Makerspace Tutorials - Tinkercad Advanced Tricks 1

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hey everybody its Joe at the makerspace and if you've come to the makerspace and learn to use the 3d printers that we've got here the next question that I always get from people is well how do I create 3d models and my answer is always the same Tinkercad not that Tinkercad is necessarily the best 3d modeling software but it's one of the easiest ones to use in fact it's so easy that I am NOT going to make a Tinkercad for beginners video I think that that's just ridiculous all you have to do is go to Tinkercad comm set up an account go through a couple of tutorials and you will learn how to navigate the view you will learn how to bring in objects turn them into holes group them together to make complex objects and from there it's just a matter of playing with tinker Katz so I'm not going to teach you any of that Tinkercad teaches you that I'm gonna teach you some of the advanced tricks in future cat that can take your Tinkercad game to the next level now tinker cat is always coming out with new tools that it's good to know them and I like some of the new tools that have come out recently I might recommend them to you but I want to I want to go back a little bit let's talk about some of the oldies but goodies that could help you out a little bit more so let's jump in to Tinkercad we go so take your cat up and running here and it's got the interface you know over here on the side we got the objects that we can drag in and you can navigate the few and all those things but did you know that every time you bring in an object it's got these you know parameters for them for instance with a cube you can turn up the radius and the radius says how round the corners are and the steps go to that radius fewer steps let's do one step and you see how chunky these corners are but we do more steps and they get rounder and rounder Router now for about eight or ten there really is that much point going other than increasing geometry because it's a thing you want to do I stop it I stop at eight most of the time but you can also set the height and width and length of it and what's interesting is if you for instance I'm going to set this one oh yeah I'm going to show you two different cubes this one is four by four by ten and it's radius is that's got to be less than two so let's make its radius one okay that's what this one looks like I'm gonna bring in another cube I'm going to set its radius to one okay but I'm going to set its height width and depth using using these tools so it's going to be four by oh my snap grid is on too high do you guys know about the snap grid get to know the snap grid that's not so much an advanced tool but if you didn't know if you're having a hard time controlling how big or small things are the snap grid will allow you to do that by ten in fact I kind of want to show you what it looks like here but yeah by ten okay these are both the same height they're both the same width they're both the same depth but look at how the corners have been affected on this but in fact just to drive home the point I'm gonna make this two by two and I'm gonna increase the radius to in this case I could increase the radius to five but take a look at what it does to it the radius is kind of like stretched out that's because we stretched it out by resizing the box as opposed to changing the parameters of the box so this is a 10 or 20 by 20 by 20 box stretched into the size this is a 4 by 4 by 10 box so I'm gonna delete that one I think that that's an interesting thing to know it's a little bit complex of an idea if you can wrap your head around but here's an easy idea that will change your world I'm gonna change its radius 2.5 though I want it to be mostly a square which is slightly round corners and I'm gonna bring a cylinder in here and I'm gonna treat this cylinder down to be ooh 2.5 by 2.5 oh that snap grid I need to turn it on point 5 you actually don't though you can just type in the numbers 2 point 5 hit tab 2 point 5 did you know that when you see those numbers you can click on them and type them in so I'll click on the height I'll make the height 5 and then I will move it in here that's too big instead I want to make my bead just a little bit bigger I'm gonna make this a five by five by five be easy enough to change so next step you can type in the numbers and change things when you're resizing them and you can also do this during movement you can do this all over the place Tinkercad anytime it shows you a number is pretty much inviting you to type in that number and change it now I'm gonna jump to the workplane I want to teach you a little bit about the workplane so let's say that on these beads I want to have letters so I'm gonna come over here to the text number these are gonna be letter beads and I'm gonna grab the letter G but I gotta shrink down the letter G and I gotta make it be about well I'm going from three on the sides and then oops I did that too fun go now I gotta rotate it up so I gotta rotate it by 90 degrees and did you know the rotation tool I grabbed the wrong rotation tool undo did you know the rotation tool if you keep it inside the circle it snaps to like 45 and 90 degrees but if you move it outside you get finer control and I want it be on the inside for 90 right now but that's how you do that and then I got to position it against there and then I got to move it up and I'm not really sure if it's positioned inside properly I'm gonna make this into a hole and I want it to be about point two down but it's hard to tell like this so I never mind I'll just grab it and group it and I'll grab that I'm not gonna grab the hole and group it group it in and it's not quite right there's an easier way to do it let me show you that easier wait on this side so I'm gonna grab the workplane object have you seen this work playing object before have you try playing with it when you grab it and pull it out here you can put it against your object and it will move the floor to be that surface so I put it there now I grab the letter G bring it in now because the work plane is standing up it's really easy to move this object around and get a position to where I want it I am gonna turn my snap grid to 0.5 here so I can position things nicely it's even easy in fact I'm going to turn my snap grid to point 1 so that I can drop it below that surface 2 millimeters there we go turn it into a hole and now I'm sure of where I put it because I controlled where the work plane was and wasn't that so much easier I love the work plane object I think that it's great now all you have to do is click the work plane object and click anywhere else and it just drops it out there now I will point out that if you have a lot of small geometry close to each other like on the surface of a curve or like the curved corners here this work plane could be put at some weird angles and it will have work with the workplane at weird angles it will move this around a weird diagonals it's okay doing it so be careful with that I generally only recommend the workplane for large wide areas but knowing that you can do that maybe somebody will come up with a clever use for that and surprise me now this hole in the middle has been bugging me this whole time because it's not perfectly centered there's a trick for doing that and that's the align tool so if you click on the object and then select all the objects that you want to line up with each other in certain ways and then click on this a line tool these little dots say okay I'm gonna align everything to the middle to the top to the middle surface here so there we go align to the middle align to the middle now that hole is perfectly aligned in the center of this object because I use the align tool to get it right and the reason why I clicked on the cube first and then selected all of them is because that puts the alignment so that it lines up with the first object that I selected that way I have a little bit more control over so that's how you do that I'm gonna group it now because I'm happy with that okay so I'm not gonna worry about putting the faces on the other one but I do want to show you one last trick before we go and it is the duplicate tool so if I grab this object and oops I didn't mean to resize it I wanted to move out I'm gonna turn my snap group back to one so I can control the movement but easier okay and I duplicate this object the duplicate so I did that with control D but you can also do it with that button right there the duplicated object is right on top of it so you have to move it before you can see it see now we got a duplicate but here's the thing if you hit duplicate again it repeats the transformation that you did to the first object so you can make a whole line of these so if I were actually making alphabet beads I might have put the center in and then duplicated them and got them all lined up and then put the letters on them but obviously I'm just showing an example here but the duplicate object let me show you is so show you something else we can do with the duplicate object I'm gonna grab this last duplicate that weekend I'm gonna duplicate it oops I know I didn't okay good I'm gonna duplicate it but then I'm going to move it a little bit I'm going to rotate it a little bit I'm going to shrink it down just a little bit now remember if you hold down the shift key while you're resizing things it resizes all of the dimensions proportionally now I'm going to duplicate it again and notice that the new one is moved shrunk and rotated duplicate again duplicate again duplicate again and again and again again again and we got a nice little curve here if I had have done a bigger rotation we might have ended up with a conch-shell this is really fun it's it's really good and it shows some of the functionality you can take and duplicate things around a sphere and as long as you get it right it'll pop up line it up around the sphere and stuff like that so the duplicate object is really cool now one last mini tip do you know about have you played with all of these things here and have you learned have you found the shape generators under all I love the shape generators there are so many great tools in here and you can lose a lot of time playing with them and I recommend you do I recommend you go in here see what tools they have these were created by people and if you ever find one that you really like that you think you're going to be able to use like this circular array I love this tool that allows me to come in here and create an array of objects in fact I can even say I want to do a custom profile and make a shape that I want that looks however I want it to I can make more copies of it and I can even say I just want half of them now it looks like the teeth I didn't realize I was making teeth but that's okay we're gonna go with teeth I need make them a little bit bigger and stuff it's super cool and I like this tool so much that I just click on the little star next to it and now it's in my favorites so all I have to do is go feature or no favorites and there's the circular array and the other tools that I've found that I like so there we go there's a couple of really great tools for you well I hope that this has helped you I hope that this video will enable you to make cooler things that you will then come into the maker space and 3d print and show me and when you show us here at the makerspace I hope that you'll take a second at our computer and show it off on Instagram foot here for the makerspace so that the world can see what you've done and if this video has helped you please share it with others say hey I learned a little something in this video and it was really great just you know to encourage me to make these videos more often it's proven really difficult to have classes here in the makerspace so maybe I'll do a series of these videos and if you like them be sure to subscribe ring that Bell I'll let you know when more of them are coming out and otherwise happy making hope you have a good time playing with Tinkercad and I hope to see you here at the makerspace
Channel: Washco Utah Library Makersapce
Views: 124,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tinkercad, 3D printing, makerspace, 3D modeling, tutorial, do it yourself, diy, how to use tinkercad, tinkercad tutorial, advanced, best 3D modeling software, how to 3D model, how to make things for 3D printing
Id: qaCCji-nLVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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