to have a look then uh i can brief it ready i think we go via the um arrival that's the asgard to fox arrival check starts oscar then it brings this pinot there's the initial approach fix yeah kilo fox 730 now i put that in checked let's see this is the fire pino yeah that's where peanut goes in and actually it's pretty straightforward uh straight ahead than a direct direct approach you approach it uh because since the ios is out of service remember two three check let's see rnp but we are not lpv approved well we are not equipped with lpv so the initial approach altitude will be 3500 feet in the aquilo fox 2 3 checked straight ahead level at 3 500 and we pick up the the glide of fox kilo fox 2 3 and then we go down with an um with an angle of 3.5 to the minimize you mean 1 370 that's uh that's dialed in yeah check it out you have to yeah i can take it and in case of a misapproach it's a straight ahead towards a kilofox five two zero check be aware in the in the left turn max speed 185 then we go to muzzle again then we go into the hold or we try it again whatever they want and then it's a left turns direct uh direct entry you know in the hold four thousand feet yeah now whether uh we still have to keep to pick up the weather or depending on the winds there's sort of an uh kind of an uh what is it a caution that we get turbulences during approach in the vicinity of the airport particularly from the west northwest sector it's not recommended to start the approach if the wind is more than 25 knots cursing three five now according to the the planning they said augustine 25 so on yeah from no big deal after landing check probably it's a backtrack and then the parking area is on the right side facing to the north yep uh backtrack and then to the right side oh yeah general aviation i see yeah the puppy course is one and a half degree offset left from runway yeah correct yeah we'll calculate the speeds 36.5 365 here so three six five three three four lima fox kilo fox okay my controls again all right it's your controls it's in lnf alton flight level four one zero three three four contact zero five goodbye one three two nine zero five by so we are flying uh yeah nice along the water yeah hey foreign you want to have coffee or not i said why not sandra you have two coffees please all right all aboard the knight train on the other way in uh marco we must also be luckily here that uh despite the cover that we're still flying in yeah a lot of uh charters and that's nice about the private jet industry uh we are still flying uh because the airline it's uh yeah it's difficult and i think xero is working hard on it as well and they are helping a lot of people with the i and you say the returning flights yeah representation that's what i said when i uh came back and flying i'm really happy to fly with roxato again you know i do a lot of charters yeah they also do a management of the aircraft so sometimes you find the owner of the aircraft sometimes you fly different people oh and basically i was uh checking my my logbook yesterday because i got an electronic look at the frequency for you 136.035 13605 exci romeo oscar 34 ciao radio pandra kramer 334 midnight planet 4-1-0 inbound elba yes now that i'm happy to fly here because uh yeah i'll fly the combination today with the flying four legs and sometimes you just fly one and you stay there and you see the city better get beats busy like tomorrow we fly uh to con five days you stay five days though yeah well you know five days in con is not always five days in cotton nope you got a an ad hoc flight or uh suddenly they call thank you thanks thank you but yeah i've i flew 320 destinations okay that's that's nice about the the electronic look you can see it but that's a lot i think you you will be a lot more but i don't know i never don't keep my log work anymore nah of course yeah that's with the private jet you come everywhere we're not only flying to the the big airports in small airports we fly a gun for example lugano yeah like as close as possible to the final destination of the passenger do you remember san sebastian san sebastian was nice as well well most was nice that was good what's your favorite destination for example what's your favorite airport or most challenging airport you like to fly oh this is a difficult room wait wait in the limits you know well of course of course is let's say new york titubro is that's not difficult but it's it's busy it's always busy so you have to be in a flow in uh also with atc and uh with everything and it goes fast let's go fast yeah have you ever flown to la mall no no no no or not yeah no never know yeah i've been able to beat you you cannot you may not come there no of course not i think it was a falcon 50 you can do but not with the highest airport of europe as a matter of fact i flew once from the highest airport no of europe to the lowest airport of europe it's uh 50 feet below a main sea level to samadhan which is 5 600 feet or something [Music] [Music] i was in march i was in nairobi it's also five thousand which one sorry nairobi nairobi all right i only know uh nairobi from casa de papel oh yeah no i've never been there so uh there's a new episode coming out of casa pelosi did next year this year i don't know next uh season five yeah before with the professor i don't know i stuck to season two one two two seven three zero four foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] so okay rob i got speeds for you f 124 three target one yeah we're now 129 but maybe you want to adjust it i think yeah let's have a okay guys as promised earlier let me take you for a short 360 degree tour around this aircraft now right here i'm standing in front of the passenger cabin and you can see around you is the galley area opposite to it is the passenger door right now it's closed with a curtain and on the other side here you have the crew restroom now if we go a little bit further up front i think you know this area already hi guys hello hi so we're having a walk around yeah all right that's fine so how is it in the cabin well for me it's perfect for you guys as well i think so perfect thank you okay so let's then move backwards and uh through the galley into the main cabin here right here in front you have a seating arrangement for four persons and maybe sandra may i ask you can you show us with one seat how we can recline flatten and move it a little bit that would be super nice thank you very much here we go okay inboard okay so you can have a club club arrangement here as well okay so how flat does it go you can make a flatbed with it okay so you can flatten this entirely and this one opposite and then you have flip it so how many beds can you have at the same time one two two two in the back so you can have four one completely are you in the back you have either two separate beds or one double bed amazing okay so four persons can sleep here in a fully flat bed that's amazing thank you very much sandra all right and then um we move further to the rear here's my my table where i had the lovely lunch and one thing that i find amazing that you can see here down there that is an air purifier some nasa stuff as i was told so it actually is so related to covet the covered situation and it totally cleans the air from any germs or viruses within a split second so this special machine ensures that there is absolutely zero risk of any infection here on what not bad and then we go further to the rear here we have our um sofa lounge that can be converted into a sleeping room and uh of course also you always got the great views to the outside you can see that here have a look beautiful view senra politely offering to show us how to make a bet out of this go ahead please high-tech stuff comes out electrically all right okay that's what i would call a sleeping room with a viewer right all right so you bring it back that's the full bed and then on the other side you have the same thing and you can move it in thank you very much thank you good job right guys it doesn't get uh boring here and you also have like i mean of course you don't you're not showing that now of course but you also have like bed sheets and that stuff on board the full thing yeah um i think that's too much work for you now thank you very much yeah no i flew these people we are going to pick up i flew them last week towards what is it called the coffee they went on a boat or something no no no probably because they are french aren't they yeah how's your french do you speak french yeah let's prepare us for the next flight huh all paperwork paperwork somebody told me you have to hurry up when you've got the time so you have to time when you have to hurry up no something like that it's a wise man and next time we take fuel is in the beach time we're going to ibiza back to the islands uh yeah and we have to feel more and then uh yeah then stay there so here you have the comfy area for your necessities either it's a leather chair if you want to change clothes or something if you just pull it up here you know it is turns into a toilet bowl right here behind that that mirror is the access door to the cargo compartment so if you want to change clothes you can put them back there and you can change dress access your your back which is really really nice then if we go over here you can see um the wash basin and everything that you need for refreshing yourself it's like in a five star hotel you got your towel there and then you have this secret area whoop whoop where you find everything you might need for um you know refreshing yourself you got an amenity kit here very nice you even got band-aids first aid kit and toothpaste toothbrush all the stuff you may want to have and even here you got mouthwash more toothpaste and toothbrushes hairspray everything so really five-star hotel arrangement in the skies i got lots of little drawers here and stuff yep and i think the most fascinating thing about this room actually is and why i really like it in fact you got all the three engines around you right one two three you can even see here that the the ceiling of the cabin gets lower and that's because of that engine going down already from the top of our head so that's something particular for sure about the falcon 900 sometimes difficult to explain people the kind of work we are doing here yeah i think it's only glitter and glamour yeah for me it's only the flying part the flying part is the most nice part of it and you live the life of the rich and famous without being rich and without being however yes on the other hand however customer satisfaction is of course primary and flying secondary but whether it goes on the outer pilots the personal auto pilot and the the really hard part of the machine real autopilot it was yes 334 maintaining flight of 410 elba romeo oscar 334 sometimes first time i was in italy yeah i didn't had that much experience um they gave me a clearance yeah and uh with the italians because i tell you so the the accent is under you not not on on the on the last side it was difficult for me hard to uh yeah to write down the clearance and then this guy said i tell you you take a penny paper you write it down they also uh say twice yeah yeah like jimmy two times you know he sent three thousand that's nice look that's uh corsica isn't it yep there we go the island back to the islands all right that's the pizza the blue islands healthy people sorry healthy people yeah roma for standing by for decent three three four vertical speed so take off that gold card is done for the next flight okay a decent checklist below and fly level 100 is set yeah and we are in the mission now the pressurization let me see it's 85 i thought that's 1.5 approach briefing has completed the sand checklist is completed thank you no it's nice weather it's a visual yeah you're gonna go for a visual yeah let's see how it works out over there i think it's i think if we take the procedure will be nice so anyway straight in yeah that's basically it actually it's a pretty straightforward if it's a direct direct final pinol 6000 yeah one of the threats is of course the the uh high terrain right that could be a threat yeah but only in uh in bad weather but now it's uh and a win because it can be it might be turbulence uh nah pinot noir pretty straight on the on final so rob do you feel the pressure the pressure yeah under pressure you got fuel pressure i mean normally we fly max 14 people and now you've got maybe one million in the back yeah watching overhead your shoulder it's the the biggest flight ever i probably never put it on youtube just a crap probably not under pressure we got fuel pressure we got hydraulic pressure yeah all pressure but now rope pressure and raw pressure yeah now i don't think so i think you are uh well experienced to deal with the pressure of one million people watching you it must be fun if it's not funny anymore you have to quit yeah that's right it has to be serious but it has to be found this job is too nice to uh yes just too nice too nice to don't like it nah of course have you ever spoken over at the pa yeah i did sometimes hello we are 25 000 now coming up so you're asking me to put more cameras because you don't have enough right yeah yeah that's the thing exactly one two three four five six seven fourteen fourteen with the ones i'm putting now up front we have 14 plus additional six in the cabin all right six in the cabin so this is the 360 camera one of the three yeah it's my favorite for the time being but do you see me nope oscar rob is gonna make a very smooth landing hopefully now for sure and uh he's gonna fly by hand so uh my seat belts are faster sandra thank you very much for the chance to have a chat here and to enjoy your beautiful services you're welcome thank you so you told me earlier you're flying for this company for um like four years already yes about four years and what have you have you been in aviation before never no it was my first time okay so uh and uh what are you are you gonna stick to aviation now or uh yeah i'm a mother of three kids so it's kind of difficult yes exactly so what i'm doing now it's it's just enough yeah okay but that's nice yes okay so um and and what what did you do before if i may ask what did you do before flying yeah um i was working in a hospital it's funny but i'm a respiratory therapist okay okay that's good i see and um so what what do you i mean then you have two very different things to compare what do you like about aviation everything everything yes it's very exciting to to fly around to see new countries and new people cultures everything is amazing i mean flying this aircraft i'm sure you are not allowed to to tell names but flying this aircraft you must have met some really high ranks and celebrities and stars actually is that right sure yeah so how does that feel how is it working with the with the top famous guys yeah actually people is always very kind it's not something like difficult for them to be themselves in a private life when they are here okay okay well it's good to hear and do you i mean i understand when you have three kids at home you're not really looking for long layovers but i think sometimes you will have a layover somewhere right of course and do you have any any favorite location for that well all the spanish talking language talking countries i think always is my favorite because i feel immediately local because because i'm from colombia colombia very nice very nice we don't go that much to colombia but alert to spain and portugal they speak there as well a lot of spanish have you ever gone to to colombia on during work me not but the company ah you must have been jealous to be on that slide yeah then which place in colombia are you from i'm from armenia i mean it's the coffee and which was the best layover that you ever had which was the best day can you think of any i would say faro portugal yes oh good it's really nice really beautiful a lot of nature and perfect weather oh good and are you flying now for the um af geeks amongst us here are you flying different aircraft types or is it just an only um falcon 900 no we i also fly in a falcon 7x oh and cessna and sovereign uh 650 okay cool and which which aircraft do you like the best yeah all are beautiful all right good good aircraft huh yes i understand that now the next leg is going to be a tough nap for you right yeah that will be 11 passengers 11 passengers and only 45 minutes of flight time right no flight time but the service time will be 30 minutes yes so what what are you to do on this leg what any service yes of course i will receive cannabis like it's beautiful always and very simple and champagne juices exactly what i did in the beginning which is nice nice lucky guys i can confirm from my experience yeah and then um that is from figary to leo france and then you go ferry from leon to imisa exactly um so you got a little bit of a you know you're the lucky guy on this leg i mean you have to prepare but you can maybe relax for a minute or two yes of course oh that's good yes we always got a time enough to fix everything yeah and then um from ibiza you have 11 or no what is it nine nine months nine passengers going to eindhoven yes a second and they i assume they received a full service like meal again exactly because it's two hours of flight so then we will have a lot of catering and that is going to be quite a challenge for you again no no it's it's longer so that makes makes it easier because then you got more time to do better service okay well i can i can confirm that you have a natural hospitality it was super super nice being served from you thank you so much for this was really memorable and you do a great job here that's for sure thank you so marco when do you want me to start hand flying whatever you want you have emojis your motion sick motion pills zero five zero one two one zero five zero kramer 334 bye and team one six nine charlie descent five thousand feet are you interested in visual approach foreign foreign expect one hold off at pinal we start reducing now uh kramer34 is set on my side hold of pinot activate oh holy okay you don't need to hold the rope so you are cleared for the rn piece two three via pineal uh reduce speed 250. rmp slowing down to 50. check good cabin is ready thank you the ten thousand six ten thousands [Music] zero the landing lights on cabin altitude checked efb secured and the cabin 10 minutes bye uh this controller the winch yeah figurine tower good day kramer 334 in a decent six thousand feet unites one zero and if possible we like to descend more clear for two yeah so i'm leaving three five now check two three three five and for claim three three four do you have the actual wins at the ramen23 degrees maximum one six alright let's copy thank you okay six thousand check out about disconnects oh he's gonna fly manual vertical speed check so we have to report fox kilo fox i've got the runway inside you got it yeah i don't see the white strip okay somewhere between l 11 and 12. so if you want to have a speed or something ask me so the pros checklist xp is enclosed altimeters uh ultimate cross checked antidote restored cabin is ready a project is completed so two miles to go to four kilometers 190 speed 190 set do fox charlie to perform 180 on the intermediate turnaround card to give way to a 19. check copied thanks for watching sf2 set select gear down gear down okay down three greens yeah let's get started pumps on all right three sm3 wait a little bit set speed 160 speed 160. before landing ignition airs that landing gear down reveals confirm yes sir stand by bomb on and skip tested air brakes zero sled flap stand to go the go around altitudes it's not possible with the finish and text slides on check ss3 sf3 set target speeds check plus five target plus five set and we are clear the visual yep yep check yeah four thousands completed checked landing landing rx2 mx2 yeah set yoyo 120 110 the hot items non-standards 100s 90 80. continue at the end then backtrack is possible 50 now welcome on the ground here on behalf of x arrow jack ah apu is on my battery is off yes and mine as well the your dampers often and one community after landings yes uh after the ntis of ignition grounds that peter hits off winter lead off antiqual that's to go landing lights off transponder is leaving us send by trims set to take off air brakes here sled flaps clean a b bus style light on an ap on foreign my stuff he wants his nose there i don't know don't see this guy i'll turn around there's the yellow line i think i didn't yeah you can turn normally they'll show you uh what he wants it's busy here yes yeah it is working here we go okay yeah pop two thank you after the parking now check the parking checklist parking brake sets parking brake lights on and steady and the ice engine off power leaves cut off boost the pump one three off and two in standby taxi light or fast simple sign off transponder standby stand my pump off chokes i don't know are the trucks in place yes yeah all right we'll leave it on all right the parking check is completed so eclipse viewers i hope you enjoy the flights and uh welcome in figurine on behalf of adobe demand and myself and of course x0 see you next time bye [Music] you
Views: 87,651
Rating: 4.864337 out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, JustPlanes, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, TV, view, Samchui, Sam, Chui
Id: HcdWqO6cI_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 45sec (8445 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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