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good morning folks it's going to be another beautiful day in Central Texas it says if you're very cold and nasty out here the Sun will pop out from behind the clouds in about three seconds and it'll be 80 degrees you said that four hours ago seems like you're wrong again weathermen are never wrong the weather is wrong back to you okay but when can i wear short sleeves again in five seconds there's a low-pressure system that's moving in we'll burn off all these clouds and every 30 degrees warmer [Applause] No well that was well that wasn't my fault there's a barrel metric system that's moving in it welcome to demolition rain just hanging out here it's great weather loving it first and foremost have some very cool and show you but I want to have a little word from our sponsors it's actually a word for me and I was gonna do it now but it's raining and I can't pull out my phone so um and so I'll see you guys in two two second I'm talking too much this episode sponsored by The Walking Dead no man's land it's the official mobile game of the AMC's The Walking Dead every Monday new missions based on the previous TV episodes are released it's a turn-based action strategy game resettle hordes of walkers it's all of your favorite The Walking Dead heroes like Daryl Rick in the show check description below the download game now for free and you can unlock Meighan continue playing and unlock all the best heroes like Daryl the boss Rick Karl and new to the game is Jerry keen Ezekiel's faithful bodyguard level up your heroes fight the walkers build the fortify your base save the world bum-bum-bum so I've been playing The Walking Dead no man's land all week and it got me thinking about these like zombie apocalypses and what if there are like walkers coming so I've been like you know dude scenarios as any grown man would do once they're playing games like that and I was in a gun shop this morning this is gonna be like the ultimate don't tell my wife because they normally want to buy a gun without telling her like I I think of some way that I can convince her like that it was necessary you know like there's some there was some poll in our battle plan and this gun is gonna fill that not so much today this one's gonna be hard to do but that's what I'm gonna try to do with this video I bought a cannon yeah it's a cannon it is a tiny cannon look at this thing so pretty big bore they're looking awesome it's on a spring system so it will recoil and not totally destroy the stand this is a golf ball cannon so the bore is just the right size to load a golf ball in and so us at the gun shop and I was like staring at this thing and I was like I wonder if there is a zombie apocalypse and all I have to defend myself against walkers is that golf ball cannon and some black powder and some golf balls would it suffice and so that's what we're here to find out today folks I've never fired a cannon we have this fuse to light you stick it in there and it's would be nice the powder I don't know how fast the fuse is gonna burn gonna light at my hand hopefully this isn't a terrible idea okay boom cannon fires so here's what we got going on we have the cannon which I'm gonna pour black powder down this barrel and then I put a golf ball in the barrel and then I put it back on the base here and I put the fuse in that little hole right there and I light it and I run away I guess let's just go for it two shots of vodka two shots of vodka [Applause] okay it's in nervous but on the service I like calm and ready okay yeah let's do this in the game when one of the heroes is coming up against one Walker it's no big deal they get their knife or their bat and they go take them down when there's multiple that's when you need better weapons like like a golf ball came in so over here you'll notice we have multiple we have Lieutenant Dan in the middle surrounded by his two friends all walkers and our first test is just to see can we hit them is this gun accurate enough to launch a golf ball at our Walker's and make a critical strike first shot with Canon freaking out a little bit [Applause] yes so you guys couldn't see that but it flew over the golf ball hit one of these targets I'm not sure which one and then it flew back past my truck there was too much smoke in between you and the target to see that I think I don't know where the golf ball went but it launched on the other side of my vehicle we know now that we can accurately shoot the golf ball launcher now the question is does it have enough power to take down a walker we got a pumpkin now look at that that's crazy-looking like the smoke is sitting down in the grass okay we're about three feet high there that's where the golf ball went through so you guys probably seen the video where I used the golf ball launcher on an ar-15 a little attachment and it shot him really hard like it would it would definitely hurt but it definitely wouldn't put a hole through you this thing may put a hole through you okay I need it I'm gonna try to actually hit that pumpkin I'm gonna go down it down a couple feet see if we can nail it [Music] hey that was a dud cuz the golf ball is right here it just flew down into the dirt try that again this is it boys this is it by cars that's pretty cool-looking I mean that's pretty neat I do a lot of shooting and I will tell you the entry wound is usually not very impressive not the case here very impressive entry wound and there's our exit wound which is actually smaller very interesting but then what else happened oh it went ahead and went straight through that and then I saw it shooting up the hill I think it's safe to say that it would definitely go through a walker but would it go through their skull so we have a coconut hard shell simulating a skull and it's got this uh this nice-looking an orange hat on what is what is oh my god it's a Texas Longhorn Walker even more reason to put it down right now practice so what's easier than shooting for distance right now is you know shooting for about eight inches to 12 inches straight into our coconut and then we got a watermelon and then we have some cinder blocks back behind it I don't know what's gonna stop it but one of those should stop it we're gonna fire this thing nearly point-blank range and see what happens oh no a little UT hat is smoking over there look at this thing oh man so that is what a Longhorns brains look like hey coconut impressive that it hit the coconut totally exploded and left residue but didn't scratch this thing at all I need is that not too often you get all this neatness in one location really fast golf ball vs watermelon innocent ball [Applause] that was just the kind of thing that I was looking for but this is the same as a coconut there was no over penetration it hit the first target which was this time the watermelon and did hardly anything to the cinderblock now what happens when we shoot just a cinderblock will it break all right last shot of the day it's for sure gonna hit it will it break it I think I think not I think it won't break the center block it's just a golf ball you know but there's the only one I'm going to find out so pause this video comment below yea or nay will it break the cinder block [Applause] oh I didn't tell you guys actually loaded phone up a little hot or to try to push the limits a little bit for a last shot yeah gone look at this totally shattered I don't know where the golf ball went I wish I can find the golf ball I would assume that's broken too oh yeah haha look at that that sorry it's kind of fuzzy because it's getting wet out here that is a totally ripped apart focus golf ball cool for once again thanks to our sponsor check the description below you can get the game for free at Google Play or the App Store and it's a pretty good one and if you download the walking dead no man's land before December 19th you get a little prize you get negan on your team which is kind of a big deal in the game so check it out and what do you guys think about this beauty this is my first cannon that I've ever owned of course and ever shot and it's a learning curve for sure I love it I need it I feel like I needed a cannon in my life what's cool about cannons is they're not classified as firearms they're just they're like muzzle loaders I mean there's just a big muzzle loader basically so they're not classified as firearms especially one that's primarily made to shoot golf balls out so there's no like restrictions on them basically from what I understand you guys who know more about I may say there are some restrictions I don't know about but I'm pretty sure with this one at least and most cannons there's not restrictions they're not firearms it's pretty neat anyway what do you want to see I kind of have some ideas now with this thing I'm kind of like could it defeat modern body armor because that thing shoots it pretty hard so let me know if that's what you want to see maybe we'll have to do a golf ball cannon versus modern body armor video in the future let me know paint before the normal outro oops sorry I wanted to just say we can't let you down so it's Christmas everybody wants to be buying gifts a lot of people are looking for the most ranch shirts and we've had zero on the website they all sold out like crazy so we've had none this whole month pretty much 4 mins we fixed it we have new shirts check it out and it's a whole new shirt it's not just we got the old shirts we stopped it's new so look good look logo looking good they're nice fitted comfy supersoft piece of high quality shirt check out the back if you don't know what this is you're an amateur and we can't be friends it's from an intro everybody thought it was really funny so I was like how does make it a shirt so we have shirts on ranch merch calm right now sorry they were sold out we won't let you down again we probably will because you guys are like crazy buying those things Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 7,742,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., cannon, golf, golfball, ball, golfing, golfer, golf ball, balls
Id: knulbCi88cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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