Advanced Inventory Management With The Controller In Baldur's Gate 3

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what's up everybody rinfill here and we're back again with another Baldur's Gate 3 video focused on controller support for those of you who are either playing with a controller on the PC or those of you who have just joined the ranks of the consoles with PlayStation 5 and of course the Xbox which is coming later this year and hopefully this video will still be relevant by that point in time but larion Studios has been hard at work adding additional support to the game in terms of inventory management filters and a bunch of other stuff to make the controller experience much smoother than it was uh during the initial days of launch now I played three three years of Early Access with no controller support and it was purely mouse and keyboard and I was so happy when the game finally launched and I got to play it on the controller because the controller support has been phenomenal but there is some finessing here and there and just as much as inventory management is kind of a pain in the butt on mouse and keyboard there's also some finessing that needs to take place here if you really want to get the most out of it because there is a ton of stuff to loot in this game and you can loot almost almost everything so if you're like me and you're you know kind of a pack rat you're going to end up with books and candles and crafting mats and things that are meant to be sold and Wares and all this other stuff so we're going to talk about today and the new filters that they just added in patch 2 because the last video I did inventory management was like right after the game first launch and they've done two big patches since then we gotta so we got to update it thus the advanced guide to inventory management and filters here and beyond for the controller in Baldur's Gate 3. if you're new to the channel and you find this video is useful do me a favor like subscribe and hit the Bell icon so you never miss an update daily streams happen at 11 A.M central time here on the channel we do a lot more than just bg3 so check out all the playlists there's also the podcast around Dune and Middle Earth we do film reviews TV shows and all that other stuff plus there's member only videos if you want to join the channel get access to live stream chat and a Discord Channel links are down below without further Ado though let's jump in and talk Advanced controller support and inventory management for Baldur's Gate 3. all right everybody don't laugh when I open up my inventory because it is a hot mess but I left it as a hot mess specifically because I wanted to show you guys what you could do here with the controller that's a lie it's just a hot mess because that's the way the inventory Works in this game um especially if you're a loot like I am and you pick up all the things that you can pick up um because you like to hoard things uh and also I'm a druid and I only have 10 strength so uh yeah I tend to have to shuffle things off to other party members or send things back to Camp a lot so I've got quite a bit of experience at handling inventory management on both mouse and keyboard and controller but today of course it is all about the controller so without further Ado to open up the inventory hit your right trigger and that's going to bring up this menu right here and what you're looking for is this one right up top character sheet manage your characters abilities features skills and equipment so we're going to click that and you're gonna see the hot mess that is my inventory um I have 10 strength which means I cannot carry a lot of stuff which means I am constantly dealing with this um and thank you to larion Studios for adding more filters in patch too because previously this was a heck of a lot harder to manage than it is now but let's go through things bit by bit obviously when you are looting things in this game you're going to be picking up a ton of stuff from equipment like armor and weapons to arrows and potions and Scrolls to consumable items to you know things that are just trash to things that are crafting components and so on and so forth notes books keys and you do have they do have some bags for some things like there's an Alchemy pouch which stores your ingredients and extracts and you can have multiple versions of these so you'll find additional ones in the wild like when you kill certain boss mobs you'll find them you open up chests you'll find additional bags as an example I've got a camp supply pack two camp supply packs one is empty one has three in it and there's a key ring and if you go down here and look at all the different characters they all have their own bags as well I may have robbed Shadow Hearts camp supply back which is why I have three of them so we'll actually send that back to her right now and send it to Shadow all right that way she's got that on her but you'll notice that each one of these characters has their own bags and keychains and so on and so forth but for now we're going to talk about mine um so the first thing you want to know is how do I send things to another character that's super simple anything in here has a context menu on it let me grab my um I do have to grab I have a primer here because I don't have a PlayStation control right now and I gotta remember the keypad layout um if you want to look at the context menu on the Xbox controller you hit the x button on the PlayStation it is the square button and that's going to bring up a context menu that looks like this and it's the same context menu for every single item that you look at um oops accidentally clicked something let's get that back up it's the same exact context menu whatever thing you click on you're going to get move split item drop item throw add to where's send to Camp or send to a character or an examine the item which we talked about the examining of items in in that five tips video so you can go watch that if you want to but once you're in the context menu you just pick whichever option you want hit the a button on the Xbox controller or the x button on the um from the PlayStation controller and you will be able to select whatever you want to so let's just say that I want to um I don't know like let's go in here to a potion and I want to send this item to another character in my party I would just scroll down and say send a shadow heart and boom it just sent that item to her but what if I want to send multiple items to that character well we would select multiple items by using the right trigger and when you do the right trigger it puts a plus sign above each item that you're wanting to move and then what you're done is once you've had the items that you want to select you can bring up the context menu again choose to do whatever you want to do with them send them to Camp send them to another character in this Camp I'm going to send to Lazelle boom it's going to send all those items to the sale so that's how you quickly move items around between characters whether it's single or multiple um the other thing you can think about here is well what if I want to send a bunch of stuff back to Camp it's the exact same thing like let's say I want to take all these alcohol items that are in this pouch and I want to send those to Camp I would go in here and you could select all these items like so um and just pick which ones you want right click and send to camp and boom it will send all those items camp and then we'll go back to one of the chests that's in your Camp however there's much more to it than just sending items to other characters or two you can't a lot of items in the game can be classified as junk they're just things that you're going to want to sell the first time you come to a vendor now there are a variety of ways you can do this first and foremost you can click the filter which is just pressing down not not pulling down but pressing down press the the left thumb stick as it shows you with the filters button up there and they'll bring up the filters Tab and from here you can scroll down and choose to sort so let's say I want to short by all these um I don't know scroll let's do let's do Scrolls like so um this now has filtered all of the Scrolls for me and I could then choose to go in here and pick all of these Scrolls and sell them but what if I want to take um no filters at all and I want to just short by the latest things or the value let's say I want to choose the most valuable things at the top so filter by value and the least valuable at the bottom right something like this for the characters so let's say I'm on my main character there's an option here which you might not have seen before and you might not know what it's for but it's this option right here which is add to where's what does that mean so where's our essentially junk and when you come to any Merchant in the game that you're going to trade with you have the option to sell all Wares and what that's going to do is it's going to sell everything that has been flagged in your inventory as junk but you do have to manually choose the things that you want to sell so if you're coming in here and you just want to you know do everything all at once you can pick all these items that you want to mark as wears let's just pick these right here you're going to click this and you're going to say add to where's now that has now added an additional flag to those which has uh it didn't mark the keys strangely enough so those must not be sellable perhaps um but um it's marked these with a silver coin icon and that means that they are now flagged as Wares and if you go to a vendor you can immediately sell all the Wares all in one go but you can also use the drop down and choose to sell things you know that are miscellaneous items or so on and so forth you can look at common items like so and choose to go down here and and filter these and now we see all the common items that we can go through and I have a ton of junk on me so don't judge me don't judge me quick commercial break everyone to give a shout out to all of these amazing people who are The Guild Champions at the highest tiered membership here on our channel of course all of the members who helped keep me full time and doing this for your enjoyment if you would also like to become a member you get access to tons of special stuff like live stream member only chat private videos for our members several times a week it's really simple just pick your tier go from there you can also do super chats or super things on any stream of YouTube short or video that you see don't forget the Discord links are down below let's get back to the video but here's another quick tip which a lot of people might not know is that you know I've shown you how to individually select these things with the right trigger like so but let's say you want to do a whole line of something at the same time because you get a whole bunch of books that you want to sell you can hold hold the right trigger down like we're just doing it and move that left thumb Stick Over and now we're Auto selecting all of those things while we're holding down that button and then I can unclick choose to then bring up the context menu and either mark these as where's or send them to Camp or send them to another character it's a great way to multiple select if you have a ton of junk inventory like all the books well let's filter for books and then Auto Select all those books and sell them as Wares it's it's a super cool thing but let's talk about filters for a minute because this is one of the um the really cool things that larion added recently because before you only had a few options like equipment which had all of your equipment in one tab but now they've separated that out and said oh now we have arrows right so we also have weapons so we have multiple things we can select now also throwables which was there before but we've separated out like weapons into its own thing now or weapons used to be bundled under equipment so they've added a whole bunch more and more importantly they have added Rarity tiers so I can select for comment items uncommon items rare items very rare items or legendary items which is absolutely amazing and then before we still have the same that we had before you can go to equipment and it'll highlight all the weapons and armor and things of that nature and then you can choose to sort by the latest ones you've looted or the value of them or the weight of them or the type of items which type is more useful for when you do none and then it filters everything by type which allows you to quickly have all of your like books on and Scrolls on single lines and so forth as we see here oops I always click the wrong button sometimes to get out of that so in essence it is a hot mess but thankfully they have a lot of tools with the filters and drop downs and the context menus which make your life a lot easier and it does take a little bit of getting used to but I would argue that that's any game you've ever played because every game out there has its own unique way of doing inventory and item management and so on and so forth and I know people have asked for more bags they're like I wish I had a bag for gyms like Baldur's Gate 2 and icewind Dale and all the original games I wish there was a bag for Scrolls and a bag for potions I do too and here's what I would say to everybody out there um if you've been playing this game for any length of time larion Studios has done an admirable job of adding things to the game with hot fixes and patches and they have talked about some of the quality of life things they're adding to the game in the future and they're absolutely open to taking suggestions for things so I think if enough not enough of us go out there and push them on things like gym bags and scroll bags and or scroll what is it scroll cases I think gym bags scroll potions hang on gym bags scroll cases and potion cases those were in the original Boulders get one into icewind Dale one and two so on and so forth so I'm sure if we press them enough we might get them in a future patch you never know but they are listening to suggestions so make sure to head over to their forums talk to them on Twitter it's a great game there's a lot of stuff going on here obviously there are things that could be fixed and they have been working at getting quality of life improvements to the game so for now this is my Advanced guide to inventory management on the controller and I may need to you know update this again in another couple months as they add more things but as of this recording as of this airing that's where we're at for now if you like this video don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell icon so you never miss an update daily streams at 11AM check out all the playlists on the channel join as a member to support get access to our private videos and live stream chats Discord links are down below and I'll see everybody in the next video or live stream till then stay safe happy gaming
Channel: Renfail
Views: 5,050
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 controller, baldurs gate 3 controller, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 controller guide, baldurs gate 3 controller guide, bg3 controller guide, how to play baldurs gate 3 on a controller, baldurs gate 3 inventory management
Id: U07EGVVvdcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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