Making a custom cell phone case in TinkerCad

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all right guys this is mr fortier here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to teach you how to make one of these phone cases okay we're going to teach you or i'm going to teach you how to hollow it out how to make a hole for your camera possibly how to make some holes on the side how to round the edges and how to turn a two-dimensional picture loaded down from the internet into a 3d rendering so you can put it on your case the first thing we need to do is we've got to decide what the dimensions of our case are going to be so i know that if my phone is about 6 inches that means it's going to be right at about 152.4 millimeters so rather than trying to drag this to make it fit i'm just going to type in the dimensions so if you double click on here you should have the option of coming over here erasing that and we're going to go 152.4 inches that's six inches for a phone all right now i know that the base of my phone is approximately about three and a half inches so i can put that into my calculator here that i'm using um to disguise to convert into millimeters and that's going to be let's see 3.5 ah that will come out to be 88.9 millimeters okay so i come down here click double click come over here and that's going to be 88.9 now i've got the basis for my actual uh phone okay so that's about the the size or the width and the height of my phone now the depth is probably not quite that and i'm guessing that my phone depth is about half an inch so if i look at that as far as millimeters goes so that'd be 0.5 and that is going to be right at about 12.7 millimeters okay so that's half an inch 12.7 i think is what i said yes twelve point seven millimeters so we're gonna go ahead and uh i'm gonna keep this this way for right now but the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna round off these edges so how do i do that well i pull out a box and i'm gonna grab a cylinder hole um which i will have to go over here grab this cylinder hole bring that out here okay and then we're gonna whoops we want it to stay the same shape so we're gonna drag this over here to the edge of the box i'm gonna make this cylinder a little bit bigger but i want it to maintain its basic shape so i'm gonna hold shift key down left click on the mouse and drag this thing out a little bit okay you can see how now you've got a nice rounded edge okay so we want these edges to match up with the sides of the phone right here so that's what we're gonna try and make sure happens every single time now i'm gonna join these and how you join them you press control and then you go g control g will then join these two pieces together and now you get a nice rounded hole there now i'm going to turn this piece into a hole itself now i can drag this over to the edge of the cell phone and you can already see now if i do this it's going to cut into the case so we don't want that happening um but you got to make sure you don't accidentally it's doing it anyway okay so i click off of it so that i can actually drag it without accidentally changing okay so there you see how i've trying to make sure these line up right here and here [Music] okay so we want to make sure that we pull this one into place um right here we want to make sure that curve hits just right so um what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to increase the size of this so i'm going to go shift and pull it till it's there okay so now that i know that i can get that and then i need to adjust it ever so slightly out okay so i see what my problem is this is curving a little bit too far in so we're going to have to redo this so i'm going to back up a bit a couple of steps to right here to where you had the cylinder now so the cylinder right now is too rounded right there so what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring the cylinder um what i want to do now is actually we're going to decrease the size of the cylinder i'm going to try different method let's decrease the size of the cylinder let's elevate this one up okay actually let's make it a little bit bigger like that so that should be good right there now we're going to group it again you just have to play with it till you get the angle you want so control group now you see it that you want this to look as straight as possible and this look as straight as pop possible and we make this into a hole all right and then we move it over into the corner where we want it all right and that looks good right there to me and that's rounding off the edge so now instead of going through that process over and over again we're going to duplicate this hole so we're going to go ctrl d see how it just got darker that means it's been duplicated drag this over here now and now i'm going to mirror it by pressing m and clicking right here boom now if you'll notice it's not exactly how we want it to be it's not exactly like that so we want to pull this over and make sure that's that's what we want right there so we want that look okay so now it looks just like that one now we're going to do the same thing actually let me make sure yeah i think that looks right there we go that's what we want okay so now we're going to do the same thing down here i'm going to duplicate it drag it down all right and then we're going to mirror it all right there we go good okay get rid of all that so i can see it more clearly you don't want it to cut into the case like that because this is actually the part where your cell phone is going to fit okay that looks good right there now we're going to do it one more time duplicate it drag this one over here we're going to mirror it whoops change the shape on it so go back so i don't get the shape changed on it and we want to make sure it looks just like this one so we're going to drag it in there i think that looks good now we can create our rounded edges by grouping all of these together ctrl g and look at that we've got rounded edges got a little bit of a nick there and that can be adjusted if you want to if we want to go back we can do that and just make a slight oops don't want to do that make a slight adjustment there okay now i'm gonna make a little bit more okay so right there that's where we want it whoops i click too much of it ctrl g i don't know why that didn't work okay ctrl g now we got our rounded edges and it looks pretty good i like that one okay so now this is the basic shape and size of the phone this isn't the size of the case the case has to be a little bit bigger than the phone because the phone has to sit fit inside of it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to duplicate this one right here click on it control duplicate and we're going to set this guy off to the side for right now move him over here and now i'm going to work here now this one we are going to increase the size ever so slightly so what we want to do is keep an eye on your dimensions we click here keep an eye on our dimensions and we're just going to ever and we're going to hold the shift key down as we drag away and we just do it a little bit and a little bit more okay that should do it right about there and just one touch more okay so that should be enough now i'm going to make this this case a little bit shorter okay so we already said that um the case was about at half an inch in thickness so or the uh the phone is half an inch in thickness in which we said it comes out to be about 12.7 millimeters so i'm going to lower this one to about 13 millimeters or so there we go 13 millimeters and that seems perfect we could go 12.9 but i think 13 is about where we want it okay so this is what our case is going to look like now i'm going to take this one i'm going to turn this into a hole okay and then i'm going to duplicate it and i'll explain why i'm going to duplicate it later but i'm going to go ahead ctrl d duplicate it i'm going to take this other hole and set it off to the side we're going to use that later but right now i'm going to bring this over here and show you a tool this is called the alignment tool there's two ways to access it once you've clicked on two different items at the same time you can go up here to align or you can just press l and you see these little dots this dot will align them up centered here and then you can align it up in the center here and as you can see it's fitting right in there um pretty well now um you see these cases are a little bit thicker so we might want to make it a little bit thicker or you could keep it thin like this i'm going to um i'm going to keep it about this i'm going to keep it about this thickness uh actually i'm going to increase its size just a little bit so what i'm because i'm going to explain why in just a moment but you grab here hold your shift key down and just expand it just a bit you don't want it too big all right then you're going to realign it go ahead and select both at the same time press l it's already aligned here so i don't have to worry about that and we're going to realign it here good now we're going to join them together control group or control g whoops you know what i didn't do i forgot to pull it up and allow for the floor here so we're gonna undo that okay now i'm gonna select on my hole you can hold shift down and click on the one thing you want and so i'm gonna select one all right we're gonna go to this triangle and we're gonna just lift it up just a bit about two millimeters we might go three let's go three because um yeah because we said that it uh it needs to be at least twelve so i'm gonna go two millimeters that's enough thickness for me now we're going to join it together ctrl group or ctrl g now let's join now we have our basic case right there now we're going to create that lip i was talking about to hold the cell phone in because the case right now is bigger than the cell phone i didn't change the hole size so what we're going to do now is um i'm going to make sure this is in alignment actually what i'm going to do is i'm going to thin out whoops let's undo that and bring this back out here okay i'm going to make this a lot thinner than it was before so we know the thickness is about 12 millimeters so i'm going to bring it down to 12 point here we're going to do 12 millimeters right there okay now i'm going to bring this over here and i'm going to raise it up two millimeters just like the other one was the thing of it is we shouldn't see it above so i'm gonna shrink this down just a bit actually i'm gonna uh bring that's what i'm gonna have to do i'm gonna have to bring the case up just a bit higher right there because it needs to be above the hole that's perfect okay so now i've put that in there i'm now going to shrink the case ever so slightly by maybe a millimeter watch that should be 159 that's going to turn into 158 and we're going to go one extra mil 157 okay so now we shrunk it so that we can make this thing fit now it's not bigger than the hole i don't believe if you see the hole poking out that's because we get to realign it so let's go ahead and realign it l now we know it's not poking out and it's just right and line it there now we're going to join it ctrl g and now you have one with a lip around the edge of it right there that's good i like the way that looks okay now for my particular phone i need a camera space so i'm going to make a mock camera space that uh just like i did here and that's easy to do i can just grab a a square that's already a hole um let's check the dimensions it's 20 by 20. i know that my camera view space is maybe an inch by an inch and so one whole inch i think is right at about 20 but i'm going to double check it um one inch in millimeters is 25.5 so it's going to be 25 by so it's gonna be 25 by and it looks about two and a half inches wide so so we're gonna make this we're gonna go ahead and make sure this is 25 right here yeah i think that's it millimeters 25.4 okay so that's how tall it is in the width on the other hand is about three and two and a half inches so we'll go and so that makes it about 63.5 millimeters so now i'll go here 63.5 make sure yeah 63.5 that's it now we got the size of my camera so that's the exact width and height of my camera space so how do we make the hole it's simple now that i've created the hole i'm going to raise it up a bit and then just make sure that it's going through the entire cell phone case then you join it ctrl g now you've got your nice little fitting hole okay i've got some buttons over here on the side and you know what i could make a bunch of individual spaces here what i'm going to do is i'm just going to remove this part of the case and uh we're going to remove that simply by clicking on a hole bringing over here okay we're gonna raise it up about that high uh let's see how high did i raise it up let's see all right we go about two i'm gonna go three millimeters okay now i'm going to bring it over here and i know the buttons are even with my camera and they go down a little bit past my camera so i'm just gonna i'm not gonna have to i'm gonna measure that all of that i'm just gonna take this whole side i'm gonna make a big chunk right there missing and still keep allows the uh integrity of the case to be kept okay now i'm just going to join those control group there we go or ctrl g is what i press so there now i've got a space for my volume button and uh i think it's a shutter button for my camera over here i need to open up a space for my power button and that's also right across from the camera so do the same method bring it up about three millimeters one two three there we go perfect bring it in there and we're going to make it about the same size as the camera or just about so we have access to the power button all right i'm going to group those so we're going to go ctrl g now i've created a space for my power button right there next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to create spaces down here at the bottom for my jack so i'm going to basically use the same method i've been using raise it up one two three right there move it into place and i'm just gonna let it go from here to here because that's about where everything is that and also leaves a space for the speakers and also loses play space for the the phone to still be locked into the case so now we're going to group that control g now i've got a space for my plugins uh for my earphone jack and everything okay so now i might i could possibly come in and then do some extra stuff here but that that's i don't think that's necessary um and i am going to do one hole right here and this one seems to be right near the middle of my um right now the middle of the edge of my camera and it seems to be actually over here so i'm going to make a hole right there and this time i'm going to use a sphere i'm sorry that's a sphere but i'm not going to use that let's get rid of that one let's use a cylinder lying on its side okay because the hole is cylindrical now and actually why am i using a solid cylinder when i could just grab the cylinder that is already a hole so we'll just grab that i'm going to rotate it okay we're going to do this about 90 degrees so it lays on its side good now we're going to rotate it again 90 degrees over here just to get it turning facing us there we go good now i'm going to shrink it so it's about the right size raise it up three millimeters one two three there we go and that should be perfect right there um i'm gonna move it over just a hair and then bring it in i think that's right okay that looks good so now i'm going to group that ctrl g now i've got the hole for the light sensor in my phone now that i've done that i can begin on the actual physical features and designs of this phone so now i'm going to flip this over and we're going to go 180 degrees flip it over on its back so we can see the side now i'm going to do this negative 40 and show you how that that is done it's very simple you can either scroll down here where it says text or you can go um clip on where it says text over there i'm going to do a slightly different one i'm going to do 40a but uh i'm going to bring this text out i'm gonna shrink it down a bit by holding the shift key down shrink it down okay then we're gonna go up here we're gonna type something other than text i want it to say 48 and i'm just typed it f-o-r-d-i-e-r all right 40 a now we're going to shrink it down just a little bit more because now that i've typed it out looks too big that's good right there now raise it up actually i'm going to make it thicker because i'm going to make this into a negative space okay so i'm going to make this thicker i'm going to drag it over here now i'm going to make sure it's in alignment l and i'm going to make sure it's alignment here i don't care if it's an alignment up here this is where i want it to be so i'm going to go l right here boom nice now i'm going to turn it into a hole and then we're going to group it ctrl g and there you go there's my negative for tir um ti er i'm sorry that's my negative statement for there now what i'm going to do next is i'm going to take a 2d image and i'm going to make it into a 3d image so i'm going to go and i'm gonna see if this will work but you can go up here and you can look for anything like this let's put in a search and let's just go for um and i happen to love wolves so i'm gonna go but i'm gonna say wolf see if i can't get an image of a wolf that i really like and see if i can't get that to imprint properly now generally speaking it has to be a black and white image so just a regular photograph generally most of the time will not work i don't think so let me see if i can't find uh print yeah that's oh i like that it's got a paw oh that's that's a cool one right there and that one's neat let's go choose one that i really like and i'm gonna use this one right here or i like that one too oh man these are hard um let's go with uh something that's gonna be more unique uh and some and often when you're looking for a good one to translate into a 3d image you want to use something simplistic is actually sometimes better than the more complex ones even though the complex ones look really cool it doesn't always work well when you're trying to make this adjustment so what i'm going to do i'm going to come up here and i'm going to do i think i'm going to go ahead and go with this one right here i think that or i kind of like that one too i'm gonna go with this one okay i'm gonna save it okay waiting for that to come up and i'm gonna go wolf print whoops that's prompt okay so and we're going to save it to downloads so save that now i'm also noticing that this is a certain kind of file this isn't the kind of file i'm used to seeing i'm going to try this and see if it works but i'm going to go ahead and choose another one just in case that one doesn't work i'm going to do this one i'm going to do a paw print and look at these size i'm going to go ahead and tell you that size is going to be too big it's not going to translate well let me look for another one [Music] uh i don't like that i like this one okay that one's gonna fit i think so we'll just save this one so uh save image as call this blue all right that's already a good one i'm going to save it like that okay now i am going to go to this website now this is a link that's also found in your google classroom it's called convert your image or com okay online convert is actually what it's called okay so what we're going to do here and this is not on the right page but i'll show you which page you have to go to so when you get this is what it should look like when you first get on here you're going to go to svg convert to svg that's what we want to convert it to so we're going to click on that now we choose our file and i'm going to try the wolf print just to see how it goes if it works let's see if it works it should convert it if it converts it to an fvg it should be okay all right so it started the conversion um all right start conversion see if it worked got a lot of wolf prints in here i didn't realize i had all these okay so i'm going to download this one which i think it already alright so this one um we're going to download it and it should pop up right here svg wolf print now if i go to tinkercad now i can import it by going to import choose file go up to wolf print one svg and open okay it's telling me the scale is too large so we're going to scale it down to about let's say 80 percent so now we're going to import it and i can still make it smaller once it gets in here oh my goodness that is huge okay so we have a problem so that is why i wasn't sure if that was going to work and i'm not even sure what that is certainly wouldn't what i thought i had okay so we're going to go back and we're going to convert the other one we're going to convert the one that's the um the blueprint okay so we'll go back and we're going to choose file we're still doing svg and it's going to be wolf blue watercolor or watercolor wolf yeah we're going to open that one okay now we're going to start conversion all right and look it downloaded on its own so i don't have to worry about it so now go back to tankercad go import choose file and blue color yeah there we go import this is still going to be big and i'm going to have to shrink it down hopefully this came out yeah that's nice i like that okay so um obviously it's still too big but it did nice it it um rendered it so what i did is i i hold my shift key down and then i left click on the uh the corner and i just pushed towards the object and it makes it smaller so uh we're a little bit far away from it so i'm going to pull this over here now now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull it up through so it's about like that i'm going to make sure that there's a little bit above it now we can group and actually i don't know if i have to i'm going to line it first let's make sure these are in alignment well not much of an adjustment needed there all right not much of one there okay there we go and now i'm going to join them together ctrl g and it looks like it worked i like it okay so now i have a completed fully set up case with two specific um like i like the requirements were i have two uh custom parts okay so i've met all the criteria i was supposed to meet i've got the spaces for my buttons i've got the space for my phone i've got the space for my jack um and for uh the earbu earphone uh or for the plug up i also have two custom designs imposed upon here and that is a completed project i hope this helps you guys and i want i'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys can come up with and i want to see your designs and please make them as original as possible and don't be afraid to go crazy with some of your ideas but keep them within the constraints okay guys and i will see you later
Channel: Joshau Fortier
Views: 26,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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