Managers, Supervisors and HR Share What Their Worst Employees Have Done (r/AskReddit)

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managers supervisors and HR people have read it tell me about your worst employees in a customer service center which is made up of mostly women this one male representative made himself an enemy of all the ladies there they constantly made nasty comments toward him he complained to his manager but the manager didn't do anything fast-forward to Easter the guy brings in an Easter basket full of chocolates and puts them on his desk he then goes on a three-day vacation knowing he is gone the leaders in the office take and eat some of the chocolates from his desk on the third day of his vacation one of the ladies notices one of the chocolates broken in the basket has some sort of grass in it it turns out this dude dipped about 50 rabid shits in chocolate and put them in the basket on his desk his defense I didn't tell them to eat it they were on my desk and they shouldn't have been taking things from my desk is it a policy violation for me to bring chocolate-covered rabbit poop into the office I didn't see that in the code of Business Conduct tle our employee brings chocolate-covered rabbit poop into office and Easter basket ladies in the office all heated up while he is on vacation edit he received 30-day paid suspension I was the night manager of a grocery store and we had this guy Walter Walter hater doing any work and would stretch his brakes so he could go down to the gamma stop and come back with the worst possible games gabbro just picked up this sweet-ass game track and field for the Nintendo 64 this was two years ago he brought in a picture of the girl who played the yellow Power Ranger hung it up in our break room and under it posted some of the mauryan he had written up about her passing away he then told us he would be collecting donations for her family he came in wearing a red polo and gray dress pants our uniform is black and yellow and when I asked him why he was out of uniform he said this is how Tiger Woods dresses and he is a champion worse was when he claimed he was not going to push carts anymore because he felt sick I told him to take a break to calm down about five minutes later two paramedics come running into my store and head for the break room I followed them only to see Walter laying on the floor and yelling I'm having a seizure the paramedics had to leave the room they were laughing so hard he eventually got fired after he threatened to spray another kid in the face with mace if he didn't switch shifts with him TLE are crazy Wally I wasn't the manager but I was in our stall when this happened the week before Christmas at American Eagle and every single employee is busting their chops getting little Susie here double-0 jeans because God knows we need to have elf sizes properly stocked throughout the store lines are out the door and the store is in absolute chaos imagine avalanches of jeans and tight-fitting polos yeah a special kind of hell well all of our registers are obviously linked into central computer in the back which computes all sorts of figures UPC units per customer uph units per hour and the like without the computer all over he is screwed and then how will the boss find their sweet flannels right right in the middle of the busy workday the lights flicker and everything turns off registers main computer the whole shebang turns out a fellow employee of mine Chardonnay hadn't plugged the main computer and upon plugging in her hot dog cooker for lunch had blown a fuse it was unbelievable TLE our fellow employee ruined a Christmas sales because she wanted to cook a hot dog in a hot dog cooker senior HR lady puts up an anonymous suggestion box in office one of the anonymous suggestions pisses her off she hires a handwriting specialist to compare the no till current employees applications on file she fires the guy for making an anonymous suggestion that management should have a 30 minute lunch break like everyone else or everyone else should get an hour for lunch like management she should be burned alive as a witch I used to manager pizza shop in college a girl we worked with would go to the bathroom four or five times a shift often when we were incredibly busy when I asked her if everything was okay she started crying and told me to mind my own ducking business and quit a few days later her dad comes in and threatens to kill me if I kept Harris in his daughter I was all like what the dark but come to find out she was telling her dad that the reason she quit was because I asked her to duck her in the bathroom long story short put a lawyer on retention just in case and everything sort of blew over I work at a grocery stores meat counter and we hired an older gentleman who very explicitly hit on every young female that walked by one time these two girls walked by probably roommates or sisters and very loudly yells so do you ladies have a lot of fun with each other I bet you do I can't wait to be old in my early 20s I managed a 7-eleven I came in one morning and asked the overnight shift guy how things were he said uneventful a few minutes later I was counting out the register and noticed a perfectly round hole in the counter next to it I asked Figgy yes Figgy his name was Mike but he wanted to be called Figgy if the maintenance guys had come in early to install a new point of sale or something on the counter hence the hole he said and I quote no I had a gas run last night and I got mad about it and shot the counter it took me a few seconds before I did a double-take and my best Sheila Broflovski what what what and he showed me the 0.38 revolver he apparently always had on him while working I think having a point 3/8 on you while working the graveyard shift at 7-eleven is relatively necessary shooting the counter on the other hand is counterproductive worked for a friend during the summer as a supervisor running a painting business there was a ton of problems with young dumb kids who don't want to work hard but one that sticks to mine days we had a kid who decided to wash his white paint brush off a dream next to this house the stream was flowing into the homeowners pond which ended up turning all white and killing a bunch of his koi fish so we ended up paying a good sized fine from the EPA for cleanup costs and lost out on getting paid on that job might had used to run his own painting business one story he likes to Tillis a time they were painting a high school gym they were setting up and he went out to the truck to get something and smoke a cigarette one of his employees comes running outside and runs to the truck and rips off some paper towels from a roll in the truck and runs back inside my dad continues to smoke his cigarette the employee comes running back outside but now he is covered in white paint he grabs another handful of paper towels and runs back in at this point my dad puts out his cigarette and runs inside to see the employee had spilled a five-gallon bucket of white paint on the floor and was trying to clean it up with handfuls of paper towels my first job ever was Guitar Center I had been there about a year when they hired some new kit nothing new the turnover rate is pretty damn high since it takes a day or two for the computer system to acknowledge you and get your password set up the operations manager put him in our back room to help the warehouse crew within two hours they were complaining that this new guy couldn't figure out [ __ ] couldn't sort cables couldn't read labels and was clumsy with the merch so the operations manager goes back to talk to the kid only to find him in the corner with one of the warehouse razor blades cutting on his arm with a creepy smile on his face and softly singing to himself needless to say cops and paramedics were called and we never saw the kid again had an employee that worked in customer service department for a dead relief company he had set up an arrangement with a creditor to reduce the balance on one of our clients credit cards then he called our client let them know how much needed to be paid about 7,000 and then gave his personal information so it could be wired to him and not the creditor we only found out because our client called back in and to someone else she was at the bank and wanted to verify his name for wiring information we then listened to his calls he had been making to verify all of this he had been planning a vacation to Mexico and telling his girlfriend to go pick out whatever ring she wanted we immediately let him go and after pulling all his emails and listening to all his outbound calls we found out that luckily it was his first time to try this and no one got screwed TLDR dong head tried to steal a lot of money from an elderly client the general managers daughter who was generally reviled by all had a small argument with a really nice older lady in her mid 60's who's just returned to work after recovering from a heart attack she threatens that she's going to get the nice old lady fired then realizing she can't do that tries to get her to sign a [ __ ] paper stating she was disobeying orders the nice old lady kindly refuses to sign said paper and the daughter storms out of the room and into her office where she proceeds to slam the door so hard it bounces back and hits her in the head and then she falls over and takes a desk corner to her eye nobody got up to helped her she eventually got up and drove herself to the ER and had the most disturbing black eye when she came back to work a week later that lasted for weeks I started believing in karma after that at my last job there wasn't a huge say in who was hired which led to some very interesting employees the most notable was a girl a teen who was generally a poor worker didn't take Direction didn't show up for work when she didn't want to would talk back to senior staff etcetera etc then one shift we say take a break get some water or soda sit for a little the supervisors go off to do supervisor things we come back and drinking a beer on the clock she's 18 we asked her about this and she said well we're taking a break and keeps drinking our managers Jory's on the floor we punish her and all this stuff and give her another chance to work two weeks later she is talking back to senior staff about how she knows how to do the job better than they do and fired went to college with a girl who essentially fabricated an entire resume with a wildly exaggerated skillset she came in to class one day talking about an interview she was going on and asked the class if we thought she should exaggerate her skills to get the job q this face we all tell her that she should probably not lie in the interview a week or so later she comes in bragging her ass off about the sweet new job she has spouting off her salary and perks etc about a month later she was fired when the company found out that she actually did not know flash ActionScript HTML CSS JavaScript or any of the other things she claimed to know crazy chick that one I'm not an HR guy but I had a co-worker get fired for basically not giving a [ __ ] he played Minecraft and reddit most of his day away when we put him on remote support with clients he would do a half-assed job close the ticket and ignore the clients questions on the subject he also basically came in whenever the duck he wanted we all worked a nine-to-five shift this guy would show up anywhere between 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. on any given day he was shocked when he was fired made a huge fuss and acted all indignant and surprised about it I ran into a similar problem with two guys who wouldn't stop playing Minecraft in World of Warcraft on their laptops at work when they're supposed to be working fueling airplanes or helping me move planes out of the hangar so I can work on them eventually one of them was fired due to his long gaming hours at home so he thought he could sleep in the shower in the men's room during third shift I work at a behavioral health company and a research coordinator just basically decided she was too good for the job she had a master's but couldn't do basic math refused to call participants in our study mailed people's checks to the wrong people causing breach of confidentiality and basically nearly cost us our 1 million dollar grant when we went to fire her she played the race card on us delaying the whole process making it worse best one-day job story I have heard a friend of mine is a surveyor they had a kid last one day in employment they took him out to rural site and he was told to go out and record the numbers on the surveying pegs on this site he gets back to the truck about an hour later with an unload of pegs instead of writing the numbers down he pulled the pegs out and brought them back that was a month's worth of very delicate surveying work wasted they never saw him again
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 190,090
Rating: 4.8853869 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit job stories, askreddit job interview, askreddit job application
Id: oICsRvcfpf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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