(May 4, 2019) Torah Parsha: Acharei Mot (After the Death) (Part 1)

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um let's let's go to the two verses that that melody so aptly read for us in Hebrew Leviticus 18 4 through 5 if you knew I don't want to give a big explanation but the Torah the first five books of the Bible basically commands the people to read the Torah it says in a year you have to read the whole Torah so the rabbi's just sat down and they said okay it's a command what do we do let's break it up into portions so that we can fulfill that command it's real simple and did they did they break it up into exact portions according to what God wanted look the bottom line is it gets read in a year in a synagogue okay that's the bottom line so this is the portion and it's a portion of abortion because we can't read the whole I I've been to synagogues when they read the whole portion and you can't you can't expound on 150 verses okay not well not well so we have a portion of a portion which is picked out for me and once a month we go over it and so this is our portion today two verses it says you ought to obey my rulings and lures and live accordingly I am I don't know your God you know they've observed my laws and rulings if a person does them he will have life through them I am out alone guys I don't think that necessitates a whole lot of explanation do you have um do you have readers by the way my readers are in my jacket so if you need to see something you can you can use that as well no I don't like blank thank you appreciate it now there's some things I might say I don't think they're offensive but you might not agree with them and man you got to understand something everybody here has a totally different theology than everybody else here there are things we agree on but there's a whole lot of things if we really sat down and talked about minutiae there might be some differences but that's because every single solitary person here no matter how well school they are see in part so even when you argue with somebody or debating or even discussing one of you might be wrong maybe both of you might be wrong so it's important to focus on the majors to really focus on the majors you know you can never go wrong with loving God more than yourself and loving everybody else like yourself you can never go wrong with that as simple as it sounds try it try it this is this is very basic what what this says we're gonna spend two weeks on this and let me just tell you my goal this is my goal I have spent thirty years of my life every single day every single day meditating on the Lord and meditating on his grace and his truth I have watched so many very well-intentioned beautiful believers walk in one or the other I've watched believers be eighty percent grace 20 percent truth I've watched some believe is a hundred percent truth no grace I've found very very few pastors rabbis included who walk in a hundred percent grace and a hunt of a century very very rare when I say my people the way I grew up my people have the Torah okay Gentile believers have Jesus I'm here to tell you that you should have both and and the thing about that is is the Jewish community and when I say the Jewish community look people say what did what a Jews believe I don't know what a Gentiles believe everybody believes what they believe I can't speak for the Jewish community there's 14 million Jews I can speak for this Jew but no there's all kinds of different there's this there's hundreds of different thousands tens of thousands different theologies within the Jewish community as there are in the Christian community but basically if you're Orthodox in your if you're a religious Jew the Torah is everything to you but you don't know Messiah if you're a very devout Christian Jesus is everything to you but you don't know the Torah that's why I don't want to pick either one of those sides if I had to of course I'd go to the Christian side because Yeshua is is the key to connecting with the father so I can if you guys think rabbi can you worship at a synagogue I can but it's gonna lack now can I worship at a church all the time I go to churches to speak I I go to friends churches however I'm here to tell you that you should not have good compete with good you can have Yeshua and the Torah and I believe you should have Yeshua and the Torah and the more of your Scheuer you have the more of the Torah snaps and that's I just wanted to tell you that's that's that's the objective of this over the next two weeks okay we might not get it today but probably next week we'll definitely get it now before we go over the Torah Porsha I think the important question is what is Torah and I've gone over this in the last 17 years being here you know we go over this all the time because first of all people forget people forget what Torah is because Torah has been Mis misrepresented I think so let's just look at the word for a moment and Torah Torah in the Hebrew it's a Hebrew word it means law direction or instructions okay what you need to know about the first five books of the Bible the Pentateuch has it's cold is that God is speaking the whole time now when you read the book of Kings God's not speaking a lot of the time men is speaking when you read Ecclesiastes you're catching Solomon and a very jaded time of his life where he is making absolutely no sense as a man of God okay he comes to his senses at the very end it ends on a good note but the whole rest of the book is shaky a lot of times it's not God speaking it's men speaking Bible but when it comes to the first five books that's why it's the foundation of the Word of God you're gonna find in the Book of Leviticus God is speaking on every page of thus saith the LORD this isn't acts 15 where it says in my opinion do I think that opinion was divinely inspired absolutely but was God quoting himself no see the difference I'm hoping that this is gonna be divinely inspired I spend hours asking for God to breathe on me to breathe on this but unless I say thus saith the Lord it's not a direct quote in the first five books you have thus saith the Lord on every page it is the foundation of the rest of the Word of God it is so very important and any good theologian knows that especially the theologians of old the theologians of new the new theologians know most of the theologians of new they're not Shepherds leading the sheep they're clowns entertaining the goats Andrew Bonner somebody like him this is what he said about Leviticus there is no book in the whole compass of that inspired volume meaning the Bible which the Holy Ghost has given us that contains more of the very words of God than Leviticus it is God that is the direct speaker on almost every page his gracious words are recorded in the form we're in they were uttered what so people say I want to hear from God read Leviticus I know that sounds sarcastic and I don't mean it to me and the Lord said to Moses and the Lord said to Moses and the Lord said to Moses and the Lord said to Moses do you think he was just wasting his time Moses was his media and he was his spokesman he said this is what I want you to tell my people this what I want you to tell my people so if you're a born and believe in your grafted in this is what he wants to tell more people you're as people right okay so the root word which some Hebrew words have a root which is crucial to look up in this case yes there's a root it means Yara which means to throw or point to some Hebrew scholars say it means to shoot an arrow and hit the mark when somebody gives a speech or they do something a sport you go man you hit the mark that means you accomplished the goal Torah it kind of points us it directs us to the way God wants us to live this is his kingdom he is the king of his kingdom he now people say my house my rules and that's true that's true you might go to somebody's house and I remember going to somebody's house once and I wasn't crazy about it because I don't really care about my house I don't care about things I don't care about them I don't want to destroy them but they're not gonna own me God owns me and so you might go to somebody's house they say if you don't mind can you take off your shoes just had the rugs clean it and and I've been to people's house where they have a box of slippers for you box of slippers for you but but that first of all it is your house and whether I think it's appropriate or not is not for me to even speak about your house if this is what you declare is right in your house and this is the way you war in your house I have to defer or I'm not getting in your house and that's right right so God has a house and there's a way to do things this this things that are right in that house and this things that are wrong in that house and God delivered us he that's why all over the the first five books says I am the Lord your God what is he saying saying do you forget like I came to your rescue when you didn't even deserve it do you think they were worshiping him in Egypt get out of here they were second as they are today a lot of us are secularized we talk about how much we love God I can't tell the dudes me to believe in a non-believer the world has its own literature it has its own movies it has its own everything and God calls us to be different and separate apart so God said look I delivered you and furthermore we got married I do very few weddings I get gun-shy I don't like doing weddings at all if it doesn't work out burn Allah says it's not your fault and I don't know why but I take it as I what could I have done I don't know I get this crazy responsibility of everything that goes on it's nuts but when I'm up there and I say to the people in front of God and these witnesses do you solemnly promise I'm thinking did they get what I'm saying and God said I married you and this is our covenant I'm gonna do this and this and this and this make no mistake I'll never leave you nor forsake you I'll provide for you I'll protect you but this is how I want you to conduct yourself as my wife and there is nothing wrong with that and it's hardly being preached anymore and that's Bible 101 and it's a six state of affairs when stuff like that isn't being preached when the word holy is you we shouldn't use that one more stupid new way they have to shave Church shows up with the black roof and all the music and the smoke machines I used to have that when I was high okay etymologically torah or source origin the word Torah means teaching not law it is mistranslated it's a God has a teaching he has a teaching Torah instructs man on who God is and what his righteousness looks like when you read the Torah and you see what it's about this is the heart of God so in other words if God was a human being what would he do well you see who said if you see me you've seen the father you know what he did did you shoe a lie did he steal did he covet if he was married do you think he'd commit adultery do you think if there was a widow or a poor and often nearby he would turn a blind eye you saw what he did you saw the way he lived he is the heart of God he is the Torah of God with flesh on it the Torah is the National Constitution of Israel describing how God the great king himself wants his nation to function within his kingdom the Torah is the only document that Jewish tradition regards as containing God's words and only God's words that's why when they over the centuries when they were being persecuted what do you think the rabbi took first before his kids he took the Torah that's how precious it is that's how sacred it is it's the holiest object in Jewish life nothing is more holy and here's a little fun fact for you Yeshua was actually referred to as ha Torah by his earliest followers the Torah now there's something called systematic theology it's not a it's a it's a big deal but I just want you to know theology means the study of God and systematic means by subject matter so these are very important within theological circles I want to show you in Judaism there are three main subjects within Jewish systematic theology three as others but this is the bulk this is 90% number one and always number one is God whenever you look at Jewish systematic theology you're gonna see God God God God God two is the people of God very important and three is the Torah okay those are the three main subjects within Jewish systematic theology look at Christianity and its three main subjects God one the people of God in Yeshua so both both the bulk of Christian and and Jewish theology is God and the people of God but this is where differs they devote the same time to God in the people of God but one devotes time to the Torah the other one votes time to yoshua obviously in Judaism they don't believe in Jesus and sadly enough in Christianity there's not much spoken about the Torah now I'm a big fan of facts I know I'm not on social media I send out a tweet in the morning if you if you send something in I don't respond to it because all somebody asked me is hey if you meditate every morning could you send something out maybe something you hear so I but it doesn't take me any work because I'm meditating anyway takes me 30 seconds to write it but I don't want to converse on social media there's not enough room things a misunderstood mistranslated and and i don't want to deal with that because there's an old rabbinical saying and i totally adhere to it misunderstanding leads to all kinds of evil so I'm not gonna talk back and forth on social media need to be crazy to do it yourself and personally I think you should maybe get out of Facebook and put your face in his book I like facts for instance the anti-defamation league kicks backs and for the last 20 years seventy-three percent almost three-quarters of all the hate crimes in America has been by white supremacist now people don't talk about that why because they don't know facts so they just talk they say I don't and I love when people say well I read it where where tell me you didn't read it you just said that well you read it in a comic book maybe there are facts let me show you three books on systematic theology within Judaism okay these are the three most famous you have Epstein's the faith of Judaism this is his systematic theology and Judaism of the 386 pages 57 pages devoted to Torah so 15% of the entire systematic theology is devoted to Torah which is pretty good Salomon Schechter's aspects of rabbinic theology there's 343 pages as you see 69 pages of devoted tutorial that's almost 20% and Luis Jacobs a Jewish theology 73 pages of the 331 pages that are written are about Torah so on the average there's about 20% which is which is a fair amount 20% of all Jewish systematic theologies devoted to Torah now let me show you the three most famous theological books in Christianity augustus strong systematic theology a thousand 56 pages 28 pages to torah 2% the sad part is the 2% is totally negative l Birkhoff systematically out seven and forty five pages three pages that's a half of 1% or 0.5% and Lewis Sperry chatters seven volumes suspect twenty six hundred and seventy pages seven pages so factually we could see that you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what I'm trying to show here and I'm not you know this isn't one of those you know tests that they do in the drug world whether they keep testing and testing and testing till they find the results they want not talking about that this is just pure unadulterated facts so from this we can see that Torah or law tends to have a negative connotation within the realm of Christian theology it does I told you my two best friends are very very well regarded Southern Baptists both have their doctorates both went to the best seminary in the United States both are incredibly successful ones on the executive committee one's been the president past president of two Southern Baptist Convention's these guys are wonderful guys and they're my them my go-to guys I I wasn't raised in Christianity I don't know everything about Christian I studied it I probably know more about the baptist world than the average Baptist most Baptists don't know what year they started who founded where'd they come from did they splinter off from a group most messages don't know it's pretty sad when you're following your religion and you don't even know its origin why you method as well my husband was a Memphis good answer so I like to study these things because I want to know I want to know about origins because I believe that whatever you're rooted into that's the fruit that you're going to produce and you can't say I didn't know ignorant there's no excuse so I like to know I like to know but I asked these guys cuz they know everything about Christianity they've been in ministry for over 46 years each of them so I asked them tell me about the realm of Christian theology Torah and law has a negative connotation I'll tell you what happens in Christianity with Torah right it's either over simplified either they say well that was there just to lead us to Jesus so God gave us these holy and just and righteous commands so we can go I can't do it I need Jesus and then and then what you accept Jesus and then what do you do you do whatever you want to do I would think once you accept him you'd want to obey his commands and if you think that he has different commands in his father you're crazy because if he has different commands in his father there's no way he could have gotten away with saying I and the father are one sounds like a schizophrenic so it's either over simplified or it's just dismissed now you know the game word association actually some psychologists came up with it to find out your deepest subconscious you know what I mean like if they said if they said to somebody wife murder spouse stabber you know you know this person has a problem so was it was some psychological testing that they did to dig into somebody's subconscious because when you play word association you're going into your subconscious not necessarily your your conscious if I play word association with the average Christian really and we said law I guarantee you they wouldn't smile and go delight pleasantness they would say dead or burden or nailed I'm just this is just truth you know my opinion doesn't mean anything this is just truth but I want to tell you based on Matthew 5 the gospel and the only sermon Jesus preached Jewish scholars I'm talking about rabbinical scholars when they read Matthew 5:17 through 19 this is what they come away with and this is pure Jewish literacy I know first I used to have to study I'm quoting this is what they say based on Matthew chapter 5 1719 they just they don't know who Jesus is they just open up the got somebody said read this what do you think based on this now is Matthew 5:17 19 true they say if this is true this is our opinion about Jesus Jesus was a Torah observant law-abiding highly nationalistic Jew with strong ethical concerns in fact they say that Jesus in Matthew 5:17 19 not only obeyed the Torah but he criticized anyone who advocated dropping the law my question guys is how does a bunch of lost Jews know this and a bunch of saved Christians don't how did that happen is that is that a harsh words a little bit what why rabbi because if you don't prick somebody in the heart they'll never change I'm sorry it's just the way it works if I go don't worry about it's no big deal doesn't matter it does matter it matters a whole lot that's why you have thousands thousands of divisions of Christianity when clearly the Lord taught there's one God one faith one baptism and thousands of denominations and they don't like each other they only make like they do you know when they make like they like each other when there's a unity service and you get this choir together and everybody's you know it's all you this three people from here three people and then they leave they go alright see you will do this next year and they never get together again they don't share pulpits nothing you're not going to get a black charismatic guy in the pulpit of a frickin white Baptist Church why don't we have what we have here that's what I want to know you realize make in Georgia I'm here 17 years I don't care if anybody tells me I don't belong I know facts it is 50% black and 50% white tell me why not one of the six hundred churches are integrated and don't tell me that maybe white has some black people they got a black doctor it should be called mostly white Brava you can't talk like this I sure can and I sure will but somebody's got to it's got to change you ever see what we have here you probably don't realize it the praise and worship team we got Darren my month safar Ian and we got an Amber scroller black and white black and white in the administration what do you got Denis Malone and Roxanne Rosen black and white in fact Roxanne's hair is black and Denise's hair now his white dance team black and white HEC Arkansas Melanie and Jason white you can't get more white than Jason white he put the paw in Caucasian security team Mike Harris and and hoo-ha Carrie stand up so everybody can see how black you are Carrie's black [Applause] technology just Jeffrey Jeffrey wave to everybody where's Jason where did it go is he in the back work and Technology the two of them and it's unbelievable Jason is a white Jeffrey Jeffrey's of black Jason their personalities are identical if I ever get an Associate rabbi I gotta find a black Jew [Laughter] [Applause] Sammy Davis jr. is dead he was this this was supposed to be a unity of believers guys we have a microcosm of it seriously we do we have Indians Eastern Indians in our congregation they're extended but they're watching Kenyans Australians Israelis this is the way it was supposed to be guys separation and bigotry and racism is there's nothing Jesus about that nothing and although I don't agree with some of the face and I'm not talking Christianity I'm talking Islam I don't hate them I totally dislike the religion but I don't hate them God gave everybody a right to choose what they want and as long as it's not illegal or not immoral that's their choice and I can't take away their god-given right I can discuss I can try I can pray I can cry but you can't make people exactly the way you think they should be Hitler tried that how did that work out something's gotta give it's a mess it's a mess when there's no love in the church there's no hope I can only think how sad it makes you man you died for something better than that alright let's take a look at Leviticus in a little in context we read two verses 4 & 5 let's just 1 to 5 I don't know I said to Moshe speak to the people of Israel tell them I am I don't know your God again that that reminder over and over again you are not to engage in the activities found on land of Egypt where you used to live and you're not to engage in the activities on the land of Canaan where I'm where I'm bringing you nor are you to live by their laws they have their own system their own way of doing things you are to obey my rulings and my laws and live accordingly I am I don't know you God you want to observe my laws and my rulings if a person does them he will have life through them item on annoy chapters 18 of Leviticus 2 chapters 22 applies the principle of holiness those five chapters that's what it's all about okay holiness is hard to explain the greatest theologian can't so there's no shot I can but I'll take a little stab at it okay in my simplistic way holiness refers first and foremost to the essential nature of God if you want to describe God's essential nature just use the word holy that's why the living creatures all they can say is holy holy hope thats all they can say what's that speaks of who God really is some people say perfect it's so beyond perfect it's so much more than that God is holy and because he is holy he and he alone deserves to be worshipped praise is different you can praise the Lord you could praise your child you could praise an employee you praise your dog but you can't worship them worship is exclusive for the holy one he used to be called the Holy One of Israel a holy one so the people of Israel aka the children of God are commanded here not to imitate the customs of the Egyptians which they were indoctrinated in they forgot God do you think they would you think they were celebrating feasts the customs that nor the ways of the Canaanites but to obey the laws of God to obey his ways now look at 18 5 for a minute just that one verse just want to focus on for a minute if you don't mind you will not observe my laws and rulings if a person does them he will have when it comes to God you'll see these if and then statements all the time we we sometimes make deals with God well if you do this then I promise no no sweet pea you have it backwards you don't dictate to God if he does then you'll do he dictates you if you do then I'll do he's God you know my kids don't say dad well if you do this and you do that then we'll be really obedient if you say that one more time you're gonna be a really hurting disobedient kid now the Torah here is saying that a person will have life now are we talking eternal life no no not at all when the Torah speaks and it speaks to this constantly when the Torah speaks about having life through keeping God's laws and rules it refers to enjoying life under God's pleasure I don't know who this company is I see I see people running around life is beautiful now if you don't know god it's not so God's saying your life is beautiful under my great pleasure if you do these things you'll have a good life you'll have a beautiful life that's what God's saying he's saying if you keep my laws and my rulings you'll have a beautiful life now I'm sad that only Billy said amen God's ways guys maybe you don't read the Torah enough maybe it's not on your heart maybe not born again I don't know but God's ways the world's ways a poison poison total toxic they will ruin your life I have a credit card since 1980 how many years is that here's my mathematician good 39 years I've never paid one penny interest never III my father taught me don't look to make a lot of money reduce your expenses live below your means that's good stewardship I come back here sometimes Saturday night and shuttle flights that people leave on I'm not paying for it somebody is maybe it's coming out of some widows tithe you don't waste I'm not talking about being cheap I am not cheap I don't believe in that there's the luggage rack on a hearse but I'm wise with money they say the Jews from the economy are you a buffoon if the Jews ran the economy we wouldn't have a trillion dollar debt ain't no jewelry no economy I am being interested because because you become a slave to the lender you buy a house for $150,000 30 years later it's $400,000 you did well you've got ripped off royally sin is like that it's like a credit card it feels really good when it's happening but you pay through the nose later on God's ways I'm telling you God's ways are ways a play you know this it's pleasantness its protection there's prosperity in it even if your soul prospers it's so beautiful there's joy in it there's peace in it how would the book of Romans say that it's holy just and good how do we take something that's holy should be worshipped if it's holy that's what it says 7:12 Paul yells it's holy it's just it's right and it's good in every sense of the word and we look up the word good it means majestic excellent praiseworthy but then two verses later it says you know what the problem is it's not with God's ways it's with the people who can't do God's ways Jesus didn't die for the laws of God he died for sinners lawbreakers that's what the Bible says when the Torah says to observe or some of your versions will they keep or some will say obey those three words that's all you see either observe keep and obey they mean the same thing it always sees this this is the way the Torah season as the right response to God's grace when God bestows grace when he delivered the children of Israel he then give the tour to them before he delivered them it wasn't given to an unredeemed people it was given to a ravine people first he redeemed them and then he said this is the way I want you to live oh you're so harsh no sweet pea you're missing the point I want your life to be beautiful I'm a lover I'm a blessed man if you think it's harsh man you missed the boat you missed the boat and you are making him very sad man if I have a wife that says man I can't stand you but I'm staying with you because of Jesus wow that's harsh all my kids saying well you know I've got to obey your dad I don't want to I just got you right but man come 18 I'm out of here man I mean that's fan where's the love in that I mean maybe you messed things up so bad but I'm a lover you know I love my family I love I look out for them I put them first all the time I deserve some dang love back it's just the right response God's grace that provides this coven ental relationship that we have a covenant a relationship where God says I will never leave you or forsake you he said to the children of Israel right then to tirana me he said I will not let you go we see this again in John 10 where he goes I've got you I'm not gonna drop you I'm just gonna drop you I'm never gonna let you go I'm never gonna divorce you and that's that's a lot of people don't have that security in their relationship because we know people could change people just they just change one day they wake up and go I'm sorry I'm not happy and it's all about my happiness we know that's a possibility no matter what I tried to raise my kids differently when my oldest son who's 25 started to date his first real girlfriend I set her down said let me tell you something okay he is not perfect neither am i but let me tell you what you never have to worry about he won't cheat on you he's not a cheater I don't know if this list is gonna last but you never have to worry about that with my kid he won't he won't do it he thinks it's deplorable he thinks it's disgusting how do you know rabbi he's not gonna because I trust the Lord's teachings in his life I don't want to listen to the naysayers and the negativity how many times when I was in corporate America that I sit there in meetings and people are talking negative and this won't work and this is why there's why I said well give me a suggestion what will work or you keep telling me is what won't work this covenant relationship and all God is trying to tell us is there's a right way in a wrong way and I just want you to do the right thing not just because you represent me no no it the tauren never presents obedience as a way of gaining God's grace never it describes how the genuinely faithful guide their walk so they can remain in his love we we desire to live a holy life not to gain salvation no way nor add a fear of losing our salvation no way that's not the Bible but out of genuine gratitude to the one who delivered us a thankfulness look it's all over the scriptures I'll end soon because I'll just we'll Leviticus 11 44 45 I get it for I might annoy your God therefore consecrate yourselves and be holy for I am holy like father like son every kid who loves his dad wants to be like his dad that's not as popular today anymore but it used to be he's your father like father like son you want to be a chip off the old block that's not saying just be holy for the heck of it be holy because I'm lowly we're supposed to be like him do not defile yourself with anything kind of swarming creature that moves on the ground for I am I don't know I don't want to get into the eating thing I don't want to get into the evening but let me just tell you something okay a little note for you all right the eating thing is way more spiritual than it is about eating hey God's not a nutritionist because we eat all the time because we think about eating all the time when we're in a diet we think all the more about eating God's saying every time you sit down to eat every time you think about eating remember you're supposed to be separate on to me the kingdom is in mouth food it's about righteousness when you make it only about food man man not for me and I was off the dogs do I eat biblically kosher yes but it's more important to live biblically kosher Leviticus 19 speak to the entire community of Israel tell them you people under be holy because I and now you goddamn holy I'm just giving you a few scriptures let's go to the next Leviticus 20 therefore consecrate yourselves you people must be holy Leviticus 20 same thing over and over again I'm just I'm just showing you I'm not this is not exhaustive I'm just showing you that all throughout the Book of Leviticus it talks about being holy God is declaring this to his children that's what he wants what is holy simple the word is Kadosh and the Hebrew and it means to be set apart unique and distinct now a lot of versions like the King James Version will use the word peculiar now I have met my fair share of peculiar believers but it wasn't because they were holy holiness is not what you do on the outside it has to do with the affections of your heart and the meditations of your mind it has to do with what motivates you that's what makes a person holy holiness in humans ordinarily refers to their being set apart for service for God set apart for God human holiness is the imitation of God human holiness is the imitation of God if we're supposed to let me tell you about Yeshua okay Yeshua was the perfect Son of God okay you will not be exactly like him no matter what your crazy mind tells you but you have a model to live your life after he is the model son so when you have a model in your life they become your idol okay so if you're gonna be an idol worshiper I said go for it let your shoe will be your idol and the way he lives we should live but make no mistake his shoe is holy you better believe it you better believe it and all he thought about was honoring his father constantly couldn't get his mind off the heart of his father couldn't think of anything else so just look at what you spend your time your money your talents you'll find out where your God is we're supposed to become like him and let us not forget not just for the sake of becoming like Emma god it's always mutually beneficial not only do we get to be more like in and honor God but we also end up having a beautiful and blessed life make no mistake I'll just end with a couple of verses and then we'll go on for the New Testament reading next week because I'm here to tell you that Romans 10 has been misinterpreted grossly grossly holiness is not just something in the Book of Leviticus look at Ephesians Ephesians is the crown of poles of business it's the crown he wrote it from prison he was in Ephesus for a very long time he an incredibly close relationship with those people and it's the crown it all talks about the mystery not some secret information that was being delineate 'add but the mystery that the Jews and the Gentiles had become one in Messiah it all refers to the body of Messiah what Colossians talks about the head Ephesians is all about the body of Messiah and it says in the first four verses from Sheol it's 11 so we have to know who wrote it from Showell by God's will by God's will an emissary of the Messiah Yeshua I mean he's an apostle a sent one it's official he's not boasting he's not bragging he was in a prideful man but he's letting people know this was God's will to make me an apostle and who was I sent to I was an apostle to the Gentiles he was an apostle to the Gentiles where Peter was an apostle to the Jews who's he writing to God's people living in Ephesus the believers in Ephesus how big was the congregation I don't know I don't care it doesn't matter that is those who are trusting who are the people living in Ephesus that I believe is those who are trusting in Messiah Yeshua now who said a prayer and came down the aisle but those who are trying to live like him he says grace to you and Shalom why graceful for Shalom you can't have peace unless you have Grace ain't no way if you knew the grace of God you'd have the peace of God and it's not just peace with God we're no longer enemies he's not talking about just that he's not talking about just being reconciled being saved and going to heaven he's talking about having the peace of God in the midst of the worst of circumstances how could that be it's a miracle and it's real grace to you and Shalom from God our Father and Lord Shu see how he separates with God our Father and the Lord the shoe and you shoes Messiah God is God and he's the connector that brings us to the father praised be Allah Noi farther Oh Lord you show them sorry look at that Lord Yeshua the Messiah man that's it that's a mouthful right there that's a theological mouthful he's flawed yes we are his slave he is Yeshua yes he is our Savior and he's the Messiah the prophesied divine king of Israel who in the Messiah very important all throughout that book in it's all about being in him has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heaven not blessings on earth necessarily we think blessed on earth well he gave me a house he gave me a call big deal I know secular people of dance circles around you I know secular people with hundreds of millions dollars billions it's not about that but you know what they don't have spiritual blessing it's a sad state of affairs when somebody dies and they're so poor that all they have is money we have spiritual blessings eternal spiritual blessings in the Messiah he chose us in love before the creation of the universe to be what this is Ephesians I'm not reading Leviticus I don't know why Christians think that's a bad word when clearly we should understand it better than those Jewish people did they didn't have access to the Spirit of God they weren't privileged like we are they weren't they didn't have the laws of God written on their hearts they're to run to Moses is this okay is this okay is this okay can we do this can we carry sticks can we do this can we do that we got it on the inside of us you can't get any than the inside of you the very core of you your persona not the organ heart who you really are we are more privileged than them God chose us for a purpose according to this letter and that purpose is that we should be holy before him in love this is the way we show our love to him as well as receiving blessing from him this purpose will not be fully realized until the kingdom comes and granted it is an ongoing process I'm working on my sanctification but I'm working on my sanctification if how it's it's not instantaneous one more verse description we're out of here first Peter look these are the guys man pol Peter you know these are the guys these are the big dogs he says the same thing he's writing this to a group that's being persecuted the other ones running from prison ready to be killed he's writing from to a group that's being persecuted they're all that property is being confiscated their homes being confiscated they're being tortured and a lot of them they're going to be killed and this is what he has the nerve to say to them as people who obey God like okay you believe it so you obey God right do not let yourselves be shaped don't be conformed by the evil Desai's used to have when you were still ignorant when you were ignorant not stupid this could be very smart people this intellectualism incredibly ignorant to truth you were ignoring willfully ignorant on the contrary he's he's saying just don't do this no neutrality with God it's not like don't do this you need to do this you know I'm saying on the contrary following the holy one he's called the holy one who called you become holy yourselves in your entire way of life since the Tanakh the Old Testament says you ought to be holy because I am holy he just quoted Leviticus 18 5 what's he doing doing that if it's nailed has Peter lost his mind is he gone back to being a traditional Jew no he has not no he has not but today it's come up to the aisle wham bam thank you ma'am I'm going to heaven and then figure it out believers are empowered to live holy lives through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit I could have never pulled off some of the things I'm doing without the Holy Spirit as much as I would like to take the credit I'd be a buffoon to try I will not I will not even though my desire my inner desires to be holy this sanctification process is still the grace of God as far as I'm concerned I'm still being empowered no power it's not gonna work no way so I will still give God the glory Old Testament Saints did not have this helpful blessing they didn't have it they didn't have access to it it came in Pentecost they didn't have it that's crazy so since we are more privileged we are also more responsible so the next time you you say that statement I don't know why the Jews were will that Goldmann cancer why are you you know what I'm saying you got to start with the man in the mirror hey whatever man [Laughter] don't worry about what everybody else is doing man don't worry about everybody else's front porch that it's dirty how's your front porch looking you think you're going to keep looking at people who are not as holy as you and claim your holiness but you're comparing yourself to Jack the Ripper and Charles Manson how about comparing yourself to Jesus the Christ we ought to do our very best to emulate yoshua God's only Son if you frequent a restaurant they should say you are my best customer you are the nicest person you should hear it you should hear it all the time they should say I'm so sorry but if anybody can handle this rabbi you can you're representing the king you're an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven I'm not saying putting on an act don't put on an act it's not gonna last make it real get it don't leave the way the 10% you cheapskate and then drop them a card with like come my church you think they're rich that's why the waiting tables would it kill you to give another two bucks is that going to ruin your life [Music] show him Yeshua how would you shoe a tip show me a shoe a-- b issuer he's left the building this is the only issue of they're ever gonna meet and if you having a terrible day tell him I do am sorry I'm not my usual self today just it was a really rough day I got a really bad news I'm gonna said Stan I'm so sorry please don't take it personally be real be real for god sakes it's so freeing it's so liberating I don't know how you do it and then if you're trying so nice to be nice to stranger than you come home yell at your kids that's a messed up because you got nothing left for them hack date day man they're your first I'm not saying not to be nice to strangers but they come first the word in Greek is the same as the word in Hebrew it means most holy thing or a saint will end here all born-again believers in the New Testament of cold Saints if you are born again you are a saint I know not feeling it but you're a saint God's will is that all practice should correspond to opposition look I can't teach what this doesn't say it's it's tough but I what what do you want from me he's talking about Creed producing character character doesn't produce Creed your beliefs should produce a certain behavior there has to be faith and works there has to be because the works evidence the faith and the faith produces it's the faith that's producing I don't I don't know your experience but let me tell you I'm 60 when I was 30 I was totally different and when I met the Lord it was a great change all of a sudden I saw things I was doing things and that was it was so ugly to me it was like this massive Epiphany and I felt horrible and I said what I need to change but only you can change me I can I've tried and boy when the desire of your heart has to become more like him he will give you the juice to fulfill those desires [Music] [Applause] the bottom line is Saints should be saintly not perfect no not not in any of them or not any of them were no they were honest when they fell short they grieved they grieved over this in they cried out they begged God for forgiveness and God forgave them through that forgiveness it made him more humble more penitent softer God says he writes the words on our heart not in our heart it's up to us to keep our heart soft so the word gets in once the word is written on our heart not the organ the core of us and it gets inside and then God sends his spirit when the Word of God meets with his spirit it's explosive your whole persona changes it's unbelievable you become so humble when used to be so proud you become so merciful when used to be so unmerciful you seek justice as opposed to injustice it changes everything and you know what the most beautiful changes you start thinking about other people not just yourself God doesn't it get tiring just thinking about you doesn't it just get tiring it's abusive to yourself I'm thinking last week the air conditioning wasn't working that well so it was 82 degrees in here when I first started in ministry I made so little money that we used to have to keep our air conditioning on at 84 because I couldn't afford to keep it any less and last week the meetings in India it was a hundred and fourteen degrees I was there when it was 4 and 14 most people could even survive you just sweat profusely there's no way around it God wants us to be kosher just be real just be you God will do his work if you love Yeshua not just for what he did but you love him how he lived his life and you want to live your life like that and you want to be like that you have a desire to truly be a lover of people to really be a lover of people not just sit around when you dopey friends and talk about politics but to really love people Yeshua will do it for you he will every single time help me to love my kids more father help me to love my wife more help me to love my congregation walk help me Lord help me how would he not respond to that but help me build my business Lord and I promise I'll build a big house build his house do things for the kingdom I promise you I promise you I am a living epistle if you take care of Daddy's business he'll take care of yours let's stand together you got the scriptures already for next week we're gonna get into a little bit of the New Testament reading and we'll probably finish off with what you had to say that's tantamount it started out tantamount tantamount Oh only I'm the same can you go up the banister of our house without just with a big bag good oh man I love burn I just it wasn't always easy she was really difficult in the beginning always wanted her way but no I really do praise the Lord I just got to tell you publicly I tell you a lot and I'm sorry I'm not bragging I had nothing to do with it she's her but the Lord made somebody incredibly incredibly special I know just I mean I mean I would I would have to if something happen to her I would literally have to hire somebody within the hour I I I don't I don't even know what grade Lily's in I don't even know what branch is I'm I don't know I don't know is she in 7th or 8th what does she where she eighth grade thank you that's a parent may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the Prince of all peace issue you have a retinoid face maratha your errand - of alyssa muha yes I don't know why poor novela ha BR semla Oh shabbat shalom I love you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 1,731
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Keywords: Acharei Mot, Torah Parsha, death, Hershberg
Id: n63_CTpW4GQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 53sec (3833 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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