TWO dramatic birthdays in ONE WEEK bc my island is cursed

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hi welcome back to the mess and boy is it a mess today i'm uh i don't even know where to begin really except for to say that i found out very recently that oh i'm just gonna go around yes excuse me that kyle and rooney's birthdays are in the same exact week that's right that's right you heard me right i had no idea about that let's just put it that way and so yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be a wild one to say the very least nook twins get the hell out of my way i don't even know what i'm doing right now it's the day before rooney's birthday so i just need to get him a present that's basically all i need to do his birthday is december 1st i have no strategy for this i just say i i don't know i just i guess we're gonna see how it goes you know and then you know kyle's birthday it's it's it's really a shitty situation there because i have been who is that pierce what are you doing pierce hi lily talk to me because i'm in a bad mood oh somersault glad to see you cricket let's chat i'm glad you're never too busy to check in with me somersault lily never even if i was the president of the united states i'd never be too busy to check in with you anyway yeah i don't know i've been dreaming about kyle's birthday since you know since i started playing this game and uh you know i thought for sure it was going to be such a nice time and now i have no idea what we're doing for kyle's birthday i guess i can't wow i can't shop while i'm sitting down that sucks anyway what the hell am i gonna get for rudy's birthday what is this kk island i don't i don't think i have that one yet place order what am i gonna get for rooney's birthday do i even i don't even have wow rooney's in the rain in his poster damn rooney damn rooney you didn't need to look any better than you already do what should i get rooney for his birthday some kind of like a fighting thing right that he doesn't already have see now i'm like second guessing what he has what he already has and i mean how i'm gonna have to like yeah let's see what he has thank god he's home i guess i should remove these pumpkins now damn because if we gotta get started getting ready for christmas hi rooney hey buddy okay so he has both he has a punching bag and that and a bell and a radio what the hell do you not have should i get him clothes well if it isn't amanda beat in a path to my door first thing in the morning yeah i want to chat question for you kiddo you got a sweet tooth yeah me i don't like sweet things except apple cider vinegar rooney anyway the other day i spilled some cinnamon and sugar on my regular dry toast i was so mad but then i gave it a try and wouldn't you know it tasted better than usual girl i guess that's my way of saying try new things kiddo it helps keep you young see how well it's working on me yikes that's the one thing i really gotta get used to that with rooney like that he acts old i just don't really like that i don't know i'm not really into like older men like at all like much older you know so i don't know i don't know but i don't know why i'm doing this i'm just like checking to see i haven't been in here in a while you know it's always suspicious when he's inside yeah that's what i thought that's what i thought hey you get ready for some early morning squats ha ha kidding girl what's the latest goose yeah goose can you stop asking about carly please she's not interested they way they were talking to everyone i was impressed their vocal cords must be super mighty carly i hate to tell you this but goose called you a hoe he did and i will be making sure that he pays the price for them the way they were talking to everyone like none of your business goose shut up ugh god see look at this really awkward pierce what should i do i really don't know what to get for rooney we'll figure something out and then tomorrow will be his birthday and we'll get it over with all right so i ended up just getting rooney something kind of like i don't know that he could use i don't even and now i'm like second guessing myself like i always do and i'm thinking like does he already have one of these and i just didn't notice it because i was only looking for fitness stuff i don't know what i'm doing anymore i don't know if he's gonna like it he probably won't but i didn't want to get him i don't know i just don't i didn't know what to get him i guess i don't know him well enough usually i feel like i'm a pretty good gift giver like i try really really hard to give people good gifts but it doesn't always work out that well i don't know we'll see i also like it's december 1st so i really have to get going on decorating for christmas it's rooney's birthday happy birthday yay this is gonna be weird so i got him i got him a mini fridge i don't know i don't know why you know it's just kind of like everybody likes to get a mini fridge you know i wish i had a mini fridge i would love a mini fridge yeah a mini fridge yeah a mini fridge right come on so let's wrap it and now that i have extra storage space i'm definitely gonna be a hoarder i'm gonna continue down that path and there's nothing you can do to stop me where is it oh i haven't opened it yet because i'm a dumb got it gotcha cool okay okay woohoo baby there we go it's rooney's birthday i'm gonna just take this you know what else i'm gonna do for his birthday i'm gonna um make his little area over here because it's still blanches right now which is like blanchoo yeah that's what i'll do for his birthday oh my god real glad to see you here to help me celebrate kiddo oh and zucker's the only one who came because he's like the new guy so people don't know him well enough but zucker is like a god so he of course wants to come look at him all decked out zucker look at you you wore that to the rooney's birth [Music] yay you're here to celebrate rooney's birthday too huh amanda i sure do love birthday parties i know you do i know you do rooney parties like this with all my good pals sure make an old kangaroo feel appreciated rooney you're like 23 shut up that's to say nothing of the gifts say you bring me something too sure did i hope you like it a mini fridge this is a quality product you've got good taste sure i am grateful for your gift i know how miserable shopping can be too and the shopping for his gift was really miserable so thank you rooney i really appreciate it you're welcome rooney you're really welcome rooney oh put out his cake what kind of monster yeah i'll do some dancing with you guys sure i wish i could like skip around like that that would be fun wouldn't that be fun why can't i skip around can i skip around too let's get a picture oh rooney in his feet shoes rooney and his feet shoes see look at us look at us i'm like twerking i love it i'm working at rudy's birthday party don't tell anybody that i'm twerking at rooney's birthday party i can love this this is so fun oh my god look at her she really is like twerking at rooney's birthday party [Music] oh my god zucker and all his skin legs look at him he's so damn cute all right all right boys i'm gonna leave you to it oh my god what hey now wait up there kiddo not letting you sneak out of here at least before i say some stuff means a lot that you are here amanda thanks for helping make this a great party you're welcome rudy rooney's so sweet what the hell not surprised that kyle wasn't there okay probably have like a full inventory what should i make it rooney's thing into i should probably put some like fitness stuff out there figures figures he wouldn't be here figures start slowly but surely picking up these pumpkins and i think i want to make this area because obviously it's like still very much under construction thank you very much i think i want to make this area like a nice little christmas christmasy area you know so i'm gonna start like picking stuff up and putting it in storage just slowly but surely i'm gonna fill up my inventory pick up as much stuff as i can i can probably stay here because it's kind of christmassy you know i get it okay put all this stuff in storage because i have unlimited storage space now basically i'll probably fill that up real soon too oh so damn i just realized i didn't even change my outfit oh amanda come on can you do nothing right you can't you can't do anything right not anything really yeah i better get changed jeez a refrigerator should i change and you know what i think it is gonna be taking place in the kitchen for the rest of my life okay whatever it's fine that's nice these are nice you know what i'm gonna wear this yeah i like that any other hats to wear other than this one um that's so like netflix christmas movie so actually i kind of love that you know what i'm just gonna like do it like if if if only for the meme you know like i'm just gonna do it i'm just gonna look like that for a day why not you know oh my god this is like so cute yeah i'm just gonna do it i don't care anymore i don't care anymore i'm just gonna have fun with it you know i'm long past the point of caring as you know let's go see what's at the store and maybe i don't know check on kyle just make sure he's okay you know before we go all the way to his birthday yikes and i guess somebody yeah like slowly and surely along the way because i'm gonna hit every day on the way to kyle's birthday so i can like shop and and get some stuff at the store and like you know just slowly again slowly but surely start setting up for christmas because that's gonna take a while lily a little fresh air never fails to cheer me up qriket i marina i love when she wears that that's like one of her best looks it just looks so good on her what are you doing beautiful good morning and here's hoping it'll be a good day cutie i'm glad you're never too busy to check in with me never never the day that i'm too busy to check in on you is the day that i've failed that's what i'll say oh i don't think i've showed you guys this yet i'm just gonna show you okay this is my field you ready it it came out really nice here's my feels this is where you have a picnic and then you go down i don't know how winter is going to affect it but this is my field yeah i'm gonna have to change this uh these holidays they just go too fast you know do that do a little bit of that you know i actually am really looking kind of cute today right it would be a shame if like my ex-boyfriend had to look at me looking like this you know it would really be a shame this is like random that i was watching i watched like a lot of true crime videos and not that i haven't watched like a million videos on this person and i'm like so over it and bored not of like the fact that people died but just let's stop talking about him ted bundy was not cute right like at all he like wasn't even cute that's the thing that like like obviously and like you know it doesn't speaking of ted bundy but like it just kind of pisses me off that like you know that the thing about ted bundy like this is he was so charming and so handsome no he wasn't no he wasn't he was not y'all are lying right i mean what if people what do people see in him like you know again um it's you don't have to be attractive in any situation ever it's just the fact that people are constantly like he was so handsome and like so dangerous because he was just so charming and handsome like no he wasn't he was such a dweeb what the hell like the way that he got his victims he wasn't he what oh yes i love like this hell yeah i think kyle would actually look kind of good in that oh yes we finally got some new clothes hell yeah anyway yeah the way that he got his victims he wasn't like luring them in because he was attractive that's the thing he wasn't like you know yeah they weren't like following him because he was attractive he would literally like lie to them and say like he broke his arm and he needs help like carrying something out to the car and these girls were like so nice and sweet and honestly i would have done the same thing he would have got me but not because he was like so gorgeous and so handsome and like just irresistible like no he i just can't wait until the day where we're like yeah here's ted bundy he was i don't know like a frumpy loser and he just prayed on women who were really sweet but we don't we're not like he was irresistible he wasn't sorry oh oh damn it i wore it out let's not do that amanda anyway i was just that's that was on my mind today the fact that ted bundy ain't he ain't he wasn't even that smart either like he was a loser and yeah ted i hope you're i hope you're here i hope you're listening ted nothing makes me happier than getting then being like the literal type of girl that ted bundy went out to kill he liked killing girls who like had brunette hair and looked like his ex or whatever and i don't know i'm not even he would have totally wanted to kill me because i'm just i've fit that bill you know not that it's like a privilege of any kind but nothing makes me happier than like getting to talk about him now that he's like dead now that he got fried he got all fried up didn't he didn't you ted uh oh ted got all fried the up didn't you oh poor ted just kidding i'm actually like i don't believe in the death penalty at all actually i think it's um really problematic and like we just we don't have a good here i go here i go probably cut this out but maybe not we just don't have a good system right now and so while you know there are definitely some evil people out there who like you know it's like kind of sucks that they're alive and that they get to i don't know they get to have their lives and they took the lives of other people at the same time i get that it's like a really tough choice because like the family member you i don't know it's human nature to want vengeance and to want justice in that way but the way that our justice system is like designed right now a lot of the time like there's just too many innocent people being put to death in my opinion and in like factuality uh two too many far too many uh wow i came out looking rocking this look now looking sharp mabel don't lie to me but yeah no there's just far too many innocent people being put to death that it's too much like even one is too much in my opinion and in again it's not like even just an opinion it's like really happening and and yeah the whole system is broken like it's really up i don't think i'm gonna get into the whole like the whole entire concept of like the criminal justice system in my country i just wanted to comment on the fact that in my humble opinion ted bundy was a frosty dweeb okay and that the whole like he was so just crafty and cunning and handsome like girl no no no no oh this is so cute and i have to clean it up not today not ready not ready and i also have to think about what to get kyle goose what oh my god look at that dollhouse i love it yes please please please yes give it to me give it to me give it to me oh my god i suppose this requires some explanation no it doesn't just give it to me put it in the bag nook twins shut up tommy you see we decided to begin selling toys this is a limited time offering until december 25th to allow folks to purchase toy day gifts let us know if anything catches your eye yeah this is my eye has been caught yes give me this right now yes i'll buy it okay so toy day yeah we gotta give um did i get it did i get the dollhouse did i get one did i get the dollhouse i'm buying another one give me the dollhouse yes i'll buy it i'll take it i love it um i think i want one more yes give it to me put it in the bag goose get out of here get away from me goose he's acting like we're a couple or shopping together he's like what do we got today yeah let's take a look guys get out of here yay i got a dollhouse and new clothes that i can give my girls where's kyle not that i care by myself all of my favorite things been through some bad i should be a sad who would have thought it'd turn me to a savage oh yeah i was going to do rooney's little area duh duh what am i going to put in rooney's area hmm ike is going to be happy about all those doll houses huh aika did you get yourself a dollhouse girl oh i miss aika i wish i could write letters to ikea be like girl what's up how's it how's it been wow i love him i have so many turban snails what am i doing with these animals i gotta bring them to museum i think actually uh yeah rooney's area let's not get distracted rooney's area why do i have this i could probably sell it it's really stupid um rooney's area come on where what should i put in rooney's area do i even have anything i might need to like buy some stuff i don't know be nice if i just had like a little i don't know like a little seating arrangement [Laughter] yeah i don't know if i have anything right now for his area what should i do for his area i have so many of these do i really need all of these yeah yeah you know he would probably be the type that would have like one of these lawn chairs you know yeah this is fine for now you know because it's like very simple rooney's a simple guy you know i don't know what kind of flowers to put there though yeah i don't like that but it works for now i guess does it yeah for now for now ah caxi what's up kicks welcome chum have a look no rush no rush at all um we got some cute stuff comes to 2 340 so you're buying i'm buying very much obliged i appreciate your business my chum anything else you want to buy yeah duh get all kicks hi marina bye marina kind of in a rush today unfortunately let's just get one more thing of black roses perfect no not perfect good job amanda bring him over to rooney's just for now i'll try to figure out something else to do over there because i don't i kind of don't like that i don't know why that looks nice though i don't know i really don't think i like it actually yeah i'm gonna leave it like that for now and i'm gonna hmm where's kyle just haven't seen him yeah i'm gonna leave it like that for now maybe try to find kyle because i haven't seen him all day and have no idea where he could possibly be and you know pierce what is up with the hat buddy there you are trying to talk to my best friend probably i have to pick up these weeds it's really nothing personal whoops what's up pup that's like our secret phrase what kind of a day will it be today it's off to a good start i can tell you that because yeah i'm talking to him it's like what kind of a day is it going to be for my mental health not sure kyle it's up to you i guess i should check in on sure you know [Music] took an awful long time to load you notice that hm there's the jeffrey dahmer glasses love to see it yep real casual real casual buddy yep i'm on to you i think you know that too great weather today huh yeah real casual sure real casual libby be careful be careful okay look at his face it was real nice to see them be careful i heard they were here a long time they must have had a bunch of fun you heard no you saw you were watching them just be careful libby all right let's go to the next day let the snow fall down and wake my dreams let it wash away my scenic i do love that he's wearing like a picot like a very nice black pea coat even though he is wearing it with like a grungy gray beanie it's 12 37 p.m on wednesday december 2nd 2020 and today we've had the first snow of the year winter has finally arrived hmm there really isn't any news to speak of today oh did anyone else see that talk show she says the same every single time isabelle i want to know more about you who are you dating who you talking to when do you ever have a day off can we hang out can we get drinks sometime maybe possibly where do you live where do you sleep why don't you answer those kinds of questions i love her little mug though how cute you know what for these like little in-between days maybe i won't especially for like the first this is like the first in between day and i think they're gonna go faster and faster as we get them but i'm still feeling this outfit so you know what i don't really don't care anymore what anyone thinks of me i'm like so over it even though it's probably pretty cold alexa i'm not talking to you oh my god i love everybody's hat label what oh hello there i'm here on malachi oh my god look at pom pom following shirt palm you don't have to put your life at risk to help me she's a girl i'm bored you know me palm i love you i really do i love her hat too i think you look gorgeous today palm sherb don't even think about it what is this give it to me give it to me give it to me seems like you're interested in a puppy plushie uh yeah i'm quite interested that would doubt yeah to say the very least yeah oh my god i love i love stuffed animals so much like matt had to literally be like amanda what is something that you want that isn't a stuffed animal for christmas because like you're gonna have to open that in front of my parents and like for you to get like five stuffed animals in a row i just is there anything else i can get you and i'm like oh yeah all i want i just i can't stop is there anything better like i just love stuff so much and i have no more room for them in the apartment like i'm long long like over saturated with like stuffed animals but i can't stop they're so there's just something about them that gives me like so much like gratification i don't even know what i get from stuffed animals i just i love having like the i love having something like i don't know it's like i don't know you know it's just like here's a little thing that i can like hold and love and it's like a i don't know there's like a lot of like you know it's like i get stuffed animals of like characters that i like from things or animals that i like and then i get to just like hold it and hug it and look at it it's like a way to hold something that you love so much in your hands and like you get to like i don't know oh marina oh marina i love you so much okay we're gonna go to the next the next day oh look at these puppies though are there different varieties of puppies that i have to i probably have to buy them right like there's not they're not like a customizational they're not like a customizable thing right the puppies though this is a real puppy to me it's real for me this puppy oh my god my puppy my new puppy my new puppy my new puppy oh he's so cute look at my puppy my puppy i love puppies so much i mean like that's not like a like an unpopular opinion i love puppies but i just love puppies like nothing better than a puppy am i right can you customize the puppy no no no no no you can't okay then i don't want to talk to anybody bye all right let's go to the next day okay i just got rooney's uh thank you no he's obviously there watching me read it so that's awkward uh let's see what he said though i just had to write and say thanks again for celebrating my big day with me oh and i got you a little something i had to send it with this letter because i might have gotten misty handing it to you in person bashfully rooney rooney i like you know the rooney's like shyness and sweetness like really really does like it really counters kyle's what did he get me okay rooney thank you for this no it's beautiful i love it just doesn't go with my outfit today but it's fine there's anka again right right in my walkway trying to protect me from stupid men rooney thank you so how are things with you you know i'm always seeing you running around here willy-nilly be careful you don't slip and fall rooney rooney okay what's shaking so i sort of happen to overhear something about you is it true you're sort of obsessed with a rock i mean yeah i guess if i was to make a top 10 list of music a bunch of my favorites would be rock you and i really click [Music] rooney stop rooney stop stop stop i'm just kidding don't stop uh oh i'm supposed to be thinking about what to get kyle for his birthday and i can't because rooney is clouding my mind yikes yikes oh my god yo these toy day toys are absolutely no no tommy i don't want to talk to you i'm interested in the raptor in the t-rex the dinosaur whatever the hell this is yeah give me all of them give me five of them why don't you go ahead and wrap up five of them for me that'd be great good morning everyone right now on malachi it's 906 a.m on sunday december 6 2020. today is also kyle's birthday how wonderful happy birthday oh and we have a visitor in the campsite okay that's unnecessary yeah back to supporting the island or wherever yeah we've got quite a bit to unpack today that's great it's really wonderful and great uh i guess we'll yeah because i honestly i mean i ordered some gifts yeah i think we've got some gifts that i've ordered for the day um and then we'll go and just like i don't know see who happens to be the campsite visitor i don't know why just because we have to you know hello who is this hello oh my god alphonse it's a bunch of fun camping on this island the air smells good like food i want to bite it it's a me oh alfonso how are you sweetheart look at this big baby he's like a he's so cute yeah i've totally become infatuated with how cute alfonso is he's got a big donut look at this snaggle too i love you alfons so i really do love you so much i just wish you would stop saying it's me and if you came to my island i could like make that happen but we won't get ahead of ourselves especially because i got i've got like several things to hash out with y'all i don't know i think i think we're gonna yeah let's like deal with kyle's birthday first and then all so let's go into my house and wrap his present and like get ready and like look really really really bomb like i look really cute right now obviously oh my god the moccasins and jeans like so cute really really cute and like definitely my style but yeah we we need to look like unbelievable for kyle's birth like i need to walk in and look and like it needs to be like a cinderella story you know like it needs to be like oh my god who is that like holy like double take like wow you know like just like so gorgeous like not and not too much either you know so we're starting from square one i really don't want it to be too much but at the same time it's like is he isn't he too much yeah i think that's cute you know like that kind of thing like it doesn't need to be like you know like like overdraft we don't want to be overdressed i think that's gorgeous yeah yeah and then like if we put on some tights or something you know like some like really cute like tights or like some kind of socks that we can like really show like that's cute what else do we got like we have like two pairs of these i don't know where the hell i was thinking i was gonna use these you know what i mean like these stockings like obviously like so cute no i kind of like that i kind of like the idea of like these socks that come out like you know i love these really really love these but they're they don't really match that well i think that these are really cute yeah like with something like that but i wish i had like a sexy ass thigh eyes you know what i'm talking about like i wish that we had was that like like super tight thigh highs like oh that would be perfect right but i don't have those i don't think that's cute that is really cute i'm not gonna lie not even gonna lie uh but but is it you know what i'm talking about though these are rain boots you know like do i want to be caught dead wearing those not sure like i want some thigh eyes like i want some like and i want something short enough to show that they're thought i like am obsessed with thigh high boots like oh there's like nothing sexier right am i not right am i not exactly right let's see if i can like get some like some uh some socks that like come up to the thigh like these so no they're knee highs but like does this character even have thighs no no they don't yeah i'm like really obsessed with like thigh high boots that's like that is honestly i'll be like completely honest that is like how i look like i i hate myself pretty consistently but if i'm wearing like some thigh highs and like a short dress i'm low-key like you know what maybe i'm not 100 ugly maybe i'm not like entirely ugly i think it's going to be the moccasins you know what i like this shoe arrangement i almost like it with um no no no no i love this yeah i think i'm going like pink today oh i love this yes and let's do like a pink bow in my hair yeah because why not right yeah i'm really going like oh going like so cute pink today why not you know maybe i'll do cute listen i i feel good about myself i don't even care i feel really good about myself i like this i really do so far so wait i get to wrap kyle's present i also have to get rid of that pumpkin patch i really do yikes as much as i hate that like why did it go so quick i feel i really feel like it was just yesterday that i was making the video where i was talking about how like it's libra season yay oh my god like i'm so excited it's really like here and like hocus pocus and now all of a sudden i have to get rid of my pumpkin patch you know disgusting i hate it i have to get rid of my bumpkin batch yeah that's yeah exactly because i'm a hoarder what was i thinking yikes now i have to run as fast as i can to the shop sell some what is going on here why are you sitting next to him lily is too damn nice are you okay somersault how are you cricket i'm about midway through year round island hopping what is that it's great cricket is that a book sharp don't hurt my friend i always dig running into you glitter how's things i don't know i just don't want you to hurt my friend i overslept a little today but that's cool it gave the bugs in my house some extra quiet time weird zucker what do we do i'm see though zucker is keeping an eye on sherb to make sure he doesn't hurt lily look i dug out money randomly like where does it come from nobody knows is this just me like distracting myself from the fact that it's kyle's birthday zucker what do i do what did i get kyle again let's see here i got my electric guitar and i think i'm going to give him the electric guitar because i don't think he has it yet it's like a different color that he doesn't have yet you know you know yikes uh yeah let's water these i don't know how to do gold roses i really want to do blue roses but i just don't think i have it in me i don't think i'm smart enough it's just too bad if anybody has any blue roses tips let me know because i have no idea what to do with those blue roses and i'm also going to go in here first because i'm still i think i'm just trying to waste time before going to kyle's birthday party like who is gonna be there at his birthday party you know who's he gonna be at his birthday party goose is goose gonna be there rooney who's gonna be at kyle's birthday party i don't know i really don't know who's gonna be there and that alone is like really scary to me ooh that's really cute see i love this new stuff yodel cardigan so cute and i wore it out good job amanda remember that like outfit that you put so much time and energy into yeah never mind never mind on that good job amanda you're really killing it girl you and your white shorts god i hate my life but these yodel things are so cute i can't wait to give them to everybody that lives on the island i can't wait to make this island all crazy christmas i can't wait [Music] did was there anything else that i needed yeah i do need the fitting room again mabel all right should i just go to kyle's yeah yeah i should yep i should uh god i'm like literally so nervous this is a game i have actual butterflies in my anka you're here at kyle's birthday anka yeah yeah anka is here she's keeping tabs of things and she knew that i would be here too oh god you look so amazing i didn't give you any of that she knew that i was coming and she knew she needed to be here to hold me down good for you anka anka's really my girl oh she's always there she is always there she's there on my darkest days like anka is my she really is welcome to the party it's my birthday yeah kyle i know i really do know another year another chapter in the rich life story of the one they call kyle so anything you want to share with me glitter whoa i already got an electric guitar that wait what he's already got one i don't know i don't even know what's going on right now is that because he like you don't have that color though i'm i'm grossed out yeah i don't know i don't know what to think hold on that just means you're fully tuned into the kyle aesthetic he doesn't like it or something am i the worst like i don't even know what he just said like i know he has another guitar like that that i got him but it's a different color kyle it's a better color uh i don't know what i'm doing i feel older and something else too it's like i'm smarter and have more life experience whoa no one told me that this would happen when i got older how can i undo it yeah kyle no i'm glad to be here i am i'm going to take a picture of me here i just feel like listless i think cause like he his reaction to my gift was weird i think because i got him like a thing he already had or something i don't know yeah i'm like my like whole vibe is ruined i don't know like i just thought he would like a guitar that he doesn't have like that color i don't know i just thought he liked hoarding stuff that like i've already given him like everything that i thought he would like you know but i guess i don't know i don't really know i really don't know how to i think i'm just like reading into it i really do because you know i think yeah i'm gonna plop my ass down i'm i don't know how to feel i think i just missed kyle so much and i think i just wish that he had just like pretended that like he had i don't know i really don't know what i wish uncle i'm so glad you're here with me girl yeah anka knew anka really knew that like she was gonna need to be here by my side you know i don't think it's anything personal that she's here i think she's here because of me i don't think she's here because of kyle i think she's here because of me you know she's like girl this girl is gonna need my ass today my girl is really here with me i really love this i would die for her i would die for her i think she's here because this is like the ultimate like my girl move you know of like you know my girl who's just here for me what kyle you guys i'm so glad i decided to have a low-key party like this instead of a major gala thank you anka what do we do kyle is taking another step along the path of life today it's a path we all must travel yeah you're right anka he is taking a step in the right direction by like opening his like actually like trying to celebrate his home after he's been such a hermit you're right anka you are but at the same time like anka like what do i do it's not a birthday without cake but why must it always be cake who decided that yeah true yeah i don't know anka yeah i think he's doing good and like he's he's wearing this thing that i gave him i gave him that you know yep birthdays are the best when else do i get a captive audience for my antics yeah he's saying basically like hey my birthday honestly came through for me because i got to like kind of have you here so that you could listen like so that you could hear me out i don't know i just feel like he didn't it's about that time huh well i'm glad you could make it today i won't forget the thoughtful gift you gave me he won't forget it okay so like i guess he's okay with it the fact that like yeah he already has a a guitar like that but i don't know that's a different color and it's a more expensive color to be quite honest to be quite frank but i really think that that anka was there to brave goose what and there we go all right somersault need something i don't know goose you're not gonna believe it i made a leaf [Music] that's about all the goose is good for is making a leaf when did i learn how to make a leaf i don't know when i was four goose you're useless nobody wants your stupid recipe on how to make a leaf i think anyone can go to a freaking random ass tree and pluck a leaf off it and call it a day goose you're useless anyway um i don't know i am feeling like hopeful in the kyle situation you know i feel like i don't like this that's what i feel like lily are you okay yeah it's because i'm watching you and if you try to do anything to lily can you not hurt my friend please no yeah he's already like learning so much about you celestina please be safe he's like knows all this stuff about you and you came here one time please be safe and careful because sherb is really on to you i'm sorry to say anyway oh look at that robot he was nice about me giving him something that i like that that i had already given him but i thought that like giving him something in like a different color would be the same as giving him something new so i did it and maybe that was my bad but he was really nice about that and anka was there like anka was like i know this is gonna be like a tough situation for her so i'm gonna be the one that's there for her during this like i'm not reading into this i'm not like oh anko is there like yikes what is that no she i know exact because i know her i do know her like i know exactly why she was there she was there to for me for for for me purposes basically and so that's really that's really a nice thing kyle was really sweet and rooney was really sweet and i guess we'll see what like kyle has to say after after the fact after his birthday um but yeah at this point i really don't know i don't know i'm like i'm missing kyle i am i'm missing him i'm i'm i i like rooney i do pom what the hell do i do oh glitter girl but i really do want to set up for christmas so i think you know just being around like as we prepare to enter the christmas season we're it's i think it's going to show everybody's true colors i really do so i'm looking forward to seeing how everything goes with that you know so i think i think it's important for us to see what kind of like what kind of message of gratitude i get tomorrow you know and based on maybe that we'll be able to really kind of see where things are at with me and kyle you know what tommy whatever i don't care that's the least you can do for me is send me money ugh okay what did kyle say after after his birthday oh this is really fun i've just like seen okay okay my [Music] sorry i'm just like really not like mentally able to handle this my sweet glitter i just wanted to write you and let you know how much i appreciate the birthday gift you got me it's so cool that you took the time to pick that out for me i hope you find this little gift almost as cool this is gonna make me cry because i always used to tell him that he was my hero when he would like do little things for me like he would like do like little like odds and ends and like run errands for me and stuff and like i would always be like you're my hero you're my hero like when we were together and he signed it from your hero kyle and that is like really i don't know let's see what he got me you know what'd you get me kyle my pockets are too full it's almost as if like i can't handle what he got me i don't know wow from your hero kyle from your hero kyle zucker that's what he said sherb's out and about in his baby romper who the hell gave him that i'm scared who gave him the baby romper nobody will ever know [Music] that you're from your hero really hurts me i mean it just like is so real oh it's kyle and he looks like so good he's wearing like damn damn yeah i'm interested in in the tent to say the least yeah i'll buy it yep one of the best things that animal crossing did in my opinion yeah give it to me i don't have enough money our shop doesn't offer a line of credit yeah you nug twins oh i get so mad when they say that take this out of my possession [Music] please oh what did kyle get me a patchwork tulip hat he knew he knew yeah he knew he knew that this is what i was going for oh my god why do i still have blanche's picture on my wall yeah we're gonna have to fix that right away jeez you know what i find really funny i guess this is like a complaint about kyle is like blanche somehow felt as though we were close enough friends for her to give me her picture i've gotten a picture from pretty much every other villager but kyle never gave me his picture and that always really hurt me it was almost like he didn't like he wasn't ready to commit you know what i mean and like i don't know i just felt like that was like the step that he wouldn't take i've had a few of my like patrons and stuff give me kyle's picture from when they had him but of course it's like not the same i totally forgot to tell y'all about this one thing that matt noticed about kyle and that was that he sold his super expensive camera uh he sold it he doesn't have it anymore ever since we broke up matt like was like oh wow kyle doesn't have his camera anymore and i was like what and he was like yeah he doesn't have his camera anymore and i was like oh my god yeah like he had he got rid of his carpet but he also got rid of like a lot of other stuff that he loves and oh my god anka don't talk to him anki you look so damn cute girl hold on well hello there girl how are you faring i do hope malakai life is everything you hoped for me girl i literally invited you here goose what hey you you bringing it i don't know gus what the does that mean ew i don't care goose anyway wow both of the boys are home especially because i have something for kyle damn see he like got rid of his damn like even though he has that other guitar he's still kyle there's a lot to unpack here so he he displayed the one i got him for his birthday he still does have that car bed that i was like so concerned that he doesn't have anymore what's up pups so great to see you again amanda whoa that outfit you're wearing yeah it's mothman i have this for you kyle kyle it's like that you guys remember like mickey mouse chris i don't know what movie it is but it's like a mickey mouse christmas movie where like mickey works really hard like mickey works really hard to buy minnie like a thing for her thing right i don't remember what it is like oh god it's like a thing for her thing right and then minnie works really hard to buy mickey and i remember that's like a it's like a thing for his harmonica that's all i remember it's like i think it's his harmonica but he sells his harmonica to buy minnie the thing for her thing and minnie sells her thing to buy mickey the thing for his harmonica if that makes sense and then they get each other the things and they're like i sold my thing to buy you this thing and mickey's like i said this thing to you know what do you you must [Music] i'm cancelled i gave kyle the wrong gift i gave him my only big festive tree and i'm really cancelled damn it damn it i'm gonna give it to him tomorrow i'm throwing myself in the ocean so it's the next day because i accidentally gave kyle that stupid christmas tree and i'm so cringing about it even though it was literally yesterday in real life and today i'm gonna try to give him his camera back like a nice holiday movie where he sold the camera to like prove something to me and i bought it back for him i don't know we'll see we'll we'll see where it gets me how about that what is isabelle going on about i don't have any big news to share with you all today but i would like to touch on one seasonal topic snowy days like today always put a chill in my bones that i just can't shake luckily nothing warms my heart more than the sight of perfect little snowflakes dancing in the air sometimes i'll gently scoop them up with a net to look at their beautiful intricacies way up close okay so we're uh we're gonna be catching some snowflakes awesome this is so great oh love it thank you is um speaking of thank you last night after i gave kyle that festive tree i started having like just this panic like freak out oh my god it's officially winter it's christmas oh my god the snow i love it i love the look of snow but but the feeling of snow you know how it's like cold that that sucks you know it's like i i could go on and on but i wanted to say that the reason i'm wearing these boppers on my head is because last night i started freaking out about how i didn't have any winter stuff because i have like some like a bunch of christmas videos planned but i literally didn't have like any christmas stuff except for that tree that i gave kyle so i started freaking out and my patrons came through for me last night so hard like i just was like i'm opening the gates like if you have any christmas stuff but like and you're like if you have any extra christmas stuff can you like bring me some stuff please and like if you need anything i'll give it to you but they didn't ask for a goddamn thing because they're they're angels they just came and brought it and then we played among us and we had like a lot of fun and i beat everybody yeah that's something i definitely want to record soon because i feel like i'm like i don't know i don't know y'all my patrons all have to like confirm this to me i feel like i'm like kind of good at it right am i good at among us like see this is stuff i still i didn't even have room for in my pockets for all the stuff they brought me so yeah the reason my island's gonna look so bomb this holiday season is because of my patrons and yes i am wearing this bopper that i got from them because i love it um oh my god they're so sweet but anyway where's that camera that i freaking bought kyle um yeah snow so cute right but i used to live in massachusetts and we would get like nine feet of snow and you know i feel like i'm the type of person like george is perfect for me because i do like snow i think it's beautiful and i like i love like my favorite type of clothes to wear is clothes that you wear in the winter like i love boots i love um yeah i have like so i y'all i will never run i mean i can't wait i really cannot wait to just like go crazy with decorating my town it's really gonna be a winter wonderland okay it really is gonna be the north pole i don't care yeah it's gonna be the north pole like they really came through y'all are my real ones seriously like the the level of like i don't even how do i even deserve these people like look at all this beautiful that they brought like they oh my god look at all this y'all brought me i'm so ready to just completely flex on everyone this christmas and it's all thanks to you y'all are really my christmas angels okay my christmas angels let's see here uh where is the camera that i bought for kyle here it is here it is so i bought this back for him because i used to always rag on him because i you know it was very expensive camera and i was like uh you ha you do you need that thing you don't even use it why do you have that thing you know and he sold it to like prove something to me and so i gotta give it back to him but yeah uh what was i gonna say oh another thing i wanted to tell you about really quick okay so i know i know that i'm probably the worst like youtuber marketer ever in the world but i uh oh there he is what is he doing going to goose's house what are you doing outside of goose's house hey i guess we'll do this right now and then i'll tell you about this thing after what's up pup um do you want this what a fun surprise i'll open this right now he looks cute too like in the beanie and the scarf he looks really really cute i have to i have to just i you know i have to be honest i've always wanted something like that it's weird that you knew i can't wait to find just the right spot for it basically what he was saying is like it's weird that you knew that i sold my camera like because i didn't even tell you because i didn't want attention for it i didn't do it as like a performative gesture i just did it because i was sad and i missed you you know i can't just accept this without giving you something in return ah yeah oh my god i've been wait i this really is like such a turning point right now none of i don't i don't ever like i don't there's no way i can script this or plan it out i have been i've been like genuinely like pressed and like insecure over the fact that i didn't have his photo to the point where i have had a few of my patrons like give me kyle's photo quote-unquote from there kyle's because he hasn't given it to me yet and i was like like why hasn't he given me his photo like this is taking forever i usually am able to get photos from my villagers pretty easy i have goose's photo i have blanche's photo like i have almost everybody's photo and i didn't have his and he was like my boyfriend so i was like when is he going to give me his photo like i don't want to pressure him or make it awkward but when where's the photo when's it coming he's giving me he's giving me his photo that's huge y'all that's really big kyle thank you i know that yeah thank you thank you so much kyle [Music] are you going to goose's house he's like looking through the window just to make sure that goose is like contained what are you doing he's like looking through goose's window that's funny what are you doing goose what it would need something no not from you a pair wall yeah goose always has the shittiest diys for me honestly he always he's like i'm making the thing that you literally got for free from tom nook is the the day that you started the game he's always doing that do i even ha i don't even think i have the pair wall actually i just like roasted goose and i think he i think he gave me something i don't have yet okay fine thank you goose thanks usually he's make like he makes he's making a leaf or like a freaking bird house he's always making a bird house i'm like why don't you make a birdhouse for yourself on another island yeah this is a crazy day okay what i was gonna say i'll try to make it quick so i have like made a bunch of merch right and i'm like really i love it i think it came out really good i'm like excited as hell for it and i have so many more ideas i'm so excited and everybody just like amanda why the hell didn't you drop it like for christmas so that people could buy it for christmas like you would have more sales you'd make more money and i'm like yeah i know first of all i'm a dumb so what do you expect second of all i am not gonna like rush it i'm never ever gonna rush it i'm not gonna like i don't even i don't know how this is gonna make me sound like if i sound like a i don't know like a holier than now person but basically this is like my first ever merch right and yeah i could easily rush it and try to get it out for christmas i think i pretty much missed that threshold in general i know that this is probably something that everybody does i don't know why i'm like i am like i stand above all the rest like no no no no this is just i'm just telling you what i'm doing so yes i've like designed a bunch of merch i'm really happy with a lot of it and there's more to come and i'm like really having a lot of fun with it however i need to have it in my hands i need to look at it and make sure that it doesn't look shitty basically like i would the last thing i would ever want is to like just create merch on like teespring and then be like well there you go you all knock yourselves out and then it's like actually not it's like the design in like once it's i don't know like even though i've gotten so much stuff off there i'm always like oh i feel like it's not gonna look as good as like when they they give you like the preview it's not gonna look good it's gonna be blurry or some and i just don't trust myself so i wanted i wanted to get it first and then i'm gonna like you know have it and get to take pictures wearing it and using it timmy get out of my way yeah i'm so sick of you anyway uh i just yeah so i figured you know i'll order it it'll come in i'll get to look at it use it take pictures of of me in it and then when i feel like it's definitely a good like product hey rooney what's up and now i really uh i'm all over the place but yeah once i have it and feel like it's a good thing i feel like it came out nice and feel like it's what you guys deserve then i will like officially drop it and i'm sorry if it's randomly the day before christmas that i drop i don't i really don't know what i should do but i'm just doing i don't know i don't know i'm not trying to play by any weird like strategy i'm just doing my thing and that's why i like love and appreciate y'all so much for just letting me be myself you know and doing what comes naturally to me and not like forcing stuff just because i want to make money or just because i want to be successful and i want to have a billion followers like none of that is important to me and i feel like i'm just so appreciative that i've been able to do this in like such an organic way that makes me happy where i'm creating things that i love and then in turn like the people who love it they stay they watch it i don't know what i'm saying but i just really appreciate everybody and also is rooney like what is he doing is he playing the guitar what's he doing i don't know i don't know what is going on anymore y'all i like have oh hey it's you i have rooney here like me and kyle are like you know i don't know it was a good day for kyle i will say i will say it was a good day but it sucks that it had to be his birthday for us to have a good birthday you know all right so what to do now day's getting away from me i don't know rooney how's it going i don't know why everybody's been calling me girl i think i'm gonna go to isabelle and tell her to make everybody stop saying stupid and then also i can't wait to decorate my island oh my god there's so much to do isabel can you get everybody to stop saying the girl thing i thought it was just gonna be a me and pom pom thing and it doesn't even look as good as i thought it would you know because it's like in all capitals and i thought it was gonna be pom pom like yelling girl at me like girl but it ended up just being weird i don't know so i'm gonna tell on rooney because rooney literally he's he came here and he started he was he said punches which i think is adorable i was gonna keep it punches for him but he he took it upon himself to start saying girl and i just like yeah can you just make sure that he starts seeing punches again please and i just like kind of wish that people would stop calling me glitter in some results oh like like i feel like there was a really tender moment with kyle and he called me glitter in that moment and i was like damn it come on i wish that they would just stop you know so i think i'm gonna have maybe i'm gonna yeah i feel bad i always feel really bad for telling on them but i'm gonna have yeah kyle needs to stop saying glitter and and somersault i mean somersault's okay you know somersault's cute it's fun the normals lily and marina just they love that word they're always calling me somersault so i'm just gonna let them have it i guess yeah just i just always feel like when i complain to her that um that like they hate me that it gets back to them you know that kyle and rooney are gonna like find out that i went to isabelle and like complained about them so yeah um still super confused have no idea what's going on my island's still a mess what's new nothing and um yeah i have a lot of setting up to do a lot of fun videos coming your way and also merch maybe some at some point if it doesn't come out looking like we'll see so thanks again for bearing with me and for loving me for just the way i am but for just being the best and i will see you in the next one [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 42,785
Rating: 4.9545231 out of 5
Keywords: theamandafiles, animal crossing new horizons, amanda sargent, animal crossing drama, acnh
Id: Gbt48wHLfQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 33sec (3813 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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