Poison Geomancer Baldur's Gate 3 Build (Requested)

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[Music] hey everyone I'm Ronin and welcome back to the channel today we are taking two requested videos one for a poison mancer geomancer s theme using poison and acidbase magic and combining that with the conjuration wizard conjuration Wizardry is something I have hardly tried in game until I made this video and it is a ton of fun combine that with a lot of really cool acid and poison based spells in game and you have a really really great utility damage based build I hope you guys enjoy if you want to see any other future builds comment down below what you want to see next my next few videos will be all requested videos so hopefully you enjoy this video will be up a little bit earlier than normal my normal upload schedule is Saturdays but this Friday and Saturday I will be live streaming my honor mode playthrough definitely stop by say hi it'll be right here on YouTube I love interacting with you guys it's been a ton of fun so far of the past streams so definitely stop by and for those who do celebrate the holidays I hope you have a great time with family and friends let's break this build video down all right guys when it comes to creating your character my build will be for Honor mode specifically that way it will have utility throughout any mode you want to play through when it comes to race for those who wanted min max here are the races I'm going to recommend first off if you want to be an origin character obviously being a wizard-based character Gail right here is going to fit perfectly the dark urge is also very useful because you do gain some really awesome unique items in game for being the dark urge unique interactions and just a really cool story that being said if you want to be a custom character itself with your own backgrounds and things like that here's what I'm going to say race wise I think halfelf is probably going to be one of the best races to actually be they are very very strong and you're going to going to gain some benefits for being a half elf regardless so right off the start if you are a half elf you gain the Civil militia for being part human the reason why this is important is because this will give you Shield proficiency which is going to be really nice for a squishy class because Wizards are very squishy so having Shield proficiency to up your AC is going to be a lot of benefit to survivability you're going to gain dark vision which humans normally don't have which comes from the half elf Elf side of the Heritage if you're in the underd dark for example and you see your chance to hit with a spell or even if you're a Melee character for example and you see your hit chances lower than other people it may be because you're in a dark area you're obscured so having the extra dark vision will greatly help out when it comes to your hit chances in Darker areas and it's free you also gain Fay ancestry you can't be put to sleep ever which is just nice to be immune to that but you also have advantage against checks for being Charmed basically meaning the chance for you to be Charmed is going to be very very low now when it comes to your different heritages here for the different actual elves I don't like the high elf at all I feel like there's really no benefit to be this if you're a Caster because you're going to gain a lot of can trips anyway the Dr half elves are pretty unique because you will be able to actually gain some cool stuff here you gain a can trip Dancing Lights which you really don't need but you you will gain fairy fire which Wizards normally do not learn so it's one way to gain that spell for a wizard that you normally wouldn't be able to I like going wood elf here though because you gain the extra 5T movement and you would be surprised how much the extra movement and honor mode will make a difference all right guys this is my stat spread for leveling up if you want to have a little bit more dexterity for extra AC versus HP feel free to move stats around I do not plan to use The Hags here for this build so OB obviously if you want to use The Hags hair to get intelligence higher you'll have to have 17 at the start the reason I have it like this is because two of our Feats will be ASI to get your intelligence directly to 20 and then the other feet will be up to you but I am going to give some recommendations you are really squishy as a wizard so you definitely want some high Constitution but if you'd rather have a little bit more AC feel free to flip those your skill proficiencies and your background put in whatever you want it's going to be up to you my cantrips Wise from what I choose I went with poison spray which is one of the hardest hitting cantrips but it is only within 10 ft cuz it's 1 D12 and once you hit Level 10 it will be 3 D12 I went with acid Splash to fit the theme of being a geomancer and I went with minor illusion as well because minor illusion is pretty useful in game my starting spell list here feel free to mess around with what you want but my recommend found ation shield for sure giving you extra AC and Immunity to Magic missiles is really really strong long Strider is just a ritual spell giving everyone extra 10 be of movement is huge if you have this on another class in your party then you don't need it but this is a great way to get it right from the start of the game I went with Ray sickness just to keep the theme of being a geomancer poison type build magic missiles such a great spell if something is going to resist your poison damage then you always have a followup of magic missiles because Force damage is one of the least amount of resisted types of damage in game you have chromatic orb which can use a different variety of elements to choose from but this spell does fall off later on cuz it Doesn't scale that well and of course Mage Armor because you definitely want the extra AC all right when we level we are actually going to be going conjuration so right from the very beginning you have your subass feature here one thing it gives you is if you use a scroll to learn conjuration spells it will be cheaper cool stuff you also learn minor conjuration create water you can use this once per long rest without using any type of spell slot which is really cool so if you do have someone else in your party that does lightning damage or cold damage this is a great way to make them do double damage spell wise here feel feel free to pick whatever you didn't pick before I do find having posos hideous laor is pretty dang useful it's a nice way to CC enh hand sleep can also be very useful since you do have pretty low strength because your low strength your like jump distance is really nothing so this is a great way to help out for getting across different areas outside of combat grease is definitely useful but I don't find it super useful but it is is a Conjuration Spell which will have benefits as you level up that we'll talk about in a bit so at level three this is when you get some more spells and this is when we get some cool things so here you get M's acid Arrow this is the only other acid spell that does damage in game that you can actually have access to other than your cantrip and this is pretty cool so it does direct damage but then will also do damage as well later on you can read it does direct damage and then damage at the end of the targets turn so this is a great way to do direct and passive damage so really useful your other spells here are going to be up to you on what you want to use cloud of daggers Conjuration Spell very very strong and everyone knows how great darkness is I'm going to go with clouded daggers here because this is one of the strongest concentration spells in the game all right level four you get another can trip pick whatever you want I do think Firebolt is pretty useful and will go to three d10 fire damage later on which is pretty nice so feel free to have that but pick whatever you want spell wise here definitely get Missy step being able to use a bonus action to teleport across a battlefield is very strong your other spells will be up to you old person is another great way to essentially CC the target but it is a concentration so I like having hold person on like non- damage dealers and more so for people that are going to be supportive so other spells literally pick whatever you think it's going to be useful B cloud is also pretty useful but it's a much smaller area compared to Darkness your feet obviously is going to be ability Improvement we're going to get our intelligence 28 that way you get another modifier towards your intelligence all right so at level five you definitely get some even more powerful spells you for sure are going to need counter spells SP this thing is an absolute game wrecker if you have some spells that you end up getting decimated by there will be chances wow counter spell really could have saved me there other than that I'm going to say either go stinking Cloud this thing is very very strong this last for 10 turns it's a concentration and once you get to a higher level in Wizard this will actually have even better benefits but it literally stops characters from taking actions this is very very strong so if you want the extra CC sinking Cloud could definitely be a way to go or you can go Fireball if you do want some bigger damage either way you're going to get both eventually all right wizard level six you get a really cool subass feature here basically you can teleport to a nearby unoccupied space or you can swap spaces with an ally you would be surprised how strong this is it's basically a way to to kind of like teleport like you do with Missy step but the fact that you can do this on an ally in completely spot positions can for sure change the tides of battle if a character is about to die or you need them to get out this is a great way to do that spell wise pick the spell you didn't pick before for me it's going to be sinking Cloud here and then your other spells will be up to you the reason I don't take haste is because I like having haste on a sorcerer so you can double haste people so for me personally I'm going to go with more utility here so I'm going to go Darkness but pick whatever you want whichard level seven of course you unlock level four spells now and this is when you get some really fun stuff if you want to have some more Elementals to help you out for just even more side damage feel free to grab those you could also have Wall fire really nice for AOE damage fire Shield I would not recommend cuz you're trying not to get hit so I wouldn't recommend this one at all if you want some ice damage feel free to pick that pick whatever spells you think are going to be useful here I do find the black tentacles also to be pretty useful it is a concentration spell and it is conjuration as well and once you get to level 10 this will get even more benefit wizard level eight go ahead pick any spell that you didn't pick before but you also get a feat and guess what we're going to go with ability Improvement getting our intelligence to 20 my recommendation for spells at this level is going to be di menion door another great utility spell to basically just Target you and an ally to another area whether you want High Ground if you want to escape or just simply get closer to a Target and I actually like the sphere here as well this is a great like oh button like oh wow this character is probably going to die and there's nothing you can do to save them well use this on them it will literally make them immune to damage pretty much it's really really strong but on their turn their movement is half and they can't really do anything to attack but it is a great way to save them from dying all right wizard level 9 this is when you get some really cool things and remember a lot of these spells you can learn with Scrolls so you don't necessarily need to follow my exact guide here since a lot of these can be learned via wizard Scrolls but for this level I'm going to go Cloud kill this is going to be really really strong and we'll talk about why soon and of course conjure Elemental another summon you can have that just do even more damage wizard level 10 now this is when all those concentration spells I talked about are going to be a lot stronger specifically if you read for conjuration spells any damage you take while concentrating on a Conjuration Spell will not break it this means you are completely immune to having your concentration spells broken by damage as long as it's conjuration and there's quite a few conjuration spells we already talked about this will affect all of those this is really really strong and the whole reason why conjuration is really awesome for this type of build all right wizard level 11 this is when you unlock your final spells for like super strong spells and although a lot of these can be learned via scroll like the globe for those who don't have access to the Scrolls you might as well get Globe now this thing is just a killer for Honor mood this thing is so strong this will literally save you and your allies a ton very very strong the other spell I'm going to say it's disintegrate this thing hits so freaking hard it does so much damage it's Force damage absolutely insane well how strong this is all right guys here we are the final level level 12 this is when you get your third feet and in my opinion depending on the type of build you go for that extra feet is going to be very useful spell wise here pick what you want remember you are a wizard so majority of these spells can be learned be a scroll anyway shout out to Arcane gate this is a great Conjuration Spell but keep in mind enemies can utilize the gates you create so it does have some downside so looking at feats I'm going to recommend spell sniper personally this just gives you extra crit which is never a bad thing and you get to learn another cantrip if you want eldrich blast this would be really cool because eldrich blast as this will actually use your intelligence instead of Charisma like it normally would for warlocks so this is a great way to add some extra cantrip damage on something that can hit multiple targets it does force damage it's really really strong I also like taking Thorn whip this will do piercing damage and you can pull enemies closer so if there's an enemy at of range this is a great way to pull them towards you that way your allies can beat them up if you have some melee with you or just just pull someone down from a high ledge so I'm going to actually go Thorn whip here and I like this because this will give you higher chance to crit as well but I do want to give a shout out to the Dual wielder feet dual wielder will allow you to dual wield versatile weapons example if you have a staff normally you cannot dual wield a staff unless you use this feet this will give you plus one AC which is never a bad thing while dual wielding and what's even better there are some very powerful staffs in game if you saw my endgame Frost mage build he used dual wield staffs you can do a lot of cool combinations for this build specifically though I am using a shield for survivability especially on honor mode so instead I am going to be taking spell sniper let's go ahead and take a look at gear now guys all right guys it is time to talk gear this is an endgame build I will talk about endgame gear mostly but I will talk about some other gear that way if you do want to utilize some things for x one and two we'll talk about that later in the video so starting out what makes this build so strong with a conjuration wizard is the legendary staff you're going to need this staff this gives you Arcane enchantment plus one bonus to your spell sayate DC and spell attack rolls fantastic you get Arcane battery allowing you to once per long rest get a free level six spell slot for any spell you want very strong but you also get kisa's favor if I said that correctly basically you have a bunch of different elements you can attune to you will do extra damage to that element to your proficiency bonus at level 12 is plus 4 but here's where it gets really strong he going to be two recommendations here we'll start with the first one deadlier than arsonic whenever you do spell damage you can poison the target which is really strong because enemies that are poisoned have disadvantage on attack roles and ability checks allows you to cast Cloud kill and raise sickness for free so that one's pretty cool right but what about sizzling cataclysm now this is when things get really really strong okay so acid spells you do do extra damage whenever you do spell damage you have a chance to apply noxious FES to the enemy a radius of 10 foot doing 1 D4 acid damage but it gives you M's acid Arrow which is cool as you can use it once per long rest for free and it gives you hunger of AAR this spell is insanely broken on a conjuration wizard if you saw my leveling section at level 10 conjuration Wizards any concentration spell that's considered conjuration will not break from damage hunger of AAR is one of the best spells in in the game when it comes to CC and just really kind of like toying with your enemy I guess you could say enemies are blinded in the area so already fantastic it's difficult terrain so it's going to be harder for them to get out at the start of the enemy's turn they take cold damage and if they end their turn in that area they have a chance to take acid damage this ability is so strong like I I cannot tell you how much I love this spell wizard cannot learn this normally no class can other than warlocks and bards BS can learn it via magical secrets and warlocks can just learn it from leveling this thing is insane it's not on any scroll that I've seen in game so you can't learn it via scroll the only way to get it is either multiclassing or get it from this way with the staff really really strong and force conduit is really great with this Shield here I love this Shield Force conduit just makes you take less damage at the start of your turn you have two stacks of force conduit giving you two less damage from all piercing slashing and bludgeoning damage it definitely helps out for survivability if you go to get hit from range attacks from like bows for example and things like that so this is very useful to have other Shields could be the Sentinel Shield here increased initiative and advantage on perception ability checks cathic Shield very very strong so you have the necklace of Elemental augmentation if you're going to be focusing more on acid this is really use useful whenever you deal a can trip that does Elemental damage which is almost every element in the game it does not include poison for whatever reason but it will add your spellcasting modifier to the damage dealt we have 20 intelligence our modifier is five so it's plus five damage to those element types so your cantrip here for example if you go to do acid Splash it will do an additional plus five damage but if you are in tuned to the acid legendary stat it adds the proficiency bonus to the damage as well if you'd rather not worry about that maybe you like using a bunch of different spells my other recommendation is this necklace here you get an Act One Magic missiles free Force damage never misses it allows you to essentially just cast an extra spell because magic missiles every level you go up it adds another missile it's essentially like getting a seventh rank magic missiles if you use it at level six really really strong and it's a great necklace to have Rings now the Rings can be interchanged depending on what you want the number one ring I say you should always use though is this ring you see on screen now this thing is insane because mental fatigue was reworked with the latest patch this will actually stack now so whenever you pass your spell save DC meaning the enemy fails they take negative one to wisdom intelligence and Charisma saving throws meaning you and your allies can do even more spell casting on the enemy cuz the chances are they'll probably fail again it can stack up to five times and at five Stacks they can take D4 psychic damage really really strong I really like this ring a lot now here's the other ring if you want a lot of burst so you have the poisoners ring you get this an act two from roow it gives you a unique ability you can use one to prolong rest and it can hit up the three targets as long as the enemy is not immune to poison damage those enemies will now have double damage taken from Poison which is really really strong especially if you think about how powerful this is in combination with some of the AOE spells you have really awesome that way you can do some big bursts for poison now if you don't want to worry about that though my other recommendation is going to be the coration ring this is nice adding radiant orbs to the enemy is going to be a great way to lower their hit chance so you and your allies survive even more or the Callos glow ring simply just doing extra radiant damage on spells now when it comes to the other armor this is my recommendation so you have the hood of the weave plus two bonus to spell save DC and attack rolls and in honor mode trust me you want as much spell save DC as you can have you have cloak of the weave this is nice cuz it's even more spell save DC and for your attack roles and things like that I know there is a cloak cuz I know people are going to mention it in act two there is a cloak you can get that whenever you poison Target it will heal you seems pretty strong I would rather have the spell save DC though to make sure my spells will actually hit and do maximum damage rather than get healed for 1 D4 whenever I poison the target that's going to be up to you though whether you want to use that or this here if you'd rather be a little bit more defensive though you do of course have cloak of protection plus one to your AC and saving throws or cloak of displacement giving you advant or giving the enemies disadvantage on attack roles but once you do get hit the effect goes away until your next turn now when it comes to your chest piece you can see I have 16 AC I didn't use Mage Armor yet so once you use Mage Armor I'm at 19 AC so right here robe of the weave fantastic plus one bonus of your spell save DC and attack rolls awesome cuz we want to get that stacked as much as we can also whenever you succeed a saving throw against a spell you gain HP and it gives you AC plus two really really strong for a chest piece and it's the chest piece you should get in act three as soon as you can you get it in the same area that you get the legendary staff gloves is going to be up to you when how you do this so if you with your staff are going to be attuned to the poison section you don't need to use a poisoner's gloves what this does is whenever you poison the enemy or deal poison damage I should say they need to make a constitution saving throw and if they fail they become poisoned which is great cuz as mentioned before that means they have disadvantage on attack roles and abilities checks so if you don't want to use this there's a ton of different gloves you can use in game for a wide variety of things pick whatever you want it's going to be up to you gloves of dexterity is also very useful for this if you wanted to redo your stats and have zero dexterity and put them in something else glov of dexterity is a great way to get your AC up even higher especially if you are attuned to poison with your staff that way you can still poison the enemy it's going to be up to you though feel free to use whatever gloves you want for this build now boots I like using the stormy clamor boots here whenever you deal a condition on the enemy you do two turns of reverberation which is really really powerful they take negative one to strength decks and Constitution saving throws at level five they must make a check or they're not prone and they take Thunder under damage really really strong it's really awesome and this ties really well into poisoning the enemy which is why I did have the poisoners gloves earlier some other pieces of armor you can use that I don't have cuz I sold them a while ago you have The poisoners Robe you can get inside act one that I'll put on screen now whenever you deal poison damage with a spell you deal additional poison damage pretty dang strong and that's going to be really my only other recommendation to use throughout acts one and two uh gear wise feel free to use what you think is going to be good for you act three though as soon as you can you want to get the gear I listed here now let's take a look at comat cuz this gets really really fun all right guys so some things I do want to State I do have some spells in here that I learned via Scrolls example glyph awarding this thing is really strong cuz you can do acid damage cold you can knock people back fire lightning you can put AOE sleep really really strong Thunder I really like awarding a lot it's really really cool but I do want to show a real cool tip here once you get the spell Crux amulet which you can get inside act two when you conjure your Elemental always conjure it to a higher spell slot here you have the water Elemental that it becomes a meridon now which has some really cool spells Shadow out to Healing Vapors this will heal allies and poison enemies the the fire Elemental becomes fire meridon here which is really cool it gets Firebase attacks but then also gets emulation hening really cool you have the Earth One the Earth meridon get some really defensive things here and then the air becomes the air madon which gets invisibility raging Vortex and the electrified Flo which is nice to stun the enemy so when it comes to these always get a level six version it's going to be up to you on which one you want to use specifically I'm going to go with the a one just cuz I think it's cool but any of these would be useful so I cast it and you're like oh no my level six spell slot is gone well you have the spell Crux amulet which is cool because now I could do this go like that and get my spell back you could use Arcane recovery charges but why use it when you can get it for free so one thing you can do that is really really fun in my opinion using your cantrips here with minor illusion go ahead and create an illusion up here I'm going to enter turnbas mode they're all next to each other and they're going to go towards this illusion I created so this is a great way if you just want some like one demand burst real quick at the start go ahead and get them wet with your create water they're going to be like what the hell is going on you can exit exit turn base mode they're all wet so go ahead and summon your guy again put it in turnbas now I can use my glyph warding here you can go cold or lightning depending on what you want to do and if you upscale this it's going to do a ton of damage on top of all the enemies I'm going have my Elemental go ahead and attack them this is a reason why I chose the air Elemental because he's already got some really cool electrified things he can do he can go ahead and like get some big time burst on at least one Target and you can see I just did a ton of damage to all these people and that's a great way if you just want on demand burst by yourself you can do but that pretty much ruins the demo so let's go ahead and take a look at if you don't set up and just think things you can do normally all right so to start combat I'm going to go ahead and try to poison everyone the only downside of this ring is the fact that once you kill someone that is rable to poison you can't use it again until your next long rest so this is more of a boss killer but it is very very strong nonetheless and I'm going to try getting it to the Healer back there just because I don't like her healing everyone and I'll try hitting another Target as well and you can see he passed but she failed her check which is pretty damn cool now that it's my turn I can go ahead and use either something like Cloud kill to go ahead and get all of them inside the poison damage or I could go ahead and try to choose to Simply burst her down right now for a really big crit so I could use raise sickness for free 686 if you see here I I choose here you can see the damage it goes up to 78 so this is only considered a fifth level spell slot so instead let's use Arcane battery six level spell and now use R sickness I'm going to hit her and I'll get the guaranteed crit just so you guys can see the damage you can see that was a lot of damage 130 I'm going use my elid power I have here just to not worry about that do a little bit of extra damage and because it is a spell and I am attuned to spells he is now poisoned which is fantastic because as me mened before poison enemies have disadvantage on attack rols and ability checks all right so now that it's my turn I used up all of my actions on my first turn so I only have a bonus action I'm going to go ahead and just jump up here and I purposely wanted this guy to come up here cuz I want to show the benefit of The Shield spell my guy here I'm going to come over we're going to actually start and try to electrocute someone here with his spell now now I missed but I do have tenacity so at least at the very least a little bit of extra damage I'm leaving him down there that way he can kind of just be a tank for me so he did hit me and that one hit as well which is a little unfortunate I was hoping it wouldn't hit as high I didn't have a chance to proc Shield but if it was a little bit lower of a hit I would have been able to to negate the damage so this is what I'm talking about you see they rolled a 21 to hit I'm going use Shield increased my AC by plus five so the initial hit missed but the explosion still hit me so I saved myself a little bit of damage and for the entire turn until my turn I have plus 5 AC all right so now that it's my turn I have quite a few different things I can do so this guy that was up here shooting me I wish I could pull him down but he's not in a good position to hit I have all these guys stacked up which is really nice so I could now choose to do my cloud kill and it won't affect my Elemental here because Elementals are immune to poison damage which is pretty dang cool so all these guys they constantly are getting poisoned they're getting all the reation things like that so now I could either choose to go ahead and attack some more I could be utility it's going to be pretty much up to me what I want to do let's go for some acid damage on this guy so that didn't do much because the attack here Mel's acid Arrow this is more for delayed damage but as you can read it applied the acid effect reducing his AC by two which is where it comes really in handy that way your allies can can get better chances of hitting all right the madan's turn go ahead and see say I can't Target self there we go so I did some decent damage but the electrocution failed no big deal he has Elemental warp though so if I want I can have him warp up here with me as well necessarily not the best idea but I did it anyways just to Showcase it they take damage periodically and because I had Shield earlier it lasts until my turn and because of the backlash with reverberation and all that other stuff stacking he just took all that damage and didn't even hit me all right it is my turn I am in snared I have all these guys next to me you can see some of them are pretty low what do I want to do on my turn now this is when things get really fun if you had an ally nearby I could teleport with your transposition I don't so instead what I'm going to do I'm going to use my bonus action to use my Missy step and I'm going to come down here and even though this will hit my ally as well I don't care I'm going to use detonation and I'm going to detonate it on top of them and I did have to go in my own cloud kill to do that but I did want to showcase the power of that glyph now we have one guy left plus the other Archer so I have quite a few other things I could do let's go ahead and use disintegrate and just completely kill him so he's gone and that's basically how you play the build guys really really strong I chose to go with the poison for the staff you can do very similar things and go with the cataclysm if you do want hunger of a d instead thank you so much for watching everyone if you enjoyed please like And subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one don't forget my live stream Friday and Saturday this weekend come hang out guys it's been a lot of fun I hope to see you there bye-bye
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 7,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldur's gate 3, best build, honour mode, geomancer, acid, poison, magic, sorcerer, wizard, gale, half elf, Markoheshkir, weave, force conduit, conjuration, Derivation Cloak, Cloak of the Weave, Robe of the Weave, Poisoner's Robe, cloudkill, ray of sickness, melf;s arrow, acid splash, poison spray, Poisoner's Ring, Ring of Mental Inhibition, radiant orb, magic missles, shield, overpowered
Id: DvglcEZYUSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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