Calling Scammers by their real names

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The soft spoken, almost gentle way of breaking it to the scammer that he's onto them and in turn watching what they are doing on their pcs and telling them about it in real time is sublime.

This man is a a hero.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4111 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CutenessEverdog ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

How does he get control of their computer to see what's on their desktop?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1091 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/autovonbismarck ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Jim Browning is cathartic as fuck. Fuck those scammers.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3069 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gspi1005 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I got some serious Taken vibes from this.

Also I love how the scammer is so disconnected from what heโ€™s doing he doesnโ€™t even pay attention to what is being said:

โ€œSo what do you do on this computer?โ€

โ€œWell itโ€™s a remote computer I use to hack and investigate scammersโ€

โ€œMmhmm...mmhmm, and is that all you do on this computer?โ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1024 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TIFUstorytime ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I absolutely love these videos.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 344 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SexDrugsAndPopcorn ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

the "oh god" reaction was priceless

it's at the 17:43 mark if anyone want his reaction.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 507 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/abbbe91 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"is that how the scam works?"

"Uh huh"


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 105 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/choijw2 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This guy is using his computer powers for good - Love it so much.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 792 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/wileyrielly ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The Better Business Bureau is, itโ€™s self, a scam. I canโ€™t believe that people donโ€™t understand this.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1104 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rdan5112 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
these fake virus messages are all too common on the internet but sometimes it's possible to find out the full details of exactly who's behind the phone number on screen and to give those scammers a real scare this is a computer support company sir and let me tell you sir in order to run the diagnostic I will have to connect to your computer remotely so I followed this person's instructions and I was told to download supremo control once he had control of my desktop he downloaded some further remote access software called screenconnect this allows him to blacken my screen when necessary he also downloaded another bit of software to prevent me from seeing screen connect in my list of installed programs a new tactic I hadn't seen before and I'm sure will be duplicated by other scammers and once he'd hidden his remote access software from the installation list he sent me a contract by email scammers used DocuSign and other similar contract agencies so they can hold on to their money in the event of a dispute I've alerted DocuSign to this particular company finally he revealed all of this company's details so if you open this up you will have this tecnique IT solutions LLC that's the name of a company and here's the toll-free number this is my name we will be available for Monday to Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. with distance Standard Time okay like most scams they will register a completely fake company name and give it a website to make it look legitimate their website was more professional than most and they even had some reviews on the Better Business Bureau but upon closer inspection very many of these reviews seemed to have lots of spelling and grammar mistakes indicating that they were probably their own reviews I've been untouched with a Better Business Bureau and hopefully these fake reviews will be removed soon but as always I used the scammers connection in Reverse so that I can see what's happening at the scammers side so as J was trying to get me to pay two hundred and eighty dollars for nothing I was watching what was going on on Jays computer I'm getting this off option you have two cards one is the card ending with one or two eight and one is ending I can do it so let's have a closer look at what the scammer is doing here the screen in the center is my own PC but surrounding it is connect wise control the various buttons around this or what the scammer uses to freeze or blank my computer or date take control over the keyboard and mice behind all of this is a webpage showing the most recent screenconnect contacts these are the names of the people who have recently been scammed I've reported their account to screenconnect who you always take very rapid action shut them dine hi ever I'd really like to see the blank screen being removed from this software the scammers were using Skype to communicate with each other they seem to be quite a small organization only about three or four of them and the boss's name was arch it arch it butts the only one he was using his real name the other scammers were called Paul Tintin and Jay and it was obvious that these scammers were working from home as was evident whenever Jay called his boss arch it and I could hear baby crying in the background very okay question either customer will receive cord on a cell phone or on email hey I'm a nice camel gotta call literally Kwanza yawns akalabeth away at this point I tell them that the bank have called me to tell me that the whole thing is a scam and that usually puts them off but Jay tries to convince me otherwise if you check okay do one thing sir if you really don't believe me you can check the reviews you can check the reviews for my customers we have got a 1 reviews 8 plus it reviews in you know from Better Business Bureau it seems they're using the Better Business reviews as a way to appear legitimate the quicker these can be removed the better well fine sir I'm gonna do one thing uh you can go ahead and do the research but I did what I have to do on your computer I help you out so well you just got a call from your back I'm saying that this is not legit and all of a sudden you know yes you know everything is just changed so I was just speaking with a manager regarding about the service that you took the service that you took from us security he said you will have to speak with a billing department and if the billing department doesn't agree with that then we'll have to I'm sorry to say I have nothing in my hand I'm just an employee I'll have to disable the security for you so as Jay was trying to convince me that they were legitimate I was having a look closely at one of their two websites on the second website called technics us there was a designed by article media sky in the bottom right this would turn out to be the real company name so as I watched him run the identical scam on this person who's called Lloyd I thought I would call up the various members of this team and challenge them announced they were scamming Lloyd they noticed that a file had been left from a different scamming organization this guy had been scammed before they looked at the my tech text file sitting in the corner of his PC and it looked like it was a company called premium tech support with a different phone number so they pretty quickly deleted that file and this is what I find quite a lot if you fall victim to one of these scams your phone number will undoubtedly work its way around at hundreds of call centers the victims will then be bombarded by other scams including the refund scam this happens so much that scammers now have a password system they instruct their victims that if the person on the end of the phone can't quote the agreed password to hang up the call they will also warn the victims that they're likely to receive other calls this is because they sell their victims own data I'll show more on this password system in a future video but I want to D call the number on the pop up to speak to other members of the team this time I ended up speaking to Nitin or Tintin dangit Carlene I hope in a whole be yeah hello I've gotta support alert here I can't get rid of us who is this by the way what we do we get support for computer problems what we're actually doing on a computer when you've got a problem this question is always part of the script it implies that the user did something wrong not that they set this up so like his colleague Jay Barry got me to download screen connect where he could remotely access my computer I went along with it okay it's connecting okay cool now I have your screen I can look at what you're looking at here moving the mouse okay alright and this is what you got yeah not going to disappear mm-hmm no does anyone else use this computer apart from you sir not really no and what you do mostly on the computer you know I tracked down scammer and on the Internet I'm using this computer mm-hmm when they connect to me I can find it where they come from mm-hm the kind of people who put fake javascript error messages on your computer mm-hmm you know what else well when they connect to my computer I can find out exactly who they are [Music] now you're checking is it up you know how long you being patient is problem oh are we doing this for years and I put the results onto the Internet I mean how how all these just computer that's what I'm asking well it's a virtual computer but you'll not be able to tell from looking at msn through 32 so yeah I'm asking you sir oh it's I've probably had the VM for a bit two years two years yeah yeah I don't have you been doing scams I'm sorry how long have you been doing the scamming sure I'm not scamming you well of course sure that's that's very healthy Oz is a fake virus message so of course you're scamming me undoubtedly you know I'm here to help you know you're gonna show me the stop services and try and convince me that that's a problem how do you know everything when I did not when I haven't done anything on computer anybody incompetent with we said that this is fake so fine fine so if if you assume that it can I assume something about you go on if I assume that you are a curious will you accept it depends are you to find it but you'd be very wrong in the normal sense oh that's right that's right now how can you define me that I'm a scam because I well you've been lying to me the whole time because you don't know who I am I played my light I don't know who you are I do I don't know anything well okay I'll ask you then where are you I'm sorry well where are you in my room where what's I mean obviously but so am I doesn't tell me anything so which city are you yeah okay I love her go will I go upon you no you're not see you buying again your in correctly now what what's the point of asking me if you cannot believe what you cannot as I know you're an attorney what I'm trying to say I know you're in Korea Graham diagram what yes you know exactly what your graphs because you're sitting there I don't want to do the answer you're calling for her help I'm here to help you if you don't need help you don't have to waste your time right how much do you get paid for kidding for trying to scam people sure I'm not here under some integration if you want to do your job you do your job fine you've been trying to strike down scams great go ahead and do that how much does an article media that you categorize you mean how much does article media pay only how much does article media sky pay you I don't want to article media oh okay alright that's not what it I can see you've gone very quiet for some strange reason no no you have to use your why would that be I'm sorry why have you gone all quiet sorry can you better have the call because this your car now you're going to report this important I can go and help are you going to report this to arch it yeah it's quite spooky whenever somebody knows exactly who you are where you are after a little exchange it was interesting to see the Skype conversation between Kniffin Jayden and his boss arches he noted that my call was a prank call and he said that I was trying to track fake tech support obviously they weren't taking me seriously so I called them back once again this time typing in my name as Tenten that should start to make them worry little on this time I would challenge everything that the Technic and said we have to find some technician in this we're going to work for a year and help you out in this so you have to tell me like what exactly wonder if you're gonna pick the things for years to kill the things for a year there will be technicians we're gonna work and fix the thing but there will be a technician fee for that okay Oh technician fee is the scam works okay sorry is that how the scam works the technician fee did you have to tell me like what exactly you wanna do you've been evicted by yourself what exactly are you technician no I'm not the one sir we have to find a technique you know and work for you right so what do you do we just go ahead and see what exactly is going on and we can write this message then so you just tell me what exactly you know if you can do it by ear so we can do it sir I'm not I'm just wondering a Jewess timer market with you you do I can I want to be answered I told you that there may be some security breach in your network that might be the reason it came up how come you better tell me like you want to fix it or not just yes or no that's enough for me well I actually use this computer to find out if people are scamming and you're definitely running a scam here okay that's fine you can do that yeah you seem to be connected from guru Graham sadly for him I don't have a webcam yeah so okay yeah and you seem to be working and yeah it's definitely Kirk ROM do you give me a fake name you're not Mary Christian are you who do you work for thank you then who do you work for actually I kind of know this already you work for article media sky don't you no no okay I do you really get why you had something at the wrong place or something like that oh are you going to report this to arch it he hung up the phone but I was still keen to keep badgering them but all of these conversations must have really got them spooked because the boss then ordered everyone to delete their Skype conversations so I called them back one last time to confront the original scammer and Jay or Jaden yeah that's pretty small yeah is it and I want you to return all of your victims money yes just go ahead and think it would kind not just go ahead and report us okay to the Gurgaon place yeah you know go ahead and take your time in reporters okay oh I've already done so and they'll be knocking at your door pretty pretty okay thank you so much yes good thank you so much better it's cold because it's very important that you speak to Tintin another big word pimping well well it's the guy who also gives himself a couple of different names but Tintin's messaging you about an inbound call and it's quite urgent I think you better speak okay yeah all right yeah he calls himself Barry sometimes a battle is cooked bit of a strange person Barry he calls himself Barry - yeah okay okay okay all right yeah I know you called yourself Jayden but that's not your real names that I knew exactly who he was because of one of the files and his computer it was a receipt for travel and it included his name his mobile where he was working and what final destination was his homeland in Nagaland his distinctive name also let me see what he looked like courtesy of Facebook yeah Jonah tell me you're really very well okay why wouldn't you do that if you're a genuine if you're they should not try to scam people well if you're not scaring people why wouldn't you tell me your real name because I'm not here to give you my information you already have my informations right okay son Lama I don't need to know our plans very unusual name isn't yeah Naga lungs yeah good yeah Naga lab yeah yeah big paper and with that he promptly hung up I would imagine in a bit of a panic there then ensued a Skype conversation with his colleague Tintin or Barry I had difficulty translating some of what they were saying because they speak at Bangla and I don't have anyone who's able to translate this for me so I've only kept in the English yesterday la customer inbound a at least name so he knows your real name shall Amon din din - no problem that's not my name nah sure that is what I'm calling up you tell - you because I got just got one called you see is here one thing called praying is trying to attract fact tech-support see is that the same number one well even this one is void number which means voice over Internet Protocol VoIP maybe Jaden asks if this should involve their boss or Chet no no Archie Archie just may be busy with a vendor ok how do I add now add Archie in distress they can't quite work out how to add the boss so they column for the number hello Jaden dill dill I did your story are they apart from that one more information don't tell your IP address how come he has your IP address he told you that you have your IP address why not talk up now more dyskinetic at 907 ah a laptop Co my aim with this whole exercise was to transmit them enough into closing down their operation hopefully this might have worked I've certainly not seen any more activity from that group and with any luck it will put them off this kind of operation for good so I'm leaving you with some of the contents of Jai's laptop if you'd like to support me in my fight against scammers perhaps consider supporting me on patreon there's a link on screen I'm also on Twitter at Jim browning 11:00 and thanks for watching
Channel: Jim Browning
Views: 14,179,886
Rating: 4.966825 out of 5
Id: FO9mWvJAugQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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