Tinkercad Tutorial - Organic Shapes

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hey guys Jeff here last week I entered in a t Kirk at Halloween competition and made this dancing skeleton and actually won the trick category for it if you want to see more about the skeleton and my blog post for it then look at the link in the description below and you could actually download the STL for it too so you can print your own after I posted it I got a request from my new friend Steven that I show how to model organic shapes in Tinkercad and I asked him if he'd like me to model anything in particular and he said a lobster lobster we can do it nothing is impossible it's the first things first how do you model organic shapes let's get into finger guys real quick so first we're gonna go the featured shape generators and we're gonna scroll down to extrusion and what you're able to do is move around these nodes of the circle and then adjust the tangent line for the scale and the direction so you can change how small it is and what direction it goes in and what's important to note is that the little image on the screen isn't the image you're stuck with and shape your step with because you can then scale it in the X and y direction independently and make a completely new looking shape so now we're just gonna play around and make a weird little shape to cut out of the big shape [Music] so we ended up with this up shape and after using these techniques trying to make a lobster I was finally able to get to this point now it's relatively simple in terms of detail you don't see much detail on the face or all the spikes around the claws and it just depends on how much time you want to spend on you can really develop this into it extremely detailed model so before I start any project like this what I like to do is do a search and image search of what I'm modeling to get proportions right to see how things are related to each other and these are some pretty good lobsters here that we could we could take some some cues off of so the first thing I see is for the body the egg shape the actually appropriate if you scale it right and that's a good base so I'm gonna just play around with this for a little while now I notice the head is its own separate piece so I'm just going to turn it around [Music] [Music] [Music] none this will be our first opportunity to use the extremely generic and what I like to do if I know I'm going to use this shape a lot in the design is I'll Park it off to the right and I won't modify that shape I'll duplicate it and then modify that duplication so I can just grab it whenever I need it so I don't have to go through all menus and find shape again can we have a good body so what's next we'll do the tail we can move on to the tail we're definitely gonna need to use an organic shape let's see what we can do [Music] going back through some scale see how things related I'll do that periodically out I'll go back and forth between the model and the pictures to see how [Music] now I want to get the little points of the tail that's important I think to be recognized as a lobster so I'm just gonna play around with some of the shapes here and as you can see here I have no idea what I'm doing I'm just moving things around seeing what it what it turns into and then going from there it's it's hard to plan these things you you really have to just dive in and see what happens [Music] so I'm not terribly happy with that it doesn't doesn't look close enough to the picture so we're gonna modify it a little more okay that's better that's that's definitely better well oh you see some little bits here and this is one of the things you have to look out for when using these techniques you're gonna be left with some little bits where shapes intersect and all you have to do is is adjust those shapes a little bit to catch that so I'm happy with that for a good basic top shape all right I also want to do the meat i want the meat to be kind of depicted and it's not gonna it's not gonna look like it on the underside now we have a model let's see let's see what we can do about that [Music] [Music] okay well I'm happy with that so now it's on the duplicating and something important to note here is if you duplicate something and then move it or rotate it if you don't deselected you can just keep pushing ctrl D ctrl D and it'll keep the same same orientation it'll it'll keep the rotation and keep the distance that you initially traveled so you don't have to keep on doing it so that's that's a good tip there I'm gonna check to see the length of tail I think I have one too long yeah those those proportions of better [Music] now we're gonna move on see at the end of the tail so I can get the good basic shape of tail but I also notice there's a bit of a dome to it like it's domed and it goes out from the middle to ready use this extrusion and modify the the top shape [Music] now we're gonna move on to two queens and I think we're gonna use the same technique here actually may just steal that that shape and as you can see it just takes some playing around a bit you don't there's no definite thing you just have to move things and see how it works check back picture okay I like that so now we're gonna duplicate it flip it and move on okay what's next about these intents let's do the antenna this is a good example of what I mentioned before about making the shape in a little box and then stretching it in into the X or Y direction to completely change how it looks so we're just gonna make something really funky and then stretch it and see how it looks [Music] [Music] you'll see the connection connections to the head is it's different so I think we're gonna use an egg shape and just heavily modify it so so it looks kind of like a connection to the antenna [Music] [Music] and we're gonna do plate but I noticed there's also smaller antenna that come off on the top and I think we're just gonna borrow this one that we just made and change the safe yeah those little those are fats so what we'll do is just flip around and scale it so it's a lot smaller and I think that'll look good okay what's next leave the legs but I don't have a good view of them so let's let's get a better picture of the leg [Music] [Music] and what you're learn is that some shapes are too complex to make it out of just one object so here we're gonna have to kind of piecemeal it together and make it out of a couple different shapes you can actually flip it around [Music] [Music] I'm happy I'm gonna duplicate it flip all those but I've noticed that they kind of they kind of taper off so the front legs are the biggest and the back legs are smallest so I'm just gonna scale them all oh come on take your bat we're just gonna scale mall fortunately and then move them in so it it fits that a log that's the final final piece [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I'm pretty happy with that shape but I don't like how blocky it is there's like a just there's a contour to it they're kind of like dome so we're gonna use the same technique that we used on tail and see if we could see if we could help that shape [Music] yeah that's better we're gonna do the same for a small piece - Oh again there's a little there's a little guy there so need to ungroup and take care of that just scale the shape go back and the orientation see how it's laid out [Music] now we're gonna move on to how the claws are connected [Music] [Music] [Music] then it just takes a lot of adjusting to see what what looks right it comes to them all [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yeah I'm pretty happy with that so that's it we'll group him collar room and there is your lobster Steve well I'm gonna call him Steve the lobster Steve the lobster okay I hope you enjoyed that I know I went fast but I really just wanted to give you an idea of what you can accomplish with Tinkercad and don't be discouraged if you can't see the shapes that you want to model and deconstruct them so that you can them all live into your cat I've been doing this for seven years now and the advice that I'd give you is to look at an object that you want and to take things away from it until it looks like a basic shape that's available to you tomorrow or you can look at a shape and add things to it to make it into a basic shape you can then model from and if you can't see the basic shapes then you haven't deconstructed it or taking it apart enough I know I'm gonna regret this but there's nothing too complicated with enough time and creativity nothing is impossible to model and if again and to prove this I'll challenge you to come up with an idea that I can't model and Tinkercad shouldn't have said that I should not have said that put your idea in a comment below [Music]
Channel: CUG Labs
Views: 237,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tinkercad, cad, modeling, organic, organic shapes, how to, tutorial, lobster, cuglabs, CUG Labs, cug labs, model, 3d model, stl
Id: HyYeR76vEzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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