KSP2: Building a Space Station!

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I've been making Kerbal Space Program videos since the ancient times of 2015 and among the things I've done over the years one of the most popular topics has always been constructing space stations and flying space shuttles so today let us combine the two and build my first ever space station in Kerbal Space Program 2 and of course use a space shuttle in the process hopefully it'll go a little bit better than the first time I tried making a space shuttle in this game since on that occasion I encountered a glitch that prevented me from deploying the payload so I hit the Vehicle Assembly Building slapped this space shuttle together and it's not really Recreation of either the Buran or the US shuttle it's rather my own take on the craft so don't go commenting saying that it's inaccurate I'm absorbed of sin here anyway I'm Gonna Keep the design of the first payload a little bit of a close kept secret for now and we can wheel this thing out and take it to the launch pad so here we are on the launch pad ready to go let's just check in on how the crew are doing oh my goodness they've got an iPad with a copy of Star Trek Fleet command who instantly have sponsored this video Star Trek Fleet command is available for free on iOS Android and Windows download now using my link below or by scanning the QR code right there and join the fight and get ready to explore the final frontier Star Trek Fleet command is an epic mobile strategy game that lets you build out your own Fleet explore a vast universe and engage in real-time battles with other players and I feel like this is a genre of game right up there for the kerbals and of course for this audience the game features an extensive roster of Star Trek characters ships and locations fully immersing you in the Star Trek universe whether you're a fan of the original series next gen or any of the others there's something for everyone in Star Trek Fleet command so what are you waiting for download Star Trek Fleet command today from my link below or by scanning that QR code join the ranks of Starfleet and start pursuing your goals of expanding territory Exterminating Rivals and exploring strange new worlds thanks again to Star Trek repeat command for sponsoring this video now let's launch this shuttle and a beautiful sight to see it soaring off the launch pad just there and yeah I know I said this isn't a recreation of the NASA Shuttle you know I gotta have the big external fuel tank painted orange because orange is just the best color for space shuttles maybe I should try and uh mix things up a bit like do like another spatial video with a green external fuel tank and a blue external fuel tank and I don't know it seemed like a wild idea in my head it actually sounds pretty mundane doesn't it uh speaking of mundane this flight was fairly uneventable thankfully sometimes space shuttles are quite difficult to steer in Kerbal Space Program one and two because of the fact that it's a very I mean look at it right there's so many different engines and different thrust vectors and you know the mass is Shifting and they could be quite unwieldy things to fly but this one worked pretty well so I'm quite happy with how it turned out um I was admittedly basically just staring at the nav ball I wasn't looking at the screen at all should probably just clarify that when I say not looking at the screen obviously I was looking at the screen but only the the novel none of the other stuff like the shuttle or indeed the separation of the solid rocket boosters as they disappear just there I used quite a a lot of I think it was like 20 separatrons just to make sure that they definitely cleared the shuttle and they cleared the shuttle quickly so they wouldn't strike the uh the underside of the shuttle's Wings and thankfully they didn't now this point had a bit of a weird you might have noticed the audio seems to have cut out uh the vector engine just went really really quiet it will return but for a while it's gonna be a pretty quiet flight but I want to draw your attention to see the underside of the shuttle there's that weird sort of black square that keeps on popping in and out uh that's my attempt at combating the uh the rudimentary uh lifting physics of the Mark III size airplane Parts in Kerbal Space Program the space shuttle if you were to recreate it perfectly well in real life the space shuttle flies horribly was called it was nicknamed The Flying Brick by pilots uh didn't fly very well at all it Fly is even worse in Kerbal Space broken because the real shuttle the out actual you know body of The Craft so not the wings uh acted as a lifting body so the cockpit and the underside of The Craft even though they're not Wings they still provided lift in Kerbal Space Program 2 either the Mark III cockpit and parts provide no lift whatsoever or they provide so little that they may as well not Pride any lift whatsoever so to sort of combat that and to sort of simulate what I think is kind of a more realistic take on lifting body physics I added those wings to the underside of the front part of the Space Shuttle now here I had a bit of a problem where the fuel line wasn't behaving like I wanted it to I've got a fuel line that connects the orange tank to the Space Shuttle and My Hope was that because this is how fuel lines are supposed to work right the space shuttle would drain just the fuel from the orange tank before it started draining fuel from its own tanks that hasn't happened it's just been draining methylocks from wherever I guess so I had to sort of manually transfer up I hear the engine sounds seem to have returned that's good I had to quickly just manually pump some fuel across until I was satisfied that we know we've got enough now in the shuttle that we don't need the remainder of the fuel inside that external fuel tank and uh yeah now we're gonna go ahead and switch to our mono propellant engines uh some dedicated players have built space shuttles to use mono propellant engines for on-orbit activities and indeed our circularization around curb and burn but the model propellant engines in Kerbal Space Program 2 they suck it's just a puff engine and it's really weak and it's annoying and it's much easier and I think more realistic in terms of a Thrust to weight ratio kind of situation to just use the terrier engines and just pretend that these are being powered by uh mono propellant rather than you know um methylocks methylocks isn't even the fuel used by the real space shuttle though so it's uh impossible to recreate realistically situation regardless so I'm I I won't lose I won't lose any sleep over this again though this is not a recreation I'm just saying that that was one thing okay someone says oh but the the mono propeller well there you are it's not not really a recreation I mean I've never been that great at recreating Vehicles I've never claimed to be good at recreating Vehicles either uh so I just try and absolve Myself by not recreating stuff I feel like I've Had My Moments right I'm very proud of my uh Gemini and uh Mercury Redstone and Mercury Atlas Recreations I did my space space race speedrun series and I think I did a pretty good N1 back in the day uh but yeah I haven't really experimented with that recreating stuff much in Kerbal Space Program too but here we are uh are we going to open up those cargo bay doors no we're going to circularize I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I it's hard for me to like look at the screen and also keep things relevant and Punchy and on point but there we are now we have circularized we can start thinking about deploying our payload now I've actually secured the payload to the inside of the Space Shuttle via a decoupler because I've always found docking ports to be a little bit glitchy so I thought we'll use a decoupler instead and uh you can see all that well how well that went and to be clear that was decoupler not a stack separator so it should have remained attached to the Space Shuttle instead it just drifted away and then I pause and unpause the game and it destroyed one of my one of my RCS Wheels my favorite RCS wheel darn it that belonged to my grandmother that RCS wheel my dick up that decoupler took it away but the decoupler also destroyed itself so I guess Justice was somewhat served I don't know what any of that was but there we are we have deployed the first payload and it was only then that I noticed that we had a stowaway on board Tim C Kerman uh was on board the payload yeah I raised this in my last KSP video in fact actually I think it was two Casey videos ago when I went to where did I just go moho uh we had a stowaway like when I revert a flight um the game often adds another Kerbal to a previously empty command pod and in this case it added team Tim C coming to the space station module that we just deployed so that was a shame I was planning on bringing all the crop at once on the final launch but I guess we've got uh Timothy Cummins gonna be there to just sort of oversee the operation I suppose that came probably the trickiest part of this entire Mission and that was uh gliding the space shuttle back to the Kerbal Space Center's Runway uh space shuttles like I say they don't fly particularly well and I've never really been that great at making stable space shuttles I always find they either want to just stall or nose dive and um this was really no exception now granted I did end up going into a stall because I uh I did a horrible job flying this craft but still I just want to warn you that we do uh have to recover from quite an epic stall right above the Kerbal Space Center's Runway but do I manage to land in one piece I'm not gonna spoil the surprise but you're gonna have to just wait and see hopefully it goes better than my last space shuttle mission in which the wings just fell off and everybody died although that was only a test fight I think the final flight did go well I mean there were multiple explosions because the payload wouldn't deploy but then the shuttle did in fact end up Landing okay so it's kind of a 50 50 I suppose uh maybe a 33 33 33 because it was like only a third whatever I'm getting I'm just rambling now aren't I I mean when am I not but regardless I had a bit of an issue with the design of this craft because ideally I didn't actually want to have any wings at the front because having the wings at the front with the control surface active means that the center of lift is in front of the center of mass which is like the biggest cardinal sin when trying to make stable aircraft but if I don't have the control surface active on those front Wings the space shuttle wool just nosedive into the ground it just can't pitch up that was where my contention came when I was like really it should because you know that this lifting body physics should be applying and all that so I've kind of got the parts managed open and I've got the pitch control activate and deactivate slight button thing on the screen there and when it comes to actually doing the landing I'll need to just activate that so I've got some Pitch control at the front of the craft so I don't nose dive as you can see I was rather spectacularly about to overshoot the Kerbal Space Center so I rapidly started just spamming all the controls ended up inducing a stool and it took a while to recover from the stall actually and then I had a problem where the controls actually inverted but the invert control switch isn't toggled so I'm not sure so for me W was Pitch up and S was pitched down I'm not quite sure why that was it I'd like I had to do a step you buy a scene comment if you saw it there was a stealth quick clue just there because I kept on smashing into the ground I'm like why is this happening and then I suddenly realized oh my controls seem to have inverted so I wasn't quite sure um why that was but yeah so in case maybe this happened to you and you know and you know what triggered that you could let me know but not quite sure what happened there now we are now just over 10 minutes into this video we've only deployed one module and I didn't want this video to be too long it's already like half an hour isn't it I don't really like making super duper long videos so for the rest of the uh the payloads we're just gonna launch them on conventional Rockets because I don't want to waste you guys time you've seen a space shuttle launch and my most viewed video ever on this channel as of me recording this commentary so the 8th of April 2023 um was building a space station and early the first launch featured the space shuttle so it's I'm really I'm just doing an homage to that video really I'm probably gonna create an edit for this video like to music to make it like a literal shot for shot remake of that uh video that really helped Propel my channel that was one of my big first big successes and I guess it is still my biggest success because it's still my most viewed video but I was like got me from like 18 000 subscribers like 25 000 subscribers like really really quickly so yeah here we are by the way launching the next rocket I still got to be a bit quiet listening to that launch sound effect wow the sound design I've said this now Ad nauseam but it's great anyway uh speaking of sound I guess if you want to check out that music video edit of this video from the link in the description uh then oh bit of a wobbly rocket I had to cut the throttle just try to keep things on course yeah this was an incredibly bendy machine in this thing uh yeah I've delayed it I've interrupted myself once again but yeah if you want to check out the music video edit of this video then click the link in the description uh this isn't financially motivated it will get copyright claimed straight away uh because I don't know the rise of the music so all the music will be going to the record label of um uh Two Steps From Hell the people that made the music so yeah you're welcome guys Two Steps From Hell if you're watching this video maybe you guys could just you can check that out if you want I'll be editing that video and making it just for the fun of it really and for the Nostalgia I suppose uh but here we are yeah we've uh ditched that very you know Troublesome first stage we can get to Flying the upper stages now what is this module I guess if it wasn't obvious this is a fuel Depot we've got the classic jumbo orange tank um that's going to be the fuel we've also got a large amount of propellant Reserve as well I just now realized I probably should have put some hydrogen fuel on this thing right that would have been sensible oh well you live and learn don't you and there goes the second stage now we've got our final upper stage it's got enough Delta V to not only circularize and then get ourselves an encounter with the space station but also has enough fuel to the orbit itself yes I finally remembered to put a probe core on the lower stage so it could actually deorbit itself not leave any debris in space and it's got some parachutes so it can safely land as well I did forget to uh detach that nose cone though like the very top of the stack has a nose cone to protect the docking port and my plan was to Stage that before I ended a circular orbit but I uh I just totally forgot to do that and I only realized once I was actually about to do my docking with the space station so uh yeah I did leave some debris in space in the end but I could destroy it from the tracking station and so my mind it's at peace and yeah I built a lot of space stations over the years over my career and I kind of have two kinds of space station I have realistic sized space stations like the one I'm building here and like the more absurd sci-fi ones like my ring stations the big Spaceport I built in fact the life on late space station was pretty big as well um I don't know I like I like there are I think there are pros and cons to both but for this video if my first ever space station Kerbal Space Program 2 I decided to go for a kind of more realistically sized station I would need more realistically sized launch Vehicles all the launch vehicles I think in this video are fairly reasonable um I think the rocket that launches these solar array is probably a bit goofy because it's very long and thin and the fairing is very very tall and it just looks a bit not very realistically proportioned but I think other than that obviously the space shuttle is a fairly realistic vehicle given that it was based but not a recreation of a real vehicle and this one I feel like is a fairly you know believable believably cautioned rocket I'm saying all of this whilst we're on the map screen so we can't actually there's no point of reference uh but forgetting like Rendezvous and stuff the map screen is you know easier and I think you know the uh the Kerbal Space Program 2 UI for getting a Target intersect it is growing on me I didn't like it at first because I guess I was just used to the KSP one uh intersect system but I think I mean I'm liking this one maybe it's just like Stockholm syndrome kicking in what do you guys think I think generally the community still seems to prefer the ksp-1 UI over the ksp2 UI I don't know how much of that is related to the parts manager and you can't just right click stuff anymore because I know for me that's my single biggest contention with Kerbal Space Program too is when you're building a craft you can't just right click something like a cargo bay to quickly open it you got to right click it and find it in the parts manager and you know when you're flying you've got to just use the parts manager rather than just instinctively right click whatever it is you want to you know do something with and if you accidentally right click apart there's then like that agonizing like three four seconds where the game just freezes whilst parts manager thinks about appearing there are some things about pass manager that I do like though so I think it'd be nice if we had maybe the option to have both just a parts manager and the right click context venues that would be my happiest balance I think I'm gonna just artificially boost up the brightness now for this bit because I could barely see what was happening and I can still barely see what's happening now so um I'm adding a brightness filter for you guys you can sort of somewhat see and people clearly what's happening also a negative because now uh you're gonna see how horrible my docking is in my defense I could barely see the docking port I was aiming for and I was I decided you know what I'm not going to use the loud lazy method because that would be unrealistic or more unrealistic than normal in this specific situation I don't want to have the space station do anything to make the docking easier I want to do all of the docking with the the craft that I'm controlling and docking to the station and also because I feel like I'm probably a little bit out of practice with Docking in air quotes Norm normally I probably should get some practice in make sure I still definitely know how to do this as it turns out yeah maybe some more practice would be good for me because uh I suck but as you can see I'm solely but surely getting there we're getting on a fairly good alignment right here and uh there we are is that we docked yet I can't even tell yes we are we have docked because I've now time warped to the light side of the planet to get a good look at our station so far um you know L-shaped station so far and I'm gonna go ahead and decouple the engine stage and deorbit it safely down to the surface of the planet again uh it wasn't without problems though this as you're about to see am I gonna switch to it in just a second oh there we are uh I set myself on a retrograde course all good so far I thought yeah this looks like a good place to start our deal with burn throttled up and as you can see uh nothing nothing happens I thought we'll do to deactivate and activate does that fix it and then no com Net Connection and I'm like I'm sorry I feel like I should I got a commutatron I don't know if it's the right client I think it might just be the relay kind not the direct communication kind of community Tron but it's giving a trump regardless and also I'm in low carbon orbit I feel like it is reasonable for a probe of this size to be able to communicate with the ground I mean how big was Sputnik I bet it was a lot I know it was a lot smaller than this so really there's no excuse I know yes but Nick there were Ground stations but there are ground stations to cover space program so I refuse to accept that this is uh an intended part of the gameplay and also because I asked Nate Simpson about this and he said yeah that is a bug so see I think it is a bit of a bug where probes just sometimes won't communicate with kervin even when they're in low carb in orbit and they should in theory be able to so I had absolutely zero guilt in disabling the difficulty option that requires comnet connections to be active in order to control a probe because I feel like ah this isn't really my fault in the end of the day this isn't even an essential part of the mission it's just here to sort of appease the Solar Bears and all that stuff and help the environment not leave debris in space etc etc and I also failed on that count anyway because I left the nose cone floating around round up there I'll delete it at some point in the tracking station but just I don't know I know it's there really forever reminding me of my shortcomings as a pilot got real sad real fast didn't it speaking of things that got sad uh a bit of the the engines just didn't fire up for some reason and that's gonna be a recurring theme throughout this video which you'll see as we do the uh the following launches but we haven't done the following launch yet because we haven't even built the rocket let's go ahead and do that this is the rocket I mentioned earlier in this video the really tall skinny one this is just going to be launching the solar panel array so the payload is fairly simple you can see me building it here it's just three trust structure pieces uh with some mono felons tanks at either end to provide fuel for maneuvering it to the docking port we've got the docking port itself and a probe core and some batteries I think and that's that's basically it that's the whole thing and then I had to build some sort of Rocket underneath to just carry this thing to space I mean that's what a rocket is right I don't know why I needed to clarify that but yeah as you can see I decided to uh entomb the payload inside a payload fairy I thought yes I the last time I tried using fairings in a different video uh it didn't really work the fairings didn't really separate properly and then they ended up just uh suddenly dropping straight down to the surface of kerbin rather unrealistically so thought let's just try again hopefully it works better and here we are about to Launch all right so I know I did say that this rocket was going to be very tall and skinny I guess it's not really I think I was just thinking along the lines of I suppose it's quite tall and skinny but I probably should have highlighted more that it's just got a comically long fairing because uh the rocket itself does it all it's not very aerodynamically stable either despite those uh four Tail Fins uh yeah then we've got a big tall payload fairing because the payload is very tall but it's not very light so it's actually that much rocket underneath the payload pairing to carry this thing to space so we ended up with this rather silly looking thing I mean in real life you know the 18 ksb1 because you've got the robotic parts we could just have the uh the truss extend itself or I guess in real life the uh the ISS trusses weren't just launched as one single piece they were launched in several components but I didn't want this video to be going on like too long right I could have done loads of different launches for the solar trusses and assemble them all but a I couldn't be bothered to deal with the uh the glitchiness of the ksp2 docking port and also I couldn't be bothered and also so that would just make the video really really long so I decided to just make a silly unrealistic rocket because isn't that the point of Kerbal Space Program and also save some save everybody's time and just launch it as One Singular piece but I got a pretty good type up yeah so the the payload fairings all did separate itself away from the rocket but then it didn't do so in a very realistic manner I then had another bit of an issue which you're about to see in a second when I cut to the map screen my orbital line has disappeared which I thought was patched out with KSP patch number one but I guess it wasn't so I had to you know go ahead and edit my save file to set the uh the vessels state to be in orbit rather than landed and that fixed the issue uh speaking of Patches by the way KSP patch number two has come out for you guys I think in theory I'm pretty sure the release date is on the 12th of April I hope that's right now I'm just gonna quickly open Twitter and check okay I just checked and yes the KSP Twitter is still saying the 12th of April so if I'm wrong it isn't my fault I actually checked this time anyway the reason I'm even bringing that up is because as I mentioned earlier I'm recording this commentary on the 8th of April which is before the 12th of April I think you'll find so I haven't got patch number two so there may be glitches and stuff that happen in this video like the fairings or kind of the uh the the probe cores not we gotta communicate despite being in low carbon orbit uh that might have been patched out with patch number two I don't know but I'm just adding this disclaimer here just in case it all has been and you guys are like why is this happening to Matt when the patch has fixed all of this would I know making this disclaimer 23 minutes into a 30 minute video so uh really probably should have mentioned that a bit sooner too I should have mentioned sooner as well if you are enjoying the video guys so far like enjoying things like the brightness enhancement effect that I've once again implemented so you guys can see what's happening and make sure you leave a little like down below it really helps me say above water the whole YouTube algorithm thing and uh yeah if you're not subscribed then subscribe if you like this if you hate this also subscribe because that really helps my numbers and my own ego there you are just good get those little things out of the way I'm really just trying to distract you guys from the once again horrible attempted stocking that I'm doing though I think it is going a bit better than the first docking I did really what I should have done was try to set up my you know Target intercepts to be on the light side of the planet so I don't have to add the brightness effect and it just makes it nicer like it's still not great for you guys like although you can sort of see a bit better than I could it's a very washed out image and not that great so for the next launch I promise I will be doing it on the light side of the planet uh I learned my lesson after this one that launch is coming up very soon because as you can see wait for it oh nearly there there we are we have docked and that we're gonna we are now gonna time up to the light side of the planet so I can disable that brightness filter as you can see it's starting to look like a space station it's still quite small but there is something so satisfying about assembling something in low curb in orbit and just seeing it grow with each successive dock I don't know it's just always one of the things I find really fun in this game I tend to find to simpler missions to be more enjoyable and more complex ones and that's not just because more complex missions are more prone to things like glitches and cracking attacks but also I don't know it's just more relaxing I've got to think too much and it's just just nice just to see things materialize in front of you um when it's like a really big craft and a really big station it's more frustrating and boring more than anything because obviously I speed the footage up for you guys you don't get to watch this in real time like I do so uh yeah and I have to watch the footage back a lot when I'm I edit it all together and I do the commentary and I often need to then re-listen to the commentary so I end up watching the content in my videos like upwards of five times before it's even on YouTube so I end up getting a bit bored with the more you know with a more edit heavy missions I guess here we are firing up those engines I was like yep they definitely work let's throttle up and they didn't did you guys see you could rewind if you didn't just press J on your keyboard to rewind 10 seconds or just double tap to the left you're on mobile uh yeah I throttle up to 100 and nothing happened but I mean I guess we still got the fuel tank despite you know the engines probably represents the most significant cost investment uh whatever there's no you know money system in KSP too so it's fine and here we are by the way I'm just showing you guys the deployment of those solar arrays I probably should have spaced them out a little bit more but yeah whatever it was fine now we're gonna build the biggest module of the space station and that is the uh well it's just another crew module because it was the only modules we have in ksb2 but imagine if you will this is some sort of laboratory or that's it what other rooms do you have on a space station this is the bar and swimming pool uh there's a snooker table in there somehow and that's what's on this module this is the part of the video where I start to flag a little bit in terms of doing the commentary because what what launch we on now this is like the one two three four yeah this is the fourth launch and there's only so many times I can say this is the payload that we're building here this is the rocket and then we're gonna just go ahead and finish doing the rocket and add some paint then we can go ahead and Crossfade over to the launch and here we go yeah I didn't show the rest of the build like it was basically done I added some winglets to the bottom and changed some of the colors and all of it all a bit tedious to watch so I just crossfaded over to the launch and then here we are yeah this uh this was another very flip happy rocket I initially put small well I initially didn't put tail fins on it and that didn't go very well and then added just smaller Tail Fins and that also caused the thing to flip out so I just made the wingspan a bit bigger and then we launched once again uh because I had to revert this twice it ended up doing that glitch where the launch button stopped working you know when you press this must have happened to you maybe possibly when you press the launch button in the VAB and then literally nothing happens I had to restart the game twice in order for that button to uh you know become responsive so I was toying with the idea of doing another module after this launch I was like oh I think the game is telling me that uh this save is nearly dead so let's just call it today uh this could be the final launch and I think this is kind of a good length like I think half an hour it's a good sweet spot of a longer video but not too long like not obnoxiously long like I I heard today the Martin Scorsese has got another film coming out and it's over four hours long or apparently maybe it's just I can't remember what the headline was I already read the headline I'm a redditor what can I say but yeah it's like four hours long I'm like I'm sorry that's just too long I don't care I mean it's Martin school's easy so it's gonna be a masterpiece but I don't know the Irishman was brilliant but all I remember was just like how long it was like it was such a long film but then on the flip side like Wolf of Wall Street was three hours long I could I could have sworn that was like a 90 minute long film because the pacing was so good and I think maybe if anyone could pull it off it's Martin Scorsese so yeah that was a really weird tangent this channel is not Martin Scorsese so video is longer than half an hour I feel probably gonna start dragging on a bit too much obviously there are some missions that do warrant longer run times for example Jewel five missions or very complex things like multiple launched Colony ships that have to do a massive Voyage you know just run remain in low carbon orbit like a space station designed for low carbon orbit wood like the one in this video now in terms of a final epic flight to wrap this video up it's a bit of an anti-climax this one because again it's largely just done in the map screen because that's the easiest place to do a flight like this although I deliberately delayed but like I could have got an incept much sooner but I deliberately decided to take a bit longer to reach the space station such that we would be approaching it on the daylight side of kervin's that I could see everything and you could see everything the video would be better be more enjoyable for me as an epic gamer filming things just a good times all round so yeah that's why I'm just trying to sort of postpone our closest intercepts to be on the other side of the planet and I'm throughout that entire ramble you can see that I'm basically there one thing that did postpone our intercept that was not planned you may have seen it kind of a I don't know maybe like a minute in the past I accidentally clicked on the throttle gauge and I was meant to click on my uh you know velocity the yellow velocity button change it to be relative to Target it which meant that I accidentally throttled up and I messed up my intercept and I tried to fix it but it ended up with a worse intercept than what I had before so in case you're wondering hey why did Matt do that because now everything's a bit worse mud didn't mean to do that I'm just an idiot and I clicked the wrong thing but it's so it was all fine as you can see we've got way too much Delta V I did consider like going back to the vehicle in the 70 building and removing some of the fuel from you know from the rocket so that we don't end up with like literally over a kilometer of Delta V remaining because that's inefficient but I was aware like I said earlier that the uh the game was starting to crumble a little bit like I make a new campaign say for every Mission I do in ksp2 for videos uh and I was thinking like maybe this campaign is starting to reach the end of its natural life it's gonna go supernova very soon so let's just go ahead and uh stick with this rocket and accept that it's very overbuilt and when Matt's doing the commentary because I refer to myself in the third person by the way like Caesar when I'm doing the commentary I'm can just explain that yeah this is why and that's the reason and now I've just done that to I've got that bit out of the way and I've successfully distracted you all from another horrible docking but we docked nonetheless did we not so I'm not going to take it as a major loss speaking of losses though every time I've tried recovering a rocket stage so far I've lost the engines which as I've said probably the most valuable asset when recovering a rocket Sage I thought let's try and splash down in the ocean but I did say that was above the KFC so I was like let's try and splash down in the ocean just next to the KFC so excuse me about the ultimate finish and then I decided far too late hey what about the Lakes by the launch pads but at that point it was too late I've already planned that properly and then I ran out of fuel so that's why I suddenly did that weird little maneuver with the stage but I guess it kind of served a purpose because by draining all of the fuel we ended up with a much lighter payload it would have been better to use that fuel for the final Splashdown but given the fact that clearly you know the firing of Rocket engines for these stages is not very reliable would be better to just rely on the parachutes and as you can see the prices did a did a fine job and I hope that maybe perhaps you'll think that I did a fine job with the Assembly of this space station we're gonna do a little fly around tour with Tim MC Kerman the stowaway uh sort of get him through the solar panels in a very you know NASA would definitely do this where they've got astronauts on Eva and there we are we can get him inside the Coppola module it's a shame that it doesn't have any transparent glass because that would have been a great little shot to finish the video on Tim C cabin looking out into the cosmos from his observatory in fact none of the major modules have transparent glass just one little command pod that doesn't really have that many great views but yeah there he is getting on board but there we are that's the space station that pretty much wraps this video up but I gotta give a massive thank you once again to Star Trek Fleet command for sponsoring this video it's available for free on iOS Android and Windows download it using my link below or by scanning the QR code and join the fight both sponsors of this Channel and of course patreon and channel members help make all of this content possible it's made of patreon and channel members their names are now on the screen thank you all for your generous support you can join their ranks and see your name and knights following the links below but yeah there are two other videos on screen that YouTube thinks you'll like hopefully they're both good picks in fact actually perhaps I might make one of them the original space station video that I made that got like loads of views so you guys can see that as a little piece of Matalan history if you don't see it already anyway I've run out of time so thanks for watching and goodbye
Channel: Matt Lowne
Views: 723,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksp, kerbal space program, kerbal, space, program, jebediah, kerman, matt, lowne, matt lowne, nerd, british, funny, epic, commentary, abridged, amazing, gameplay, ksp2, ksp 2 gameplay, kerbal space program 2, space station, ksp space station, space station ksp 2, matt lowne space station
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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