(Mar 31, 2018) Passover 2018 - Day 1

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[Music] let me just say just encourage you Holy Spirit I'm sitting there minding my own business and Holy Spirit says how many how many go in Israel and I said 59 he said go there so I know psalm 59 he said less - so I got the last two verses this what it says but as for me I will sing of your strength in the morning I will sing a lot of your grace few of my fortress a refuge when I'm in trouble my strength I will sing praises to you for God is my fortress God who gives me grace this is that this is the thought here it's looking prophetically and the morning is coming for all of us all God's people and and and when all our enemies will be gone and when the power and love of the Savior will be the theme of our endless song can you imagine what uh and you know I know some of you will be a family tomorrow and some of you will be a church tomorrow and that's great but I just want you to know something you can't get to tomorrow before you go to the cross you know that right and I just I don't understand why we don't celebrate Passover or Good Friday whatever you want to call it with it you know whatever you want to call it but you can't get there before you get to here right and so you know that's fun hallelujah right the tomb is empty but the tomb is only empty because somebody went into the tomb right so let us let us not forget and that's probably why God wants us to celebrate the feasts so we don't forget I mean listen I don't have the answers which probably means you don't have the answers so why don't we just defer to God he's the Lord that his feasts why I don't I don't I don't understand what the fight is I can't understand it would it be nice if we just got on the same page you know what I mean I mean some of these some of these things that we do and they only been around a couple hundred years I mean why are we doing him I mean they didn't do him in the first century I would think they would know best those his original students right I mean they got the original stuff right so why are we messing with it I don't know all right let me let me I'm glad you here do we have lights what you guys doing okay so no not on me I just I want to see you I it's not a concert hole you know today it's like you go to these places right and they're all black and the band comes out there's pyrotechnics I think we got to put out a movie that says God's not deaf I mean I've heard I remember going to those places too I was just really high and I you know used to see rock bands in the 70s and it was it was a great time and I jumped up too you know um all right so let me let me tell you what's what's going on i sat in prayer about Passover right I've been here 15 years and for 14 of those years I've been teaching about Passover why we do it how we do it and I feel like I'm fighting this Christian culture here and I'm just tired of the fight I don't want to fight anybody okay the only one I want to fight is is the enemy and and the way I fight the enemy is by obeying the Lord that's how I do it so with that being said I pray then I ask the Lord I don't want to speak to that one person who comes here Lord that doesn't get it at all and leave everybody else standing on the sidelines which is what happens in church today we're not growing people up because we keep giving the basic message and nobody's maturing you like you're set in your faith because you haven't been challenged in your faith you haven't been discipled you got a disciple on your own almost which is not right because Church is a disciple informally vers you don't fish inside a building you go out and fish and you get the people and then you disciple them that's your shoe's method and you are not going to compete with him you're not gonna change it okay God doesn't change his methodologies don't change so he was like I don't want you to do that this year so we sent out links on past teachings so if you have no idea Passover it's okay I understand just go to those links is a plethora of teachings you'll find out the bits and the bytes about Passover but there's many people here that aren't on a Messianic diet you know diets don't work right how many people have ever been on a diet right they don't work because you have to have a change of lifestyle so some of you might be on a Messianic diet like I'll sprinkle little peso I'll put on a little thali did most of you though most of you are on a messianic lifestyle you've chosen to see yourself grafted in according to Roman's 11 you're part of the Commonwealth of Israel which means you don't only have their promises but you have their covenants their patriarchs and their Torah and you've decided to try to live that way right which i think is right if nobody else wants to do that that's closure because that's not my business that's not my business my business is to do what God wants me to do and not to dictate what everybody else should do okay but most you are here and living a messianic lifestyle so I didn't want to put you on the sidelines just stunt your growth so this is what I heard in prayer I heard no basics and I heard three words good better and best and the minute you know when you when you I'm not saying I know God well but I'm saying after you know after what is it thirty years I guess almost 29 29 years after 29 years of spending every day and all day with somebody you you get to know a little bit about them and you don't have to talk a lot a lot of times like this times and I just look at Verna that would a certain look and she knows exactly what I'm saying there could be somebody around and she gives me a look and I know exactly what she's trying to tell me because we spent 32 years together everyday almost I know it hasn't been easy for me but that's that's a whole that's a whole nother story that's that's not you want to talk about deliverance come Lord Yeshua come but um okay let's not let's not go there let's not go there cuz that's not important today that's that's a situation that we have it's not important but uh and I don't want to I don't want to air my dirty laundry in front of you guys just pray for me just pray for me and understand what I have to deal with Oh anyway anyway anyway yeah it's okay it's okay look today is Passover it's it's very celebratory you're supposed to lean and relax cuz you're free you're free you're free so I just don't want you to be too maudlin today not today not today today's not gonna be about that okay so I heard good better and best and when the Lord speaks to me even a word it's like the holy spirit quickened to me and it directs me somewhat so this is this is where I went now how many people remember the Sears catalog see is is soon to be history obviously 25% of all malls will close this year and next year 2018 2019 will close due to our good friends like Amazon and people who don't want to go out and be around anybody anymore right we have we have home gyms we have home theaters we have home offices does anybody realize that we don't want to talk to anybody anymore and although we have social media we're not connecting we don't know how to communicate you know what social media says hey this is my opinion if you don't like it too bad I don't want to hear yours that's not effective communication you understand so sadly enough you're learning how to not communicate through social media and do you realize that that in every culture since the beginning of time there was no such thing as adolescence there was none you were a child and then you were an adult and when did you become an adult thirteen and only nah anoche only in all Western culture only in all Western culture in America do we have something called adolescence it started in the 50s in the 60s we said you're 13 you're not really a kid but you're not an adult and adolescence was from 13 to 18 American College of Sciences you know they say adolescence is today in the year 2018 11 to 30 don't be so surprised some you have them they're home they're in your house it's a sad state of affairs I'm not here to I'm not here to look I'm not a pessimist I don't know if you realize that I'm not a pest I can't stand pessimism but ridiculous optimism sometimes is not realism I'm a realist you've got to fit I deal with truth the Bible is truth how did I come to that conclusion because I studied its internal evidence I studied its external evidence I studied its bibliographical evidence i turded its timespan from original documents in manuscripts i studied its scientific data I studied extra-biblical data and matter like history and archaeological findings and and other things so i authenticated its literary authentication if you will okay I would never say to somebody hey read the Bible why because it's the truth do you know what an ignoramus you sound like can somebody say do you read the Quran because it's the truth but by the same token for you people that say it's written by men you need to do your study you need to stop speaking nonsense without doing the study that's that's on you okay and sadly enough the reason why kids today are leaving the faith and droves when they go to college it's not close the world's attractive nobody teaches apologetics and church there's no apologetics so the kids come away they're just like hey mom I you know I was going with it for your sake but how do I know God is real how do I know you shoes real how do I know the tombs empty how do I know it's legit because we don't teach apologetics anymore we just do rah-rah-sis-boom-bah new wave after shave crap anyway I said I was gonna be I was gonna go there you made me go there you made me go there yeah you did I'm putting on you anyway where were we we were to see his catalog before you rudely interrupted me do you remember the Sears catalog they always had products good right the first Sears catalog what year 1888 1888 and so they had good which means it's satisfactory it's gonna work good as good as good it's gonna work it's gonna accomplish its goal better it's a little high quality might last longer okay what's best it's of the highest quality so I heard good better and best and this is where I went for good let's let's take a look in Philippians and I don't have time to go over who the Philippians were where was Paul when he wrote it what was going on in Philippi but you desperately need to know these things you know I teach them all the time otherwise you were going to misunderstand and even giving you three verses is not putting it into context so can you imagine for those of us that take one verse and try to understand the letter Poisson you will misinterpret the scripture not sometimes every single time bar none and the crazy thing is everybody that goes to a seminary knows that context is one of the five principles why don't they teach it I have no idea I have no idea why they learned things in seminary and then think of you as a kindergartner and you can't handle that kind of stuff I don't want to make it too heavy I don't want to make it too hard I don't want to feel like they're in a school I don't want to make it too long this is insanity Paul preached sin the guy Eutychus fell out the window for to me life is Messiah and death is gain now how many times have you read that who believes it besides Paul it's crazy right nobody wants to die what have you got to do but but this is what we say so what we what we really say and what we believe might be two different things and I'm not here to talk about that so let's move on for to me life is the Messiah and death is gain but if by living on in the body okay that means right now he's talking about you guys and me guys living in the body okay living in the body I can do fruitful work then I don't know which to choose I am caught in a dilemma Paul's in a quandary and by the way Paul was just a guy just like you and me he's in a quandary my desire what I want to do is go off I don't want to be here where which is the opposite all we want to do is be here we don't have we don't have like homes anymore their castles they're castles I'm caught in a dilemma my desire is to go off and be with the Messiah that is better by far so he's talking about what is good by the way here in a nutshell if you will is Paul's philosophy on life if you hold Poland in the high regard then I think he would hold his philosophy on life in high regard he did not live for fortune he did not lift the fame and he did not live for pleasure sounds familiar the object of his life was to love worship and serve Yeshua period now look I want to tell you a few things first of all he had a crazy crazy conversion if you will he met the Lord and he was on the other side of the fence diametrically opposed killing Jewish people who believe in Yeshua he went from you know went from one end to the spectrum to the other when you go from one end of the spectrum to the other you become radical sometimes when you're raised in the church and you don't have any premarital sex you're not too radical plus you're under this impression that you're you you're good and that said he knew how not good he was he knew what he was delivered and saved from he knew so he was out of his - okay secondly he didn't have a family so you didn't have to take the kids to the doctor and soccer practice and braces and all that other crap that we got to deal with okay I'm talking to you too I'll never hear the end of that least from one of them anyway anyway so he he was he was very focused okay he also didn't have the distractions that we have today way too many distractions way way too many so I just I just want to throw that in this you don't feel like you know that should be the object of my life but for all things considered that should be the object of your life I told my oldest one I don't kill what you do in life I don't care if you become a personal trainer if you become an engineer just be a believing personal trainer just be a believing engineer you follow under right everything you do with the Lord that's the objective so that should be our objective - to - to love and worship and serve Yeshua does any can anybody refute that is that in anybody's you know Nicene Creed or something that we shouldn't do that no of course not he wanted so badly for your shoe to take over and live his life through him if you look in John 14 basically what you're she was looking to do is borrow your body and house you with the Spirit of God he just wants to take over and if you let him he will if you let him he will you won't have to worry about what to say when to say it where to go man he will work you like a remote-controlled car he'll stick his hand up you and you will be a puppet that that might have had some bad imagery okay you got me speaking of that may I tell you a personal story that I couldn't make up may I you gotten any way to go okay you know I have a gazillion issues and I don't speak about him and I don't put him on the prayer of course not because I'm private just because there's so much it just gets attica it would be silly well last week I had to go to something called a colorectal doctor why did somebody just go whew I could see if I said I had to go to a role I had to go on a rollercoaster then later you go woo you don't say woo when somebody says colorectal doc unless let me let me work this side of the group that's kind of crazy in of itself right guys mark her whoever she is so you know you know you're in the when you go to a doctor's office you're in the waiting room and then they bring you into the smaller waiting room you're still waiting you don't see anybody it's just smallest you feel like you're gonna see somebody soon and then now they don't even give you a tablecloth because that that costs money they give you a big napkin to put over you a napkin so the lady walks in and of course you know you've got to spread yourself around so I'm the I'm the nurse practitioner I'm the nurse practitioner okay hi how are you and she says to me so I get this question all the time I love and only in making where you from nanu-nanu I am walk from ork where am i from America earth you know I'm saying right where you from like what am I gonna do to you my in the pickpocket you cuz you I'm from New York relax so I said New York and she goes so what brings you here and I said well you know the Lord really brought me him I'm sure you've heard that before but this is undeniable and she said oh you are you part of the ministry in town I said yes yes you could say that I try not to advertise the ministry and I never talk about about the show ever I talk about Yeshua I don't lead them to Beth yushua I lead them to your show Beth yushua isn't the issue Yeshua is the issue yeah I don't tell him I'm rabbi cuz it's not important you don't have to give him your little 501 C 3 card so she says are you part of a church I said well you know you could say that sure I said actually it's a synagogue she goes is it Beth you schewe meanwhile the whole time I'm sitting there with just a napkin on me wait this you're not gonna believe this trust me you're gonna think you're making this up I wish I wish I was this is so she goes um she goes um do you know the rabbi there [Applause] and I said um like the back of my hand I [Applause] said what basically two keys in a pod very close and she goes oh because my best friend in the world watches him every Monday that's a thing and she adores him she adores him she doesn't go to the synagogue but she adores him and I said oh well that's good because you know the ministry there is to to bless him she goes maybe you could tell him and I said well you just did and screws you're the rabbi and she goes man if it wasn't for him I'd call her right now and tell her tell her that the rabbis sitting here with a napkin honor but absolutely no clothes and so at this point she says you know I'm gonna have to to do an exam before the I go don't worry about it it's all biology I'm not embarrassed I you know so so she starts to do her inspection if you will it's fairly invasive and she says um you know rabbi just want you to know something you you probably have no idea how many people you've touched and I said and you know what I bet you have no idea how many people true story to story you know I asked the Lord if I could tell that story and he said yeah and I said how is it gonna work and then the puppet thing he made that happen all right it's a feast day it's a it's a party day I know some of you might not be parting but when we get to the end of this you're gonna be hooting and hollering you are so here is his Paul he just wants the man he is just a one thing person he just wants to serve the Lord he can't think of anything else nothing nothing else is on this guy's mind he can't get God off his mind if he tried to and he's in a quandary he's in a quandary you know he's saying look if I stay here I'm gonna witness my head off but truth be told I just want you to know I'd like to get out of here okay and and that's so so staying here being saved staying here and being salt and light is good it's good guys it's really good but there's better look at second Corinthians five six eight and this is the better here here Paul was talking about perseverance in in to the people of Philippi here he's talking about the future glory he's trying to inspire first Corinthians he was kind of like giving them a hard time about some of the things they were doing but but here he's not Rabbi Saul he's past the Paul and you see his heart and now he's trying to encourage the people of Corinth about the future glory so that's why I tell you context is crucial so we are always confident he's saying don't waver we know we know it's fact it's a fact because the Bible is truth we know that so long as we are at home in the body right here that's who's talking about this condition we are away from our home with the Lord okay for we live by trust not by what we see we are confident then again confident he's letting them know they should be assured and would much prefer to leave our home in the body to get out of here and come home to be with the Lord as long as we are on earth we have to walk by faith now I can give you a plethora of proof for the legitimacy and the validity of that literary document we call the Bible I can and there's others out there could do a much better job than me so the information is there but with that being said we are still walking by faith Yeshua said you guys see me Thomas you put your fingers in my palms but blessed are those who don't see and yet believe and he was talking about us yes this is a faith walk guys and and living our life based on trusting God for our future some of you believe it but you don't you like really he's gonna come in the age gonna take us out put us away then the last part of the tribulation where he pulls out the wrath then he comes back and restores the earth he millennial he has arraigned for a thousand years and then the heavens and the Earth's are restored and no more tears that's it that's a you know that's a big that's a big journey of faith right there but if you study the Bible's authenticity you can believe it but make no mistake you're walking by faith and that's what's happening right here that's why he says if I go it's better the faith look is good but if I go it's better he's talking about here the state between death and the coming of Messiah now I don't want to mess with your theology but most people's fundamental evangelical Christian theology is off when it comes to death you say grandma is Dancing with Jesus grandma's body is in the grave go back there a year from now and dig it up she's disembodied it's a disembodied state you don't want to be in a disembodied state you want to get you a new body and I'm not talking about you know the Miami died for your beach body I'm talking about that glorified body we know Yeshua showed himself glorified Elijah and Moses showed up they recognized them the which attend or according to God's permission brought back Samuel David said I'll see my son again yes we're gonna eat it is going to be restored guys God is going to restore it according to the last three chapters of Revelation so you don't want to be disembodied now that might bother wait what do you mean grandma's not dance with what do you mean what do I mean your disembodied the next time you go out dancing leave your body at home and send your soul and see how well it dances yes it is with the Lord it is with the Lord it's the state between death and the coming of Messiah a disembodied state most people think when they get saved they're done you're just beginning and then most people think when they die they go to heaven heavens coming we didn't go to God God came to us heaven is coming your kingdom come your will be done on earth why is he gonna restore the earth if nobody's gonna be there what is this this illogical thinking well it's just what we've been taught well why don't you read the Bible it's a disembodied state but one in which the spirit and the soul we're tripartite spirit soul and body the spirit and our soul our decision maker whatever that looks like it doesn't have a body so I don't know what it looks like but they're consciously enjoying your shoe is presence so for your loved ones that will blood-bought they aren't enjoying your shoes presence but they don't want to stop there is it better according to the scriptures it's better I'm not gonna refute it according to the scriptures it's better in fact it's better by far so we have good we have better but why are you settling for better you don't settle for better with nothing else you want the best food you want the best car you want the best clothes you want the best school with the Lord you settle for better some are not even settling for good that's a real shame to think that there's people sitting in church we can we got there going to hell wow that's crazy that's just crazy so we see good we see better let's take a look at best first Corinthians Paul is talking about the resurrection which we are in that season firstfruits he says look I'm going to tell you a secret all the secrets revealed after issue ascended the only secret that's left which is not a secret is that he's coming back it's no more secrets you could tell Perry stone there's no more secrets it's attractive to people because people love secrets they love secrets Gnosticism secret knowledge I have secret knowledge I heard something from the Lord that you don't know it's ëletís ism it is pride involved in that and people flock to that where's the Ark if I tell you what the Ark is is that gonna change your life is that gonna make you more obedient is that gonna make you more holy will you be better your wife and kids because if it is I'll find where the Ark is but the fact is it's not it's not gonna change your heart one iota and people spend a lifetime on things of that nature look I'll tell you a secret Paul says not all of us will die meaning some are gonna be alive when you shoot what comes back that's what he's saying that's saying old Ike was 1 out of 1 still dies right it's a fact but we will all be changed that's what you want you don't want better it's disembodied it's better than this but this is this is corrosive this is the can you know as we get older I don't get how much broke from you by I don't get how many lists you get you're dying and for those of you that get all the Botox with us I'm not coming against it but what do you want to hear at your funeral man she looks great look under there she's never looked better not alright though such a shame she's dead not all of us will die he's talking about the coming the second coming this is the greatest thing this is why Satan doesn't want juice to get saved because they have to say Baraka Bob they're gonna assure him in they they brought him the first time they're bringing him the second time that's why he wants to keep them blinded that's why you have to grow that provoke them to jealousy that's why you've got to understand the letter of Romans and not stop at Romans 8 continuing - 9 10 and 11 not all of us will die but we will all be changed hallelujah don't you want that change we're changing but this is going to be the change you follow glorified good is just fine better is sanctified the best is glorified it will take a moment just like that what just like that the blink of an eye at the final shofar when you schewe blows him himself for the show fall will sound and the dead will be raised to live forever see that's why if that was if if that was the great state and go to heaven and that's it disembodied then who needs this you're gonna get a new body you're not kidding the dead in messiah will be raised to live forever glorified and we - he's saying if you're around when he comes in you're alive we too will be changed but the dead first for this material which can decay our bodies must be clothed with in perishability this which is mortal must be closed with immortality guys this is crazy this is the consummation of our salvation this is the final Exodus this is what we're all looking forward to any believer in the first centuries looking for this when we receive our glorified bodies at the coming of our Lord and Savior Yahshua we will have everlasting incorruptible purity did you hear what I said no matter how hard you try you will never be perfectly pure in this life but we will have absolute everlasting incorruptible purity in other words no more will you have a sin nature to battle with no more were you have to have to say my god I'm trying so hard why am i doing things I know I shouldn't do why am i saying things I know I shouldn't say and why don't I do the things I know I should do what wretched man am i who will save me he's commented - he's coming he's coming for the final salvation even Paul said this right in Romans 7 and he was a pretty good believer but even he had a sin issue so guess what when you see all the perfect people they're not perfect it's a facade and they're not kidding me and they're not kidding God some will be alive when the Messiah returns and some will not but either way this is simply the best it is the best now I was good with that I was fine with that and that's where I was going to end and the Lord said son related to Passover okay so here it goes he is the good John 9 24 25 this is the man that was born blind remember and what did the disciples City issue who was his closest crew he said are you guys looking at I know what you're looking at yeah yeah I know that give me that yes they are say I said it was maybe about 4550 minutes when in my father's day you started the Seder at 5:30 you didn't eat til 10:00 and you didn't move either yeah you getting off the hook easy Sweet Pea hang on so he was born blind and what did the disciples say who sinned right all of a sudden every time something goes bad who sinned him or his parents what did you shoe is say neither so so not all hardship is from sin that biblical philosophy goes out the window it doesn't hold any water you don't know why so stop trying to figure it out just worry about your own business you're not messiahs cop so they asked him and what do you say said look man I used to be blind now I see they can't deal with it why because it's Shabbat religious people are so messed up there's so much more messed up in secular people secular people I can work with religious people there's no hope they're so stuck this so miserable you can't get through to them and these were the rule these were the pastor's of the day these were the religious leaders of their day instead of having a party that this blind guy can now see he was born blind you know what I would have said if I was one of the religious leaders I would have grabbed him said Oh what does this guy look like to you for the first time what was it like when you saw your mom's face what was it like when your little sister took you to the market and all those people used to greet you could tell who they were now what does the grass look like to you instead they're ready to crucify the guy because it was on Shabbat what a better time to release somebody than on a day of rest imbecile imbecile religious imbecile turning everybody off to God how you doing so a second time they called the man who had been born blind and they said to him a second time swear to God that you will tell the truth meaning we know you're lying we know this man is a sinner he and said you know that guy's Jewish because you saw cast okay he knows he's not a sinner he called him a prophet if you read the whole story really read the whole chapter of John nine it's an incredible beautiful story but he's not he knew it wasn't a city called him a prophet cuz this guy even though he's blind knows better that nobody could do something like that unless they have some connection with God I mean it's not all miracles are from God grant you but clearly this guy had a life of going to synagogue obeying Torah whether he's a sinner or not I don't know I don't know he's messing with these guys that he really grills them and he says oh do you want to end are you asking so much cuz you want to become one of his disciples he's such a sarcastic New York Jew to me I love read the whole story you'll see me in there tell the truth they said there's no way this guy healed you he's a sinner you know give glory to God every time the religious leaders tried to discredit yoshua it ended up bringing him more glory it's the divine boomerang you can't curse what God is blessed and you can't bless what God has cursed just as Balaam the man's testimony is beautiful he didn't know much about Yeshua granted but what he didn't know he's able I know more and they couldn't refute that could they he's sinned in fact they said we don't believe it's him and his parents like it's him it's the same with us guys the world will doubt us and it's gonna be worse I know some of you live in Macon and you go to Destin for a week and that's your life and you go to church on Wednesday night and church on Sunday and Sunday night you go to chick-fil-a and it's always closed Sunday but this is not America and this is not the world and you're living in Your Own Private Idaho and you need to get out hey you go to church you go to Bible study you go to choir practice you need to get out and be salt and light and see what's really going on in the world and you need to make a difference okay the world will doubt us it's going to get much worse they will scoff us it's gonna get worse they will sneer at us but all I know is I was blind and now I see Stephen Hawking the great antagonist to our faith so said such a brilliant man but sometimes brilliance gets in the way of logic he said believing in God is a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark I say not believing God is a fairy tale for people afraid of the light what we're talking here is salvation nothing more okay right here what you're seeing in John 9 the salvation or if you're theological its justification or or positional righteousness position for I sitting in heavenly places with Yeshua a right standing with God if you will that's all you see by applying the blood of the lamb to the doorposts and lintel of your heart by faith we pass over from death into life hallelujah we are delivered from the penalty of sin we're not delivered from Torah we're delivered from the penalty of not obeying Torah Torah is good it's holy just and good we are delivered from the penalty the death sentence of not obeying it because we have a right standing with God so we experience here the Passover that was when you're saved you're saved it's time to grow up it's time to go from good to better you can't stay just save so many people I see it it's a phenomenon to me in church cultures where once they get saved they've arrived they've finished the race is complete now they just wait to die and go to heaven and play a harp you just got into the race you just went through it to an end to the kingdom of God you're just starting you're starting your faith walk how could it be ending when it's just starting so let's move on from the good Passover and let's go to the better pass over again in Philippians Paul writes chapter three thirteen fourteen brothers he's speaking to the body of Messiah not the world brothers eyes for my part do not think of myself as having yet gotten hold of it how could he the great Apostle Paul say I haven't arrived and you think you have this is very confusing to me and this isn't like he met your schooi yesterday this is ten years into his faith walk and he's done magnanimous things he's in prison right now as he writes this he's beaten every which way left for dead ten years Stella walked like nobody nobody could say what he said imitate me so when you get off thinking you've arrived where do you get off thinking your theology as ironclad rabbi here what you saying but I don't hear what you saying I know I get it I get it it's alright it doesn't bother me cuz it's not going to stop me from saying it I'm not worried about who's receiving it I'm just worried that I do my job when I get out of here Lord did I did I say what I was supposed to say we're good right it's about me and God brothers I for my part do not think of myself as yet getting hold of it but one thing I do indomitable one thing people they're Psychopaths you know people that want to play professional sports man they go for it or people that want to climb the ladder of Fame in a corporate environment they go for it this guy's going for it if anybody else goes for it they send out YouTube videos look at this guy's worked out it's unbelievable but he's willing to do and we applaud them but when we built for the religious community that guy's weird even religious people say that what's so weird your weird little freak listen one thing I do forgetting what is behind me I'm not I'm that you don't walk like this man all you so many you living in the past or what I used to do with a I remember I remain your living in the past like Jethro Tull get on with it nobody puts their hands to the plowshare like get on with it you got in it now go go forward I feel my part do not think but one thing I do not two things one thing he's a one thing guy forgetting what's my I mean straining is it going to be easy heck no if your walk is easy you ain't walking with my god it's a stream it's a war it's a battle it's a fight but it's good and it's right it feels good and it feels right I fought a lot of fights but this fight feels right I strain forward towards what lies ahead what's ahead I keep pursue and keep pressing what goal are you talking about to win the prize what prize I'm saved he who endures to the end will be saved so says Yeshua Matthew 24:12 he who endures to the end it's a race and you got to finish that race the man who was content with whatever material things he had this man who was content with whatever he had materially was not content with his spiritual attainments or his overall spiritual position he felt he hadn't arrived so what does he do he threw his old life behind him done I don't want to talk about it not only his sins and his failures that he throw behind him but his attainments and his successes not interested all done and he pressed on to the finish line of God's race the judgment seat of Messiah in order to win the prize the crown of righteousness the fullness and blessings and rewards in the age to come it wasn't about this life it was about that life and so many it's all about this life what are we talking here justification no salvation no delivered from the penalty of sin no the Passover that was no we're talking practical righteousness or growing in God by becoming transformed from the world and it's godless system being delivered from the power of sin not just the penalty the power how could that be rabbi it could be by the power of the Holy Spirit it could be many of you can testify things you were doing that you're not doing things you used to do that you're not doing things that you wouldn't even think about doing that you're doing my dream was to retire at 30 I was on a very fast track in the business world retired 30 apps not being married with no kids and have nothing to do with God how am i doing thanks that's on you now I'm talking to you this is the Passover that is this is the Passover that's happening for us every time we say no and yield to the Holy Spirit God passes over us and hovers and treats us like we're in his refuge and the Angel of Death can't touch us he eclipses the devil every time this is what's happening for us right now as we speak but is that the best no this is the best psalm 27:4 just one thing there it is again john 9 he said just one thing I was blind now I see Philippians 3 just one thing I press on to reach the goal to win the prize of the high calling of Messiah Yahshua here we go the best is still one thing just one thing have I asked about annoy only this will I see this is all I want to do to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to see the beauty of other annoy and visit in this temple that's the best David doesn't just one heaven but he wants the king of heaven why because she's beautiful because he's beautiful and there's something so special about these one thing people they want what they want they know what they want and they go for it and whenever we do this in the world we applaud them and we should because it shows an incredible tenacity an incredible work ethic an indomitable spirit why not in the spirit all I'm saying is I'm not saying don't do that I'm not saying be a bomb and I'm not saying that go for it but why not go for it in the spiritual realm as well why is that a no-no delivered this wood delivered from the penalty of sin delivered from the power of sin now then we'll be live delivered from the very presence say glory land and this my friends is the best this is the best let me let me do something really quick do you mind I just want to interject something can you throw it Luke 10 there for a minute I love you I do when when something good happens for you I'm really happy I really am whatever that is somebody came and told me they got a new job and the guy was struggling a little bit and I was so happy and they're gonna be able to move close I was so happy I came home I told burne I'm so happy when anything goes for you good I'm happy and when anything goes to your bed I'm really said I'm not one of those guys they maybe maybe they did sent to me what that's crazy thinking that's almost demonic thinking maybe they did something maybe they didn't but can't you be said for their sadness nevertheless what's the difference if it was a sin issue they're still hurting what is wrong with anyway let me just give you some friendly advice okay you know this is a shoe his friends his buddies whenever he's around going into Jerusalem he always stops at Bethany you know what I mean it's like when people sometimes come down and they go into Florida and they live in Ohio something comes 75 and they watch they stop here okay these were his buds Mary and Martha you know the story but the sad part is I don't think we apply the story okay on their way your Xuan is Tama Dean his disciples they come to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into a home of course buds Oh chi-su a marriage issue uh she had a sister called Miriam who also sat at the Lord's feet and heard what he had to say Martha was busy with all the work to be done so going up to him she said sir don't you care that my sister has been leaving me to do all the work by myself I know we at least got one Martha in here however the Lord answered her Martha Martha when every repeat sees Peter Peter he's always making a big point for all of us you are fretting and worrying about so many things but there is only one thing that is essential Miriam has chosen the right thing it won't be taken from her meaning not now or an eternity now just listen to me real quick first of all do you know what a house looked like in the first century it's not like your house okay it was one room the animals were on a lower level connected maybe a baby was in a hammock you had a little kitchen area and a sitting area and a place to sleep one room so it's not like she was in the kitchen right and you were downstairs in the family room or you were upstairs in the movie room well the sewing room and how there's so many rooms now my god Gracie but anyway anyway so she's right there I I think you need to know this because Mary is sitting on his feet which by the way by the way again this whole Bible is written by Jews to Jews so if you're not on the same Jewish culture you won't understand but sitting at your teacher was was being discipled that's what they called it sitting at the feet if you read um acts 20 to 3 you'll see it it says that Paul sat at the feet of Gamaliel in fact you were so close to your rabbi that it said you would you would feel the dust from his sandals you were walking so close to him okay so sitting at the feet didn't necessarily mean she was actually sitting at the feet although she might have but sitting at the feet was more of a colloquialism a break expression that meant hey my teachers here have at it Martha I'm this is what I'm doing but Martha was uh you know she was a lunatic she always had to have everything right the house had to be perfect you know the house was perfect but the heart wasn't perfect you know what I mean the house was perfect all the guests came they go oh look at the great house meanwhile you had no peace and then finally when they said oh your house looks so beautiful then you're like oh God now I'm a good person now I'm happy you know what I'm talking about you know what I'm talking about and so she's thinks hey I gotta make a meal which was which was a nice gesture there's nothing wrong with what she was going to do but she's hitting the dough and kneading the dough and her little sister probably about maybe maybe Mary was like I don't know thirteen fourteen they grow up quick they got married by the time they're 14 15 so 15 young and she's hitting the dough and Mary's just sitting there listening the issue and moff is trying to listen in but she's my head and she's banging that dough you know what I'm talking about I don't know why you had to invite so many people I'm so tired of everybody coming over to our house and then they come hey how you doing shabbat shalom right and so she finally comes in and says you know she laces into him it's like it's your fault man why don't you tell her to get up and help me you see and he doesn't say you know your rights or Mary Mary she looks upset going there and help her out he is a man of honesty and he is genuine thoroughly genuine and he's not gonna play Kate anybody or manipulate anybody he's gonna be loving but he's gonna be forthright and honest in everything he does whether people like it or not and they obviously didn't like it because they killed him so it says Martha was busy you look up that word whether it's Hebrew or Greek and it means she was over occupied it means too busy anybody too busy I might be the only one praise God I'm glad to hear that I am too busy I am too busy and there's sometimes people ask me to do things and I said I can't because there's no room on the plate there's no room I'm just too busy with what I'm too busy with work you know service and ministry too busy too busy and and some of us are too busy not with work and ministry but busy with stuff stuff you know what I'm saying it's like it's like you're married to Google I don't know who this Google is but it's taking up a lot of our time it's ridiculous guys I spoke to a bunch of pastors in Tennessee when I was up there the last time they had a meeting on Monday and they asked me to share I don't know they didn't ask me to share the past who invited me asked me to share and they weren't too crazy about what I said but I said don't sacrifice your intimacy with God on the altar of ministry and I could say to you don't sacrifice your intimacy with on the altar of work or stuff ain't you married to the Messiah not to your ministry it's a huge mistake and and the wife that marries the past that didn't marry the church she married the men it's a mistake I I was going up to Memphis and this is what I pray to the Lord Lord I'm thoroughly exhausted when I get up there I know I'm gonna have a meeting as soon as I get there Saturday night and then I'm gonna have two meetings Sunday morning and then they want me to talk to the youth Sunday afternoon then they want me took to church Sunday night then they want me to talk to past this Monday morning then talk to another group Monday afternoon and then speak to the church again Monday night and I leave here exhausted so I just said if it's possible can you not give me an opportunity to witness on the plane I know that sounds really weak but I feel I don't want to say obligated I just it's just you know fish swim Birds that's what I do so I get on the plane I'm sitting in the exit row two guys next to me this guy goes right to sleep BAM I'm like cool the other guys like a good old boy you know I'm talking about his phone cases camouflage you know you know what I'm talking about what's wrong so much Peter said what's wrong with that Souls man so uh so he takes Heather's but I told you it's good old boy you know and he looked like a nice guy probably going back to Tennessee live somewhere around there he takes out a Bible I just get excited when I see somebody taking a Bible I don't know about you but I'm like you know what I mean like member when when Charlie got the golden ticket and Willy Wonka that's how I get when so he took it about some I'm trying it's really fine print and I'm looking over and looking over and looking over and I just want to see what he's reading like it looked like he was reading Colossians so I just want to hey do you know much about the what was going on in Colossae you know what I mean I just you know maybe he was up maybe he was a Bible student maybe he's in Bible College but anyway he's got these big headphones on you know camouflage and finally I couldn't take any more I was exhausted I was like hey and he goes I said are you reading that for pleasure or or for study and he goes I'm just reading it okay and he puts right back on the headphones and I'm like wow and so I said to the Lord Wow can you believe this he goes what do you mean could you believe this you prayed honest she was worrying and fretting she was anxious and disturbed agitated and frustrated is anybody like me I mean this society has agitated me and frustrated me last week I had a call a couple of big corporations like I don't want to mention names but like AT&T or a free health care or things of that nature how many prompts how many prompts you wanted in English are you under this health care plan are you wearing boxer shorts at tighty-whities I mean how many prompts before I get somebody and then I get shipped over to another country I can't understand them they can't help me they're not being paid enough to really help say they enough but we got to cut labor costs because we got to make more money money has buried our society buried our societies buried our families it's buried our lives we have more of everything but we have so less of what's important and then I finally get the person after waiting 30 minutes and you get disconnected anybody know what I'm talking about and there's nothing you could do so finally I get back in no offense you know I love I love my Filipino people but this was the Philippines and I finally got back and they say can I help you and I said look I love pancit I love lumpy I got Filipino friends but if I could take a flight to Manila right now I take a flight then joke the life out of you and burner that says what are you getting so frustrated about there's nothing you can do about I go well well I'm the one making the calls you get disconnected after holding for 38 minutes and then I find out I find out I find out that they write in my little file on my rate like they're marking me like I'm the problem anxious to serve agitated frustrated distressed and upset that was Martha and that's a lot of us Martha was doing a good thing but Mary did a better thing Martha was doing a good thing Mary did a better thing because the greatest possession you could have guys is close fellowship with the Lord there's nothing like it and the more you convert from a Martha to a Mary the better off you'll be because you have to stay connected if you're going to be perfected and and sitting at the Lord's feet does not mean sit at the Lord's feet it means attend to the word attend to the word you have to speak to God about men before you speak to men about God you can't give what you don't have now let me end with a encouragement good better best as we fast forward to the final Exodus this is good revelation 19 1:7 after these things I heard what sounded like the roar of a huge crowd in heaven shouting hallelujah as she was returning with the Saints he's coming [Applause] this is what I call the big hallelujah party because because the bridegroom is coming to marry his bride the victory right now we're engaged he'll be consummated the victory the glory the power of our God for his judgments are true and just he has judged the great Babylon the system not the place the world system who corrupted the earth with her whoring he has taken vengeance on her who has the blood of his servants on her hands that's the wrath of God at the end of the tribulation and the second time they said hallelujah because she's gone the system's gone a smoke goes up forever and ever the 24 elders and the four living beings fall down and worship God sitting on the throne say Amen like the truth has become true hallelujah let's continue a voice went out from the throne saying hallelujah look what's going on here man we haven't heard a hallelujah since the Psalms all you his servants you who fear Him small and great then I heard what sounded like the roar of a huge crowd like the sound of rushing waters like the loud peals of thunder saying hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I don't know the god of heavens armies has begun his reign you see it's not about going to heaven it's coming I mean this my friend who's a pastor can't get this concept and I don't know why I just don't know why it's Scripture I know he's been trained a certain way but it's not the truth let us rejoice and be glad let us give him the glory I mean wouldn't you rather be in an incorruptible body with your family and friends enjoying a perfect land then being a soul trying to play a harp let us give him the glory for the time has come for the wedding of the lamb and his bride has prepared we're in the preparation stage getting rid of spots and wrinkles yeah that's what's happening right now we're getting ready that's good you're ready for better next chapter revelation 22 verses next I saw an angel coming down from heaven who had the key to the abyss and a great chain in his hand he sees the dragon that ancient serpent who is the devil Satan the adversary and changed him up for a thousand years hallelujah I don't know about Alice in Chains but Satan's definitely gonna be in Chains and the millennial reign of Yeshua is underway this is Benna by the way during the millennial reign you won't have satan to blame all right let's get to best there's a hush over the crowd this is the best guys revelation 21 1 through 4 then I saw a new heaven and a new earth see new earth they were for the old heaven and the old earth had passed away it's gonna be renewed like the new moon and the sea was no longer there though there will be a sea but they're talking about calamity also I saw the holy city the New Jerusalem see it's coming down see we're not going up to it it's right there I don't know what they're missing but whatever it is there is and I know some of you like I don't care what it says I know what I believe good good that's called cult-like thinking it came out of heaven from God prepared like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband I heard a loud voice from the throne say see exclamation boy meaning see I told you it's true God Shana is with mankind the glory of God is with men and he will live with them dwell tabernacle then that Feast of Tabernacles will be complete when he when he's there for the Millennial but then we will have the Shabbat then will truly have a time of everlasting peace this is Shabbat all the feasts are fulfilled now they will he will wipe away every tear from their eyes I don't know about you but I shed it here every day they will be no longer be any death I hate death and they will no longer be any mourning crying or pain hard to imagine right you want to talk about I can only imagine and because the old order has passed away or passed over we will enjoy intimate communion with the Lord closer than we ever dreamed possible it is unfathomable by the way kleenex files chapter 11 and this is the best guys stand with me while I give you three verses of just closing encouragement yeshua teaches in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 about how things are going to rapidly change and how things are gonna get real bad and most people read these things and they panic so they make up a thing that they'll be taking out before it gets bad and they make up this this theory that Yeshua never taught the disciples never taught that was until 1860 called the rapture but he didn't say you're gonna be pulled out he said protect them while they here in this world you'll have tribulation we won't see the wrath of God that's undeniable but the wrath and tribulation is different but this is what he did say he said there will appear signs in the Sun in the moon and the stars and on earth nations will be an anxiety nations will behold nations will be in anxiety and fretting and worrying you think you worry now nothing and bewilderment confusion at the sound of the surge of the sea as people faint with fear at the prospect of what is overtaking the world for the powers in heaven will be shaken we will be here and then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with tremendous power and glory [Applause] guys I'm here to tell you that the best is yet to come for us for us we are lucky beggars the best is yet to come the final exodus is yet to come we are yet to be liberated so when you see these things guys know things aren't falling apart for the world they're falling apart for us it's coming together they're actually coming together so when you see these things up on your feet heads held high you stand tall because Yahshua is on the way [Music] encourage each other with this we need each other don't live in your private Idaho we need to encourage each other with this truth because some people are really overwhelmed with what's going on in their lives and everybody has something going on so you guys encourage each other don't beat each other up especially not here I can't dictate what goes on outside but in these four walls try to get along and play nice okay now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious onto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace and name of the Prince of all peace Yeshua give a retinoid face maratha your errand oi carnival aha aha yes I don't know novela ha BR Sam there [Music] hug the mail guys swatch alone [Applause]
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,078
Rating: 4.7802196 out of 5
Keywords: Getzel, Hershberg, Passover
Id: 3tc5VSmPWoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 58sec (4018 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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