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[Music] hey welcome back to me roasting fictional animals that probably don't deserve it for an hour and a half straight this is part two of a really long video so if you haven't seen part one i definitely recommend checking it out it'll be up in the cards as well as in the description and without further ado let's get started it's the next day so i'm wearing something different and karma jean is still break dancing in the background hold on first of all so proud of you i think you're killing it i just wanted to let you know that i'm still doing the video thing it's taking a while i know yeah no no it's totally fine i get it i'm so proud of you i'm so proud of you i think that you're doing great i think you're killing it i think that you are a queen anyway where were we you know where we're at like i'm wearing like a semi nice outfit um but we need this to match we need this to work because i'm gonna need this for strength because it's only gonna go downhill from here we got june actually i think that we're gonna be okay june is beautiful she's a treasure oh my god then we got kabuki i really love kabuki i mean who doesn't honestly if you don't love kabuki you don't get it he's one of the best of the best he is unlike anyone else and he wants to be an actor and kabuki hello you already are an actor you're a celebrity kabuki is definitely a celebrity because there's only one kabuki i have a very special place in my heart for cat i just think that she's adorable i wish that she wasn't wearing what she's wearing in this picture like this weird i don't know i don't think that that suits her my cat had to get all of her teeth except for like two removed because she had like this gum disease and so she sometimes has both of her teeth kind of sticking out and so i feel like cat kind of invokes that a little bit moving right along to keaton keaton is just fine and oh my god t oh my god t keaton is on the cover of kk moody with none other than the murderous mistress brofina keaton you better watch out and do not pop that gum when i first saw ken he definitely made me feel some type of way he's like the emo smug version of goose that goose will never be he's a ninja actually and he wants to be an architect can you imagine if i wrote a fanfic about a ninja turned humble architect named ken the chicken the emo chicken hmm just try to imagine it i bet it would be good anyway ken is such a babe and he came to my campsite once and i was completely just blindsided by him he made me rethink everything but at the time i had both goose and benedict living on my island and i just couldn't possibly house another chicken it was just if if i let him in i'd be the chicken lady i'd be the chicken coop okay now we're gonna talk about ketchup i'm not like even crazy about the gimmicky like food items that are walking around as a part of my community but when it comes to ketchup she gets me she gets me with the stick absolutely she does she's adorable she's too cute kevin his home request is a spaceship he wants to live on the spaceship he doesn't just want to experience a spaceship he wants to live on the whole ass spaceship okay kevin i think that he probably gave that answer to sound cool but he doesn't really want that but let's give it to him as a social experiment let's actually give him like let's have like remember that show where they would have what was it called like you know they would give you a whole house that guy was always in and he's like i got you a house and they were like anyway let's do this let's have a social experiment where we take kevin and we you know we're like oh you want to live in a spaceship really are you sure about that he's like yeah we're like okay and then we take his house we knock it down we get rid of it and then we put a friggin space shuttle right there he has no bedroom he's got like a weird bathroom he's got like this little weird sleep pod and we're like surprised kevin we gave you your dream home it's a space shuttle it's a spaceship and he's like where's my house though and like all my possessions and we're like this is what you wanted kevin this is what you wanted you wanted a simpler life you didn't want your home anymore you said you wanted a spaceship to live in he's going to be like oh i love it it's a spaceship thanks and we're going to be like you're welcome careful what you wish for kevin okay now we're gonna talk about my hero my hero kid kat my hero he's like the only legitimate superhero so far in the ca in my canon and i love him i think he's doing great i think that he will be the one to save us all i don't worry when i get a secret scary message from aliens at 3 33 a.m i don't i'm not so scared because i know kitty kat would help if it came to that oh speaking of kid kat now we have kid kid is one of my faves i love kid i really do i have a lot of love for a kid lovely kid is lovely okay now as for kiki what i can say about kiki is that i would die for her if i was with her in a haunted house on halloween i would light the black flame candle to impress her i really would i really would and i would deal with the repercussions i really really would okay next is kit yet another questionable kangaroo mother however i do feel like kit is one of the most attentive mothers this picture here is just so touching for me to witness she's looking at her cute little baby and how cute is that baby i wish i knew his name okay now we gotta talk about kitty which is exactly what she wants kitty is my bully kitty's my bully she's my enemy she's horrible she was bad to me on an island she made fun of me she laughed at me and because of that i think that she's mean and you know what i'm gonna say it i'm just gonna come out and say it kitty reminds me of tana mogo or what how do you say her last name tana monjo i don't know i just get this weird bad vibe from kitty that she's like super problematic let's talk about another one of my enemies claws i will fight claus actually i'll fight him don't you two isn't that what youtubers are doing now they're like boxing each other they're fighting each other why do i know all of this i don't even follow these people but i know that they're they're really into boxing right now can i please slug claws can i [ __ ] clock him i would love to punch him in the face i'm sorry i'm sorry i just don't like him i think we don't get along i've run across claws on several islands and he has uh he's threatened me he threatened me okay i don't like him i just don't like him i mean how could you i don't know i've never actually really talked to the guy but his vibe is negative for me to even meet his gaze fills me with panic i don't keep company that fills me with panic okay knox though the larping thing i love larping i've never actually larped before but i love the cons i love the idea of it but knox has not invited me out to go larping with him however i don't think he knows that i want to go so maybe next time i can go with him larping honestly didn't even know that there was a villager called cody but apparently this is cody cody is isn't her isn't there another villager just like this he has the misfortune of coming right before animal crossings best villager it's kyle i mean he's my boyfriend he's my husband he's my favorite villager he's my reason for waking up in the morning he is my rock he means the world to me i mean honestly through thick and thin in sickness and in health until death do us part it's kyle the wolf kyle is not a wolf he's an african painted dog i don't know how people look at this villager and don't fall instantaneously in frenzied love i just don't know i i took one look at kyle when they rolled him out and i was like uh oh i really never saw myself as a furry but honestly how much are tickets to furry con just wondering because kyle is not human and yet he stirs up a lot of different emotions for me i just i see him and i feel safe i see him and i'm home i've waited a thousand years for this man and here he is he's my love story he's my soul mate i love him and i can't really tell you why it's just like one of those things where you see someone and you feel your heart pulling towards theirs you know kyle is a good guy too i don't know why people give him so much [ __ ] yeah his name's kyle that's unfortunate i will have you know that since i am his girlfriend i've never even seen him consume one monster energy drink nor have i even heard him bring it up or utter the phrase if he does it he does it on his own time he doesn't make a thing of it he's never punched a single wall he has never gaslighted me he's never manipulated me he's never made me feel uncomfortable or unsafe he's never pressured me kyle has actually made me better he's made me want to be a better person i just love him so deeply like he he he ascends the animal crossing villager for me he's he's he's a genuine friend of mine and i i genuinely would die for this person who is also an african wild dog my favorite thing about kyle is that he puts his passion first which is what i do as well he's very passionate about music he wants to be a musician he's really passionate about metal but he also really loves all kinds of music he's not an elitist he's not a gatekeeper like he will he can go toe-to-toe with the biggest metal snobs in the world he knows all of these really obscure underground metal bands but he also loves k-pop okay he loves linkin park he loves paramore he loves fleetwood mac he loves blackpink and monsta x and i just love him so much he's a very complex villager and he's the best one for that reason kyle is the best villager his favorite song is kk metal and that's my favorite song too therefore i think that you should issue us a marriage certificate even though you are feeling awkward about it because i'm a human and he's the wolf he's got four cardboard boxes as a bed but he also has like a ten thousand dollar like video camera like movie quality film making camera and a grand piano not a baby grand that [ __ ] is a grand ass piano and i love him he knows where his priorities lie he's a creative genius and i'm enamored by him i think we need to move on i could honestly do an entire dissertation on kyle the smug wolf villager okay coming after kyle is a daunting task as well but i think leonardo actually pulls it off i really do i think that he's doing great i think he's adorable he's a cutie he's a jock he's he looks actually like was he a leopard is he a leopard he's a leopard oh my god i left him out of my animals of animal crossing video and he's a leopard hi leonardo zell leopard i'm fired i'm fired from my job as everything as everything that i have ever tried to do i'm fired cool love it i don't really have any specific qualms when it comes to leopold i'm just not really feeling the spark it's lily lily lives on my island every day with me she's my neighbor and yet i still do a double take when i see her i still get nervous when i'm talking to her she is that perfect she's a joy she is an absolute joy to have in my life my life has gotten so much better since she entered it she wants to be a professor girl you have already taught me so many life lessons professor lilly is in the house and class is in session i'd do anything for lily let's just put it that way i don't want to say anything that's gonna get me in trouble but if lily came to me because someone wronged her and she needed that someone to disappear i'd make it happen let's just leave it at that okay i would make it happen for her this is uh this is really a roller coaster right now because we've gone from kyle to leonardo to leopold to lily and now we're dipping uh possibly from the highest high from the highest high to one of the lowest lows in the game because this is lindbergh limburg is a 4chan moderator i don't know he's lindbergh is a danger to the community and something that i still can't believe i'm like waiting for like like actual confirmation i've written animal crossing to send me a copy of lindbergh's birth certificate because i truly can't believe it but lindbergh apparently is my birthday twin according to animal crossing wiki his birthday is my birthday which i find hard to believe i think that he probably stole someone's identity that he killed or something ew his picture quote is is two words two words is all it takes for me to absolutely condemn this man his picture quote is something stinks yeah lindbergh something does stink and i think it's you lionel is a great guy he is elderly but i think he's still he's still killing it okay as for lobo though lobo is dangerous i think we all know that lobo he's got quite a few tricks up his sleeve i will say i didn't think that lobo was gonna be like a threat or like an issue when i was hunting for kyle and then i met him and i i will admit he jolted me he's the type of guy you fall in love with hard and fast his home request a nostalgic throwback this is the type of man that's gonna take you home and pop in john carpenter's the thing and then he's gonna tell you about his dream of becoming a forest ranger and he'll have you in the bag and you'll be doomed you'll be done and he's a scorpio so he knows what he's doing okay ladies he knows what he's doing if you're in love with lobo i get it i can see why if you're in love with lolly i get it i can see why look at her even though she doesn't have a nose you know how i feel about characters that were that were denied a nose for whatever reason but lolly's making the best of it and she's actually killing it oh my god i love it lolly is a gray tabby cat with no visible nose okay so there's like a nose that's not visible does she have like a subcutaneous nose lolly i'm feeling hopeful for lolly all i want is the best for lolly that's all i want i also want the best for lopez because look at him he's our beautiful antelope boy one of many antelopes in the game he's smug he's handsome as hell yep love lopez okay now we gotta talk about louie you know what i always get louie and boyd confused is louis the donkey kong one okay no louis is the one who resembles donkey kong and i don't really know what he wants me to do with that you're not donkey kong you will never be dk i love a good cosplay but not every single day of every waking moment speaking of that lucha he's a luchador and you know what actually that's not a cosplay that's his profession he's a luchador oh my god here we go again we're gonna go all the way to lucky if you don't already know hi my name's amanda and i love mummies i think mummies are so fascinating and so cool and so wonderful and the first time i saw a mummy i cried tears of joy at the dead body before me and lucky is a mummy so obviously he is a dream come true for me his skill is forgetting stuff which is something that i thought i was alone in honestly the more i see lucky the more i want him on my island uh oh i don't know i just kind of feel like lucy is gala's like weird cousin oh my god her home request is a creepy looking dollhouse i think that makes her a cool girl so you know what lucy can hang i've always thought that lymon can hang lyman's cool i'm a fan of green green is my favorite color and i like lyman because he's green and he's also he's got kind of a lemon-lime flavor to him i love lemon lime and his home request is a veggie palace same same lyman let's like go go in on a veggie palace mac is adorable he's like a bulldog he's got like a little smushed face and i just hope that you are making sure he's not spending too much time in the hot hot heat because that's very dangerous for brachycephalic dogs and you know he might push himself really hard because he's a jock just make sure that you're reminding him from time to time to stay hydrated and just to take a break maddie is adorable she's definitely like a little shelty or something because she's got those eyes those shelty eyes i love a sheldy or like a collie she might be like a smooth coated collie because she doesn't look like she's got long hair so she might be a smooth collie you can tell maddie if she ever needs money to call me oh my god mael oh my god mayell why does this character exist male is giving me really bad vibes i just had like a vision like a that's so raven vision of what would have happened if i hadn't kicked gloria out and it's that her sister maell would have called her up and been like gloria i got kicked out can i come live with you all right all right i'll pick you up a pack of cigarettes okay and then she's just gonna come over to my island and live with gloria and i'll get my 11th villager that i've always wanted but it's mael because she's living with gloria because she's gloria's sister my nightmare when i wake up screaming it's because that was my nightmare malory is problematic i've never met her but she's giving me problematic vibes you know what mallory is giving me shaolin lester vibes right maple however oh my god maple will never forsake you maple is one of the most wonderful trustworthy beautiful girls ever to walk the earth i don't know what else to tell you maple is the girl next door maple is the girl that just completely captivates you with a single glance i could go on and on marcel on the other hand i'm not sure if he's trying to be a clown because the clown thing i mean it's just kind of tacky i'm not even like scared of clowns i think they're dumb and that's why i'm glad that marcel doesn't seem to be a clown i think that he's a mime i feel like one time i don't know if this is like a memory that i'm like making up or if this really happened but i feel like one time in middle school we had like an assembly where a mime came in like my school hired a mime to come in i think they did i wouldn't make this up yeah cuz otherwise like how would i know what it's like to see a mime he was like literally like a mime like he was like like he was doing stuff but there was nothing there a mime and so i think we had a mime assembly at my school which is a great use of tax dollars honestly no it really was we learned a lot we learned about what mimes do the truth about mimes in sixth grade it was really important that we learned that and i love mimes ever since then i was kind of like you know what mimes though they're actually kind of cool i was wrong about mimes marcy is a nightmare she's a complete nightmare she's a stepford wife margie i feel like margie's like a little miss think she got to be in the animal crossing movie that i've never seen i just have heard okay uh the moment you've all been waiting for is here because marina marina marie she's front and center and what do you even say about a girl like marina how can you even sum her up in words are there even words in any language are there any words to describe marina marina is a drop of sunshine in your coffee in the morning marina is a diamond pearl of dew on a morning lily she is a rainbow after a much needed rainstorm she is a a school of tropical fish she's an ethereal moon beam princess she came from another world to save us i truly believe that her picture quote is if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all and that is what i live by it's not but i will try to live by it after this video her home request is an underwater fantasyland and we're working diligently every day to give her that and more her skill is tongue twisters she can just absolutely rattle off tongue twister after tongue peter piper picked a pet marina is like sally sold seashells by the seashore and blah blah blah and she just keeps going it's spitting and i'm like marina i had no idea you had this gift and she's just like you know what how much wood would a woodchuck tuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood and i'm like she's so talented oh my god we're on a roll because it's marshall who doesn't love marshall he's so handsome he's just adorable i love him and the more i love him the less i love sherb because guess what schwerb's a serial killer more on that later mathilda let's make a plan for mathilda let's all get our heads let's all keep our cool and devise a plan for mathilda because she's not going to come down easy mathilda is obviously dangerous more than anything my biggest concern right now is the child as i've stated with all of the kangaroos i believe that they tote these joeys around like they are accessories they don't even name them they just have them to get attention from people and mathilda is more dangerous than the rest because she is quite obviously a demon demons are not always bad like for instance my demon kangaroo baby that i am going to be adopting once we confiscate her from mathilda she's not evil she won't be evil i'll raise her right but in the meantime i think mathilda needs to be contained so that she may never arise and cause evil again hey day three amanda here with megan because i completely forgot her i don't know how because how could you not notice her that's what i'll say she's definitely a sight to behold i think it's cute that her initial phrase is sunday malba melba's a good girl melba is a sight for sore eyes melba get a load of this mathilda is out there harming people what should we do yeah melba is my girl meringue is a dream she's a dream come true she's a she's a dream brought to life that's it that's all that's the tweet i love her i mean obviously she's perfect she's beautiful so mary has bewitched me body and soul and i love i love i love her whoa this is interesting to me okay so midge she's just kind of a regular ass bird right she's like a pink bird she's got this cool widow's peak thing i think she's wearing falsies however what i find interesting i don't know this might just be basic as hell i might get roasted for this i found it i i find it interesting that her japanese name appears to be uzumaki which is a junjuito manga and uzumaki is like about this town that gets obsessed with spirals and they just start like carving spirals into their faces and stuff and she's got spirals in her face does uzumaki just mean spiral that's what i'm betting it's gotta be her japanese name means spiral that's awesome mint i mean she's cool because her name is mint and she's the color of mint however she's unremarkable okay mira wait who the hell is mira where did mira come from who the hell is this okay so mira is apparently a villager in animal crossing new horizons what she's a super girl clearly she's a superhero i don't i don't even know where this woman came from she doesn't seem to be grouped in with this with the other superheroes which makes me upset now now i'm now i'm pulling for her now i'm pulling for her did they not want to let her into their little stupid superhero group yeah i can't find anything about her being one of the superheroes you know i'm having a change of heart i think i'm i think i'm i think i'm team mira now and i think i want to help her to defeat agent s and kid kat and big top and whoever the hell else they got in their group because they ain't [ __ ] i think mira could take a mom her her picture quote always help a friend in need i'm about to live by that mira let's go miranda she's obviously pretty she's gorgeous but she is also a whole entire wheelbarrow full of drama she's got the u-haul pulling up to her house she brings out just three boxes the rest is drama that she brought with her and i don't have any room for that on my island mitzi is such a good girl such a good girl i definitely have memories of her i would spend all summer inside playing gamecube because i had no friends until i met mitzi she was my friend when i had no one i had mitzi okay i don't want to hear anybody talking about we go way back because you weren't there when mitzi was moe i am not about to say anything bad about mo i respect mo solely because of his stance okay so give yourself a round of applause if you are a most stan give yourself a round of applause because i have hardly seen any other group of animal crossing fans go to bat harder for any other villager than mo the people who love mo they would die for him and i truly believe that i think people say that they'd die for someone and maybe they wouldn't but the moe stands they're really really real i really would die for molly i really would i don't think that anybody wouldn't you know if molly was in in peril and the only way to save her is to sacrifice yourself i want somebody to honestly honestly i dare someone to admit that they wouldn't you know what honestly i met monique in the bathroom at a bar and i hugged her while she cried actually monty is my boy he's like this little he's a little snow monkey i used to think he was a zombie because because he's got the color of decomposition but also of a snub-nosed snow monkey i like that one better than a corpse i think the only option available for moose is humane euthanasia i just don't know what happened here i hate him do i look like someone who could understand moose who could take the time to get to know moose actually we might need to rent a whole dumpster one of those dumpsters that you can rent for the week because i was gonna just deal with the whole mess that's moose but now we have mott to deal with too mott is not mot is not muffy's the one she's the one if it has to be anyone it ought to be muffy if any of us are are are gonna make it i think it's gonna be muffy her initial phrase is nightshade what i might get that tattooed on my forehead muffy muffy you have done it again constantly raising the bar for all of us and doing it flawlessly i'd say i'm surprised but i know who you are you're our emo sheep ram girl you make us so proud and we love you day three amanda with another forgotten unnoticed creature uh through the list it's a lot 391 it's a lot to keep up with murphy somehow just slipped through the cracks so i'm looking at him now and it looks like murphy is green and cranky not a good combo you know who else i love you know who else makes me proud nan my old neighbor chevrae's wife she's just a great girl i think my favorite thing about nan is that she loves my friend nana is a sweet girl she really is apparently i chased her with an axe in one of my villager hunts like quite aggressively but i didn't mean it i didn't mean it i think now every time i see her i apologize for this but it'll never be enough even if she says it is i know that it'll never be enough words cannot take away the scars that i probably gave nana however her skill is making crafts so i think that a few crafts with my friend nana might do so like while naomi is so 3008 we are so 2000 and late she wants to live at an art gallery girl you are the art gallery are you kidding me you know what nate rhymes with great or hate depending on how you feel about nate i think he's fine honestly actually i think he's fine as for nibbles not so much in my humble opinion i am not feeling drawn to her forgot norma too so norma's adorable i mean any cow is good in my book and i think that she's especially sweet and wonderful and just super cute and positive and we gotta love her oh hair i like always forget that o'hare exists i have never seen o'hare on an island i think it's crazy that his name is o'hare why did they name him o'hare i think he's he's giving me major like jimmy buffett vibes is that what he's going for has to be a musician his skill is air guitar jimmy buffett and his home request is a tropical resort jimmy buffett for me that's not really a good thing honestly even though i'm wearing this hat don't be fooled but for others it may be okay octavian's home and he's yelling at me and i'm fine with it usually i get really offended and really upset and sensitive when people yell at me however i'm never crying when octavian's yelling at me i'm trying not to smile you know because i know he doesn't mean any harm i know he's just doing it because he's gotta but that he'll crack a smile after and he'll roll his eyes and i'll be able to go and give him a big hug and ruffle his hair that he doesn't have yep i love him olaf on the other hand you know it just doesn't make sense to me why they chose like just a few random villagers to be lucky enough to wear pants but i i i get that it makes sense for olaf to be wearing pants he is a matador i don't think that an anteater would really do that fightable that's not nice it's not nice day two amanda was not on the ball because there's a lot of a lot of villagers that slipped right through the cracks and a lot of villagers that i can't believe i didn't like notice were missing like olive for example did i do olive i'm not sure i think olive is beautiful i love everything about her for what she's going for for what she's trying to do she's she's killing it olivia would fight anyone she'd fight a bull she'd fight olaf she'd fight octavian and she would stand a chance she's very relatable she's like a pretty girl but she's like a relatable pretty girl opal i think that she is one of those girls is just really hard to get along with but once you do get along with her she'll she'll she'll kill for you she'll kill and she'll die for you ozzy is so cute his home request is a trip to the school nurse ozzy pansetti though doesn't make me happy she makes me feel a whole bunch of things she didn't get the memo about like the really really really light colored lipstick thing that we stopped doing 10 years ago she didn't get the memo can someone just let her know as for miss pango she's focused on living her best life and if you try to prevent her from doing that may god have mercy on your soul i don't know how i didn't see paulo how the hell do you not see paulo i just i mean yeah if you i could see him without my contacts okay and my eyesight is poor so i see paolo i see his eyebrows from a mile away actually i oh my gosh how much more can i possibly talk about papi i think everybody knows by now how i feel about pappy but if you don't you know how everybody has two kidneys and you can live with with one my other kidney it's claimed by papi he didn't ask for it he doesn't need it right now but i'm keeping it i'm holding on to it because if he ever does need it i'm gonna be right there that's his kidney i have my kidney and then i have pabi's kidney yeah i love pappy he's untouchable and you know who else i really honestly love is pashmina i love her i love her everything about her insists that she's gonna be a snooty villager but then you get to know her and she has adopted you legally she's now your mom her skill is eating frequently we have no choice but to stand she's better than us and i don't even think she knows it should we tell her should we tell pashmina that she's better than all of us that she leaves us in the dust or should we keep her humble i'm going to tell her paint is adorable i always forget about paint she's really cute and i actually like love that name for some reason is it paint we're not supposed to say pate right [ __ ] yeah it is pate actually pate i just because that reminds me of like pate which is disgusting i'm gonna call her pat can i call her pat probably not but if her name was pete that would be really cute i was like oh my god i love the name paige i'm gonna like name something pete i don't know it's kind of like tate but with a pee i like it it's cute like oh are you here to pick up your daughter pate i'm like patty is adorable she's like a jersey cow oh my god she shares a birthday with my mom happy birthday to patti and my mom it's not today okay paula is actually carol baskin doesn't she look just like carol baskin somebody go check on paula's husband oh my goodness peaches i'm not gonna even ask about her eyes it's none of my business peanut is adorable i love peanut her home request is it just says the land of the free peanut i had no idea that you were this kind of person [Music] pecan pecan ended my career with a single glance pecan is is currently roasting me with her eyes peck is would it have troubled them to just give him a simple pupil oh his initial phrase is crunch not a good look pee-wee is my favorite gorilla i wish his name wasn't pee-wee obviously i think that is a really unfortunate implication but i think i can look past it because he's really handsome god i'm already annoyed by peggy i already can like hear her voice like permeating my brain pico is an absolute joy she's a treasure penelope is so cute in some ways and so not in others now as for phil i forget about phil oh my god phil just like i think he jolted me i was gonna say he offended me but he might have jolted me the the quote on the back of his picture is best not say too much about what say too much about what yeah phil is he knows what he's doing here's another friend another site for sore eyes it's phoebe one of my old neighbors she was one of my original uh new horizons villagers so i didn't get to know the side of her that a lot of other people get to know because apparently i didn't even know this apparently when she's not a starter villager her house is this like this inferno this amazing hellscape and i'm jealous that everybody got to know that she was that way and i never knew she hid that side of herself from me as if she couldn't tell me pierce is another one of my neighbors pierce is a great guy i really love him i you know i initially invited him in just because he was like cute and he was there but he's really cemented his way into my heart and he's become an irreplaceable member of our community and boy do we love him piertro however do we love him do we hate him the world wants to know piertro is an anomaly he fascinates me because piertro is probably the most decisive character in the entire game in my opinion people either absolutely love him or they absolutely hate him and think he's the most horrifying thing they've ever set eyes on piertro is like the metal gear solid 2 of animal crossing i'm not a lover of piertro unfortunately i just i can't accept his his condition but that's okay i feel okay with with letting him go with leaving him for every one of me there are a thousand of you ready to scoop him up into your loving arms and hold him forever all right we're on day three so we get another uh another form not even my final form but close and uh and we're just gonna ignore the fact that karma is blatantly disrespecting me and grounded for two weeks because she's break dancing again and it's gotten to the point where this is definitely just her acting out so we're gonna deal with it in the home i think she's just she's she's grown up she's about five now and she's getting to that age you know it's a hard age anyway if you hear any bumping around in there back there just know that it's an adorable tortoise and that you can't stay mad at her for long anyway pinkie how cute is pinky i think pinkie's a positive fun and encouraging friend then we have piper you know piper's cool because she looks so mean she looks cruel she looks downright cruel but she's peppy and she couldn't be more lovely or delightful the best part about piper is that she's super sweet uh pippy pippy is intriguing she's intriguing her eyes are almost like they're almost like drawing me in i had to look away i had to glance away because i felt myself getting kind of kind of hypnotized it's just like such a dark void you know is this what everybody saw in bird box was it pippi i'm not sure i'm not sure i can't give you a yes or no answer then we got plucky plucky is doing something revolutionary with her eyelashes clearly she's i think she's just wearing it looks like i don't know it's like that white like eyelash primer that you put on before you put on mascara i think she's just rocking that okay then we got yet another one of my good friends in fact she is the goodest of the good friends she's my bestie she's my best friend her name is pompom pompom is a roller coaster of a girl she really is she we've had a lot of ups and downs a lot of tears a lot of laughs a lot of smiles a lot of frowns i'm spitting bars right here and she is not like all of the other ducks that are crazy kooky haired um train wrecks she's a train wreck don't get me wrong but she's just a little bit more normal and i love her i actually love her and it was very on accident and that's usually how it goes you know when you least expect it because she was the third villager that i found out on an island and i was like this isn't gonna last long she's just one of those ducks but she wasn't just one of those ducks we we just we just hit it off we became besties and i mean we've definitely had our fair share of fallouts where i thought i would never talk to her again but we always make up there's just no one who gets me quite like her and vice versa and it's actually more like we're sisters at this point you know poncho he looks like a little blueberry like a little blueberry oh and his skill is making puns i've made a pun about him and now he's throwing it back at me i love this ooh i gotta get out of here before i catch feelings for poncho because this is a meet cute poppy is obviously really cute she's just another one of those squirrels though to me porsha needs no introduction she needs no one to defend her come to bat for her or justify her actions she is our beautiful dalmatian girl and she's she's just she's killing it in that role she's thriving prince is a tragic character prince is adorable from the nose up but then you pan down and you realize that this is this is a little bit more sinister than we thought because it unfortunately prince has facial hair and when you're talking about a frog that's not a good thing honestly puck is i mean he doesn't wow me but at the same time he's not trying to clearly puddles is clearly a gem a treasure i think that pudge needs support clearly what happened pudge who did it pudge why is he so upset if he got pudge i implore you to go check on him he doesn't seem like he's doing okay you go check on pudge while i go check on punchy i'll go check on punchy don't worry about him i'll take it from here because i love him i love punchy obviously who doesn't love punchy first of all his name's punji second of all he wants to be a cartoonist especially when he's wearing that shirt you can see him walking out of a room a cartoonist room and he closes the door and he looks at you and he goes i just made a cartoon pearl is so cute she's a calico kitty and i think that once she learns how to do mascara for the top lashes too it's over for us ladies i don't know i've just never really gotten good vibes from queenie she she squicks me out a little quilsin is banned from my island because he's jake paul doesn't he look just like jake paul am i allowed to say that he looks just like jake paul it's so weird for me it's almost like they created this character for him he's like yo animal crossing can i get like a character and they're like yeah sure how's quilsin he's like hell yeah i feel like he's jake paul therefore he's exiled from my island and i suggest you do the same rattle is my boy i love him like part of me really does just want to make a whole ass island of frogs but another part of me has friends and family that i would also like to have on my island like kyle and pom pom so i can't and it's not fair we gotta devise a plan to get me these frogs i think that i need to have them i'm the only one who truly knows how to care for them i think if we we go by boat you know because they don't make as much noise like rowboat i think if we pick a rainy day that way the frogs can stay hydrated plus it'll help us it'll give us some cover pick a rainy day fetch a boat and board safely rattle puddles henry drift and jeremiah onto the boat safely do not let wart junior onto the boat if we're juniors on the boat when they arrive i will consider that an act of war and i will respond appropriately but i don't think that you're gonna do that i think we're gonna get these frogs to me in the cover of the rain and the night i'm going to set them up a frog home and then i will care for them i'll have an extra i'll have like 15 villagers but no one has to know except for us rasher is on the run and he's welcome to crash at our campsite anytime he is the whole ass world's sweetheart and it's raymond obviously if it's not clear how i feel about raymond i apologize i'm full speed ahead on the hype train of course i see it of course i see it he's got heterochromia he's got the white hair he's got the the fresh looks he's got the dark room glasses i'm eating out of the palm of this man's hand along with the rest of you he's got me in the bag of course he does renee kind of gives me like that vibe of the girl who's just standing there like you know what i'm talking about like that like that character but i don't know if she's ever harmed anyone okay then we got renee again i hate this i was calling her rainy for the longest time because i just didn't want to admit that her name is renee and it's not that i don't like the name renee i just don't like that they used it twice renee with an i gh look at her she's perfect she's gorgeous she's definitely the prettiest horse i love that she's got her piercings she's got her sickening pink hair her makeup like she's like revolutionary she's starting a movement she's got these like three little dots under her eye i'm gonna go home and do that tomorrow i am already here at home i don't know why i said that oh there's rex there's rex little rex he's adorable he's so cute rhonda is pretty she's pretty she's pretty i like her eye okay now we have ribbot you know everything about ribbot draws you in i'm kidding no everything about robot is is grotesque and perverse it's a frog robot my nightmare his home request speaks for itself he wants a robo house something a robot would say something an evil robot would say it's just sad to me because i love frogs and i i think that ribot has a nice personality but it's a program that was downloaded onto him if you're not in love with ribeye you're in love with his his uh software okay i think that we are well on our way to judgement day i mean there are literally robots in my world in this dimension i think you're here too that are doing interviews with like ellen or something i don't know do you remember that robot that one lady she's like a literal citizen at this point what is her name i'm just gonna google because you guys know i'm really good at googling that robot lady she she'll come up that robot lady that robot lady it worked yeah her name is sophia come on come on and she's saying she's already talking about destroying all humans she's said it a few times and they've had to be like sophia you don't mean that and she's like right yeah sophia is actually gonna lead them right to us we're giving her like passwords and stuff anyway back to ribot yeah the robots are our items that we've given a voice in in government and i just don't want to hear any complaining when they burn your entire city down with their laser eyes who's next is it really ricky is ricky really next he's actively angry at me he's coming for me actually i feel pretty threatened looking at him he looks like he's walking over to me with two arthur fists not one but two what are you gonna do with those fists yeah nutcase because that's his actual initial phrases nutcase yo i think that i think that ricky is unhinged how the hell is rizzo a free man like who who actually goes to a mystery island who actually does this goes to a mystery island sees rizzo creeping around lurking walks up to him and says hey rizzo would you like to come to my island and steal all of our things all of our hard-earned possessions all of our money everything we've ever worked for would you like that who does that this is definitely he's definitely a yeah right his goal is to be a police officer this is this is kooky this is crazy this is so silly yeah it sounds about right though honestly i bet he's got lots of cop friends that's why he's not in jail listen there's a whole thing here there's a whole ass thing here and i'm gonna crack it and i'm gonna blow this thing wide open just watch i'm gonna get the scoop yeah i think that obviously i think it's quite obvious that rizzo is a he's running an underground crime syndicate his picture quote is literally evil lurks everywhere every villain is lemons you guys i can't believe i even have to remind you of that rizzo is is a hundred percent not even just a criminal a villain a a straight-up villain normally i like a bad boy but i don't like this bad boy and that's why i'm going to blow this thing wide open i'm going to expose him oh my god matt you share a birthday with rob the penguin he's got your birthday you know rauld yes me too matt gets rawled i have to have limburg oh my god oh my god his skill is belly dancing someone come get this child he's belly dancing out here on the golf course because he wants to be a pro golfer robin is such a bad girl yeah she's judging me rocco is my sworn enemy rocco has chased me a couple times i know that you guys like rocco but he's he chases me he tries to crunch me rocco has tried to crunch me three times now he has literally proof proof is in the pudding his home request is a danger-filled zone he's out here crunching people he almost crunched me and nobody believes me and his goal is to be a boxer because he likes hurting people that's all i'm saying i wouldn't be here right now if i didn't if i tripped or something when he was chasing me i wouldn't be here right now okay i'm about to critique rocket and you might think it's because i don't love her but you'd be wrong it's actually because i do love her i'm probably one of the only people who loves her who really loves her because if you really loved her she wouldn't be walking around like this you would have already talked to her you would have sat her down bought her a milkshake and talked to her about what she's walking around wearing it's not fair that y'all are just ignoring this and letting this go on i know it's a hard conversation to have and if y'all want me to have it with her i will have it with her i'll just be like listen girl i don't know you that well but you look like a vibrator okay i hate to be the one to do that but i just don't think it's fair and if that's what she's going for hell yeah girl hell yeah never mind rod oh my god what he's so cute who the hell when the hell how the hell he's like a little baby at the hospital he was just born holy wow rod is so cute i can't believe he's a jock i actually i refuse to believe he's a jock because he was he's minutes old if i ever end up having kids and it's not a big pink mouse with a little like block of hair that's smiling at me if they don't hand me that after all my hard work i'm gonna be pissed you know who else i love is rodeo i think rodeo's really cool he's definitely cursed he's a demon for sure he's pazuzu himself yeah i just think that he's your typical cursed demon bull you know he's one hell of a ball oh highest highs and the lowest lows okay we're going right from rodeo to rodney rodney is uh i mean what is there to say that hasn't already been said about rodney right rodney is so friend-zoned he's definitely an insult of course he is he's a supreme gentleman he's a he's a nice guy how dare these females think that he's interested in having females as friends froff is adorable he's our little white tiger you already know how i feel about rooney rooney's a fighter he's like an mma fighter instructor i eat this up i love everything about him i love his feet shoes he's got the gloves like the fighting boxing gloves something tells me that if it wasn't kyle it'd be rooney i love rory i love him he's a he's like a chinese lion i love roscoe yeah roscoe's an emo prince of course he's a gemini he's one of kyle's good friends they've been in a few bands together and somehow way really roscoe's gonna be a lawyer roscoe's gonna be a lawyer can you imagine you're in court and then this like absolute emo king walks in he's got like a black tux with like a red tie he's one of the lawyers oh my god no yeah i think he's going to be a great lawyer i think he's going to uphold the law and and justice and justice for all his favorite album by metallica rosie is an absolute gem she is a cornucopia of smiles rowan he looks like he lived at joe exotics at one point but has been has been out and in recovery i love ruby if you have a problem with her that's you that's on you and that's none of her business either because she is so proud of herself she wears herself proudly on her shirt she's her own biggest fan we got rudy so cute i love his little white socks sally is possibly the most boring squirrel samson oh he has a knife yeah samson had a knife once oh my god yeah i'm confirmed yeah his his initial phrases squeak softly and carry a big stick and for those of you who are not in the know one time i saw him on a mystery island and he almost stabbed me he tried he had a knife you guys remember people can vow for me he really did have a knife and this proves it squeak softly and carry a big stick aka a big knife like if you do like if you move some of the letters the way that he kind of wrote that you can figure out that it actually says knife it's a code sandy is like an actual ostrich oh my god how the hell did i miss sandy for my animal that's why we're doing a part two because she's absolutely just like an ostrich like a whole ass ostrich savannah uh another beautiful girl who is based on i mean she's not based on she is she is a zebra scoot has grown on me i know that a lot of people love scoot here's my squirrel monkey princess shari there's sheldon is he a squirrel he doesn't even look like a squirrel he looks like a dog that's a squirrel his initial phrase is straight up just cardio he's just calling people cardio he's calling people cardio okay i love shep i think shep is awesome he's one of the most unique characters i love that he's got like the hair in his eyes i think that's cool i love a man with long hair that's my number one thing like if you got long hair as a dude what's up we have to talk about sherb what's the deal with sure what's going on with sherb sharp is adorable obviously he is an angel he's a cherub you look at him and you feel instantly responsible for him his skill is talking to bugs i didn't know that his skill is talking to bugs and then it says his goal is unknown that's the only one i've ever seen say unknown his goal is unknown is that what he said they're like sure what's your biggest goal he's like that's for me to know and you to find out that makes me think that his biggest goal is to take us all out because he's just been exhibiting some really odd behavior in my town if you haven't been there along the ride he's just he's disappearing he doesn't have a lot of like explanations as to why or where he's going he listens to really bizarre dark scary music he keeps his house immaculately clean and it often smells of bleach and he says things that no other lazy villager and no other villager in general has ever said to me he talks about how he can enter my dreams and the other night i woke up with scratches i don't know if that's related he talks about how he feels like he's a ghost sometimes and like he just turns into a ghost and he's invisible and he's watching people he told me that you guys i'm not kidding i don't know he gives me damien vibes maybe he was buried at the pet cemetery maybe he was really sweet and then someone lost him tragically and honestly honestly i would do the exact same thing i don't know if it's this bad i don't know if i'm overreacting i don't think i'm a very dramatic person but i could be overreacting just because this is startling and i've never dealt with this before but at the very least he is not as innocent and sweet and perfect as we thought but we'll see stay tuned you know simon is a little bit less cursed than flip but still cursed nonetheless there's skye there's my girl there's my pretty girl we're honestly just blessed that she's here walking amongst us in her truest form too she might be an alien and if she is beam me up girl abduct me you can do experiments i don't care just as long as you get me the hell out of here i'll go i'm not kidding why is it always the people who don't want to get abducted by aliens that get abducted i'm kind of not kidding i'm sure that if i really get abducted by aliens i would be beyond terrified i'm the type of person i might actually just straight up die of fear if i was really in the situation i'm not telling you that i would enjoy it i'm just telling you that i still do invite it keep in mind i don't actively believe in aliens however i want to and the only way that i can is if i see them that's my thing i can't really believe in stuff unless i can see it or unless it's like there's a scientific paper about it that i can see that someone else saw and like measured it in a lab so i want to believe in aliens i think life would be a little more fun if we got like if i got to see some i don't think that it would be fun to like be abducted i think that would be traumatic and horrifying and it would probably dismantle my life and my brain but at the same time i think i would be good at bargaining with them i'd be like listen slow down i'm willing to work with you on this i'm willing to work with you i don't think that you need to strap me down i can show you where my like best veins are i can help you with this anything you need i can be compliant if you give me a tour of the ship after afterwards you can get all your samples then we get to go on a tour of the ship please let me drive it for just a little bit just just even just humor me and like let me pretend to drive it because you'll probably drive it with your mind and three is just be nice to me that's all i ask just be nice to me don't yell at me that's my whole alien thing anyway i think she's an alien that's coming back around i think that she might be an alien if she is i'm a believer then we've got sly he could be an alien as well i love him he's so cute he's very reptilian he's got the reptile eyes which i appreciate significantly this is snake he's pretty good he just he's always keeping me waiting i don't know he's pretty good i like snooty i think that she's fine i think that she's protecting her heart there's allele we got sparrow the sparrow wow i just said it backwards we got sparrow the sparrow oh my god his initial phrase is like whoa like whoa dude and he's got a soul patch which is unfortunate there's spike he's rasher's partner in crime literally he has a golden-crusted horns and the tips of his ears and his shirt says gold oof spork spork is frankenstein's monster is that what he's going for he looks like he was built in a lab using corpses oh sprinkle i love her she's so pretty she's really cute and here he is sprocket the terminator the terminator skynet right here here he is come to kill me at last come to collect me at last cause i've been out here talking all this [ __ ] he's here to zap me with his laser eyes his initial phrase is literally zort we don't know what that means he's probably talking to your toaster he wants to be a guitarist okay i heard chuck e cheese was hiring okay there's static static is i mean be still my beating heart look at this cool dude he reminds me of um what's that guy's name power line he reminds me of power line from the goofy movie only cooler he's actually cooler than power line i know don't tell him i said that stella she's cute she's really cute she's like a cute little decoration but she's a sheep her skill is magic tricks oh my god what i love magic tricks i love magic tricks again i'm the type of person very skeptical don't believe in magic also friggin love like criss angel and [ __ ] chris angel's like levitating over a whole entire like like a volcano of lava and i'm like he is levitating the man is levitating doesn't does everybody see this i don't know how to explain it to you he's a mind freak i love him i love penn jillette okay i love him but when he like explains tricks and he ruins it for me i'm like pen stop stop let people have fun you had them in the bag don't give it away i've got sterling who is not a magician but close because he's a knight yeah he's just a knight you know he's a humble knight oh stinky lots of people like stinky for me the thing with stinky for me is where do i even begin i don't know i don't know what the thing is he just looks stinky he looks stinky his color is kind of stinky and i start to kind of smell something and i think i might just be like paranoid but i don't know me and stitches we've been through a journey of understanding mostly on my part actually he's been very patient with me so it's it's true stitches is an inanimate object while i am a bit untrusting of inanimate objects that are being given home loans and mortgages for stitches it's a little different because he invokes big velveteen rabbit energy for me he's he's a humble kind sweet and beloved toy that is turned real by the magic of love and friendship and i love him for that stu he's fine he's like a big blue bull and i love a i love a good cow and orable i love them all then we've got sydney sydney is purple she's a koala she's adorable i love her she's so cute her face is so lovable you just want to help her sylvan is cute because she's like a little ferret oh my god she is totally a ferret i had no idea you you must forgive me i really had no idea this was even coming she's a libra too i feel like everybody in this game is a libra what she's so cute her skill is doodling i'm in love i'm in love i'm catching feelings for sylvana she's a ferret for sure unfortunately what goes up must come down and now we're at sylvia i mean she's just another kangaroo with a baby oh the baby's cute the baby's emo the baby's emo she might be doing a good job actually okay it's tabby hi tabby what happened to tabby oh man why what why how when where who uh obviously there's a lot of questions there's a lot of questions and they're written all over her face oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god her home request is an old abandoned hospital and normally i would think that was cool and i would let you join my team of ghost hunters but when i'm sort of thinking you're the ghost then there's a different protocol for that because she is scary so she doesn't she's going to scare us when we're trying to be already i don't know it wouldn't work out yeah oh no what's going on with her i just is there any are there any clues as to what may have happened yeah not she's a sweet girl but her face is is beyond any conceivable nightmare in this dimension she's traumatic i don't know she's just i don't know yeah i feel bad i really do i know she's a sweet girl i know i already know she's a sweet girl believe me that's what hurts the most anyway oh thank god we got tad so funny story about tad he was my first boyfriend my first love he's he's he taught me about love and life and laughter it was me and todd before it was me and anyone else uh yep me and him back in the day on the gamecube and you know we're cool we we both went our separate ways and we're friends he's great he was his skill is telling jokes and i can back him up on that he always had a good joke i always had a good joke miss tammy running around on the loose watch out oh there's another tammy and this one's even worse because she's making fun of me in my own home she's making fun of me she doesn't have to say a word to roast me she's roasting me right now no one can say that they've ever had a bad experience with a tangy tangy would never be mean to me it wouldn't even go into her brain because she's a nice girl my whale shark oh no is everybody okay okay cause that can be traumatic when a whale shark falls okay anyway tank is a gift he's a sweet boy i don't get the thing with uh tangy and tank that they both have like a leaf on their head what is that that's gotta be that's evidence of aliens i do think that they're aliens that's my theory i think that they came together from the same planet you would think they don't have a connection this is my theory tangy and tank they're from another planet they're aliens friendly aliens i should add but they crashed on earth and they weren't sure how to go about like interacting with the earthlings but they saw that we're bad and stupid and so they were like we're not going to just tell them we're aliens i don't think that they'll try to understand us or want to learn from us or want to have like an alliance i think they're just going to jump right to being irresponsible and dumb and bad so they made the right decision they decided to try to blend in they both decided like or they both found out that they could like change their physical appearance except for the stems on the back of their head because they're magic alien things so they couldn't take them off it's exactly like a saiyan with the tail where they look mostly like they can blend in but then there's the tail thing except for with them they can't cut it off and it doesn't do anything weird to them at all it's just there so they had to like blend it and take a form that would blend it in and tangy chose a humble orange but then tank got a little confused but everybody's just thinking that he's a rhino with a leaf on his head that's my theory i've heard others state the same witnesses that were there when they got here when they crashed so yeah that's my theory and then we got tasha who is my another bully of mine another one of my bullies oh my god yeah we're totally enemies she her picture quote is there's no such thing as a safe secret pro tip for everybody and anybody just want to phone in a pro tip broadcasted to the world do not tell tasha anything don't tell her anything because she can't be trusted okay i have it on good authority that this [ __ ] will blab every single time okay ask ask rizzo if he wants to know about a about a rat because i've got a good one anyway tasha's canceled tasha's completely cancelled for sure there's nothing real about her she's fake as hell t-bone is fake too no i'm just kidding t-bones is sweet he's fine he's no he's a normie you know he's kind of a normie teddy he's boring as hell actually oh my god it's tex oh my god ladies brace yourselves it's text he's so bad his picture quote is rules were made to be broken text is dangerous text is so dangerous i think we all know it but he still gets us he gets us every time okay tia is gorgeous she's a teacup but she's not she's an organism so she counts she's not an inanimate object tiffany look at her it's tiffany it's the tiffany i didn't think she was real i thought she was just simply a a legend i thought she was a fable but here she is the fabled tiffany her home request is a gorgeous celebrity home and she will get one out of every man she she bewitches she's out here bewitching the men and we love to see it timbra i don't know timber's making fun of me too nice tipper what a sweet cow you know how i feel about a cow tom is he's just kind of normal i've never seen him before so i'm not 100 sure if he's real oh god truffles one of the worst oh god she's on an absolute rampage oh i love tucker the woolly mammoth what we don't even deserve a woolly mammoth and they gave us one you know i will say every time i've ever seen tutu she's been nothing but nice to me oh my god twiggy's so cute he's mad he's so mad but he's like this big so oh my god [ __ ] twiggy is a girl twiggy's a girl i'm sorry twiggy i'm so sorry i love tibblets he is the most handsome tiger he's so handsome oh my goodness if bianca got one look at tibble we'd lose her we'd lose her to the man oh and of course ursula's here i did not invite her she's toxic she's good vibes only turf [ __ ] and i said what i said i love velma what a prize what a prize i also love vesta except not really because her face looks like a chalkboard never mind it's scaring me it's haunted in vesta's face i just saw like several very scary visions of um of armageddon all at once it was really scary vic is a obviously i love a viking i love men with long hair so of course i love a viking however right place right time for a viking honestly and he's just kind of being tacky so that leads me to victoria i just hope she's okay i hope she's no longer racing at the racetrack but of course she's not she lives on your island i actually love thoroughbreds i love her ooh violet oh violet violet yeah violet is one of the aliens one of the bad aliens so we got tangy and tank and they're the good aliens this is the bad alien that followed them here and there's like a thing going on behind the scenes she's trying to get them they're trying to hide she's bottom line though she is a bad mean alien if she abducted me her and her people her kind she they wouldn't give me a tour of the ship they wouldn't be nice to me they wouldn't let me drive it and i wouldn't let them get their samples easily and it would just be a whole mess she's so scary i mean i can't look at her for much longer i i'm sick i have to get out of here okay now vivian is another story entirely vivian's gonna save me from violet actually i run right into vivian's arms when violet chases me vladimir what he's horrible he's a villain right his picture quote is trouble never comes alone what is that supposed to mean who do you have with you trouble never comes alone okay well you're trouble who the hell did you bring with you who are you here with what does that mean it's so foreboding that's the line that he says right before someone even more dangerous steps out of the shadows someone like i don't know maybe uh rizzo maybe perhaps i don't know the big reveal sherb sherb walks out and samson with knives i'm scaring myself i can't take this vladimir i can't take this i'm an old woman you're gonna do this to me his skill is belly dancing too oh my god his home request and i quote is a way below ground wait what that's what it says that's what it says a way below ground like a like a grave like a catacomb what is this mean what does this mean explain this now explain this now you're not leaving there are a whole bunch of dark and scary characters in this game and vladimir may be maybe one of the worst wait oh thank god wade's here babe take this little boy and run get him out of here he's a baby penguin he's a baby penguin he's a baby penguin chick he's a baby emperor penguin he's gonna be a big boy we already know because he's a baby and he's my height he's gonna get so big he's gonna be stomping around town and he's going to be the one that saves us that's actually his purpose he is going to be the one who saves us the one that the black parade spoke of a phantom to lead us in the summer so join the black parade he's leading it he's leading it god bless him he's our phantom he's a big boy he's going to lead us out of the darkness mary did you know that your baby boy did y'all know that he was gonna be the one okay now we have walker you guys know i love walker he's a big boy he's got such pretty blue eyes and i'm not normally a fan of blue eyes but in his case i love it oh a dream room dot dot dot for a bike is his home request what that's so cute i'll get him a bike i'll get him two bikes make it three okay walt is a old guy he's like uh you know what i just made up a whole story walt is um rooney's i don't know if i want it to be i think it's okay i made it better instead of his grandpa he's his teacher but rooney was a street boy he was an orphan and he grew up on the streets and he was fighting is this already a plot of something i think it is a little bit is this this isn't karate kid so rooney's out there he's getting into fights he's getting into trouble and then this guy picks him up off off the ground when he loses a fight it's a spin-off kind of it's like a retelling of karate kid picks him up teaches him the art of fighting not just not just anger but art and discipline and gives that to rooney and in the in the climax this is a whole film by the way in the climax i hate to spoil it but rooney actually there's like a big thing i think he has to come bail rooney out of jail basically um and he finds out that walt had a son who died and that ever since then he shut his heart off he was alone he wouldn't let anybody in he wouldn't see his students as the family that he used to he saw them just as transactions but then rooney came and he felt himself letting him in and now they're a family found they're a found family rooney and walt and they practice martial arts together they opened a gym and they serve low income underserved children underserved youth the oscar for me the oscar please my oscar please thank you the reason i made that so long was because i was avoiding this next one i i mean i've already done this i've already done this you can refer to my other videos for the next one because uh okay so i actually do have an arch nemesis an arch nemesis arch enemy i have several villagers that i don't like but i do have a wurstie i have a like a bestie and a wursty you know he's um my least favorite villager his name is wart junior wart jr he's smirking at me he's laughing at me he's judging me he's making fun of me he's harassing me all in one all without saying a word he's done all of those things and more to me and i'll never forget it i can't wash it out of my brain if i tried um he's a horrible person yeah he um his skill is writing backwards that is so weird wart junior and he wants to be a detective yeah right uh he's always judging me he's making fun of me he tripped me once he did he put his foot out when i walked by and i fell and i hurt myself a little i had like a thing on my knee it was like a scab it took like a week to heal and that was war junior's fault and i just hate him i hate him so much he's always got a smile on his face it's not nice because he smiles at you he would smile at you like that if you were like at a funeral if you were crying if he saw you crying he'd go he would he would smile there was actually a sentence that said he was like the kindest frog you'll ever meet but i saw that as propaganda and i swiftly stopped reading it's propaganda he's not kind he's he's cruel he's quite cruel take it from me uh weber i always forget about weber he's not for me okay here's wendy wendy it's funny they had like the wendy's themed sheep and this one's not this one's not the wendy's one did they already have her her name was already wendy or something weird interesting i mean she's fine oh my god it's my whitney my girl the most beautiful wolf i mean i could say that easily about every single wolf there's not a single wolf that isn't drop dead gorgeous but whitney is the most beautiful she's got like that little curl of hair she's got the beautiful eyelashes the eyes the everything everything she's just 10 out of 10. so is willow actually yes willow is probably my first favorite sheep she's so cute right she's adorable a pink lemonade girl winnie is also so pretty and cute i love that she's got the little star because that's what you call it like when there's a little spot on the forehead of a horse it's called a star oh here's my stalker it's fine because we're friends we are friends he's not like a threat but he is in love with me unfortunately this whole thing where he we were really close and he had feelings for me and i was already with kyle it's it's been tough i don't think we're ever going to be as close as we were before it's wolfgang obviously you guys already know we haven't really been talking much lately um but that's okay i want him to be happy and i don't want to make him uncomfortable i don't expect him to hurt himself but i just hope someday he can find someone and then he can come back and we can be friends again wolfgang is absolutely one of the most handsome wolves he really is wolfgang's like the man i should marry he's like from a good family he's very attractive and kyle you know he's like kind of irresponsible sometimes he's from a different side of the tracks but he's what my heart wants but i love wolfgang so much i love him i love wolfgang i love yuuka yuka's cute she's kind of like an older lady ah she's cute but she's saying tisk tisk and that pissed me off not gonna lie oh there's zell my boy one of my favorite villagers hands down i think he's so handsome he's so cool he's so awesome in my head cannon he's kyle's best friend so we hang out a lot you know oh my god i didn't even realize he was the last one he's the last one for a reason he really is oh look at the boy it's you it's all for you look at you look at yourself i love him he's zucker he's the last one he's zucker zucker has saved my life zucker has taught me about love about hard work about friendship about um about endurance about perseverance about just being tenacious and indomitable zucker's made me a better person he brought marina into my life through uh through magical through magical means through means of magic he is gonna bring me to anka at some point uh yeah he's just always been there for me i love him zucker is one of my favorite villagers eventually when the time is right we've talked about it you know when the time is right because he's he's it's he's moving the strings he's the god we're going to bring him home but until then yeah zucker is uh actually a ethereal all-knowing interdimensional omniscient being that was really sent here to save us if i've said that about any other villager i truly mean it with him he really is he's from another world entirely an alien if you will one of the most benevolent and wise and powerful species of aliens he's gonna save us from ourselves from the terminators from the robots from rizzo from sherb if it comes down to that i think it's getting close i think it might be almost judgment day um but either way as long as he's there we're gonna be okay and so yeah that's my message for you at the end of this rigorous video is that as long as we have zucker which we do even if he doesn't live in your town he's still watching over you as long as we have zucker we're gonna be okay we're always gonna be okay so you can apply today to be in the zucker cult i mean club it's a club of people who love zucker so much it's a church it's a religion and we will see you there we'll see you there me zucker and all 391 people that i judged and didn't they didn't ask for it and they didn't deserve it thanks uh i don't know how about a huge massive incredible thank you to all of my top tier patrons thank you so much i just can't even like process the fact that you are supporting me like you are and if you'd like to get your name shouted out in disbelief at the end of all of my videos check out my patreon for more details thank you so much have i already said thank you and like if you need a kidney or like plasma just hit me up you know no big deal [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] quickly
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 55,423
Rating: 4.9563761 out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh, my thoughts on all villagers, theamandafiles, amanda sargent
Id: A2Um24FHMiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 48sec (4848 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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