BREATHTAKING A400M & Tornado DUAL Luftwaffe Cockpit Movie, air-refueling! 30-Min Supercut [AirClips]

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[Music] [Music] hi guys and welcome to another episode of's ultimate cockpit movies i'm patrick and today i welcome you to the german air force airbase in wunstdorf right in the center of germany i have something fantastic to present to you today and that's certainly not myself but the big boy behind me in the picture here which is a beautiful brand new a400m airbus heavy transport aircraft today we will join a unique ride on a sister ship of the one that you can see behind me and this special mission will be an air-to-air refueling session with 10 tornado fighter jets likewise of the luftwaffe german air force welcome guys uh from uh uh thanks for joining us today uh we're here in wundstoff la saxony in germany uh the only uh a400m transport wing of the german air force we're executing a air to air refueling sortie today so with me as my crew we got two technical load masters on the back andy and carson as well as the first officer and co-pilot marcel i'm rico uh the pilot and command for today's mission so thanks for flying with us hope you enjoy this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so we are shortly uh before takeoff and i will perform now the external walk-around okay i will check the general condition of the landing gear that no fluids are coming out it looks very good the technicians already did the pre-flight check but i will have a short brief look to the engine all in good condition here one of the most important parts for the mission today is the after air refueling torch here i check the general condition of the main landing gear tires and the profile basically i do now on the left side of the aircraft equal to the right side so here the engines and the air refueling part so now that would be finish my external walk around the external walk-around is mandatory before every take-off it is the task of the pilot monitoring but the pilot in command has to ensure the that it will be performed and signed for the everthingness of the aircraft so cargo one of you is stepping out for uh engine start okay okay left side is all clear starting engine number one starting one fuel and ignition on one starting engine number two too starting engine number three [Music] and starting engine number four starting four so okay outside there for taxi okay hey aboard standby brake check good brakes yo and left side's clear okay got it that takeoff time is 13 13.59 so we got eight and a half minutes yeah it should work out perfect coffee is good to go for the mission coffee's good there we go black for me please okay blank black okay no coffee [Music] [Music] okay we got checklist completed lights everybody's strapped in final is clear a little clearer yeah it's going to be a rolling takeoff roger takeoff weight is 128.2 yep for the form okay time's running and take off crew manitoba ss order thrust arm checked power set 80 knots checked rotate positive plan europe gear up runway track check okay i got the prop and engine in the eyes yep from zero one climbing started detected but we are outside the cloud so i'm gonna clear the ndis and ask for 180 once you have the chance yes step up so so so nitro 2 should be and should be coming on to the right hand side there okay he's 1000 feet below roughly 10 miles so i will extend the hose yeah left and right behind is clear left is training and right is training as well [Music] [Music] so traffic traffic yep that's a tornado expected [Music] not inside yet no should be right a beam he's coming over i've come free traffic traffic okay s turn right so he's coming over that traffic is uh number one strike flight primer01 request tail number and amount of fuel 398. oh and contact yeah 1444. yep contact left side 45 fuel flow is good it's going to be a couple minutes the fuel flow is fairly low so there are other receivers where the uh fuel rate is like 1.2 1.3 tons per minute so it's happening fairly quick and tanker's turning left okay horses left and right seat belts uh we can left it on or yeah that's fine although it's fine okay to finish up landing weight is 98.5 we got plenty of extra more than three hours play time and secondary is not required not used uh stays normal approach checklist check okay breaking out the clouds i did not have uh time to drink my coffee yeah a short flight yeah oh really then i need cold coffee more give me more yeah and promise everyone for information you are coming in very weak okay heading 170 set check speed is managed check so [Music] and flap street speed checked gear down please get on winds are coming slightly from the left yeah snap 4 speed check flaps and flaps fall please speed checked flaps full promoter one gear down a lot lining checklist landing load master cargo we're landing in one minute auto first mode air speed auto brake low landing check is complete check okay we got the gear flaps clearance lights checklist complete yeah one thousand one thousands check yeah switch on their wings [Music] and it looks fancy 500 as checked 400 100 above land check 300. minimum runways inside landing crew continue 150 100 seventy fifty forty thirty twenty ten five spoilers break low [Applause] [Music] brakes are working auto recall disregard for now uh that's your riser line drain fault rise are late copy toronto good idea but we're gonna taxi out the active runway here and then handle that okay let's say play touchdown uh one five three five coming right [Music] [Applause] okay pack break is on [Music] welcome back to you guys as well uh thanks for joining us we had a good flight uh we completed the training in total so hope you guys enjoyed us and uh thanks for flying with us
Views: 532,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, JustPlanes, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, TV, view, Samchui, Sam, Chui
Id: gmIuPOJt4fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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