Using Glitches to Make a Train in Poly Bridge 2

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hey guys today i'm back in polybridge and i want to try using glitches to make an engine that can power a train now i've been asked to make a train quite a bit and i think that this makes it a good challenge so let's get right into it so i'm starting out here in the sandbox and you see the first thing i'm doing is playing around the islands quite a bit i ended up just leaving them alone for the most part though and i'm starting on the engine now so i figured the engine is probably good to start with since if i can't make that the rest of the train's sort of not going to be able to be made so might as well just get this working and the first thing i do is you can see i have a stretch spring on a bunch of steel now that i actually have to turn on unbreakable mode so it doesn't all fall apart on me and i actually still kind of does to put an extra steel piece just to hold it all together and you can see now this in theory should work so you've seen before that springs and rotation is just a bad combination and it caused a lot of weird free energy stuff and here i was gonna see if i could just make a very simple one and you see when it returns that red line that i marked before it's actually slightly below it so it's losing a bit of height it's not actually gaining any speed and i wanted to start out with a completely fresh design when i try running this it just expands out and does some weird stuff so i used a few more steel pieces a few more springs i was hoping to reinforce it a bit but it's still compressed oddly on itself so i'd use a few steel pieces to keep it rigid and giving it a test here you can actually see it starts rotating and more than that it continues to do that and accelerates so much that it's at a pretty good clip now so already this was looking pretty good and hopefully reversed its direction i used a wood piece dangling off the side and this actually seemed to work and it started rotating the other direction now so these engines don't seem to care about which direction they go they do seem to add speed to whichever direction they are currently going in so now i'm doing is hooking up four of these engines together and i'm using some four bar linkages to do that now four bar linkages lock the rotation of two bodies or in this case i can use a bunch of them to lock four bodies all in unison and while i do that i should get four times the power out of these engines and here i actually kind of failed to do it you can see it all just kind of fell apart because i forgot to pin all the centers of rotation the other three engines in place so as i did that there you see it starts rotating and it actually seems to be pretty good but after adding the other arms that i forgot to put in from before it kind of seemed to be worse so it struggled to start up and once it did it was going at a much slower speed so that engine was working pretty well and i was happy with it but i thought i could do a little bit better and for that i just want to go for an even simpler design you can see here i have a bunch of steel pieces and a plus shape and i'm putting a bunch of stretch springs on the outside of this and once i have that in place you can see here it starts rotating much better than the other engines do and it gets up to a little bit of a higher speed not something crazy though so i figure maybe i can improve this once again by putting four of these together so to get them in place you can see here i'm using four of our linkages once again to hold them all together and keep the rotation going at the same rate but i do the same thing i did before and i forgot to pin them in place so if you're doing that you can see here i give it a test and it's not really working so it's struggling to start it goes back and forth quite a bit and eventually here you can see it deforms so it seems like attaching these four bar linkages directly to the springs is a bad idea because the way the springs stretch and contract sort of pulls them out of shape and puts a lot of stress in the system and stops it from rotating so i put some arms on the end of this mechanism and i was going to use these to attach the four bar linkages too but it actually gave me another idea you can see it's going at about the same speed and i figured i could use a bit more springs to get a bit of a better speed before i start doing anything else so put in four compressed springs directly to the rotational point and i make sure to put in that star shape once again and giving another test it seems to be going a lot faster than the other engine did and it seemed to start up a little bit better as well so with that done i just copied it over three more times made sure to pin them all in place and use four bar linkages to lock all the rotation together and now giving the test you can see when it spins up it's actually not too bad at all but i figured i could do a little bit better than that and this is the final engine design i ended up coming up with but starting it out here is a bit of a problem the way the springs expand since they're compressed is a little bit weird it deforms the whole shape so to keep it all together what i do is add in a second one of these rotated 90 degrees and then use cables to hold all the corners together and i'm giving it a test nothing really happens and this seemed weird because it really should have been working since the last design i basically had the same thing except that i didn't have the stretched springs so i changed these springs over to stretch springs and made sure to brace it all together and once i did this you can see it starts off pretty slow but it does start to go this told me that the compressed springs probably don't add to this rotation and it's just the stretch springs so it's an interesting discovery because that means that i can pretty much just go crazy with the stretch springs and that's what i do here so i'm putting a bunch of them against the rotational point and i just want to see how much speed i get out of this now when i was putting in some steel to try and brace this all together i ran into a problem i usually don't run into which i have too many nodes hooked up to that center joint you could have a max of 32 and i guess i've reached it now so thankfully all the nodes i already have connected is everything i need so for now it's not a problem it's gonna be a problem a little bit and i'll have to delete springs but i'll worry about that later i have a square structure in place and it should be everything i need to start holding the springs so to do that i'm using a bunch of steel pieces to pin them against the sides i'm putting in only a limited number for now just to see how it rotates and you see it's not bad this is with only about i don't know maybe six springs on each side actually pulling against this and not even fully pulling against it so the fact it's working right now means it actually probably is a pretty good chance so i put in two more sets of springs holding all these fully taut and giving another test now you can see it's not bad at all it actually seems to rotate much faster than the other engine did and it gets up to a much higher speed so already this isn't bad and there's still some optimization to do and that's what i'm doing now so i just have a few more steel pieces to put in on the corners and once i got those in place you can see here it starts up much faster than the other engine faster than it did before as well and the speed it gets up to is crazy it's so much faster than the other engine it actually rotates about 50 faster than the other engine and i don't really know if i could do better than this because to be quite honest i've literally never seen something rotate this fast in the game it's a rare situation where i actually have something that's much better than i expected it to be now i also connected up four of these together and it works but it's not really an improvement on anything and if i go to 300 speed it starts lagging my game so i just decided i didn't want to deal with that at all and instead i'm just gonna work with one of these engines to power my train it was an interesting quick side thing this is actually working so well i wanted to see if i could do something that i have never done before which is make a boat now this is very difficult because every time i try to do this everything just sinks and it's really hard to get enough speed and force to push myself up through the water and now giving a test you can see it falls in the water and it starts to push itself forward a bit but it's undeniably sinking and it's not even close to working so if i want to make a boat i'm going to need mods or something i'll need to worry about that later for now though i want to get this train working and i start building up a bit of a flat piece of land to start putting the train on and i just want to set the engine on the ground and see what would happen and it's not rotating at all but there is something interesting happening it's sliding slightly and the ground's not sloped or anything i think it's just trying to rotate and that's what's causing it to kind of shimmy over to the side so interesting but not very useful and to make it useful what i want to do is you see i copied over the center square from the engine i'm going to use a four bar linkage to connect it up to the engine and i'm going to use this as the center of my wheel so after getting some frame pieces put in place and also making sure to put a little bit of base in place to hold it off the ground you see here i started up and the rotation for the engine is being carried over so i should be able to use this to power up a wheel so speaking of which next thing to do is well make that wheel and right now i have a square so to fix that i'm just putting in a few more spokes and once i have those spokes in place i just connect them all together using some road pieces and after i have that i just copy it back over onto the wheel but i have a bit of a problem because two of them don't copyright i could fix that in a second though i just wanted to see what would happen right now and has a bit of trouble starting because of this it seems like missing those two road pieces throws off the weight a lot and here it actually really messes it up you see he's jumping way off the ground and eventually falls on the ground now a good sign here is that the engine hit the ground twice and was still rotating in the same direction so this means it should still have a lot of force now maybe there's just some wishful thinking here so what i did is copied over a second wheel and i wanted to give it an honest test to see how it would perform as a car so building up that wheel i had a little bit of trouble getting it put in place so i do some piece of sealed up and make sure to mark its location once i got that they are connected up to the engine and you'll actually notice i have to delete two springs to make this work and actually i delete two springs earlier as well so deleted four springs in the engine to make this work and that's a lot of springs to be deleting so the force of the engine i figured was probably severely diminished at this point and i was worried it wasn't going to work nearly as well now this first test here you can see i actually kind of forgot to make it correctly and it just sort of fell apart so i have to make sure that wheel can't rotate around the pivot point of the engine and to do this i need to add in one steel muscle to hold it all right but want to give it a test here you can see it doesn't really work the engine starts to rotate but then immediately stops and i think the problem is that the engine produces the majority of its power when it's going really fast it produces almost none when it's going slowly so to hopefully fix this problem i'm holding it up off the ground using a split joint and the engine can get up the speed and then this can start moving and you can see now it works well at least until it hits the land then ends up stopping but until then it worked now to optimize this i'm replacing the road pieces on the wheels with steel pieces since it actually makes no difference to how it moves but it is a lighter i'm giving another test on the other side here you see i get up to a much higher speed before i start going and now it hits the ground and it really starts moving so i was a little bit worried that the only reason it was moving before was just the inertia of the engine was sort of keeping it going but actually here it's accelerating as it's going so i was taking this to mean that the engine was actually actively producing power rather than just being some flywheel that it's pulling energy from so to improve the looks of the engine a bit too i just pulled in the corners and it performs exactly the same it just looks a little bit more circular and nice in my opinion and i actually ran this up a bunch of steps and you see that worked just fine it slowed down a little bit but i feel like that's to be expected and once it got over the other side it was still moving so really this seems to have a good amount of power and the next thing i wanted to do was expand out the island a little bit more to give myself a bit more room to run and start working on the body of this so i moved up the engine and pulled it out of the way and i also added in four wheels well i guess three more wheels and the reason i did this to give it a little bit more of a train look i'm a very artistic so i was trying my best here but i think i got something that looked pretty good in the end so i started out with the cow catcher and once that was done it was sort of me just looking at reference images and hoping it was gonna look okay and here you see i got this shape which isn't that bad and just had to make sure to brace it together so it doesn't fall apart and the top fell apart don't worry about that but the bottom actually looked good it was holding the wheels together and now it's focused on the top and for that basically just a bunch of steel pieces put in place and i have this big mesh and you can see it all holds together and everything works well so now i gotta add in the engine and this just copy paste it in place basically and i added two and i wanted a little bit more power originally so i added in the two but this actually wasn't necessary at all and i needed this base in the back for another mechanism i'll show later so for now see the engine spinning up and still works fine and i got this space in the back to use for later now i hook up the engine to the back we only exceed same problem from before it just doesn't have the power to move it while it's not spun up at all so i moved the entire train over to the left side and deleted the bar linkage and here i have a simple demo going i just want to find out a mechanism to be able to couple the engine to the wheel after a certain amount of time so it's able to spin up first and here i just have four bar linkages and two squares moving and you see here exactly the same way i've had it before but i wanted to change it up a little bit so instead of using ropes what i'm doing is using some steel pieces and this functions fundamentally the same way you can see as the one rotates the other rotates as well and all is good but if i replace the steel pieces with hydraulics while they're not expanding or contracting i should get the same effect and see that does happen here but if i set these hydraulics to expand out now you can see something interesting happens once they expand out the rotation is no longer being carried over and in fact they're rotating completely independently of each other and i was hoping to use this system to put the engine basically in neutral have it rotate on its own and then only later couple them so it'll be able to be spun up before it has to spin up the wheel so that demo looking good i deleted all that stuff and what i wanted to do was basically just rebuild it for these wheels so here i have the same idea except i have four hydraulics instead of two hydraulics for each chain and it actually initially seemed to be working really well once they expand you can see the engines moving but it kind of stopped and then moved in the other direction and it stops a lot and i think the problem here is that the hydraulics while they're fully expanded out they kind of can mechanically lock into each other since there's only four segments which makes them really tug on the engine and then just completely stop it so to fix that problem i put in more hydraulics you see now i have about six on each chain you see the engine is actually getting up to a decent speed but when the hydraulics expand they really tug on the engine and the wheel at the same time and that shock immediately causes the engine to just stop so unfortunately this design just isn't quite gonna work but i thought i had something similar that might do the trick so for that i have my four bar linkages back in place here and the two rotating squares but what i want to do is instead of expanding out the rods connecting the two squares together i just wanted to physically push them closer together so the effect this has is basically the same i'm in effect expanding out those rods but this gives me a bit more of a controlled way of doing it since i just have one hydraulic instead of a large chain of them actually four large chains of them and you see here once they expand it out these two squares are mostly not coupled together and then once they pull back in place they're basically in sync now i can improve this by shrinking down the squares a lot and what this allows me to do is push in the squares a smaller distance and in this case i need it to be a smaller distance for them to be completely decoupled from each other so with that done it actually kind of looks pretty promising and what i wanted to do was just get a rotating square in place and make this work now i couldn't start out with those small squares like i wanted to because the engine has a large square on it and i can't really make a smaller one since i can't connect to the center node so i have to go through this intermediary square and that's basically what i'm doing here and i have a small square in the center and i'm just bracing it all together once i have that i'm putting in another smaller square and this is the one i'm gonna have the hydraulic on so use a four by linkage to connect up the first square to the second square here and you can see how they rotate together and now i'm using a hydraulic and i should be able to push this out and you can see here the rotation from the one square isn't being carried over to the other one it kind of freaks out sometimes and it's because i'm actually not pushing it in far enough but it's good enough for now i can get some good tests in place so i connect this up to the wheel and you can see here the engine starts rotating and it's completely decoupled and only once i pull it in the wheel starts rotating as well and it doesn't completely stop the engine from moving and in fact the whole train starts to push itself backwards it ends up stopping because it ends up having to go up on a little bit of an incline but that was a pretty good start and hopefully get it to move in the other direction you can see i'm using a rope from the center of the engine connect to the outside now this just has the effect of pulling it in a little bit where the rope is and for whatever reason this causes it to rotate in the other direction now this is the most effective way i ever found to reverse the direction of the engine rotation and in fact it's going to be the basis of how i'm going to make the engine go in the opposite direction once i have it do a return trip but for now you can see it ends up working out fine and this actually gets a train all the way over to the other side and it's looking pretty good so now with the train working i need some cars to put behind it so that's what i'm working on now so the first thing i do is just copy over a wheel i put one up in the front and have to connect it up to the train and i also put one in the back as well no the spacing of these wheels i was kind of guessing and i ended up putting them at a convenient distance apart once i did that i just made sure to brace them together so that they're rigid and i went for a weird structure here i'm not sure what i was kind of going for but i ended up just going for this basic steel structure to make it look somewhat good and once i was done there i gave it a quick test now and the engine actually started up fine but it had a problem when i tried to engage it it worked just like it was supposed to but it ends up not quite having enough power to pull the train as well i think the problem is that my wheels were too angular and i need to make a little more round so i'm adding more spokes to make them a little bit more smooth and you can see i got that in place here and once that's done next thing i need to do is just replace all the wheels for this new wheel design and easy enough to do which have to copy paste it on top of it once i delete the old one so i do that for all of them and giving it a test now you can see it starts up the train and it starts moving there's also a hidden gem here because you can see once the engine actually ends up engaging with the wheel the wheel ends up rubbing against the ground doing nothing for a little while until eventually it catches and starts to move so i sort of have a weird clutch system going on but it works and it actually makes the engine not be overloaded until the wheel ends up finally catching and at that point they just had a long enough time to adjust to the force that it actually ends up working pretty well what i also want to do is change out the back car so that has a flat road bed so i can drive some actual cars on it and the last main thing i want to do is figure out a way to reverse the direction of the engine so that once i get to the other side i'll be able to come back and deliver some more cars over so here what i did is put in the hydraulic and that actually just directly reverse the direction of the engine initially i want some way to be able to do it later and for that i put in two hydraulics with an angle between them so these provide no pulling force against that center node until i tell them to once they do that for whatever reason pulling on these nodes reverses the direction of the engine and this allows me to move the other way and here i actually have that demo going you see the engine is moving in the other direction now and in the background here you can see the train's moving in the other direction so now that i had that working all i had left to do is finish up the level and i did that off screen and i'm showing it to you now so starting out here you can see i have three trucks i have a monster truck get on that i have a dump truck get on and then finally i have the satellite truck get on once they do that i have the engine engage and start to move goes over to the other side and it's actually interesting the monster truck gets caught on the platform which stops the whole vehicle and this is the good things it makes the engine be fully stopped because if it didn't fully stop it doesn't really like to reverse the direction as well so the three cars deload they get over to their flags and now i have two more vehicles get on and i have this little elevator to bring them through so i have this big bus and i also have this little vespa as well once they do that i have the engine re-engaged but this time it's spinning the opposite direction so it goes backwards and after quite a bit of time because it actually does take a little bit longer to go backwards and forwards i'm really not sure why that's the case it might just be that the wheel in the back doesn't really grab the ground as well i'm not sure but you see the bus reached its flag and then finally the vespa here and it's the full level so here i'm just gonna show everything once again a bit of a prettier way while i go over my final thoughts and the outro so guys thanks for watching i've heard these infinite energy things can be very glitchy which i mean it definitely was but i'm glad it didn't like explode on me constantly like i've seen it do before and also i'm glad it had a lot of power normally these things have no power at all and i think i just had a really good design going here i was honestly surprised earlier in the video when it was producing a really good amount of force and i'm just glad i ended up making something here that i'm actually really really happy with so if you have any other ideas for vehicles i can make let me know down in the comments in a few weeks or so i'm going to be doing a video where i go over some of your levels that you guys made so if you want to make me some hard ones make sure you put my name in the title i'll play a few of them for a video if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them down below and otherwise until next time
Channel: Reid Captain
Views: 543,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AToc6A6sDFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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