How to Make Models for 3D Printing - Tinkercad Beginner's Tutorial

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welcome to chaos Coretech hey guys welcome back today I thought we would take a look at Tinkercad this is what I use to make all of my 3d models that I 3d print so it is a website I'll put a link in the description or it is Tinkercad comm TI n ke r c ad comm it is just an online cad program and cad stands for computer aided design the nice thing about Tinkercad is it's all online so you don't have to download anything no programs or anything like that and all the files are stored on their servers so you can access them wherever you need to which is really nice Tinkercad does have some limitations it's not the most robust CAD program out there but it is very useful and I've been able to do some pretty cool things with it so let's take a look at how to do this so I thought I'd just do a quick overview slash tutorial on how I use this so if you go to the website you'll have to create an account it is free so you create the account you land on a page similar to this you can create you can click create new design and I've already done that it is called test right here so I'll just click tinker this and it'll pop you up on a page similar to this and this is basically your work plane as it says right there this is just a 3d space that you can use to build stuff and for all intents purposes consider this plane your ground because or your print bed whatever you want to think of there so anything you want to print has to be touching that otherwise it'll print out in space and will not write correctly unless you're in zero-gravity in which you and then might be questionable so first of all navigation I'll just throw a box out are a couple things out there so you can kind of see what I'm doing so navigation your left mouse button will select objects so if you click on them it'll select them which is really nice and the scroll wheel Scrolls in and out zooms then your right mouse button will pan the camera around so it basically rotates this the scene so you can come over here zoom in do what you need to do anything like that so that's kind of how you get around then if I click on an object you might notice that there are a couple of things that pop up over it these are little manipulators so if I hover over them it will give me the length of the object on that corresponding axis so if I take this grab it right now it's at 20 millimeters and I can drag it up to make a 35 drag it down anything like that and this one drags that way you can grab the corner pieces to do them both at the same time and then this one up here affects height and then we've got an arrow right here that you can actually move it off the ground but we don't want to do that right now and then there are rotation tools so in actually something that's very cool about this rotation about these rotation tools is that if you click them and drag your mouse outside of the wheel it'll allow you to move one degree at a time but there are a few common degrees like 90 degrees is something you'll use a lot so if you move your mouse inside you can it'll actually snap to every 22.5 degrees so you can hit 45 90 180 anything like that really really easily and that's really nice so just get in here and experiment around you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly it's it's pretty simple to use and very user-friendly okay so how you get shapes in here if you look over on the left on the right side there is this list if you don't have that there should be a little button here you can click comes up and the ones I use the most are geometric and those are just your standard 3d shapes there are quite a few different options the some other wants to take note of are numbers and letters if you want to put text on things so that's really nice but for the most part you'll be spending your time in the geometric shapes so then if you want them you can just click it drag them out and they come on to the plane here so this is great but what if we want to make something a little more advanced than these 3d geometrical shapes well there are two ways that we can manipulate these things we can combine them and we can subtract them first let's combine something so let's say I'll take this down to 2 millimeters and I'll move it over into this pyramid I'll just drag it to fit inside of it a little bit better so now these objects are overlapping but Tinkercad still sees them as two separate objects so if you want to combine those all you have to do is you can drag select and select both of them or you can click one and then shift-click another and then come up here and click group and now these two objects have become one single object so if I click on it anywhere it becomes that object and now every time I move or rotate it it'll do that to both item so that's how we add things if we want to say I wanted a hole right here I'll drag this down we'll just go ten by ten and we'll just set that there so I can come up here to next to color and select hole you can see that it becomes semi-transparent here so if I select those again and select group it'll subtract out that object and create a hole right there so through a combination of adding and subtracting different different shapes you can create some pretty complex objects so let's make a sample object here really quick say that we wanted to make like a little nameplate or plaque or something like that what we can do is so I'll take this and just go down to two millimeters because that's a pretty decent thickness and I'll drag it up in size a little bit and there we have the basis for our plaque so just to keep it simple let's put some letters on there I'll just say hi so I'll scale this up a little bit if you hold shift on this it'll scale them all proportionately super handy tool then I'll do the same for this one I don't know if they have an exclamation point or not symbols maybe that's yep exclamation mark alright and that is upside down so we will just rotate it 180 degrees scale it up that looks pretty good not perfect but it'll do if we want to even out the heights here we'll make them all eight because these are weird shapes they're not always standard size standard Heights and stuff like that so you will get some weirdness so we'll just do that and that looks about like the size that I'd like it to have so now I'll just take all of these and group it so now you can see that as one solid object and if it's oriented like this it'll print really well and that's something to keep in mind when making these things because say that I want to print it like or have it oriented like this as you can see there are overhangs there and it will not print if you've worked with 3d printers before you know that's a pretty basic step in learning how to use 3d printers so you'll probably familiar with that so just when you're designing things keep that in mind because it will be an issue and the more complex an object is the the harder it is to get things to not over hang like that so we'll just do this and it should print fine and make sure it's on the print bed like usual mm and then let's just say that we wanted some holes out here so say we were going to like screw it to something and we have some four millimeter screws we can come around the edge here create a hole and line it up with the edge and then if we hit control D it will duplicate that object and we can use the arrow keys for a little more precise control so that should be good there and then I'll shift select that and then control D those and then put some holes on this side so that's a super easy way to do that type of thing and then I can select all of them select that and then group and once that finishes processing you'll see that there are holes that we could use to screw this to something so that's super handy and something else to take note of down here in the corner there is the snap grid thing so right now if you look on this grid if I move it'll move one grid space at a time so let's say that we needed finer control than that then we can click down here and you can see you can adjust that so we can go five at a time that way it'll only move five five spaces we go point five to get even finer control so if we come down here you'll see it moves half of a space and it goes all the way down to 0.1 millimeter which i think is ten microns I could be wrong on that but that'll give you pretty much everything you need okay so say that you're finished with this what you can do well first of all if you want to rename it because it'll give it some crazy name name up here if you go to design and then properties you can rename it to whatever you want and then say you wanted to download it for 3d printing if I select this object here I can come up to design and then download for 3d printing and there's a couple options here a pretty standard format for most 3d printing software is an STL file but you can select wherever you want now if I just clicks STL it will grab both of these objects it'll just take everything that's in your current project here so but say that I didn't care about this little pyramid thing I just wanted the high IQ so make sure it's selected and that one's not selected come up to design go to download for 3d printing and select this box right here and that is just to take the selected shapes so you can select as many as you want then click STL and it will just download your cats being kind of slow today so you can see it downloads there and then from there you can import it into your favorite 3d printing software and and once again if you've used 3d printers before you know where to go from there so obviously there's a lot more you can do with this and it can get more complicated really fast but that's kind of a basic overview on how to use this so the best way to learn is just to get in here and mess around and it's free so why not okay guys well I will leave it at that let me know what you thought down in the comments I can do more of these because there are quite a few more topics I could tackle on how to do more specific kind of things in here so let me know what you thought that's it for me guys thanks hey guys hope you enjoyed the video if you did make sure you like subscribe and share this video it helps me out a lot you can also follow me on twitter i'm at chaos core tech and once you've done all that check out some of these other videos i've made thanks for watching guys you
Channel: Chaos Core Tech
Views: 422,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial (Media Genre), 3D Printing (Invention), Do It Yourself (Hobby), Software (Industry), 3D Modeling (Film Job), Tips, Tinkercad, CAD, Computer Aided Design (Software Genre), Modeling, 3D Printing, Filament, Design, Shapes, Objects, STL (File Format), OBJ
Id: gsz2PNcAcPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2015
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