How To Make A Box | Tinkercad Tutorial #3

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hey guys welcome back to chaos core tech my name is garrett and this is part three of the tinkercad tutorial series um so we've gone over the basic controls and even some of the more advanced things here in tinkercad so now what's left is to put all of that knowledge to use and actually make something but don't worry we're going to start really simple and we're just going to make a little box so i'm going to try and keep this simple and run through it pretty quick and i'll leave it up to you guys to choose the shape and everything i will just kind of go through my workflow on how i do some of these things so the box that i'm gonna make is gonna hold sd cards so i recommend having a pair of calipers around so you can measure things um i don't have mine on my desk right this second so i'm gonna be lazy and i'm just gonna google the size of sd cards so i have that right here so how we generally want to go about things is work from simple to complex so we start with the the basic shape and then we worry about some of the more intricate details so i think i want mine to be more of like a treasure chest type look so i'll start with this box and i'm just going to drag it out like this we'll make it 40 for right now then i'm going to bring a cylinder in for the top i'm going to rotate it 90 degrees and then i will just position it you could i could have dropped it in on the top here but whatever this works just as well so now that i know what the basic shape is going to be i need to get it to be the right dimensions so if i look at the sd card sizes i just want the standard ones in here so it looks like it's 32 millimeters by 24 millimeters and we don't need to worry about the height just yet so 32 by 24 is what we're dealing with i've got this set at 40. now we actually have to calculate in how big we want the walls so if i want to create a little representation of this sd card because sometimes that can be helpful i will set this at 32 by 24 and i think it was something like it was a little over two so that is roughly going to be our sd card right but that needs to fit on the inside so we need to calculate in how thick we want the walls now generally with something small like this um the you don't really want to go smaller than two millimeters if you're going to be 3d printing it via fdm if you're using a different method like sla you could probably get away with less thick walls but two millimeters is generally the lowest i will ever go i'm probably gonna go with three millimeters just to give it a little extra strength but not only do i want those three millimeters for the wall i want just a little bit of extra padding there so the sd card has enough room to sit in there without being super tight so i will just bump up the wall size to four even though our walls are going to be three millimeters that will leave an extra millimeter um around the whole sd card to give us room to work with so if i hover over this little square i can see that this is 32 millimeters long so i need to add 8 to this four on each side so that'll give us an even 40 and that's what i have here that was just a coincidence got lucky with that one this one is 24 but i also need to add four to each of these sides so that will give me 32 i will box select both of these and just drag it out to be 32 and that actually looks pretty good i think i'm going to change the color of this to like a dark gray just so we we remember that that's the sd card so now that i have the basic shape and dimensions in there i'm going to worry about actually making it functional so we need to cut off the bottom part of this lid and then hollow out the inside so i'm going to click on the bottom box here and i'll hit ctrl d to duplicate there's also a button up here in the top left but if i move this you can see that it is duplicated i'm actually going to drag that out just a little bit that just fixes my ocd um you absolutely do not need to do this i've just spent enough time in other programs that can't have exactly overlapping faces i will click on this box turn it into a hole instead of a solid and then i will shift click on the lid and click group so now if i move this lid up you can see that it is just that half cylinder and actually now that i'm doing this i believe that tinkercad yeah they call it round roof but that's the exact shape that we're using here so i just took the the longer way of doing it so now i want to work on the bottom part of the box i don't really want to do anything with the lid so i'm just going to go ahead and hide that by hitting ctrl h while it's selected and then we just don't have to worry about it right this second so in order to hollow out this box i'm going to duplicate this using ctrl d once again and then i'm going to drag each dimension in by three so that one was at 40 i'll go to 37 so this time i'll go to 34. this one i will go to 29 and then to 26 okay and then we also have to account for the um the bottom part of the little chest that we're making so i'm going to move this up by three because that is technically a wall too so then i'm going to make this a hole by clicking on hole and group these two and you can see now we have a box and if i take this sd card i should be able to move it in here and have some room on each side that it can move around and slide freely and so if i rotate the camera you can see that that's true if i want to view this perfectly i can click on the orthographic view and you can see now clearly that there is space on every side if i go directly to the top view okay so now that that is hollowed and we've confirmed that this can fit in there let's go ahead and bring back the um the roof by hitting ctrl shift h or clicking on this little light bulb here so now we need to make sure that this lid can slot into this box we could probably do it a more complicated way by making this box slot into the lid and make sure it can print with no supports but i'm just kind of showing one process to doing this and i'm trying to keep it as simple as possible so what i'm actually going to do here is since we already have the inside of this box cut out and that's basically the shape we need to add to this roof i'm going to click on this box and then i'm going to click ungroup and this is a good example of when you would use that ungroup thing because i need to refer to this hole that we cut out so i'm going to take that i'm going to hit ctrl d to duplicate it and i'm going to move it up now i can take these the bottom two things and group them back up because that's really all i needed so in order to make this um the way that we want it we just need it to stick out of the bottom of this so i'm going to go ahead and grab this top and drag it down so i will move it up to meet basically perfectly the bottom of this lid and it does not need to be a hole anymore so i'm going to convert it back to a solid so you may think that we're done there but with 3d printing measurements are not exact down to the microscopic level these pieces would not fit together you would have to do some filing in order to get them to fit so we just need to give it a little extra bit of room and this is a very common practice in 3d printing if you need two parts to slot together you give them what's called a tolerance and there are kind of some standards for tolerances out there and granted this is printing with fdm and using a 0.4 millimeter nozzle so um generally these will work with other sizes but this is kind of what it's geared for if you're not really sure what you have don't worry about it just go off of this guide and tweak as necessary so generally if you want a really tight fit go with like a 0.2 or a 0.25 tolerance if you want it to be um just kind of a normal snug fit you can go with 0.3 or 0.4 anything above that will be a looser fit so i am actually going to go with a 0.4 millimeter tolerance and you will need to change your snap grid down in the bottom so if i click this i can go to 0.1 millimeter if you're going with 0.25 you can click that and be done 0.5 is also acceptable i'm just going to go to 0.1 so i'm at 34 if i move in 0.4 it should be 33.6 there we go and then this will be 33.2 also something to note if you're finding it difficult to get precise snaps it is based on how far your mouse is moving so if you zoom in your mouse will have to move farther so you can get more precise control so if you're zoomed out very far you'll probably find it difficult to get more precise measurements like this so if you're having difficulty zoom your mouse in this one's at 26 so it will be 25.6 and then 25.2 so now that i have that i will change this back to one millimeter and you don't have to do this part i'm just demonstrating i'm gonna go ahead and hide this and then if i move this back down into the box you'll see that there's just a super tiny little gap around the whole thing and like i said when you print this it will be it should slot in very nicely as with anything functional that you're going to be 3d printing it takes iteration so you'll have to test print it and try it out if it's too tight make it a little bit smaller if it's too loose make it a little bit bigger so the numbers that i gave you are just a baseline something to start with but in my experience they've worked out pretty good so now i can go ahead and combine these two go ahead and group it and now we actually have a functional chest like i said i'm going to keep it very simple just as to not confuse you guys in order to see what they will print like i will just move this over and hit d it'll drop to the bed so it will take supports and like i said that's not super optimal we could do it a different way and maybe i'll do that in a future video if you'd like to see it but i was just demonstrating a way that you can do this and as a challenge to you guys um if you want to take this to the next level add some decoration to the outside of this for one and then i actually made it so these sd cards would lay down flat inside of here and that's not very optimal because say that i stack four in there and i need to get them out i can't really stick my fingers in there to grab them i kind of just have to dump them out which is fine but we could make it better so as a challenge to yourself see if you could get these to print or to go in the chest this direction so we could just have several of them going this way i'll ctrl d to duplicate that and i'll use the arrow keys actually to move it over and then ctrl d will keep duplicating it like that and as a quick tip remember that you can just add more to this base so i can just come in here add things like this move it over so it's overlapping just the right amount and then i can group it and of course you'll have to adjust all the dimensions that's why i'm leaving it as a challenge to you guys i think in the next video we might try to create some pokeballs they're a little bit of a different shape and we'll have to do some more advanced things to get those shapes so let me know how you're doing with tinkercad if you're following along with this if there's anything that you would like to see in future videos let me know down in the comments and i will do my best to keep keep these tutorials going alright thank you guys for watching and until next time keep creating
Channel: Chaos Core Tech
Views: 21,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chaos Core Tech, 3D Printing, 3D Print, 3D Printers, chaoscoretech, 3D Modeling for 3D Printing, 3D Modeling
Id: U8z6wyXMsc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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