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hello everyone it's McAra here and you're probably wondering where I am well I'm floating in the skyline of Las Vegas I'm just kidding you can probably see my hotel room reflection in the window but I am in Las Vegas that was not a lie and the reason I'm in Las Vegas as I came here with my sister shaylen to do hair and makeup and costumes for the mrs. America pageant so I am going to this pageant on Saturday and we're supposed to wear a formal evening gown and I did not bring a formal evening gown I brought fabric hopefully I will be able to get something done by Saturday and I have two days to do it but it's not two whole days it's like two days with little pockets of free time so this is gonna be rough and I had never made a dress in a hotel room before but I got Old Faithful here and I think we can do this if I don't get this done I will just not go I guess cuz you literally have to wear something nice so so what I'm going to do in this project and probably just a lot more in general in the future is when I come to a point where I'm indecisive about what to do next in this project I'm just gonna post it to Instagram and let my followers vote a lot of them watch my story and vote because I think people like pressing buttons so thank you all so much so the first thing I had my followers vote almost with two fabric I should be using it was between a green and a burgundy fabric and they chose that's great next thing I had my followers vote on was whether I should make the skirt long or short and they both pretty much overwhelmingly long which is great because I forgot razor so long it is okay so the next thing I want to have my followers boat on is whether or not I should leave this price tag on it says $5.99 long tablecloth so let's now I didn't pack any measuring tape with me because why would I so I just held the fabric up to myself and ran back and forth to the mirror to get the link that I wanted and I didn't want it to be full-length but sort of ankle length because that's what's hip with the cool kids these days and if you're wondering why I brought a sewing machine to Las Vegas well I mean who doesn't what else are you gonna do for fun in Las Vegas okay so the real reason I brought it was so that we could do last-minute alterations for pageant ladies on their gowns and swimsuits and such all right so back to the dress that I'm making you just saw me hem the bottom of the skirt and now I am sewing the skirt panels together but only on one side now what okay so if you just noticed the discrepancy in the order in which I edited these clips um please comment and let me know now to achieve that leg slit in the front of the skirt I wrapped the big long skirt panel around myself and overlapped at about 4 inches on the side I wasn't quite sure that's what I was doing but that's what I was doing my goal with this garment is to not think too much about it once spoiler alert I think I accomplished that goal so after pinning my four inch overlap in place I sewed it in place thereby making my skirt panel one big continuous circle then I folded the edge under about one inch and sewed all along length of it thereby making a channel for some elastic yes by some miracle I did remember to bring elastic but I did not remember to pack a safety pin to thread the elastic through so I got creative and used a bobby pin and I was not shocked at all when it worked perfectly oh my gosh this is totally gonna work after threading that their elastic through I simply tied it to itself at the end and wow I had my skirt done and I liked it as just a skirt by itself which was kind of a problem because then I didn't want to turn it into a dress anymore but I decided not to think about it too much for that night and I just wore it down to the lobby with that shirt and here's the little time lapse of my sister doing what we did every morning there guys I have to wear this dress tomorrow I didn't work on adderall yesterday I do not have a top part done and I have absolutely nothing in mind for it which means it's sketch time but the first sketch that I made look too much like the prom dress I made in a day and the second sketch looked too much like something that I would rather make out of cotton procrastination log so I have to have this dress done by tomorrow morning and I just spent the past like four hours wasting time by the pool okay well it wasn't a total waste of time though because I didn't dance with an elderly lady and that's never a waste of time plus I did some sketching there and then I wasted time swimming and now I'm wasting time filming this because I kind of feel like my makeup looks pretty good and because I have no idea what to do next on my dress just got a text that my brother got married so that's cool so you know I can't so right now because there's so many other things to do get a snack celebrate all right so then I finally made a sketch that I liked but I'm sorry to tell you that I wasn't able to make the sleeve because I didn't have enough fabric or time but to create the top i draped the corner of the fabric up over my shoulder and then i I think I pretty much just cut did I really just like cut that okay yep that's what I did so I pinned the top corner of the fabric to my cami strap just to keep it in place and then I pinned all the pleats where I wanted them next I cleared off some of the makeup and such off the counter got out my machine and so do all those pleats right in place now remember I was like mad rushing at this point now my sister was sleeping in the other room so I had to whisper so the audio in this video is practically undiscernible therefore I shall translate for you hmm I really want to wear this skirt on its own because it's just so cute but I need to attach the top to something because I can't rely on just tucking it in because it'll come untucked and look how droopy it is hmm I need the top to be held taut how am I going to do that well you see the top part would have to be a bodysuit and hmm look at my muscles they look sort of muscly in this light and you can tell that I'm thinking because look how my fingers are moving from me I think I have a solution it's about to get so I realized that what I have to do is attach this to a pair of underwear guys I'm sorry this is so weird but I had to make do with what I had on hand so I'm just I'm just gonna pin the bottom of this job to the underwear to make this one about body suit this is the weirdest thing I've ever done for something so once I got the bodice pens to the unmentionables I sewed the bodice to said pair of unmentionables with a zig-zag stitch so the elasticity would not be lost then I traced the front on to a doubled up piece of fabric to create the back and I cut that out and then here's a clip of me happily cutting out strips of fabric now I actually did this the first day before I had any idea what I'd do with them but in almost every project I end up using strips of fabric so I wanted to make sure I had those on hand and I'm glad I did because I used them to make these braids and when I made the braids I didn't even know what I was going to do with them but I needed a little extra something something at the top of my bodice so I used a little braid and that there little braid was what connected the front of the top of the bodice to the top of the back of the bodice now even though the dress needed to be finished the next morning I didn't finish it that night instead I went out to the strip and watched some pretty water and then the next morning was extremely cut for time because a contestant came by and needed the front of her evening gown taken up oh my gosh it was gorgeous and so I did that and obviously since it was an on-stage evening gown it took priority over my dress but when I finished with her dress I actually had like just enough time to finish the sash for mine so it all worked out so basically I just made like a tube ribbon sash whatchamacallit thing and then I sewed in a few spots this braid on top and that will serve as a belt to cover the alas stick in my dress and tada sorry I didn't have very much time to get good pictures or footage of this costume or not costume dress I guess I say costume because it looks like a Roman toga but um yes I'm far from proud of how it turned out if I would have packed more things that I needed if I would have exercised more discipline and less procrastination I'm sure it would have been better but as it was I don't think anyone could tell that it was a tablecloth so you know what oh well mission barely accomplished
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,440,310
Rating: 4.9753132 out of 5
Keywords: Sewing, gown, Hotel, hotel room, DIY, dress, Self drafted, Patternless sewing, tablecloth, green, pageant, Mrs America, Las Vegas, Vegas, Nevada, Westgate, Designing, Upcycled
Id: S7RC8nbpshU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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