TOP PILOTS! B777-300 ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE to Paris IMPROVED VERSION [AirClips full flight series]

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[Music] my name is basis I'm a captain of the flight of two from Iranian to Paris today we are in green now I am with david gray first officers and a second first officers because the fight is more than ten hours he's david beckham sorry so we will now begin the briefing so please come with us welcome you all we will begin the best thing to prepare the flag so let's begin with the iPad the also revision we check all the religion is ok so a good - fine - an is green or this green ok so the aircraft is a Boeing triple7 today the registration is a sauce caramel eco uniform the technical situation is good no I'm here for today we will say the parking later on the loading we lot of passengers quite full today we expected through few of 222 tons and now no special cargo we checked already the basic weight and to draw your parking index we all agree about that so next to talk about the weather please David yes what the waiver I check all airport on roots and we can expect for departure facing east one way one to for departure and at arrival at the shelter goal we can expect facing west for the runway to sit right maybe okay and also for a v8 and it only ok we can expect some thunderstorm activity over at this illusion and maybe approaching the Alps ok another before arriving in Italy I saw some cat yes maybe some cut ok good good for the weather the route we have the route 1 4 5 we no wait we have a tops we take the computer a tops with little bit check for the windows and Bogut ambassador mumbasa ok I check how the weather is good yes and the few Arabs is zero ok I will check the note I'm pleased we have not much to declare ok for the Partridge predefined or nothing in réunion about the destinations we have a closed runway but we know it still the same southern run wind power in and the 4k cloves so it should be run with t6 right regarding the destination alternates nothing in biology and for the enroute Alta nets we've talked about it we have nukes all we have AIP so we'll have to check with the regarding the charts and in the database if we have to dive it there but we could also take another field there is an also closed runway in Cairo santa claus tests and runways closed and then for the rest of the flight nothing we have not much to declare okay thank you okay so we compute the performance we have an out of of 344 by grave in Ivan will be our limitation for today so we conclude the fuel at 97 look good to me 90s and in terms blocked okay doc you and we will have just this with the latest as you like and you have all your cool right cents or so today okay thank you I think we have all I just have to communicate all the performance and all the data to the operation and then we will be ready all right you will enter the flight debit yeah then so you will take the first rest what you're the last and I we take the signal okay for you okay thank you very much [Music] [Music] hi folks we good to go we're gonna have to walk around please follow me let's go you'll still go outside it's a bit going to be noisy for a few both units are cut to speak his rhetoric and don't follow me having a quick clip of the cheetah lies a tempie and if they remember this this is a obviously that should because y'all so now I've never looked at the tires so they should not be too old they should not have any preparation and they're gonna show known as we look bye-bye the engineers for real other evidence that the of the circus should have the compressed you know and we should not see any trace to make the liquids around to check over at the angle of the bugbane issue it's an it's not damaged then you have the total air temperature played the eyes detector and the left Pizza chew this is all clear and the damage this way you see here is the front and behind dispenser is secure Rosen rush when windows to go so this is our agenda stop yeah this is looking good here I say everything's fine the day will check the lady this says there is no that kid there is fear that I didn't see the chance to demonstrate on the good sense for the tiger Derek's 31st and it's looking good now the stutter fish of anything refuses any notice that with Namibian James this is the right remember it says there should be ghosts and a whisper basically feeds to the old button baby this is that connected say this is good this have a look at the exhaust area now on the face this is all sort well you must have a look and check either I think so I don't do a thing yes they are terrible you know whether I'm serious so first off there's a lineage there isn't how to live the stats damaged fulfilling fallen even though so I do check here that the lights navigation like is working and then I have to found a this little separately say we and I mean account system which I do have they should all be of excellence and we should rather than that so object obsessed that the business said tomorrow to check that the bit where indicators of this should be added and then the same yeah this beware of in disk on the side just to check about the president rather material just ensure so we're gonna have to change the vertical and horizontal satellite over the roof and elevators so now we're gonna do exactly the same it on that side of the aircraft this is about the fuselage is missing there's no trace of impact but then yes you know you have to check Vegas antennas and the best so this is a great back there and infinite there's fear the flash when that check the nozzle they've been in the good State this job makes that all right the additional rights have a look at looking good the vents clear the depart of therefore few minutes well they're the engine again you have to first up the any of you and then yet Rosa so now I'm back in the Friedrich just to report what I've been to to the other members of the crew they get me with the copy teeth and we'll make the okay already girls and we'll make the pretty okay for a check the setting first yeah you see opt you 4.31 write a policy 21 June 2017 report most obvious raffia and DTG its rt4 - Zoot right away we are the Foxes car from a Waco uniform departure run one we want to want to cut you dry when plus five appreciative 7-way connector 133 right rating of chibok absolute Okemah occurred Oh - on chasing agendas Makoto okay take off with 320 tons okay nice like the CG sent by 3:19 we can take flight right let's check yes for 318 port for a degree you 19 at the c-suite - that's okay PGG ready ready solution I read the apps 15 on where take of course wait 319 right theoretical one 97.5 sorry right I still ate 1070 okay okay promise beat if you want one six four we are 1 7 0 and we do 175 we have zero few of 221 points 3 to 1.3 check it's a growth rate 318 point for calculated fuel okay and I read 3 18.8 take off th in Boyde for for a319 competing yes so the TG is the 3/2 as a crew cg so the other one T to Connecticut page report Roger and the solution is flaps 15 with tier 8 dick of 133 Center and one 97.5 runway 1 2 319 tones and the v1 in 164 164 VR 170 170 to 175 alone now I recall this office building catwoman ok [Music] the connecti the good dr. Seibel okay okay uh 7:07 Roger perhaps 15 one way I want to make up with t19 right on theoretical one 97.5 yes Ice Cube free Russia everyone the one six four we are one seven zero three two one seven five okay so we are now finished the insertion of the figure and we can make everything ready ready we talked about the many cameras on board today to get yesterday we do as usual we apply a sop at no less noble okay okay for you yes we have written a lot so we have a lot of terrain yeah it sounds part of the runway I will make the rain on my side copied over to come right over about dispatch can I direct presaging should not break sauce door stickers off you'll press I've been really what about the ATL yes you till no more Amir it's confirmed and we have Delhi we have a table spree fried every single all right okay about the statues Oh a depart they walk around okay the speed from flight about whether and no tops look for departure who can return no no time and a good waiver okay that's reachable about the fuel we take a ninety seven point five liters each track has been agreed and we need until the papers to bill yes is missing yeah and expect about Burton's due to have a busy Airport on arrival okay okay we check that start up as usual the push facing maybe West taxing intersection charlie for full lines although I want to we will take up teen the reticle one to five grid bound a full lines on the way I want to and gross weight is cover create a teen for cover for 319 right be one one six four we are one seven zero we do what 75 okay [Music] but your flight ability to zero initially also we are cover formats right about three four yes forward departure contract contract no contract on departure maybe will exceed two five zero dots during crime due to weight heavy okay for crime - five - in case of turbulence I will choose two six five may be okay for what be MSA for departure will be three thousand feet after turning left policy and the relief the color is on the right side of departure but that's it's free sure see whether to call automatic even check already and broke also departure Rotom so use of automation will use auto control are selected me to one seven five and I think what and it doesn't it for an hour departure in case did Farah suggest but we owe you one we follow yes I D left a legacy in case of emergency spoke of I spoke not under control for the budget returned I select the route to we are now Genesis one way I want to belong the one OK ROCK Leah we checked but already it will be delayed landing in that case budgets return and we will select grid flaps 25 G case it will be sweaty Roger overlapping okay any low no budget so here we are we are telling us to think about okay 45 minutes to decide if yes if we can wait okay special for me okay sort of bringing swing it over now we sorry for waiting you you are this is Bella and she yes from Ariana island and [Music] absolute it is now ready so we can merely [Music] ladies and gentlemen we asked you to pay attention to this film which shows our sacred church tradition the Galibier organisms located on each side of the cabin are clearly indicated by exit signs which will come on in case of an emergency sorry right no doctors no poker no [Music] so which is to let you guys know we are waiting for the cargo doors to close everybody's on board we're ready such person very good come to the bottom a buzzer or small is about the kojiki awashima connected as treetopolis for about eight balloons [Music] [Music] it's not touching this because before Star Trek this project door closes I look passive design all right happy 175 heading 1 to 1 and 30 to 3,000 takeoff speed v1 164 we are 170 v two one seven five four point two five zero zero check [Music] Oh Kuta to pop filmy panel or back connecting concept report that me a little small the balcony's SP i still pin it on us auntie booboo so fast and west look Patrick don't use the service on report Brook time to eight we are already the push is beginning [Music] [Music] Pepa Tony I see [Music] [Music] the very door stop right there chit right stop [Music] the traffic every facility romantic almost Juliet echo in master bath cut off the audience and take Mike and Mike on a patrol block when the leaders on Karen coolest wrong in mathematical as when do the cookie cats out there were cows 9 mm what counts prosperity we love she returned with of the top it is that intern [Applause] [Music] porpoise back appliquéd but the correct Arriba Joseph [Music] [Music] [Music] let's start operate check salty past the missile try to put to the connect a machine ago [Music] that's 50 [Music] I control everyone left [Music] it's up there all right so to give it all down Subterra right something bit me inside reader left sumter right sub before taxi before I strike this is o2 auto-recall check check who are you put their left center right yeah we vortex check this of the hey you have controlled by a magnetron without go beyond my control [Music] taxi [Music] renin n7 one omnidirectional partial one to left on achieving our level three [Music] 9:7 once activated Charlie until backtracked line 0.23 country proportion we had a young black girl even a movie that the number two okay agree agree thank you are ready I'll about three to zero check whether is on the right side left side sounds like yet taxi here we go [Music] 19:11 confirmation traffic incoming the runway one for reaching one final [Music] protected see yes [Music] are you are we clear we are careful I end up passing security to its brightest clear robotics [Music] I ready for takeoff safety briefing ready yeah take off lap 15 trip 4.25 check full light runway I want to across wait 1/3 18.6 cover 41 Niner correct three two one seven five six times block number three to zero My dear I think what one in case of before anyone before we do one original and stop and prediction that us rotor disconnect you check the break-up reverse green algebraic 16 ups and you communicate with now we're after everyone after we what we continue we follow PSID clapping with about 3,000 feet acceleration will be 1,100 feet any question ready is missing right before [Music] Oh JA back nine four six Pistons in law which has now pick the 30 carbine we're back [Music] at the river where we have elapsed our right hands and for kicks runway one from Finland with 100 degrees rather a waterfall we get out and nine seven one two okay with any position just waiting for the landing traffic and you will see just before just ahead of us the landing traffic at our first fall also so for the little story this is a cross runway here in anyone I find in San Benito we're on runway 12 and a 1/2 and we have the traffic landing runway 1/4 are you 991 we want to pick up 100 degrees perhaps and pick up you what 164 [Music] tres hey check out the 53rd transfer welcome back to possibility awesome I want that purpose this is where all the content desperately be one rotate first your love - hospital select edit adequately left clap on check [Music] [Music] that's 5-speed Jake that's fine oops one spin check ups one what's up speed check flaps up we could select Stata right side also [Music] copy check first book the pirate this ferry flights very quiet this is what we call sterile cockpit so we need to have only the words we part of our standard operating procedures thought to be cold and all the rest is is completely not authorized acceleration it is robots 4,000 without - 841 you are number one number two up to yay or eight to four all Paul without a helmet on traffic budget C&C contact with data yes some mr. Krishna stood there in the air for about ten hours and 35 minutes across many different areas and the first one we're in is Madagascar where we have CPLC connected to them next will movies they shell and then we have Mogadishu Eddie's all that will be on see PDFs of mr. shell and then we were to dispute all HF duck in them want to inflight broadcast procedure than the rest HF for the agency anywhere would be a lovely days you will you will see we'll be over flying Egypt so be cut off from the pyramids but she left some really nice nice big - so as you can see boys and David are quite focused on what no words exchanged all the way up to our cruising up [Music] hello guys we are cruising flight level three to zero on our 3 / 7 we are approaching a cost for our position and with our super is our captain today to say a few words about our company else on Australia is an old and an island first flight from ish bushes to Iranian from Iranian Madagascar and later on South Africa with by 7 3 7 my ATM supports event I kept in arrows file in 2003 yes right first with two triple seven 200 extended-range and I see a cake to fire rate from Iranian to Paris and now we have three 300 needed you are playing because two of them has only two years earlier and this one has eight years old we have also Boeing 787 yes to both going 77 which only two years old and fry mainly for my odds from my Paris to Paris and region also fly visited seven eight seven two back it's interesting to say that the triple seven and the Boeing 787 is the same type rating we are the first company in France to appear to operate debris on bring seven speed seven and this is a simpler which flies the same boy triple7 and the insulin said it so it's nice for us nice for us to fly both airplane well we will see now the triple 7 in terms with also panel yes we can start by beside you won't yes you have the robot control pattern we can communicate with the autopilot manually my virus you have speed division you have a heading you are the flight path optical path vertical path sorry and here we manage the altitude part this part is which call it this protocol pattern we've been generator switch situation we can also check idolic up at the overt in pori hydraulic or is okay sure we can say let me thank write main tank and Sutter you are remaining pure is 17.5 times yeah okay it's good about the doors automatic trachea not important here Reiko at the outside camera it is now we talk about this part goal is we can manage all information on our screen this system we have the same website this part we have a CD you the city your is used to communicate with computer of the jackpot we can use on the screen baby to select something communicate with us yes we've got all those repeater see something like this you habit I never break lever control switch establish a stable deserve what it's in the budget shortly here we have radio control yes audio control button you use it use it to communicate the h-f h-f cabin passengers address shown at afraid you CDU here communication satellite communication etc and as the backup as users also antiseptic Weber radar here red Aquabot located yeah we have the source of a pubic panel we have three separate they don't separate panels anti spinal and delight the right we also have heroes this happened yes under point three four seven right and left my first job I was a military pilot I spend about 17 years in the French Navy for my originally I told never sold in 2014 and I started atr-72 now I got the opportunity to fly no boy in 47 in fact now I'm flying both Boeing 787 it's very very nice annulus and me I was like maybe you personified ambition and with I think I always want to be a pilot and so I Eric Brown all French company Co able to be our ISO lot of pilot I want to be a lot I first begin to be a parent in the early french polynesia on idea flying over lot of island 45 destination what if I hadn't I told an island it was very nice that my cup to eros trial 13 years ago as a co-pilot for seven that went back to Nigeria as a captain then five verses AOL announced sent three years on bring seven suspend and now two years in some drastic figure we took off at 320 we are very heavy a lot of passengers we have fourteen hundred and forty-one hostages [Music] and we will be around nearly 90-thousand few night 90 x 90 thousand tons of you so for this right from when you're to Paris which lasts nearly so we reunited Iranian island is a very interesting decision it's an island of thousand five hundred meters and there is seven hundred thousand people and it's really interesting because its generation and we we have beach beauty so we can write a lot of thing right back running very lot of sport activities in Raymond and I'd suggest everyone look at their interesting holidays so we took off from brainian and from William to Paris we mainly fly over India the first first part far from Madagascar we just live soon and we are Somalia and we will fly also Pia and fry veteran visitor Randy and see he wants to show I attract thank you but see the grease and friends Vinnie so I said it even hours to fry from when I enter Paris this presentation of arrow style and breakables event maybe I wish you fly with us come to see regulator documentation [Music] my pop I break it was it the rest for a few hours that was the first to go and now the captain replaced be saw today the relief captain on the flight so David is still applying and I'm taking all this monitoring role so I do mainly the radio and and the papers about the five stages we were now flying over the over the edge shipped we have on the right side of the aircraft if you Cairo is a speed in here it's about 160 miles away so it could be a diversion if we had any problem and next will be the Mediterranean coast and Europe so we're pretty close to the end of it still a few four hours to go but it's getting closer just to give you a few words about peace no I flying I lost since 2011 and his dream come true you know I started medium-haul 737 for a few years and two years ago I stepped up to the tune to the white body to the triple sevens and if she wants after that seven eight seven we're lucky enough to be flying two plates on the same sector which which makes it a little exciting you know it is exciting to fly a wide-body but as maybe a future pal that you are you need to know that in the medium whole you do you do a lot of sector you fly a lot manually you takes a lot of pleasure to do so flying white bodies is really interesting cuz it's big aircraft is a lot of automation but you don't you don't have to fly the opportunity fly as much as it could do it medium holes for example I do baby max three landing upon's which is way less than what I was doing back the medium hole where I could wiggle and maybe 20 times so this is something you have to do have in mind when you dip when you dream about the big planes because because it's another it's a job in the job and so take it up if you become a pilot tomorrow make the make really the most of the medium hole and then one day go for a big planes no rush no rush about it so it takes it takes a while to be a pilot so maybe you guys are just starting it's a good a lot of a lot of airline of looking for pilots is there will be a lot of retirements all around Europe and many many aircraft an order in Asia and other other regions of the world so if you're the will to go go around and just just enjoy your your life just just go for it it's the right time there are really three major major things you have to do I mean if you do not show you want to be a pilot let's let's see if you can't be I mean to be a pilot you need to you need to enjoy to be little away from home so you need to enjoy the movement it involves you also need to do like the technology obviously this is a lot of tech DCD and I mean you're flying a flying machine so you need to be comfortable with that and then a big part today the job is to deal with men and women that's you know we [Laughter] all this year but labid crew resource management inspector the job is is really important so you need to be really really to being social not to social little bit social sir so we I mean as a planet for most I have to say that we're really lucky - we live in a really really nice place of right nice region of the world right next to Mauritius so really really close by it's it's only a little 125 miles away from four parishes in the southwest this is a little piece of France in in paradise so luckily this little territory has an airline which is our stop and since it's now 15 years we we do long-haul out of out of the island so proudly you know we go we go to many different islands around Madagascar I would say seashells by yacht we go to South Africa we do we do India we go to Thailand so and then obviously France because our main map our main market would be to this link with France mainland and it's the I'm in this island reading on it but also by York because we now servos and I mean we go down to bows and we we tend to be the link between this little territories in the South Emma sphere and Anton's so Radian as you could think it's right it's right next to two - just a couple mm so we the weather is just too lovely it's a big volcano sore right on the water believe what it's it's it's sea ice the is summit of the Indian Ocean is Audrey in Ireland so which makes it also a bit of cheek color because you know sometimes we have snow in Radian landed it's it happened maybe once image in the last 100 years but you know it could happen so we intend to be very very very lucky you know normally and such a small territory you wouldn't find in there and our line but we do exist and anything works oh great another I've been trained in talent got a bit popular a few few months back we had a volcano reference so a lot of tourism I mean love tourists came down to see that which is a bit exceptional you know it's not not everyone on the planet so this is a it's an island that did a little less turistic than porcius it's it has a 1 what kind of an identity so come down to see us you know you you'll be surprised and of course she come down to renal island please fly your son you'll be dead you'll be take care of you good care so we regarding the flee we have four different types we have a TRS for the for the really the short holes then we have seven three seven with which we we have two with which we which we go to save madagascar to India to join us Bogut South Africa so we made this is our I mean our medium or modules and then for the hole for the long long haul we have triple sevens that are mainly on the underline from rainy night and all the way up to body shops ago and then we have the 787 with which we do the main yard all the way up to power so luckily you know it's kind of a very young young fleet like the eldest are maybe the eldest is this aircraft and it was first light maybe too silent intent so it's all the it eight years old so quite quite amazing for for an airline to have to an aircraft slack like that the pilot flying foil style can can actually start on the ATR and it's it is the same airline we do regarding progressions we [Laughter] a few of us started with the idea that went all the way up to to the triple 7 and now as we do this comment sector which we have as a speak split between 787 and 357 they fly both aircraft so it's kind of a dream come true you know to to be able to just to to do all that with it the same airline you don't have to think about maybe building my name is kami Busan I'm from Belgium Algeria I'm 41 years old and fly talents since 11 years so before I begin my career to the area Disney and 20gb I was balancing 7 years old and also now on fly attorneys working forever strong is a flight company you have all nationality we present it is a very very good paradise for working you have a lot of young people and you're young working process so I like this job because I like the contact with the people you know is not the same thing same like 8 to 4 hours p.m. is not the same same section you can change all everything and it's not similar day you know similar work as very good experiments are doing I think I finish this career I'm gonna finish in this job because I like working a lot I like travel a lot and like the contact and like see the other face and all the different people I have a good experience in Australia New Caledonia Bangkok also to the Asia I was too busy also and France and Europe and for the rest I think we need to come to the Astra to take the plane I have a flight to the triple 7 bring in 200 triple 7 200 Alea triple 7 300 Dreamliner 787 and also each year it's it's very it's important to stay to the displays to Indian Museum because you have a mix of culture you can travel travel in other other people place so now we're going to talk about the survives map to display in 2017 20 you have three classes economy classes and core for classes and business classes we have two part of survives when departure you have lunch and before landing you have a dinner for the economic class they're not choice for the meal when you go to the contract class you have the same departure of lunch arriving dinner and you have choice you can have two chairs about the middle to chose about the wine and something like that you have champagne also before you have aperitif before takeoff and that's what's is very great and after all of the austere cross is the business class instead business class is a sim service lunch and dinner but you have a lot of choice about red wine white wine champagne and spiritual alcohol you can have it and I have to chose about the meal Mira fish up to you man it's a socialite and you have different places in the in the in economy you can have more space if you go to the end of the plane you have more space we have the B place and it's easier for through the legs and you have a C and at the issue you can never see more places to the issue that is great for the economy in the construct class you have 30 people that was great Malcolm less noisy than his grave and the business that has two business class is the best of the best thank you - flying - eros fun [Music] hello gain back from my rest three hours of rest we are now we have an offering for nine hours and we are over Italia not far from Roma and we are just avoiding some thunderstorm here and we will land in Paris in about 1 hours and 40 minutes now in Paris weather here sometimes the cruise now is good suburb P sometimes but in Paris it's good weather and we will letting facing west and whisper part of 90 degrees a good wizards so that it's flying is a now resting he will come back one hour before landing and the second David is now with us um Joe is this flight now we will and we will start prepare survival and [Music] [Music] okay are you ready for the break we are ready for the briefing yes okay talk about treatment a row management perfect boat sail but the same as departure due to Alta Mira is facing yes we do as usual flying SOP and stopping us now okay about the statistical I recall we are nothing stages nothing also knock at his feet with no top carvaka destination the goal and alternator Ori also if we can proceed and about to thumb only the runway 26 left it's closed just for me but for me but about the fuel we need six stone on arrival yes we have more than 30 minutes holding first bike 7mate server engine 911 and reported now to Paris 22 de Montreal back to Brazil to buy a new box upon it [Music] is also when I check for dissenters oh oh yeah right points minute is coming and the I continue with this topic decent will be at for eight till eight whiskey confirmed our insert into the CDU and say children will be 3,200 feet reduced reduced 25 March type of purpose would perform IRS one way to six right right we have already checked like than the confront the city you we are going what about the rabbits it's free we have an automatic for the approach and P R NP re the 0.3 for the approach landing performance that is for auto break4 I read 1742 meters okay we have checked with for latina resistance I will operate on the reverse side er okay we can look on the chart from chart g60 we have displaced threshold okay on on waiting six right okay the less than 2000 meters we are whiskey - and will be a big tango alpha - okay for via from Chari okay I did you order [Music] laughing special for me theosophy no question with complete thank you when you're not out on a I go shake a political a good on you back home [Music] howdy-ho Delta alpha puncture for now [Music] with three three zero thickness temperature one eight and wonder what so you start to fizzle right yes you know mr. Sabich nobody would call 54 9 you have a duty differently could direct the subject list that recall Chek that's blue dots but to break Oh Lenny data mm up power 520 IRS apart with completed this subject is copy we knew all 91 that won five degrees right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when you're late I'm gonna get me a plate before do they want to enroll 0-7 so zero seven zero IUD for that file exists to 6/5 taking JB I work a lot above it right on the hold I thought possible ten thousand procedure oh yeah so I make it soggy something that eat a lot of late dinner share my co-host - what - accountably I thought right down Bilderbergers I don't know a high head you get one trouble like that when you want to be 220 to tear up on the Forrestal they all make up put in one place never submitted my civil oh my god then your made-up husband want that five it doesn't okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what does it I love diabetic [Music] sitting at once it's fine ahead of us yeah when you're miserable perhaps speech check which is a very common [Music] [Music] I would typically generate maps it was a positive Delta Alpha Theta bad word but you gotta say if I point to my surgeon William symmetry subcontractor [Music] to compute or register for perform dissipates alpha pollution articulate area or capital right up right up check I suggest okay when your may not even want to keep her 118 into my girl [Music] but anybody could I could pick something [Music] Wow without flying good performance [Music] Vladek t check we did 164 right Joe it can't go on will be go on forgot the car that's 40 we little bit then all the way axis 94,000 my solution I teach it to one thousand nine and [Music] the city cornea dissolving question is please that were whenever it's like everyone no measure of motion continue Ellis to to try to win three to their degrees technology [Music] he said [Music] perhaps 30 perfect of the data for Dutch goodbyes on out we're not three landing checklist any to this topic check this couplet Oh degrees a 1520 not clear to land runway to see stabilized idea right nuts from the right five hundred 400 300 approaching minimums minimum splatting gotta do 200 back collecting 100 okay at site 50 40 30 20 10 pick up reverse key [Music] sixty [Music] that's right the old night to the 1/3 cup mix the girl 1 - what a twist you obey we are whiskey - as suspected yes call another but the hospital [Music] like Led Zeppelin [Music] top is this [Music] / - that's right [Music] whether [Music] but they responded on political we define [Music] today on the right side one by your creepy okay bye [Music] I guess the night the little my detective Ellis much little colony one full okay that's right [Music] stop [Music] for when a prospective folks in school when it goes to show a sign that one Warhawk they're going [Music] similar feat Japantown goal and above all to preserve our family for me we'll find our politics for my cookies it'll be fun hey Marshall inside okay right so right [Music] don't you what oh my god this [Music] we go straight yes like this no like this right to bring to play keep playing - great [Music] Doug [Music] then for when it goes up to 1/8 one by one it was jibanyan for six a long push not facing each incoming shot six I got three two in front of you Japan air force it over push back [Music] we go go to 0.38 tell folks 94 register push pretty better to tell there's a little girl down to us two one eight one zero and I stood on all the bike ride a little right about diversity a total of 24 she starts pecking order I want to fit [Music] they're far too captain [Music] parks Isetta bu any track custom [Music] [Music] and so the flight is over now let's go for the papers thank you for watching thank you all of you [Music]
Views: 960,442
Rating: 4.7410645 out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, view
Id: J3Vzrb8GO2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 4sec (5884 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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