Getting Started in Tinkercad: A Tutorial for Complete Beginners

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[Applause] hi everyone welcome to this tutorial on designing a 3d printable model of a wrench using Tinkercad clicking on this level will take us to the ticket and home page and since we want to create a new model we will click this button which says create new design once you click this button a new project is going to open up and what you see in front of you right now is the clicker CAD interface we will now go through every individual part of the interface separately and we will explain the functionality of each of these parts to you the most important part of the interface is the blue works game which sits in the middle now you can think of this work plane like a 3d analog of a of the tunic angles that you see in Photoshop or so if you are designing a 2d graphic then you would be working on a 2d canvas on Photoshop and give similarly to design 3d models we work on the work plane now this won't claim you can change the perspective in order to do that just click on your right mouse button and while the button is clicked drag the mouse and as we do it you will see that your perspective of the work plane changes and you can view the work flame from many different angles you can read from the bottom you can view from the top or you can view it as an angle you can also zoom in and out of the work plane in order to zoom in just scroll up on your mouse and this will zoom in the work plane and if you scroll down with your mouse then this is zoom out the next most important part of the Tinkercad interface is the panel of basic shapes that you see on the right hand side for example we see that the Scannell contains a box a cylinder a pyramid a roof basically basic geometric shapes but basic geometric shapes is not the only thing that is present in the scale if you use this drop down menu and you change the section to text then you will see 3d letter-based shapes like letters from the English alphabet or you also have numbers similarly if you go to the sectional symbols that you have 3d models of symbols like exclamation mark question marks etc and these shapes basically form the basic building block of anything that we will design on take again the next part of the interface that we will expect are the menus and theta has two main menus that appear on this top cap top panel with you there's one menu which is present on the right hand side of the interface and this menu contains the basic operations they hit through the operations that we need to perform in order to build models for example you have a button for grouping different 3d objects for ungrouping different 3d objects for aligning two or more objects or for flipping objects we also have a menu on the left hand side and this menu is the more conventional menu we have buttons for copying pasting duplicating or deleting objects these four things the workplane the panel of shapes the menu on the right hand slide and the menu on the left hand side these forms the main components of the Tinkercad interface and we will learn how to use this different components to build 3d models in the subsequent parts of this tutorial but before we begin we need to tell you about a very important principle of 3d modeling and this principle is undivided honor this principle says that in order to model a complicated 3d object we should first define the object in two simple geometric pieces and then design those pieces individually then in a final step we should combine those individual pieces to create the more complicated object to give an example of what we mean by this if you want to design a wrench which looks like the image that you see on the screen right now we will divide this complicated object into three simple parts the ring with sit at one end of the wrench the long extended handle in the middle and the workhorse of the wrench which is this job which sits at another end of the range the way we will design the wrench will involve designing the individual pieces separately and then in one final step we will put them together to create the model of the wrench in this part of the video we will be designing just the ring and if you look at the ring the ring can be approximated by a circular disc with a circular hole in the middle of course in this image you can also see that the interior of the Ray is wedged but since we are going to create an approximate model of the wrench we will not have whether we will create a very simple drink which is just a circular disk with a circular hole in the middle let's see how we can do that you think think again the first thing we will do is to figure out a shape from the basic shapes panel which will help us create the first circular disk and and you can see that this cylinder is more or less like a very extended disk so if I go to compress the height if you could reduce the height of the cylinder down then maybe it will start looking like a disk so let's see whether we can create a disk out of the cylinder the way you use the cylinder is to simply left-click on your mouse this will select the cylinder and then using your mouse drag it on to the workplane and for a line you have the cylinder sitting on the work plane to look at the cylinder from another angle simply right click your mouse button and then drag to change the perspective as we discussed in part 1 of this tutorial now we want the disk to have a certain size in our case we want the disk to have a diameter of 25 millimeters and a height of 4 millimeters the way we can change the dimensions of the cylinder is by using these four white square handles on the plane and the one white square handle on the top of the cylinder and the ones on the plane they change the dimensions on the plane and the one on the top of the cylinder can be used to change the height of the cylinder so we want the cylinder to have a diameter of 25 millimeters so I'm simply drag this till it has 25 millimeters as length and breadth and as you can see right now it has 25 millimeters both length and breadth so I will stop here we want the height to be 4 millimeters but right now it is 20 eaters so I will just click left click on the top right handle and then just drag it down till the height becomes four millimeters there you go now we have a perfect disc sitting on the work plane but we also need to create a hole in the center of this disc right so how do we create a hole now the idea of tater head is something called boolean design which means that using Tinkercad we will be able to join two different shapes together and also subtract one shape from another shape to create all the areas or holes and I'll show you how this works so to create a circular hole inside the stick we will also need another disk-like shape and for this reason we will track another cylinder into the work plane now we want the hole to have our diameter of let's say 20 millimeters so then using the same method as we saw before we can adjust the length and the width of the cylinder till it reaches 20 millimeters on both sides there you go 20 on both sides now we need to convert this cylinder into a hole and the way to do that is to first select the cylinder by simply left clicking on it and when it is selected you will see this blue outline around the cylinder and white is selected press the hole option and when you press the hole option the cylinder now converts into a hole which means we are it is ready to be subtracted out from some other shape in the work plane we want to create a circular hole in the middle of the orange disk right so we will need to place this cylinder shaped hole in the middle of our circular disk and then we need to subtract out the hole the way to place the cylinder shaped hole in the circular disc is by aligning these two objects so that one sits right in the middle of another and the realigning works on Tinkercad you first select the first object by simply left clicking on it and then with the shift button pressed select the other object which you want the first object to align with and if you do this successfully remember break the hip button and then select the other object then both objects will be highlighted simultaneously and you will see that several options on the top right menu will now become activated and one of these options is aligned so let's press it the moment we place a line we see these black guides appear on the work plane and this card in the center says that if you press this I am going to align the two shapes so that they align in this line so let's do that and as you can see that these two shapes have now aligned in this straight line but we also want to align them along this dimension right so we will press this alignment guide and this will finally bring the whole the cylinder shaped hole in the middle of the circular disk can you see it it's sitting right in the middle and now they are both selected so we need to somehow subtract the leadership all from the disk and the way we will do it is by pressing the group option and the moment we press the group option take a cat it's going to try to add the two shapes together to create a combined shape and then one of the sheets the whole you will basically see a hole for me and envy as we just did you know by grouping the cylinder shaped holes and the circular disc we have created the ring of the wrenches every one to finally create the handle of the wrench is essentially a long rectangular slab so therefore to create the handle we will choose a box like shape therefore let's drag a box into the work plane let's change the perspective of the work plane so that we can see the box a little better we want the handle to be to be quite long so we want the length of the handle to be hundred millimeters so let's drag this till the length becomes 100 millimeters there you go okay now 101 let's yeah there it is 100 millimeters we want the width to be 10 millimeters and right now as you can see it's 20 right 20 so we will reduce it such that it is 10 millimeters very good finally since the height of the ring what four millimeters we will match the height of the handle with the height of the ring and therefore we will use the white handle on the top and drag it down till the height of the handle becomes four millimeters and there it is with only a little bit of work we now have the handle and well on the work plane as you can see that young and we approximated by a disc circular disc with a near poly bundle shape called out on on one of its sides so let's see how how we can retrieve that shape using Tinkercad of course we will need to first create a disk and therefore we drag a filament through the workplane and we drag the handles on the plane such that its diameter becomes 30 millimetres to match the height of the other products we adjust the height of the disc to four millimeters now in order to create the the shape in the middle of the disk we will drag a polygonal shape and then put in the work plane and since this shape needs to be called out of the job we will convert the polygons into a whole hour range like it's used tight and nuts and bolt depending on the dimension of the nuts and bolts the hole in the jaw can have different diameters or different fits in this particular area we use a weight of 15 millimeters and we will also increase the the length of the whole shape so that it can cover so that it extends out of the out of the disk and with hole treated like this we will now move it into the disk and then align it by selecting the two objects together pressing the align button and hitting the middle alignment guide to ensure that the hole is exactly land in the middle of the disk and with these two shapes aligned while now we simply hit the green button to get the polygonal shape carved out of the disk and this creates the jaw of the wrench in this part of the tutorial we are going to put this individual punch together to create the finished range we will start by combining the ring and the handle and we will merge it together to create one continuous unit now in order to do that we will first select the jaw and then drag it out of the way next we will we will position the handle and the ring so that they're more or less in one straight line and then we will drag the ring so that the handle goes a little bit inside the body of the ring as you can see here if I diff Izu min it will be able to see this better see a little bit of the handle is protruding inside the body of the ring this ensures that when we combine these two shapes together the mode shape will look like one entity and will not look like two entities put together with some gaps in the middle with this configuration we need to ensure that the angle and the ring are aligned properly so in order to align the handle and the ring before the procedure that we learned in part 2 so we press the shift button and select the two objects together and then we hit the align button and then the alignment guides appear and since we want to align these two so that they are in a straight line we hit this alignment handle and this ensures that the ring and the end line are aligned perfectly once these two objects are aligned perfectly we are now in a position to add them together to form one combined shape press the group button and the moment we press the group button the two shapes are now combined together grouped together to form a moist and typical system on the handle and the ring so now we need to add the jaw with this merged unit but we notice that the the job is basically facing the same direction as the handle but we want the jaw to be at a slight angle to the handle and therefore we use the rotational functionality of Tinkercad to rotate our jaw a tiny bit before we merge it with the handle so in also in order to rotate the jaw we will use one of these rotational handles and using these handles we will be able to rotate the job in the plane for example see how it rotates the job and yeah we will we will go with a twenty two point five degree angle that that looks pretty good and let's now try to try to put this together so with the drawl rotated we will drag the job and again using the same principle we will ensure that the handle is likely protruding inside the body of the job so that when we combine the two shapes together then it looks like one entity and yeah this looks this looks quite nice so then let's align this more sensitive with the jaw so procedure is the same shift select both of them and then press the align button and then align them by hitting the alignment handle once they're perfectly aligned then we get the group button to merge them to create the finished wrench however the range while it's finished is still orange and like who uses an orange orange right a wrench should be in my opinion gray and that's how all wrenches are see see this raises this kind of gray right so we would also turn this wrench into a gray color notice that when we merge the different parts together they took on the same color with his orange initially there was one orange piece there was one recipe but when you merge them together they on the Impala and now with this integrant selected the way to change the color is to hit the solid button and then the color options appear and then we are going to choose a dark shade of grey and here in and voila we have a great beautiful range sitting in the work plane so there you go we have been able to create a 3d model of a wrench using tinker cab and you can now truly print this model that you created yourself isn't that isn't that really cool thanks for watching we'll see you some other time bye [Music] I
Channel: All3DP
Views: 721,064
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Keywords: Tinkercad, 3D modeling, 3D design, tutorial, design for beginners, 3D design for beginners
Id: 60xfIu-lqAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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