Manage Your Inventory Like a PRO in Baldur's Gate 3

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hey it's dry bear I've been getting requests to go over Inventory management in Baldur's Gate 3. So today we're going to go over how to manage your inventory and your cluttered Camp stash But first you should come hang out with me on my live stream I'm live every single day on forward slash try bear if you do come hang out with me in the community on Twitch the next time you go to the bank or to the store there's going to be no line in front of you I just started my third playthrough of the game so we're here very early on in the game act one so no spoilers here and we're gonna go over all the mechanics and tips and tricks around managing your inventory which at the beginning of the game can even start becoming quite cluttered and there's a lot of tools that exist in the game that if you don't know that they exist or how to use them they can very easily just miss your awareness entirely let's quickly cover some Basics so where everyone's caught up I'm not leaving anyone behind there's some basic mechanics here if you press I on PC you'll be able to bring up your currently selected character's inventory this is going to show their stats it's going to show their skill tools you can look through all of their details you can open their spell book and you can craft potions from this menu as well but primarily it's going to have your paper doll character sheet for all of your gear and it's going to have your inventory here on the right there are options for sorting this though so you can actually search for this so if you're looking for a potion of some kind you can actually type it in and then hit enter and it'll filter through all the potions that you have selected or items that match the description that you gave it you can also look for specific categories as well say you're looking for Scrolls of any kind or you're looking for say camp supplies of any kind it'll sort through all of these and even look through bags that have these things in them so you can very easily find what you're looking for by using the search feature however there's four different categories you can use to sort your inventory and they're all exceptionally useful my personal favorite is sorting by type the reason I like sorting by type is because type always puts your currency and your bags first at the top and I personally like that I like having that laid out that way so if I'm looking for something that's in a bag I can go look at the bags and it always has my gold count at the top which is really nice and very easy to utilize but it doesn't stop there you can also sort by weight value or latest and these all have their own individual uses latest is super nice because when you hit latest at the very top of your inventory up here it's going to go in order of recency which means the items you just received so if you went to a chest you clicked open and you hit take all and you're gonna see what was inside you're like oh crud I didn't see what was inside that what was in there just go into your inventory hit sort go to latest and you'll see that all the most recent items you just loaded will be up here at the top uh at the top of your inventory which is super cool new list sort and you click by value this will help you sell items at the vendor based on that it will give you the total value for the entire stack not the value of each image individual item so if you were to sell that bag or sell that stack or sell that item that's how much value you would get for it Down 2 to the lowest value at the bottom and the last one is weight it'll have the heaviest items at the top and this is useful because you do actually have a weight limit this is based on the stats of the character but you can see your carrying weight here in the bottom side of your inventory if this bar goes into yellow you will become encumbered and you will move slower until you lower your weight and then if you go into red you'll become heavily encumbered and you won't really be able to do anything and you'll be very very slowed now if you're a Lube Goblin like me where you like to loot everything in the game it becomes very quickly out of hand you can start getting very like multiple pages of loot just going all over the place and there's a lot of ways that you can manage this inventory the first and the most obvious way to do this is to utilize the other party members that you have in your party so rather than pressing I to open your inventory you can press Tab and tab will bring up all the inventories for every character that you have currently in the game and the same features exist here as they did on on the first page for your inventory you have your carrying capacity down here on the bottom you have all your inventories here and you can actually move these items between inventories you can even equip items between characters you can move them over you can equip you can put it on these other side you can even have this equipment go over to somebody else you can have that slot over you can kind of manage everyone's inventory and everyone's details all at once as you go back and forth between inventories and you're sorting and searching features are still active here on this screen at first I didn't find these when I was first starting to play the game but they're actually up here at the very very top left so you have these searching here up here at the top left you can still do the same searching that you did it just applies the Search terms or the the Sorting terms that you specify to all inventories at once so if I want to look for potions if I want to look for arrows I have no arrows in anyone's inventory if I want to look for camp supplies I can see that there are some camp supplies here across these different characters I want to look for throwables who can throw things do I have Alchemist fire that I can burn the ground with someone has these here specifically you can also sort all inventories so if I want to sort by latest and see where the latest item inventory came from we can sort by that we can even sort by type to put gold in bags first like I personally like and if you wanted to from this screen you can also still look at spell book across all characters at once you can you know if you're in a safe Zone you can un unlearn or prepare unprepare and re-prepare spells for each individual character all at once you can look through their entire Spellbook individually all of their reactions all of their class specific things you look at the character sheet for their stats which you would find on the inventory you can look it through all the characters at once or you can even specify individual pieces like look at his spell book only or her spell book only and you can specify all of that pretty easily if you really wanted to look at that from this view next around selecting items obviously if you have a lot of items you have many many pages of items if you wanted to move a bunch of items to someone else's inventory it would become quite tedious if you had to click and drag and click and drag and click and drag and click and drag and just keep doing that over and over and over because it would just take forever luckily larian has gone the extra mile and given us tons of ways that we can group select items that you would find on a normal operating system for browsing and exploring the first one is you can actually hold down control and select multiple items at once so you can see these have a white border around them you can select as many items as you want and then if you let go and then you click and drag like you would you can see it's bringing all of the items over into that new inventory very easily and I can do the same thing again to select those and put it down but you're probably going to make the most obvious suggestion is that well it still takes a while to have to click through each one of these yes it's faster because you're not clicking and dragging and clicking and dragging you don't do that once but you still have to click through them to get them well there's an even easier way to manage this and it actually works by row as well if you really wanted to you can select one item by left clicking it hold shift and then when you click the next item it will go through in order all the way through every row and item all the way till the end and select every item between the item you started with and the item you ended with so if you wanted to move someone's entire inventory click the first item hold shift click the last item and then move their entire inventory to somebody else if you really wanted to uh say you're you're swapping someone out of your party and you want to get rid of that right so you can kind of just do that and you can swap it back you can get individual items and move them all over all of that works great now outside of just clicking and dragging items you have a drop down menu for each item when you right click on it and there will be tons of different options here there's actually some really special ones that you want to be aware of first off if you find individual notes when you right click on item that can be interacted with there will be a specific interact button here on the drop down so for example if it's a note that can be read when you right click on it there will be a read option that will bring up the note and you can read it this is very good for exploring the world and experiencing things there will also be individual items that are unique that have interactions themselves so for example a quest item that has an interaction when you right click on it it'll have a use button which will cause a cut scene to happen and there are items you can find that aren't even related to the story that have this kind of thing so you want to actually kind of look through your items and see if there is an option to interact with it uniquely because your character will do different things depending on what character you have selected will have different interactions with it so it's a fun way to explore the world is to right click on items and oh there is an interaction let me check it out but the main reason I tell you about the drop down menu is because aside from just dragging items to other people's inventories you can actually send items to different locations when you right click on it as well so you right click on the item and you have the option to send to Camp or send it to a character so say I wanted to give this potion here this Alchemist fire over to carlak I can right click on it and hit send to carlak and it automatically goes into our inventory which isn't super useful from this screen but if you're opening a chest in the world and you're looting something you're saying okay I don't need this I want this on see I found thieves tools I want to put this on my utility character like my rogue or my Ranger because they're the ones that's gonna they're gonna be using it so I can right click it and I can send it to them without having to ever even look at their inventory it just automatically goes into their inventory without me having to worry about so I recommend you take good advantage of this because again you can do this by clicking once holding shift selecting all items and click sending to as well get all those sent over to somebody else if you really want to get all that set up so say I want to get all of these over to my Caster because they're Scrolls in their Wizard and they're going to learn from it you can send it to that character by right clicking on it without having to even open their inventory at all the other option is that you can just send items to Camp as well and so if you find an item that maybe it's a heavy chest piece that you want to sell at a vendor but it weighs a lot so you don't want to have it on your character you just right click and hit send and to camp and what this will do is it will automatically send it to the stash inventory of your campsite which is infinite and has no limit you can send everything to your Camp if you wanted to and you can just send to the camp get it out of your way or if you're over encumbered and you're in the middle of a dungeon or exploring just send a bunch of stuff to camp and you can deal with it later in each campsite including this very first one that you encounter the beginning of the game there will be a traveler's chest in it it looks the same in all campsites so just look for it and find it you left click on it it is going to be your Camp stash so if you take this and you can move windows by the way by moving these over you can take an item and you can send it to camp and it automatically shows up in your stash and you can put infinite amount of items in here if you really want to just to keep stashing it up and storing it super easy very nice you can kind of get this all set up and then you can send things here what I started doing on my third playthrough or at the end of my second playthrough is when I find things that I want to sell like I gather a bunch of armor pieces and random you know weapons that sell for a decent amount of gold I'll send everything to Camp instead of marking it for wears and then when I find a vendor that I can sell to usually you find them in safe zones I teleport to Camp load up my inventory everyone's inventory with tons and tons of those items that are sitting on my campsite and I exit Camp by going down here and leaving camp which means you'll go back to where you were standing in the Overworld which is usually right in front of the vendor that you were on sell all those items and then you're good to go they never encumbered you you never had a problem you're always going to be there available for you which is pretty cool also keep in mind if you are interacting with the stash you can do this with any character individually so if I wanted to say I wanted to use Shadow heart to interact with the stash I go over here the left side of the screen I can select Shadow heart control her go over to the stash and I can have her interact with the stash with her inventory of course I can still use the main character and I can grab an item and I can send it to that character as well which means that just went into her inventory without me having to actually control her which is very useful by the way because your character once you go into the red here of of over encumbered you won't have the opportunity to move very much that's why you usually just load every every character up until they're full teleport back to the vendor I was standing in front of sell everything and then I'm good to go there's also a super neat feature which is add to where's when you right click an item and you click add to Wares you can see that this item here just got the uh the arrow icon and then a silver coin icon on it which means that this this item is now marked for Wares what this means is that it is now put under a category of junk you want to sell basically so you now have this marked for Wares and if you go to a vendor you can then sell everything that you have marked for Wares which is easy just for sorting and keeping your inventory managed but if you go to a vendor it's easy to just say oh look this is already marked for where's I can barter it away but there's an even better way to do this where if you go to a vendor at the top middle of the screen up here you can see that it's set between trade and barter when you have it set on barter it's more of like an interaction where based on your rep with the vendor you might want Want to Get Better or Worse prices so you have that option there but if you just want to sell junk and you don't care about the price you can change it from Barter to trade which is just a traditional vendor there's a price you pay the price you get the item you have a price you sell the item and they get that there but on this screen when you're on the trade screen versus the barter screen there is a button at the bottom that is cellwares and this will when you hit this button it will sell all items that have The Marked for wears tag on them so as you're going through the world as you're looting items and picking up items you can Mark things for Wares when you loot them at first knowing that you're just gonna sell it it's just junk you don't care right say you pick up this broken loot that I sold to him you can right click this and send set Mark to Wares and have your whole inventory sorted before you even leave the dungeon that you're in and then when you go to a vendor click barter to trade and just click sell Wares and everything marked as wears will sell so you can see I've already sold a whole whole bunch of junk that I had picked up from goblins and stuff all these little weapons and things like that uh White items that don't have anything uh no no value to you other than to earn you gold you can just sell those and pick those up and get lots of value out of that you will want to be aware that each vendor has money on them it's realistic and that you know vendors don't have infinite money you can see how much gold they have on them in the menu here for bartering and if you go to trade you can still see it at the top underneath their portrait because obviously their gold isn't for trade but if you go to barter you can see it at the bottom it's in their inventory this is how much gold they have so if you sell things to them if you're selling items to them eventually they'll run out of gold and you won't be able to sell more to them you can get around this by either going and finding other vendors and selling them out or if you really have a bunch of stuff to sell and you just want to get rid of it all you you just have to progress the day and the vendors will reset their gold value at the start of a new day and so you can very easily just go to your camp and you can partial rest test so go here click long rest go to Camp end of the day and then partial rest without using camp supplies it starts a new day you can come back to the vendor they'll have new new gold and you can sell the rest of what you have or you can find another vendor that might have some gold around you next you want to be aware of bags containers are huge in this game they make such a big difference in you being able to sort your inventory and keep things together so you have these options the camp supply pack if a bag is orange in quality rather than yellow it means that it is a special specific type of bag every character will come with at least one of these three the keychain the camp supply pack and the Alchemy pouch in these it will automatically collect camp supplies the keychain will automatically collect rings that you find keys for uh using for opening doors and things like that and then the Alchemy pouch will automatically collect for the Alchemy supplies herbs and things like that you can use for your alchemy crafting which by the way these are our program to automatically pick up items that you might find inside of that specific bag so if we take a bunch of our camp supplies out here we put in our inventory and then we move this bag over to Gale when we put this bag back in our inventory you can see that it automatically picked up all the items in my inventory that should have been in this bag which are the camp supplies which is awesome so if you have you know if you have some extra camp supplies they didn't end up in the bag if you don't want to just click and put them in the bag uh one by one like I'm doing or click and drag and do that the the bags including the Alchemy pouch and the keychain will automatically grab those items when they enter into a new inventory that may have items that should be in that bag so we'll do that for you automatically the other thing about containers is outside of the the one function containers that you'll have with your character they also have insane usage in the game so for example any bag you come across so if I were to drop this into the world any bag that you come across you can open it up and you can loot the item items inside of it but you can also just pick up the bag and I recommend you have at least one extra container on characters to help sort your inventory and keep it organized so rather than just opening the bag taking the lube which a lot of people do they'll take all of these uh put it in their inventory and then they'll walk away and leave and then you just have this bag sitting on the ground and they'll leave it there however you can just instead of looting this and walking away you can right click on the bag and click pick up which means now you have a separate container inside of your inventory that you can use to keep your inventory organized and sorted and by the way you can just like your normal inventory you can sort what's in the bag very very easily you can open up your inventory from this you can move these windows around so if you wanted to have your inventory over here or over here you want to have this bag here and then what you can do is you can say maybe maybe this is just my potions bag and I want all my potions in this bag and what you can do is you can then take this image this container and you can put it on your hop bar so if you needed like say this is my consumables potions bag and you can open this from your hot bar click on the potion drink it you can throw it from your inventory you can use it there and then you can close it up and that way rather than having all these consumables on your bar this way you can just have one item or two items that are just the bag and then have that inventory inventory there what there so as you're going throughout the world I recommend just when you find pouches and bags and and things of different kinds I recommend picking them up also I like having multiple kinds like you can get a lot of these Adventure Packs laying around or backpacks I like finding like pouches and backpacks things that have different icons that I can kind of help sort them so I put all my potions in a pouch or I put all my you know gear into a bag you can also use this for selling by the way you can put all all of your junk like all your marker wears in a bag and then you can go to the vendor and you can sell the whole bag and it will summarize all the value that exists in that bag you can get all of that from the vendor and just sell it at one go so if you're while you're going through the world and you're looting you're farming dungeons you can just have your junk bag down here and as you get junk that you mark for wears you can toss it in the bag and then you can just Mark the bag as well add to wears and get that set up and you're good to go and then when you go to the vendor you can just sell the bag and that just makes your inventory so much cleaner aside from just having these you know filling up your inventory from top to bottom and that covers Inventory management in Baldur's Gate three once you get used to using these systems you get so much value from it and you can make your inventory incredibly clean and easy to interact with once you know how all the systems work so I hope this was helpful if you found value in the video leave a like down below leave a comment for the algorithm to help this video get seen by more people and I'll see you on my live stream if you enjoyed yourself today leave a like down below you can support me and my work on patreon and you patreon exclusive content Link in the description thank you so much for tuning in and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: DrybearGamers
Views: 25,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drybear, rory newbrough, baldurs gate 3 drybear, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 inventory management, baldurs gate 3 inventory, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks 2023, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, bg3 inventory management, bg3 inventory, bg3 inventory sort, bg3 inventory editor, bg3 inventory shortcuts, bg3 inventory tips, bg3 inventory management tips, bg3 inventory send to camp, bg3 inventory hotkeys
Id: 1w4Qrist8rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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