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*Waphoosh* Top of the morning to ya laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to A.I.Experiments. We've done one of these before. I think we've only done one of them, as you can see up here We've done quick-draw which was google's auto draw... Wait, was it Google? I don't know. It was a thing where I would draw something and then it would be like oh I know, it's bike or oh I know its face. That kind of stuff. So you have to try and beat the game or you have to try and like just draw and have the game guess So there's a bunch of different ones like that. I don't know How many of these we can actually play with. There's another drawing one called auto draw. Let's try out this one. Start drawing. Fast drawing for everyone. The faster you click the faster it goes. 'Start drawing' Ok, whoooaa?! So then you can just do this! Oh, I see! Oh, that's awesome. Ok, so how do I clear? Where's the clear? Oh, delete, undo undo. So because I drew two circles, if I drew one circle Then it gives me a bunch of options up here at the top. It gives you ball. It gives you fruit. It gives you Jupiter. It gives you an anvil. I know how that comes out of that. Apparently a circle turns into a fucking...a square? A tesseract, a basketball. The basketball, yeah that makes sense. UFO and smiley face! And an oval smiley face, just in case you don't want to stick to those roundy. Get out of here roundys! Said one of the squares. You just have a normal face. So it kind of builds off everything. So when you end up getting.. Jesus christ yeah, that comes of circle. So when you get circle, then it's like Oh, you mean planet, and then because it goes to planet it starts going towards satellites and then it starts going towards Ufos. That's really cool! Umm. if I draw... Okay, I don't want to zoom anymore. I don't wanna zoom, I just want to auto draw How do I delete? Why can't I just click delete? What's happening? I'm trying to catch it out now I'm trying to see... okay. I'll draw like an iphone Like this. Is that gonna show up? Haha, no. What happens if I put like a little home button down here? No, it still not getting it... Oh! there it is! hahahahahaha Damn, you google auto draw! Oh, I keep saying google, It's probably not google. I don't fucking know. What else you get? 'Start over' Oh, there we go. I can just click that. That's much better. Umm, right okay, if I draw a camera Okay, since I just looked at the camera, and that's what I wanted to draw. Did it come up at all yet? I don't even know if these things have names. I'm not seeing it. I'm seeing a lot of stuff like it like TV and everything But, I want to draw a camera There it is! ha ha ha Two freakin shapes, and it's able to figure out what I want to draw That's so cool. Ok what else can we get? Umm I'm trying to think around my room. Ummm A face! I guess.. how long will it take to get a face. There's one circle It's probably not going to get it off one circle if I draw two it might get there No It's not even showing the glasses this time! It's showin' a of these? (A trumpet Jack...) it's showing moustaches, so if I draw Now will you show me a face? Well, it's showing hot air balloons...It's showing camels There we fucking go! I got this from a circle last time but this this time was like "Nah...We're not doing that" so Okay, there's a bottle next to me what if I draw a bottle a fucking terrible bottle but a bottle nonetheless Yep, there it is Damn, that's impressive...What the fuck are you? A bat! Yeah, that's what this was. That's a bat. Yeah sure thing. If I draw a circle around the bat? See then it starts fucking up. What happens if I just draw a bunch of squiggles? If I draw this what does the thing interpret it as? A Calendar! A spreadsheet...a star... The star I can get. The star I understand. The star makes a lot of sense. Ok... Oh! It's the top of a can! I thought this was a backpack inside a picture frame or something... But its just a pull tab on a...a tin can. Fucking hell. This is cool. Okay. That's what I want to draw. That was it. That was it right there. I like how it turns like such fucking messy shit into like perfect Thick lines. Haha! Yep. These are what I wanted to draw yeah, I drew that. That was all me! Okay, let's move on to a different experiment. This one is called Gorgio cam. Take a picture to make music with the computer. Oh, I need to plug in my webcam because this one doesn't connect to my computer I can't use it like that. So give me one second. Alrighty. Launch experiment. See if it actually loads up my webcam or is it going to be annoying? Giorgio cam. Use your camera to make music with me, okay allow Okay? My camera's not on...I like this beat though! Waiting for you? Yeah, I'm waiting for me as well... OH NOW IT WORKS! Ok that's a lil close! Okay, so I just want to take a picture, okay? Yeah, hahaha. Here we go. Yeah! 90% Got 90% confidence. 89% confidence Ok so you got that. Okay, can you can you get my phone? Can you see what my phone is? Haha that's a bad picture. I like this dude! Yeah dude! This is cool! Okay...cup! I like how my face Beats to it as well Probably hahaha Thanks! Thanks AI experiment! I see facial hair probably...I wouldn't call that facial hair No, you need to get the cup! Ok here we go! Just the cup this time! *Attempting to do sound effects* Yeah!? Thats bullshit! You can't do that! Ok this is a little fucking close. Lets... There we go. Lets zoom out a small bit. Okay, I can't... Here we go. Last one!? No, okay. Let's get a bottle. This is a bottle of beer! It's just going to get my face again Yeah! He fucking did it! Woooooo Byeee! I'm being all sqashed Holy shit. That was amazing. I fucking love that. I want to do that again. Oh Christ The fucking music is so good. Okay restart. What am I going to do this time? This one. This. Can you get game controller? Hahahahaha! You got headgear, yes. Not a fucking helmet Okay, well it fuck it up because it has the..the keypad at the bottom of it GO! Ye-Ye-Ye-Ye-Yeah! Fuck you can't just say that! I'm seeing product... Coool Yeah product. Yeah that's what it fuckin is I don't have anything in this room Ok what about these? These are... I don't know if you can see my eyes. These are look down glasses so when you look forward you're actually looking down. Okay, here we go. Such a dumb picture! i love this song Okay, ah we'll go with notepad Notepad, will you get notepad? I'll get out of the picture This is fuckin nuts dude! *Attempts sound effects again* Ahh fuck you! You don't get it at all. Okay one more time. We've got one more thing! What about an SD card? Oh um I'm showing here Here Here? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeyeyeyeah Thats not what i wanted >:( I'm seeing finger probably. Oook Ok bye That was fuckin good. I love that. That's my favourite one. "The Infinite Drum Machine" "Create beats using sounds from the everyday world." Start playing Okay, bin metal huge door close? Whoa o-o Book hard cover Okay, bag plastic pillow movement. So what happens? Bottle plastic cough syrup replace top. That's cool! So..Oh I can speed it up! Okay Okay, doesn't sound like anything. This one is not as good as the others. So it just takes sounds and it makes a drumbeat out of them, okay? Woo Not feeling that one...naah. A.I. Duet a piano that response to you Okay, can I play some music with the computer? When you play a few notes the computer will respond to what you play ohh! We could we could mess with this, okay. Can I go now? That's not bad. It's not the song I was going for but that's really good dude I can make a whole tune out of this now watch This is that real musics made you play a few notes when the computers like hey, I can turn your bullshit into an actual song Okay computer. You kind of fell asleep at the wheel there for a second Oh i can actually use my actual keyboard! Aha, what you played, it sounded much nicer. Stop playing over me. Give me a minute. I don't know if the bottom level of a keyboard doesn't actually do anything, so That doesn't sound too bad! Holy shit! I wish I could play stuff. It gave up on that one! Hahaha Even the computer's like "Ummm noooo" Really, that's the effort you're going to put in? I put a whole three fingers down... And I held those notes and all you give me is *weird piano impression* There we go Fuck dude. I can make a whole song out of this! Dude I could fuck with this for a while! Beautiful!! Fuck yeah, that's the song of septic. That's what it sounds like. KEYBOARD SOLO!! Fuck dude! You showed me up! Fucking Mozart! Nice...this is amazing. We're going to write the song... For like...uuuh... Like a crime show that's going to sound like... And then you come back with I mean it's not CSI level But even they had to use 'The Who' sound... Sounds... Music! I was going to say The Who's Soundtrack Yes, they played the whole soundtrack to 'The Who'. That's what happens when you're a band you're whole life is a soundtrack. Alright, let's try this Waah! No, I hit the wrong one! Man, I would give anything to hear somebody who knows how to play Piano or keyboard To be able to use this I learned a tiny bit when I was in college the first time But I was terrible at it cause I'm not good with music theory I can play better than you! I can play more! I can play better! Well...Fuck me then! I guess I can't! Okay calm down stop fucking showing off. Okay here's another drawing one. This will be the last one we do. Try to sketch. Rnn demo...where can I...? Multi predict demo. Oh So... Sketch-rnn. Multi predict. This is my fire truck. There are many like it, but this one is mine. So it does different things. How do I actually draw in it? Ah here we go! So I draw a thing... And then it draws many different versions from that thing. Oh it's drawin little birds!! That's cute. So if I draw like this What do you end up drawing out of it? Do you draw faces then? Like little elephants? Yeaaah! Oh that's cool! Okay start over. Oh I can pick! Oookay, so that's why it started off with Birds That makes a lot more sense, so if I draw map. Do you fill in the rest of the map for me? Tell me where I'm going? Nope It's not let me..Oh there we go. Not drawing anything from a fucking map. Uhh predict It drew one line on this one then it said "naah I don't fucking know what that is". Right ok. We're drawing..draw partial hedgehog so I'm going to draw the body And then there we go So it predicts where the hairs are going to be or the spines I guess. How far ahead do you actually predict? Some of them have stop but this one's going fuckin nuts. I'm going to draw a little eye on you and a little nose a little feetsies And then I'm going to see. god There's a fucking alarm going off outside. I don't know what's happening Well, now, you're just gonna draw all the hairs. (they're drawing sonic) Hedgehogs aren't a good one, lets pick a different one We're drawing an eye So... I Don't know if I should draw it like the oval shape that your actual eye is or if I should just do this and see Where they go with that? Somebody made an effort. An effort was made everybody else kind of gave up, but you go on one by one? oh COME ON! *laughs* We're going to be here all day okay, I'll draw some more of the eye then and you guys can you guys can fill in the rest you guys can do the Eyelashes and shit, so go go ahead. See you let's see what you got. Give me give me what you got Nothing. There's another version of it. This is the sketch or an end down what you know I don't want to draw a mosquito let's draw A truck okay It's loading the truck Model I don't know what that means It's got a little nose the little points and everything this type of stuff is fascinating as well just to see how people program this kind of thing. start drawing truck, okay There's a shape, and it's going to fill in where the rest of the truck is Okay, um do I get to pick one of these? Okay, I'll draw the wheels here. Can you show me where I should draw it next? There's some wheels. What should I draw after that? more wheels okay, I'll draw this I'll follow what it's telling me to do and then we figure out how much of a truck we get at The end of it Are you going line by Line? How does this look like a truck? i Know what's happening? I don't know if it's actually predicting the whole truck I thought what would happen is that I draw a line or draw a shape It would start filling in pieces of the truck and if I drew those shapes then it would fill in the rest of it So we could like work together to figure something out, but I guess that's not really how it works this one is a bird Those must be wings. It looks like an ass! No, I wanted to draw a bird this way, like the wings are coming out here These are bird Wings Shut up, they are! *giggles* That's a well-endowed bird. Okay, we'll draw the feet. Just give me a beak. If you give me a beak. I consider this a success Excellent haha. Okay I wanted to try out this last one because this looks cool. *Electric Guitar sound* *Trombone sound* I dunno... *Trombone sound turns into Electric Guitar sound and goes back into the Trombone sound* aah, it mixes sound! So we have a trombone and an electric guitar so if you play some notes, *Mixture of Trombone sound and Electric guitar sound play* It mixes both of them together *Mixture of Trombone sound and Electric guitar sound play* *Mixture of Trombone sound and Electric guitar sound play in a slightly higher key* That's cool! *Mixture of Trombone sound and Electric guitar sound play, then plays more of the Electric guitar sound* So you can go more into electric guitar or more into trombone. So what if we get a harp and a dog? *high pitched dog bark mixed with harp sound* *lower pitched dog bark mixed with harp sound* Wha-ha-ha-at? *weird dog barks* oh god that fucking demon dogs *weird dog barks* *weird dog barks mixed with harp sound* *giggles* god, it sounds like the fuck this is look like a face: the eye, the eye and the mouth, and that's, this looks like the sound that that face would make *weird dog bark mixed with harp sound* EUEHUGHEUH *weird dog bark mixed with harp sound* That's the sound if a dog hit my car, *electric guitar sound mixed with harp* ok *Piccolo sound* *Clarinet sound* *Piccolo sound mixed with Clarinet sound but dies out at the end* What the fuck happened at the end there? jesus. I figured these ones would compliment each other more *Piccolo sound mixed with Clarinet sound but it sound horrible* Jesus *Piccolo sound mixed with Clarinet sound but it dies again* So it's the piccolo that ends up doing that. *Bowed bass sound* *Bowed bass sound* ooh I love bowed basses because bass is one of the cooler instruments. bass lines are some of the cooler sounds I love deep Sounds. I love deep thuddy sounds And I think that's why I was drawn to the drums, and bass is really cool as well because bass has that like, Like that kind of rumble. I like when you can feel sounds as well as hearing them It's very it's a very visceral feeling so bowed bass *Bowed bass sound* Has that like, *WUM WUM* kind of sound to it, it's cool *Bowed bass sound mixed with Clarinet sound* Amazing. I kinda wanna get like a *Sitar sound* i love sitars as well. I kinda wanna get a keyboard now *Plucky Synth sound plays* *Plucky synth mixed with clarinet sound* Okay, so we were plucky synth *Octaves Synth sound* and octaves synths! *Plucky synth mixed with Octave Synth sound* oh-ho-ho that sounded like farting in the bath *laughs* *Strange accent* it was a dark and stormy night when Jack went about No one was stirring Not even a creature *laughs* Okay, well that does it for this video on A.I. experiments. those are cool! umm The Auto Draw, the Giorgio Cam, and the synth maker are my favorites the rest of them kind of fell apart this one you couldn't even actually click into and some of them didn't really do a Whole lot this one didn't even work. But I- well, quick-draw is also one of my favorites But we already did that one. um, the Giorgio Cam was so good Just cos the beat and having him talking that kind of monotone voice. Oh, man. I love it the AI, it's getting too good it's going to take over the world. It's gonna kill us all Skynet's going to happen man. We're all doomed! But until then Thank you guys so much watch this video, if you liked it PUNCH that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! and, high fives all around (wapoosh waaposh) Thank you guys and I will see all you dudes (pitch sound) In the next video *Outro music* I don't know if you can hear that alarm *wewowewo* so annoying
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 6,212,821
Rating: 4.9545116 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, AI Experiments, ai games, ai experiments jacksepticeye, google ai, google games, funny ai games, auto draw, experiment, experiments, giorgio cam, ai music game, Quick draw, picture translator, browser, browser games, camera game, walkthrough, playthrough, reaction, funny moments
Id: fxOyu8hESQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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