How To - Replicate any thread with Tinkercad!

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welcome back guys how's everybody doing today today what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna go over how to copy a thread from an existing object in the real world and take those threads and model them in Tinkercad we're also gonna go over how to make the reverse of that object so you can thread whatever object you have into your 3d print or whatever your modeling up for me today I'm gonna be modeling the threads of a quarter inch npt gauge for air pressure so we're gonna go ahead and use that as our base object so first thing we're going to need is to come over into Tinkercad and grab the isometric generator right here next what we're gonna need is that I mentions of the threads we're gonna use so you could use set of calipers and measure your threads or you could just do what I'm doing and using the Google so in Google we're gonna go one slash quarter NPT dimensions and for one quarter we can see that we have 18 threads per inch and that the outside diameter is 0.5 for 0 inches so we got to transfer that over to millimeters because in Tinkercad we're working with millimeters not in inches so we're gonna go to inch to millimeter conversion it is 25.4 millimeters per inch I knew that however 0.5 4 millimeters is thirteen point seven one six millimeters so we know our diameter of our threads needs to be thirteen point seven two millimeters basically so we're gonna go thirteen point seven two in the diameter and that'll change this thread generator here the next thing we know is that we need eighteen threads per inch so over here at rotations we're gonna click on the five and change that to eighteen now that it's at eighteen millimeters we're gonna pop down a ruler and we need to change this to one inch so twenty five point four millimeters not fifteen point four but twenty five point four millimeters and that will change ever thing about the threading it'll change the pitch angle and everything to match our threads right here what we have now is quarter inch npt threads basically without the taper I want to come in and change a few other things so our tip scale here changes the bluntness of the tip so if you go over here to one you can tell that it's just a regular thread and if you scale it back the more you scale it the thinner it gets the more gradual the thread is formed so I'm gonna leave that at zero and I'm gonna up the tip segments as that chooses how gradual the thread changes as it goes around for the first section at least the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to crank up the sections here to a higher value probably all the way up because what that does is instead of having these hexagonal lines going all the way down our thread we get a smoother transition so here's our quarter inch npt thread the next thing we're gonna do is come over into basic shapes and bring over a cylinder so for the cylinder this isn't doesn't matter much this will be the outside diameter of whatever you want to thread into I'm going to go ahead and say 22 millimeters by um where's our oh here it is 22 millimeters I'm gonna go ahead and turn the sides up to that to make it smooth as well the next thing I'm going to do is grab both of these and press this align tool click on the cylinder click in the middle and click the middle again this is now centered into the into this cylinder as we can tell it's going all the way through and that's just about where we want it however here's the problem whenever your 3d printing as the nozzle moves around this outside right it's gonna pull in some of this material back with it as it makes this curve so you're gonna end up with a smaller hole than what you think you're actually printing to combat that what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this thread and we're gonna oversize it first what we're gonna want to do is control-d this to bring an original over here so this is our threads this is what we're going to use to make the adapter or the female side of the threads and we're gonna want to oversize this some now so depending on your printer you're gonna need to make some test prints I know that my printer consistently prints out about a half a millimeter over with a point four millimeter nozzle that being said I have recently upgraded my nozzle on my 3d printer to a volcano 1 millimeter nozzle to help out print out big objects very rapidly and quickly so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna add 2 millimeters as it's almost always about double for me of what the object are about sorry it's always about double of what the nozzle diameter is so I'm just gonna go with 15.7 here actually I'll knock that down to say 15 point 5 to get a nice good snug fit we're gonna then have to go grab both of these and realign them back to the center nope nope we're good it shrink it down uniformly so we're at 15 point 5 by 15 point 5 and now we need to change that into a hole we're gonna grab both of them and group them together give that a second to let it work and there we go now we have quarter inch npt threads in this and we have a quarter inch NPT thread here so that's how you copy threads and make the reverse of the thread so you can adapt it to anything you want to for this particular thread what I'm gonna be doing with this thread is building a pressure chamber above it in the next video and then printing it out and seeing how much air pressure PLA plus can hold up to I'm really hoping we can get above 50 psi or so anyways guys that's the end of this video if you liked it please consider liking subscribing or sharing this video and leave a comment if you want to see anything else done or have any technical questions I'll do my best to answer them if I have the ability to if you need threads copied from something else please follow along and send me a private message or a comment and let me know if you need some help I'll be more than willing to help you out thanks guys
Channel: The Epiphany Show
Views: 136,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Design threads for 3d printing, Tinkercad, Tinkercad threads, 3d printing threads, how to, 3d printing threads tolerance, 3d printing threads without support, thread desgin, 3d printing threads tips, 3d printing threads pla, 3d printing threads tinkercad, 3d printing bolt and nuts, 3d printing embeded nut, 3d printing nut, tinkercad tutorial, tinkercad desgins, tinkercad advanced, tinkercad beginner, thingiverse, tutorial, Epiphany printing, how to 3d print better, tolerance
Id: s1laczjEZOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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