Transatlantic Airbus A220-300 Delivery: Air Baltic ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE Montreal-Riga [AirClips]

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good afternoon from Mirabelle in Quebec Canada we're here at the Airbus Canada production facility where the Airbus and what these are being built my name is Paul Salafists I'm a captain and head of flight operations at air Baltic yeah hello from my sides and specifically to all of the Eclipse fans as Paul's already mentioned we're in Mirabelle in the production facility for the a220 and my name is Giovanna McKee I'm chief pilot at our Baltic and as well a captain only a 220 and today we have a very exciting day ahead of us a very interesting day where we're taking our brand new aircraft from Mirabelle we're doing a direct ferry flight to Europe back to our home base in Riga Latvia we'll be doing that shortly currently behind us we have our next aircraft which is in production so the aircraft were flying today is our 18th Airbus 220 of our all new Airbus 220 fleet and the aircraft you see behind us is the 19th aircraft the one that will be taking shortly just in a few days or possibly next week it's always an exciting process to take delivery of brand new aircraft here in the factory in Mirabel in Montreal and so we're quite excited to be leaving in about an hour and framing the aircraft directly over to Riga the aircraft were flying today was accepted a few days ago and is fully ready for flight the opportunity to do the acceptance and the delivery flight is something special we've had the honor to do numerous times already before with our growing fleet it's something great to take a brand new aircraft state-of-the-art the most modern airliner out there in a brand new state and bring it from the factory bring it home to its new home where it'll be flying and doing lots of work for us as they're both because the airline the the flight today will take approximately eight hours but we'll do a full briefing once we get into the aircraft and show you the route as well will shortly be gathering our stuff and we'll be on our way out to the aircraft [Music] [Music] you [Music] but the aircraft has just been towed out to the stand we can actually see it on our left-hand side it's it's parked with the stairs there and as soon as we're finished with the briefing here we're gonna be making our way out to the aircraft a few papers printed out of course we try to keep it clean on the iPad but we still remember the documents that we're printing out and working with on the paper but basically if you'll just start going through what we have here today we'll be operating as airBaltic or Bravo tango India nine eight zero one on our flight out from Mirabelle to Riga that's direct flight all the way crossing over the North Atlantic just some of the big figures for the flight today we'll have a flight time of seven hours and 57 minutes so almost eight hours is planned with the cruise speed of 0.7 eight and we should be making the North Atlantic crossing at flight level four one zero yeah we need to get up before we get our North Atlantic clearance but I think weight-wise we should be good mm-hmm tanks is always full coming the leaving the factory that's one of the good things about taking new aircraft part of the deal is you buy a new aircraft you also get full tanks of fuel and so in our case that's 17 tons onboard today perfect I think every car manufacturer could let us I take it down out of an example yeah would be appreciated for we were flight planned with alternate for destination is palanga that's a in Lithuania no problems on that 30-minute flight from Riga if we need to go to to alternate and of course with a few full full tanks we are not in a minimum fuel type of situation we should have a few tons extra left over once we complete the flight mmm we have the the routing for today we put it into the iPad into our Jefferson charts it's pretty standard as we've been doing before leaving out from Mirabelle we're crossing over to Newfoundland to position hoist which is our entry point into the North Atlantic further our routing takes us just south so we'll be crossing the southern tip of Greenland just on the very tip of that and then proceeding westwards correction eastwards coming just south of Iceland and to cross over north of the Faroe Islands and then it didn't is our exit point of the North Atlantic and then we're into almost the homestretch which is crossing just north of Oslo in Norway south of Sweden of Stockholm Sweden and then into into Riga in Latvia expecting in Riga I think it forecast winds is a approach from the south northwards to landing on runway 36 going into the weather and no times both of us have been doing this flight a number of times so we have a pretty good experience and know what to expect on route and both here at the home base of Airbus here in Mirabelle and obviously also in in Riga no time wise I haven't marked anything of particular interest that would be operationally anything I don't know operationally significant into the weather Riga is forecast it's actually good weather and actually nice the temperature will be nice it's getting warmer and expecting is just some light clouds when we're coming in for our landing which will be early morning destination alternate is fine weather-wise on route we have a number of interesting places that we could use as our loot Ultimates Goose Bay on the coast in Canada mm-hmm I haven't been there before I think you have yeah I have yeah when we've heard the queue for hundreds from Toronto over to Riga brand-new we have a stop in Goose Bay for refueling so it's there if we need it help the weather wise there actually some light snow is forecast light rain but but still the aerodrome is definitely usable here we have some of the weather charts coming out with our routing as we see actually a very light bit not not the ordinary picture that we we have a very light wind taking us initially as a tailwind then coming turning into a headwind when once for a cross into Europe right I think the total impact on the flight was that we're looking at a total even a headwind yeah component of just two knots on the route for the entire route oh this is rather unusual but it's Shirin stuff a long flight time yeah we have a long flight time which I mentioned before just under eight hours or seven hours 57 I think the quickest I've done this flight is around seven hours and 10 minutes yeah we can see that the wind can play this role about 40-50 minutes impact on the significant weather charts nothing is on our route of consequence just a few more things we had to do a manual load sheet that's been completed yeah so we're good to go figures we'll get that loaded into the FMS and we're also balance wise fine with the empty aircraft on board it will be us and a few people from our team coming back to Riga yeah pretty light just about 55 tons takeoff weight and then with a trip fuel of roughly 13 and a half then the landing weight is just at 42 tons 42 tons coming in and and then planning to land with approximately three and a half times three to three rounds of fuel yes good I just finally just some specifics on the on the route we have a full briefing since this isn't our normal scheduled operation we have a few things just to remember with the more that North Atlantic we're actually we have the full North Atlantic briefing here a few things to note with this firstly our route takes us on purpose north above the North Atlantic tracks these are the actual tracks being used for for this afternoon's return from North America to Europe and as you can see they're taking advantage of the jet stream to get better lift over to Europe and our routing is approximately here as I said below Greenland so we're well clear of the North Atlantic traffic crossing over our aircraft is not with any HF equipment north of a nice calm so we have VHF coverage here for some part when we're talking talking with gander Gander is rebroadcast by a grim Greenland so we also have coverage here and then we have some portion here we're actually waiting to get into coverage with Reykjavik so we're clear of the North Atlantic routes you know Jetstream were or not we're below the chest same is below us and also at eye level three four zero four anything for the big picture that's what we're looking at today shows flight yeah eight hours yep nothing much to see outside it will get dark at some point mm-hmm nevertheless it is always an exciting fly to to bring in a new aircraft into Riga so and although it's standard and straight ahead that's an exciting thing to do good I think the next step is to get to the aircraft all be getting the aircraft set up with with the FMS putting in the flight plan you'll do a thorough walk around check out the airplane action I know that it's brand new our technicians have also been very busy preparing the aircraft and making sure it's alright but you'll put your professional eyes onto the air as well I will do let's do it cool yes off we go [Music] [Music] so we'll be doing a walk-around now well I'll be doing a walk-around which is basically not really required anymore because as you can imagine the the technicians and engineers have been checking this aircraft very very intensely over the last days nevertheless it belongs to a pilot's job that directly before the flight he or she just goes outside and has another look that really everything is fine and on a normal line flight what we would be looking for is any kind of damages there might have been either by ground equipment a steer which has not been placed in a proper way specifically the sensors here in the front of the aircraft are of course very very sensitive to these things but nevertheless the skin of an aircraft is very very vulnerable as well we want to see that there are no dents and no damages no scratches in there either and then of course birds as you know I'm specifically in this time of the year they they can be a very heavy impact if you collide with a bird so we do want to make sure that there are no damage yourself like that at all so I'll just do a very quick walk-around now and see that everything is really fine the nose landing gear I mentioned the the sensor it's already very very important for us I always take a very intense look that these sensors are not in any way touched brand new Airbus to 2300 as it nicely says they're on the fuselage and we're very proud of taking delivery of this 18th example of our fleet as you can see this would be normally something I would pay specific attention to there's a little bit of fluid down there on the floor we've got the APU running to the air conditioning unit with that is fed and produces air fresh air in the cabin and this is just condensed water coming out of the air conditioning system static discharges as you can see here the small little antenna line like looking things they are static discharges as you can imagine depending on the on the ambient conditions it is very important that any kind of a load electrical load onto the aircraft is discharged overboard don't want to talk about a lightning strike or something like that not the extreme cases but nevertheless friction of course causes and lighting electric statics as well so the main landing gear and has our brakes of course brakes on both sides the the nose landing gear doesn't have brakes at all the brakes on these aircraft are electric so no hydraulic lines anymore so anything you can see here it's basically electric lines which go to the brakes the the tires you have like on everything on an aircraft you've got redundancy so you could just put a single tire on it but if one tire deflates or how to say has some some damage to it during a landing run or takeoff run then you still got a second tire there so it's all about redundancy two pilots two engines two wheels on every landing gear so that if one breaks you've still got the other and as you can see here in the landing gear we don't really have any closure there's not like on big aircraft a door which would seal the the compartment of where the wheel folds in so you see that there were the the wheels come up like this they fold in and then basically this here is the the lid to the the wheel compartment the noise development we've got the apu running the apu is the the third engine actually onboard of our aircraft it is a small cone well the stall turbine engine which is located in the tail cold here you can see the doors to that little engine down here and the exhausts over there and it feeds us with electricity at the moment we don't have any other source because of course the engines are not running now it gives us fresh air in the cabin as well warm or cold whatever we'd like to do and so it powers the aircraft with all of the essentials and even here you realize how much more quiet this aircraft is in comparison to any standard aircraft you would know on the market now so it is loud but by far not as loud as you would normally hear that and the environment around an airport very much appreciates the the the lot lower noise and and and sound emissions of this aircraft as well down here we look that the ground crew would do that again but we looked at all of the doors and hatches are closed as well there's a lot of small little compartments underneath you've got the wing to body fearing here which is this part of the fuselage you see the seals are going around here and this one here just stretches around the body of the aircraft and it contains a lot of systems all the hydraulic pumps are in here a lot of other systems as well and I've got of course all sorts of little small hatches and doors which need to be closed so during my walk-around I watch as well that they don't look like this but that they are properly closed and that we can take off with everything nice and neatly done brand-new engines of course like everything on this plane they're brand new but they're not new development as well and the difference on these engines here are this is a geared turbofan so it has a gearbox basically ensuring that the engine has a much higher bypass ratio which is twelve to one which is absolutely exceptional the aircraft is in excellent condition as I thought and as we had expected so we're basically ready for our ferry flight Auriga so off we go onboard and get the final preparations done see you soon miracle radio good afternoon this is our Baltic promote hang in India 981 and we'll be good for runway zero six parabolic manner e01 verbal reading good afternoon sir we'll be ready very soon we just want to make sure with and we're parked at the moment in the Bombardier apron and we just want to make sure that you've got an active flight plan for us stop by for a minute thought you had a flight plan for me thank you and Mirabelle radio line departure echo Romeo Oscar Bravo Romeo Oscar November it's Mike Oscar Bravo uniform Bravo echo Bravo Mike Oscar the member Charlie echo Romeo do not depart on to the party Ravello D has been received thank you very much this old copy tell L read that back so runways over six for us to Riga by the Mirabelle nine departure Bieber opera on mobile app Moss Yankee Quebec Bravo and then answer and then after that as a filed and the squawk six two one one we will not be be departing without validation and I'll call you back for taxi as soon as well thanks very much for the taxi will call you on 101 decimal 8 have all take 981 yeah they actually did this last time as well where the initial part of the clearance was changed these are with these positions but from we have answer and then it's 500 so it said just the the first part of the routine until interested cool so you see I've just put in the route I double-checked it and we see it makes sense we have the total distance of three four four five and that matches our flight plan here we'll have the chance actually before when we get our our North Atlantic clearance will recheck the Atlantic points that are in the FMS web currently makes sense and that's giving us a flight time about seven hours 48 and landing fuel 3.2 tons so that's for the routing and it's initially planned in the FMS it set up for flight level three Niner zero but we know we're shooting from four one zero yeah over the North Shore so actually ready actually we can start with the pre-flight checklist minutes short here comes the pre-flight check lists ready and go on a plane don't get on board and check the emergency equipment that checked Givens on board so that was confirmed that we have here and the overhead panel they're checked except for research aerosol and checked this place just go back yeah this was dumped back into that forward this point so let's drink cool nice detector dis complete circuit breaker is sucked the ankus and info okay on the I casts looking normal with checked enforce all subjective multimeters so itself the latest on info Quebec was to nine or six five minutes sent across gender super cell across check it said well okay it's checked the pedestal meds checked bro - oh yeah that's also ejected side sticks check left check right oxygen masks left district riders checked around product arrests perfect great flight checklist complete so let us shortly look into performance really yeah I don't have to complete mine so 2:05 11 was the temperature well h2 906 moment to six-five and I'll take away this ever 55 form or 55 I've run two calculations full length and then the full length you have initially yeah I'm using the full length there and I have flaps - yes with a tank of one and a flex of 36 36 degrees on the Flex yoke off one with the seventy nine point three million and reject and then 133 34 and 38 and an accelerate stop distance of twenty three twenty four that's checked all right so before start checklist before start checklist s' we have the tiger briefing yeah takeoff briefing we're here on the Bombardier apron as we discussed once we get out from tango that mara belltower radio expecting 0-6 will take a full-length problem there's a few aircraft in the circuit but pretty short taxi due to her short taxi to holy 0-6 yeah and then we're cleared now already the Mirrorball nine departure that's set up near never miss here for runway zero six and that's very simple straight ahead all the headings are some zero to three thousand yeah then expecting radar vectors to one route three thousand seven chapter yet that's their checked so the safety opportunities are 3,000 a hundred the North West quadrant for a departure indicates 3,100 bill and for the non normals operating with our standard procedure before 80 knots if any aborting the takeoff after 80 knots study one the significant failures like stopping procedure after he won we're out we have take off wait current 855 for bit overweight but no problem to come back well that's good here in Maryland also take care of the issues that's the case otherwise standard procedures any questions clear no no thanks okay I'll take a briefing he's completed perfect APU under external wear on the APU the bacon bacon and parkerich it's that's before star chick is complete and I've delivery could put that home don't we're fully closed perfect so we've got cellar clearance and I think the gentleman in front is on the lesson and ready for us it's perfect okay so we're fully ready up here for the start sequence is starting number one okay let's do it [Applause] thank you and ignition [Music] stable ok good start on number one now studying them to start right [Applause] that's under only three little pressure related thank you step okay ground we have a good start on number two please disconnect remove trucks and we're ready to go thank you thank you thanks very much see you next time bye bye see you I can offer you the default taxi checklist I'll be more than pleased that completely before taxi checklist hydraulic three sorry Otto three-week on to be on the APU the flaps don't like the wing anti-ice test it's not required now the anti scowl so hard on the anti swing I'll top the flight controls checked Nastya on FMS it's set and just just to confirm take off one what the speeds as briefly to indication vengeance oh that's perfect just the 36 is set for the flux 36 to do the speeds again yep but they accept no they're exactly don't you only have to post them yeah my chocolates posted server yeah yeah we have the clear signal my deals otherwise said the trims gets six point seven two green looks fantastic and the I cousin info let's check fine sorry sir perfect just checked and without before taxi checklist is complete you want me to get you some taxi yep so that's with superpower speak to dispatch for dispatch Baltic 9/8 still one we're ready to taxi I think nine eight zero one thing you can proceed we're presenting with the taxi thanks very much for your hospitality we'll take this beautiful bird to its new home you have a nice evening and see you soon have a good flight sir thank you for okay cool variable radio hello again I'll take 9 8 SC 1 patron of Bombardier and we're starting our taxi now approaching the games about nine eight zero one margarita ground Roger runway zero vkontakte the tango Bravo and Caleb for runway the tango Bravo kilo runway sooner sixty nine six five on the altimeter all technology water okay just passing through the gate now in the car right as clear and it'll be now straight on tango right yes [Music] we'll be they all for just a minute or two run away zero six little touches so more or less in the right direction or hope today the flight time is around seven hours and eight minutes so it means we expect to be over I think now looks like around just a little bit before uh 6:00 a.m. local time so we'll have a morning arrival at Riga early morning my line are called Rigga routing is the same as always so it's just south of Greenland towards Iceland to look over all the way to hope but it should be good to the doctor builds more custom so thank you for the work is always for on the susceptance number 18 at sneaky Lima the Copa Romeo Gerhart and myself will do our best to give you a nice slide today so sit back lie down enjoy let's go home okay this is kilo I'm back with you and ticking analyst not the kilo to hold short nine eight zero one today divide through by P 1 1 I 1 19100 I'll take 92 the baltic 9/8 Mesilla on 19:1 with you O'Neill about 1901 Roger here clearances I would run away zero got that Montreal departure is on two one two four six five are morning when a of on one two four six five confirm frequency twenty four is six five one a airborne and we're approaching holding point zero six we're fully ready for the part that our discussion that will take nine eight is the one departures bother there's perfect part is valid yep now let's just quickly do that before to go okay perfect so the cabinet it's ready break artyom chaika sent in check and without the befall tank of checklist is complete we are cleared the right side approach sector is free not a problem can you do a left turn for a long now right downwind now I'll have the departure TV reader and we throw things we'll be climbing runway heading so let's go yeah what's the belts are dumb okay there goes the seat belt sign please sit down and buckle up Thanks so zero six chick we're cleared every discretion just listen to that guy fine about he's he's fine he's clear super so we're ready to go alright alright ready oh let's do it fully ready yep enjoy and of course all of you as well enjoy the flight set takeoff thrust I mean you know this first sense big one rotates also time slicky up carob selectins let's go ahead - my date there one Roger hugging about first u20 montrose percent at the five left of 5003 tittering to get get on first Kevin kept going it was time to find out Malchus good evening about technology and still one Mirabel mirror the poacher fussing 1008 of it about p90 there was no jokes but unidentified fun - 1001 6000 holding on in two on 6,000 check that people change a license check superfecta just I don't want to again from 7/7 he says that for a fourth of duty should it take four five five to one six thousand I'll take 1901 when he of open receiver on for we go directly even and I will take nine eight seven Bieber Bieber heading on our own sequence sequence selected plop zero selected hello we could get back five in two to connect maybe candies here and cut me not so good at something and I break you know that's more than it uses food than just accounts now director I cannot really have to think of checklist so I guess the type of chickens [Music] 22m I'll take 9 8 7 : there we are nice took thousands old rail sender of old ignites a one better you ain't no phony floor over to a terrible tick 1981 okay so let's - it'll be good standard start in the city let's try crossing 10,000 it's a good time now I can do that the lights and action belts as well so the lights are also ordering exactly as we were expecting departure were built just word out and we're nearly there it's just seven hours 41 to go 742 deal geez and six o'clock in the morning - Plus but it will feel like six so will initially level off 49-0 spend a bit of time there before we go for the opportunity they caught the nerd without hurting them it should be that are a cost starts working yeah actually send a message to Rika the word that were airborne fantastical for the first victory Candido and a car we both understand it they take the 30 or 40 specimen see African can find the sighing Java effective alternative is visible Oh big time no one I want entry 9 ever since we know into boat economics of servanthood or in here one that partner one have you might have another good evening about take nine eight zero in passing one over 2 6 6 4 to 18 about the journey there one might come back again find a clever little unit or their own plumbing to Illya Sarah public nine eight zero eight two Niner zero set two nine zero checked listen traffic [Applause] so I fired off a ACARS message too to operations at sea I don't think I need their what they need your toy content on corn voice done at the hall take nine eight zero I think you know boys toys before voiced the other two checked execute that's a nice direct your host is our entry point for the north we have to record or get a clearance of an hour before [Applause] and hoist is actually just as the coast [Applause] host that's approximately one two three level three coming through three seven sir about the three seven zero three seven deuce checks and leave my level change checked so I'm kind of titling message coming in iam let spoiled I great news guy Timaeus yes someone's waiting for us yes she's looking forward to the coffee he's no bigger engineers are yelling always in the kitchen yeah so with 145 seats in the back crewman Brezhnev quite the choice I do [Music] hello my name is Sandra I'm technical director of the air Baltic normally the Assembly of the aircraft is starting started like around six months ago and then it's many parts are collected together and the factory of for as many different supplies included from the different areas of world Europe Asia you will say they produce too many person take some time just to collect so the Assembly of the aircraft is starting normally with the collecting of the so called the tubes so they just put the office owners together and then they attach the wings then we replaced the landing is just put aircraft on the ground and move to the different stage of death then is coming ancients some electrical systems all other systems that is coming to the interior so the interior at the moment is the longest part of the assembly at the moment its takes about almost two half three months now but Airbus they trying to like expedited to make it faster okay so we're back now and the flights moving along very smoothly very nicely very calm were on our North Atlantic part of the flight currently we are halfway between the eastern coast of Canada and coming up and halfway to the cellar now we're just crossing over our position a waypoint for you position report this position is fifty-eight more for the zero-five-zero west so shortly and elidio this at least part of the flight surveillance radar your husband keep track of yeah and I think I'll quickly do that now just to to report where we are gander radio at Baltic nine eight mr. one physician report now Baltic nine eight zero one position five eight north sir five Sarah West at two one three nine estimating six one north and zero four zero West at two two two four and six to north zero three zero West next about a firm maintaining flour will fall until Mac seven eight this frequency the four zero West Baltic nine eight zero yeah that's that's checked Oh nicely done okay so currently we're cruising at Mackay 0.78 gives us a ground speed here because we've just got a very light tailwind it's a telling component of roughly 17 knots so gives us a ground speed of 475 knots to point out the fuel efficiency on this on this aircraft we're currently having a fuel flow of 1700 kilos per hour which is where of course very light you have to say that because we only have sort of say four passengers on board now there's not too many so not really any payload nevertheless the the fuel flow is of course extremely low she can hear that - classic transport aircraft of this size there are currently the UTC time 21:48 timer waft has been 2 hours and 40 minutes since departure exactly five hours until we're planning to land in there was 2 hours and 40 minutes this aircraft has burned 5500 35 kilos of fuel the distance flown 1,000 just coming at the 1200 with 2,200 nautical miles to go still early in not yet halfway through the flight the aircraft came out from acceptance just a few days ago in Mirabelle and it has not told any commercial flights yet so it's no passengers have been on board only people involved the production of aircraft and also our team has been on board this was a pretty special feeling but it is so clean brand-new clean untouched as a new car smell nice to have we know that once the aircraft lands we have a pretty standardized process for the aircraft to be prepared for commercial flights we can do that very quickly and actually team comes on board make some changes both in terms of some configuration changes have to be made the computers that we don't do it and we don't do a verbal but we then also prepare the cabin get some of our equipment and loose equipment that has to be put on board and I'm sure that the aircraft world will be landing in the morning Hendrika early in the morning I don't know what the exact plan is when we get the bit further on we can make be in touch with operations and find out what the exact plan is for this aircraft might imagine that the aircraft will be in operations already same day same day so within hours of arrival actually flying yeah would not be the first time we've done that so far we've had very very short turnarounds so ferrying the aircraft over from the production facility to Riga and then of course we've got a commercial interest to put this aircraft into production as fast as possible and there's not too much work to be done anymore everything has been prepared and as Paul said magazines need to be put on board the passenger safety cards and then roughly you can take the aircraft on its first commercial everything is so far set all the preparations would have been done before we even talked delivery of the of the aircraft I think we actually hold the world record for putting commercial aircraft quickest into service commercial service once we were comfortable with the process last summer it was a we delivered an aircraft I did the ferry flight over I landed and within 60 minutes so under an hour the aircraft took off or departed for its commercial flight so of course we were bleep you planned and made sure that everybody was really like a big crew like on the Formula One waiting for our arrival and doing everything that's needed but literally it was under an hour that the aircraft was already in commercial service after arrival the direct flight let's go now a little bit more about the acceptance process so in Mirabelle we have a team a team consisting of flight operations and technical staff and also we have a people coordinating the process also eventually also our legal teams are involved but in general the the aircraft goes through acceptance flight with an hour where our specialists are technical pilot is putting the aircraft with emotions together with with a test pilot or a factory pilot from Airbus Canada where they may fly together a certain flight profile to to check and demonstrate certain certain functionality of the aircraft this is probably the most important process of the acceptance through the acceptance flight it's shown that all the systems are operating and obviously if any snack comes up during that process then it's rectified prior to the aircraft coming in our ownership so we have a few pilots that are trained and capable doing this flight Gerhard is also one of those pilots in attack can do this flight profile and and make this technical acceptance you have some words about the acceptance flight yeah sure so the these acceptance flights they of course have the have the purpose to ensure that the aircraft is in it in a perfect condition as we take over the ownership is still with a manufacturer so the aircraft physically still belongs to a of us at that time and before we how to say send over the money for the aircraft and physically take ownership of it we want to ensure that everything works and is to the standards we expect coming from the production which is a standard process and the the first acceptance flight is around four and a half hours it very much depends on the weather conditions we need certain weather conditions to fulfill certain tasks and we need to have of course a certain area in which we perform this this flight we need to have that reserved for us so around four and a half hours the one flight might take a little bit longer than the other and that is where we work off a certain certain tasks which are very clearly defined it is one of our pilots flying so it would be either the technical pilots I have the qualification as well as both set and it is one of the the pilots of Airbus Canada because of the legal side of them still having ownership and then there are certain tasks in the cabin done at the same time we checked Kevin equipment at certain altitudes of course the the cabin pressure varies between the aircraft being on ground and being on its ultimate cruising altitude of 41,000 feet and we have a cabin pressure difference of roughly 8,000 feet and we can see that now we're cruising here at flat level for 1 0 and we have down here the cabin and an altitude of 7800 feet so that is of course a significant pressure difference and we want to just make sure that all the interior behaves the way we to behave well the lockers open the the lavatories work in the in the way they are expected to work of course the galley equipment as well ensuring that passengers get us get their service with meals and drinks their way expect to be able to serve them on normal flights doing passenger service so all of that gets tested during these flights just to ensure that we've got confidence in this specific addition production number they are of course all produced to the same standards but as we all know there are always small little little differences when it comes to the fine tuning and we ensure that that is all done we've got great support with with Airbus as we've always had from the very beginning of this this aircraft it is of how would you say that excellence the way we are actually supported as a customer there the focus to the details and the support we get by all of those employees involved from the manufacturer in this in this handover process of the aircraft is sick is magnificent and we're very very satisfied with the support we get there and yeah so it might be that we would have to rely one a certain portion of of this flight that might have different reasons it might be that we couldn't see a certain detail it could be that we were not allowed by air traffic control to do a certain portion of that flight so it could be that we have to put it a second or even a third cycle cycle in in this acceptance area on to the aircraft and as I said before this one here for example had 18 cycles a standard would be somewhere something between 10 and 15 so we see that at an early stage even before we enter the scene and start our acceptance process that production pilots of the manufacturer have taken a lot of flights at an earlier time just to fine-tune and make sure that everything is ready for us to to start the acceptance finally so once the aircraft is climbed from a technical perspective and documentation point of view and basically it's agreed that the is to change hands that's when the lawyers get involved in terms of making the transaction transferring the agreed amount from from one from one account to the other and finally there's a few signatures that are put in a few places and the aircraft legally changes ownership from from Airbus the producer to to us or it's through a leasing process lessor who is the owner of the aircraft we get documentation for the aircraft we have I think the document binder that's put together together with all the required documentation for the aircraft with of course insurance being in place all the registration documents are were these documents are already all prepared and so the aircraft is technically ready to go and also legally ready to go and currently we've got a rather standard configuration here on our screens we've got five screens in total where the two outer ones on the on the center panel are of course related to our flight instrumentation and these you cannot change unless there would be a sort of non normal configuration a non normal situation where we would lose a couple of screens they would go blank and then of course it would reconfigure and it would take the the big screen into a smaller format and squeeze other information into that main instrumentation screen so with that this is the normal configuration which we would then drive with the the instrumentation on the outer ones and then on the on the two inner screens we have maps which we display and we keep it as a standard that we would have on the on the right petition of the left center screen we would then have our so-called I cuss in an information display which gives us all of the essentials so possible point that out it tells us something about our engines for example how at which speed they are actually running what kind of temperature they are producing at the moment at the same time we get information about the fuel flow and then on essentials like the oil temperature and the oil pressure in the engines itself which is very important and vital functions white is good so any finger here in the operating condition it's the vital information and that contains of course in the engine parameters it contains the fuel in the three tanks we've got available we've got two wing tanks and the center tank and then we've got the the accumulated amount of fuel available system wise flight controls so we see what the position rudder elevator Elrond at all times here we spoilers or flood spoilers or flaps and whenever any changes made that'll be displayed and will be given here so this is a normal flight normal cruise condition that we have the green now for but are nicely centered everything's fuel I think we touched on hydraulics also the same principle as we seen in the other schematics so we have three hydraulic systems and we see the status in terms of temperature quantity percentage failing this is fully normal and in green and so in earlier times you needed to you needed to basically know everything by heart and you would have a lot of memory items so memory items are things which you need to do in a case of abnormality by memory so you need to remember okay this system doesn't work totally normal now now I need to do data and out of that it is of course or things like that when it when it comes to memories are very wrong vulnerable to to people making mistakes too it's just natural and in the in how to say a natural thing to the human that you would forget something or you would make a mistake so with that it is a lot easier today to just look it up whatever you have and you make sure that you do not make mistakes there one may say that how to say the the pilot work the the pilot life gets more simple and there's definitely something to it it gets more sophisticated when it comes to other things you didn't have GPS navigation in earlier times you didn't fly certain approaches in in certain weather conditions in earlier times and so forth so there's just simply a shift of what the pilot needs to do today and yes there's a lot of more automation and a lot more support we just want to make sure that passengers can at any time rely on us operating this aircraft in a in an absolute safe way without putting these mistakes which you would naturally be able to do as a human to put them in so very supportive as you have modern computer technology behind it and the presentation of modern computer technology you are just able simply to have that all displayed and at your at your convenience one two seven eight five crossing into the Iceland fi are about take nine eight seven Thank You Ellen I see that was beautiful that was a 10 out of 10 you could use that then communication is a textbook nice nice nice position makes me blush yes but the next assignment is we have our position our next position but he gave us the command to switch to Iceland radio flying into the FI our boundary of Iceland and so this is something we'll have to pull up the charts and try to find that IFR boundary put it up on our page so we know when you should be talking to your - I didn't didn't maybe you have to do it now and just show us it's a this is a little mental exercise that we're gonna have to do is navigation exercise is to find this fi our boundary for for Iceland and that's of course where charts come handy and they are nicely displayed we use an EF B so to saison electronic flight bag and EF be solution we have a we have a a portable EF b solution so it's not built into the aircraft which has a lot of advantages first of all you don't need to change the hardware of the aircraft itself on a frequent basis as technology progresses you can just do that on on the with the EF e itself in this case it's a simple iPad which serves as they are out where nevertheless it contains of course software inside and the maps we use they basically just reflect our flight we're doing as we can see pass has pointed that out in an earlier stage where we're actually going to progress and we've just passed past Greenland here and then Iceland is over here and he told us something about the FI our boundaries and they are clearly marked so once we get in there that is where we would basically so our changeover so this is our Waypoint that we're never getting to currently this is this sister you north-south is our West and before that some distance is this dotted line which is the boundary between Gander and Iceland and the exercise would be to try to find where exactly this is now we have something on our dicas here dc's before we have an aircraft approaching this so currently it's 20 miles out it's on our track so it seems like they're tracking in the opposite direction and since we're on the same track and coming coming towards each other thankfully they're not at our altitude we clearly see that aircraft is 1,000 feet below us yeah but 10 miles out at the moment the aircraft as we can see here on the screen piles is pointing it out we can down scale a little bit 10 miles out so that's just a short little while to go we can see that it's very steadily maintaining a thousand feet below it's a minus there with one zero so it's um it's in hundreds of feet displayed soar ten hundred feet is a thousand we can very clearly see that that the the altitude remains very very steady and that is just very simply to the fact that we are all flying on standard altimeter settings so when we fly in accordance with a flight level then we fly with them we can see that Paul's bow pointed out the standard altimeter setting which is basically one zero one three if we take that into hectopascals exactly which we would use in Europe that is a standard setting and all of the aircraft would have the same setting above a certain altitude and with that we all have the same distance so that just let me make sure that there's no risk of collision and difference in the in the altimeter readouts so participant flying today on this on this ferry and I'm the pilot monitoring as a pilot monitoring I do assistant work if you want to say so so that means first of all that I do all of the ADC communication and position reports are on a on an Atlantic crossing of course part of the ATC communication let them know where we are where we want to go what our intentions are and so forth and the the other things are of course that when it comes to certain settings the pilot flying which is Ponce wants to have its then my job to implement them so I do the assistant work on a normal line flying day when we go out and do a passenger flight we typically fly from A to B and then of course back from B to a and it will be one pilot then doing the first route and the other one doing the the second route and with that we we change our jobs or the job content if you want to say in the sense of the one flies and the other one they're cysts and yeah here my job is assisting I do the paperwork I check the fuel of a certain way points and so forth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're back we are currently shortly before Iceland as you can see here we are very soon reaching the beam position and and still steadily on our way to to Riga and in the meanwhile the Sun has set on the on the northern side and purl side then there's still a lot of lot of light blue sky so to say on on my side here on the right it's getting pretty dark we've got the full moon up normally we get into a romantic mode and then I put a handle up and hold hands and things seem songs not this time not this nice but but actually a very nice clear yeah yeah really which is very pleasant very low a cloud field we can't really see anything of the of the ground now where we were had just the one more mode so we have the Sun set behind us actually quite shortly we would expect off have a sunrise or it's starting to get light again up in the over Europe and we'll see it to my left there time time-wise were in a loft on the loft is 4 hours and 17 minutes and time to go is 3 hours in 23 minutes soul nice nicely over the halfway point we by the way that's our Baltic here we were the worldwide launch operator for the larger version of this aircraft the one that we operate which is the 300 version so he were the world launch operator Airbus the C Series at 300 of the time ever that Airbus to 2,300 where Paul's so we have a lot of firsts and pulse has been the first one to actually actively fly outside of the customer acceptance or he did the first very flight of this aircraft which we did together as a team never less pals did that flight and we're all very proud of course of the of this entire process we have been involved in to have that opportunity as a as a human being as a as a pilot as a company as such is is a great thing to experience and we've had we've had lots of great moments just in this in the introduction of this new aircraft yes maybe one first we had together last fall so on faulty fly very special VIP a few in the world that rank up the youth level yes it's been in the Pope we were in the in the very special and very honorable position to to be able to fly him on tour of the Baltics so he visited the Baltic States and we were chosen to to provide transportation for him and that was a was a very very special experience overall yes [Music] with modern technology where you have computers behind just everything all of this the data transferred from one system to the other it's not only presented here on screens in the in the flight deck but of course it gets recorded as well so system behavior some of it which we don't even get to see and which not necessarily needs to be non normal it could be just normal operations of the system but all of this data gets collected and it gets transferred automatically into our headquarters into the maintenance department so that they have an active picture of how the aircraft is actually has a technical tool behaving so once we get to Riga and we land there you might see technicians there who want to just do a check-up on a certain system or who just know about a certain system behavior which is in limits and for us pilots but which we might how to say I have a certain attention by the technicians themselves so with modern technology of of collecting data recording it and being able to transfer it the the intensity of being able to look at the behavior of the tool itself is a much more easy yeah one thing I definitely need to and want to mention is is about pilot people and also I'll maybe do a few words about the Academy and since last April over a year about the training because with its portfolio training portfolio too ab initio for the for the instructors of course they are active airline pilots with us and they do part-time within that entire job engagement they work as instructors in the Academy and it's of course an excellent opportunity to have the full diversity of whatever aviation might offer to a pilot instructing flying online doing different different jobs throughout the month it's a nice opportunity which a lot of pilots welcome everybody some of them just like to fly for maybe a TV every day some others life you'd like to pick up they're more diverse variation when it comes to pilots selection itself of course the young students who come from the pilot Academy have already got a good very good chance to to get in first of all specifically if they're trained with us they've been trained up to first of all very modern equipment up to excellent standards which we require our pilots to have and all of the training which has been conducted in the pilot Academy has been of course where they're very very clear focus of operating a modern aircraft like this so as they have excellent and brand-new equipment in the pilot Academy it's a very very good baseline to get started on an aircraft like this we have a lovely climate in our company when it comes to to the people working with with each other and we'd like to keep that we'd like the person joining us as well knowing that becomes into an environment it's just fun to work with the people in our company and so we look at the personality of the person and if he if he fits just if that's what she of course we're room were more than welcome looking into female pilots unfortunately the number of female pilots first of all available on the market is rather low I would like to encourage the females to join this fantastic job we are a multinational company we focus on a single language we speak English with each other pauses latvian i am german we communicate in english it's the aviation standard that's what we do and everybody in in the company has that as his first company language so I mentioned the pilot Academy which is a way to you know it's actually kind of step back it's pretty unbelievable that you know there's a way that someone can go from zero and not even two years later if he's sitting in this in his cockpit flying this the pilots which join us join us on different levels of experience of course we do require experience if they not I don't come out of the pilot Academy where we do know exactly about every single step they've taken during their training and where we have influence on the training itself then we do require first of all excellent backgrounds on education and experience at the aircraft we fly as a dash 8 q400 it's the fastest terrible proper commercial turboprop on the market and the pilots need to really know what they're doing before they get a direct entry captain's seat in this company may be worth to say that there is no direct entry captain coming on to this aircraft here they all have to come out of our own pilot Corps that have to be working for Baltic and being able to demonstrate their proficiency their ability to to work in in our team integrates show on a on a constant based air their proficiency so do we we do only want to move people out of different other positions into the left seat on this aircraft yes yes the the position we have on offer on the market is pretty interesting actually it's a direct entry captain's position for the for the turboprop and it gives those captains we guarantee that no later than one and a half years they will be in the left seat of this a220 and I think you can really search for for an offer like that that is something pretty unique [Music] okay so here we are sunrise day again and we're in the homestretch yes very much in the homestretch back in familiar very familiar territory over the Baltic Sea air Baltic over the Baltic and soon to be starting our descent into Riga just looking I see that we've been flying for seven hours and ten minutes and thirty or thirty five minutes to go few more stats we have used so far twelve thousand five hundred and forty five kilos of fuel on board we still have four thousand four hundred so that's plenty we could still keep going quite quite some more distance the perfect perfect flight so far nice and smooth no aircraft has been working beautifully the it never really got dark sure we had a thorn and the northern sky was had some light the whole flight through on your side this other part was dark but nice and smooth and nice flight so far are you feeling yeah totally fine home sued so yeah the red-eye special is coming to an end since we'll be starting our descent in five to ten minutes just we've set up the FMS but we can run through our pairing for a short briefing on approach to our home base so in Riga weather is good actually very nice it's cab okay yeah light wind five to seven months from the West so it's exactly for the West it could be any runway but it's only 118 us for Riga dry dry runway and 15 degrees Celsius so nice morning it'll be warming up and should be a nice smooth smooth arrival in terms of what we have the infamous yeah I will start shortly it looks like three to five minutes we'll start our descent inbound so far we have the tendency for alpha arrival and the SMS with the transition wooden for ILS 1:8 we're actually already in bound to the two good it so that means that we're expecting to not even not even have the arrival has been relevant sure arrival data its ILS 1/8 frequency triple warn one final approach course one seven eight glide slope angle is three degrees of a threshold ovations 31 we know this is correct chart I set up a plat for performance with the speed one-one-niner our landing lady is forty-two point four tons checked many ponts is checked with for the approach to be 1/9 we have the auto brake set one low we're very light our normal SOP would be a medium auto brake they can actually start a descent regal operates about take nine eight zero one director Gordon and wear a flat over four one zero requesting listen so they follow one one zero I'll ignore it say one okay so pleasurable one one zero is set why don't you check will go into vertical speed so V vertical speed selenium forms checked with the ref speed of a one-one-niner one claps for hey and just final review of the approach the ILS approach for runway one eight we have the plate from 25 January frequency triple one one has checked in the FMS final approach cross one seven eight we have a safety altitude 1700 feet for this arrival and also for the go around we're going about the Gooden and we'll be ready to also take it a bit shorter for the arrival artery allow us to do it so it'll be 2500 feet or down to 1500 intercept the localizer you know let's check its ok sure took me to mom 240 burro set and the missed approach is climb on track 1 7 8 1200 and it's left radial 1 7 3 & 2 reg be climbing 2500 time yeah when we vacate we're going to be vacating the left expecting to do that on Charlie and it'll be a very short taxi in because we're going to 2 1 8 so I'll just have to make sure we follow the 3-minute cooling period for the entrance Peaks will probably arrive on the snaptun faster than three minutes there that is my briefing any questions on that no not at all no good then in this case let's do the descent approach dissonant approach checklist so we've got the wing at us as an open item FMS it's set the minimum at 240 and set the order by low I guess I guess is checked the approach briefing it's complete one identical the sweet is always I hope to check this started okay that's coming thank you they're coming up to the top at the set point yep that's checked check the control one three five one two for the small one oh yeah complete the checklist if you like let's do that super not a swing is in Auto and the detailed approach checklist is complete check okay we can see the the Horn of western Latvia the lower so it'll be a nice day yeah your ATC I'm gonna take the passengers by passengers or crew I'll give them a heads up [Music] - pretty shortly less than 20 minutes to go perfect East clear skies morning temperatures 15 degrees Celsius so should be a nice more pleasant day every thought landing is or 6:00 in the morning so over too late sorry we'll have a very short taxi a trophy our team is waiting for us that's all rosalie view time I'll get a good rest big elaborate devil thing my name a multi-candidate zero one haddock approach operate identified vectoring flawless pro Sharon lead to an eight continue to wouldn't expect six the optimal touchdown to sell for top of it generally mercury 34,000 feet one zero one nine one zero one Niner what the leader yeah and so it's 4000 set and we can go them too one zero one nine good and the track miles were checked so it's more or less receivables actually what what is it bounced a little girl chill cool couple Ten Thousand nights belt please nights and built let's filter all 4,000 what's check let's go on Mellie voltic Nana rates in a while but we're getting these 10 2005 connected so they all present having 2005 for the feasible because it 13:19 8k 2570 lose 500 check on heading checked that means if you give me please I'll go into vertical speed in a soft there extended second line from Foxtrot again super the extended centerline firm get this chick perfect layer of cloud 6000 feet I think abroad surely cannot be forgiven I never miss anything the Baltic 4:09 arrogant elaborate identified 6-0 track marks touchdown expect director of the center five thousand six Mitch onesie donate it qnh one zero one eight the completed work be fulfilled man 49 that is there one Kenny G 1 0 on it 1:09 about thick 1981 one zero one eight and that's a sin across see the cruise ship coming in for a day yep hard to miss yeah excuse liking good some hustle type one please plug one selected the Baltic nan that is it allows them to let me take one left one left they're both you hear the x-ray the tip of my little things they want us to go on with your name let's check with what - only for their account it's like bummed I love to selectively come on the calories it on quantum off from touchdown tonight hitting one full zero play Oceania on a trip for the station okay I'll pass captured clear the approach from the pod heading 24 0 motocross demerit only hearing three four five to ten 2500 left 18 3 4 5 and the central my father feels about people honest about good morning Baltic 8 or 10 November information Yankees request free speed a short approach public a total November number for a sequence the request copied after rooms are small they look one you know that's where I have talked one check better stomach was now - localizer nine miles above the 1981 4901 can take tickets our one donated for 1 0 passes on anyone so funny I was acknowledged rubbish Willie Baltic nine eight zero wanna protect our streets in our landfill degrees 6 knots eliminate Gretna 2500 will take million into a 2500 to check we're clear elaborate little uh select landing here down in on selected learning sequence were pre-selected and I'll take it manually so all the photos are connected not Ronald that's the autopilot checked [Music] Paul selected and the best or learning chicka salty meters one zero one eight seven question Sena Koscheck what's a 1 8 flap for in again and the cabin it's ready with that that's before learning check is complete we are clear to land here check lid land and they actually managed to beat the crowd well we did three aircraft behind us 1,000 we are stabilized and little and Eggman contactor a bit of our Crossman 2627 take let's save them my second semester of the critic off plus hundred minimums 100 50 30 2010 like Thank You charlie Papa that one it on any type of technology I want you to remain in this treatment okay Charlie Papa yeah and to18 this plant yes same guy I started timing on my side to me do the after landing sequence the guitar clear total mileage five echo departure squawk four three six zero maybe you would start look familiar yeah it does been here before I think so okay that is a good answer Bozek young Kilimanjaro Eric thank you in charlottesville a quorum a nice and slow taxi now we still have no we need to cool down the engines a little bit before we can shut them down kill em charlie cynical drone first here is two one eight two what we need are coming in text by softly no don't big celebration for our arrival here it is disappointing Wow can that be but most importantly we see got this yeah waiting for us god this is always waiting for our aircraft Briggs huh oh we have a few seconds till Toronto yeah yeah sure don't take a stain no steer off the external power is running off yeah that's it there we are there we are Garrett yes uh-huh so it looks like after seven hours and 45 minutes airborne Yankee Lima elf Alfa Romeo is back has arrived to its new home exactly as number 18 in the fleet some of the others are standing here around and they will go for some flights same as this one here later on so it's been a pleasure flying with you today and we can wish alpha Alfa Romeo many many happy landings happy and safe landings uh-huh that's true okay let's do it again definitely [Music] [Music]
Views: 744,274
Rating: 4.8757324 out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, view
Id: 1lKdTCqt60s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 51sec (7551 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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