How to Hollow Out Objects in Tinkercad - Shelling Tutorial

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hey guys welcome back to chaos core tech my name is Garrett and today I figured we'd do another Tinkercad tutorial now I had a few questions in the comments asking how I shall objects or how I make them Hollow and Tinkercad doesn't really have a nice feature for doing this which is unfortunate but um you know it's not too hard to shell things out yourself obviously the more complex the object gets the harder it's going to be but you can get close pretty easily so let's just start simple like with these cylinders here obviously if you want to shell those out just bring in another cylinder that is a hole and make it taller I usually move them down just for good measure because sometimes Tinkercad can get weird with that and then basically make the make the cylinder the same size so there we have a cylinder that is the exact same size as the one we want to cut and you can tell by all the flickering there that they're they're lined up perfectly so say that we just wanted a two millimeter thick wall here it's at sixty I'm just going to move to into fifty eight and do that all on all sides so that one will go to fifty six just want to go to 58 and then this one will go to 56 now we can just combine these and boom we've got that mostly shell now obviously it's not a perfect shell because a perfect shell would have these shapes cut out on the inside too but for most things that's not going to be that big of a deal you can obviously apply that same technique to half spheres spheres boxes things like that and it'll all work pretty well but I'm assuming most of you could figure that out where it really starts to get complicated is with more complex shapes so let's drag a box out here so that's a pretty complex shape I'm just actually going to cut off the bottom of this sphere over here to make it a little more believable that it's printable so if you have an object like this and it's grouped you know you may your first thought made to just be duplicated and resize it and hope that works which in some cases that will work but let's take a look at a case that won't which this is one of those cases so I'll hit ctrl D to duplicate I'll make it a hole and let's scale it down just a bit and now you can see right here that it is poking through the sides and the reason for that is that this bridge sort of between them is also getting smaller so these the pyramid and the sphere are moving closer together as it gets smaller and if I move that down you can see that so that's why shelling like this does not work and it's a bit more complex but luckily an easy way to do that is either leave them separate or if you're working with a model that you brought in here that you can't really separate just look for sort of basic shapes in the model and bring those in and try to match as much as you can because most of the time when you're shelling you're just looking to save filament and not really for mechanical needs because if you're if you're doing this for mechanical needs a need to be very precise I would recommend taking it into a different tool then Tinkercad just because it's a lot harder to do in here but for something that just trying to save filament or an aesthetic purpose just duplicate it make it a whole move it down a little bit and for a pyramid that should work perfectly actually group right there shelled and then for this one right here we can do the same thing go whole and this one I'm actually just going to scale down a little bit by two and so there you can also see that it gets shorter which is the culprit so I'm just going to take it and extend it out and then since I want it to be through the bottom I'm just going to extend this bottom part a little bit to click that and group so now those two are shelled and then let's do this one so this one I'm just going to duplicate I'm going to move that one down by two and make it a whole and then group right here and then that one is holdout as well but now when we group these that these are going to be sticking through so an easy way to fix that is just ungroup these two then group the whole thing again and then add in these the holes that you wanted before oh and actually I messed up again ungroup all of them and just add the holes afterwards so group there and then I'm just going to select the whole thing group and boom we've got it shelled and actually you can see right here why I drag things down through the ground because Tinkercad did not handle this very well and we've got some very very tiny protrusions right there and those will show up on the print so if we wanted to fix that pretty easily I'll just hit control Z and then I will group select this and then shift select so I only have that that hole in there selected and then I'm just going to come down to point one and drag this down just a little bit so it is sticking through now when I group these we should have it perfect yep right there so that all looks good and that's the basics for how to shell an object in Tinkercad and the same things can be applied if you want to blue leave the bottom on here just don't bring it down through the ground and you'll just have hollow objects alright guys well I hope this tutorial was helpful let me know if you have any questions down in the comments or if you'd like me to do a tutorial on anything else here then if you liked this video make sure you give it a thumbs up and get subscribed if you're not already if you're wondering what to watch next check the little eye up in the corner alright guys thanks for joining me see you next time
Channel: Chaos Core Tech
Views: 126,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chaos Core Tech, 3D Printing, 3D Print, 3D Printers, Robo 3D, CAD, Thingiverse, PinShape, YouMagine, Shapetizer
Id: xxtONgRdxDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2016
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