major island renovations, BIG drama updates & just chattin

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hi so my name is amanda if you don't know me if you do welcome back to the mess today we're gonna try to be like a little bit less messy we'll see what happens i am hoping this is gonna be a quick video however you know me and if you don't hi i am very long-winded and there's just a lot going on i'm currently going through a very very messy breakup with my long-term boyfriend and honestly i'll be i'll be real with you he's the love of my life kyle the wolf we are really going through some tough times right now and so i'm considering moving in another guy that i had that i'm interested in and my friend blanche has completely screwed me over she's been talking to kyle behind my back she's just completely completely stabbed me in the back so we're gonna be talking about all of that so i apologize in advance if you're just here to watch me build like a cool concert area a cool like music festival area because we're going to do that too that's going to be the majority of the uh of the situation but yeah we're gonna be definitely dishing on some tea as well today i am going to be building my little concert area it's gonna be right next to my campground and it's gonna be kind of like a little music festival vibe so we're going to be putting all of the instruments and everything in the chairs and like getting it ready for concerts i'm like big into music so i always want a place where my musicians that i am always so adamant on bringing into our town we've got kyle i think that's our only musician actually i should shut up marina sings a lot okay so and pom pom wants to be a pop star it's fine but um but yeah i just you know i want to have a fun place where music can happen and there's like a campsite and uh and yeah so we're gonna do that today and we might have time to do our little field but we'll see um but yeah let's see what we can make [Music] she better want to move like i was literally gonna start this video after time traveling one more day because i'm still getting ready but i just walked up on this i am really done with her ass yeah i think that's how it's going to be well i don't want to get my hopes up blanche blanche okay okay even better actually even [ __ ] better actually blanche first of all you know what i'm gonna stop you right there i thought you wanted to move your ass out [ __ ] because guess what you're right on top of my target list you are number one on my [ __ ] hit list i have so many words for this [ __ ] right now and the fact pierce i would i would walk away if i were you i really would thank you okay so by now you've been caught up with the drama you know that this [ __ ] before me is a backstabbing fake-ass friend by now you know that blanche has always had her sights set on kyle and that she's always been trying to move the strings manipulating him behind my back and that she is out of here she needs to be evacuated off this island before she leaves in a body bag let's just say that i'm so mad at her i don't even have the words to describe it so i see her with a thought bubble and i think oh good she's doing the right thing she's eating herself off my island she's getting the hell out of here because she knows how pissed i am at her she knows how badly she [ __ ] up oh no no no no no for some reason i don't know if she bumped her head or what i don't know what she's going through but she seems to think that it's appropriate to approach me about the fact that kyle told her ass off because i do see that kyle told her ass off she was up his ass she was feeding him compliments yeah and he was definitely jazzed about that but i think when she made her move that's when he put his foot down and for that i can't fault him i do give him credit however the fact that she thinks it's okay to approach me about that is laughable and it's actually so insulting and blanche i really don't want to hear what you have to say i don't i really don't i don't even know why apparently i said something incredibly cruel but i don't know what it was maybe it was something about me maybe it was because you made a move on him and his heart is still healing and he's trying to get me back currently and yeah you might have fed him a few compliments that made him feel good and he could use kind of his ammunition which was petty on his part against me to make me jealous but when you took that next step and you made a move on him that was when he drew a line and you don't seem to be processing that correctly yeah i would say you're being incredibly cruel to not only him but to me too blanche you're out of here i want to make up so i got a little gift for him but i'm too nervous to do it in person right now is there any chance you could deliver it for me i would be forever in your debt first of all [ __ ] i'm not doing [ __ ] for you no you're right i'm the one who started the whole thing so i should chin up and handle it thank you amanda no blanche thank you really yeah she knows exactly what she did she really does look at her looking at me she's looking at me like a woman who has no regrets who has no remorse she's so cold lily made you a cake we welcomed you into our community like you were one of us like you were family you were family you were my sister blanche she has no shame she's [ __ ] shameless you know the thing with blanche is like if she's on your good side you're good to go but if she's on your bad side may god have mercy on your soul you know what i mean and for some reason that's the worst part about this [ __ ] it's like for some reason i'm all of a sudden like on blanche's bad side all of a sudden and you know what i do think the deal is with blanche is that if you're in the way of her getting what she wants she'll throw you under the bus period point-blank and a story it doesn't matter if you're her friend she doesn't know what it's like to have friends that's the thing with this girl you know people like blanche they don't have friends they have people that they use to get their own [ __ ] way in life yep that's blanche right there and uh you know what blanche i really should have seen it coming from the [ __ ] fireworks festival i really shoulda fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me shame on me i really have got to stop trying to see the good in everyone which is so sad you know i don't want to become one of those people who thinks that everyone's got ulterior motives who thinks that everyone's shady who can't trust anyone i just want to believe that most people are good but living on this island has broken that down has made me think otherwise you know i see you now blanche i see exactly who you are it's actually so funny how kyle is always saying never trust a wolf in sheep's clothing baby you wrote the book on the wolf in sheep's clothing [ __ ] you really did it's amazing you really pulled it off pack your bags blanch pack them all and pack them quick pack your bags blanch and there's sherb looking like a whole ass villain did you see the look he just gave me that's why i need to run to zakker zucker has been now is the part where i show you all of the phone yep there he is look at him he's not normal he's not normal not for a lazy who's he bringing into this oh my god oh my god was i not just saying that we needed to go run and find zucker oh he came and found us listen i was that's so funny i was just about to start telling you how zucker got right to work i'm sure i was right i was right about everything zucker was pulling the strings behind the last villager hunt if you guys didn't notice like now that i think about it you know how you know there were so many villagers that i wanted but then i just wasn't able to say come to my island i wasn't able to invite them i just followed my heart and the whole time i didn't even mention zucker you know he was just for for whatever reason he was out of my mind but it he led me right to him he was the one behind all that he was the one behind the feeling the the intuition that i followed on that hunt that led me to him because he is here and he is doing god's work zucker's work if you will he really is he's been on sherb i swear to god look at all these this photographic evidence of zucker basically tailing sherb watching him 24 7. and uh and essentially you know just just protecting people from him monitoring interactions with him trying to gauge you know trying to get like a baseline for for how bad the situation is for how bad you know the behavior is if there's anything we can do to help him to salvage his soul to save him to try to rehabilitate him it's just it's really going well it's really going well with zucker here i do feel so much more safe now that he is here no you don't see he's very humble and he tries to kind of like i hate to say like for a lack of better words play dumb but he does just to make himself seem more noble so that sherb feels like he has the advantage he wants sherb to feel like the whole like turning good thing was his idea basically zucker is such a wise being he really is he's such a quiet presence in our community but he's a quiet positive presence look at him see like this first glance you think he sounds just like any other lazy but if you read between the lines you see exactly what he's doing he's saying out loud in words i haven't been paying attention he doesn't even know if sherb is around but he assumes that he's within earshot and the reason for that is because oh my god oh my god see you see what i mean mere steps away mere steps away you see how big sherb's ears are yeah a single slip of the tongue could have spelled our dooms you know he's listening for this [ __ ] i think he's a little bit onto zucker i'm sure he can sense the energy that radiates from such a powerful being but zucker is always one step ahead of him every time this ain't sucker's first rodeo you know when's the last time you came across a chico in a dark alleyway holding a knife have you had any problems with patricia lately or yodel or sven how about rila you still looking over your shoulder for rila yeah we feel a little bit safer nin dory is off the streets thank god holden is no longer at large you know angry violent twerp so many dangerous individuals have been brought to justice over the years and it's hard to imagine where we'd be today if they were still out there terrorizing our communities it's hard to imagine where we would be if they had not been contained by this merciful divine being whose celestial presence has been among us for as long as we have existed he's faced some big threats big maybe even bigger than sherp you know have you ever ever heard of brutus ever seen brutus yeah there's a reason why there's a reason why we don't even you know remember brutus reign of terror because zucker put that worry to sleep i'm confident with zucker here that no matter what happens with sherb peace and love will reign supreme i am confident in zucker's ability to keep us safe and maybe even to save the boy we'll see oh my god but anyway um we're in such a damn mess i don't even know where to begin i really don't anka i don't know what to do girl i think you know and i know and we all know and i'm just gonna yeah anka i really am so done first and foremost i've gotta change my outfit i really have been wearing this the last i don't know five days just getting ready for all of the renovations that need to take place on this island i don't know in order for me to feel like fulfilled i mean things are not good i would say that things are fantastic with my friends and that's kind of all that matters but you know things are really really bad with me and my ex um every time that i think that like it's gonna get better for us for me and kyle you know it it fails to to do that it fails i really am to the point where i will not lie to you i ordered rooney's amiibo i did that's the thing it's like now you probably realize just how very much i need blanche not only off this island but out of my sight like it's it's it's so critical that she gets the [ __ ] out of my sight immediately and that's kind of like you know something that that i'm willing to do anything to make happen but at the same time like i i do have zell's amiibo but i you know i don't think i really want to bring zelen right now i'm really not sure as much as i love zelle that's the thing like don't get it twisted i love zell and if i were to bring zelen it would be for me not for kyle and i do make it kind of seem like that would be something for kyle but it would be for me like i do love zelda zell is one of my favorite villagers and i think that he would be a wonderful addition to our community i just don't think i'm ready for him yet i think that i might just want to do something drastic and bring in someone that i am still feeling a connection towards that i'm still feeling just some kind of a like i don't know something something it's nice to feel something for once you know i'm not even gonna comment on my outfit yeah i look amazing whatever yeah i'm just trying to get ready to like do some renovations so i think that's what we're gonna do today i would love for blanche to move once and for all i'm so sick and tired of her [ __ ] i really really really am however i am also not gonna like try to make that happen because i guess rooney's amiibo that i ordered it'll be here on sunday so when that amiibo comes i'll be able to move blanche out and i will say that i would love to have rooney move in like right the [ __ ] away so that i could just get right to work on like i don't know crushing kyle's heart having a whole ass other relationship with another guy right in front of him like i'm not beneath that anymore because he's just been he's been so shitty he really has he's been pretty shitty to me yeah i i really don't know what i'm doing anymore i'm kind of delirious yeah this [ __ ] is always watching me and it's just really interesting honestly like i know a lot of you are like no we're done with kyle like like dumb kyle like get him out of here but i do i i'm really hoping that he comes through for me and shows all of you that he is a good guy you know with the fact that like blanche comes to me the next day after this whole like meltdown that i'm having about how like kyle's saying like oh blanche is giving me compliments then blanche the next day comes to me upset about something that kyle you know said to her that like that her and kyle got in a fight or whatever like that and that doesn't surprise me that doesn't that shows me that once blanche tried to take it to the next level kyle was like yo [ __ ] this blanche what the hell are you doing absolutely not because that's the kyle that i know and and the kyle that i know is also he's pretty oblivious to things like that so he's the type of person that i can see totally just not even seeing blanche trying to work her magic quote unquote over him trying to manipulate him trying to you know mosey right on in there but i i do believe that once she kind of made her move that was when he really put his foot down and was like blanche no this is totally inappropriate like this is this is completely wrong she's like i don't even know why he's mad at me apparently i said something cruel yeah she probably said something about me you know and he was probably like blanche that's so [ __ ] cruel you know [ __ ] get out of my way i don't want to see you anymore i'm so done with your ass i really am ready to fight i'm ready to fight blanche oh [ __ ] oh this is so awkward this is so awkward why did you look at her like that oh i'm so pissed i don't know if that was supposed to be like like a dirty look i'm right here kyle i'm right here kyle you don't have to mansplain italian to me i'm actually 25 italian yeah kyle's been just like just love bombing me lately and i don't know i don't know what to think the fact that he's wearing like a beanie with like that very i don't know i don't know what he's doing i don't think he knows what he's doing but that was obviously very weird where the hell did blanche go would she go to goose's house probably but anyway i don't know what i'm doing right now i'm just kind of like running around being an idiot but yeah i think it's time for me to get started on the little renovations that i want to do i think i might should i time travel one more day to see if blanda leave now let me just get started with this [ __ ] why not all right let's do this we've got a few things oh anka what are you doing every day every day she's here like i don't know what that is actually i have no explanation i don't know let's just get right to work with this building project we're going up here we've got quite a bit of a situation right here as you can see wow so i have to start by just cleaning up nature's mess it's fine i do feel like these pine trees shed an awful lot though right like don't they okay so now i can finally move this right here is going to be like the stage i guess i should probably put my little helmet on yeah i think i should start construction yep okay we're using this because it's simple it's just for now i had something downloaded but i don't think i have all the pieces there's like a lot of pieces it's like one of those like patterns it's one of those patterns that makes it look like it's raised but i don't think i downloaded all the right pieces and i just um like lost the download like the code so i can't go back it's fine let's talk about let's talk about rooney right rooney's so cute right he's cute i just feel like i feel like the stars are like kind of aligned for us right now you know it's like this whole time i was like oh i wonder what my life would be like with rooney but like me and kyle but like me and kyle are literally broken up at this point as much as i love him you guys know i love him i ideally would love to get back together with kyle i really would i really would like i'm really so sick of being broken up with him but he just keeps thing up right i thought this was gonna be kind of like a quick thing me and kyle breaking up that's why i was hesitant to say that we were broken up i was like we're on a break we're on a break i guess we're broken up now right like like this has become such a bigger thing than i ever thought it would be let's just put it that way i don't know i just like thought we were stronger than this you know what i mean i think you know what i mean like i just thought that we could handle this and like we would be in and out of this basically but as you can clearly see we we're not strong enough to handle this and it just it's it's almost like a good thing that happened because maybe i was like banking too much on the me and kyle thing so yeah i think i'm gonna invite rooney i think i'm gonna wait until sunday ish i think sunday is when that amiibo is supposed to come and i'm gonna just invite him and i'm gonna get blanched the hell out of my life once and for all i'm so sick of her [ __ ] and i just find it like really ironic that i'm kicking blanch out the same way that i had her ass come in you know it's like crazy to me oh my god do i only have three no this one is not the right color damn it like i want them all to be the same color so i have to order the right color for my studio spotlight let's go all the way down to s i have a lot of chairs let's see like how they look because i got like these fold-out chairs and i feel like they're the right choice but i actually don't know to be honest yeah yeah this is gonna work yeah gonna kind of section them like together you know yeah let's see i don't know how many i have i know i got like a lot though like a ridiculous amount of these chairs so i think i'm gonna make like a little i don't know like an aisle anyway you know what matt watched my video right and he was like i was like so what do you think about the rooney situation because matt is obviously like a big kyle stan he like relates to kyle you know how it is and i'm like so what do you think about rooney and he's like oh rooney's so cool i love rooney and i'm like really and he's like yeah the leather jacket and i'm like i think you're not thinking of rooney and he's like who's the guy in the leather jacket i'm like you're thinking of roscoe and he's like is rosco the horse with the leather jacket and i'm like yeah yep he's like oh yeah i totally ship you and roscoe and i'm like [ __ ] i'm like what about rooney though and he's like yeah rooney's fine he's like a blue kangaroo though you know it's not really like your style so apparently matt is like team roscoe i don't know yeah roscoe's cool for sure no i like roscoe i just i i'm feeling rooney you know i'm i'm feeling drawn to rooney and i'm trying to follow my heart right now in this stage of my life and this season of my life i'm like really trying to follow my heart so yeah i just i think i'm gonna have rooney come in and i'm just gonna see what the hell happens like you know maybe i literally literally listen i have never had a cranky villager in new horizons okay yeah i've had cranky villagers before but i like kind of forget and i feel like i got like a little bit more fragile over the years or something like i don't know i just i'm actually kind of worried about how i'm going to be with these mean mean crankies like are they going to be mean to me is is rooney is rooney going to be mean to me that's the big the like the burning question that i have is rooney gonna be too mean for me to fall in love with him or is he gonna be like such a cute like grumpy like sad boy that i can't resist y'all know i love a sad boy so what's gonna happen with rooney i just don't know but i really do think i want like can you i i just i can't even imagine like rooney walking around out here with like his feet shoes and stuff and he's like a black belt does he need wall though too should i bring wall no i think he's moving in temporarily just to kind of like be on his own and like explore you know be young and then he's going to move back in with wall and they're gonna do their little dojo together you know the whole thing if you don't know what i'm talking about you'll have to watch my my roasting every animal crossing character video because i have like a whole ass head cannon for rooney and wall they're connected in a big way am i already out of folding chairs i already need to order more is that what you're telling me yep i'm already out of folding chairs i guess i'm gonna need to time travel again it's fine yeah it's fine i want that actually let's do it okay so getting all of the stuff that i ordered hopefully it's enough and we have a campsite visitor wouldn't it be crazy if it was rooney wouldn't it be so crazy if it was right it's not gonna be rooney but like wouldn't that be insane that would be the power of sucker it's not gonna be i i always get trash ass villagers it's not gonna be rooney or roscoe or anybody else worth inviting it's gonna be a trash villager oh no [ __ ] that rizzo the the felon the criminal this man is on the run and he thinks he's safe hiding out on my island interesting rizzo rizzo i'm calling the police yeah rizzo is a absolute criminal yeah rizzo hey what's up you thought that this was the island to come to to lalo while you run from the law while you run hattie i'm just staking a claim for a bit enjoying the camp in life be seeing you around sqwee i don't think you will be seeing me around because you're an absolute criminal you're a villain and you have no right to be hiding out on my island this is not the place where you're going to be safe hiding out from the law you are going to be facing the consequences of your actions campfires are a big part of camping he's talking about arson yeah he's talking about arson he's a villain and he's on my island i just can't believe it out of every island like how the hell is rizzo still a free man what the hell rizzo is still running free on my island i trusted y'all to alert the authorities and get this man locked up behind bars where he belongs and instead y'all dropped the ball and now he's on my island wreaking havoc he's gonna burn the place down that's what he said i can't believe this this is egregious anyway let's try and build a stage while rizzo of all people is here on my island very dangerous but i'll do my best to stay safe i guess wow rizzo's here i can't believe it i really can't anyway we got some some lights perfect off do i need one more i totally need one more it's fine ah it's fine let's see how many more folding chairs am i gonna need all right i ordered the last three chairs that i need but i think this is this will do and oh you know what ayata ordered like just one more light too for that just cuz you know i think it'll even things out let's see so that is the studio light i'm gonna go all the way down i don't know i think i kind of made up my mind with rooney i think he's gonna come in it's gonna be like a really spicy holiday okay so we've got all my music stuff over here take it all up there and start setting up for like our little concert i really okay one thing that i've been trying so hard to track down is at least the recipe for the street piano the like little cute painted piano i haven't been able to find that i was on nook nukazon all day yesterday trying to get it and i couldn't i just like didn't find anyone who was available at the time um so if anybody has it let me know like i have like tons of nook miles tickets i have like tons of bells i'm ready to just buy it for however much you're trying to sell it for um but yeah that's like the street piano recipe where it's like the little pink oh zucker hi baby what are you doing i wonder if anything funnel happened today it could any old second anytime now i'm so excited that right there ladies and gentlemen is a prophecy that right there is a fortune he told my fortune something good is gonna happen rooney's coming i think i think rooney is right around the corner i just i don't know though like i really do want it to work between me and kyle what is this oh okay i don't know what a part i honestly don't know what a partition is i don't know what that is off the top of my head i won't lie to you so the drums always go right in the middle that's always like the thing that i know i can tether my add to is the drum set it's like as long as i know where the drum set goes i can generally figure out the rest of it let's see so the drums will go like right there usually and then we've got like yeah microphone like right in the middle usually that's like where you know someone like kyle would position himself i just really miss kyle he really is the one for me it's too bad that he's been i don't know he just like lost himself you know it's really sad i just don't even know what's going on with him right now got a guitar here i don't know like a base okay we got this like dj turn table actually which i find really cool so i definitely want it to be like right here yeah let's put it like right here this is pretty cool right yeah i like that okay now we've got okay so i do have a cello yeah who cares if i have a cello yes i do have a cello and he is gonna be living here yep cellos are awesome they're always relevant yeah cello is probably like one of my favorite instruments of all time not gonna lie and this one's black how cool is that cello can be very the cello can be incredibly metal and then i also have like a little don't i have like a little like violin that kind of matches it i really love stringed instruments like not only guitars obviously but also really big into like orchestral stringed instruments orchestral chordophones if you will like um violas and violins and cellos and stuff so cool cello is probably one of my favorite instruments of all time i just every time i hear a cello i'm like hell yeah there's that cello there is that cello that i ordered there it is i have always ordered some jello i love this guitar i really do i think this is going to be like one of the backup guitars you all know how it is you bring a couple extra guitars because they're all tuned different you know that is a thing it's one of the backup guitars right there or should i go like kind of next to the cello yeah kind of like off to the side you know yeah well let's put the cello out in front and then we'll put like all the extra [ __ ] back here but we will have some like extra [ __ ] because that's how like a real concert is is like they always have like those extra tuned things but i want like the cello to be like here maybe and then i'll put that little violin i know i have like a little violin that matches that cello that i can put there and like another yeah let's see we'll put the microphone we do have an amp too that i should probably try to like set up yeah i'll put this like over here almost like it's you know trying to amplify the music oh and then we've got our base so i should probably put this like over here this kind of looks legit right i feel like there's like a lot going on on this stage what is this like dream theater like i don't even know what kind of band this would be like i just i don't know i just have like so many different instruments you know um okay you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put this one over here these are gonna be like the standard mics that are for the backup singers and then the main singer in the middle is gonna have the different mic let's try that yeah okay we got this going here i don't even know what we're doing with this keyboard but we gotta have it and then we're gonna have like i'm like very big on things being like symmetrical here we go nope that's not it and that's the thing with rooney is like he is not into music you know so are we gonna you know get along but i do love martial arts a lot i do jiu jitsu actually i love jiu jitsu i haven't done it in a while though because you know there's like a thing going on where like you don't want to be rolling around with people all over the floor but yeah like i love martial arts too so it's kind of like rooney is another part of myself that i love hmm i also have like of course this and i think this is good to go right here nope never mind apparently animal crossing begs to differ here we go yeah perfect right yeah perfect everything's mothman in this town because we love him yes okay we're looking good i i think we're looking good yeah i think we're looking good i don't know i gotta figure out what to do with these panels but i think for now like i'm gonna wait on these chairs but i think for now we're looking pretty decent like i want to put some more stuff here you know obviously i want it to be more fun up here so we'll have to figure out what kind of fun [ __ ] to put up here you know like i would love to have some i don't know like fun [ __ ] like hammocks and stuff yeah we'll figure it out wow walk right outside my house and what do i see you know it's really nice to see marina not giving him the time of day but he's out there trying you know he never goes up that way i never see him in that little cul-de-sac by marina's house but there he is trying to talk to her trying to be like hey can you like can you give this message to amanda can you give this note to amanda can you give this gift to amanda thankfully zucker has really taken marina right under his tentacle really really nice to see i really i mean he's obviously trying to get my attention to he knows that i live right here it's dark and he's wearing sunglasses that tells you all you need to know i think that he's drunk again what the [ __ ] is going on what the f is this yo what the f he's in like a weird [ __ ] delirium he's in a stupor he just [ __ ] killed somebody oh my god he's wearing a baby romper again i certainly didn't give it to him i don't know if one of y'all gave it to him when you came to visit i don't know where he got this thing but i did not give that to him i didn't i really didn't i hate everything about this he's sleeping in blood he's i [ __ ] caught sherb at the scene of the crime and he's clearly like you know with like uh norman bates for example like he kind of goes into this like trance you know his he blacks out i think that's what's going on right now i really do you know the lights are low it's it's not night i wouldn't say that it's in the cover of the night like people are still awake it's almost 7 p.m and he's here he fell asleep or something he passed out i guess in the middle of a crime before he could even clean it up i really can't believe my eyes right now y'all saw what i saw he was kind of like swaying back and forth i think it's when he goes into these like violent episodes i really do like norman bates y'all psycho psycho yep zucker are you seeing this buddy you seeing this are you seeing what i'm seeing do you see what i see a serial killer in a stupor over there do you see what i see the child the child just killed somebody and he's about to pass out but he's covered in blood and we should take him to jail now and call the police please yeah um let's talk about that yeah see he's talking about like oh my god like things are in retrograde like saturn yep exactly he's very in tune with the the cycles of the moon and the sky and the sun and the planets calvin is screaming at me but you guys know about calvin now callie you can always come up here and you don't have to scream you don't have to scream you can come up here if you want bo yeah i don't know how happy the sun and the moon is gonna be when they find what is going on here why can't i just walk out my house for two seconds without [ __ ] going down what's what's going on hey we were just talking about how to stay connected with a friend who lives somewhere far away why calvin george there's something going on on my island right now bo yeah like you could both agree to go outside and look at the same star in the sky at the same time is he tr is this am i the friend is he the friend and then you could have an a synchronous dance off you film yourself doing a move and send it to the other person and then they send one back kyle i'm not texting you i'm just not doing it yeah yeah no exactly kyle get the hell out of here yeah marina's just not that kind of girl marina's not into that kind of stuff you know she's just not it's not for everyone ew kyle stop i can't believe you right now i can't believe you right now marina is my girl i love how she talks down to him too that almost makes sense i'm gonna walk away before i subscribe to any more of your theories kyle yeah same i suggest you do the same yeah i'm gonna do the same girl what is up with him right oh how cute they are so damn cute um so with this area actually speaking of i'm gonna put like a little sign right here and it's gonna say the octopuses garden the octopus garden octopuses gardens something like that it's gonna be like uh in the octopuses garden in the shade wait why can't i take a picture oh i gotta get my camera out first we would sing and dance ah come on marina no damn it nobody likes me what is she doing she's probably just like can you leave can you please leave he's like no i'm good wow and she plows right past him she's like okay well whatever i tried she's just too damn nice you know she knows he's drunk she's like is there somebody i should call it's just embarrassing like he's literally just singing outside her house she's trying to be polite kyle go home calvin george you can come up here and cuddle with me if you want jibby i don't know anyway zucker i highly suggest you check out what's going on over here what the [ __ ] is he doing he's so damn weird like there's just never a a moment where he's not being weird every time i walk up on this guy you know yeah casual real casual sure but i know you were just talking to that gnome this is horrifying it really is he's out here in a baby romper i'm i really don't know what to do anyway it's another day pom-pom be careful people it's a is it a full moon or something my god people are out for blood tonight anyway i started doing a little bit of stuff over here for the field like i just started kind of planting some flowers uh so i'm gonna keep doing that mostly mums i think white stuff white flowers but i gotta go up here and finish up over here uh hi kk things are not looking good between me and kyle i wish that you'd come visit if you came and visited more than once a week i think we could make something work but i'm just i really don't think that i can handle you being on the road so much i don't know anymore i don't know anything anymore okay so we got some more stuff that i ordered so we're gonna bring it up there and then we should be pretty much done it's so funny because i saw that little tent the kids tent that is gonna be for toy day and i was like holy [ __ ] i've never seen that tent before like see i can be so damn stupid with some of this [ __ ] because i'm like oh my god i've never seen that tent before it's so cute how have i never seen that because it just [ __ ] came out amanda that's how but i was like on nukazon looking for it i'm like why doesn't anyone have the tent available it's because it hasn't come out yet yet idiot but yeah once the tent comes out i can't wait it's gonna be so cute oh you know what i should also order a hammock yeah i should order a hammock i don't have a hammock and i think a hammock would be perfect to put up here um what else should i put up here though it's kind of still very bare bones i can't think of any other like camp things you know i guess you know like a camp a bonfire right yeah i should probably put like a bonfire like right here right i mean we got this over here but like a bonfire you know what i mean maybe i don't know would that be too much fire it's like the whole place is on fire up here yeah there's fire over there i'm a little bit nervous about fire i don't know so far so good should i put like a little walk right now yeah yes no yes oh these gotta go back a little bit should i put some kind of thing in the walkway like a little path of some sort i don't know so far so awesome i still have that violin i gotta go get but what else do i have oh and then i have like one more light i think to put like right here a refrigerator why the hell do i have that yeah yes yes right oh my god we're look we're in business people thankfully we ran rizzo out he didn't end up i don't think stealing anything i'm not sure actually i haven't checked yet like i'm sure anka has put something down here by now that curses anyone who tries to take her [ __ ] i'm sure of it what else should i put up here should i i want to put a hammock but i have to order one i think and i guess like yeah like a yeah you know what i should put like a little tab i got a few um quilt patterns today i think that's how it goes right you put this one um are they too close yeah i think they might be too close actually to the thing this is a big blanket is it too close it might be too close but i'm not sure like isn't this where you'd put a blanket to like sit and i don't think so i think i need to get it a little bit further i don't know so yeah let's do this and i also have some questions from patrons so let's answer those too yeah waddle squad in with the amazing question what's your favorite cryptid besides mothman great question i actually it's so funny i don't know if i've touched on this yet and of course y'all know me i can't just [ __ ] answer the question like it's the jersey devil moving on no i gotta tell you the whole ass history of my interest in cryptids but i'll try to be brief i'm doing my best i'm working on it okay i absolutely love the concept of cryptids i think it's so fun right i mean it's not fun for like people who have like literally seen these horrifying creatures and you know are traumatized but it's really fun for me to like hear their accounts and know that like there could be like something creepy lurking probably not but you know you know again i'm very skeptical so there's always like a little answer in my head i'm always like oh it's probably this it was probably that but i want to believe so badly oh my god i want to believe y'all i want to believe i really do and i i love a lot of cryptids like they're just like so damn fascinating and there's like so many different kinds and like there's kind of there's kind of like a cryptid for everyone you know like if you like this then there's probably a cryptid for you you know when i do listen to podcasts i listen to like podcasts about horror movies true crime or cryptids i think i think that's it actually yeah yeah that's basically it and so one of my favorite uh podcasts is called cryptid campfire and they just talk about cryptids like every week is it i love this blanket by the way every week it's just like a new story about cryptids and so i've learned a lot about lots of different types of cryptids from stuff like that and then i saw i actually almost did it but i didn't because i got swept up in animal crossing instead which is not a bad thing but there was actually a cryptid like online class that i saw in the beginning of the pandemic and i was like oh my god perfect by the way zucker thank you so much for protecting me tonight i know it's a weird one something's in retrograde right god anyway that's gonna drive me crazy if i don't dig that [ __ ] up anyway yeah so i learned about like so many different types of cryptids oh and i wanted to take this online cryptid class even though like is that not such a damn waste of time up i see his ears what is he doing now what is he doing now bothering marina still why is he out there she's like in her house trying to block him out she's probably wearing headphones i can't believe it he's so [ __ ] creepy he's cleaning up now he's cleaning up the scene of the crime so weird anyway so yeah i wanted to take this cryptid class but i'm like wow imagine like wasting that much time and money like taking a whole ass class about cryptids but at the same time like you can take classes about star wars and like my hero academia and [ __ ] and and just because it's not real doesn't mean it's a waste of money i want to know more about cryptids it is a full moon look is it a full moon where's the moon why can't i see the moon why can't i see the moon wait hold on why is the moon all the way out here yeah i can't even see the moon it's not fair yeah it looks like it looks like a full moon but i actually can't see it i'm all over the place what's new anyway yeah i can take a cryptids class i should take a crypt it's class oh i got a hammock i don't need that handbag right here um and you know what i'm gonna bring the ball too it'll be fun you know just like a group activity yeah i i want to take a cryptids class like i just find them so fascinating and there's so many different kinds but anyway uh some of my favorites definitely love the jersey devil he's so fun so scary i love the little pictures of him that they have like the little drawings i think he's like one of the cutest things i've ever seen along with mothman um i obviously love mothman i just love him so much how could you not you know he's just mothman you know everybody loves moth man there's something about mothman that just like kind of makes you feel drawn to him you know you hear that there's like a moth man and you're like oh really really that's awesome really oh there's that violin ukulele is gonna go i wanted to go into the field i see i worry that like if i use things too much that they're gonna lose their meaning but they're not i could just make another ukulele it's fine anyway uh we'll put a magazine out there maybe um yeah so like yeah love the jersey devil who else um who else we got we got um why can't i think of any other oh my god i love bigfoot so much and the yeti love them so damn much it's so cool to like meet people that are like so dedicated to finding them i'm like i'm pulling for y'all these like bigfoot like experts and [ __ ] i am pulling for y'all i really am like i don't believe a word you say and i'm i'm thinking right now like oh my gosh i really hope that something pans out for y'all because i feel bad that you you really sink your whole life into this thing but i'm on your side i really do hope you find them i really do i think it would be so fun to find him i just really hope we're nice to him and all the cryptids if we ever do find them i really i think that we all need to really make sure we're nice to them right it's the least we can do it like please let's just make sure that we let's all take a like take a vow to like not hurt these animals and these monsters once we find them you know i just feel like that's always what people want to do is like do experiments on them and [ __ ] let's just not do that please thanks anyway obviously there's the loch ness monster for some reason the loch ness monster is almost like you know it just doesn't like scare me as much i think it's because it's only in one place and so i'm like even though a lot of these cryptids are actually but it's like you know when i'm out in the woods sometimes i do think i'm gonna maybe see bigfoot or maybe i'll see the mothman even though he generally only hangs out in point pleasant and then with the jersey devil he's only in like the pine barrens of new jersey or whatever so i don't know why i'm like so the locust monster doesn't i don't know it's like he can't leave the lock so i'm like not as scared of him i don't know um what else am i going to bring to the thing is that good for now i kind of i want like a little pillow though i don't i don't have any more like zen pillows i think i have one downstairs i must i must yeah i got a zen pillow somewhere is it is there one in here i might have one in here actually um anyway cryptids what's some more cryptids that i love i like the scary ones you know i really like the scary ones a lot like um like i think another reason that i'm not like as nervous about the uh about the lake monsters is because they don't scare me for some reason for some weird reason like i i don't have like any any fear whatsoever for better or worse of like underwater like ocean creatures i don't know why i don't know why i think it's so much more scary to be in the woods or something you know than it is to like be in the i don't know it's i'm just like realizing that now like i'm looking like chessy and champ and all these little like dudes that are in the water kraken and [ __ ] loch ness monster and i'm kind of like uh not that scary sea serpents i'm like eh you know okay terrestrial here we go big foot awesome so cool then we've got the choop chupacabra love the chupacabra what is he who knows who knows right who the hell knows what he is oh my god the flatwoods monster i love her so yeah i love the jersey devil but i also love like i just feel like west virginia is such a hop in place for cryptids i actually have a fanny pack that is nothing but oh [ __ ] there's there was a shooting star is it a shooting star night well damn i wasn't ready for that anyway i have a fanny pack that's all for west virginia cryptids like there's enough cryptids in west virginia alone to fill a whole ass fanny pack i love it so i'll have to put a picture up of my cryptid fanny pack because i love it and um i love the flatwoods monster she is so damn scary holy [ __ ] right and then the uh the loveland frog man the loveland frog oh my god right so cute it's like a big frog man the loveland frog man and he walks around he's like platt platt platt i love him i would fangirl so hard i would be so terrified if i saw the flatwoods monster i think she's terrifying but the loveland frog so damn cute so damn cute i love him i feel like that with mothman too i really feel like mothman is very cute but i think he's not supposed i think he's scary right he's supposed to be pretty scary like he's got like red eyes and stuff but i think he would be cute i don't know anyway we got a whole ass like strings section over here all i need is like a viola and a freaking upright base and then we'll be good i don't know why i'm doing this because i love music and it's like why not like i didn't have anywhere to put my cello and now i do and my violin and now i do i just gotta get that street piano but i guess i can bring the piano up here would that look dumb to have a piano up here wouldn't that that would no no we gotta put we gotta bring it up yeah anyway love the cryptids love them so much and it's funny because there's a goat man cryptid right and apparently i think the goat man lives in west virginia too right my family makes [ __ ] up a lot we're gonna talk about this in another question that i saw my family loves to make [ __ ] up right so there is a goat man cryptid but he's like specifically like he's from a location the goat man uh he lives yeah where's the goat man he's at lake worth texas i think that's what they that's what it says they go oh there's one in maryland too either way there's like specifically places where the goat man lives that's kind of how it is for for most of these cryptids is like they have a specific place that they live right say i lived in like point pleasant west virginia and my family was like oh the mothman's gonna getcha lovely love love to see this hope y'all are happy yep yeah i can see that kyle's clearly sitting all the way over here so that's good but blanche i know exactly what you're doing [ __ ] i'm on to you don't get too comfortable okay i just can't stand her anyway yeah so my family we make [ __ ] up a lot like i said it would be one thing if like we lived in a place where there was a cryptid right and every time we were like camping or doing this or doing that they were like hey you better not do this you better not do that or the mothman's gonna get you or the jersey devil's gonna get you if we were camping in the pine barrens but they made up a goat man randomly that lived up in the berkshires where we used to go camping like my family like has like some land that they go camping on all the time and like we we go camping up there and we have like this land that is just like it's just a plot of land there's no house on it but we go there specifically because it's like in the middle of the woods it's not like a campground it's just a place where my family can be dumb idiots because there's no rules because they own it so we make like a big bonfire and set up tents and it's really cute it's like this i have the weirdest family ever it's so funny the kind of [ __ ] we do that i thought was normal i mean it's not like weird it's just so fun like it's just so funny that we i don't know i'm sure that i'm like we're so quirky no one else does that like i'm sure other people go camping on like a plot of random land in the woods because they don't want to go to a campsite because they're too loud and boisterous and annoying and destructive quite frankly and like they'll be up all night and they don't want rules so they just buy land they all go in on it my dad is from a family of 11 children so i have a lot i have like 100 cousins and my mom's from a family of seven children so yeah all together i have like a hundred cousins not even kidding and then my parents are both super super super close to their cousins so all of their cousins children which would be my second cousins those are my cousins like i grew up with those kids too so all together i have like over i would say maybe over a hundred if not more cousins i'm like kind of not kidding i have so many cousins every time we get together for like a simple ass thing like a birthday or something there is 30 people at least if not more it's crazy so yeah i have a huge family which is fun it's fun just a humongous huge family um anyway what was i going to say it was oh but yeah they made up a goat man so we would go camping and they would be like you know it was just always this thing where people would go in the woods every night once it got like 10 or 11 the older kids or like our uncles would go out in the woods and be like bet and like start making goat noises and all the little kids like that's how my family is they're like trying to scare and traumatize the little kids the little kids are like this oh man and my family's so [ __ ] up they're like yeah yep that's the goat man and they're like crying i remember being terrified as a child absolutely terrified of this [ __ ] goat man thinking that he was real and my older cousins would be like yeah we saw him and he was like eating a guy and there's blood everywhere you know how it is like if you have older cousins they're like they're so mean to you as a kid but then the adults were in on it too they wouldn't you know they wouldn't go too far with like any of the scary stuff they would just be like yeah the goat man's out there they just all had this thing and like i got to a certain age where i was like is that goat man real is it going around and they're like no amanda i'm like okay i was just checking yeah i knew i figured it's just like you know because nobody ever like confirmed it except for my mom my poor mom who like marries into that family she's like the goat man's not real and my dad's like yeah he is and my mom's like tim stop no he's not my dad's like i saw him i saw him you know you could ask my this brother that brother that brother this cousin you can ask all them they were there when we saw him like they had this whole [ __ ] story and and it seemed so legit as a kid and so my mom would be like he's not real my dad would be like yes he is we saw him and then i'd ask my uncle did you really see the goat man with dad he'd be like yeah we did like they're so [ __ ] up anyway yeah they just made up a goat man but then i get older and i learn that there actually is like a real goat man too um and he's like a real crypted so but i my goat man is always i guess i don't know the goat man it lost its charm it kind of lost its uh it i got desensitized i think to the goat man you know what i mean because like it's just yeah should i get a climbing wall wouldn't that be cute up there let's try it why not you know i'm rich why not let's just try it and then i need some pillows i need some uh some zen pillows and cushions and [ __ ] for people to sit on but anyway yeah love cryptids really really fascinated by them and that actually brings me right to it i saw this question and immediately i was like oh my god i cannot wait to tell these people about my the weird [ __ ] that my family did when i was growing up holy [ __ ] okay michaela did you have any family holiday traditions growing up yeah yeah we did yep uh lots of just adorable very i think typical family traditions in terms of like you know i come i was raised catholic so we were like christmas christmas hardcore like christmas and uh easter and all that stuff and so we would do the general you know christmas easter stuff very cute we one thing that i always did every christmas i think i made this up and started doing it but i do it every year now like me and matt i would always name the christmas tree because i just love naming [ __ ] so i can see myself as a little kid like just being like i'm gonna name this my parents are like okay what are you naming it and i named him charlie they're like oh my god that's adorable and then i just would name him charlie every year but it would kind of be this thing where my parents would be like okay what's the christmas tree's name gonna be this year amanda and i'd be like hmm charlie and they're like wow that's amazing and it would just be charlie every year but like we would act like it was gonna be this decision that i'd have to make and one year my my brother was like i want to name the tree my parents are like okay what are you gonna name it he's like batman luke skywalker you know we're like no no tim doesn't get to name the tree like we weren't fair we were just like no amanda names the tree tim you can i don't know do something else put the tinsel on it whatever because like he's just can't be trusted to name the tree right uh so yeah we named the tree charlie every year and i still do that to this day but it's fun because this is actually every year uh i'm getting off topic because i'm gonna tell you about a specific holiday that y'all i can swear to god nobody in the world does this except for my family it's and i'll tell you how i found out too that i was the only one who did this [ __ ] anyway every year we would get a real tree i've always always always my whole life we had a real life tree we would go to a place and it would already be like we wouldn't like cut it down [ __ ] that that sounds not fun at all it does not sound fun it's beautiful it's a cute idea but i don't want to be trudging out in the snow i grew up in massachusetts so hell no not doing that and i think my family was my dad probably would have done it he's a very outdoorsy guy but like no not me that's i i can only buy into it so much but i love the i love real trees i love the smell of balsam and like just that tree that christmas trees scent where the hell is this oh the zen cushion it's probably all the way down in z amanda you dumb [ __ ] anyway so yeah we would get like a real tree every year and now that me and matt you know we live in an apartment and [ __ ] and uh the tree that we have is so beautiful i love it his parents got it for me it's like a flocked one but it is it's a fake tree so when i first heard that we were getting a fake tree i was like what really i'm get that person who's getting a fake tree you know because like my whole life as a kid i was always like wow i can't believe some people have a fake tree not me but now i'm like oh my god they're so much easier this is so much better like i just we i love my tree my tree is so beautiful it looks good every year it's all flocked it's beautiful it's like the perfect size and i just get a bunch of like balsam candles and like wallflowers and it's fine so this tree it's nice because it's like the same old tree every year and his name is charlie okay anyway okay so there's uh one particular holiday that my dad's side of the family they're just like the most unique people ever these are the same the goatman people the weird the crazy camping people that can't be trusted to camp quietly so they have to buy their own [ __ ] campsite so my dad said the family makes [ __ ] up all the time they love making [ __ ] up very creative family that's where i get it i guess and uh and so every year on valentine's day february 14th me and all my cousins would go to i'm gonna start over here now in my little my little field i'm gonna do a blanket over here anyway me and all my cousins would go to my grandparents house another shooting star what the hell what is up with this night yeah the moon is not quite full but almost basically you know it's like i hate to see what people act like when it's full anyway me and all my cousins we would go to my grandparents house on valentine's day again valentine's day usually you don't really do anything you know at school if you go to school you might hand out valentines right like in candy and [ __ ] but that's basically it you know maybe your parents go out on a date and you have to get a babysitter not not my family no um we would go to my grandparents house because the valentine's day man was coming and we needed to be there to receive his gifts the valentine's day man yep that's a thing in my family uh so i can't wait to tell you the best part about the valentine's day man but i'll start by telling you a little bit about what his schtick is what he's all about so he is a man who is i don't know what he look i don't think we ever really talked about what he looks like i think that's kind of the beautiful thing about the valentine's day man i don't know if there was ever like a there was no because there was no pictures of him you know when you have like santa claus and the easter bunny and [ __ ] we got pictures of this guy floating around we got movies and [ __ ] about them the valentine's day man there was nothing and i never really noticed that clearly looking looking back seemed to have not really noticed his absence in pop culture you know i just was like yeah the valentine's day man obviously and again we didn't i don't know if i asked my parents and they told me this or what but there was just kind of this like general consensus between me and my cousins that like he was a guy that was shaped like a heart you know he's like the big this big walking heart he's like a big heart dude and he has eyes and like i'll try to draw a picture of him and put it up um you know he's got like he's like a little the walking talking happy magical benevolent heart being no idea what i was thinking like where i was thinking he came from what created him what his origin story was i have no idea i wasn't questioning anything because this valentine's day man he would so we would go let me so i'll tell you how a typical valentine's day in my life went we'd we'd go to my grandparents house after school we'd get there we'd wait for it to get dark so we'd usually aim to get there around maybe like i don't know seven ish seven or eight and then we would all get in line and we would congregate by the door and start to await the kind benevolence of the valentine's day man to start blessing us on this hallowed valentine's day and so we would all line up by the door again and the valentine's day man he works right in front of you you just you're not allowed to look at him but you can you hear you have we had concrete evidence of this man's existence because me and all my cousins again were standing there and we would wait to hear a knock on the door and once we heard a knock on the door we would take turns opening the door and seeing what the valentine's day man left us and everybody would get a turn and we'd just go over and over until he stopped knocking and what the valentine's day man left he didn't leave toys he didn't leave candy he left like school snacks like hostess snacks like like he would leave like gushers and like twinkies and uh basically all the stuff that's like you really want to take to school and like all the kids whose parents loved them would be taken to school every day uh but our parents never would let us have like throughout most of the year i'd have to take skin like those stupid-ass peppered farm crackers and [ __ ] and uh my mom would never ever buy me like actually good snacks but the valentine's day man came through for us every year and he would have snack pack and dunker roos and fruit roll ups and gushers and twinkies and chips ahoy and all the good [ __ ] that's what he left us that's what he would leave us and we just thought that this was yeah his thing he just wanted children to have a good [ __ ] snack to look forward to during lunch god that's his passion that was what he lived for so we would line up and we would wait for him to knock and we would get we would receive his gifts and we would all go down the line but then at the end of the night like you know you would think like oh man like you know this kid got gushers and this kid gets this but we would all kind of divvy him up at the end of the night you know we'd be like okay three everybody gets three packs of gushers everybody gets like four packs of gushers and four dunkaroos and four you know this and that we'd have like little baggies that we put like the cookies in and [ __ ] and we'd go home with like all of these bomb ass school snacks to have in our lunch and that was the valentine's day man and my family didn't think that it was like necessary because i guess you know you don't want to i don't know i think that they could have easily made up a story about how like our family was cursed or something or like our family like met this valentine's day deity man snack guy and like struck a deal with him long ago like maybe we saved one of his children and from here on out the sergeant family gets blessed with his gifts of snacks i don't know they could have made something up so that i didn't look like an any idiot out here thinking that everybody does this right but every sergeant kid we cause now that we're all older we all look back and we're like when did you find out that we were the only [ __ ] idiots out here doing valentine's day man and we all have stories of when we found out that we were the only ones you know and it's like okay sergeant family adults this is how we're gonna find out that the valentine's day man isn't real too or at least we're gonna have a lot of [ __ ] questions and we're gonna look like an idiot i think we're gonna look like a crazy person in front of all our friends at school thank you so yeah i remember one valentine's day in particular you know i think i was in like third grade prime age to get [ __ ] bullied by me and mean mean kids who will bully you for anything right and i'm sitting there we're like opening all our valentines i'm like yeah i love valentine's day woo and i was like yeah i can't wait for the valentine's day man later and all the kids at my table are like what and i'm like the val the valentine's day man's coming later and we're going to get all all the snacks and they're like what i'm like uh the valentine's day man like i'm like still not getting that they that they could not know who this it's like if you're sitting there and people have no idea who santa claus is you know they're like who and i'm like santa claus you've never heard of them and they're like i don't know what that is and i'm like what and it's this generally ellie i was i was pulling up too that's the worst part about this is that by the way i'm stealing these from this area because i want to bring them to my field like right away i'm too impatient to wait for them to grow anyway i was uh pretty i was pretty defensive about this i was like no no no like you must i don't know what religion you are or what but like the valentine's day man is a thing and i was asking like everybody in my class i'm like the valentine's day man right and they're like what and i'm like you you know you know over there in the corner the valentine's day man hello dunkaroos gushers tonight and they're like what are you talking about amanda and i'm like the valentine's day man where the hell what is this the mandela effect how does nobody know who the hell this guy is he's been out here like you know doing these these d these good deeds for my family for for generations my dad would always tell me yeah when i was a kid the valentine's day man he got my mom in on it too my mom would be like oh yeah the valentine's day man would come to me too when i was a kid oh you liar tracy you lied to me you didn't have the valentine's day man can you imagine like dating a guy and he's like oh yeah we have this thing that we that my family does and you're just like oh wow okay so yeah the valentine's day man i i forgot to tell you like the allure like the secret i had like again my dad has 11 brothers and sisters so it was not uncommon for us to be at my grandparents house and then people would just randomly show up all out all throughout the night so you know you might get there and like maybe five of the brothers are there uh and then the sixth or seventh one comes in later so it was just totally like it was not like we were like where's uncle mike where's uncle mark like uncle mike and uncle mark are always rolling in late you know there's always gonna be somebody who's late or just rolling in at a different time because you're just getting off work whatever so yeah we have such a big family that we like didn't notice that there was always an uncle every year that wasn't there for like the valentine's day man portion of it but would come in after like whoa hey what'd you get from the valentine's day man cool and we'd be like oh yay so uh yeah they really pulled pulled the wool right over our eyes i thought this guy was real i really did watching a nightmare before christmas and [ __ ] i'm thinking all these different deities all these holiday figures these holiday spokespeople these holiday lords of the of their of their of their thing of their season you know they all have like this little world that they live in so i'm out here thinking like okay this guy must be from valentine's day land like and there's just all these heart people who live there and they are passionate about giving kids good snacks that aren't healthy so yeah i was like in school again and all my classmates i wouldn't say friends i think i had zero friends in like second and third grade everybody was so mean to me so i don't even know why i opened my mouth and said anything at that point but they were definitely they were like that's so weird you know like making fun of me for what my parents made up even though it's like so cool i'm like well i'm gonna get like lots of snacks later and they're like that's so weird yeah nobody else does that you know kids are so damn mean and they're like yeah no that's not a thing and i'm like okay cool thank you it's really nice of you to say to me but then i you know would get home and i'd be like so uh nobody else in my class knew who the valentine's day man was today that was jarring and my parents had to be like oh yeah uh he you know is an old family friend and i'm like okay that would have been nice to know like in the initial like lore that i was fed when i was three you know would have been nice to just have a quick section on how he only comes to our family you know you could have made something up i'm sure grandpa would have loved to make something up about how he met the valentine's day man long ago when he was in the war you know like i'm sure he could have pulled something out of his ass but instead i got to go to school today and look like an idiot because and nobody else knows who the valentine's day man is so yeah that's a tradition that would be a tradition that we and in my family and they still do it to this day like my little nephews are so cute they go over to my grandparents house every year with all the other little uh great grandchildren and little cousins and stuff and they still do the valentine's day man to this day and since my my whole family lives in massachusetts i don't foresee like myself and matt like if we ever do have kids like just doing that with just like us because i just don't think it's easy to pull off but if like we're ever visiting during valentine's day man it's gonna happen so we'll be like yeah yeah our family goes back to all with this old ancient deity who is very passionate about supplying children with delicious but very unhealthy snacks for school so yeah that's the weird [ __ ] valentine's day man story that i have from my childhood but it's really cute actually when you like really break it down and think about it because at the end of the day like my family just wanted to give the kids another fun holiday like they were just like i don't think that this is enough you know we do this on easter with the easter baskets and christmas and halloween like our our holidays were so awesome we would always spend it together with all our cousins and stuff for halloween we would all meet up at my grandparents house like we'd all be up there with our costumes and it was just so fun like i think they just live for that like my family on both sides is just so wow an imperial bed okay is so like family oriented and like any excuse to hang out basically any excuse to like make kids happy like we are very like we love kids and we want the kids to be having like so much fun they'll do it and so i just think it's like adorable that they like literally made up a whole ass like holiday character and a whole ass like concept for a holiday because they just wanted to i don't know they were just like why don't we do anything for valentine's day for the kids let's do this it's adorable but it's also like you know please like let them know that it's just a sergeant thing that there's nobody else out there doing that thank you anyway uh yeah so i'm trying to think of what else i should do you know what yeah okay so i have a pattern actually down here i'm sorry i'm like rambling it's fine blanche i'm really so excited to see your ass gone tomorrow um okay so palm what's going on girl you look so damn cute holy [ __ ] looking adorable yeah we do need to have a picnic sometime we're gonna have this new picnic spot it's gonna be bomb anyway yeah i'm gonna take this picnic [ __ ] especially because there's already a picnic thing over here um but yeah like this will be like the camp this will be like the general like i don't know there's gonna be several picnic areas apparently i guess i don't know what i'm doing um picnic basket can go no i'm not doing wait yeah i want the brown one here that's not the one i want there i want the brown one uh let's see here yeah okay apparently i can't like talk and do this at the same time because there's a bunch of [ __ ] i keep forgetting to drop picnic basket here here you go so this is like the general i don't like the beach picnic area this one's more of like an ambient one like i don't want to have the grill out there with all that [ __ ] i don't know uh so i'm gonna have this nice like little picnic basket right here then i definitely want to have a ukulele [Music] and i also i don't know yeah i kind of want to put some new trees do i want to make this lake different you know i want it to be kind of cute and ambient and you know what i actually kind of want to eat this whole thing out too honestly i'm not going to lie like i know it's really cute but i kind of just want to make this this whole little woodland area kind of a little bit like i want to make it like a woodland trail you know i don't know that's a lot of work though but i kind of want to do i kind of just like never use this area and i don't really like it but then where will i put the bamboo no i'll put the bamboo up here yeah let's do that this is probably gonna be a long video maybe they'll be like several different videos and i'll just be like me talking and doing this [ __ ] so that you guys can have them you know anyway because you have several questions i have lots of questions that i can do and i know exactly like i'm so glad that you all like this [ __ ] because i love long videos i've always liked preferred long videos i have no idea how to use these types of patterns and i'm scared because like there's this and oh [ __ ] i think i'm gonna be bad at it yeah there's like this one so cute but also like am i gonna use it yeah okay i think yeah i think i can do this i think i can do this right i can do this i think um yeah i want this to be like a field i might even move yeah i might even move this now that i'm gonna do yeah i think i am i think i'm gonna go for it you guys i think i'm just gonna do this all night and maybe we'll get like three videos out of this it'll be fine [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] me
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 60,309
Rating: 4.9492502 out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh, theamandafiles, amanda sargent
Id: Hf-fhlzvSoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 59sec (4799 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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