ANSWERING QUESTIONS, TUX SHOPPING & DRAMA. (guess who ruined lily's birthday?)

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so we're just gonna check my mail real quick and oh we got something from pierce thanks for all your help with getting this wedding planned just wanted to let you know before you hear it from him that i asked goose to be my best man [Music] yeah wow wow okay uh yeah before you hear it from him because he's gonna be bragging about it all over town what i know it may be a bit weird but yeah you think you think it's a bit weird we have actually been friends since middle school and for better or worse he's mostly been there for me not that kyle hasn't we just aren't as close especially after the rough patch oh my god listen pierce my whole goddamn relationship and the entire time that goose has been on this island which is literally since the island was founded has been a rough patch okay ugh anyway i know you'll understand and if anything maybe it'll inspire a change in the guy he's on board to help with whatever we need so don't hesitate to assign some work to him too oh my god pierce really you that's first of all it's laughable that you think that i could trust goose to do anything for this wedding it's laughable that that pom-pom even allowed this i know she's gotta be pissed i mean i'm gonna try to be mature about this like i get it him and kyle you know they're not as close especially after like they haven't they didn't talk much during our little rough patch he's right i guess i like missed the part where pierce and goose have been friends for years apparently they go way back they're just like best friends goose is really the best man are you kidding me okay i mean it's his wedding i'm not gonna like criticize him like oh yeah i guess who was he supposed to choose him and kyle are just not as close as they used to be kyle's best friend is zell not pierce you know so i get i get that but it's also just oh isn't this lovely isn't this lovely everybody just loves goose huh i guess goose is a part of the community huh look at goose being a part of the community we hate to see it apparently everybody loves to see it except for me because i'm the only one with any god damn sense apparently even though goose asked me to leave and i made him stay definitely not ideal at all that goose is the best man and therefore is my counterpart during this wedding experience so that means we're like walking in together we're like working together to plan i really hate this and i just don't think it's gonna bode well for anyone yeah so i guess today oh perfect i've been looking for these these are cute today we're gonna go and find that wedding boy fit for the wedding boy pom pom actually wants me to go with pierce because she doesn't trust anybody to do anything right which i can totally agree with clearly you can't even trust pierce to pick someone to be his best man that isn't going to burn the entire wedding to the ground i don't know god always got to check in here make sure nobody's dead is anybody dead or dying in here anybody at all what the very subtle sure very subtle west really a standoff really a standoff what are you doing what's going on in here no jesus more freddy krueger ew ew ew my jar of coal ew i just don't like anything that's happening yeah that's scary yep freddy krueger he's basically admitting it it's amazing yeah audrey be careful please he's talking about you yeah you're next on this list unfortunately i'm so sorry to say this to you but you're on sherb's list you're a target there's a target on your head oh no how would you know i didn't even know that how the hell would you know you're going after lily now i am out of here i can't believe it i can't believe he loves to see like the terror that he causes he loved that's why he tells you he's like i heard lily was sick nobody else is talking about how lily's sick because he's the only one that knows because he's the one who poisoned her oh my god never a fandom why is everybody always getting sick on my island it's almost as if we have an active killer on the loose oh lily i don't think i've ever seen lily get sick marina doesn't even know or care what the hell marina's just dropped the ball apparently what the hell yeah give me some medicine for my friend please she's dying she's on her deathbed i would appreciate if you could hurry the hell up please no i don't need any of this dialogue and i certainly don't need you stopping me on my way out thank you boys thank you so much i hate when they stop you and you have to turn around i love when they just let you go get the hell out of there okay let's go save lily's life save lily's whole ass life while you guys hang out with goose and watch kk slider while a girl dies oh lily somersault have you stopped by to see how i'm doing yeah yeah sherb told me that he poisoned you i'm so sorry that you that this happened to you but you're gonna pull through you're gonna make it he's not gonna win not this time not this time lily i hope so too i hope i don't catch a case of sherb trying to end my life too i also hope so thank you lily for for being alive still haven't done a lick of work around the island at all i realize now y'all are so funny in the comments there's literally a butterfly garden like in the museum i'm over here like i'm gonna make have you guys ever seen like a museum without butterfly garden there's literally a massive gorgeous butterfly garden in our museum actively in our museum so that's a thing however i think i'm still gonna do it because it's like a really cool idea and you know what at the end of the day who the hell is going into their museum that often you know what i mean we just don't always get around to it don't always have the time you know what i mean so we're gonna not work on that today at all i'm not gonna lie to you we're gonna just do the tugs thing but we are gonna get ready to work on that i just don't know if i wanna work on it until the snow can melt when does that happen what does that take place you know so i decided um that i think i'm going i'm gonna i'm trying y'all first of all i'm trying super super hard to get this streaming thing going i need a whole ass new computer that's kind of a lot it's a big deal it's a big decision to make to get a new computer so i'm hoping to do that like very soon like very very soon and then i figured it would probably be perfect to have the streaming start with like doing my new island because i was thinking about how much like kind of just tedious stuff is involved with that which would give us plenty of time to just like talk and it would give me time to read the comments and like do all that stuff and it would just be like fun for like a chill like kind of stream sesh you know what i mean i think it would be perfect oh there you are look at you looking like the whole ass main character maybe pom-poms the main character out here looking at the skin river girl what the hell do you think about goose being the best man what the hell is up with that i know it's weird i get it yeah no it's weird but like it's pierce's decision obviously i yeah i get it yeah i get it it's i think goose is harmless he's too dumb to actually anything up you're right just as long as like we don't let him do anything yep and we give him like astringent yeah i totally get it yeah i get it no and there's really no hard feelings like i know you were pulling up for me and they're like workout buddies it's really not that deep i get it yeah i totally get it i mean it doesn't really make sense for him to have kyle as his best man i just honestly wasn't even sure who was gonna be it i just i don't know i guess like in the back of my mind like subconsciously i knew that he was gonna pick goose but i just kind of didn't want to like admit it but i get it i do i'm not mad at all like at all it's like literally not about me you guys could have vladimir putin as the maid of honor if you want and it's still your decision like i would definitely be so mad and never talk to you again but but it's fine you know don't worry girl let's just stand here and like ruminate be a couple of bad how about okay so there's a few more things that i want to get so i'm gonna pretend that it's not a complete waste of time to check the shop a few days in a row because you know what honestly it's not look at this kind of stuff like this is almost what i'm looking for basically i don't have i think it's called a tail suit for some reason i like don't have any of the tail suit jackets or something but everything else i think i have ready to go so we're going to do that thing again where we just kind of check a few more days it's fine and i also figured it would be a good time for me to actually try to get to some of these questions that my patrons have have asked and then diligently waited for me to get to wow i have 60 bells never mind good thing there wasn't anything pressing to buy and in the meantime i will go to the bank which i hate doing that's why i have 60 bells wow did i i think i think that means i spent like all of those bells like 120 000 something bells wow i am really bad with money really irresponsible person it's fine um yeah i want to get to some of these questions i'm just gonna kind of scroll through and like find stuff that randomly pops out at me because i don't know i'm weird i have to be like in a mood to talk about certain things you know hello nook twins yes yes stop following me hmm i don't know if i have that computer yet i just call that a computer by the way wow what in my brain would make me think that that was a computer literally a grand piano and i'm like i'm like is this a computer it's like that meme is this a computer not quite amanda you got 60 bells girl you don't even have the money to go near that thing you actually i'll pass because i'm making the decision because i do have the money why did i even walk in here before going to the bank that's why i'm canceled uh oh it's kixie hi kicks oh oh my god i just found the best question it's also like definitely opening up a can of worms in a good way it's just uh what's the word i can't think of any words today which is ironic because this question is from joseph aka kid's fiance i'm so happy for you guys i can't believe you're getting married he said are you interested in poetry at all and if so who are some of your favorite poets also do you write some of your own oh my god um you all know me you all know me what do you think yeah poetry is something that i can get real cheesy about oh my god i mean it's it is cheesy by nature and that's why i love it it's cause like you kind of have the agency to be really cheesy when you talk about poetry and when you write poetry like ugh it's so cheesy and i love it yeah poetry gets me every time so hard i am i get i get i get as cheesy as i can possibly get sometimes i mean that's kind of what it's for i guess and uh the thing i love about poetry is that it kind of not only invites you to get cheesy but it kind of encourages the cheesiness you know it's just all about those emotions god ah i gotta fix this for zell you know what i'm taking all of this and i'm gonna try my best to fix it while we do this video it's fine it's all over the place but you guys you know what i don't even feel bad for you anymore i'm not even going to apologize anymore you guys know what you're getting into oh jeez sherb it's probably anthrax by the way amy you are my girl thank you so much you are so sweet you're so good to me oh my god oh my god yeah the proof is in the pudding i'm so sick and tired of people sticking up for sure i really am i think that there's absolutely no excuse no more excuses it's right here in front of us he wrote it out himself do you buy clothes glitter that's first of all that sounds like joker wrote that do you buy clothes glitter like what the is that first line second line jesus i saw this when i was out shopping i thought it would go on y'all i can't make this up i thought it'd go on your body because they made it with holes for your body to fit through i hope that your body fits inside of it why is he talking so much about my body three sentences in and he's still going on about my body excuse me do you like my surprise present do the holes fit this thing is going right in the garbage actually it should be in a evidence locker i'm scared i'm scared i am scared i'm writing a poem about it now no but seriously like please let me get cheesy about poetry for a second i'm a basic so i i like like you know some basic of course because it's basic for a reason it's amazing one thing that i'm really obsessed with that kind of i feel like it definitely was the thing that kind of got me into poetry is victorian poetry so like alfred tennyson and lord byron and browning like elizabeth barrett and robert emily bronte john keats who else um there's like so many how am i forgetting oh my god matthew arnold duh he wrote one of my favorite poems of all time longing come to me in my dreams and then by day i shall be well again for then the night will more than pay the hopeless longing of the day cause i'm that that definitely like recites poetry like out of the blue because i'm so quirky obviously love like the basic emily dickinson i'm sorry but like she's just so good she's definitely one of those poets that i recommend to people who want to get into poetry because her poems ew blue camo flooring i'm not keeping that maracas oh my god i haven't tried these actually what are you kidding me it's over everybody's gonna be so enamored with me when i shake my maracas out there look at how cute i look oh my god that's so cute i love that i really love that no but emily dickinson like if you're somebody who has just never really had the time to get into poetry or maybe you've heard you've probably heard like a few of her poems my favorite now i have to recite it it's just so good though listen if i can stop one heart from breaking i shall not live in vain if i can ease one life the aching or cool one pain or help one fainting robin onto his nest again i shall not live in vain that's so good dude i've read that poem probably five million times and i still managed to get the chills because i'm like it's so beautiful it's like how i want to live my life yeah she's just the boss obviously like she really she really did be writing like hella poems up there in her little attic sylvia plath is another one of the girls in the bad girls club for sure uh just a beautiful poet beautiful writer in general if you've never read any of her poems you may have read the bell jar she's the one that has a quote this is from the bell jar that goes i took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart i am i am i am who else do i love obviously edgar allen poe love him robert frost for however overrated he might be you know some of my favorite poems like some of just the best easiest poems to fall in love with very moving very poignant like just ugh and you've probably heard like you know robert frost's poems like fire and ice i think everybody's heard fire and ice some say the world will end in fire some say an ice from what i've tasted of desire i hold with those who favor fire and then i literally wrote this like entire poem like on my walls when i was younger um the road not taken uh yeah this this this poem like i mean it's so again it's very overrated it's very basic and sadly we are all like so afraid to like basic but this is like a beautiful poem and it really has like done a lot for me like i'm pretty like this this poem is probably one of the reasons that i like decided to be a wildlife conservationist like i was just like yeah i'm gonna take that road the last stanza like it it makes me like weep if i'm in if i'm in a mood like i'll weep and that's the one that i have memorized so i'm gonna make you weep just kidding no this this poem is actually very very powerful but it goes this is just the last line but it's a very beautiful poem and it goes i shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence two roads diverged in a wood an eye i took the road less traveled by and that has made all the difference ugh yeah see i'm out here trying to cry like already yeah what else what else what else who else do i love i know there's more than just robert frost stop being a basic just kidding never stop um oh my god don't even get me started on like maya angelou and langston hughes audre lorde lucille clifton dudley randall oh my god some of my yeah i think that just i mean again maya angelou obviously like a complete legend you've probably heard a lot of her poems but she's another one that you can read her poems and get completely like swept away and she wrote um still i rise you may write me down in history with your bitter twisted lies you may trod me in the very dirt but still like dust i rise oh so good so so so good yeah i'm like covered in chills poetry man i'll do it to you and then langston hughes langston music can make me weep yeah especially i think that like every time i read i too his poem i too yeah that makes me cry that is so powerful holy and then ugh life is for the living death is for the dead let life be like music and death and no unsaid ugh he's just so good and then yeah um caroline duffy is another one of my faves uh grace nichols oh my god so good i love her uh amanda lovelace another really good these are like modern day poets um sarah k like her obviously y'all know i was weeping in the whole foods parking lot on inauguration day amanda gorman y'all already know that i am obsessed with her obviously my god and obviously amanda gorman has other poetry that is just as beautiful and phenomenal as the hill we climb so oh my gosh who else do i love uh michelle t adrian rich june jordan christopher soto oh my gosh yeah the list goes on oh my god roomie did i talk about roomie i think everybody knows roomie right modern poetry like you really gotta get into it and then i bring up roomie from the literal 13th century still absolutely slaps though oh my god yeah one of my favorite poems the minute i heard my first love story i started looking for you not knowing how blind that was lovers don't finally meet somewhere they're in each other all along ugh i love poetry and yeah of course i write poetry yeah i guess that brings me to telling you that i love writing poetry so so so much i feel like it is something that i that i turn to when i don't know what else to do it's almost like a diary for me i have so many little poems that i've written just in my notes app like but yeah i'm so glad you asked because it's something that means a lot to me and something that i'm super awkward about and like shy about but you guys make me feel like i can share stuff like that so it's good to know that like there's interest because i would love to someday share my poetry i'm really passionate about it so yeah thank you for asking i think that zell's little area came out great by the way i know i didn't say anything because i was too busy fangirling about the concept of poetry but i love it i think it came out great it's very zell and that means now that we are free and we can move to the next day because i will waste time otherwise lily i'm not talking to you no i can't handle it she doesn't want to move i didn't i didn't see anything didn't see anything yeah i've just begun like ignoring them when they do their little thinking thing which sucks because sometimes it's not about moving but i'm just really fragile right now and i really don't want to deal with anybody asking to move i just don't i don't want anybody to move i just am sick of it i really am i take it very personally like every time even if it's goose i do i'm like wow i'm not even good enough for goose good great love that love that for me oh there's cj hey cj how's the wedding planning coming i feel like i haven't seen you in forever buddy but anyway yeah i really really love poetry a lot like a lot a lot so yeah thank you for asking because you just got a whole slice of one of my nerdy hyper fixations y'all know if you know about hyper fixations you know what cj unfortunately just don't have time for your today not that i don't love your because i do you know i'm wearing this sweater for you you big gay hunk of love gosh cj you're just like not straight at all are you it's crazy crazy how lgbt you are oh my god look at the groom in his best man and marina randomly just like two best friends the two best friends that anyone could ever have look at them it's fine look at them wearing the same damn shirt i love how marina is not on routine either at all she's doing her own damn thing and we love to see it oh my god get me out of here i hate it here remember when sherp sent me that threatening message oh pierce again getting it done getting it i thought i was gonna say muffin that would be cute actually next person who asked me to change their phrase they're getting muffin getting it done mountain of course you are and you inspire me to get it done too mom thank you okay you don't have to you don't have to work out in order to be my friend that's super fantastic holy yeah i didn't i never just for the record like so where they were on the record i never told pierce to work out i've never ever oh it's from renee damn oh i love her to someone somewhere sometime i was out doing whatever i like to do none of your business and who cares on a bad and i got this cool diy idea i figured somebody out there would want to try building it i promise it might not explode what a baddie it's the wooden mini table i really hyped that mini table up didn't you girl anyway uh if you like poetry too you should probably leave a comment about it and like all the poets that you like and all the poetry books that you like because i love talking about poetry so much and i also really love you know getting recommended new poets because i feel like i fall into that system where like i'll just read the same poems by the same people who kind of bring me comfort and then it takes forever for me to like branch out and find something new but then once i do i hyper fixate yeah that's what i was going to talk about just like good old hyper fixations you know that's why it probably seems like i have like so many interests like so many different things that i'm like yeah i'm like really into that yeah this is like a huge part of my life this is like a huge interest for me this is like one of my hobbies like i have like a million of them it's because i hyper fixate real bad and real hard and real often i literally have like like 80d 3000 like like it's like super severe like i can't function without like medication yeah there's nothing here let's go to the next day oh that's cute the octopus is oh marina just like totally snubbed him because she's just so in love with lily it's just too bad anyway uh yeah i just have a lot of things that i've either hyper fixated on for like a week read every single thing about it learned as much as i could about it stuffed it in my brain my brain loves to do this thing where it lets go of critical crucial information that i actually should be remembering in order to make room for like my hyper fixations that may never become relevant ever again like i'll give you an example of how this how this goes like if it doesn't stick around and become like a huge part of my persona so every once in a while for my work we'll do these like events where we go out we set up a booth bring some animals and talk about conservation and like what we do in order to get the word out and so this one event i live in atlanta and we have the um puppetry arts museum here and it's like this badass museum it's actually so freaking cool and it's got like all these like authentic puppets from like henson like they have a whole entire like hence jim henson uh section oh that's nice it's like the vampire costume right i think i already have like both of those but whatever we're getting close though see um yeah they have like a whole entire like jim henson exhibit then they have like all these like really cool puppets from like around the world and just from all different types of when i went there they had an entire dark crystal exhibit they had the skexus how do you say this expect skexus what the hell are those things called y'all remember if you know you know if you ever saw the dark crystal as a child and got traumatized you definitely certainly know what those things are yeah they had them they were really a lot bigger than i even thought that i bargained for oh my god imagine her doing this this is like what i'm wearing to pride this year it really is i'll probably wear that if we can go we probably can't because it's not allowed anyway it's fine we really have to be responsible what was i going to say oh my god these leg warmers oh my god wait do i not have any like shorts to wear with them oh jesus oh my god okay they are leg warmers this is the worst outfit i've ever conceived in my life but i will be buying the leg warmers and nothing else get that bandana off actually you know what take the bandana with you you're rich so yeah i went to this event they were doing a tur a puppet show about a tortoise and so they wanted to have live tortoises there and we have a bunch of live tortoises and we also of course like to get the word out and like to introduce children to animals and like inspire that love of animals and kids and stuff like that so it's like a win-win so i brought some tortoises to the puppetry arts museum and i was kind of just like yeah this would be cool like i love i love like kermit and i love that stuff the map is that's what i meant yeah kermit and yeah aka the muppets love that really do i've always i've always been a huge muppets fan as we all have come on like i'm very quirky like the muppets like no we all like the muppets so love that but i went there right and i had a volunteer with me helping me so they watched the tortoises and i went through the exhibits and what am i doing i'm oh anka see i'm just like my heart led me to you i knew you'd be out here no i've been gone for three days oh my god she's so mad i know i know anka you know it's okay to drop by and say hi without any particular reason yeah like i do every single other day and unless i'm doing this really quick i know i love you so much please forgive me i'm so sorry i really am so sorry i feel so bad um that's because she's so gay look at this oh my god confirmation evidence that anka is one thousand percent gay she is a lesbian icon she's a lesbian queen she says your rainbow sweater cute is the first word that comes to mind but adorable is more like it and also like gay rights she's like you look absolutely fabulous and i bet you feel absolutely fabulous too anka i sure do i love you so much you icon i love her she's a legend so anyway go to the puppetry museum and it's actually so cool like it's really cool to see like these like iconic puppets this isn't the same day that cj was here right have i gone in here yet i don't even know what i'm doing anymore uh yeah i was already in here so i go through all the exhibits and it's like really really cool that it's cool to see like all of these puppets that that like i literally watched like on movies like obviously there's like hundreds and hundreds of kermits and miss piggies and like all those puppets like you know what i better talk to kyle because now i feel like i've been gone for so long and he's gonna be like where the hell have you been where is he kion where are you buddy yeah i better find him and just get it over with rip the band-aid off like i know he's gonna be like where have you been but it's only it's not been that long it really hasn't and i always hate it it freaks me out so much when they say like that but yeah going through all the puppets and i'm like wow like this puppet is from a movie that i've seen like that's so cool because it's literally just a puppet it's like a plush and you know how much i love plushies i'm like that's amazing that they made that they bring these things to life and i'm starting to get hyper fixated you know i'm starting to really get into this pom-pom where is kyle look at you just vibing in here with your glasses on look at you oh my gosh glitter finally i get to chat it's been like two days we're in a pandemic i've um i've legit missed you a lot yeah you too girl anyway so yeah going through these puppets oh my god like me and my brother used to love the movie um i don't even know if this is a movie most people have seen but it's like emmett otter's jug band christmas oh god what is going on in here yeah emmett otter jug banned christmas so cute we used to love that movie so much what is going on in here pierce is like in here trying to corner him or something what is going on in here oh you know what's happening pierce is talking to sure about not coming to the wedding he's like i don't want to see you there pierce is like really intimidating him what's going on boys jeez hey i'm just chilling with pierce pierce plants he's like i'm not going anywhere until you sign right here that you won't be there i hate this i hate it here on the ground i love it yeah sharp is like not invited to the wedding at all he needs to be staying indoors during the reception yeah just for liability reasons pierskin plants his ass on the ground and takes out the documents that he wants them to sign anyway yeah they have emmett otter and like all his friends these are the exact puppets that they use like in that movie like that has brought me and my brother so much joy like what the fact and then oh my god you know labyrinth obviously everybody loves the movie labyrinth and they have like all of the puppets from labyrinth in there crazy they had like the whole dark crystal exhibit i don't know i guess kyle is missing and endangered at this point so i'm just gonna have to start going door-to-door canvassing for his whereabouts i don't know oh hi zell what are you doing is it a donut nice sick anyway i gotta go i gotta find kyle i know you guys hate when i do this but i do it nonetheless i don't really have time to stop and talk to y'all is it gonna be like a goose's house or something jesus oh goose look at that table it looks yeah it looks really bad in here goose yeah yep yeah despite all your hard work and how much you clean it still doesn't look good it's amazing that you're just able to fail that hard anyway um where is kyle yeah where's kyle now we're kind of looking for kyle to make sure that he's not dead in a ditch somewhere because we do have a serial killer that lives on the island actively that pierce has been interrogating right now and like intimidating to stay away from the wedding which is really nice and really big of him he's not usually the type to do that but he really wants to keep his his bride safe and the guests you know her parents and stuff they're having their family flying and everything and it's like the last thing they need is like a murder a homicide you know it's gonna really freak out pom poms mom look at anka vibin by herself at the seaside i love that so yeah i'm like really vibing really feeling this uh this puppets situation ugh don't even look at the weeds yeah i get it it's really really really bad over here okay fine oh there's zucker hi zaki we in the we in the uh thing today doing some uh harvesting and at the uh what is this thing called again orchard we are hanging out at the orchard today with zucker anyway tell this story i go through all these exhibits and i'm like really i'm just like wow puppets are so cool and then this guy comes up to me from out of nowhere he's a puppeteer he's and he's a really cool looking guy too he's like he's just like a cool young dude somebody that you wouldn't like assume is like a puppeteer you know and he's like oh cool tortoises like i get back and i'm like yeah thanks oh hi lily what you building see i'm sorry i was really focused on this i'm sorry i'll leave right away so he's like oh yeah we're doing a puppet show about tortoises and i'm like that's really cool yeah and i'm like are you like a puppeteer or something and he's like yeah and i'm like that's really cool i'm like how did you get into all this and he starts like talking about you know his like road to being a puppeteer you know he's like oh yeah i really like jim henson was growing up and like and i'm loving it like i just love like that i love hearing people's stories of like how they like found their passion and like actually ended up like pulling it off and like he's a puppeteer i'm like that's cool dude yeah it's not like a lame job at all it's actually really cool you see this is just something that like you don't like meet people who do that every day like the only way i was able to meet a puppeteer was by going to the puppeteer central the place where you're gonna find multiple puppeteers so he's like talking and talking and then he goes off and i love this he's like yeah you know puppetry because i was telling him i was like yeah you know honestly as much as i've always liked love the muppets as much as every other person in like labyrinth and i think he must be in here he must be yeah which is cool i love when he when he comes and gets his science on i was like yeah you know i had that the same like kind of basic love for puppetry that everybody else had but i'm really surprised at how much i've i dig this place like this is so cool i really really like was feeling like those puppets like this is just a really cool like art form it's so unique and he was like that i think that was like enough to just like crack him he's like oh my god yeah it's like such a unique art form it's like he's like it's one of the oldest like forms of storytelling and it's like just this ancient art form you know before we had like tv and animation and like anything like that we had like puppetry and like puppetry is like ancient it's like so old blah blah and he's talking about that and i'm like just like loving it because there's nothing i love more than like watching someone talk about the thing that they love the most you know i love that i love the way that people's like eyes change they like light up you can just see them shining from within like see here i go being cheesy yeah i just loved it i was just like loving his energy and like feeding off that because it's like just something that gives me so much life uh yeah i want to go in there actually well i changed my mind at the last minute i'm like wait why did i change he's like i'm always glad to hear when someone comes in and it's kind of like their first time and they get really excited about it because it's a dying art form and i was like what who killed it tell me where are they and you know i'm just like oh my god no and he's like you know it's just really you know it's uh it's nerve-wracking as someone who's like really passionate about oh my god look at this by the way atd it's nat and it's got his mouth open it's like my favorite picture of him it's on there i gotta make a face um and i think i should just make like the um i should just make this face like i'm so sad that he's not here anymore like why not we have there's never there's no such thing as too many chameleons you know we could have we'd easily have several more you know why not bring them back bring them back please and thank you uh anyway yeah i'm just like no puppetry's dying what and he's like yeah so just you know keep it alive by coming to see puppet shows and supporting what we do here and i'm like i got you dude and i was at that point it was over i was i was hyper fixated completely about puppetry completely and so of course matt's like used to this by now but i get he's like how was the puppetry museum and i'm like i'm gonna be a puppeteer and he's like of course you are normally i'm like i love it it's a dying art form and it's like one of the most ancient forms of storytelling of all time and uh and so like that night like i was like watching all these documentaries about puppetry and like interviews with like the famous puppeteers from like sesame street and and i was like designing puppets that i was gonna make and i bought like a bunch of puppetry books on amazon like this is what i do it sucks i just can't i can't it's crazy like i can't control it once it starts going once i become once i decide that something's gonna become an obsession i have no idea if it's gonna be for a week or for a decade or for the rest of my life where is kyle yeah i'm concerned at this point because he's nowhere he's gone like i have no idea where where my boyfriend is and it's just not it's not a fun feeling it's not a fun place to be in basically but anyway yeah i just became like obsessed with puppetry and i learned as much as i could about it i read all these books about it and it's actually very fascinating i will say i never regret a hyper fixation i love having like a bunch of little tidbits from like lots of different things like god it's so beautiful in here right so anyway yeah i became like obsessed with puppetry i wanted to like buy some puppets and even still i'm like yeah i love puppets i still do i stand by that like i would love to have some puppets i just love it i think it's like so cool it's like such a beautiful art form and like making puppets i still do want to make a puppet really bad i really want to make a puppet but i just feel like it's like too hard for me but i want to really bad i just loved it but yeah it kind of you know it's one that was definitely one of those hyper fixations that went really hard for like a good two weeks and then kind of like tapered off and i was like okay yeah i can have a healthy interest in puppetry but i don't think it's gonna probably end up being like my life like i thought where's kyle though i'm like actually so concerned where's my boyfriend i just can't seem to locate the guy it sucks there you are i've been looking everywhere for you at last it's glitter what did i do while you were gone let's see i mostly watched kung fu movies in my basement i love him i love kung fu movies uh yeah and i love you too and i love you in that vest i really do you're so handsome he's really so handsome i'm sorry no i'm not but yeah that's probably why because like everybody in my life is always like i'm known like among like my friend groups and like my family is like one of the easiest people in the world to you know what i'm gonna do something crazy right now something that i've been meaning to do for a long time look at that yeah yeah that's a long time coming i know anyway yeah like everybody in my life says that i'm like the easiest person to buy gifts for because i like so much i have so many interests that i love because of all the hyper fixation that i've had in my life yeah but anyway this is uh me answering one question and then having it spear off into a thousand different talking points and then remembering that i should be answering other people's question king lou asking the questions that we want answered as a society hey amanda what's your favorite flavor of fruit roll up i am so glad you asked because as you know i am a concierge of fruit snacks especially of the fruit roll-up gushers and fruit by the foot variety what brand even makes those probably one of those big monopolies right who even makes that out of everything like i feel like i know so much about these fruit snacks but do i even fruit roll-ups now i have to google him uh who puts these things out oh they're so my mouth is watering i see one yeah it's like half loft's dog right now oh you're gonna sneeze all over the mic wow she had some new dialogue there and i like didn't even have to i didn't even give myself time to read it because i'm too busy literally salivating over this picture of a fruit roll-up there's something about i think i might be addicted honestly i don't even know what it is uh general mills i knew it yeah okay yeah okay so let me give you the breakdown when it comes to these guys okay because there is definitely a system in place i'm literally salivating stop amanda okay as far as fruit roll ups go you got your strawberry strawberry is the bottom of the barrel i can do a whole tear list on this strawberry's good and that's the thing with fruit roll ups every single one of them is good and i'm not even counting there's like these new jolly rancher flavors and that have been on the shelves i don't even i haven't even dabbled in that i think it's sacrilegious yeah i don't i don't do the whole like it's this fruit roll-up is flavored like another thing because i'm like i'm buying it because it's a fruit roll up if i wanted some jolly ranchers i'd buy some jolly ranchers i'm buying fruit roll-ups for a reason oh these are so pretty i'm gonna buy a few of these oh anka would look oh god yeah we're giving this to anka today she would look so good in that no you dumb get back in there right now and don't come out until you have something put together that's presentable in society please okay fruit roll-ups yeah every flavor is good there's not a single flavor that i don't like but i would say it goes at the bottom strawberry and then directly above that but still lower is the rainbow tie dye and then there is the superior flavor in the six pack this is just in the six pack but this flavor trumps all others in that six-pack which is cherry orange wildfire so good so that one's closer to the top but then oh then there are the best of the best and these only come in the 16 pack okay i know what i'm talking about and they are just i don't even know how to explain it to be honest with you um it's not really any other flavor other than this it's it's really not it's really not it's just so good and i again i i can't even tell you what flavor this is but they're both similar and so in the 16 pack you're going to have fruit roll ups that are either going to be blue and green one side is blue one side is green and you can tear it right down the middle or yellow and red and these flavors they both come in the same pack in the 16 pack great there's like nothing in here that i can change into awesome job amanda i think you really killed it this time great job great work yeah you're gonna have to wear some sweatpants out this is fine it's acceptable let's do it yeah this is actually kind of cute now that yeah this is cute this works this works yeah it's fine it's not like the best i wouldn't say sharp mabel but whatever anyway yeah these two flavors again i have no i have no idea what they're called they are just like split down the middle there's either the blue and green one or the yellow and red one they come in the 16 pack and to my knowledge that is the only way that you can get these that you can acquire this flavor but it is the best flavor hands down and again i think that they're around the same type of flavor it might be a mental thing but i think i slightly prefer the blue and green ones and then um oh my god what hold on because i'm looking on my phone what don't tell me this unless it's true oh my god oh my god no i just there's a fruit roll-ups oh my god okay in the 90s i'm literally salivating so i apologize if i sound spitty because i am okay in the 90s there was these fruit roll-ups one of the best flavors in the world called the peel and build and they had little mushrooms that you would pop out little like anchovies mushrooms little things and you would pretend to like make a pizza does anybody remember that and i think about these like daily but they discontinued them like a long time ago and i just found that there is a 25th anniversary reboot of these bad boys coming out i'm ordering them right now actually on online yeah i'm obsessed with free rollups i really am and listen y'all don't have to tell me i know that these are so bad for you they're like these corns are up and i don't give a i don't give a okay i really don't we are here trapped in a sack and skin we didn't ask to be born okay let me have my fruit roll ups mind your own business i hate when people are like those are so bad for you i'm like guess what else is bad for you life itself okay because even if you do everything right your body is gonna stop working at some point okay we're dying linda okay shut up yeah that's the one like that's that's my thing i don't smoke i don't drink very much i do partake in a large amount of fruit roll-ups but whatever don't we all fruit by the foot hands down hands to buy a mile yeah i'm going on a tangent about fruit roll-ups and you know what it is a hyper fixation of mine one of one of my favorite ones in fact to partake in the best flavor by far of fruit by the foot is color by the foot and i stand by that i will die on that hill and that is another one of those flavors that um that i have i can't even begin to tell you what the flavor even is it's so artificial it's not even funny it doesn't even resemble anything on earth i can't even tell you it's like fruity but it's got this like twinge to it i don't even know i can't explain it i hope you all know what i'm talking about and then now that we're talking about this stuff gushers are a little easier to break down i love every single gusher but obviously the tropical rainbow ones are so much better than what is he doing what is he doing now oh hey there glitter sorry i was lost in a thinking hole i'm trying to decide a thing he wants to leave he's a flight risk you're not going anywhere bucko you're on probation you can't what is this the seventh or eighth time this man's tried to flee a flight risk classic flight risk yeah let's make sure we get off getting around the clock watch on that guy put a surveillance van outside his house please i really do not trust him at all yeah let's make sure we bar him and put him on all the no-fly lists yeah he's don't worry sherb you're not getting out of this country not easily not easily nope he really tried it though didn't he anyway yeah i really love my general mills fruit snacks okay and then i just love any gummy all gummies it's too bad that people still use boiled animal bones aka gelatin gelatin's really soft and gross you guys but i digress i successfully answered two questions i will see if i can get one more we'll do one more day and then we'll go try on some tuxes nina asked are you all so scared of animal skeletons stuff like taxidermy fossils silly question but i'm so curious i love this because i've never even thought about the fact that not only am i not scared of animal skeletons but i love them and i'm incredibly fascinated by them and i seek them out i have like a bunch of different like animal skulls not i mean i don't even think i need to explain this but it's not like i'm killing animals i'm literally a wildlife conservationist but yeah at work we have a dermisted beetle colony which for anybody who doesn't know they are beetles that they're called flesh eating beetles and it's not like they're gonna eat you alive because they eat flesh but they do a notoriously good job skeletonizing a corpse so um dark as this is anytime i have a pet reptile or amphibian oh lily you've never looked better you look gorgeous i'm so glad you're taking a nice morning stroll on the beach anyway um i've had a few pet reptiles and amphibians who have passed away who i've been able to you know get them articulated and things like that and then at work of course we have tons of you know like skulls and fossils that we that we use for education and one of the things that i am very very very into is is just fossils in general another hyper fixation if you will although i'd argue that that even is classified in just my interest of animals you know and just biology in general but yeah i am you know i have a few fossils i have some really really nice megalodon teeth god sherb now what what the dude this is so scary i just feel so uncomfortable he's like so obsessed with my body and my clothes and it's like very buffalo bill honestly that's what it is he's just trying to like make a suit out of my skin or something were you wearing your clothes backwards the other day or were you walking backwards either way it was a real neat man real neat sherb yeah sure i am what anka now you want to move or something i don't i don't know if i can handle this but i'm just going to rip the band-aid off what oh somersault i hope you can help me i was reading this magazine about looking at the stars and decided to enter their monthly sweepstakes she's such a crazy well the next thing i know i've won a boa fleas you can imagine my surprise anywho i would be over the moon except i just bought the exact same thing not long ago well i'm sure you can see where i'm going with this might you be interested in buying it off of me of course i'd be interested in like buying the air that you breathe in a bottle i'd be interested if you sold me your bath water anka yeah that's a cheap that's a steal sounds good i'll even throw on a tip make it an even 2 000. you gorgeous crazy and girl i must say that it was a lovely way to make a bit of spending money yeah if you ever need spending money anka if you're talking about spending money you don't have to sell me you just come up to me and say pay me pig and i'll do it i'm i'm your pay peg isn't that one isn't a thing i don't remember what it's called but yeah that's what i am to anka now yeah anyway oh yeah fossils love fossils i really want more fossils of course they're like kind of expensive but i'm like obsessed with them hi baby oh it looks nice in here you got the car bed back up let's chat if i give him a couch no way oh my god we were just talking about him yes he's planning his wedding to kid yeah you know everybody always talks about like oh if i was rich if i hit the lottery i would buy this stupid thing or that stupid thing i feel like i would not be like that in many ways except for with like fossils i think that would be like the one weird stupid crazy thing i would blow money on is like thin fossils like i would love to have a big full articulation of like a dinosaur or like a mammoth or something oh my god is it a festival thing yes give me give me give me i love it oh my god i love it yeah give it to me now y'all that update a little bit disappointing boys not gonna lie a little bit disappointing um yeah i know you don't have to explain it to me i'm yeah mansplaining mardi gras to me listen i will have you know that new orleans is one of my favorite places to visit okay i know all about it is that what festival is yeah i was uh oh okay hell yeah give me give me this yes oh hell yeah new reactions oh never mind wow now we have a whole nother no yeah please oh that's very expensive but i'll buy it yes please what hmm okay i see this totally makes sense i love how you read a card and it tells you how to act yeah no i love fossils i would love to have like a big dinosaur in my living room not gonna lie or like some kind of ten most bundle oh my god there he is hopefully he doesn't see us sherb look at this i'm trying to get in there and he knows it he's waiting for me he's waiting for me he's gonna jump me in there mabel can you cover me please keep an eye on sure would ya yeah if you've ever noticed sure probably walks in here and does a little loop around and then walks out and never buys anything yep sounds about right he's stealing he's been stealing check his pockets what what ogre costume oh my god ogre costume look at how i'm standing too with my hair it's like get the out of my swamp oh ogres um well you know we're kind of like onions oh my god sexy shrek yep that's me mm-hmm i hate this yeah a festival costume was that in there i didn't see it yeah of course i'll take it you know i'll probably never use this but i will take it sherb look at him he's like oh i bet i could hide blood stains on that apple sweater it's like the blood splatter blend right in where's the oh there it is oh my god look at this how fun how fun oh my god we're gonna be like all princess and the frog up here right now i want to do one more day because of the festival who everybody's thinking today is lily thinking oh no she's doing more science she's so cute i've probably caught way more than three of these for flick god but you know what honestly if anything i need like many of them oh my god she's doing taking selfies oh my god lily can you send me those please send me whatever you took of yourself those selfies of yourself please make sure to send them to me thank you oh my god lyanna i love this question okay i'll try to be brief but i doubt it actually so your question do you have a favorite concert experience yeah no i mean i i love concerts i love music you guys already know that and i've gone to so many concerts like i can't even really count the amount i just don't even know anymore and so yeah i've had so many great experiences and i wouldn't say like that my favorite experiences to talk about are necessarily like my favorite concerts that i've ever seen like i would say my favorite my favorite show that i've ever seen like the best memory is probably just seeing buckethead for the first time uh which isn't it's not like a great story it's just like my favorite musician was on stage i got to see him for the first time and it was a beautiful thing and uh you know rush i got to see rush which is one of my favorite bands on their last tour ever which is really special and like tool you know was really always a good time but those aren't like you know it's just like yeah i went and i had a great time it was awesome but i would say that most of my favorite concert stories are from when i was young because i don't know if i've ever like actually talked about this before but i used to be a seeing kid like 100 i was like totally into like i would go to tons of concerts warped tour bamboozle like i would just i would go all over i was a big big and it probably comes as no surprise because i've talked about like mcr before but i was like a huge actually my two main bands that i was obsessed with were fall out boy and panic at the disco just completely obsessed with them i would go to every single show that they did like i started working at like 14 and uh i would save up my money and go to every show i could and um and you know i had a bunch of bands that i loved uh all-time low and the academy is and cope starship i think i've talked about this a little and um under oath paramore oh my god i'm a huge huge still this day like one of my favorite bands of all time see look we're getting we're getting stuff i think i have all of these unfortunately too but still it's something that is a it's possible oh this is pretty yeah this is like something i'm gonna have to wear oh my god tiana too see i'm just like getting so princess in the frog vibes right now it's fine but anyway yeah like that was like i don't know they were like formative years for me i don't know why i always ended up like just doing really crazy at these concerts like for me like i don't know i was such a weird kind of shy kid and i would always go with like a few of my friends and something about going to these concerts like brought something out of me like this strength this bravery because i've as you know i'm like super awkward and timid and can't ever do anything but when i would be at these concerts i feel like i would do the most badass brazen ever when i would go to these concerts like something i would just bring something out of me and obviously i was like in literally middle school and like early high school wow goose you look just like scott peterson's dad i don't know like what is it that you what are you supposed to be what are you doing look at him a cute sofa well the early chicken catches the worm and i'm all about early workouts cutie ew was that like a innuendo yeah give me this please thank you anyway some of the that i would do like my friends would be like did you just do that what are you doing you crazy and i'm like i don't know yeah this is not like me i was like 13 14 15 16 like my mom is like sitting in the way back and we're in the pit she's probably like i don't even know she probably can't see us or anything it was like my mom or like my friends moms they would take us through these concerts so i don't think i don't think they knew what i was doing but basically the first concert i ever went to was fall out boy and it was actually right before they got really really really like they were really big but it was still to the point where they could play up d as kind of small venue where there was like a pit and stuff because this is the only time i ever got to see followed by like this in like a smaller situation before they were like selling out huge arenas where everything was seated it was for infinity on high so they were already like a really big band but it just seemed like a smaller situation because i again like went to i just did this i already did this you dumb i because i i went to a lot of fall out boy concerts like i probably can't even count how many followed by shows i've been to and this is by far by far the spot the smallest so go to the show the first show i've ever been to is with my friend we were in the pit we were pretty close to the stage not front row or anything but still pretty close and uh and like i like we me and my friend were getting like trampled because we had no idea what to do and it's like follow way so it's not gonna be like this crazy huge like mosh pit where people are like breaking arms and it was definitely soccer you look really cute in that but like i can't get by buddy thank you wow you're such a kind soul but yeah like we were getting trampled i like definitely got trampled like 100 and my friend she was starting to feel like really sick because i mean it's just like a crazy situation especially if you're like 14 and you're like in the middle of the pit i don't think my mom i don't know they it wasn't a safe situation for us i don't think like we're getting trampled and and my friends like i'm gonna throw up like i need a drink like you should probably dehydrated and like that's that's the concert life loki about to die but at least you're gonna see pete once oh look at the banner how cute that's really cute wow that's adorable i love that let's do one more day why not right because we're talking so like she was just like i'm gonna go to the bathroom and i was like do you want to come with you and she's like no it's fine you can like save our spot and i was like okay and uh she like left and then i and then i just got this idea i don't know why i got this maybe because i'm evil maybe i'm like not right in the head but i was like i really i was like i'm alone you know i don't have to worry about like losing anyone and i and i feel like i could get to the front like it's right there i feel like it's so close but yet so far away i just want to be closer so i decided to pretend that i lost someone and that i was trying to get to them yeah and i just started like saying sarah sarah that was my go-to name i just made it up i was like sarah sarah hey sarah and i'm like excuse me sorry i'm trying to get to my sister lying out of my ass i'm not usually like this i swear to god not usually like this but i was like kind of desperate i was like no i really want to get closer and i ended up getting like three rows away from the barricade and it was just me i was like 14. so i'm like three people from the front and that's how i got to see you know my favorite band at the time first and it was really fun and that's also how i developed the sarah technique which i shared with all my friends and it worked every time it's very like morally wrong but i you know i was a child and i didn't understand that but um and we'd still get there pretty early the first time i ever saw panic at the disco huge huge huge situation for me because i loved them so much and i got into panic at the disco right after they stopped touring for a few years you can't sweat out and if anybody else else liked panic at the disco then you know that it was quite a while until they released pretty odd and it was like it just felt so long because like i got into them again like right after and then they stopped touring for like years it felt like oh visit her at the campsite oh cool okay but they became my favorite band my favorite band and like full disclosure i was obsessed obsessed with ryan ross the guitarist he was my like first ever like true i'm gonna like i remember being 14 and being like there's no way that i'm not marrying ryan ross like for real i was like i'm going to find a way i'm moving to las vegas i'm going to meet him he's going to fall in love with me and we are going to live happily ever after like 100 i was like 14. like you should have like a oh monty hi monty little snow monkey hey buddy i don't have time to chat but it was nice to see you thanks for stopping by imagine you're camping and someone walks into your tent and then walks out without saying a word that's a whole ass creepypasta that i just gave to him you're welcome go write about it on something scary anyway yeah i was like there was no doubt in my mind that i was gonna make it happen i was like i'm a crafty little i'll make this happen i'll make him fall in love with me i know i will yeah it didn't work out but but yeah that was my type you know guitar guitar check rights lyrics check sad boy check brown eyes check brown hair check is the hair kinda long check yep sign me up yeah why don't you i'll box them up i'll take them home yep i'll take it thank you anyway first time i ever saw panic at the disco was with my best friend we were both she was like really into brendan urie so we had it all planned out she was gonna marry brendan i was gonna marry ryan and we were gonna be like best friends and our husbands were friends at the time it was gonna be perfect and of course we were gonna be in a band too you know we're gonna be famous it was fine and um and so we were gonna see them together and you better believe i pulled out the sarah technique i think this was her first time ever being in a pit with me because a couple of the concerts we went to were seated and so this was her first time witnessing the sarah technique but yeah i was like she was like i doubt it because like we were close you know we always got there early it wasn't like we showed up at the last minute and then like got to the front we always got there early but yeah like i guess you know we didn't get there like as early as the people in the front row but sarah did [Laughter] so so i would just and i don't know where this came from this is probably one of the most evil things ever like this is as sinister as my brain goes and i really again i couldn't tell you why that my brain concocted this i guess i was just desperate and when i am in a desperate situation aka i really want to be front row and i'm not front row um then my brain is good at it's resourceful and so yeah sarah technique i employed it she was like my friend was like are you sure we should do this there's like a lot of people around um what is that that's so cool you could take some of this off my hand would you can you be good for something for once so yeah we're like a couple i think we're like maybe 15 rows back because it's huge it was at bamboozle and this was i don't even think they'd do bamboos anymore but it was in new jersey and we would literally drive down there her mom was a saint and would actually drive our asses down to new jersey god what a saint thank you donna it's amazing she would now that i think about that for real like she we at the time we were just like thanks but really thinking about that like she would just drive us and my parents would have never done like we're not driving in new jersey why don't you just wait till they come here but we couldn't because that was where everything like bamboo's always been awesome because you could go there and you could see like paramore and the used and the academy is and all-time low and circa survive and like boys like girls and made a parade and like you could see like 20 of the bands that you've been wanting to see for years at this show all at once and so um so yeah we employed the sarah technique for panic at the disco and we got to the barricade you can you can definitely get up a few lines with sarah and again it's like literally just being in the pit being like sarah sarah excuse me i'm just trying to get to my sister sarah hey hey sarah oh my god i'm so sorry i'm just trying to get my sister's up there and she's younger so i just like anything that peop and people are nice and i took advantage of that and i acknowledged that and i'll never do it again i haven't done it in years but it's funny to look back on and so yeah sarah got us up to the front row because sometimes you know things just happen and like people shift and they change and you just get up there and you grab that barricade and no ain't no one gonna tell you nothing once you have your hand on that barricade it's over you're up there and we were on ryan's side too it was so cute it's a good a good time for him the pretty odd days i like to sleep then nothing beats the rose vest though oh and then yeah i also did this thing where again this is that is not like me at all at all i can i'll never forget it i was watching we the kings and i think i was actually one of the only friends out of my friend group who went to bamboozle because this was the second year we went to bamboozle i think we had a few other friends with us and i was the only one who liked to be the kings which like the why i think that they just hadn't listened to them before and i'm like okay i'm gonna go catch we the kings and they were gonna go watch so i get there and i'm all alone and normally again this ain't something i'm trying to do i'm not trying to be alone for crowd's already pretty thick so i'm just hanging out in the back and these two super cool girls much older than me super cool they're both like they're wearing crop tops they're like cool you know and i'm not cool i'm lame i'm 15. like i'm just standing there and they're like hey were you gonna crowd surf because i'm at the back of the crowd so they think i'm crowdsurfing with they think i'm cool these girls think i'm cool i can't let them know that i'm not if i squander this if i throw this away and tell these cool girls no i'm not gonna crowdsurf i'm too scared this may be the only opportunity i ever get in my life to be cool okay just this one chance i'm gonna do this but i'm also gonna tell these girls that this is my first time yep i'm going to be half honest with them because this is not my idea i honestly when i first started going to concerts i would see the people crowd surfing and i would be like that is something that i can acknowledge in my heart and am at peace with that i no i'll never do i will never do that and i'm at peace with it i'll never do it i'll never know what that's like it's fine i'm at peace with it i really don't even care to do it anyway but in the in the presence of these girls they're looking at me and they're so inviting you know they're probably not sober they're like so inviting so sweet they were so empowering i just felt this empowering like sisterhood forming between us so i told him i was like yeah i was thinking about it but like i don't know how to get started can i watch you do it first and they're like yeah yeah literally just find a big dude and ask him to lift you up and so they were like excuse me can you give me can you give me a boost and they were like yeah sure and they take these girls and throw them on top of the crowd and then it was like a real sisterhood shout out to you guys my sisters i will never forget this moment with you guys but then the other one looked at me and said okay try it like she was there for me she wasn't gonna go and leave me there she was gonna make sure that i got up on that crowd so now there was no turning back i was crowdsurfing yeah i was gonna i always i had no choice i was gonna have to crowd surf so i found a guy and i tapped him i can't believe i did this because this is something that like yeah i was just feeling the adrenaline that day i was like can you give me a boost and he was like yep and they grabbed me and they threw me on top of the crowd and i crowd served and it was like a really big crowd and they brought you they bring you all the way to the front i still have no idea how this really even works it really is like the power of friendship and love and teamwork like people just carry you you're on top of people's heads when you really think about it like you are just you're bouncing on top of people that is so crazy and like loki i don't even know and it was so much fun too i loved it i loved it it was so much fun okay let's go yeah let's go tug shopping but i'll be able to finish this story and so it was really like run baby run don't ever look back they'll tear us apart if you give them the chance don't tell your heart don't say we're not meant to be run baby run and i'm getting crowdsurfing what magical magical i will never forget this as long as i live no never never they throw you over the barricade the security guards i think they hate it honestly i don't know i got that vibe once he picked me up and put me over i'm like he's mad at me he's mad at me but i guess they probably are used to it because like people are crowdsurfing all day every day and um i don't think the first person who ever did that like what if i just jump onto these people would they let me fall would they let me fall like would they just drop me let's see how shitty really are people and uh did i just i closed it out so might as well just do another day whatever so yeah they put you behind the barricade then you run all the way to the back and guess who was there waiting for me yep my girls my girls i don't know what they saw in me that day again i'm i'm almost 100 sure that they were drunk now that i look back on it because that's what girls do when they're drunk see that's the thing with us that's why we're superior like we really do like seek sisterhood and companionship when we're drunk a lot of the time like any girl can tell you who has been to a bar that the fastest way to make true friend connections is just to go into the bathroom yep every time every single time it's like a universal truth of like womanhood is that you go to the bathroom and you go to the bathroom you're just like feeling good you're feeling yourself you're feeling others you see a girl in the mirror she's doing something she's putting mascara on and you have to say something you see something something catches your eye that is just striking and you're like oh my god i love your shoes oh my god your hair is so pretty oh my god what mascara is that your eyelashes are so long are those falsies oh my god they're real oh my god you're such a goddess you're so perfect and then the girl's like yeah my ex is here so i'm trying to look good and i'm like oh my god you are too good for him he's gonna regret the day he was born and she's like i know thank you it's just this beautiful thing um and i feel like these girls were just like oh my god is lily's birthday are you kidding me i had no idea lily's birthday is the fourth lily's birthday is the fourth of february oh my god tell the world yep go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere go tell it on the mountain that lily's birthday is today what am i gonna give lily god so anyway yeah long story short my crowd surfing my girls my heroes the women who made me who i am today they were waiting for me and they said how was it like they really cared ew goose is just sitting there eating soup with his bare hands he doesn't even have a spoon with his bare wings stupid he's like drinking it with his neck why does he do that anyway yeah my sisters were waiting for me at the back of the crowd and they were like how was it like they were they wanted to know how it was how it went isn't that so sweet i hope that they're both doing well i hope they're happy i hope they're thriving i hope that they got everything they wanted out of life and more i really do i am putting that energy right now out into the world and there are two girls out there who i really hope are feeling like a little bit of warmth a little bit of energy a little bit of love a little bit of luck you know because i'm pulling for y'all i really hope you make it anyway they were like how was it and i was like oh my god that was amazing and they were like i know right oh my god i'm so glad that you loved it and they're like you want to have a race and we had races we had crowd serving races throughout the whole set of we the kings and it was beautiful and i lost both my flip-flops because for some reason i decided to wear flip-flops to a music festival never a good idea and this is really gross i was 15. i would never do this again but i lost my flip-flop i think yeah i lost one flip-flop so i only had one flip-flop on and then i was like great where am i gonna find another flip-flop is there of any merch vendors selling shoes are you selling hay monday shoes like who how am i going to find shoes at a music festival nobody's selling shoes and then on my way walking with one shoe to find my friends i found a flip-flop it was not mine but it was an acceptable size and it fit my foot and so i wore it i am not proud of it i would never do this today but at the time i was desperate pierce is getting ready for our outing later today it's gonna be great i think it'll be a pretty quick one you know boys are a little less less finicky oh this is cute oh my god how cute i absolutely love this i think this is adorable wow so cute um so yeah that was kind of i'm sure i did other stuff too i mean there was the time that um did i already tell the story no i don't think i did so there's this band the academy is that i was really into is like they were like one of the fueled by ramen bands you know that was like in the in the scene scene really good band i love their album almost here it's actually their first album but it's definitely their best and it's so good every single song on that album is actually such a bop but anyway i love the band and at the time i think this was the first bamboozle that we went to so this was a pretty eventful situation for me and my friend and so it was panic at the disco headlining we were gonna see them and then the academy is was there and this is also i think this was also the bamboozle that i like met jeffree star randomly yeah not that i wanted to it was just like there so it was the academy has and we had seen them live and we're like oh my god we love this band they're like our favorite yay woo pierce i'll meet you at harvest i'm going over there now okay get the boys round the boys up we're going to harvest and so um we're staying at this hotel so we're staying at this hotel goose plants his ass back down well you're refilling your soup yep sitting in the middle of the walkway eating a bowl of soup just really interesting behavior anyway um oh it's lily's birthday how could i forget yeah don't forget lily's birthday piece of go get her a present right now before you do anything else and make it a good one anyway um we go to this hotel spend the night wake up the next day and it's day two of the uh of the event of the music festival and i think this was the day that panic was playing i think i don't remember it was literally i don't even want to calculate because it's going to make me feel old um really long time ago so yeah we're at this hotel we stay the night we wake up the next day and get on the elevator just me and my friend i think her mom was like already down waiting for us for breakfast get on the elevator and it's william beckett the lead singer from the academy is on the on the elevator and he's standing there and he's with adam siska the guitarist who's also a favorite of ours standing next to him we get on the elevator we have to like pretend as 14 year olds that we're not like freaking the out about about to piss ourselves so we get on and we like look at each other and we're like what the is this what is this and then my friend because she's like much braver and bolder than i'll ever be was like hi um this is really weird for us but we're like fans of yours we saw you yesterday at the thing they're like oh yeah wow thank you really really nice obviously and they took pictures with us and stuff it was just so weird but it was just like one of those cool like movie moments where it was like i don't know yeah like you get in an elevator and like people that like kind of like celebrities to you are in the elevator you're like whoa we're in an elevator together that's weird it was so cool um what am i gonna give lily what if i gave her this frog how sick would that be yeah oh my god it's like somebody giving you a pet human being like what the hell yeah maybe i'll give her this this thing you know it just seems like something a frog would like oh my god oh my god god i just can't stop cringing you know how when you almost like close your finger in the car door and even though you didn't get hurt nothing bad happened you still cannot stop thinking about like what almost happened that's what i'm thinking about right now and that's what i can't get out of my head is what almost happened here like if i hadn't come in and honestly lily oh my god i forgot to wrap your gift too so i do regret to inform you that i'm a mess and this isn't even wrapped and everything is a disaster uh sherb what the hell are you doing what are you doing what are you doing get the hell off her get the hell off her where's my taser oh my god oh my god lily are you okay what the was that you just gonna dance away as if that didn't just happen like some kind of jolly lunatic i'm sorry but this is deranged this is all wrong lily this is deranged not you never you you are perfect you've always been perfect you're always gonna be perfect and this birthday this day it should have been perfect for you lily it should have been but it's not it's so not it's so far from perfect and i don't know who allowed this to happen and i think maybe i dropped the ball because i didn't really realize that your birthday was coming up but someone else should have been like doing this where's marina you know she knew that your birthday was today and i know that you're too nice to blame her or say that you know she disappointed you she didn't come through but at the end of the day the fact that sherb is the only one here and you are like the the pillar of the society you are the angel you're the only one who has never ever ever wronged anyone or done anything that wasn't perfect and angelic i am so sorry lily i really am i'll take the blame i'll take the blame because this community failed you this community failed you lily and i'm so sorry and it's making me feel like you're not like we don't even deserve you like we don't even deserve you because we are that much of a trash community we really are we are a trash community lily we are like i don't even i don't i have no words i really don't to describe how sorry i am and how deeply ashamed i am and i am so devastated that marina out of all people marina like anka pom pom like everybody dropped the ball on you me included and i am so sorry i really am i'm so ashamed this is the worst situation that's ever happened on malachi by far yeah this one takes the cake no pun intended i'm not doing puns today this is a serious situation and sherb i hope you're happy i really do yeah you might not have been able to fulfill the thing that you came here to fulfill your your original crime but you've certainly done some damage okay and i hope that you feel really great about yourself i really do i am there's no coming back from this lily i'm so sorry i'm gonna spend the rest of my life making it up to you so i'm going to go get marina because she needs to be here she should be here you deserve her to be here in the meantime sherb i just want to let you know and have you watch me as i put cameras on every single wall of this house because you're not gonna get away with doing any more harm or wrecking any more of lily's birthday she deserves the world she deserves so much more than this lily i'm so sorry and i know that you don't even like you're so nice that you're just gonna sit there and smile and act like everything's okay i'm just i can't i'm beside myself lily i'm so sorry this is our lowest low this is our lowest low i gotta go get to pierce and deal with that but i think i think we're to be picking up the pieces of this i don't even want to call it a scandal it's almost it's like a it's like a it's like a calamity it's like a disaster you know it's like what was what did they call the titanic like a like a disaster like a like a tragedy i don't even know what to call it yeah it's just a it's a horror horror it's a horrific event and i hate that it's lily's birthday but i think this day february 4th like it's gonna live on in infamy if not quiet infamy in the background and i hate that again because it's lily's birthday but i i just don't think that we can scrub the sins of what happened on this day i really don't out of everybody lily is not the one who deserved it you know i can handle sherb ruining my birthday party i can handle having the worst birthday on malachi i can handle kyle being a bag on my birthday i can handle it you know at least my two best friends pom pom and pierce were there for me who was there for lily no one no one and you know what yeah i came through at the last minute but i i don't think that i'm blameless in this either i just there are so many layers to unpack and unfold in this but at the end of the day we all owe lily in a massive apology and i just am never gonna stop trying to make this right but i don't think that we can i don't know i don't know there's just i'm so ashamed but yeah here we are with the boys at the tux shop what do we got here you're wearing that that's fine you sit there with kyle in the middle of the couch dick kyle you look cute today buddy and goose you have never looked worse i know i gave you that on accident but it was like a long time ago and i'm just kind of surprised that you still pull it out to this day even his pink scarf i love that honestly it's just so funny let's give you some something basic and something basic and goosey there you go basic let's give you a hat really douche it up it was a douchebag yeah there he is the best man i am the best man aren't i pierce you really know how to pick them seriously though yeah you picked pom-pom that's all that matters all right here we are ready to do the thing yeah pom-pom wanted me to come along because she doesn't trust you which is understandable you know pierce not saying that this is all guys certainly wasn't matt matt has good taste he knows what he wants pierce is very much one of those guys who's just like oh yeah this works and he doesn't really think you know think about it uh the way that pom-pom i think would like him to in terms of like the scheme and i'm the only one who knows like you know what her dress looks like and i can kind of compare that to whatever pierce is feeling and really find something that goes really well with that so yeah so let's let's get down to it right pierce what do you think and you got any ideas or anything buddy all right pierce come on out what do you got first for us okay are you serious what is the 19th century 1845. you know if it makes you feel any better it would be the perfect outfit if you were marrying a macadamia nut because you look like the planters peanut guy sorry you set yourself up for this one buddy i have every right to rag on you okay scrooge mcduck now go back there and change your hat okay mr moneybags or did you want to play a game of monopoly before you do that i'm sorry for giving you a hard time i just know that pom pom would be horrified to see jack the ripper waiting for her at the end of the aisle instead of her handsome fiance get that top hat off your head please and then come back and we'll talk about the talks later okay love you you know what pierce do you like that tux me neither yeah there's just something about it right i'm not gonna make you stand here in that talks because you know it looks awful like i could just see it in your face and i know it's not the top hat thing because we rag on each other you know that i was just kidding right i mean you looked exactly like the penguin from batman and i just wanted to let you know besides i'm still mad at you from when i wore that really dark mustard dress and you said i looked like baby poop okay so we're even now willy wonka at his grandma's funeral yeah i know listen he wears a top hat and and you're in black and i ran out of top hat guys shut up go back there and change i don't care oh good job pierce that's really nice because y'all's wedding color is yellow and i think that's what pom pom wants to do for the bridesmaids dresses is yellow what i'm thinking though and what she actually told me is that she wants the yellow tie to be for like the groomsmen and then you know you are just kind of standard you know to match her and then the party the wedding party matches each other so that looks great on you it fits so well but i think that's actually gonna be the perfect choice for the groomsmen you know so um so yeah we'll get them all fitted with those and then yeah you um i think she was saying you probably look good in a bow tie next to her what do you think so maybe we'll try something like that all right what do you got next what happened in the dressing room pierce they let you walk out like that okay lots to unpack here it's it was a handsome effort that you did it's not it doesn't fit you well personally not that that's anything on you it's actually very heavily on the garment because the lower half of it it makes it look like some kind of a strange skirt it was a good thought like the top is such a nice look pierce it really is i think that that could be such a great reception look but it doesn't fall i'm i'm very disappointed with the way that it's falling you know what i mean where it looks again kind of like a weird skirt or maybe even a diaper and so yeah for that reason we will keep on trying won't we oh pierce oh wow you look so handsome in that doesn't he guys he really does wow pierce look at you yeah that's a fit that's a fit if i've ever seen a fit really nice you know i might have to move these boys back they're kind of in the way pierce that looks really really nice pierce it really does let's see it from the back yeah this is a good fit it fits you very well it falls really well i don't know why the suspenders can't do that you know this is a suit as well wow pierce look at you what do you guys think yeah the fashion boys the only boys whose opinion really counts no offense zucker it's just obviously you're not that interested in fashion these boys they yeah they're saying it looks it's pretty good i would say that it's a contender you know the white it's bold the white is bold it's also something that's kind of low-key you know not as in as it used to be but it's very nice you look absolutely dapper you really do all right what do we got next oh it is very dapper but it is also very victorian england black plague you know the ruffles and stuff it's really a nice quality garment it really is and cannot stress this enough you look very handsome but i just don't think it's the vibe prom homes are going for for like spring wedding type thing this is more of a that's more of like a sweeney todd you know what i mean so yeah we'll keep trying thankfully there is plenty of options left okay oh pierce this is the best one yet yeah this really is nice this is nice pierce oh my god you're really starting to look like a groom look at him how do you feel you feel like a guy who's about to get married what do you think oh yeah it fits you really well pierce it really does is there is this just the there's a gray one too okay yeah try the gray one too but i think this is a great option i really do really do pierce i think it's very handsome look at this guy this guy can you believe him you can get married what the hell what the hell is this allowed is this a loud pierce are you allowed to look this handsome the answer is yes try the gray one yeah but that's a that's a strong contender for sure oh wow pierce oh that's also so handsome it really is wow i honestly don't know which one i like better do you do you have any idea yeah no me neither i know yeah no they're both really really handsome oh my god that one's really really nice it's really nice pierce i i personally am like all about a grey tox love the gray tox but the black one on you is so handsome too you know what i mean oh my god yeah yeah this is hard isn't it let's move these boys back let's do what's uh this boy needs some room this couch is far too close i think yeah move these boys back a little bit huh yeah pierce i really don't know how we're gonna choose this is nice what do you think oh my gosh i know same yeah i'm split completely down the middle yeah try the black one one more time oh yeah no that's great you look amazing yeah just like with the gray i have no idea i can't help you here yeah no same you don't care either way maybe we can get you know just the opinion of like the masses yeah you guys are gonna have to weigh in here comment down below gray talks or black talks for peers because we are really at a standstill we have no idea no idea whatsoever so we've got two options which is good two options are hey it's always better to have more options than less it really is so it's down to the same style text two different colors gray or black so yeah if one of you boys would volunteer to come with me if you guys wouldn't mind uh coming with me to the bridal shop and maybe modeling the groomsmen options with the bridesmaids dresses just make sure that they go anybody up for that oh kyle thanks for offering pierce i think you're off the hook we've got some options we'll kind of put the the final decision down to uh what what everybody else you know thinks but if if you really don't mind either way then yeah i think we're done here so yeah you guys are free to go and kyle if you want to come with me we can ride together to the bridal shop what do you think [Music] you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 32,366
Rating: 4.9715948 out of 5
Keywords: theamandafiles, amanda sargent, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh
Id: _uqvhMQYaxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 48sec (5268 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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