The dumbest scammers of 2019

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Timestamp to the SCP bit?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Josiador 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

The scp foundation storms into his house and the scammer gets neutralised

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/shadowdestiny5 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the annual 2019 dumbest scammers award this is where I give I'd non-existent prizes to scam us you've excelled in the art of being dumb and all of this year's awards are gonna be under the category of computer security or should I say lack of security so the first of these awards covers securing your webcam this year I've had scammers you've given me a complete tear author call center but it's not this group of masterminds you're going to win this year's award no it's going to go to someone who realized that they should be securing their camera by keeping it covered up so this year's award is going to go to one of these two our first nominee calls himself Gary and here he's decided to turn on his webcam just that he didn't do something with it I wasn't clear what he was going to do until he decided to uncover it and yes he just wanted to admire his hairstyle [Music] but surprisingly Gary isn't the only scammer who's aware that he should keep his webcam covered because here we have our worthy winner who proves that the weakest link in any computer security is the human factor but just what is it that's made this scammer uncover his webcam if I pound back a bit you can see the answer [Music] yes security goes out the window if you get a FaceTime call from your girlfriend so are worthy winner of the 2019 webcam security ward goes to Alex or Roger depending on the day for his efforts with this webcam nice one Alex we hope to see you next year and the next award is for password security we all know how to make secure passwords at least 12 letters long numbers letters and symbols and them don't use guessable words like names but most importantly don't reuse them across multiple websites but there's a special set of rules which apply only to scammers trying to access other people's computers firstly you should use a password with your own name in it because if you come across somebody like me who runs a keylogger I'm gonna find your name pretty quickly so the first candidate for this year's password security word comes from renewed technology and the person who's typing all of this onto my computer is someone called her monsoon eigem who owns renewed technology or renewing computers and not only does his password have his own name in it but his name is also printed to the screen as soon as he places a fake order nice one Himanshu but he isn't even the winner of this year's award no that goes to global I technologies dot us your pop-up scammers playing very fast in the background is my experience whenever I phoned the number on one of those pop-ups and of course they tried to get money out of me even though there was nothing wrong what I didn't know was the real name and location of this company until one of their agents decided to log into their payment gateway not a very good idea on a machine which is logging every keystroke and thanks that Logan I could see the name of the person who was trying to scam me but not only did I have his name but his password let me into their payment gateway it was growth soon Infotech in the laxmi nagar region of new delhi and it also revealed some of the managing directors details including some of his bank information all very interesting information which has been passed on to the new delhi police but better than all of this it gives me an opportunity to see just too many people they had scammed and also an opportunity to refund some of those victims I put a little note against each of the refunds just to point out that the whole thing was a scam and lastly it gave me an opportunity to challenge the owners on what it said as their address on their website so just have a look over here this is a register company over here where your technician will be assigned permanently if you want to check the contact information you can just click on contact us and all the information will be provided to you ok you can see it over here but that's just a website you know you could be anywhere in the world so you can see the address and the telephone number which I have provided to you right yeah and you can see the toll-free number is also your where I use at New York or San Jose aware are you in California so you're sitting in California yeah so what time is it there and you what time is it no I beg your pardon what time is it you wouldn't be able to answer that very quickly if you really were in California you can hear me he what time is it in California you're having to look it up no sir I'm not looking TI if I have to look I have to check on your computer right I'm not even moving the cursor so you go what time is it with you 11:30 right now you look at all how can I look at second I cannot see I'm on your computer screen did I move anything just bother you've got a remote access to my computer screen your own computer screen 30 I have already provided you all my information if you want you can come and visit to me at at this address okay if you personally want to see me you have to visit on this address I think I might let me have a look so what am I going to see here gonna be some big offices you can drop the button over there on the location oh I know so this is your global office is it yeah this house is your global office 1220 746 I grew this to drive I know I have that's stuck want us to try to move my more than my mice you've just been caught out that is a residential address quite clearly now you have to close it now I know you're lying to me I believe that's somebody's house in San Jose you're not sitting there at all are you yeah I have already told you had provided you all my information right so given that this password managed to get me right into his company details I think growths own are a very worthy winner of the password security prize well done lads so we come to our next prize and this one is for computer hacking and over the years I've had all sorts of elaborate stories about people trying to hack my PC you will be able to see the cyber hackers who is the most wanted people in our country right now who is still activated both the cities or states in United Kingdom are right and we have found there are two hackers all right two hackers will still activate it into your internet web site but unlike last year I didn't have anyone taking me through the National Crime Agency's most wanted list instead this year scammers ran up geek typer calm if you're not familiar with geek typer it's just a little animation to make it look as if there's something called going on on your computer and some scammers will try to use this technique to make it look as if you really have got a problem when in fact there's never anything really wrong so this is a scammer called Gautam from Kolkata he's trying the geek typer script on me then that is the important details that is the insider information which I am shading with you by which you will be get aware that we are from the security team now you can see secure kontin protect that is a digital and the security or the authorization needed from United States of America can you see out there on you in front of your screen now hello yes now can you see out that dress now you can see I have just showed you recently your IP address but you can see there is an IP address of killer IP address 205 two one one one five seven point eight four and can you see connecting to CIA internal database and there is an IP truss which we have found and which we are triangulating it so according to the security circumstance and according to activating the Hawkeye where we can engage all the enemy vehicle can you see activate an amazing guess what it whatever technical language that is that in terms of technical the hacker where belongs to a security our department and we have found something which I need to show you can you see out there Interpol database hello it says last known location city of Gotham hello yes I can read there is a picture of a guys coming says he lives I and Gotham City which is where Batman lives we found your bank account details with them because the Interpol department the house came across with this because he has already taken the money from lot of customers in United Kingdom and as well as United States so we got the clue and we got this confirmation from there and that is that is the reason we give you a call and we have found that people from your own at West Branch is been involving into this and I am going to give you some extra information as well I quiz them and that more about the fact that Gotham City Police Department with the ones who were after this criminal needless to say the of a scam didn't quite work and he pretty rapidly hung up on me so this year's computer hacking award goes to Gotham and Kolkata well done but I really do think you should start to read up a little bit more on who Batman is and work off him said he is located and our final award is for security in depth if you're in the computer security industry you'll know that it's good to have multiple layers of defense I'm here you can see a scammer using not only a VPN but he's also connecting to a remote desktop which isn't his own computer so he's being extra extra cautious here he doesn't want anyone knowing his real IP address and whatever he's about to do it isn't going to be coming from his real PC instead he's bought access to remote private server a VPS so why all this secrecy well the answer is he's sending lots of spam and scam emails I'm what drew my attention to him is that he sent me one of those emails it's never a good idea to send a scam email like this to someone whose hobby is taking down scammers there were a few things that caught my eye about this email first of all the MS Support Centre seemed to be from a free Outlook account then the strange mix kiss on every word the fact that the IP address wasn't from eastern Russia at all but was an invalid one and lastly no website just a full number so of course I called that number and it wasn't too long before I managed to get access to the scammers PC and observed how a scam worked you can see it running here in the background he had managed by himself thousands of email addresses and was laborious ly cutting and piercing these from a spreadsheet into the Microsoft Outlook webmail client it seemed that the phone number which appeared on all of those emails was in fact his Skype number and he tried to disguise himself by calling himself Himanshu Wadhwa however his real name appeared at the bottom of the Skype client and as PC was also named Vikas so I sent his details to skypes abuse department where they promptly shut down a Skype account and in addition I got in touch with a VPS server they were a company called terrace which in the US unto their immense credit within minutes of me sending the abuse email Justin from that company get back to me and shut down their server and it turned out that Justin was a big fan of my channel but all of this goes to prove you can have all the security in the world but if you pick on the wrong person you might just end up having your scam ruined so Aloha he tried to be careful vikas proved to be a very worthy winner of the computer security award you nearly got there but hey worst luck next year so I hope you've enjoyed this year's awards and let's just hope the 20/20 will bring another bumper crop of dumb scammers and if you are watching this at the end of 2019 I'd like to wish everybody a happy 2020 you can support my efforts against scammers by going to [Music] twitter at jim browning 11 once again thanks for watching and tune in next time [Music]
Channel: Jim Browning
Views: 1,820,461
Rating: 4.9717951 out of 5
Keywords: dumbest scammers, 2019, scammers, dumb
Id: fjH9_6Ibai4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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