Tinkercad Tutorial - Fillet, How to round corners

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this tutorial is going to help you round your corners because when we have a keychain we want to be able to slide it in and out of our pocket easily without it um poking into our pockets or anything like that so uh you're always going to start by clicking on the dashboard and we click on create new design and it's kind of hard to see because it's hidden by my little recording device here but um you always need to go down where it says edit grid and change it to we're going to be working in inches for our class always go down and change it to inches if it hasn't been done and then just out of my sight let me see if i can pull this down here um the snap grid means that it's going to move right now it's marked at an eighth inch it's going to move every eighth inch when it's putting things together and i like to knock it down a little bit smaller because it gives me just a little more control so i'm gonna grab one thirty second you can always change that again okay so um i'm going to grab just a basic box and there's a nifty tool i almost hesitate to show you but let's let's just i'm just going to show you how to round the corners of this um there's a nifty tool under here when you expand this a lot of times you get more options so you can actually change some things about the height width and length you can change this step tool which doesn't do much for a rectangle but this radius will allow you to put a little bit of a curve on it which is pretty great except that in the case of 3d printing if you look underneath what that does is you can kind of see the shadow here that's the only part that's touching so any part that is not touching like this little thing right here is gonna need a support to build up and in our 3d printer when you use up support that's fine if it's important but it makes the bottom kind of rough and it doesn't look as nice so that's one thing that you can do if you need to but but i prefer to do it a different way the other thing i wanted to show you that i hadn't showed you yet was over here under the viewing box is a switch to flat view or switching to orthographic so what that allows you to do if you bring over a box if i look at my top view i see just the exact top two-dimensional view if i click over here it still kind of shows it to me in a little bit of a perspective so i like to use it um see if i can do this exactly here we go i like to use the one that's um not perspective but the one that's orthographic because it lets me see things a little easier okay so i'm going to take this one off by pressing delete or backspace depending on what keyboard you have and i'm going to lower this down and kind of make it look a little more like a size of a keychain that i would want so this is about 2.5 inches wide and i'm gonna make it about one inch tall that's fine okay now in order to create a rounded corner which is uh also known as a fillet you have to actually make a new shape to make that happen so you're gonna drag a box and i'm gonna look at my top view and you're gonna drag a cylinder and if your box is one inch by one inch and i can get the numbers to show up by clicking on the corner marks and then it shows me how big it is so that's one inch by one inch i need to make the radius on my circle two inches by two inches or excuse me the diameter two inches by two inches so i'm gonna click on that and get two there click on that and get two there okay i'm gonna move this out of the way um and then on my circle when i select it you can see it's the circle if i zoom way in you can kind of see it's actually little lines it's made of 20 flat lines so if i bump this way way way up to 64 then it looks a lot more circular okay now what i want to do is let these things overlap so you can kind of see how i'm rounding my corner and i'm going to use my align tool so i'm going to click on my circle i'm going to hold down shift and click on my other box and i'm going to grab my align tool and i'm going to align them at the top and at the edge okay now i'm going to select both of them actually first i'm going to select the circle and turn it into a hole and now i'm going to hold down shift and select my box and i'm going to group those together so now i have this nice rounded corner and i can turn that into a hole which then can cut off the corners of my project so a little handy thing i'm going to take this back to a solid a little handy trick i learned today is that if you make a shape like this and you think you might want to use it on more than one project you can actually save that shape so you come over here into your shapes toolbar and you're going to go to the bottom where it says shapes collection and i did this earlier so you can see i actually saved this one here i'll change this to a different color so you know i'm doing a different one and you click create shape and if it's not already selected you have to make sure that you have that piece selected let me um cancel back out of there to show you if i didn't have it selected and i click create shape it's going to ask me down at the bottom you have to select a part so i have to select that and then click create shape so then it's going to ask me to name my shape and so if you want to do it with your proper engineering tool you can call it a fill it and i'm actually going to call it philip two because i'm making my second one um and you can say used to round corners if you want to you don't have to can put some tags in it fill it and corner okay and then i'm gonna save my shape and it will go in here and then another handy tool that i learned about when i was browsing youtube today is you can click the um the excuse me the star and that will save it into your favorites so i can't remember where the favorites are down at the bottom so if you like a lot of if there's particular shapes you like to use you can put a star on them and then they're there okay so now um let's talk about how to utilize this so one thing i can do it's that seems really big so i can make it smaller if i hold down shift it will allow me to scale it at the same both sides at the same time oops undo okay so i can hold that over there and i can say oh that's a nice round i like that okay or you can make it smaller if you want to i'm going to drag it just a little bit bigger just so it kind of sticks out higher than my keychain so now i'm going to actually call it a hole and i'm going to line it up with my align tool so i click there's going to be a lot of moving around of the shift button right now so have that finger on the shift button handy okay so i'm going to click this box shift and click click my fill it so now i have both of them clicked together and i'm gonna click align and i'm gonna align them at the top corners okay now from here if i were to i can drag my box around both of them and group it i have my rounded corner but i only have one and i really need to do all four corners so i'm going to undo that and i'm going to use a tool called duplicate i could simply click on this and copy by pressing ctrl c and control v and it makes a copy right next to the one that i have but when you go to try to put it on the other side and you try to pivot it around i will tell you i never got it exactly right i always had to move it a lot and it never wanted to line up exactly okay so this really cool tool is called duplicate so i'm going to click on my um on my fillet and i'm going to come up here to the duplicate button or you can press ctrl d now there's actually two of them there okay i can actually click and move that but i just don't wanna i want it to stay exactly where it is only one of them is currently selected so if i click shift and also click the box now i've got both of them clicked and i'm going to come to the flip or the mirror tool and it says which way do you want to mirror this and i can simply click that button there and it will make another one okay now to mirror this onto the other side i'm gonna click both of these one hold down shift two and oops it grabbed my block also okay you can see it keeps grabbing my whole big box and i don't want it to do that so i'm going to try grabbing this one first shift and hold down my other one so now you can see i only have these two selected and i'm going to go up to the duplicate again duplicate and then i am going to hold shift down and click the box so now i have all of them selected and again i'm going to mirror and send it that direction and say okay all right so now you can see i've got my holes on all the corners and now i can draw a box around all the pieces to select them and click group so now i've got a keychain that doesn't have any sharp corners and of course this is a little bit tall 0.34 that's pretty big i probably want to take it down to about a quarter inch okay so that's how you're going to round your corners and then if you have saved your fillet tool you'll always have it there for future use
Channel: Stephanie Bird
Views: 27,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nInM6vEqYho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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