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I got the lay of it just the way you told me Jeb it's good forage lands far as you can see with a clear pass through the Sierras off to the left looks like our luck is running for a change Billy Boy desert south nothing but rock and bramble north and right in front of us it's opening up like the Red Sea into the land of milk and honey right in front of us that's the Ponderosa Jeb we can't cut through there you don't understand Jeb that's Cartwright land far as your eye can see you mean they own all that oh man don't know nothing unless he's willing to die holding onto it I worked out this way I know Ben Cartwright well he'd kill every last one of us before he let a sheep set foot on the Ponderosa start bringing up that flock now I come a long ways with you Jim but I ain't riding against Ben Cartwright for you or nobody start bringing up them sheep burden I'm pulling out Jim and you ain't got nothing to say can stop me don't appear there's much I can do to stop you either no hard feelings Edmund but I just ain't gonna ride against Ben Cartwright that's all all right you get them sheep moving leaving Billy he's past fussing you got to learn to kill a man once you draw on him but I shared second plates with him Jeff just a few hours ago once the thing is dead you got to get clear of it the scruffy [ __ ] squirrel knows that sure - you you are you let it ain't you boy him yes sir I spell out son all right you read that to me boy and Moses went up from the plains and the Lord showed him all of the land I've been there 40 years myself just like Moses but the Lord has finally showed me my land I'm gonna take it to myself I have to kill everything on it and burn it to the root you five or six once we Tucker that was just where do you thank you I better find another that tries to come get himself killed get yourself I give them quick money that would expect anymore he went on ponder the land at the obliged if you tell the tears of those teaching tomorrow yes to cut that's what I mean mr. Drummond shop describ limited roman No look understood Oh it I appreciate everything good job better get yourselves I don't know I gotta think in that's pretty what happens to make a nobody just ask Billy not you muttering California I'll give it some thought like just how about give us some fun oh by the face I'm a pony I want you to ride out and see if drumming on those cheap of his of theater what if he hasn't and then we'll make you always clear that you have to take the taking in a bond of our own hand scavenger that comes along Romans coming to the land mm and just moves on look saying let's Romany you know that isn't so Adam but I will take a gun to drop its kind you'll bet anything he can get his hands off tomorrow morning you go out there and see that he's gone understood but I'm thinking maybe walk away you once heavier pockets like looking across a big white the cattle come yeah you take them named Philip Jeff by DEFCON tries to kill us if they got the thank God you wanna get set up Billy you talk about that I've been runnin with old Jeff for a long time now I know the way you think how do you think you spot yourself I don't think it makes up an ovation that kind don't skip you would Hey how did you television I don't need any that's like people gamble in the few miles we get rid of them before dark five you're burning up the drum are you coming with me on that take another bigger piece you can shoot is gonna be trapped that's what we get ha anything what your second that's getting first cup from Genet you know I love you gotta fight all right get back there we rock yep what give it up mr. Burnett being stand us off that means we can do the same for him together like flies and when jewel you up on the left side Adam and I'll ride straight in father there's another thing we could do you could stand watch on while I get the show oh he could pin him down I got him sit and wait for some judge deserve a piranha taking acclaim od you get stopped out now Oh I I mean they won't make it drop it kid you're gonna change against it was right I thought just this time the Romanovs I couldn't have done it any differently fight a man and ask him to make himself at home let's pasture Oh hamish now try to fight this sort of thing some fight their own battles anymore but you're saying from now on never get to any kind of trouble have to go beg for help asking like other folks when their rights are violated for its asking folks come and help but this time they've got Adam I just don't think there's anything else we can I don't scam I got an idea how to keep drumming busy till the sheriff oh yeah I've been thinking I mean young right take your damn right here nice you you would be here location that's true why'd you tell me when you had the chance I don't know my name like Jim thing about put you in your populace what do you say we do tea but exactly like a [ __ ] nineteen papers now he's taught you not to trust anybody yes they fight to live the way he does I hope name trail hands you think he did it for you haven't you been evolved enough to know he doesn't do anything for anybody except himself I guess it weren't so much be as much as just got it in for cab man cowhands nightlight bitter in his face like my acres of big Rocky would like on anybody shift around one can to the next doesn't mean you have to stay with them he's open let's use no better than something that calls after carrion you want to plunder your piece of land bad enough to have his cane rub off on you that's good sampling mr. I got another drum boy Oh welcome and what about it I've been thinking give me do you think that nice dining a ridiculous scrap of paper like that is gonna make anything what's he got the guinea Adam I don't know I said thanks Bob it looks like I've been wrong all along coming you think you're gonna get away with all this that's what you say you wouldn't to take a gamble gypsies I will okay do you think he cares if you get Skipton hook like some Kylie as long as he can you the difference between you and me from and then again then 50,000 acres of isn't it now give me the gun Billy can't just kill him Jim are you killing I thought just no that ain't you I don't you ever think of taking a homestead place mom a lot of people coming out this way including the law mr. better because if I catch you stepping I'm fine just once while they'll get the ship
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 1,598,060
Rating: 4.4586716 out of 5
Keywords: MOVIES, filmstruck, FREE, Tv Show, classic movies, CLASSIC, classic movie, #classicmovies, PUBLIC DOMAIN
Id: 93ZLGPNo9-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2012
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