Making Pure Rogue Viable Baldur's Gate 3 Build

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did I just do 100 [Music] damage hey everyone I'm Ronin and welcome back to my Channel today I have a new kind of build video for you talking about Rogue not a multiclass video whatsoever but a pure Rogue video If you think about all the Marshall classes in game they have one thing in common they all gain extra attack at level five except the Rogue it's the only Marshall class that doesn't actually gain that so what's the point then of going all 12 levels in the Rogue because we know if you multiclass a lot of the power is within those first couple of levels take for example gloomstalker one of the most common subclasses for the ranger of how fun it is and it's very rogu like and it's very commonly paired with the Assassin or Thief so then what's the point of being a pure Rogue if you could have more power by multiclassing well that's what we're going to figure out I'm going to try to make a pure viable rogue build that is not only fun powerful but something you would want to try before we get into it guys selfless plug real quick I do have members on the channel now so if you want to join definitely feel free you'll gain some additional benefits and I will be live streaming everyone my first live stream is going to be Friday November 24th which is Black Friday starting at 11:00 a.m. EST so definitely stop by in the live chat be really fun to talk with you all right with that being said let's go ahead and get into the video all right guys before we talk about my assassin and my Thief build cuz I do have two different builds I do want to talk about a couple of things that visualize off the community Wiki website here Link in description down below really great resource levels 1- 12 if you think about the benefits of what you gain this is a great resource to use so for those who don't know Rogues have sneak attack damage which is a way to help make up for not having extra attack the way it works is you have to have Advantage which has a benefit and a negative if you don't have Advantage you don't do any additional damage whatsoever which kind of sucks but when you do have Advantage not only will you roll two dice it will take the higher dice roll meaning your chance to hit goes up and your chance to crit goes up as well there's some other benefits to this too though sneake attack damage as you level if you take a look at your levels here every odd level you gain one additional D6 damage to the level so level one your sneake attack damage is 1 D6 level three 2 D6 and it keeps increasing like this all the way until Level 11 where it caps out in Boulders Gate 3 at 6 D6 damage which is a lot of bonus damage when you think about it here's the downside beats for example like Savage attacker that normally roll damage do not affect sneak attack damage it's a little unfortunate I wish it did but it is what it is most people will be using finesse weapons as a rogue anyway but if you think about using it with a strength weapon you can't so if you play Rogue you're going to be finesse okay so with sneak attack out of the way I do want to talk about some of the other things you'll gain here firstly Rogues are one of these special classes in the game that have an additional feat I know Fighters get one at level six but Rogues gain additional feat at level 10 normally you'll only gain a feat at level 4 8 and 12 will Rogues get a additional feat here at level 10 which is really useful because depending on the type of gear and play style you use there are a ton of Feats that are going to be available to you to really enhance your gameplay when it comes to a lot of the front-loaded benefits you gain at level two you will gain additional bonus actions for sneaking dashing and disengaging this is really really strong although there are other subclasses in a game like Gloom soccer that can also hide as a bonus action the the fact that you can do all three as a rogue is really really strong it makes for great get in and get out kind of tactics as well you gain your expertise twice if you see you gain expertise at level one expertise at level six basically this means you will gain additional proficiency bonuses to things you're proficient in for example slide of hand with expertise your slide of hand is going to be super super strong basically a way to visualize this is if you have a proficiency you like and you be really really good at it going from good to a Master expertise will let you do that and you will almost rarely fail any checks that you have expertise in you have some other benefits here as well at level five this is for most people when they multiclass the kind of like the level they cap out at some people don't even get to level five they only go within the first few levels especially for thief since you gain two bonus actions as a thief but uncanny Dodge is really really strong regardless this is a reaction you can use once per turn to cut damage in half it's just really good defensively and it helps keeps Rogues alive since they don't have a lot of HP if you keep going down you have another defensive ability called evasion and this is something that monks also gain as well the way this works is if you have a dexterity saving throw spell affect you if you pass a check you take zero damage and if you fail you take half damage normally it's not like that at all normally if you have a spell that requires a save and you pass the check you take half and if you fail you take full so with this bonus for dexterity spells only bare minimum half damage best zero damage so it's pretty strong defensively we already talked about the extra feet you get and of course at level 11 for all Rogues you gain reliable Talent basically if you have something you are proficient in no matter what the bare number you can roll it's going to be a 10 for that dice I don't know if this affects critical fails or not cuz I haven't gotten one on my rogue for something I'm proficient in yet so it might but for everything else you're probably never going to fail a check for something because you're going to get at bare minimum 10 to your R which is pretty cool so with that being said there's a bunch of other things we're going to talk about when we talk about gear in the build itself so let's go ahead and dive into it all right guys this is my starting stat spread the reason I have it set up like this is because if you do want to use The Hags you certainly can for this build however I do not think it's worth using at all I think you could use the hag here for someone else when it comes to my skill proficiencies I do have it set up like this I've slid a hand at plus seven because I do use this character a lot to steal and I did put expertise into perception in order to get this up higher that way I can see my environment better the reason I have it set up like this is because I really like my Rogues being able to stealth around see things that other characters may not necessarily see and because I like stealing things because it's a great way to make gold in this game is why I wouldn't slide a hand okay so your two sub classes that you get to pick at level three will be assassin or Thief unfortunately Arcane trickster I tested it out no matter what I do I cannot make this good it's just so much weaker compared to the other sub classes so Thief is very powerful you gain an additional bonus action giving you two bonus actions over overall really really strong because that means you can utilize additional things like Dash hide and disengage during combat and still attack of your offhand you also have Second Story work basically you take 50% less damage from falling somewhat useful but very Niche assassin on the other hand is going to give you a lot of bonuses at the start of combat but after combat starts those bonuses tend to fall off basically you have advantage on attack rolles against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet which is really nice because you do need advantage in order to do your sneak attack damage you have the assassinate Ambush at the start of the combat assuming you do have creatures that are surprised it doesn't mean you start first it means the creatures are literally surprised meaning they didn't know you were there and you open up on them there is a difference if that happens every attack you do will be a crit including sneak attack damage which is really powerful and then you have aacr basically at the start a combat it restores your action and bonus action this sounds really good in theory but if you start combat in turnbas mode it's going to restore that anyway so this is very in my opinion lackluster so if you learn to open up in turn base mode this is kind of useless so overall I do think Thief is stronger however assassin especially when you get some really strong endgame gear it's a little ridiculous okay so there's going to be quite a few different Feats we're going to talk about and because you are leveling 1 to 12 I'm going to knock out all the Feats for you here that way you can choose what you think is going to be best for you remember going pure Thief you get four Feats overall at level 4 level 8 level 10 and level 12 so naturally with our stat spread being 17 you're going to want to get that up to 18 and then 20 you have a couple ways you can do it if you start out you could go ability Improvement but that kind of Wast it I feel like there's going to be a better option here although there are some really great light armor you can get at the end of the game especially if you are evil there's a very very large amount of medium armor which is really useful in this game as well normally Rogues do not get medium armor that is something you have to either learn from being a certain race like GI Yankee or you multiclass or you learn it from a trait we're not multiclassing so this is going to be where we choose medium armor moderately armored right here as you can read you gain a medium armor proficiency and this will give you plus one to strength or decks we're going with dexterity if you don't want to use any medium armor here and you don't care about medium armor I would say go for athlete and choose dexterity but we're not doing that we want medium armor because some of the armor that you can use in this game like I said is going to be really strong for medium all right so you're level eight you get your second feat here and in my opinion you have two options to choose from you could go ability Improvement now and get your dexterity to Max which is never a bad thing if you want to use heavier weapons say any versatile weapons any rapers things like that that you want to dual wield you do need to actually have a feat for it called dual wielder I want to point out this will give you plus one to your a AC and allows you to dual wield those weapons this does not give your offhand any scaling in order to do that you either have to multiclass which we're not doing cuz we're being a pure Rogue or there is some armor and specific weapons that will scale specifically for your offhand so this dual wielder is only if you want to dual wield heavier weapons there's going to be weapons we already talked about that are really really strong so it's going to be up to you whether you want to do that so you can choose dual wielder here if you plan to use any type of bow one really powerful thing in my opinion you have to have is going to be Sharpshooter sharpshooter in my opinion is such a fantastic ability you take negtive five to your attack roles but do additional 10 damage and you no longer have disadvantage when shooting people at High Ground when you're at lower altitudes really really strong if you plan to use a bow as well something I would highly recommend let's go ahead and just get a ability Improvement now though because this is going to be in my opinion one of the easier things to do and you want to get your Dex Max anyway okay so for our third feat you could either go ability Improvement again if you want to get your other stats up which is never a bad thing you know it's pretty good in my opinion though I am going to take Sharpshooter here because I do like having the option to use my bow when needed and Sharpshooters just helps out for getting extra damage when you can afford it so that's what I'm taking I don't feel like I need dual wielder because the weapons I want to use personally don't require it okay so you have your final feat here your fourth feet there are a ton of different Feats you can choose if you really wanted to go in depth of other things in my opinion here some really good things are going to be a you could go with being lucky the lucky trait is huge being able to basically roll attack rules ability checks or saving thrs and things like that are just really really strong and can really help you in a pinch now one thing if you're going to be using dual crossbows instead of getting lucky I go with crossbow expert that way if I wanted to use dual crossbows up front and personal I certainly can and it makes your piercing shot A Little Bit Stronger All right so I'm just going to Simply open up you can see I am using the bone Spike helmet here along with the legendary daggers and these things are just absolutely cracked are super super strong I'm actually going to open up with my menacing attack and I'm going to hit this target here in front of me all right so she's gone one thing to note your aura right here make sure you toggle it on and off that way it will come on during combat it doesn't affect anyone that isn't actually in combat with you yet so here I'm going to open up with menacing attack melee to Showcase just how absolutely strong L is on this character here and you can see I did a lot of damage I didn't get to use my sneak attack stuff because it was already used on my opening turn so that is one benefit that you'll have as being an assassin versus a thief but either way I still did a lot of damage so I'm just going to use my offhand melee attack now and I'm going to use my Missy step I could come up here instead I'm just going to come over I'm going to bite one of these guys with my vampiric bite or with ascended bite they're both very strong we'll go with ascended and honestly I'm just going to end my turn here I'm not going to bother to charm [Music] him so normally they would hit me so I'm going to roll with the lucky dice he missed so now I can use my true strike repost here and hit him back and you can see I literally just one shot him with that super super strong so the reason why these daggers with the ballis armor are just absolutely cracked is because of that retaliate right there look at all the damage I did just for from retaliation really crazy Pierce Force Pierce Pierce it I mean all this stuff was it's just so strong how it Stacks which is why I really like it so now we can go ahead and attack this person here they were saved from menacing attack but you can see I still did a lot of damage to him now I'll go ahead and use my off hand attack they're gone I could use another aan attack if I wanted which I'm going to do and that's why Thief is pretty cool you get the extra aan attacks and this is with my aan attack not scaling if I would have added the gloves right here my off hand attacks would do even more damage I just like getting a really big burst on someone with my sneak attack and everything else instead all right so I'm going to open up on guy up top here just so I can get him out of the way all right so he's dead I just did 72 damage to him all right so I'm going to open up on her right in front of me let's go ahead and open up a piercing shot so she's gone on piercing shot so good allowing the gushing moons in the enemy so you do additional damage is nice cuz it will affect your sneak attack which is really good but it's only once per short rest all right so it's my turn so I have a few things I could do here you can see there's just in range of my aura of murder without me having like any threatened thing on me so a I want to turn toggle dual wield off I don't want to waste both shots here here let's go ahead and attack you since you have higher chance to hit you know what we'll hit him that way I can basically kill him in one hit so I could paralyze him now if I wanted to I'm not going to instead I'm going to go ahead and use my off hand attack here or I could bite him instead if I bite him I will end up getting some better bonuses because I am a ston I'm happy now so so I get plus one to my attack roll saving throws and ability checks which is really really nice I'm coming back here cuz I want the guy that shoots to like come closer to me and the reason I can't retaliate against them is because they have extended range with their hell Birds I have to be next to them and they gu hit me anyway so I can't retaliate there regardless but in case you were wondering why I couldn't retaliate like I did with the other showcase that's why they have to be in range of your melee attacks to do it all right so now you have a couple of things here so the beginning of my assassin bonuses the autoc crit is gone now I'm not going to Auto crit against any of these guys which is a little unfortunate so I could attack him but you can see I'm threatened this is why I like the boots instead I can just simply Missy step which I'm I'm going to do and now I'm going to open up on this guy and attack him he's gone killed them fantastic so let's just come over here and end my turn now I know what you're probably thinking why play Assassin well to be quite honest I feel like the assassin subass gains all of its benefits within the first three levels so if you do want an assassin subass to play in my opinion you're better off multiclassing with assassin but I do find pure Thief to be really powerful as well so all these guys are next to me again because I do have crossbow expert I could technically shoot them and you can see I don't have disadvantage because of it but my chance to hit isn't that great either you take a look I can't actually hit them because they are too close to me so this is when if you were a thief it'd be better cuz you could disengage like I am now and have an extra bonus action still I don't so instead I have to just attack these guys regularly and because I didn't crit he doesn't die but that's basically how the build works if you want to do dual crossbows as a thief I also think it's better anyway because then you get the extra bonus action to use your offine attack with but that's the build there for that in case you did want to see the Assassin version anyway let's go ahead and talk about gear all right guys we are talking gear acts three 2 and one let's start with helmets because I think the helmets are pretty interesting if you want to go for crit stacking you have serox horn Helm this is medium armor which is why I did want the medium armor feature really really powerful getting extra crit chance is huge you can't can't be frightened and Constitution saving throws plus one overall it's just a really badass helmet and I think it personally looks really sick if you'd prefer another great helmet act three you have the bone Spike helmet I know what you're thinking why bone Spike well I'm going to show you why take a look at your attack and I am ascended a ston which is why I have all the extra necrotic damage but you see it says 10 to 27 not bad let's put this Helm on it gives you menacing attack that you can use once per turn which is really great and look at the damage is 14 to 31 so every time you attack with your main hand because you only have one attack as a rogue you can do menacing attack which has a chance to fear their target which is just that alone is huge because fear is really powerful in this game but it does extra damage as well so if you want extra damage with your mainhand melee attack at all times you would go with the bone Spike Helm obviously if you're using a bow you don't need this for ax one and two ax one realistically wear whatever Helm you want but once you do get the act two one of the best Helms is going to be the dark Justice's helmet this is just straight up strong you get plus one bonus of saving throws against spells while obscured the number you need to roll a crit is reduced by one and you have Constitution saving throws plus one as well this is just really powerful it's another way to get extra crit pretty much whenever you want as a thief because you can always hide as a bonus action which is really strong I just don't think it really fits the like Thief Motif here with the way it looks but is a very powerful Helm so looking at cloaks you have the shade Slayer cloak really really strong anytime you hide you're going to be considered stealth so you your chance to crit will go up this cloak Stacks really well with the dark Justice seer's helmet and the serox helm obviously for extra crit if you're going to be an assassin because you only have one extra uh bonus action instead of two you may want to use something else like the cloak of displacement for better survivability obviously in act two you can get the cloak of protection plus one AC and saving throws and if you are a thief in my opinion one of these strongest capes in the game is a cloak of cunning broom this thing is literally broken you can use disengage bam you leave a smoke cloud this is absolutely insane so the the reason why this is really strong is the The Fog clouds are great to Blind enemies but if you have the eversight ring you can't be blinded so this is a great way to a get advantage on your enemies and just be super survival because enemies will be blinded when they attack you chances of them hitting you is really really low but it makes the game in my opinion on tactician too easy so I tend not to use it when it comes to your chest pieces there's going to be a few different chest pieces I want to talk about starting with the evil route if you do want to be the ballish champion you have the ballish armor it gives you Aura of murder and plus two to your initiative roles which is really cool the passive is something you can toggle on and [Music] off because your weapons that you're more than likely going to use will be piercing this just gives you double damage to all enemies that normally aren't resistant to piercing damage really really strong probably the best chest piece in the game for a murderes rogue but it does require you to be evil so for axe three an alternative the armor of agility is really really strong this is medium armor it adds your full dexterity for your AC which is like that's insane let me go ahead and put it on real quick you can see your AC goes up to 23 it doesn't look as great I think it pairs with the Helm that I have on but I still don't like it all that much it's medium armor that kind of looks more plate but it's just a strong effect really really powerful and gives you saving throws plus two for Axe 2 you have the dark Justice ear's half plate again another really great chest piece advantage on Constitution saving throw checks is never a bad thing you have shs Aegis for extra AC and while obscured you have advantage on stealth checks so if you combine this with dark Justice seer's helmet and with the shade CER cloak you have an entire build basically set up around stealth just from that [Music] alone when it comes to chest pieces for Act One realistically use whatever you want but another great chest piece is a yant scale Mount here it's very similar to the armor of agility it's just a little bit not as good it gives you plus one to your initiative roles which is never a bad thing but it doesn't give you as much AC but still a very solid chest piece that you can get an act to real easily from the vendor when it comes to gloves there's going to be a couple of gloves I'm going to talk about in act three you can buy the stalker gloves to gain plus one bonus to your initiative roles and you you're whenever you do sneak attack damage you do additional 1 D4 Force damage so it makes your sneak attack attacks even stronger and having more advantage or more initiative I should say is never a bad thing because that means you get to go first if you would like to have your off-hand attack scale with your dexterity modifier you're going to want the gloves of balance hands that you buy an act two from Quarter Master tally you equip these and now your off hand attacks will always scale with your dexterity modifier assuming you go finesse really really powerful another great pair of gloves is the legacy of the Masters plus two to attack rolls and damage of weapons and there's one other pair of gloves I do want to point point out the bone Spike gloves in combination with the ballist armor is nice because this will make it so no one is ever going to be resistant to piercing damage so you can always have arura of murder on any enemy you want boots okay so let's start with something from act one which is one of the best boots in the game for a rogue especially a thief and that is going to be the Speedy light feet These Boots are insane you get these super early underneath windmill whenever you dash you gain three lightning charges it's medium armor which is why I took the medium armor feet really early at level four really really strong because this will allow you to pretty much Dash every turn to increase your movement and also add lightning charges so you do additional damage of your attacks one of the best boots for a thief in my opinion assassin not so much since you only get one bonus action but for thief really really strong of course in act one and the Grim Forge you can also get the night Walkers probably my favorite pair of boots in the game these are just ridiculous Camp be in webbed entangled a sneered slip on Grease or ice and you get Missy step for free once for short rest probably one of the best boots in the game from act two you can get the evasive shoes plus one AC and acrobatics and in act three assuming you save bamon and all the teelings you can get boots of persistent giving you long Strider and freedom of movement for free very very powerful when it comes to your neck pieces in my opinion pick whatever neck you want obviously in act three you can get the Amulet of Greater Health very very strong I like going with the surgent thing here that you get in act two because you do have a really high chance to crit whenever you do crit you can paralyze that Target once per long rest which is huge because that makes all other attacks within 3 m guarant guaranteed crits and it's a great way to CC someone this is a really strong necklace that is fantastic for bosses or it's just general big fights other necklaces The Amulet Missy step that you get in Goblin Camp again missy step is so nice and then I also like the Amulet of ball here as well Rings there are quite a few different Rings you can use I'm only going to go over a couple the risky ring that you can buy in act two from Mirage and moonrise Towers probably the best Rog ring in the game advantage on attack roles meaning you will always sneak attack with your attack at all times because you will always have Advantage really really strong you're going to hit you're probably going to crit super strong but you do have disadvantage on saving throws so if you use this I would definitely say pair your Rogue next to a paladin so you can get the aura to increase your saving throws or put some saving throw gear on it's going to be up to you the other Ring The eversight Ring everyone knows how strong this is I wanted to point this out because this pairs exceptionally well with the cloa cunning broom other than that pick whatever ring you want it's going to be up on you on what you think is going to be best for your character okay probably the time you guys have all been waiting for weapons so let's start with bows because they're the easiest to cover in my opinion if you're going for crit stacking the Deadshot is really great the number you need to crit is also reduced by one so you can get your crit chance up pretty dang high of this build you get Keen attack as well just overall one of the best bows in the game it is a long bow normally thieves or Rogues I should say don't have proficiency with long bows it's only uh short bows and hand crossbows this is great because if you choose any type of Elf character whether it's a high Elf or a Wood Elf you will get long bow proficiency and you can read I get that from Elven weapon training here this bow is just really great if you like to use crossbows you have the hand crossbow you can buy literally an act one from any vendor it comes from Damon and some others you have to just reset their stock to get it of course you can dual wield these which makes having dual crossbows really strong so you got have hand crossbows the demon inside actun shars Temple sells to Hellfire hand crossbow really really strong gives you scorching Ray weapon in chant plus two and you have a chance to burn while hiding and then of course you have the never misser which does force damage gives you magic missiles as well and you can buy this from rowa Moonglow in act two really really strong my number one suggestion if you go to use the hand crossbows if you dual wield them you will for sure want to use gloves of balanced hands because this will make your offhand crossbow scale with your dexterity and in my opinion it's a super stup strong build to do kind of breaks the game because of how strong it is to be honest but it's very very powerful and for sure you want to use these gloves with it another great bow in act two dark fire short bow weapon enchant plus two fire cold resistance and you learn haste all right now let's talk melee weapons I do want to point out one specific weapon in act three first if you play a human or anything that's a half elf you will gain proficiency with h Birds glaes and polearms the dancing Breeze is a glaive that is finessed that you can buy in act three you can use this and still actually get sneak attack damage so if you want to be a rogue that uses a two-hander for whatever reason and I do have a fun two-handed rogue build down below if you want to see it use this it's really powerful of course in act one you have the Alo a really really great finesse long sword so if you do want to use something that's two-handed right from the start of the game you can and if you want to dual wield this with a Rapier or something else you do need the Dual wielder feet so keep that in mind sword of Screams that comes from nare inside Grim Forge really really strong just an overall great early gra beer to have all right so when it comes to other weapons I'm going to suggest so an axe 1/2 so when you're at the mountain pass knife of the Mountain King I mean this is one of the best weapons in the game super powerful gives you a lot of things here chance to crits reduced which is fantastic when you roll two or less the damage die is rolled Shadow Blade you have advantage on attack rolls if against uh creatures that are light or heavily obscured just a really great weapon for dual wielders and another great weapon is the justi here Scimitar this thing is actually cracked it has a really really unique weapon enchant here and weapon skill called Shadow soaked blow this thing hits really hard because it adds your proficiency bonus to the damage feels additional psychic but it doesn't break concealment meaning you can be hiding and open up on the enemy and still stay stealth and not even enter combat it's once per short rest but it is very powerful in my opinion if you're going to be a dual wielder Rogue dual wielding these in both hands is absolutely insane and of course if you have Advantage with the Justice sear Scimitar you have a chance to Blind your target as well and once you do get the act three you have of course the best weapons in the game Crimson Mischief this thing in your main hand is super broken it absolutely ridiculous in your main hand when you have Advantage you do additional seven piercing really really strong cuz it also has built-in necrotic damage really really powerful because you do additional piercing damage against targets with 50% HP or less and if you're using the balless armor everything this does is going to literally be doubled it does so much damage and then of course you have the blood thirst in your offhand the number you need to crit is reduced so even more crit stacking but you can see when a creature misses you of a melee attack you can retaliate and gain true strike and increases your AC by plus one basically when you have this if the enemy misses you you retaliate you do great damage really really strong if you want to have a offhand that scales with your dexterity without using these gloves right here the Crimson Mischief can go in your off hand and do that all right well that's basically the build guys I hope you enjoyed if you did please like And subscribe the next couple videos will be crit stacking which is going to be really really strong one for dual wielding one for bows one for spells and one when it comes to big two-handers and I also have my unique item tier list coming as well I have a bunch of requests I am working on but definitely comment below any requests you want to see and I'll try to make one for you I'm Ronin thank you for making it to the again and I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 5,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thief, assassin, rogue, pure rogue, build, bg3, baldur's gate 3, astarion, Baldur's Gate 3, builds, dual wield, Bhaalist Armour, bonespike gloves, Crimson Mischief, oathbreaker, tiefling, half orc, elf, half elf, Dual Wielder, two weapon fighting, burst, flourish, gloomstalker, wild heart, college of swords, divine smite, performance, fighter, dread ambush, sneak attack, Symbiotic Entity, Halo of Spores, end game, vulnerability, piercing, rapiers, finesse, dual wielding builds, crit
Id: x6Ke05qy1gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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