WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING with Pompom! || animal crossing new horizons

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hello wow look at her what a nerd right [Music] i set it to december 30th because i just recently realized that i hadn't i didn't get like any of the new year's stuff oh what's this going what's going on over here an altercation possibly perhaps y'all trying to rob a bank together you two in cahoots probably trying to kill people together goose is trying to learn douchebag he would be the worst serial killer ever he would he'd get caught right away he would be the type that would make some like really dumb mistakes and he would get caught is it like is it too late for me to get any new year's stuff i feel like it must be because i don't see it so that sucks it's been like a good week or so since i've been on here since i've played which is not i i'm still to this day going strong playing like all the time get out of my face stop i hate capitalism i'm leaving because i really don't know what i'm doing yet i got a lot to do i have a lot to do uh as not only like the whole ass mayor of this town and the only person who ever does anything around here but also as the maid of honor speak of the devil over there there's the groom the maid of honor 4a very very highly anticipated wedding of the year wedding of the century coming up pierce and pompom getting married in the spring and we have a lot to do and we are going to get oh my god cue i've been waiting for other colors of these i have this one and this one's honestly the cutest one but this is also so cute i don't know how i feel about these ones i don't know but i think pom-pom would look really cute in the pink one oh i hate that wow i have like a lot of money out what happened last time why uh what was i saying oh yeah so we have a lot to do to prepare for that and like you know obviously you know pom pom she does not want to put any of this off she's been waiting her whole life for this she's ready to get the show on the road she's ready to start planning and start like you know getting getting her ducks in a row no pun intended since you know she's a duck i need to stop so i figured we can try and get a bunch of different potential wedding dresses today and then we can have like our first girls day out and go wedding dress shopping with pom pom all the girlies will be there it's going to be great i can't wait to see her try on all these dresses and so we're going to have to order those just kind of anything that could be a wedding dress because we you know we don't really know what pom-pom is envisioning i certainly don't i mean i could probably guess because i'm her best friend and i know everything about her like she probably she just wants to look like a princess i think you know so anything that's gonna make her look like a princess but then again you know when you're wedding dress shopping sometimes it can be the unlikely uh dress that ends up kind of being the one um like in my case something i still can't believe i did so i loved my wedding dress it's so pretty so pretty everything i wanted and me and my friends went to a bunch of stores and tried on like so many dresses and i hated it i just hated it it's like i don't know it does i don't know i don't like trying on clothes especially oh god especially like in front of people oh i hate that i just am too awkward i'm simply too awkward to do [ __ ] like that oh i'm like cringing thinking about it like having to come out and show everybody even though you already hate it or you think you look bad in it and then i'm just like so insecure anyway that i don't know i just hate it i hate trying [ __ ] on i'm like oh great like good to know that i'm ugly and i don't look good in this like oh god thank god flick hi baby when are you guys getting married we're having two weddings this year right we better be i hate when he says you remember me flick flick you've made an impact the size of a [ __ ] crater okay on this entire community we know you we remember you i was just thinking today that i need lots and lots of flick because he's gonna be mad at me like i don't have anything for you at this current moment in time however we're gonna do wedding dress shopping trying on with pom-pom and then i'm also just slowly but surely gonna start taking some of this christmas stuff down i hate to do it i really really hate to do it but i have to and for this area over here it's not a good time for that right now but i'm actually thinking of making a butterfly garden over here right like have you ever been to a museum where they have like a butterfly garden at the museum and you go in and like all the butterflies are everywhere i want to make this like a beautiful walk through butterfly garden you know have all of the butterfly models and you know bug [ __ ] and flowers and fountains and just gorgeousness obviously it's like literally the middle of winter so it's not like the best time for that currently right now but i figured we would at least start like preparing to bring it to that point but yeah i don't really know oh did i show you guys my yeah i don't think i did i need to show you the science lab that am i allowed to go into her house probably right yeah i made like this um alien like research lab like this lab like a lab where they would do like tests on you and [ __ ] this is so cool wow i really made this i'm i'm competent that's awesome you ever just like make something you're like i didn't make that did i oh god look at the cockroaches i hate to have to kill them but look at this isn't this cool yeah this wallpaper is [ __ ] perfect i don't know why i have this incantation like y'all told me what this was called in the last one and i forgot again what is it called a summoning circle something like that like a i don't know anyway yeah but look at this it's like it's like a lab isn't that so cool it's like the place that they've been built mewtwo and [ __ ] but it's like aliens and stuff and i love it you know like these like a little like eggs and fetuses and [ __ ] i don't know i love it i think it came out awesome and obviously there is more work to be done but yeah it's looking pretty good in here i actually don't even remember oh god look at these cockroaches guys i'm really sorry to have to do this but i do have to kill you thankfully your soul is free i love this i think this is so cool like turned around like that because it really does look like a cool star wars chair i don't know i just really like it i think it came out good anyway i am getting way off topic because i don't know what to do with my town actually i think i do um what was that oh another cockroach i'm so sorry but your soul is ascending and it's a beautiful thing to witness so yeah lots to do over the next i don't know while i guess lots of animal crossing videos coming in hot for ya uh and yes i do still plan on uh using i literally bought a new switch and a new copy of animal crossing and i haven't even used it yet because i'm overwhelmed honestly i don't know it's just so over oh did i just pick a flower idiot idiot idiot idiot alert idiot alert we've got an idiot at 12 o'clock right here a big old idiot she's running loose and we need someone to come get her at once thank you wow that was just like a double whammy okay don't [ __ ] touch anything else get out of there get out of there now i can't wait for it to be spraying and for all this stuff to be popping off oh my god the last time my patrons came and visited y'all left me like so many nice things i love you guys so much i'm not even kidding i love you wow goose is really lurking he has no life and it's really sad and honestly kind of embarrassing oh yeah flick see i'm all over the place yeah we are gonna do wedding dress shopping with pom pom but i also want to see oh scary i also want to see if i have any butterflies in my storage because i need to get those models started going oh god what's up with the cockroaches in my own residence come on get out of here i don't have any butterflies do i no butterflies really no butterflies not a single one wow okay nook shopping wow i like forgot how to play this game so yeah let's let's try to round up a bunch of dresses wait i would already have them yeah wait i'm an idiot i don't need to buy them we're going to harvest island they're already going to be there right right right i don't want to get there and not have [ __ ] you know maybe i should do a few more days of looking in able sisters just to make sure that there's not more stuff to see and do i don't know yeah let's do that how about damn i hope flick forgives me for not engaging with him at all i hate that i always really want to be there for him and give him what he came for he came out of his way you know for us and i just i would hate for him to leave and be like yeah i'm not going back there ever again because oh my god why why do you think that i want to see goose working out in my skin flowers why do you think i want to see that douche bag him and his [ __ ] glasses like what's up isabel give it to me straight girl right now it is blah blah blah january 2nd baby girl did you get to the point thank you oh this rock is back why the hell is this happening it's like a calculated effort by the rocks by the local rocks can you shut up i don't care why don't can you email me that [ __ ] or text me that [ __ ] or something because i just i don't know i just don't have time i also hate what i'm wearing amanda stop wow i like forgot how to play this game because i'm so good at it yeah i gotta change my outfit but you know what i'll probably change into something like very cute that's a very like maid of honor you know and then we'll have pom pom wear something that is very bright i can't believe pom-poms getting married ah it's gonna be so spectacular it really is like we're gonna have like a bridal shower where my patrons can come and uh help us get our [ __ ] together so we can set up like the most the entire island is gonna be like decked out it really is gonna be like the royal wedding you know what i mean like the whole island is gonna be decked out and it's gonna be we're gonna have a reception and my patrons y'all can come to the reception it's gonna be so cute i can't wait what all these rocks are gaining on me like they're like creeping into my yard like to get me i hate it i hate it i do hate it oh there's kyle i was just wondering where you were what's up pup what's the latest i'm just making it up as i go along but i would know one thing for sure moving to malachi was the best decision i ever made because you live here he loves me he's crazy about me i'm glad that he's really putting his best foot forward with this because sebastian from stardew valley is not helping his case at all he's making them look pretty bad i don't know even though they're like the same person hi kkk hi marina i missed you why aren't you sitting next to lily why is sherb sitting next to lily that's not what i like to see are you okay were you and lily fighting or something nice running into you cricket what's the latest are you okay do you need me to get you out of this situation sure get out of here red rum red rum i was just thinking about how i wanted to see you he's wearing his skin serial killer glasses yep yep this the first time was in your dreams help me help me please help me one two sherbies coming for you three four better lock the door five six i don't [ __ ] like this yeah that was really scary oh anka all my babies are out and about i can't believe i just didn't get any of the new year's [ __ ] that's so great what are you wearing that's very cute anka isn't this a lovely coincidence girl she's adorable do you know what i'm doing why i'm shopping for a little reward for myself i think i deserve it girl [ __ ] yeah you do hell yeah you can treat yourself my queen only thing i don't like about that is that you're buying it i'll buy it for you whatever you want in the store put it on my tab nook twins put anka's [ __ ] on my tab i'm gonna buy the whole store out if you want because i am rich in this game uncle i think you look cute with this umbrella that would be a cute umbrella for you anka i love you remember to put it on my tab please thank you whatever she wants even if it's the whole story even if it feels morally wrong for y'all do it i don't care if she takes advantage of me i'm asking her to she can buy whatever she wants you can have whatever you like because i feel bad for you that you like me and i don't know if i'm ever gonna be available okay what do you got ladies yeah let's do a few days where we're looking see if there's anything else we want to conjure up maybe maybe we'll go to nook is on and see you know because i really want to make sure that she has every option to be as beautiful as possible to find the perfect dress because like oh my god i was telling a story and i just totally stopped wow wow yeah you remember when i was gonna tell that story ugh i should probably just start it over again shouldn't i yeah um oh zell would look kind of cute in this too so yeah we went to like a bunch of different places and i tried everything on and it was really stressful for me because i hate attention especially when i'm like trying on clothes yikes just yikes you know obviously my friends are like amazing and they always make me feel good about myself but i still i don't know it's just like something i kind of wanted to do myself i don't know why like i was i don't know but then you can't just i don't know but then i was too awkward to go into any of the stores and be like ugh because it's just awkward for me i'm just an awkward person like i didn't like that when i would oh a lost item uh oh i go through it and like take out all the snacks and eat them and then leave the wrappers in there a very simple bag that's a tad open i spot some gym clothes i think ew it's probably gooses goose get this [ __ ] out of my possession please where are you are you still working out in my flowers anyway oh zucky he got up just so we could chat oh i love him in that grandpa sweater my grandpa has that sweater i love it oh i didn't i don't actually think that this is yours but whatever here you can act like you're helping yeah see okay i was thinking it was gooses but it's actually pierces wow pierce get your [ __ ] together buddy you're gonna have to be a husband oh he's about to go to his his fiance's house aren't you drop something wow look at him in the letterman jacket he really is such a himbo he is every single character that's ever in any like horror movie where they're like the big jock he really is is he not come on yeah sorry to break it tia pierce but you and pom pom are the first to go in in a slasher unfortunate it's just it's just how it is like if this was a slasher movie i really do think that i am the final girl i just have like final girl energy like i'm always suspicious i'm always the one that's like maybe we shouldn't do this maybe this is a trap you know and then pom pom and pierce unfortunately they're the ones that like you know they sneak off to like go hook up and they get killed first unfort i'm just saying it like it is it's very unfortunate but it is what it is i need to tell y'all that story it's very simple and i could get through it if i would just focus so i was awkward because i didn't want to go i'm going to change the time again uh because we're going to look in the store a little bit more i didn't want to go into like a bridal shop and i know that this is their job and i know other people like it and i'm not saying don't do this i think it's a beautiful thing for other people but i [ __ ] hate going in the store and be like hey like can i try on like wedding dresses and then they're like oh my god you're getting married and i'm like yeah but i don't want to talk about it because i'm awkward and weird and uh like i just hate it i don't know why i just i don't know i just don't like a lot of attention like i thought i was gonna want like a huge wedding because i come from a family who you guys know my family by now and when we have a [ __ ] wedding holy [ __ ] do we have a wedding the whoever's marrying into our family you can just always pick out their family members because they're always normal and they're just like standing there like wow these people are like so crazy what the hell but then you know they they have a few drinks and loosen up and my family like they bring out the wild and everyone i swear to god they end up getting like every single grandparent like break dancing in the middle of like a like a what is it called when you have a circle and people dance in the middle of it oh my god pompam and pierce are together i can't make this [ __ ] up they're in love oh yeah so i always assumed like i would just have this big huge sergeant spectacular wedding but the more i thought about doing that like at first i was like oh my god i can't wait we're gonna have like a big wedding it's gonna be so much fun but the more i started like thinking about first and foremost i don't know if you all know this but they're so expensive like how the hell did my family even afford this [ __ ] they must have like refinanced their houses or something i don't know how they afforded any of them but like when me and matt started to actually like you know go to places and like prepare and like look at places and venues and [ __ ] oh i was gonna go look at the campsite filigree and like just everything catering and [ __ ] and we wanted to like have vegan food but then this place where we wanted to get married they only had like a few caterers that they like worked with and none of it was just it's like so bizarre how the wedding industry works it really like why can't i just can have my grandma bring oh mary hi i love mary i don't care what anybody says i've been hearing some mary hate lately i really don't know what happened to y'all when you hate on mary i really don't i really don't get it at all like yeah her bangs they're not the best but do you see this girl i have half a mind can invite her but obviously i don't have room that's why i'm so excited for my new island that i'm going to be starting very soon because maybe i can have mary oh i just love her little teeth she's always eating a donut she's so damn cute her eyes are adorable she's like kind of cross-eyed she's just the best she's a beautiful baby girl i love her i really honestly think she's like one of the cutest villagers of all time that is probably the best campsite villager i've ever had that's the only time i've ever had a campsite villager that wasn't like absolute trash i think i'm pretty sure um because usually yeah they're ugh again again with the stalking again with the threats he's chasing me anyway slurping chili out the bowl without so much as a spoon we love to see it what goose oh you gonna move away listen up somersault it pains me to say it but but i've been thinking about leaving this island cutie good just kidding he's not going anywhere i haven't cleaned my place in forever it's a total mess and it's probably faster to move than tidy up i [ __ ] hate this i think this is one of the most outrageous claims that the jocks make like it never fails to knock me on my ass and and just blow my mind like imagine being so [ __ ] lazy that you want to move and leave your mess for someone else is that what you're saying you're literally going to be packing your [ __ ] goose is he that dumb you're going to be packing your [ __ ] into boxes aka cleaning up tidying up only you're adding uh several more steps by having a [ __ ] move the [ __ ] to another residence are you dumb are you stupid actually don't answer that because i know the answer already while i should just let you do this i'm not going to i'm going to make you stay and man up stay here and skin clean clean your [ __ ] goose yeah you're not getting out of this because again we do have a contract that you signed and you're supposed to be here for like at least three more seasons so i don't really know what that was about or why you even approached me with that because you're not getting out of your contract do you understand me you're right i've busted my tail here i've drenched this hallowed ground with my sweat goose shut up you're making me sick and don't call me cutie how about thanks this is a cutie somersault how are you cricket i'm glad you're never too busy to check in with me somersault remember what i said i never will be ever uh anyway wedding [ __ ] what was i what was i saying oh so yeah i just started to realize that like it sucks because like yeah i totally get like the appeal of wanting to have a big wedding or just a wedding in general because it's so much fun but what i started to think about is like honestly this like isn't going to be fun for us like we're both like really awkward and we don't like a lot of attention and like i think personally like i love weddings i love weddings i really do love them and i like hope that peep other people will continue to spend lots of money and have them because i love going to them i have so much fun at y'all's weddings i love them but when it was my turn to to to provide the wedding for everyone else i was like i don't know i just don't think this is like right for me i don't want to do it like i can't take the pressure of it like i have so much fun helping my friends plan their weddings and like helping them get all their [ __ ] together and yeah it's like really fun for me but then when it came time for my turn and like if this was like something that i was wanting like my whole life you know what i mean like i was like oh i can't wait for my turn like i can't wait for my wedding but then when that actually came i just didn't want to do it i thought it was like too much pressure um to have again like a big big wedding you know but i still obviously wanted to like have like a like get married and have it be like a thing so we decided to just go down to savannah georgia where and i know i am aware that this was supposed to be a wedding dress story and i will get there but you know me we went to savannah georgia which is like a very special place for like our story and our relationship because it's where matt proposed to me we went there like maybe two months into our relationship and that's kind of like where we first like realized we loved each other so it's just like a special place and so we just went down there with like our close friends and like close family and we did it there and it was perfect it was so great it was just a quick and like not a big deal and we just went out on the town after and instead of having like a reception and again i will get to the wedding dress part i'm just on a tangent i started recently becoming that girl that cries at weddings i never thought i would be that [ __ ] since um since i have like such a big family like i feel like i was just there was weddings a couple weddings like every year you know growing up because like my uncles and aunts were kind of at that age where they were all getting married throughout my childhood so there was just like a lot of weddings and then my cousins get married and stuff and it's just like everybody's always getting married i was always like all the all the [ __ ] that like started crying i was like why are they crying this is happy why are you okay why are you sad why are you crying really people really cry my mom's like amanda because she's [ __ ] crying too emotional ass [ __ ] who made me an emotional aspect thanks very much tracy she'd be like people cry whenever your emotions are you know just when they're really strong whether you're angry or sad or happy you know it can cause you to cry and i'm like i can't relate like at all but now i'm that [ __ ] 100 oh my god when my brother got married oh my god i was an embarrassment i couldn't even help it like because it's like my baby brother i mean he's two years younger than me but he's still my younger brother he's like getting married and he's like dancing with my mom and like i know them i know how much they love each other like i know their whole good story and they're dancing and it's like the sad rascal flat skin song like my wish for you that hulk and [ __ ] and they pulled that on me and i thought i was choking on my tears i was like like that level of balling my eyes out and oh god to make matters even worse i was obviously like a bridesmaid and for some reason we were standing we were the wedding party was standing in a line like in front of the table that we would eat at while they were doing all these like special dances you know and i was standing there in front of everybody and my brother had a big wedding and there was like you know over a hundred people easily like so many people and they all got to watch me sob as i stood there in my dress and sobbed because i just could not handle it at all it was just too much for me very emotional [ __ ] oh zell checking out anka sorry to break it to your buddy but she is not straight what's up girl what should i do tonight i don't know try on wedding dresses or at least try to find some i think we're going to do one more day after this just looking for last minute [ __ ] and then maybe we'll go on nook is on i just want to make sure you have everything because again it's important to know your options as i will get to oh my god lily you look so [ __ ] cute lily look at you in your little jacket and your glasses i am so proud of you for looking so cute today anyway yeah so i'm that [ __ ] that cries at weddings me and matt went to two weddings the year that we got married i think yeah like right after we got married we went to two other weddings these were matt's friends matt's friends i didn't even know these people i was like oh you know i just cried a lot because that was my brother like my little baby brother and it was very [ __ ] emotional but then we went to two weddings that i i could not have been less emotionally invested in because i just didn't know these people but i was moved to tears uh because it was beautiful oh i don't have this yet see that's why i need to be doing this right now i was like moved i was just completely moved to tears because oh and i don't have this either hell yeah no this is what i've wanted the whole time oh wait it doesn't look good on me damn this whole [ __ ] time i saw other people with this hat but i don't know if i look that good in it well it's okay i don't know i'm gonna buy it and i think give it to other people we'll see but anyway yeah beautiful weddings y'all really killed it yeah weddings i love weddings but then for myself i don't know it's like it's a lot of pressure like everybody watches you as you walk down the aisle yikes yikes oh these are so cute what the hell yeah i didn't get any of this [ __ ] nice anyway back to my story so looking for wedding dresses right i am starting to realize like i don't like attention as if i didn't already know that like i hate it i hate going into the store and i i didn't want to make like anybody feel weird or bad so i just like played along with it but i i just did not like you know going into the store and having the people be like oh my god you're getting married oh like giving me attention about it at me in my general direction and just making it a thing making it ah amanda look at you you look bad you look bad girl you're looking you're looking bad you're looking worse than ever so yeah i just didn't like that but like i and i also like i wasn't loving trying on dresses in front of my friends as much as i love them it's like i don't know it was like a lot of pressure for me and it was just weird it was just weird i'm sure a lot of you get get that you know where it's just kind of weird to be like the center of attention like you just don't like it and so i did this thing because i couldn't find a dress that was good that made me feel good and i really did like i am normally feeling horrible about myself oh god get home and change you are a disaster you're an entire disaster wow zell's just standing there trying to talk to anka because he she does match his energy very well but she is not interested i don't think so i yeah i just wanted to like feel good you know you ever want to feel like decent about yourself on your wedding day you know you ever want to look decent i did uh i think everybody does and you just want to find that dress that like really makes you feel [ __ ] you know like i have watched enough say yes to the dress to know that there's like a special magic moment that happens when you find the perfect dress and like i found dresses that i'm like yeah i mean this is okay but it wasn't making me feel anything i was just like i could could be better and i didn't want to feel that way i didn't want to like wish that i had done something differently or found a different dress i started like you know we were still going out looking for them in real life but i also started ordering them i'm just gonna wear something silly and crazy for now i think and i don't think i've gotten aware of this yet you know what i'm just gonna be crazy and silly and wear something crazy and cute because why not um anyway i started ordering them online i was just gonna try a few and you know what it was gonna be something that i would be able to try on in the comfort of my own home um and i like i've said before i dog sit a lot so it was kind of a good situation because i could bring them with me dog settings that matt didn't see because i'm the type of person like i just like didn't want him to see my wedding dress until like we got married because i'm cheesy i don't know and so i was bringing them dog sitting and then i would like just try them on and i would really get to sit there and like kind of do all my own like assessments and stuff because i'm that awkward and weird that like if my friends liked a dress that i like didn't i felt like bad for telling them that like i didn't really like it as much as them because if something can be made awkward i'll be sure to do so immediately it was just nice to be able to like you know get them try them on and then send them back if i didn't like them and so i was doing that and i actually ended up i ordered a bunch of really expensive dresses from like really awesome places online and um you know they just like weren't working out so i would like send them back and i was like just not finding my dress and i was starting to kind of run out of time a little bit it's like i still needed to like do alterations and yeah look at how cute this is you know it's just for fun just for like the day you know we're just gonna look like cindy skin lou who for the day and yeah i think i need to change the day again but we're getting somewhere we are we're getting somewhere oh you know what i wanted to buy a few more pairs of those boots yeah i should probably do that [ __ ] why did i forget to do that because i'm an idiot perhaps yes that's the reason yep so anyway uh you know i just wasn't finding it no matter where i went no matter how much i spent i just wasn't finding it i had heard from an acquaintance that they got their dress on amazon and first of all i don't really like amazon like all that much because i just feel like it's really scary it's like taking over the world and i don't like jeff bezos um and i try to get as little as possible on there who am i kidding i get i end up getting so much [ __ ] on there because you have to it's scary because i'm poor and like there's stuff that i sometimes i just need it right away and uh you know the whole amazon dilemma like i think most of us use it because i don't know what are we supposed to do about this like tyrant scary guy anyway you know and i really like did not want to like get my dress on amazon i was like i was like yeah thanks for the i think that's the only pair i needed just the yellow ones i like them they're kind of like rain boots anyway i think i posted like on facebook just like oh it's like anybody i'm like having a hard time finding a dress like blah blah blah give me some advice or like where did you guys get your dresses like did you order them online if so what was your experience like blah blah blah and one of my acquaintances they're cute dude they are at least at the very least they're becoming friends which is nice oh you got some chili very nice girly you deserve it okay let's skip to the next day anyway yeah like one of my acquaintances was like oh yeah i got uh i got it off amazon believe it or not and it actually was like really beautiful and i was like amazon what the [ __ ] kind of dress you gonna find on amazon no offense like i'm sure it was gorgeous but like i just don't i don't know it's like in my head that i was like i have to go to like a like a certified wedding retailer you know what i mean because like that's just what they tell you so i looked on amazon just for fun because i was getting desperate like this is like a couple months later after i had been told that dresses on amazon were a thing you know you get on amazon and like there's actually some like really pretty ones and so i'm like you know what [ __ ] it let's order one i will return it if it doesn't work and it's fine you know it's not a big deal just like the other places we're just gonna try it because we're desperate at this point okay there's this one dress that i found on there and it was like super super pretty and it was kind of like it from the pictures it just looked like everything that i was kind of wanting but obviously again with amazon you just never really know what you're gonna get god it's always gotta be goose like i don't care what goose is doing i really don't walking around in his [ __ ] douche bag glasses yep sounds about right i'm not really that surprised i don't know why you feel the need to show me that anyway i ordered this dress off amazon right you know put in my size and stuff but obviously like most dresses you're gonna need to get them like altered of course and i do that and then it comes and i happen to be dog sitting for this for this family that had like a big they had like um one of those closets with mirrors on them so it was like a full body mirror like just and i think it was like two sides to it so it was a really good place to like try stuff on and i tried this dress on and it was [ __ ] perfect it was perfect and i really did have the feeling of like oh my god like i feel really good in this like this is making me feel so good everything about it was so perfect it was it just made me i was like wow please get out of my way oh i did i was just like did i return that other loss item but i did here's another one but anyway yeah it was like actually so perfect and i had to order dresses off like everywhere you could imagine i went to extreme exercises without ease ew that's gotta be gooses he probably dropped it and he didn't even notice and it was literally right there hey you you bringing it yeah i'm bringing your dumb stupid trash that you leave laying around my island can you pick up after yourself please why are you throwing your [ __ ] around oh sorry but this isn't mine oh god pierce keeps losing his [ __ ] wow pierce is just a mess in the last few days he's he has been the owner of both of the lost items wow pierce it must be the wedding you know it's a lot of pressure and it puts a lot on him and he's probably helping a lot sup buddy drop something again what is it girl yeah do you have a tornado come through your house jeez i'm finding all your [ __ ] strong about my training notebook also there's an e in extreme and exercise just to let you know for next time you know new smelling brine shrimp aquarium yikes okay thanks pierce thank you pierce he's very happy with himself oh yeah no so this can amazon dress was so perfect it was perfect i had i had probably tried on i don't even know like 50 100 dresses at this point like so i can't even tell you i was so sick of it what is kyle wearing what is he wearing uh it's really cute look at him wearing this whole ass jacket i love it he loves your stuff he loves your designs fyi thanks for putting them in tried on like so many [ __ ] dresses and none of them made me feel the way this amazon dress made me feel none of them like it was just perfect i was like yep this is my address wow like because i just felt that feeling that like feeling that it's like this is right and it was really special because like that feeling really does exist it's not just something that you see on you say yes to the dress like i really felt like i was like wow like i am actually not ugly because like again i am very insecure and self-conscious and i constantly feel like i'm i just don't feel good about myself ever because i'm broken by society yeah but this dress like really did i was like wow i really actually feel good about myself and that was my amazon dress so so it was it took me like kind of being desperate and just being like yeah let's see what we can find all right one more uh look at zell sitting in the flowers reading how adorable are you who do you think you are some cute boy because you're right you're exactly right you are some cute boy [Music] for every mystery someone somewhere who knows the truth perhaps that someone is watching perhaps it's you [Music] yeah nothing looks like we have a whole lot of nothing in here why do you guys suck at this so bad like you really think i'm gonna buy that i already bought that space heater like a lot of them i have several at this point can you change it out i've already bought it i think everybody who wanted it won has gotten one you know and they don't seem they seem like they're really good quality i don't think we're gonna have to replace them anytime soon you can change it out for something else if you if you really care about this community i don't know anyway ladies what you got and then we're i think i'm gonna look on knuckazone and just see because i really again i just want to make sure she has every option oh cute i don't think i have this because we are sisters we stand together we make up one big family though we don't look the same my spots are different different colors isn't this like their colors is one of them orange or something make each other stronger that ain't never gonna change believe in mr we cheated girls cheated sisters wow literally cheetah girls cheetah sisters but i uh do i want do i even want one of these am i ever gonna wear it yeah the answer is yes oh but i like this too that's the only folk shirt i don't have yet i like that one wow see this was a good idea to come in here although it's i was i'm disappointed to say that i don't think we got like anything for pom-pom during this whole [ __ ] thing this whole video basically it's fine i'm gonna get should i get one of those cheetah girls shirts yeah you never know you never know when you're gonna need it you know you gotta get this [ __ ] while you can i just don't understand why this process has to be so [ __ ] slow and just slogging through it you know no cheetah girls cheetah sisters thanks please come again let's go look on nook is on let's see what they got over there on nook is on right she doing again with the magnifying glass looking at the [ __ ] fossil i love her and she's got her glasses on and i just want to let y'all know in case you don't already that lily the frog villager from animal crossing is the main character of the game she is she's the main character of animal crossing i hope you all know if you don't already now you know yep she's the main character that's all there is to it okay let's go yeah let's go uh look on nook is on can you stop with the ads actually get get that coin nook is on you're doing so much for us okay uh yeah let's go to clothing dresses yep wow i don't have this i'm just saying i'm just saying i don't think i've ever had that that's really pretty oh my god can you imagine sure wearing this though that would be like really scary what are you buying it's like the [ __ ] merchant from resident evil 4. moldy dress what the [ __ ] that's a thing i have never in my life seen that before oh my god moldy dress moldy i am so sensitive to mold i can't do it moldy dress oh my god get your [ __ ] together oh that's cute i don't have that oh that's [ __ ] cute whenever i'm on nokia's on i always realize how much [ __ ] i don't have oh pineapple dress that's cute oh that's cute too i don't have that what the hell i've never seen this in my life able sisters what the hell why are you holding out on me i just don't get it i just don't understand i'm afraid i don't understand and i don't have every color of this either and i want every color that's cute that's really cute yeah see all this is good for is like showing me all the [ __ ] i'm missing oh my god cute oh my god so cute do i have this don't i have this didn't i freak out about this they're cute i like that i stand by what i said because i'm pretty sure i saw those see that's really cute just kidding actually wait yeah no that's like some [ __ ] bella would wear to her her wedding no that's some [ __ ] bella would um but i don't i don't know i i know i already have that one we'll tr oh see ya have that thank you i do have this already pierce is not wearing that actually he would actually maybe look cute in that i don't know we'll see we're gonna have a whole another day for oh zigzag print dress other colors cute wait that's it that's it really that's it really really that's it that's it i can't wait i'm gonna cry a lot at their wedding it's gonna be so beautiful yeah and we're gonna really deck the entire island out for the occasion it's gonna be lovely and everyone's just gonna be like partying we're all just gonna be like having the time of our lives and if you're one of my patrons we'll try and get everybody um you know throughout the whole day to to be able to come by and show their support and their love for the married couple oh yay lily i love you lily she's so cute it's like literally freezing and there's snow everywhere and she's sitting on a pillow outside reading because she is so cute what's up isabelle is anybody dying are we under attack if not i think we can probably just really skip ah skip over all of that how's digby you never talk about digby is he okay is he alive did he get drafted or something where is he i just feel like she never talks about him i'm still cheetah girls cheetah sisters it's fine yeah i don't want to be like cinderella sitting in a dark dusty cellar waiting for somebody they had like so many bops though the cheetah girls i stand by them for the rest of my life yeah one of the greatest bands of the of the early 2000s yep yeah they were a group they were like a [ __ ] group with a capital g yep my group okay yet again nothing nothing that i'm interested in currently i don't want to be like someone waiting for a handsome prince to come and save me oh i will survive unless the bodies on my side don't want to be no no no one else i'd rather rescue myself that's the reason we're all bad [ __ ] is because we got to grow up with the cheetah girls fyi um yeah i just don't i'm not seeing anything ladies try harder i don't know i don't know what to tell you no i did i get i got some stuff that i needed personally but yeah as far as like the actual mission of the whole video nothing nothing i have i regret to report that i have nothing that i got nothing but i did need i needed to do that and we just chilled and i just rambled about random [ __ ] so it's fine all right let's go change hi lily she is still she's on her [ __ ] like she's sitting there is she sitting or she's just that short nope she's actually just that short i thought she was like on her knees and she's using a magnifying glass again to look at the fossil and i really do want to remind you that she's the main character of this entire story okay let's do this ladies let's show our girl a good time ew why is he like always in my line of sight i really wish he wouldn't be oh my god pierce again is like around pom-poms house so cute they are always together what the hell what's up girl i just wanted to oh no you're sick i'll be right back oh god now we have to do this tomorrow yeah pom pom's too [ __ ] sick she's too sick great this is wonderful pierce he's probably out here trying to find some like herbs and [ __ ] to heal her yeah i'm going to get the medicine pierced don't worry he's out there because he's been taking care of her all day yeah yep because they're engaged to be wed anka you look gorgeous actually you look so beautiful yeah wow i can't believe pom-pom is sick on the day of the day that we're gonna go try on dresses it's almost as if sherb caught wind of it and he wanted to throw a wrench into it that's exactly what happened people that is exactly what happened yeah yep and i can prove it in a court of law if you give me some time i can get some evidence together stop no twins please wow wow so [ __ ] startling i can't believe the literal guest of honor the bride is sick ugh we gotta be really careful about their wedding day because sherb is gonna try to like sabotage that oh pom-pom my poor girl yeah palm okay i got you some medicine and we will go out as soon as you're feeling better like we definitely do not have to go today at all oh my head hurts i got too much gunk in my noggin i actually feel like you should take a co-fed test if you're feeling like that type of like sick you should probably take it you should probably get tested and i honestly should probably get tested too yeah let's let's just get tested before we go do this you know no thank you oh she's still got that ring on display though look at that [ __ ] poor palm ugh what a what a rotten day oh my god today's pierce's birthday i had no idea i actually didn't know wow pierce's birthday okay i guess we should probably celebrate it right wow pierce's birthday yeah wow okay wow goose why are you sitting in my driveway you idiot eating a sandwich in my dress that awkward moment when your ex is literally sitting in your driveway eating a [ __ ] sandwich like nothing like it's nothing like it's not a big deal this is a huge deal i don't know why i'm holding a slingshot knock knock it's your fiance's best friend and by proxy your best friend as well here to say happy birthday no [ __ ] [Music] y'all i like actually can't [ __ ] deal with this i might cry it's just so beautiful like they found each other like they found each other they are pixels they are codes they were created by nintendo and yet love cannot [ __ ] stop them they will always find each other they really will i [ __ ] can't make this [ __ ] up oh my god pom-pom is the one that's here with him i like didn't expect it i didn't have my hopes up for this oh my god you are such a good [ __ ] fiance i love you so much i hope this birthday is a super mega awesome one for pierce because he's my future husband piers look at you looking like a [ __ ] whole ass himbo with a cake on your head wow i love y'all so [ __ ] much like seriously like the three of us these are my ride or dies like i'm gonna cry right now like my ride or dies right here pierce and palma i'm gonna cry so much at their wedding it's not even funny it really is not funny it's not it's like not funny at all it's actually like a very emotional thing for me and it's like really not a laughing matter wait y'all i really want to get a picture come on they love you guys yeah this is beautiful this is a beautiful occasion can't believe it's pom-pom in here i really am going to like cry like that's so perfect don't you love when you're like your little thing can and sh your head cannons your ships like they actually work out don't you love that that's like the best feeling in the world it really is name a better feeling than having your own head cannons and your ships actually play out in in the real like medium that you're that is your fandom look at this look at this can anyone deny that they are a couple that they are engaged to be wet i love this i have to leave before i just break down all right here we are at [ __ ] david's bridal i don't know we're at the dress shop and we've got even ursa is here with us all the girls all the ladies are here to help our beautiful princess pom pom find the dress of her dreams so let's get let's get uh i always do this and then it takes forever to get them turned around so let's get started let's take a look at these options palm okay what do we got what do we got girl girly ooh here's one okay i mean yeah let's let's check it out what do we think palm what do we think i mean you're gorgeous you're beautiful you look so beautiful and gorgeous and honestly i feel like you would look gorgeous in anything but like how do you feel you know yeah i think it's also like just a tad bit casual you know it's it's very beautiful but it's a little casual i get it i get it i totally get it let's keep going honestly i'm like in the way i feel like i should just just be like sitting here on the floor because that's what a maid of honor does so that her girl can be the center of attention yeah sit the [ __ ] down good girl wow palm you look gorgeous yet again how do you feel agreed agreed yeah i think it's just a little bit again too casual you are a [ __ ] queen you're a princess and a queen and you need something that is beyond extravagant i agree pom pom you look gorgeous you really really do you really look so beautiful totally agree i think that there's just not enough dress there you really want to steal the show i get it i completely get it i mean again you look incredible i mean i just kind of can't even believe that you are a real being that's walking among us because you are so beautiful and so unbelievably perfect and i want you to feel that way too so we are gonna find this dress [ __ ] that's pretty pom-pom that's really pretty what do you think no yeah that's a contender for sure it's very simple but it's go i didn't mean that in like a bad way i'm sorry like it's a good it's a good symbol you know it's like you can probably play it up i'm really digging myself a whole you get what i'm saying though right you can just like wear a lot of jewelry like a beautiful gorgeous veil i get it yeah no i think you need more extra i think so too palm yeah i'm sorry i should probably just keep my opinions to myself right okay well just let me know if i'm like overstepping because it's all about at the end of the day it is like really all about what you want and what you love you know it really is all about you girl it really is and i think i i honestly i think that this is so pretty i just feel like it's a little simple right and you are such an extra ass [ __ ] exactly i know yeah i knew you would agree all right come on out palm what do you got next oh that's really pretty that's cute you don't like the shoulders i actually yeah now that you now that you point them out the shoulders yeah i can totally see that i really can yep no yeah i mean like you are absolutely show-stopping you're stunning absolutely stunning but i get it the the it's just the sleeves i know it's the little things it really is the little things that like make or break a dress honestly it's so weird right pom-pom that's so pretty uh that is gorgeous palm oh my god it's so pretty do you love it me too me too i think it's so pretty oh it's really pretty that's a good contender it is oh yeah it is it's simple you're right yeah it's a little simple but i just think it's so beautiful on you then again i mean you could wear a [ __ ] potato sack and you would still be like literally the most gorgeous creature who ever walked the earth honestly god you're so perfect is it is it hard is it crazy being the most beautiful perfect gorgeous [ __ ] on the planet like does it weigh on you at all that's good that's good to hear that it doesn't affect you at all that's so good to hear that you sleep great at night i love that for you okay what do we got oh okay wow yes i'm so glad you hate it because you look like a zebra delinquent you look like you're in jail and a zebra at the same time actually it's i mean it's a very beautiful gown it just looks like a like you're going to the annual ball at the state penitentiary you know what i mean like you look like you are going to the zebra convention yeah yeah i agree yeah i love you so much [ __ ] like even you can pull that [ __ ] off though honestly i mean it's like very ugly yeah i agree girl get that [ __ ] off i know but you still pull it off though that's why i hate you that's why i [ __ ] hate you [ __ ] is because you can still pull off that [ __ ] art project that you have on i know it's crazy palm it really is all right [ __ ] what you got on next are you kidding me do you love it do you love it i do too pom-pom you literally look so perfect oh my god look at you uh oh my god that is stunning [Music] i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry you love it right is this the one because i'm like about to cry you just like look so beautiful i'm sorry i like literally lost i brought my camera i dropped my camera because you are literally making me want to cry i know yeah you're glowing yep it's so gorgeous right i know [ __ ] i think we have found our dress oh my god look at this girl yeah i'm like so happy for you that fit palm this was made for you i just can't believe it pom pom i really can't you look ethereal you look divine you look like you're from a different [ __ ] planet like a different plane of reality you are the most stunning creature that ever walked the earth you honestly are it's amazing pom-pom you're dazzling you are dazzling [ __ ] yes [ __ ] yes [ __ ] you are dazzling i can't believe my best friend is getting married and she found her wedding dress today she's got her dress y'all yup it's over it's over for everyone pom pom especially pierce look at you look at you [ __ ] is she not so [ __ ] gorgeous look at this [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 43,716
Rating: 4.9333916 out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh, nintendo, pompom, theamandafiles, amanda sargent
Id: 9YZ_hJaN_cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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