I Made My Valentines Dress the DAY B4 VALENTINE'S DAY

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hi I have nothing planned for this intro I mainly just wanted to show off my outfit my favorite holiday is tomorrow and I've been prepping all month I've been prepping both mentally and mainly just mentally in preparation I've worn pink or red or both and I've been stuffing my face with chocolate every day of February so far because I am a firm believer that chocolate is good for your skin but only in February one thing I'm not done for preparation though is make my Valentine's dress challenge number one make a dress in a really small time frame again my goal for this dress is for it to have a Kardashian fashion OVA you feel while still being classy so you know challenge number two but first and now that you've seen this outfit I'm going to change comfortable like the start of all great and many awful projects this one began with a sketch the dress itself I'm happy with I think I want to go with something like the sketch however I give it a 4 maybe 3.5 out of 10 like this pose she looks uncomfortable like a freshman going to homecoming without a day and like not even in a group of people her mom's like pose and she's like from jo-ann's I got a little over two yards of this red two-way stretch jersey knit you know I know what you're really dying to know is how much I paid for this well after my 50% off coupon it ended up being about eight dollars which is a lot for me to pay for fabric but taking into account how much this little garment sold for on fashion over comm I feel a bit more justifying I cut the dress out to be floor-length knowing that it would get hecka short really fast as soon as I started ruching then I laid down and traced myself then when I decided to fold the fabric in half and cut it I couldn't see what I traced anymore so I decided to just wing it because I was running out of time I was frustrated it was already the evening before Valentine's Day and I made a mistake I made this waistline way too small like that that's not gonna fit so and do I did after cutting some armpit holes and a neckline I cut the dress in half down the middle then I cut a doubled up strip of fabric to go right in the middle now if you are so silly as to wonder why I'm making a ruched dress and ruched means like bunchy well this style is notorious for hiding food babies and if you didn't come out of Valentine's Day with the food baby you did it wrong now go eat some chocolate now what I'm doing here is I'm tracing my own greatest showmen cane and making a straight line right down the middle of my doubled up piece of fabric I'm going to sew right along that line right in the middle of our two pieces next I will nonchalantly show off my manicure while telling you to sew a line on either side of that line each one a pinky width apart and now I leave you to wonder is this time-lapse or was she really rushing that hard well I was rushing because I needed this dress done for Valentine's Day because I had plans and you're thinking big plans I thought you were single well am i single or is my boyfriend just in a different nation yes he is my imagination anyway then I pinned and sewed that strip of fabric to the inside opening of one of the front panels of my dress I'd know I swear I do not remember having that many barrettes in my hair next I utilized many of my long fingers to pin that other panel of dress to that strip then I sewed that in place and fashioned the neckline with a rolled hem and I wonder if there are any seamstresses offended by the term hem and instead call it her hmm I'm just gonna trim off all these extra little thingies I can't lie I sort of wish I would have used a higher quality fabric like spandex or something my sewing machine just does not handle cheap knits very well she's too bougie my machine detest cheap knits the way in la girl the tests GMOs in her food at this point in time my elderly father arrived home from work and I decided risking him having a heart attack was worth the momentary pleasure of trying to start over though I suppose it's a good thing it didn't work in a Minnie Mouse voice because I was afraid this video was getting boring then I decided to stop for fear of being obnoxious then I cut the back panel of my dress down the middle then I cut two strips of fabric about as long as a longboard and about as wide as two fingers I folded them and half long ways and sewed along the edge so to turn this loop I'm gonna use this gleaming thing I think it's called a bodkin I don't know exactly how you're supposed to use it but this is how I figured out how to slide it in there so the edge bond to it there's probably an actual better method of doing this I just don't know what it is you just push it through I feel like it's probably a sin to be as obsessed with my own fingernails as I obviously was when filming this remember like 20 seconds ago when we cut that back panel in half well that's going to come into play now you're going to lay them my phone just made a noise lay them right sides together with the front and then when you sew them together bunch as you go the key to making these bunches hang naturally is to be as absent-minded as possible while sewing them I recommend occupying your thoughts with the world's cutest animal the baby raccoon next use a bodkin or safety pin to slide those little strap things into the channels you made in that little strip of fabric in the front I like how I say straps that you made but you probably didn't and probably won't make this dress you're just watching - I really don't know it on the off chance that you are making this dress now is the time when you sew it shut along the straps in the back punching it as you go because of my little blunder earlier I don't have enough fabric for the sleeves anymore so I'm gonna have to go out to do in fabrics get some fabric tank the sleeves we need to stop trying to be ariana grande on the voyage to jo-ann's I saw so many abandoned carts that I began to think either the rapture happened or people are irresponsible after procuring the cloth I was in need of I returned to my dwelling and made the huge mistake of outlining my sleeve with Sharpie what possessed me to do this the world may never know I had to make the sleeve a little smaller than anticipated but it's okay because stretchy fabric is forgiving because 1144 and I am done would have gotten done a lot sooner if I hadn't gone to the Dollar Tree after I went to Joanne's but it was a really fun experience at the Dollar Tree or is this like middle aged guy there and okay sometimes guys open doors for you and that's great but sometimes they don't and that's fine too because some guys probably have it in their mind that some girls don't like the doors open for them rumor has it that some girls find it disrespectful when you open the door for them this guy really must have thought I was one of those girls because he took it one step further as I he was walking out and I was walking towards the door you know it's just this really needs a reenactment but I am the only one awake in this house right now so in the following reenactment Kylie will play the part of McAra and McAra will play the part of middle-aged man as the man was exiting the Dollar Tree and McAra was preparing to enter he made eye contact with her and then turned around and slowly pushed the door shut this has been a true story now allow me to waste more of your precious time by showing you this tutorial on how to enjoy Valentine's Day firstly enter the kitchen and marvel at the sweet note and chocolates your dad left you next decorate your coffee so ornately that you can't even taste a hint of coffee then I like to grab my Bible and let the space heater decide what page I read that day just kidding on Valentine's Day I usually read first Corinthians 13 then I jam to a song called there is a way by New World Sun and there are also a couple of oldies classics that I highly recommend jamming to but I cut the audio for those because I don't want to be sued for copyright infringement however if you can guess what those songs are by like reading my lips are something you get 500 cool points if you find it awkward to watch me dance without music playing in the background just trust me it's just as bad when there is music next head out to the mailbox and retrieve the card you received from your mother thank you next you're going to want invite my friend Kylie over to help make cookies you know making a video make sure you ask her permission to put her in the video you give your consent make some Valentine's eat cookies and then go up or some galentine's ice cream finally I just went to an ice cream place and at the ice cream place this old man in line asked if I would pay for his I said sure okay and he said I'm just kidding then he said you wouldn't happen to be under five e well John I said no I'm 510 he said oh I'm looking for one about five eight and then he went and sat down with two young 20s looking girls he was very old not like my dad is very old very old but very older than that even oh right that this video is supposed to be about me making a dress here's the grand reveal I brought all my friends chocolate but I'm making them answer trivia questions before I give them to them Jeunesse is doing well or is doing well that answers that but he's answered every question confidently wrong
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,260,357
Rating: 4.977097 out of 5
Keywords: 2-15-19, Valentines Day, DIY, dress, fashionova, fashionnova, fashion nova, budget, cheap, red dress, micarah, tewers, sewinf, beginner, tutorial, ruched, bunched, drawstring
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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