My Very Fun & Spooky Mental Breakdown (me & kyle broke up)

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and that's something i never wanted to have to tell people but it's true i won't lie to you i think things are really rocky and bumpy between me and kyle right now [Music] [Music] happy halloween it's halloween not in the game because i have a few things to prepare for um you know i wanted to get all of the stuff i need to get so i'm going through every day really quick and i also just wanted to comment on isabelle's sweater hello how adorable she looks so cute i'm so glad she's not wearing that stupid polo that nook made her wear all summer long when she could have been looking cute he's like can you please wear this nook stop polo this nook brand polo please like nook come on you can't you can't miss a chance to advertise and shill yourself interesting so yeah we've got just a few things to do before the halloween party um so i'm just going to the store every day and getting like costume stuff you know stuff for costumes costume stuff if you will um and then just getting my one piece of candy i can't wait till that's over that's traumatized me that has forever changed my relationship with the neck twins forever because they they were just so selfish during this season of heart of harvest during this harvest season they were so damn selfish and they didn't want to let me harvest anything i think i already have that like witch dress see i'm just like hitting all the stores very quickly to get to uh to get to the 31st [Music] [Music] [Music] i was trying really hard i was trying really hard to get through this without any more commentary because i just need to get through this and you know i'll ramble but what the hell do they think they're doing i'm sorry i have to comment on this i know yeah it's it's it's about to be halloween everybody's in their costumes i wanted to comment on isabelle's beautiful hat she's killing it she's so goofy she's so silly she's so quirky i love her what the hell do they think they're doing they're already animals you guys missed the mark so hard here i don't even have the words to tell you how disappointed i am you all couldn't do a pirate or something pirates or like vampire or something else basic as hell y'all both have animal ears on your animal ears [Music] [Music] this is the worst day of my life it's the worst day of my life i it took me a minute to to took me a minute to turn my microphone on um i'm sorry can you everybody in the comments needs to let me know that this is randomized this is a game it's not indicative of like who i am as a person as a girlfriend as anything i matter i am valid i am a good person why does he want to move why we were doing so great i got him that [ __ ] guitar you all know that y'all know i got him that guitar you know how much it cost 70 000 why does everybody want to leave me why does everybody hate me this stuff really hits me hard and i just don't think it should happen i just don't think it should happen i think that we should have the ability to go into this game and press don't ever let this person move i can't handle it i don't want it to happen this is low-key and i don't use this word lightly as i go as like a i don't use this word lightly as a joke but it's kind of triggering a little because i just have abandonment issues you know so i just feel like i want to just want to just go under the covers and never come out that's all and i'm just always so scared that i'm gonna accidentally like the bright lights of another island are calling me do you know how much that hurts me when i put it like that you're a high see before i i'm not getting emotional before i talk to him he wasn't 100 team malachi that sucks that's it hurts because this game gets it gets under your skin it makes you have real relationships with with individuals and then they oh thank you pom-pom knows me so well and she is always right there when i need her i turn around and there she is there she is every time and she knows me so well sometimes if i'm feeling lonely or scared of vampires i'll sleep with a stuffed toy she knows how much i love stuffed animals you all know how much i love stuffed animals so does my best friend in the whole world so if you ever freak out about floor vampires grab a fluffy buddy and sleep tight i'm not doing well i'm not i'm not doing well right now that kyle's never asked to move out before then um mom thank you pom-pom thank you for the stuffed animal i'm i don't know what to think you know it's it's like i want to tell myself it's random it's random but then in order to accept that i have to accept that everything that's ever happened in this game is just random you know and i don't think it is i think it's a it's a it's it's my life this is my life this isn't a game the nook twins look like [ __ ] i am not doing well i'm not doing well like imagine your boy it's like if you lived with your boyfriend and then he's like i think like another apartment's calling me or something you know like and you're like what where did this come from i thought we were doing so well like this is so this is blindsided me like i did i didn't see this coming i didn't see any of the like any of the warning signs i didn't see anything leading up to this you know the nook twins only let me get one piece of candy the word this is the worst day of my life this is even somehow even worse get out of my way you know twins i swear to god i'm gonna just attack timmy one of these days everything that i'm holding in inside because kyle wanted to leave it's gonna bubble over it's gonna boil over and i'm gonna i'm gonna attack a small child i'm gonna attack a small child a small annoying child a small capitalist child a small communist child but a small child nonetheless who doesn't deserve to be attacked i don't think anybody deserves i don't believe in violence and yet here i am thinking that it might be my only option i'm not doing well i don't know it's just a whole it's a thing right like everything's gener it's just all randomized it's all generated right they can't do that not in a game that not in the game that asks so much emotionally from you you know they can't i think they need to change that system i just feel like there should be a way that we can go in and just let them know hey if this character in particular even if it's random even if it's random if this character in particular asks to move i might have a breakdown i might have a mental breakdown it might it it might be dangerous for me to experience that character moving even if it's again oh my god look at sable hold on sable's curing me or mabel that's mabel look at you you couldn't you couldn't hurt a fly she's out here trying to be the devil what is sable what's sable sable's not gonna dress up she just isn't [Music] sable doesn't have a costume but mabel does i hate this day i hate it that's almost sadder it'd be better if like both of them just didn't dress up because i could just pretend like oh they just didn't write it in they just didn't code it in no they coded it in they it was a choice to have sable not dress up that was a choice she never when is she gonna win one you know what i mean when is she gonna finally win one she has been putting her whole goddamn life on hold i'm sorry it's all coming out tonight's the night it all comes out and then i'm just kind of done honestly i'm done with this whole damn town i just y'all asked for this y'all asked for this y'all y'all did this i just hate this i hate it i'm not happy here no i am i'm just really emotional and really dramatic but sable like i was hearing the other day someone was talking about how sh she like i heard like her backstory her backstory is [ __ ] up y'all like she really has been through so damn much and i'm so sick of it i'm sick of it for her she's not sick of it because she's used to it you know it's like when you're used to being the strong one when you're used to being like you know the one that holds everybody else together you don't even expect like the bare minimum for yourself you know hey how's the how's it how i don't even have anything to say to him i was gonna say something but i just don't i honestly don't even have anything to say to him i'm so hurt i'm so hurt anyway yeah sable she really i mean she just doesn't get anything in this whole world and she doesn't ask for anything either and you know what i don't even have time to see anybody i'm just gonna save like i've been doing but i'm having i will admit i'm having yet another breakdown yet again i yet again i am asking you to sit through another one of my mental breakdowns i apologize um yeah i'm not doing well right now because of a lot of things i think that it's pretty understandable um but sable yeah i heard her backstory so apparently you know sable label and mabel their parents flop over and die on them uh when when sable sable's the oldest she is like just barely old enough to like to like handle some [ __ ] like i guess like apparently raise her entire sister because mabel was too young to even remember the parents when they died i don't even know how they died can i just at least know i just i know it's kind of it's probably rude there's probably no real reason i need to know but i feel like there is was it a car accident like what was it murder for hire i don't know but they died flopped over and died you know how it goes and label apparently if i have the story correctly label have the audacity to like get in a fight with sable and leave even though labels the middle child label and sable got a fight how the hell do you get in a fight with sable she's like the most agreeable person she'll let you walk all over and she'll let you do it with a smile on her face she's really well i'm going to cry like she's just such a martyr she's just a pillar she's you know she just doesn't like she she has she's she's selfless to a to a fault but anyway bratty ass little label gets in a fight with them leaves leaves they don't hear from her for years label label is i don't know she's probably got her own issues as you can imagine losing their parents is very traumatic and i think everybody just you know dealt with that differently okay we've got one day before halloween so i've got i gotta sort my issues out before that what is this oh god he does as you can see he sends me letters pretty much every day presents every day and i think he does feel bad see i need i need this okay you all know i need this i need to justify it right now you know that my style is always on point from head to toe yeah i also know that you apparently want to leave me you're all alone to deal with this [ __ ] you know what i've been going through lately i just didn't even need that anyway and sometimes when i see something that would look good on someone else i get it for them well today is your lucky day i don't know if it is kyle try them on yeah you know he always gets me gifts i will admit he showers me with attention and gifts um i will admit lace-up boots you know what they're cute actually but i don't know if that's enough i think i think i'm gonna i'm gonna need at least three more days of being mad at him and having him shower me with gifts tomorrow's halloween though so i can't be mad at him because we need to do matching costumes he wanted to leave before halloween even though we had plans that hurts me it hurts me deep oh it's uh val val just in time for halloween val the one time vic why did i think his name was val [Laughter] you live on this island right i'm just making myself a hug you live on this island right i'm just making myself a home i'm in camping mode soaking up the scenery and looking forward to hanging out could oh cud that's so gross did you like my vic voice doesn't isn't that how like viking sound i don't know i really don't know i have no idea i've never watched the show vikings where was i i think it was a thor voice i think i was doing a thor voice that's close enough right he's kind of like a viking because they had the norse thing yeah let's just go with that anyway vic is here for halloween the one time vic actually looks like he fits in because you know how i feel about i love a viking love guys with long hair uh actually vikings were pretty horrible people not gonna lie and we're not even gonna go into that oh my god see this is what i need just who i didn't want to see you know what [ __ ] actually i get it i'm having an emotion she just dealt with the death of her i think she was at a very tender age you know sable was old enough to kind of like just be strong and hunker down but she was at the age where that didn't need to happen to her she rebelled she just went off the rails and i get it i totally get it and you know what i feel so bad for her but i'm not gonna do her challenge also look at this [ __ ] my girls i love this ankh is just like a full ass audience from miss pop star over here finally this is the first time i've ever seen her trying to work towards her dream i'm so happy for her and i hope that she gets her big break soon so that she leaves anyway oh my god yeah so sable's left all alone to to raise mabel mabel's like a baby ugh still wearing those okay um sable is is raising mabel sable raises mabel entirely and apparently from what i hear i don't want to talk to you it wasn't it was a mistake but you know that i'm always talking to tommy never timmy um [Music] yeah just give i don't care yeah i know i can make it but i just don't even care i don't have time plain and simple it's actually 5 p.m on halloween so we'll see if i can even get this video out probably going to be another late one i really don't care because i'm having a mental breakdown i am i really really am oh i can have a piece of candy are you sure you positive okay okay um [Music] yeah so apparently tom nook and sable were like best friends is that a thing i heard it on a video but i don't know if it's true i haven't confirmed it because it just doesn't seem like the case like they i don't know yeah and then he left for the big city to like find his fortune to make his millions to sew his wild oats and he left stable basically high and dry yeah sable i'm talking about you i'm just so sad that you didn't even get to dress up not even a simple little like anything nothing not even like a little [ __ ] pendant with a ghost on it nothing nothing ever ever for her she never gets a damn break i'm just so ready to see her win just win one can she just win one just once can she win one god when is it gonna be sable's turn i'm so sick of this it's not good for my mental health to keep having to see her just toil away day in and day out toiling away for what for what i'm so done i'm so done and she should be too but she's you know what this is all she's ever known she is programmed to put herself last i'm so sick of it i'm sick of it for you i want better for you i'm just so sick of it sable i really am i know that you think you're not but it's because you don't even know what it's like to win one you really don't and i'm sick of it i am i'm sick of it i really want to see sable win one and that's why i know i say this a lot i do start writing them on my phone and then i'm embarrassed so once i get my confidence up like i really will write some fanfics like i have a lily one on my phone i have the um apollo and whitney one i have the kyle one that i started writing the kk slider one which i have some tractors to add to tonight let's just say that let's just put it that way i don't even know what the hell i'm buying at this point i need to write something for sable like i just gotta write into the canon that she [ __ ] wins one she needs to win one yesterday and i think what she i don't know i just want so much better for her remember i like briefly mentioned it but i really ship her and eunice together i think her and eunice would be so cute eunice just gives off the vibes of somebody who's just gonna [ __ ] hold her down like she needs she means i'm gonna cry this is not okay i'm not okay when i say this i mean me i do i'm so sick of everything i'm just not this is just really all coming to a head tonight tonight's the night that everything comes to a head um yeah i just feel like i think i need to have i mean i almost i'm honestly tempted to bring unison for sable but then i i don't i don't think that she would actually like use i don't know i don't think she would actually be able to be happy though even if she had a true love connection but i'm gonna write it i should right eunice walks into the shop and sparks fly you know um i think they're beautiful i think i need to get their amiibos and at least do some pictures i need this i i need this it's almost for more for me even at this point than it is for sable because at the end of the day i don't know what she wants no one does i don't even think she knows what she wants i gotta sit her down we gotta get her some help i think it's gonna be halloween yep it is so you better start in the morning yep so much for a montage i couldn't do it i just couldn't do it i thought maybe i could do it i thought maybe i could just shut the [ __ ] up once and just let it ride i don't think i can i just don't think i can it's okay because kyle really turned this into a different kind of video a different kind of video i guess we'll see what happens on halloween but you know it would just be so cute if sable could just let herself enjoy her life her sister mabel is all grown up you don't have to take care of her anymore and you know what sable you don't have to take care of us we can take care of ourselves okay she's carrying this whole game on her back and no one seems to realize it i'm so sick of it i really am i'm sick of it and i don't want to end up like her either i'm just i'm so sick of it but yeah apparently like tom nook moved away i don't know if there was a thing there but she he left her hi andrea i think everybody in her life leaves her and the one person who didn't mabel she's holding on to that even though it's not very good for her because she's still mothering mabel and mabel needs to fly mabel needs to spread her wings i'm so upset anyway okay isabel give it to me straight good morning everyone right now it's nine o'clock am on saturday october 31st tonight from 5 p.m to midnight so i got to change the time again great job amanda good job we'll be treating you to a halloween event and no this is not a trick everyone will be dressed up or will give out candy to folks in costume it sounds like so much fun what for one night for one night i'm sorry isabelle i this is not good for me i'm just having a really hard time with all of this she can't leave her desk for one night we as players can can't have one night where we don't need to run into isabelle to be like this person said something i didn't like this person's wearing inappropriate clothes like we can't have one night where we don't ask her what the friggin rating of our island is why does she need to be behind the desk i don't get it i don't get it nintendo i have quite a few issues i got a laundry list for you nintendo i hope you i hope you're hearing hello god this is amanda i have quite a few things i need help with oh my god yeah this is all coming to a head marina what what do you think somersault i'm obsessed with cooking so i'm picky about what i keep around to cook with she's giving me [ __ ] i love it thank you marina i don't know i'm i'm pretty sure my whole storage is full because i just bought a bunch of freaking costume [ __ ] because i don't know how to dress my people do i bring them to harves island goose i'm sick of it i'm just sick of everything i think i think this is the day that i stop letting people walk all over me you know maybe i do kick goose out once and for all maybe i do maybe i [ __ ] around and kick goose out once and for all maybe i do maybe i don't maybe i don't can i have a piece of candy nook twins i'm about to just have a total mental breakdown in nook's granny in nooks granny it's gotten to the point where it's a lot get out of my way yeah just because nothing's fair in this game i don't know you know how do i dress my villagers up i i don't want to get into this and see everybody's in their stupid own costumes i need to have control over just this one thing just this one thing in my life you know i feel like i've lost control of every other area of my life and i just need to control this sable when are you gonna win one you know i'm done helping label and i think you should be too i think she's a big girl and she can do stuff for herself yeah it's amazing she's like thank you so much for taking one like pound of this enormous weight off my back and helping my needy little sister label thank you so much and i'm like sable honestly we both don't need to be like slaves to these girls i think that mabel and label are big girls now and i think that they can do it on their own and i think that it's time for you to retire i think you should go and move in with eunice i think eunice is going to hold you down i think eunice is going to show you how to actually be happy wow on halloween you all have hardly anything i mean what do you think i'm going to be this for halloween really well i'm probably still going to buy it because apparently i'm just buying [ __ ] that's what i do a little bit i won't lie um this is for no it does feel good to buy [ __ ] right is anybody else out there am i alone in that what is nook wearing is nick all dressed up does he have a hat on too i'm so done with his [ __ ] perfect perfection nook you never looked better you look just like yourself yep money is the root of all evil isn't it piece of [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] i'm good i'm actually not i just wanted to look you in the eyes nook left sable all alone he was her only friend anka i'm so sick of these people aren't you god i'm sorry to have brought you here but honestly i needed you i needed you is my boyfriend gonna leave i hate my life no i don't i'm happy i'm actually really happy i wanted to talk about other stuff during this video sweetheart you look really handsome in that you really do you really do look so handsome what trick or treat trick or treat just working on my line delivery for the big day bro don't call me bro if you could do just one thing for me after you've be over so bad after you broke my heart like a week in a row and this time i can't really blame it on your sickness you know i don't really have a justification of any kind for what you did to me yeah i'm gonna have to like look up like what the costume thing is because i really want to control this i feel like i've lost control of every facet of my life and if i can just control what every single person on my island wears tonight that would be great that would be great so let's just look that up really quick and kind of calm down too because i just you know i want to chill i want to have fun tonight i do i really do i want to have fun with my friends but are these people even my friends i don't know anymore yeah i just don't know okay so i just found out from my lovely patrons always coming through for me on the discord that they're gonna do their own thing all these people goose somehow he's gonna put a costume together apparently according to you know everybody so that could be a great thing it could be really funny i think it's gonna be funny to see what everybody is it's gonna be surprising i don't have to control everything i can let this go lily you had it how did you miss that that was the game that wasn't you you got screwed over yeah that was not you girl it wasn't it just wasn't you know i can't wait to see what lily is what i know i trust anga 100 i do i should trust kyle i think he knows what he's doing you know i should trust these people i i should i should just let them do it because i honestly i'll be honest with you i have no idea what i'm gonna be for halloween i don't know so i guess let's go in and try to figure this out let's try to figure this out should i be trying to try to be fun for once in my life i have not even tried any of like this the new skin or eye colors because i'm so boring so boring and you know what you guys i won't go into the kitchen this time i forget who it was but somebody pointed out like that i go into the kitchen to change everything and then i should put like a closet they i i laughed so hard at that because it's so like on the nose and hilarious and like i never noticed that i do that oh my god also let's put these posters that my baby cat gave me shout out to cat cat you know what you're the only damn one who cares about me right now this video she gave me lucky's poster get out of my way panda and she gave me um celeste and i didn't have them so thank you at least somebody loves me no i'm just kidding all my patrons do all of you a smoker as if i need to think about cannibal island right now thank you so much world who who gave me that lily or something no didn't marina give me that marina please stop stop just stop just stop while you're ahead okay girl oh my god okay let's just calm down let's have a good time why can't i just have a good time you know wouldn't that be funny if i just had a good time for once in my life um yeah why don't i think for myself for once how about instead of thinking about like oh what am i gonna be with kyle you know what no think about what you're gonna be with yourself how are you gonna sit with yourself at night amanda how about why don't you become the wolf that he always wanted no don't make it about kyle but i kinda wanna no no i don't know what i just don't know i just don't know what i wanna be i really don't i should be bob i'll be bob for halloween i don't even have bob's shirt i don't think i have bob's shirt unfortunately i'm not allowed to be naked in my own home really oh no i'm just that much of a [ __ ] hoarder nice this is a disaster as per usual honestly god like i went and bought all that [ __ ] because i didn't know how how halloween was gonna work i wanted to be prepared i want to have plenty of options for everyone because i'm always trying to hold this whole entire community on my on my shoulders and this is what i get this is what i get nice love it okay so i don't know it's hard for me it's hard for me is that it is all we get that's all we get really what can i be i could be bob let's try to be bob no because i don't have bob's um i could be rosie no i don't know oh my god one of my patrons is sherb and it's so funny and so amazing oh my god they pulled it off so bad i'm too scared to be sure personally okay what could i be that's green remember that um that would duck woman i think she was a kappa you guys were saying she's a kappa is that what they're called so clever right what could i i have no idea what to be like a zombie what do i be like a crazy kooky zombie should i be a zombie an alien let's be an alien let's just be an alien yeah let's be an alien let's try to be an alien so what's alien hair yeah i'm gonna be a cute alien a cute alien who doesn't need anyone a cute alien who takes care of herself what's alien hair what should my alien hair be um an alien bun maybe yeah just an alien bun and then what color should my alien hair be like i don't want to be t i don't i want to be like a cool alien that doesn't need anyone you know like a really cool alien not like a crazy kooky oh that's cool that's kind of cool like as an alien maybe yeah because i just want to look like a strong independent alien woman who could leave at any moment honestly oh that's kind of like alien hair this one or this one i think maybe um that's cute too though aliens can have different colored skin they can have this colored skin too ooh how scary can we go with the eyes with alien eyes alien for sure yep alien eyes yup yup yup yes uh that's alien e no wait aliens have big black eyes don't they they do most of the time big big big big big eyes like really big eyes no but they gotta be bigger i'm talking big i'm talk i want to go big on these eyes yes that's totally alien eyes let's make her hot too make everybody regret what they did what oh yeah there is face paint isn't there i don't have anything for this maybe i don't know blood all over me because everybody wronged me because everybody was mean to me perhaps um hmm is it worth it to like go maybe i'll maybe i will all right so i took some time to figure out this alien thing really put some thought into it i didn't want to take you all along with me through that whole slog i did a lot of custom codes that takes a lot of time but i figured it out and i think everyone is gonna regret how they treated me i really do i'm about to make everyone regret their entire life that's right that's right yeah extraterrestrial yep she really did that she did it i i know that usually i i try to be pretty tame not again today it's over for these simps it really is you know what it really kind of is yeah here i come really invading the entire planet bland what are you supposed to be actually she looks so cute look at you oh amanda there you are we haven't chatted in forever darling it's jack my heart my heart oh he's so handsome he's actually so cute i you know what i might just flirt with jack right in front of kyle let's see if he cares see if he even cares i always look so busy blanchy good evening are you enjoying your halloween night amanda anyone asking for candy tonight will be thrilled to receive so anyone asking for candy tonight will be thrilled to receive some but you must be careful as well if you deny that oh i forgot candy i think i forgot some candy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you yeah so apparently if i deny someone candy this is interesting if you deny someone candy what they're going to be they're going to beat you up i didn't read that last part because i'm freaking out because i think i forgot to get the candy because i didn't know i was so focused on myself blanche is going to kick my ass blanche is going to kick my ass damn it do i have candy oh my god oh my god so she goes excuse me do you really not have any candy you know what it's cause the nook twins didn't give me any damn candy you'll never make it through the night like that whatever will i do with you here i'll give you some of mine i hate my life damn it damn it i thought i was really gonna steal the show and instead i'm the biggest loser i'm the biggest loser there that will help so from this point on when we meet next the real fun begins and she called me bro but i'm not gonna acknowledge that i am not gonna so much as look someone in the eye until i get all the candy it's just i just find it really interesting that you're not allowed to deny anyone candy it's almost as if what the nook twins have been doing to me the entire month of october isn't right it's almost as if it's a frowned upon where the hell is all the candy yeah 25 pieces not quite enough i don't think like you know according to what these p these people are are out for blood tonight if you don't give them candy apparently you're going to get dr you're going to get ripped apart there's going to be a whole entire freaking it's going to be like a mob i look so pretty i look so i look show stopping i look incredible i've never looked better in my life as an alien i really put a lot of effort into my costume whereas blanche is literally no she looks cute she does she's got the black bow and everything blanche does look cute i'm glad that she's not something weird and cringey you know okay i got some candy you guys okay are you guys gonna be okay here you go blanche trick or treat so what's it gonna be candy for me or do i have to prank or trick or treat so what's it gonna be candy for me i do have a prank ready girl you know i'm gonna give you some candy but also what the hell is the prank what's the prank or they jump you tear you limb from limb thank you i adore that you went with candy i'm not saying the bro thing it's just not even it's not a good look for her well here's a gift for you a spooky garland oh i love garland yay thank you did you see that i'm like this gorgeous show-stopping like movie quality alien by the way okay good i just wish she would compliment my my costume blanche i think you look great oh my god are you telling me the goose is a mummy he's trying to impress anka so he heard that a i like mommies look at him he's having a seizure over there okay you know seeing as it is look at him going goose stop you're you're literally distracting me you know seeing as it is halloween anka and she's over here she's wearing her mummy thing but she's also got the devil horns because she's hashtag quirky like she she's she's a little devil look at her anka don't even give him the time of day he's really such a loser it's cringy turn around don't give him the time of day what is he doing i'm sorry i just am so distracted she's gonna teach me um a scare reaction okay cool thanks look at me i really went above and beyond oh my god anka everybody's freaking out tonight trick or treat so what's it gonna be candy for me i do have a prank ready to me meow at least she's not saying [ __ ] bro you know i would always give you candy every time every time i'm gonna give you candy thank you i adore that you went with candy now i have something for you a lollipop special indeed thank you did you see that i'm this incredible alien that i painted my whole entire body i guess no one cares goose you know what i'm gonna prank him or something or i don't know trick or treat better give me some candy unless you want to get tricked bro i'm not giving him candy no way [Music] you're not going to share that candy with me on halloween well in that case trick incoming what the hell was that no he ruined my costume i'm so pissed [Music] i worked so hard on this okay uh am i allowed to do that to somebody else oh my god i'm so pissed i had no idea that this was even possible you all know how hard i shut up goose stop you're not even funny or cute goose sucks yo what the hell yeah he screwed me over i am so pissed i can't quite tell ya how pissed i am i have to run home i have to run my ass home oh my god to run my ass home change as fast as i can after i worked so hard on this i was so proud y'all remember i'm nobody has even said anything about it i'm very upset goose really screwed me what the hell what is this yeah he screwed everything up yeah i guess that really was a prank wasn't it wow wow yeah it was a prank wasn't it what the hell what's this freaking face pink get this off me get this off me i worked so hard on my costume was that even it i don't even remember i hope that was it i can't believe he did that to me i really can't i didn't want to give him my candy that i worked so hard to get from the nook twins it took me so long begging them when i didn't want to have to do that and and goose took it all away from me snatched it away from me because i didn't want to give him a piece of candy i hate everything i'm having the worst day ever jack you're the only one that i want to talk to right now trick or treat i am jack the reigning czar of halloween this is a night for frights and delights which come but once a year that's right halloween is here oh what a thrill it's been to see this day draw near the anticipation gave me goosebumps pumpkin he calls me pumpkin i'm sold take me with you take me with you back to halloweentown please i don't want to be here anymore jack please take me with you i could be your sally come on we could live like jack and sally if you want please take me with you i'm so [ __ ] done with these people i am i really am i'm so done should i just dress up as like a pumpkin would that make him happy would that make him love me ugh now the hour has come and it's an accomplice i seek tell me pumpkin do you think you fit the bill is he asking me to marry him is he asking me out yes yes i'll do it yep i think i do fit the bell actually i'm an alien right now but i'll be whatever you want me to be hehe what an agreeable little minion oh my god okay jack he's a he's a dom jack's a dom jack is really [ __ ] me up right now i'm not gonna lie i reward my servants handsomely for work well done and what work is that you ask here is thy task you must fetch for me that delectable candy oh why i detect you have some candy on you right now trick or treat come come hand me that candy pumpkin anything for you daddy anything for you you can have every damn piece i got every damn piece treat yourself honey treat yourself baby i'm so done that i'm truly just totally imprinting on jack right now i want to go away with him i want to run away with him please take me away oh so scarily scrumptious and now for that reward i promised feast your eyes on the king-sized prize i bestow upon you jack's robe he's giving me his hoodie he's giving me a sweatshirt i'm simping for jack i really am dazzling pumpkin now your true work can begin next you shall bring me my most delectable lollipops i have more in store for one who scores me some these frightfully special items can be yours hmm i feel it in my bones sure as shadows someone out there has a lollipop he's killing me with this [ __ ] i'm sorry he's like looking right through me he feels it in his bones y'all i do too jack jack's [ __ ] me up he's never been like this he wasn't like this a new leaf he's really he came back with a vengeance or maybe i'm just so weak and completely broken down by the townspeople that i'm just doing this right now i think that's probably more likely oh he's killing me he just sees right through me i can't get anything past him [Laughter] i'm i'm arrested i'm arrested okay anyway we yeah we got a we got a lollipop apply them with candy and you may pry it from their grasp stop at nothing to get your claws on one i shall be haunting this area i wish you would haunt my area i gotta stop stop it amanda i shall be haunting this area so come to me again with a lollipop in hand don't disappoint me my minion oh you know i'm not going to i would never disappoint you unlike other people in this town i will not disappoint you mind you i also hunger for more candy whatever you bring me don't keep me waiting long pumpkin this strikes me as a fine time to teach you a sinister reaction just for halloween it goes a bit like this um if you don't give me some candy what are you gonna do to me jeff you'll regret it pumpkin i am done oh hee-hee did i make your knees knocked has your spine turned to jelly yes it has yes it has yes it has yes in fact it has actually you can look at my whole entire hospital report because i was checked into the er for this just now jack the pumpkin king is here okay the czar of halloween and you better show some damn respect every single goddamn person in this town better be showing my king mizar some respect i swear to god i should hope so for that is the intended effect of the haunt reaction this particular reaction is perfect for halloween so have fun with it it'll be a screamy i am so [ __ ] obsessed with jack it's not even funny i'm so obsessed with him that's what he does to me that's exactly what he does to me that's me that's me right now reeling absolutely reeling after one interaction with this man he is so daddy it's not even funny big pumpkin energy over here with jack he's wearing a dress goose get the [ __ ] away from me i'm actually so done with goose i'm never talking to him dudes get away from me no this is my nightmare i hate my life this is my nightmare this is my nightmare this is my nightmare this has been my life this is this sums it all up this has been my life for the past uh since march since march because i've had this man in my life since march he's chasing me i can't even believe it you know what why don't i haunt him [ __ ] you goose get the hell away from me and look oh god he stopped chasing me he stopped as soon as they stopped chasing you it's like as if i have issues i had to as soon as he stopped chasing me i had to talk to him i was like wait no keep chasing me better give me some candy unless you want to be tricked bro you know what get take this and then get the hell out of my face how about because i'm so done with you you just chased me around the town like a weirdo ha i wasn't really expecting you to be ready for that but i'm definitely ready for that candy you gave me what is that supposed to mean why is everyone gaslighting me why is everyone like so awful to me no one is being nice to me and i hate it because it's what i need now more than ever i should probably give you something in return huh yeah yeah you probably should goose you think huh how about a spooky table setting perfect for halloween right i don't know i don't know anything anymore i don't i can't stop thinking about jack isn't halloween the greatest actually yeah i can agree with you on that because jack's here bro i love it i don't care goose you have never looked worse bianca you look gorgeous are you a witch she's silly she's silly bianca's crazy and silly and quirky it's fine thank you this was the correct choice moopy trust me no i know now now i do know that now here's a treat for you have a spooky rug thank you thank you bianca you're the only damn one who gets it happy halloween yep does anybody notice that i look so good tonight jack i'm in love with him oh he's just so he gets me every time with that [ __ ] i know that smell you're in possession of scrumptious candy aren't you oh there's no hiding it from me pumpkin jack always knows i know you do daddy i'm really doing this right now amanda stop oh my god see he does this he does this on purpose he just heard me say i have to stop being inappropriate and then he pulls out this i'm just gonna read it i'm not gonna react i'm just gonna read it i'm not gonna react okay hmm trick or treat come come give it quick i crave that sweetness i could make i could turn it into a bunch of stuff but i won't i won't wee time to treat myself as you should you king you absolute king oh so scarily scrumptious and now for that reward i promised feast your eyes on the king-size prize i'm looking at him right now chad i bestow upon you jack's face perfect absolutely the king-size prize absolutely it is i want to be his queen i want to be the pumpkin queen so bad i do love candy but i've had my fill at the moment pumpkin if you want to make yourself useful bring me a lollipop i shake and quiver for the treats i savor he is he's really so bad like do you all notice this he's a bad boy he really is and i don't think i've ever i you know i've been preparing all this time to encounter like the baddest of the bad boys and i still wasn't ready he's still knocking me to the ground i'm sipping very hard right now and i have a lollipop for you daddy i do i know that smell you're in possession of scrumptious candy aren't you oh there's no hiding it from me pumpkin jack always knows i love when he calls me pumpkin i just really love it i feel so cared for i feel so loved and seen and cared for which is something that i have been wanting to feel for a long time now you know i got you you know i got you king no no but yes oh yes he's like so bad happy halloween i'm so happy that i'm making him smile that is his favorite i will remember that jack every lollipop i get is going to you i promise i think i have one in my storage actually tis the grandest candy my very utmost favorite a lollipop pumpkin whatever i was doing can weigh time for a treat i'm this is what i live for actually is to make him happy is to serve him i'm not gonna lie i didn't think i'd ever become this type of like this simp but here i am here i absolutely am so good it sends chills down my spine same big same you have performed all see like i'm i am into this like this is this is giving me fulfillment that i'm fulfilling his wishes that i am pleasing him master my master he is he is my master i won't lie to you god you have performed most admirably this calls for a special reward oh my god thank you yeah see he's a kind master he is he's a benevolent master show a little gratitude to old jack for this incandescent reward of a spooky carriage he gave me a spooky carriage for getting married me and jack it's actually gonna be me and jack at the in the end in the end it was me and jack yep but it's not enough to satisfy me is it no i need more lollipops i must have more lollipops bring me another lollipop the second you find one and i shall make you very glad that you did you know i am going to stop at nothing until you get everything you want king this is a game changer i won't lie you know i've always loved jack i really have always loved him however uh he's never done what he's doing to me now he came back a different man he really did he's always been like this that's staying up by the way all year all year long what am i doing where am i going it's just in my storage i can just access that right from my living room kyle who tonight you know i love him you know i'll always love him he's my favorite but tonight it's all about jack it really is i can't get him out of my mind he's eclipsed everything else he really has all i see is this big pumpkin head that's all i see and um and yeah i've always loved him he's like probably one of my favorite npcs he's so cute he's always been so over the top but is it just me or is he like he came back a different man that's all i'm gonna say he really did you know he came back hidden a little different [Music] he really did jack this doesn't get old it doesn't get old for me to just like worship him he's so happy that's what i live for i really live for that i really do i'm i just love that he um he's happy tis the grandest candy like he's just he appreciates the little things then you come through like the sweet now you wanna make the bitter taste too hard and then you get it get it get it get it hit it and hit it and hit it hit it flip it flip it flip it you make me say oh oh my god jack i like the way you live never mind we're gonna stop there yeah when everybody around here asks how's life i go when life deals us a spooky carriage recipe my baby there was a bitter taste today and you brought it to a hall he's my sweetener he really is my sweetener where the hell is everybody else we're sherb where the hell's sherb what the hell is going on wait a second everything is very very suspicious there is sherb what the hell are you supposed to be weirdo what is he supposed to be trick or treat give me some candy if you don't i'm gonna play a dirty trick on you get away from me get away from me 9-1-1 what's your emergency help help he's gonna play a dirty trick on me jack help jack please help help i'm being murdered i'm being killed i'm being killed this is it candy for you you know can you imagine if i said do your worst to sherb if i said do your worst he would take out a knife a butter knife and he would start to behead me slowly he would he grabbed me by my bun and he would do it since you were nice to me i'll be nice to you what the hell [Music] sherb i'm so terrified and you threatened me and i'll never forget that i don't think it is a very happy halloween actually where the hell are my friends where is everybody marina what are you doing is she dying probably sure probably gave her some candy you know it's halloween it's expected and it was poisoned marina look at you you look so cute i'm crying i'm crying look at her she's like a little imp happy halloween i've been waiting for you summersault wait you know that it's halloween right somersault yes god why would i not know that she's just trying to be sweet i guess i don't know tonight i'm giving candy to folks who stop buying costume but only if they dress up in a scary outfit i can't wait to see what you do to look scary cutie that's not scary enough i mean i know i look like a baddie like a galactic baddie but that's not good enough is that good enough how's tonight going what a spirit of adventure you have walking around out there cutie she doesn't like my costume i hate my life everybody just seems to hate me i really don't know what i did wrong i really don't i have been a pillar of this society um i decorated for halloween no one else did you guys wonder why the vibes are so nope oh no he's crazy i already gave him some candy is he gone is he gone i already gave him some candy i just gave it to him [Music] jack please jack he's trying to get me is he gone this is a horror game this is officially a [ __ ] horror game yep he's gone thank god don't let him see me i'm not doing this i'm not doing this tonight god when people see me they just start running anka every time every time i don't like getting chased by people especially because they're not even nice to me nobody's being nice to me yeah of course i have some candy for you i always have candy for you i feel weird i feel empty i do anka's my girl she's got my back pierced look at you what are you a bear pierce is a bear how cute are you he is a bear uh yeah yeah i got i got you some candy for sure i do imagine if i ran out of candy it's like i should have been able to get so uh with a really powerful trick i just feel so unloved a spooky wall you sure give it to me yep i feel very just underappreciated like marina didn't like my costume i put so much work into it i think it's personally you know not trying to throw shade at her costume but i certainly think it was better than hers everybody's just chasing me down and all they want from me is candy oh my god everybody see i'm mrs lifestyles of the rich and famous you want a piece of me everybody wants a piece of me that's all i feel like leave me alone you know am i good enough for lily who the hell am i ever gonna be good enough for if not jack i feel like jack's the only person who's giving me validation today and who was telling me i'm doing my best you know he's like you're doing great like every time i give him what he wants oh she's a little mummy everybody's kind of caught copying each other though i mean happy halloween i've been waiting for you wait you know that it's halloween right summer why does everybody say that yep lily hates my costume too apparently apparently apparently no one seems to think that i'm in costume that's very offensive to me i'm very sensitive and i'm taking this extremely personal how is it not apparent that i'm in costume right now marina and lily are both like are you aware that it's halloween um hello am i aware it's halloween no i'm actually i'm not aware i'm not aware it's halloween lily and marina i just wear this every day this is what i look like don't you remember don't you remember that this is exactly what i look like i'm offended i am i hate i hate to say it but i am am i does my heart even can my heart even take it because i just feel like he's going to be mean to me i don't even i don't even know what to expect i really don't oh my god [Laughter] [Music] kyle what are you [Music] first of all first of all [ __ ] okay kyle you're killing it see this is this is why i love him it is he's totally totally comfortable with his masculinity he really is this is the costume he chose welcome to my lara ha ha look it's halloween and i want to give you some candy but you got to bring it with a scary costume first what the hell do these people want from me what more can i do they're breaking me down what more can i do this isn't scary i guess it's because it's so bad it's so hot it's so cool but i do i do love that that's his costume he uh really went there he is so totally comfortable with his masculinity and i do love that about him that's probably one of my favorite things about him he's not he's not too much of a man to just wear a dress he really isn't he's like you know what i liked it how about that apparently my costume isn't scary enough you know what if they want scary i'll give them scary i really will i'll be as scary as possible they won't even be able to recognize me and they'll see what they've done to me you want a piece of me this is extra extra this just i will really show all of them what they've done to me i am so pissed nobody loves me nobody loves me it's true nobody loves me what's going to be scary for these people maybe this possibly could that be it could that be what they're looking for i don't know what do these people want from me do i have to dress up like jack i guess i'll be a zombie right like a horrible disgusting zombie i'll be a zombie with blood all over my face that's what i'll be because it kind of is how i feel they've just broken me down to nothing and now i'm dead that's how i feel is this good enough for you people that break me down and ask for every single thing that i've got am i worth anything yet for you people maybe i wasn't supposed to wear a custom code maybe they can't recognize what the custom code is sorry that i look better than everyone else that i actually put some effort into my costume unlike you people who all have the same thing on you know i could go there i really could but i'll choose not to i'll try my best to be amicable but i'm honestly not feeling any of these people and i want to go to halloweentown with jack i do i don't want to live in malachi anymore i just want to go to halloweentown i wonder if they'll take me i'm going to be the grossest nastiest zombie they ever did see i am they want scary i'll give them scary i'm so done this has been the worst like this is my birthday month thought it was going to be the happiest season of my life i was sorely mistaken i was wrong couldn't have been more wrong in fact you won't even be able to recognize me you really won't i mean who is that i don't know i certainly don't know i don't even know who i am anymore i really don't yep that's how i feel it's about right is there any scarier eye a scarier one how about the scariest eyes possible how about that perfect right love it that's a good one that one or that one that's what that's what they've done to me it really is can you believe that's me yeah who is she right who is she is this scary enough for you guys yet is this scary enough for everybody am i scary enough for you am i real enough for you yet this is what they've done to me can you believe it remember when i was boring and i didn't i wasn't work i wasn't willing to do anything crazy yeah this is what they've done to me honestly this is exactly what they wanted i don't want jack to see me like this though i don't i don't i am not willing to let jack see me like this but honestly well jack i don't know jack might like it because he's a halloween guy scary enough for you yet baby guess who knock knock guess who that costume is to die for you've definitely earned the candy i'm about to give you bro he calls me bro i don't know if me and kyle are together anymore like i don't at this point halloween is only one night just like my last one wolf show what enjoy what the hell is that supposed to mean can i give you some candy i'm always in character just in case a casting agent is walking around okay i guess so since they're in their house they're not trick-or-treating kyle i don't really i think we're taking a break i don't know you know it's just so weird he's been so weird i really don't know if i want jack to see me like this i want to look my best when i'm around him just in case you know just in case you never know what he's looking for and i don't want him to see me like this this is about my lowest point and this is actually so accurate like i'm not even like acting is this enough is this enough trick-or-treating in a costume and i'm wearing a costume apparently i wasn't wearing a costume before that makes me sick to my stomach it makes me sick to my stomach what so i guess it's only the animal crossing approved costumes that are being recognized by the villagers look at these wackos up here sherb chased me with a knife did y'all see that because i certainly did i saw it and i felt it i don't know what to think anymore i really don't i wish this night would go better i wish this night was going a little better where's pompom where's my best friend in the whole world pompom who's always there for me where is she now where is she now when i need her most when i'm about to literally have a mental breakdown if i haven't already if not already i think i've already had it haven't i marina is this enough for you i'm giving out candy to anyone who comes by trick-or-treating in a costume so i wasn't here in a costume earlier that hurts it does hurt because i really worked so hard on my costume i did i did my best i tried my best and it wasn't enough for these people nothing i ever do is ever enough for these people i don't know how much more i can take this is animal crossing these people are supposed to worship me they're supposed to kiss the ground that i walk on this is supposed to be a confidence booster instead look at me look what they've done look what they've done to me this isn't me this isn't me i'm a shell of who i used to be look at me look at me look what they've done to me these people have broken me down and i am literally a zombie quite literally a zombie i'm a zombie i am i'm dead i'm the walking dead at this point you know i'm the walking dead but the people that you fear most are the living isn't that what they teach in that [ __ ] scaring away fish walking around like crazy i'm just losing my mind is blathers in a costume why don't i just scare the [ __ ] out of blathers just cuz just because you know i don't i know he doesn't like [ __ ] like this i don't care i don't care anymore i don't care about anything anymore yeah blathers is asleep on halloween i'll let him sleep i'll let him sleep i just can't believe it i want attention is this too much to ask i want kyle to say like wow you look so nice i want him to be nice to me the way that he used to he's getting used to me now is that it i don't want these people to start chasing me sherp's going to chase me i just know it where's pom pom where is my best friend in the whole world pom-pom now i'm getting chased by blanche you know what fine blanche i've given you like six pieces of candy already can't you ask someone else pierce where's your girlfriend where is your girlfriend pierce pierce where the hell is my best friend and your girlfriend cause sherb's out here on the loose where is your girlfriend and my best friend where is she because sherb's out here on the loose he's chasing people down he is at this point is unabashedly uh happening he's chasing people down with a knife dressed as a weird bear thing a lollipop at least you're good for something because my king jack likes lollipops i'm not approaching him looking like this but where is pom-pom is she the only one i haven't seen yet i think pom-pom's the only one i haven't seen where the hell is pom-pom is she in here why isn't freaking isabel out here isabelle had to work tonight i hate it i hate it where the hell is pom-pom where is my best friend pom pom where is she this is unbelievable my best friend got killed on halloween she got killed by sherb by michael myers aka sharp yeah because she's not home she's not in pom-poms not in where is she where is she out playing are we sure i haven't seen her i haven't seen so much as a glimpse of her i'm about to cry like this has just been the worst and i just don't think that it's gonna get any better from here and i got all this [ __ ] i gotta pack up now i put all this here for everyone else and now i have to pack it up stupid ass dumbass oh no he's chasing me again this is my whole life goose get out of here i'm just not doing this i'm not doing this with him i'm not i'm trying to find pom pom pom pom there you are i was so worried about you you look so cute pom pom gengar she looks like gengar are you 10 pumpkins thank you pompom she's really my girl can you believe this is me can you even recognize me why are people recognizing me right away that's almost worse that they're like amanda hey and i'm like yeah yeah do i normally look like this you guys recognize me really cool good to know good to know good to know noted noted yep that's noted i am going crazy this is oh my god pierce didn't i just give you something these people never quit they don't quit unless you want to be tricked you know what why don't you [ __ ] trick me i'm so done trick me screw me up yep good this is exactly what i wanted oh hell yeah hell yeah i love it it actually looks so good look yes look at her she's crazy she's lost her mind she's she's gone she's just totally gone yep we don't even recognize or know her anymore i like i love the face paint i want people to start tricking me i do blanche you know what i'm all out of candy i'm fresh at a candy blanch fresh out of candy no treat for you she's gonna get so pissed michael myers i see you've made your choice amanda now i'll make mine take that dude what the hell i'm sorry but this is halloween amanda don't think badly of me it's all in good fun okay what has she done to me yeah i don't even care anymore i really don't actually i'm glad that you drew my boyfriend on my face my new boyfriend because apparently i think me and kyle are on a break i really do i think we're on a break you know nothing he's a great guy he's a great guy but he's just really not i don't know he's not he's not there lately he hasn't been there lately i know he's been sick but yeah i don't want i don't want jack to see me like this i just straight don't can i go back to lily and get another piece of candy at least lily gives me a piece of candy unlike everyone else in my life i'm just broken down you know i want to be my alien self again i want to dress up as the thing that i chose for myself but i can't thanks lily thank you lily lily always knows what to do and say i don't want kyle to see me like this but i don't i mean at this point i don't care maybe i should be like a cat or something you want to try to be a wolf let's try to be a wolf you know let's make kyle regret the fact that we're on a break that we got in a fight and that we're on a break i don't think that we broke up we didn't you know i think i think in the end me and kyle will end up together i do he's the right man for me he is he's such a good guy and i know that there's like the exact person that i want is is there but he needs he needs to i think what i'm doing honestly because i know what i want i want him but i only want him if he's willing to put in all the work you know if he's willing to be the man that i know he can be so i'm doing this whole thing it's kind of like a you know it's like oh i don't know what i want anymore i do i do want him but i want him to know that i could that he could lose me because he could you know i guess so so um let's be the wolf that he wants me to be apparently i'm going to be a dark black wolf i think maybe a skeleton wolf maybe i'll be a dead skeleton wolf yeah i'm gonna be a dark wolf i need kyle to know that like but i'm serious you know that like i only want him if he's if he's willing to be the man that i fell in love with you know so yeah i'm just kind of doing this thing where i'm like i'm not sure what i want right now and he's gonna have to feel scared like he's gonna have to feel himself losing me you know he feels like wow i didn't know she would actually like leave but here she's she's leaving you know she's leaving me and i think he's going to miss me and i'm going to look better than ever every day and it's going to be a whole saga so now you have that to follow because i didn't want this i never wanted this never ever ever wanted something like this to happen between me and kyle he's the love of my life of course i didn't want this but what were my old eyes i don't even remember who i was before i met him is that me that's me right starting to look a little bit more like who i used to be before i met kyle is this good are people gonna love me now that i'm a skeleton wolf that i'm an undead skeleton wolf maybe maybe not but yeah kyle just needs to know what it's like to live life without me i guess you know and to miss me and so that's gonna be the new drama on our island this is the biggest scandal of all me and kyle are on a break yep i've decided me and kyle are on a break i'm still gonna go get some candy and i'm gonna show him that i am a skeleton wolf and that he's missing out on loving me as a skeleton wolf not the way i thought halloween was gonna go not gonna lie i'm not here to talk i'm here for candy and that's it i'm just here because it's halloween but we're still on a break happy halloween i hope you have as much fun as me so you're gonna have fun great good to know because i really wanted him to be like i'm gonna be so sad without you i hope that you have more fun than i will being here alone without you but he's gonna have fun apparently so that's great i'm happy for him i really am happy that he's gonna have so much fun without me hi anka you're the only one who cares about me you know what i will never ever prank you i'm always gonna be giving you candy girl always got a piece of candy for my girl for my little mommy devil look at her she went all out with the mummy devil she really did i like that she stayed true to herself with the mummy but then she's like but i'm a bad mummy tonight is so much fun meow well you know it's okay again i can't say enough good stuff about kyle normally he's wonderful hi jack normally he's wonderful but he's just not been himself lately and he needs to get back to himself he needs to figure himself out he needs to figure his [ __ ] out he does he needs to figure himself out and i don't i'm not i'm done trying to fix him i really am you know jack give me attention jack's the only goddamn person on this island that's giving me attention bianca can you get out of here i know jack always knows that's the thing i love about jack is that he always knows he always knows nobody else on this damn island knows anything but jack does jack always knows he does he's beautiful he's a beautiful man so good it sends chills down my spine you have performed most admirably this calls for a special reward thank you jack spooky wand thank you jack though even perfection can be improved upon if you do fetch more lollipops they're also by right mine he's so bad and consider there may be a bonus reward for extra service now isn't that enticing loyal hand he is like decorating me loyal hound oh my god jack i guess i am your loyal hound i mean look at me whoa jack is so bad he's so bad help help me help i'm not doing this with him i'm not i'm not giving sherb anything more help no i'm not doing it did i escape did i escape [Music] he's really gonna get me he's gonna get me he's gonna get me he's gonna get me he's gonna get me sure but i said no i said no sure you're gonna have to take no for an answer this is the worst ever of my life all right it's real late now i actually set the time to 11. halloween on molokai after dark i think i'm gonna change into something like sickening something that's gonna make kyle really regret his decision something that's gonna make him rethink everything i have to and apparently the alien wasn't good enough i thought it was really really snatched but apparently no one liked it no one oh it pisses me off this is cute but like i need to really go hard i need to go hard on this [ __ ] you know and it also needs to be a costume apparently god so anyway it is halloween after dark i don't know anything anymore if this has been the weirdest time of my life like what do i have to wear one of these i gotta wear one of these in order to impress people for once i don't know i don't know can i be a mommy can i be like a scary mommy girl no okay they want to see they want to see scary i'll give them scary but not like in that way i want to scare them like i'm a like i'm a baddie like i just want to be a baddie you know damn look it's jack's wife jack's girl do i look like jack's girl yet jack you want me yet yeah i got black hair that's looking cool that's looking kind of cool i'll be like like a cool a cool little witch yeah i'm just going to be the coolest witch anybody ever saw the cutest happiest witch she's thriving she doesn't need anyone in her life but herself let's get that straight she does not need anyone but herself she's thriving uh she's completely single she doesn't have a man nor does she want one she has no interest in anything like that and anything even remotely like that she is very powerful she's got some powers for sure um and she just doesn't need anyone but herself yeah i just really need to make kyle regret everything he's ever done every breath he's ever taken kyle is gonna have some rugrats he is he really is yeah he's gonna have a few regrets tonight yep this is a revenge outfit it has to be i have no choice but to do this cute those are actually really cute with the fishnets because they just kind of amplify the fact that i am indeed wearing fishnets you really thought you could get away with treating me like this really you really thought that you could get away with treating me like this i don't think so not this time not this time nope i'm done i'm done i'm ready to absolutely extract my revenge oh you're chasing me now you want me now you want me this worked now you want me back huh now you want me back yeah well it's too a little too late too little too late trick or treat he's just obsessed with me he's he took one look at me and he's like i want candy down down down down give me a piece of candy if you want to stay untricked by the notorious kyle because like i know how his tricks are here you know what you're pathetic you're pathetic so take this and get out of my sight we're on a break ah now i don't get to trick you yet stay tuned amanda you know what yeah you too how about you stay tuned but i'll text you you don't have to text me five white pumpkins okay kyle yeah look at him he's obsessed with me and he's definitely regretting all of his actions this is exactly what i wanted yes hell yeah and now to make him feel even worse about everything he's ever done i am gonna go flirt with jack as a witch blanche i swear to god i've given you so much damn candy and i just don't know if i want to give you any more of it but i have to because you're gonna ruin my snatched look if i don't look at these people pom-pom looks so cute who does she look like she looks like um like who am i thinking of that she's a gengar i think pompoms gengar that's why she's my best friend pom-pom dressed up as gengar for halloween and i'm so proud of her i love her like that's so quirky so she's like sexy gengar oh my god see jack always oh there's kyle he's gonna watch me flirt with jack kyle's gonna watch me flirt with jack yeah so anyway jack ah i know that smell you're in possession of scrumptious candy aren't you oh there's no hiding it from me pumpkin jack always knows i know you do trick or treat come come give it quick i crave that sweetness i got your sweetness right here baby i do look at kyle he sees it all he sees every second of this and you know what i'm not doing anything wrong i'm just giving jack candy like yes this is how you play halloween no no but yes oh yes happy halloween tis the grandest candy my very utmost favorite a lollipop pumpkin i just love that he calls me pumpkin i really love that i feel so like loved when he calls me that whatever i was doing can wait time for a treat can i be the treat next time maybe i can be a treat anytime so good look at the heart it's because he loves me it sends chills down my spine he loves me he's in love he's feeling me and i'm feeling him you have performed most admirably this calls for a special reward oh [ __ ] i got full pockets i am cancelled i am you must come to me with a receptive heart and light pockets pumpkin i have a receptive heart i do i have a receptive heart make some space and return post haste there's no time to waste i love the way he talks he's such a poet he talks in riddles and i just want to figure them out all out i can't believe halloween is going to be over tomorrow like i'm going to have to clean all this [ __ ] up i'm going to have to be the one after everyone treats me the way that they treat me i still have to be the one to clean all this [ __ ] up to get ready for thanksgiving and christmas no one appreciates me no one does my birthday was [ __ ] everyone else gets a birthday all day long i get one for five minutes thrown by a serial killer mind you like it's just kind of sad i just don't feel i don't feel as appreciated as i wish i did you know like i did all this no one helped me no one helps me you know i dropped a lot of hints but no one helped me with this this is all me this is all me yep and it's gonna continue to be all me it really is because watch i'm gonna put it like a spooky carriage out i am yep no one can stop me this video probably won't get out until tomorrow i don't know i just don't know you know i literally uploaded my other video at 11 last night and i didn't care maybe i'll try to do that tonight i don't know oh my god he's obsessed with me at least someone cares about what i do yeah he's really obsessed with me oh my god he's playing hard to get to you know how they usually catch they usually chase you he just came he looked at me i saw him he looked at me and then he turned around because he's trying to be dramatic i mean i'm the same way but at the same time i love that this is killing him good it deserves to kill him let it hurt kyle just like you hurt me you know like he hurt me i'm not gonna just forget that i i owe it to myself i do i owe it to myself look at him he won't even chase me for candy because he knows he knows exactly what he did he does he knows what he did he knows that he's been so he dropped the ball you know he just dropped the ball he's just been like ignoring me and i gave him so much of myself and he still just like can't seem to do it you know he really thought that i was gonna be okay with him leaving and that's so sad to me it's sad to me am i not allowed to put something on the stump this stupid-ass stump that i forgot to get rid of i guess not whatever whatever you know i'm not perfect okay but you know how it's been with kyle he really i gave him the excuse with the um with the illness of course of course i understood not only did i understand but i healed him i sing my gengar [ __ ] always chasing me my ex i cannot get rid of this man if i try i can't shake him i can't shake him i just can't shake my ex he's always chasing me you know what goose oh my god i'm just gonna have to give him a piece of candy he's obsessed with me he is he's never ever gonna shake that obsession for me yep now that he can't have me now that he can't have me anymore that's when he wants me the most what are you even supposed to be he wanted to hurt me goose wanted to hurt me he goes oh you were ready for that and i really wanted to surprise you with a really powerful trick oh well why can't i do the trick why can't i do the trick to these people i don't like this game oh well at least he's giving me a lollipop that i can give to my czar my powerful all powerful czar isn't halloween why can't i trick these people you know i'm gonna have to wrap this [ __ ] up eventually it did yes oh yeah he had something for me i forgot how do you like your new jacket oh okay so he's you know i think i've gotten everything from him i think i have now isn't that enticing loyal hound can you believe that jack is just out here calling us loyal hounds yikes look at piers everybody's out here everybody's out here trying to be scary i guess i should try to do some of that scary [ __ ] you know and participate with the rest of the people in the town yeah you know i got you baby every single lollipop that comes into my possession is yours it's yours every time baby you know what you know i know you i know you i know you jack i know you baby i know you jack i do so good it sends chills down my spine this calls for a special reward is it gonna be like another thing that i already have yeah he keeps giving me all his clothes which i mean is is obviously means we're pretty serious but he thanks to your loyal service tonight is the epitome of all that halloween can be though even perfection can be improved upon see that alone tells me i don't think we would work out long term like that is a very damaging statement even perfection can be improved upon so there is just no way that i could ever be enough for him it wouldn't work out he would just be like well even perfection can be improved like you're doing everything right you're [ __ ] perfect but even that can be improved no you know what he's a king though i can't deny it look at him looking at me he's tripping it's fine look at this [ __ ] team over here these people are crazy can i can i get in on on this and then i'm just gonna you know i'm just gonna wrap it up because i'm heartbroken and i just want to go home and cry not gonna lie yep here we go haunting haunting in connecticut here we go here's the haunting wait i want to take a picture of my friends and i haunting each other pom-pom can't you come over here and join us please come on palm my [ __ ] the only person in this town who cares about my little gengar [ __ ] pom pom oh my god pom-pom can you shake your man oh my god better give me some candy unless you want to get tricked get out of my sight pierce no not my lollipop no this has been amazing i mean if real talk i wasn't expecting you to be ready for that that just makes me feel like [ __ ] not gonna lie nobody ever expects me to be able to like handle this i don't know and everybody left everybody left i really wanted to take part in this hi pom-pom i'm always going to give you some candy sweetheart you know it and then maybe we can get a picture together me and my girl happy halloween um nobody likes me everybody hates me [ __ ] can you stop for two seconds i'm gonna scare you oh there we go there we go there we go come on pom-pom come on everybody hates me everybody hates me they all walked away from me there's pierce i don't know jack loves me at least kind of a little bit i don't know everybody just always walks away from me when i just want to take a picture with everybody i don't know this is a beautiful event i will say like the lights around the thing the pumpkins everything is beautiful everything is beautiful except for everything in my life you know it's all a facade it is i'm not happy pierce douchebag no i'm just kidding look at me i'm going crazy um i don't know i just i don't know i've never felt so i don't know okay palm can you just take one picture there we go me and my girl can you just take one picture with me please can you stop walking for two seconds so that we can get a picture together on halloween maybe possibly i don't know this isn't gonna be a good picture i just wanted a picture with pom-pom and i couldn't even get that not really not actually there she goes but maybe jack will take a picture with me yep jack's gonna act like he's actually afraid because he's a king jack's the only one that came through for me today he really is he is pom-pom please like i have to like go as fast as i can just to like hopefully be able to be with these people no only jack cares in the end in the end only jack cared about me that's the end of the story okay it really is yep that's where the story ends on this halloween night on this cursed full moon halloween night thank you jack you get my last lollipop king my king my king gets my last lollipop and then i'm going to bed and i'm going to cry all night nobody really cares about me maybe they just don't see how badly i need this from them you know i just don't know i mean there's my girl you know there's my girl right next to me i'll take a picture of that i guess because like that's all i'm gonna get but um yeah my last lollipop is going to jack and then i'm going home and going to bed because i'm just i don't know thank you jack he's going to give me like another robe or something yeah another one of his pumpkin heads yep jack's face he's very narcissistic but i just i don't know he's been very sweet to me tonight he's been very sweet to me tonight and i can't say the same for everyone else you know of course pom pom and pierce are together and they have matching costumes they were both really cute little animals pokemon if you will i think she's gengar and who is he what pokemon is at vulpax or something i don't know um and then there's me the lonely witch uh i don't know i just feel like everything lately has been a little off and me and kyle i think broke up tonight we're on a break i would say that we're not like completely broken up i think it's more than likely that we'll figure it out but we are on a break and that's something i never wanted to have to tell people but it's true i won't lie to you i think things are really rocky and bumpy between me and kyle right now and i think he's gotta figure himself out and you know what i'll be quite honest with you i think i gotta figure myself out too i'm not perfect either i gotta figure myself out too so hopefully we do that soon i really hope we do that soon i don't know why pierce is pushing me randomly when i'm trying to be dramatic but anyway it's been a fun event overall it's beautiful isn't it beautiful like look at all my stuff i'm kind of sad that it's going to be over like all the lights and stuff the the carriage this look at this you know nobody really appreciates it except for me hi marina i know that you can't get to me right now sweetheart i'm gonna come and get you a piece of candy and then we'll cap it off okay marina i know you wanted to chase me there you go little girl trick or treat could i have some sweets please if not i'll play a trick on you cutie i bet she would do a sweet trick that would be a cute funny trick it'd be like a magic track like a card trick thanks getting candy from you is the best i don't know the moon is full and i am sad and i am hoping that things will be better you know it's going to be kind of like a christmas uh like a christmas drama i think like a holi as we move into the holidays it's gonna be pretty dramatic things are gonna get pretty dramatic around here do you see how goose was chasing me all around hmm interesting anyway yeah kyle is clearly hurting he has not run up to me asking for me for candy since the first time did you see that he was lurking all night long lurking i hope that he reflects i hope he takes this time to reflect and to miss me i just want to be missed i want to be loved and missed you know is it too much to ask i don't know anyway i'm going to cap this off because this is way too long i will see you all in the next one and i'm sure it'll be a doozy just like it always is thanks for holding on tight [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 98,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YGUnqUOwUao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 26sec (5786 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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