Can You Only Use Springs To Beat Poly Bridge 2?

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hey guys today i'm back in poly bridge 2 with quite a special video i want to try beating all of world 4 using only springs for support the spring speed great tools occasionally but making entire bridges out of it will require some careful planning to prevent it from becoming a floppy mess so let's get right into it so i started out by picking the first level in world four and i just want to try it out here now if i load up my original solution here you can see how it works i need this truck to get across hit a checkpoint and then a boat needs to come through and not break everything and then the truck needs to get back across and the usual solution should be to use a hydraulic but that's not really an option here so i'm gonna need to do something weird with springs now starting out i supported the middle of the bridge and that was because there's this rock in the middle and it gave a really nice anchor point and you can see here it's able to support itself up just fine but i need the left and right sides to also be standing so to start out i wanted to support the bridge as if there's no boat that's going to come through here and just do it completely normally i figured once i had that then i could start worrying about the boat but the middle of the bridge was breaking when i tried testing it and i had to think about this for a bit but i realized that as the springs start to settle the roads get taut in the middle and that causes them to break to solve this i'm gonna need a gap in the middle of a bridge and it doesn't need to be that big but it just allows the bridge to pull apart a bit and that allows the truck to get across now of course the boat's still gonna come through and break a bunch of stuff so i still need some way to get the truck over there and to do that i built up a roadway like this the plan was to drop it down once the truck got across and then the truck would be able to get on it but one problem with it is that that bottom road is gonna block the truck from getting over in the first place so i have to remove it and replace it with the spring this will allow the truck to slip under it but it's not gonna be able to get back on this and also this roadway's slumping so badly it's just gonna get hit by the boat so i'd use a couple of extra springs to hold it up but that wasn't enough so to use even more springs and i'm pre-tensioning them so it pulls it in and after that finally the truck could get through and the boot wasn't breaking it now i still need some way to get the truck on this so to do that i put back in the road but instead of fixing it to the bottom it's allowed to use some springs to push itself up and the truck should be able to slip under it but on this first attempt it just barely couldn't so i had to weaken it a little bit and finally here truck ends up getting across and now as it tries to go back into it it should have gotten on it but instead it just broke so extended out the roadway even more and this allows a much more gradual slope for the truck to actually get on this so of course truck slips under it just fine boat comes through and now the truck can get on it it takes quite a while but does end up doing it and finally here it climbs up the top but it just barely misses the land it ends up just being a little short and doesn't quite work so i extended out the roadway on top and this is more annoying than i thought it was going to be so it adds more weight to the top but after just messing around with some springs i finally got the truck to get under here the boat comes through just barely doesn't break anything and finally get my truck back on this after a while truck starts to climb back up it like before but before the stable to completely fall down the truck's able to get off it and pit its flag the level one was a pretty good warm up but we got a lot more levels here before we get into the next level though this video is sponsored by brilliant as some of you may know i'm currently a full-time engineering student and i've been exploring brilliance introduction to linear algebra course in preparation for my class next semester brilliant makes it easy and frankly fun to digest the course when i have time instead of just memorizing random facts brilliant teaches how to deeply understand a topic while still keeping it very engaging and if linear algebra isn't your jam then they have over 60 other courses and topics to choose from including a gravitational physics course that i think about kerbal space program viewers may enjoy no matter what you choose though brilliant makes learning easy and effective you'll get practice with real problem solving that helps you train your critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills every problem comes with a step-by-step solution that helps you understand the reasoning for each step rather than just solving repetitive problems brilliant teaches you the intuitive ideas behind topics like algebra statistics algorithms and much 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on its own of course though now it's time to start working on the drawbridge and for this i did have a plan instead of actually making a drawbridge i wanted to make a bridge that once the truck is on it it pushes down and it's able to hit its checkpoint but normally it's gonna push itself back up and just barely avoid the boats so i built up a structure here that i thought was pretty robust but when i went to test it it was not really that great so i had to use even more under supports and i was just barely avoiding the boats now i went for a lot more top supports as well which does have a little bit more weight but i was really hoping that the extra springs would add some more rigidity and prevent it from just falling apart and i was also going to add some supports on the right side as well but i noticed that my springs weren't attaching and that's when i realized i was 100 over budget like in a lot of my other challenges i'm not going to turn on a limited budget which means that i have at maximum two times the normal budget in order to get this done so i had to move around some springs just so i get a little bit more strength on that right side and it mostly worked here but i noticed just hitting into the water on the right side so i had to move out the springs a little bit to strengthen it and finally there i actually did get the truck across but the boats were really close to hitting the bridge which was not great so i raised up the roadway as much as i possibly could and after he did that i also pre-compressed a lot of the springs this will make them push up the bridge a little bit and i was hoping that was just enough to avoid the boats now the roadway was a lot more steep but the truck got up it and hit its star but now it was actually not quite meshing with the right side so to do a few adjustments here and finally i did get the truck to get across and now when the boats try to come through they're just barely hitting the bridge so i have to compress it a little bit on the right side and finally here i got it all working so chuck hits his checkpoint gets across we've seen that before and now as the boats get through they just barely miss the bridge and it's time for the card get through as well now i'm skipping level four as well so it was pretty easy and level five here was really the challenge so now we have three drawbridges not sure why this campaign is so many of those and just somehow make this work but i can't really do any of the techniques i've used before so i decided to come back to this one once i did a little bit more testing and i wanted to see what level six had to offer now level six is called safety gap and that's because you don't actually have enough roads to get to the end normally you have to space them out like this in order to do it which is a little tricky here so i decided i might as well just delete everything and keep the road placement since i know that the roads are placed correctly and i might as well figure out some way to support it in order to do this i just linked all the rules together with springs and i started building up the left side once they had something that was mostly holding itself up i compressed it a little bit more and i started working on the right side as well now with all of it done trying it out here it was sort of working it was actually holding itself together good on both sides but getting the middle supported is definitely going to be the hard part i have no rocks or anything to support it from underneath so i have to support it from the sides and that lack of support caused it to just fall right into the water now i had plenty of budget at this point so i figured i might as well just go crazy with the springs in the middle and see what supports it so adding a little bit more helped but it still didn't quite do it so i just added an entire additional layer of springs here to support it but even this really didn't seem to change things at all it was falling almost the same distance into the water so one thing i was thinking was adding in a chain of springs like this and setting them to be stretched that they'll pull in the middle of the bridge but this seam did not really help the left side and really seem to break the right side so i added in a top support instead and thought maybe that would help things but no matter what the bridge always seemed to fall into the water the exact same distance so i deleted the bridge and i had another idea instead that i thought at least might have a chance at working so i put down the road behind the car and i put down a ramp in front of it now ramps normally don't work in this level because the car just doesn't get going that fast and you can see that when i test the ramp it's just not that great it barely goes anywhere at all and it's not even close to the end but this is where the road behind the car comes in if i put it right behind the car and if i add some springs in place i was hoping to accelerate the car really quickly and get it to fling over the ramp testing this out at first it didn't seem to do anything and then i realized i was actually just breaking the spring so i had to have it compressed less and it seemed to pull the car but it wasn't quite as fast as i was looking for so i added a chain of springs going all the way to the other island and i was hoping this would be able to work and immediately it seemed to be a lot better but i realized this was already not even optimized because slipping under the car really quickly so i added another spring in place and this one really seemed to help but it did end up flipping the car which caused some problems so lowered it a bit more and with that it was going over the ramp really easily so just lowered the ramp to get a little bit more of a straight shot and that seemed to be really good so finally here i added a catching rod on the other side just to make sure that buggy could actually get on it and obviously just with that and should get over the gap hit that catching road and hit the flag and with level six done i moved on to level 12. now i'm skipping a lot of levels here but the thing is their solutions just weren't that interesting and i'll show them at the end but this is the next one that i thought was unique now you see here the id the levels that the truck needs to get across the buggy needs to get up its ramp to the top here and then i need the truck to get back across again so the first thing i did was delete the road in the middle and i was going to drop that straight down and of course i had to replace all the supports with springs now i started out just by doing this for the truck and i figured i'd deal with the ramp later and starting out here is actually not too hard the distance between the two sides was pretty short and i had a support in the middle so with all that done i just needed to work on this ramp now making ramps out of springs isn't great because it robs a lot of energy from whatever you're trying to launch but once i started to make it here i tried to launch out the car and it ended up stretching a little bit too much and that caused it to break so i moved some notes in a little bit more and after that i did manage to avoid breaking it but it did hit into the next roadway and that just barely caused it to not hit the flag so i did a catching road just to make sure it would definitely get there and with that i just needed to worry about the truck now my solution here is going to be something pretty similar to the first level where i have a folding road but i'm only going to do it with a single road piece this time and my first test here it just seemed to break the roadway immediately once i hit it so i had to use some reinforced roads instead and it folded out pretty well but not quite far enough so it deleted the spring i was using and i moved it even further in and i used some extra springs to hold it up after that the buggy just barely managed to get on top and it was time to unfold the roadway this time it actually did work but it was a little bit too low so i moved in one of the nodes and with that the truck struggled a lot to get over it but it did manage to do it buggy got on top and finally here truck gets across as well and that beats the level next up is level 14 and this had one of my favorite solutions the thing is this level is normally not too complicated you basically just have to build a really strong bridge here and both of these semis to get across at the same time now how do you allow unlimited materials only because springs are normally not used in this level so after enabled that it was time to build up a support here now i didn't want to do anything really weird yet and just wanted to get a normal bridge built so i used a bunch of springs and tried supporting up both sides and giving it a test now it held up its own weight but with the truck on it it was definitely struggling so used to reinforce roads to make it a bit stronger and this supported one semi but the second one pretty much immediately snapped it so i went ahead and copied this over to the other side but it was already over budget and i haven't even got the middle built yet so i had to delete a bunch of stuff and finally then i could finish both sides but even so i still needed a mechanism to separate out the two semis the thing is i don't really want to support both at once so if i can separate them out it makes my life a lot easier now starting out by putting a road in the front here it didn't really seem to do anything truck very easily was pushing that around so to give it a little bit more resistance i used a chain of springs here and attach it to that static joint and i was hoping that the truck would compress these springs and slow it down and it started to do that but then it just popped up like this it didn't really get anywhere so then i tried reinforcing this and making it unable to do that but even so it still just bent its way up and these sunlights are really really just too strong so i deleted this and after that i tried putting a blanket of roads over the semi to slow it down and even this just didn't seem to work the semi pretty much moved it like it was nothing and normally this would weigh down any normal car so i had to think of something weird here and for that i was gonna put a road in the middle of the semi like this and i also put one in the front and this is gonna cause the semi to have to drag these roads around and maybe that could slow it down this actually did seem to start working i was separating from the front semi but it wasn't really enough and that's when i realized i could just delete all the stuff in the front only use the road in the middle and have a chain of springs going all the way around the terrain this would mean that the semi would have to pull directly against the terrain and that should stop it from moving at least for a short amount of time and testing this actually did seem to work it prevented the semi from moving for a while now i liked that but i still need to make the middle of the bridge here so i ended up making something pretty quickly here with a bunch of springs and i didn't think it had to be that strong but i wanted it to be good enough that the semi definitely wasn't going to just snap it and starting out here the semi got a cross but then the left side of the bridge folded in weirdly and just caused it to break so i reinforced that up a bit and it mostly seemed to work but now the right side of the bridge was snapping so used a diamond spring instead of the road to make it a lot stronger and after that i attached the road very loosely to the terrain this meant that the first time i was actually able to get fully over this but it just barely couldn't get over the edge it seemed like the road fell a little bit too far so to fix that added in one more spring and finally with that the semi was easily able to get over it and hit its flag now the second semi stuff was like falling off the bridge but somehow it managed to make it all the way to the edge and with that did the exact same thing got over it had a little bit of gap but wasn't too big of a problem and put his flag now that level done the next one up here is 415 and this one's pretty infamous for being hard you have only four roads you have to get all these vehicles across and the normal way to do it is by using some sort of hydraulic mechanism like this now i started out just by deleting pretty much everything here and i wanted to see how badly i could choose this level my first thought was if i could use one road on the top and the bottom and two roads in the middle i might be able to just get this done pretty easily so i wanted to start out by making the roadway on the bottom but the problem is that bike is gonna go second and i need to start by making something for the middle car first so started building up some roads here and you'll notice i'm using steel and this is just temporary because i wanted to get something to work at least at first now i tried putting some pretty big gaps on the roads here but it was just too much for the car to get over and it got its back wheel stuck so i had to move the roads in closer and this worked but it wasn't even remotely close to the end i had to use an entire extra road piece to get there and that's just not gonna work i'm almost certainly gonna need one road for the top and the bottom so using three rows in the middle is not a feasible solution and testing out the motorcycle on the bottom it wasn't even remotely close to working the thing is it was still a massive gap and the motorcycle doesn't get going that fast anyway so deleted all of that and i had another idea instead this one you've seen before and we're just gonna try launching everything over and the case of the car we need to launch it over and back now getting this motorcycle on the bottom to work was pretty easy but i ended up overstretching some of the springs and that causes them to snap so i lowered their tension as much as i possibly could to prevent them from breaking and with that it got up to a pretty good speed but it was a little bit too shallow of an angle and that caused it to hit the wood so i decided instead to brace the springs to the very top static anchor and that allowed it to get a good angle and finally work now the very top vest but i figured would work in a really similar way so i ended up just using some springs just like i did before but the problem is the top most static anchor is actually below the best but meaning that it ends up getting pulled forward and that caused it to go a little bit down and just miss this platform so it's gonna have to use some springs here to artificially create a joint that i could pull against and this was a little bit troubling because it was a little bit too weak and that caused the vespa to miss a lot but after quite a bit of tweaking i finally got it to get over and it ended up clearing it by a pretty good distance and with that done i just need to get this car across now and this one's gonna be a little tricky the thing is the car is a lot heavier so getting it across is not gonna be like the other two now i still have to create that artificial joint which is a little bit troubling but eventually i did manage to just barely hit that return joint and that should be enough to get me back now of course i'm adding it a road on the other side and this is the fling it back over to where it needs to go now this one was by far the hardest to install in place because it doesn't just automatically pull as soon as the level starts i needed to wait and then go once the car hits its checkpoint so i add it into the springs to hold it back from releasing until i want it to and this limited its strength quite a bit it did manage to fling over but only barely so after a lot of tweaking and changing out some springs for diamond pieces of springs finally here i managed to get it over and it pretty easily cleared the platform and got to its flag now there's one level i skipped previously and now i'm gonna have to face it so in order to start this i deleted everything in the middle of the bridge and i just wanted to focus on that very top bus and the reason i wanted to get the bus across was for something that i'll show in a little bit but for now i just need to get the support in place this was a pretty medium length bridge so it wasn't super easy to get the supported but it wasn't that bad either and after not too long i did manage to get it mostly supported it was only slightly hanging in front of the boat so just reinforced everything a bit more and with that i pretty easily got it to support itself now as with before you see that the bus pushes down the bridge and that allows it to hit his checkpoint but i still need to get the truck and limo across as well so in order to do this i was just going to carry them across or at least that was the original plan so i put a road underneath the truck and i was going to put a road on top of the bus and i was going to connect them together with some springs and pull up the truck and it was just going to support it that way and it actually did seem to work just slightly stretching the springs pulled up the truck but i didn't like that it was tipping forward so use some extra springs to keep it from doing that and that done i tried to let it on the bridge here now it was weighing down the bus a pretty good amount here but it still was sort of able to get across i got a little stuck but i figured that wouldn't be too hard to tease out and i want to get the limo attached as well the thing was though the limo is so low you can't fit a road underneath it and in order to get a road under it i'm gonna have to do something a little more annoying so i put a road in front of the limo and i compress some springs right on it and that should flip it up the thing is though i'm also gonna need a road in the back to keep it from pushing itself back at all so if you're using a bunch of springs to hold it up like this i gave it a shot here and it did push it up but i figured why am i doing this so it's way too complicated and also the bus is just barely able to support the pickup truck so the limo probably would make it impossible now while i was at it i fixed up the bus's route a little bit and that finally allows it to get all the way across so truly the only thing i have left now is just to get the limo across and in order to do that i'm just gonna fling it across i can't really think of a better way to do this and also i have enough budget to do this so i figured i might as well give it a shot now to stretch some springs here and pulling it along at first seemed to not be so great so they added a little bit of ramp in place and that seemed to improve things a lot i was already reaching all the way to the boat so i added in some more roads and once i had those in place i tried launching it even further and now i'm getting about halfway into the boat so i decided to add in a catching road but i was already running out of budget here and i was gonna have to start shaving random pieces of my bridge in order to get this done this made progress very slow so i had to sort of test whether or not something was able to be removed without breaking but after a while i did get that catching road mostly catching the limo and it was time to get more roads put in place now here i did get the limo across but it ended up settling right in front of the boat and that just caused it to instantly fall into the water so i added an extra spring for a little bit more power and that seemed to help a lot and it was getting a lot further but it still ended up falling in once the boat came through but at this point it was pretty much just infinite budget shaving and trying to get things fixed and after an extremely long time finally i managed to get the limo all the way across and rolled just far enough that it would avoid the boat and with that done it actually started to roll back a little bit but it just barely started up in time to avoid going into the water and after that it was pretty much just easy it went across those extra road pieces and hit its flag and of course all that's remaining is try to get that bus across but that's pretty much your proving system at this point so we see that finishing up here so guys thanks for watching i'll put on screen now every single level solution and this will include all the ones that i skipped over before i definitely like doing these challenge videos because they end up being really satisfying most of the time so if you want to see more of them make sure to subscribe you have any questions comments or video suggestions make sure to leave down the comments below make sure to like the video if you liked the video and otherwise until next time
Channel: Reid Captain
Views: 525,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9tnTHU5OiX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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