Making life hell for TomTom scammers

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I looked on a couple of the websites and they don't seem to use any kind of captacha for any web forms. Any ideas as to why no one seems to have tried writing a script to spam them with fake messages? Presumably I'm just missing something.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lukestanislawski 📅︎︎ May 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
this script of scammers have thought of an ingenious way to get new victims they've set themselves up to look like Garmin a GPS navigation device but it's a fake website they're using a website called Garmin update night online instead of the real Garmin comm and this gives them an opportunity to talk online to prospective victims the left-hand window is me typing something but we can see what the scanner sees on the right hand window so as I talk on the online chat you can see what the scammers doing when I started the chat session I was apparently speaking to Olivia who described herself as garmin gps support and of course a real name isn't Olivia his name is Abhishek and below it's a UK phone number on the website this call would divert to Delhi and as I'm chatting with the scammer it's obvious that have multiple websites and multiple chats on the go at any one time he's also speaking to somebody called Barry and Graham Dover and they've just instructed Graham to download and run some remote access software because this is how their scam works as they chat with me they will cut and paste from a very set script it doesn't really matter what my problem is all they want to do is get remote access to my PC so the idler call me back or if someone has phoned the number on the website they will make sure that that victim downloads remote access software like go to assist - deflate Allen from government support how you doing today hello yes thanks Allen thanks for calling me back not poor you with showing you all of the details of the scam it's a pretty set tech support scam script as always they'll make out that your computer has some sort of virus problem and of course they'll want to charge you for fixing that problem but by watching them I was able to figure out all of their various scam websites and established there is only about four or five in the room at one time and only one of them managed all of the interactive chat sessions so this made them very vulnerable to chat flooding so if I managed to recruit a few people together to start pummeling those talk websites on this is what happens whenever they start getting [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know hiccup and to Irina tweeny enough for ugly [Music] [Applause] [Music] soon back about two the Mac command chlorophyll the way sorry I I am I am problem [Music] [Applause] you have so many issue in your website you've been journaling yeah alright do you have a boyfriend below block mod Roman get along Lane as I started to realize what was happening they were beginning to ban these chats but they were all being made from anonymous proxies so that wasn't really going to do them very much good and not only that I had the ability to unban these clients Sangeeta I had instructed the people who were helping me to use anonymous proxies or VPNs this meant that their locations often appeared in the middle of lakes are really unusual places [Music] they would valiantly continue to try and run their scam without realizing that everyone connecting was just trying to wind them up so naive a Medici so I gotta go super and this a better pillow maybe man Calloway yeah [Music] [Music] number two already are you Singletary market Josiah and Cara [Music] [Music] hello I had a hot night with coworker my wife doesn't my way I need to drive home fast but it is stupid Garmin hood doesn't work that I am in the middle of nowhere in a hotel I had a hot night with my coworker Tsukuba Roma I'm scared please help [Music] eventually when they realized what was happening they were just banning people irrespective of what anyone was saying [Applause] this wasn't really doing them very much good as I was immediately [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] eventually when that had enough it was time to change things so that people were warned about the scam before it actually happened because I have access to their chat servers it was possible to change both the photograph of Olivia and some of the automated text that would appear below her name I chose a suitable alternative picture and uploaded this to the chat server but despite the picture change some people still didn't catch on that the whole website was a scam so I had to interact with some of their chats and hope that the scammers didn't notice and for most people that message got through pretty quickly but these scammers had invested a fair bit of time and effort in getting their websites high up the search results in Google and Bing so I altered the chat script so that people immediately knew that the website they were getting to was a fake one and this was the final nail in the coffin I guess there's nothing stopping them reclaiming these websites in the future but at least for the next few days their website will be out of action but to build on the work that's already been done I've also submitted all of the phone numbers and all of the websites to scammer info this will allow a whole host of people to try and hammer those websites and hopefully chat to some other agents as well if you fancy doing this there's a link to scammer Don info on this particular post below if you enjoy my videos perhaps consider becoming a patron of mine you could early access and depending on the level extra content i'm also on twitter at jim browning 11:00 again thanks for watching
Channel: Jim Browning
Views: 4,176,310
Rating: 4.977366 out of 5
Id: xOw1vct-wHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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