ranking my weird childhood crushes (yikes)

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hi i am so bad at introductions but it's me amanda and i am back with another video featuring half my face because i have this big huge apparatus like i'm [ __ ] bane but my audio is fire though right i am working on getting another microphone because this i mean it's not gonna work right like i gotta just be like here talking to y'all but my audio though so today i wanted to do a tier list are we still doing those if not i'm bringing it back they're cool again they're in now again i wanted to do a tier list of all my childhood crushes because i was a weird kid i'm like gonna be open and honest about things that i never thought i was gonna talk about in my life i feel as though it will be a fun chance to psychoanalyze me also i'm i'm almost like reaching out for solidarity at this point um a lot of them are like you know you'll probably relate but there's definitely a few in there that are like really like they stand they stick out amongst the crowd so i feel like it'll afford us a good opportunity to really dissect that and also reminisce and a lot of nostalgia you know growing up just want to know why i'm like this basically so let's dive in okay so as you can see the situation is pretty complicated um you're getting like a sneak peek and i can explain some of these so yeah the tears that we've got going on here we've got still crush in of course that's s tier that is like i stand by that [ __ ] not only do i stand by it but like i'm actively crushing on this person or whatever i mean not there's it's not just limited to people as we see here but i can explain anyway then we've got the stand by it here which is like you know again i'm not like ashamed okay i stand by what i said because i have my reasons and then we've got oof but at the time though because like i was a child and like i had my reasons i feel like i can explain most of these i think i hope and then we've got just like lol which is just like wow yeah like that's like a this and then the last the like what is that f tier is that what that is that is like straight up was gonna take this to my grave but here we are that's like a double that's like a please never don't see my face like you know so we'll see if there's any of those but uh yeah i guess we should just i should just kind of get started with all this because i have a lot of explaining to do as you can clearly see and since i'm wearing the kikurumi i oughta just start with mewtwo so yeah mewtwo's on this list mewtwo is a childhood crush of mine mewtwo the pokemon normally i am a hundred percent against crushing on pokemon i think it's gross like i i have this story where i like i went on 4chan one time just to see what i would come across and there was a list of horrifying things that i saw like in the first 20 minutes and one of those horrifying things was like a thread of people lusting for pokemon and i was i was like i was i wanted to jump into a volcano upon seeing that however i feel like mewtwo out of all the pokemon is the most acceptable to have a crush on because he is very humanoid he's extremely sentient to the point where he's literally like like this man is a philosopher and he's not a man he's a pokemon i get it like he knows what he's doing you know that's that that's the problem that i have with pokemon being lusted over or being crushed on is like they're animals they don't really they're not like you know their brains are like animalistic but mewtwo is different he's different okay he's not like the other pokemon he's got like he knows he can talk okay he can talk in sentences and that doesn't make it okay with meowth and [ __ ] but like for for mewtwo i just feel like you know what i mean you got what i'm saying right like when i first saw pokemon the first movie i was i was so taken by his plight that i really did not care that ash died like i was kind of like you know what mewtwo i can agree with you buddy i really am on your side with this like i started to really see it from his point of view he makes a good case he's a good like negotiator just kidding he did not try to negotiate with anyone who was like destroy all humans point blank end of story period and i supported him on that i just feel like he really was justified because he's like literally wakes up in a tank and he's like i exist now what the hell i didn't consent to this why did you bring me here what is this and the scientists are so mean they look at him they're like hey yeah we totally made you so that we could [ __ ] use you mewtwo did nothing wrong basically okay seriously and then at the end he understands and he can sympathize the human sacrificed himself to save the pokemon i pitted them against each other but not until they set aside their differences did i see the true power they all shared deep inside i see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are i love mewtwo i really do no longer crushing on him for sure because he is a pokemon whether i like it or not but i think that he has a beautiful mind and i really do stand by it with mewtwo because i can like explain why he captivated me but again i can really i could read an entire dissertation on why mewtwo out of all the pokemon is like the only one that is acceptable to crush on because again he's very sentient to the point where he's he's actually smarter than us whereas even with like and usually that's the thing usually i'm like i'm honestly one of those people who is against humanoid pokemon like i'm straight up against them if jinx and mr mime can disappear tomorrow i'd i wouldn't even notice yeah jinx mr mime there's probably like a million other ones but i do not p nose pass nose pass i'll put nose pass in that i know he's supposed to he's like an easter island statue but i don't like nosepass i i go to pokemon to escape from humans okay i don't want to encounter humans in poke i don't want to encounter humanoids don't like the humanoids but they're still like they're not very sentient either i could go on and on but yeah mewtwo that's my that's my mewtwo thing who's next um let's make it easy uh obviously we got harrison ford here i was like five watching star wars and i was like han solo though what's up with that why is he making me feel this way and then indiana jones comes next and i'm like i don't even think i need to i don't need to explain why why harrison ford is on this list he makes me feel normal he's on this list because i really do want to feel normal and relate to people okay so i do i have a crush on harrison ford too i had normal crushes too when i was growing up okay people all right we're gonna take it all the way back this is one of the first crushes i ever remember having and i really was i was in love i was in love with steve steve from blue's clues i just thought he had he had it all he had his [ __ ] together i really felt that i felt he had the life that i wanted to live someday you know like he had a dog he had salt and pepper shakers that talked to him he was always up to something he was always getting mail like all i ever wanted as a kid was to get mail whenever my mom would get the mail i'd be like is there anything for me and she's like no who why are you expecting something i'm like i don't know i just want mail she's like no you don't you know you know your parents are always like no you don't it's all bills and i'm like i don't even care if it's bills i just want some mail because as a kid that's like you see steve he is opening so many he gets every every day he gets letters from his friends and like that's all i wanted in life was a dog that i could communicate with talking inanimate objects around the house and mail you know steve to me was like goals he had it all he he was wearing green that's my favorite color and he was nice to to blow the dog and i love him and i thought he was so cool not really interested anymore but i really do stand by it i think that steve was and still is just a great guy okay before i get into some of these i want you to know who i was as a child and maybe you can relate i hope you can i didn't have any friends at school that could so i feel as though i was very alone in this but i don't think i was i wanted to be an animal i didn't want to be a person ever in any game that i played i wanted to be a non-human animal and so whenever i was playing a game with somebody like if we played house i wanted to be the dog you know like i wanted to be not a human being to the point where i was like can i be like the easter bunny or something and come on easter like i don't want to be a person i don't want to play house i don't want to be the mom i don't want to be the sister i want to be the local [ __ ] population of frogs i don't care i just don't want to be a person i was so bored of humans so i did want to be like an animal at all times i was that girl that was galloping at recess that was on her hands and knees been trying to eat grass and [ __ ] like like naying meowing in class like i really was i was not cool or a popular ever i got hot after at what long after school ended and it's just a coincidence honestly i never played with baby dolls and never played with barbies i was already a human why would i want to play human why would i want to play a mockery of being a human being when i am living in my human shell and i'm hating it i don't that's not a game to me on any given day i was a deer i was a horse i was a dinosaur i was not a person i wanted to be on all fours galloping and so when i was crushing on these animals i was also an animal like i also i wanted to be their animal companion okay so let's just make that very clear going forward whenever my like my cousin was always like can we play like like i have a husband and stuff and like i'm having babies like my cousin was like a very normal child she was she wanted to play human beings and i was always like yeah but i'm gonna be a ferret and i'm gonna have a fair husband and ferret children if that's okay and she's like you know what fine i guess for sure and i'm like i'm your ferret neighbor and i do have like a ferret family and it's fine when i saw spirit in the theaters i was into i was interested in spirit because he had matt damon's voice he was beautiful he's a beautiful horse obviously and as as a horse at that moment like watching the movie i was a horse i wanted to be a horse and i was like if i was in that herd as a horse i would be interested in him i would have a crush on him i would ask him out maybe i'll say oof but at the time though that's what i'll say because nowadays i have accepted the fact that i'm a human i'm always going to be a human i'm not i'm no longer crushing on animals at all but i understand and at the time when i was a horse in that theater i can understand i know why i had a crush on spirit he had matt damon's voice and he was really cool he was like the leader of the of the herd you could not tame him him and little creek together like the dyna name a better [ __ ] dynamic duo than them when they jump over the thing i was like that's my boyfriend but i also i loved him and rain together i think i just wanted to be rain i have this very vivid memory so if you haven't already seen spirit like i'm gonna spoil like a part of it but um you should have already seen it i don't i feel no sympathy towards you i'm going to spoil it so rain is my girl i wanted to be rain like sometimes i don't like their partner and i want to replace them and other times i support the relationship 100 and i like just want to be her so in that case i loved rayne i wanted to be her she was just like that cool paint [ __ ] and i loved her and she was beautiful and the part where you think she dies she like does a fake out die where she dies i walked out of the theater my mom had to come get me i was so i was very i was like so young and i was like i'm leaving i was like i'm done with this in film i don't like this i've seen enough like i hated that i was like no no i cannot support the afghan decision i don't like that plot b i'm leaving and i [ __ ] walked out and my mom had to come get me and be like can you just finish the movie we don't know if she's dead i'm like she's dead she died when she came back to life i was actually so embarrassed like my mom looked at me and she's like and i'm like yay rain's alive but also [ __ ] thank you i didn't want to admit that that i was like thankful that she like pulled me back into the theater but um but yeah i loved spirit i wanted to be rain i really love them together i felt that movie so hard like like the wild west and he's galloping over like the planes and brian adams is singing swelling in the background i felt that so hard i really did okay jason right here the red ranger let's talk about him for a second that might have been my first crush actually before steve even one of my first memories ever is that i is that i had a like life size it wasn't life size i always called it a life since it was like this tall so obviously jason in real life was not this tall but like it was a tall like jason the red ranger like thing where did my parents get it was like this big it was it was like four feet tall and like what do you even do with that also why did they make that product like i would just like plug him around but i would have him like over my shoulder like but you can't play anything with him but i would honestly i'm not even gonna lie to you he was my boyfriend and i was and i was like a new green ranger because my favorite color was green and there was already a green ranger but like i wanted to be the light green ranger so like i joined the power rangers and jason was there standing next to me and he was like my height at the time so i could really like look into his eyes jason was my boy like he was just i was obsessed with him i my parents got me everything of jason he was the t-rex like he was a t-rex morphe i don't even remember what it was like the thing that they like put on their mask and like they turn into a t he didn't it was like a robot i don't know but yeah he was a t-rex and he was a good guy and i stand by that i think that i'm justified in having a crush on dodger because a when he sings why should i worry first of all that's like such a cool song second of all it's billy joel like i stood no chance he was just so cool i love a bad boy i will you will find you will come to find that a bad boy is gonna basically do it every time for me i wanted to be a dog in new york city that captivated him that stole his heart that made him stop in his tracks and give up his life of crime i think i'm going to stand by a lot of these but oof but at the time though for sure because again that is a dog that is a dog and i don't that's a new for me but at the time though yeah who's next oh my god this one's so funny okay so it's not the mummy it's the boy you know there are disney channel movies that we all know and love and remember and then there are disney channel movies that like we don't that like you know because there was so many there's a lot that just kind of flew under the radar and i think this is one of them it's called under wraps and it's about these kids i don't even really rem i'm not even gonna lie to you i don't remember how they got the mummy but at some point they acquire a mummy they find a mummy and he comes to life and he's a friendly mommy he's nice but he is like a corpse he's a dead person mommy and there's like people trying to like get the mommy back or like pursue them in some way there's like a conflict the boy's name that boy in that picture his name is marshall i remember that i did not even get to watch this movie before i did this i probably should have because that's what like a good youtuber would do but i do i haven't seen this movie since i was 10. i don't even know i just remember marshall then there's like this dweeb kid i think his name is gilbert and then there was like this cool girl you know and there was like the three friends and they have to help like smuggle this mummy and like hide the mommy and like try to like they want to keep i think they want to keep the mommy as a pet or something and i just for some reason like latched on to this marshall kid i don't even know why i think he had like a very tender heart because he really loved that mommy and i think that i really fell for that i think that i just loved his his heart and his like conviction to this mummy and i think i loved the fact that he loved the mummy because i loved the mummy and i'm like a i'm a fan of mummies i think i was like really relating to him like i would have done all the same things i would have made all the same choices as marshall and so the reason that that is so notable i started just writing a story about how i was in under wraps with marshall and i was in their group and then me and marshall fell in love and we were friends with the mummy and we were all friends and like had a great halloween and that was like the first fanfic that i ever wrote but it like wasn't it wasn't like a purposeful fanfic because i didn't know what fanfic was like i was so [ __ ] young i like wrote it down on the paper i was like me and marshall found a mummy today period we were so scared exclamation point but he was nice like you know it was like something so simple but it was my first fanfic i did write an under wraps fanfic i think it's lol honestly i just don't really care i love mummies but like the mummy in question he seems kind of cringy he's like a very like stereotypical mummy i want like a scary mummy and he's just like a goofy mummy so it's just a lol for me honestly um okay who's next how about aladdar the king iguanodon let's talk about that let's talk about why that's on the list so you know how i wanted to always be an animal i was a dinosaur kid you know the dinosaur kids that was me i was like deeply passionate about dinosaurs to the point where one of my first ever panic attacks that i can remember having where i was having a [ __ ] existential crisis a meltdown my parents could not console me i was in my parents room and the walls were spinning like i still have this memory i was losing my grip on reality and my parents had to try to calm me down even though there was nothing that they could say that would ever make it better because the crisis in my life was that i loved dinosaurs so much but they were all extinct and i could never work with them and i was like that's what i want to do i want to work with dinosaurs i don't want to work with any other animal i want dinosaurs and they're gone and i don't know how to i don't know how to deal with that i don't think i can accept it and i was freaking i was like do you think there's hiding in the rain forest like if i look hard enough and my parents are like yeah yeah but you'll find them for sure like by the time you get old enough like technology and so i bet you'll bring them back i bet they'll all be cloned and i'm like are you sure because i can't live in the world without dinosaurs like i was inconsolable about this i loved dinosaurs and i still to this day loved them but i was that kid i knew all of them i had all the books and [ __ ] and i was always just like what's your favorite dinosaur mine is paris horolovis and people were like what are you talking about t-rex is that one i was always a dinosaur at recess i was always making dinosaur sounds that were jarring and alarming and very uninviting to the other children and the first time i ever saw the trailer for disney's dinosaur i wonder if you even remember it or saw it at all the trailer was a [ __ ] masterpiece and i feel like oh god when did that come out like i was i think it was when i was watching tarzan or something like i saw this trailer and i was weeping and my mom had to like support me through that my mom remembers when i first saw like mom if you're watching this you know i really it was hard for me to process what that felt like because to me i had never seen dinosaurs so vividly brought to life that was exciting for me because i wanted to just i wanted to i was such a cheesy kid like i wanted to see dinosaurs brought to life so bad that meant so much to me because i was so devastated that they were extinct and so when i saw that disney was making a dinosaur movie and it was like 3d animated and at the time like that trailer it was the trailer where the egg and like all of these different like it gets like picked up by a pterodon and it gets like put in a river and like falls off a mountain and like an oviraptor picks it up and brings it you know and there's like it travels all the way to the to the lemur island which uh that part that part cringes me out so bad when like all the lemurs are i'm sorry i'm cringing so like all the lemurs are swinging on the tree and it's like their mating ritual and that stupid lemur that is his brother doesn't get picked and you're supposed to feel bad for him but you're just like ugh because you knew he wasn't going to get picked because look at the guy all the other lemurs are hot and then this guy's like greasy like how did he get greasy why aren't all the uh it's so cringy because it's supposed to be like so beautiful but it's cringy aledar was this iguanodon he was like this cool dude and i just wanted a whole life with him i was like okay now i have like a boyfriend dinosaur that i can really envision you know because at the time i was just i don't know i couldn't really envision a good boyfriend dinosaur and so um i finally got like a good boyfriend dinosaur and i didn't i didn't connect with the girl dinosaur in that movie i don't even remember what her name is she's just forgettable to be honest she just wasn't right for him i think i think i would have been right for him as an iguanodon so i made up my own like iguanodon oc and i wanted him to be my dinosaur boyfriend but like also i don't think he's on the same level as dodger and spirit because it is a cringy movie for the most part you know what he's just staring us right in the face so i guess we should probably i guess we should probably address this especially because maybe people don't know if i'm talking about kirk or olmec from legends of the hidden temple if you've never seen it like i'm i'm just like really sorry that you didn't get to live through that i really am honestly i feel really bad for you legends of the hidden temple was this game show that was on nickelodeon where i mean how do you even begin to describe it it was like kids and they are i always wanted to be on the green monkeys so bad i wanted to be on that show so bad i could have won i could have won it but i didn't know how to do i just i would ask my mom to be like can you figure out how to get me on that show and she'd be like you'd be great at that and i'm like i know can you actually i'm not even kidding and she's like no we have to fly and stuff and i'm like because i would have won i really would have won for sure but it was this game show where kids would answer trivia questions about like random ass like ancient civilizations in world history so they would answer trivia questions and then they would like do obstacles and obstacle courses and [ __ ] but then the last round would be going through the temple and you would have to go through and there was these like temple guards and they were so scary and they would like grab the children like this was back in the 90s where they could [ __ ] grab kids and [ __ ] and then they have to put like they had to put together the um the monkey thing what is that little monkey the golden monkey [ __ ] the uh i don't even remember but they had to put it together and these kids were talk about anxiety when you're watching these kids try to put that monkey together it is so easy but they could never do it they were always like and like the music was like duh silver monkey together she got 30 seconds if you know you know if you don't you're probably really confused but it was just pinnacle perfect beautiful 90s and the show's host was kirk and he was so cool and the tv was kind of blurry you know he's not a bad looking he's not like ugly but all i could see though was the fact that he he would swing in on a rope every time he was swinging on a rope like a [ __ ] badass that got me paying attention every time i woke me right up i was like oh who's this who's this adventurer swinging in on a rope how cool is he swings in on a rope he's got cargo shorts on he looks like he has had adventures in the past he knew all this like ancient history olmec knew him trusted him talked to him responded to him olmec was that rock man behind him who would talk and stuff he was like a talking rock man who knew all these facts and he would ask you all the questions but kirk was like his buddy and i was like honestly kirk like what's up i was watching clips the other day from legend of the hidden temple and the kids who would get eliminated first y'all i can't make this up this was the 90s they would get consolation prizes but the consolation prizes i couldn't even believe my eyes at some of these consolation prizes one of the consolation prizes that the kids got in one of the clips i saw was tuna i'm not kidding they got tuna they won tuna it doesn't even say how much tuna are going to get like a year supply of tuna if they're gonna get like 10 cans of tuna like what i did it doesn't even specify what the tuna situation is that's almost worse don't even give them a prize and the kids have to act like they're happy they're like like if i was on that show and they go you win tuna i would have been like like tuna fish like the food in a can nick elodian you all don't have the money to give these kids like a [ __ ] t-shirt or something tuna yeah that made me lose some respect for kirk because at that moment he would always say don't worry you're going home with a great consolation prize and then it would be [ __ ] tuna like kirk come on buddy he was swinging in on the thing he knew all of the trivia but he was also giving these kids tuna and for that i'm just gonna laugh at you kirk i'm sorry buddy that can't be forgiven jane is the perfect example of the girl that you're not sure if you want to be her or be with her you know because when i first saw tarzan like everybody was tripping over tarzan i'm like this man i don't know he's not wearing like enough clothes for me like something about tarzan's face they made him like you know what i mean he was like like at the end of son of man where he's like swinging on the he's like going down the vine he's like he's like surfing on the vine but then he like it's like and then you see his face and he's like and he looks like so mean and unapproachable and his jagged and like and i just that i was like okay tarzan i see how it is like i don't i don't want to know you i didn't want to know you anyway okay like and i just at that moment i don't know why he had to look at us like that so tarzan was off the table for me but then jane comes along she's wearing the hat so i'm just like okay cool but then she like takes off the hat and she's like she's like this cool wildlife girl who like just wants to learn she like wants to be a different kind of woman than like the women and because you know at the time the time that they were living in like back in england and [ __ ] it was black for women like you know she had to be like you know but she wanted to be like this badass like explorer [ __ ] she's like drawing birds and stuff like she's like not afraid of gorillas like that's my girl right there and i as soon as she took that hat off and like let her hair down and stuff i was like she's the type of girl like you just want to sit there like this and like listen to her talk for hours i love her yeah still crushing on jane for sure always and she stays with tarzan in the end the crazy [ __ ] yeah i love her honestly i think it's like staring us right in the face and i ought to just like address the fact that rudolph is on this list because he is so yeah that is rudolph the red-nosed reindeer um when i was really little i was obs and i still i still to this day love love love rank and bass christmas movies so much and rudolph was probably one of my first ever favorite movies i saw that movie and it like took over my life it it consumed me something about it i mean i was i was like six or seven likes like six years old and this movie consumed my every waking thought i was always thinking about rudolph just something about the formula of that movie this reindeer was an underdog you know and he just spoke to me and like he was just something about him i don't know something about him his tenacity his struggles i love a sad boy and i think rudolph was my original sad boy i really do he was my original like i love you rudolph nobody else does nobody else understands you but i understand you and i love you and i don't care what they think of us i'll run away with you right now you know i don't think clarice was doing enough i really don't think she was he didn't go on the adventure with him or nothing i would have been gone with his ass i would have chased his ass out of there to the island i would have gone with him to the island of misfit toys and i would have honestly been like rudolph do you just want to like stay here like i don't want to go back to santa's village because santa's a piece of [ __ ] i was so angry for him it just it awakened to the activist in me like i was so mad i was ready to like i was gonna die for him i really loved him and then when he gets the antlers and stuff and he grows up i'm like this is a man i could love for the rest of my life i loved him i loved rudolph that was probably one of my first loves not gonna lie he is definitely a reindeer uh he's not and he's not as cool as like he's not he's rudolph you know he's rudolph he's very that's a six-year-old thing i'm gonna say lol but i do think that he's a he's a great guy as far as rank and bass goes though i got older and i still was appreciative of those of those films i was like you know six or seven when i was into the rudolph thing and then when i was like eight nine that's when i first that's when i started looking at kris krangel because y'all santa claus has come into town kris kringle in that movie he is so fine i'm sorry but he is so fine as a young man in that movie and he's so like he walks into town right and he breaks the law in in public in the open he's just breaking the law he does not care he doesn't give a [ __ ] i love a bad boy in the movie there's this town and it's like illegal to have toys there and he goes into town with like a sack of toys and he's like i do not give a [ __ ] okay about your leader who doesn't like toys i don't care i don't know if you've met me yet but i don't care i will break the law and like the local baddie jessica she knows what's up she's like the teacher she's like a smoke show and he like gives her a toy he's like i don't care i don't care if they chase me and they like chase him and he like jumps on the roofs and [ __ ] and goes down the chimneys like that's how he becomes santa he like loves animals there's like this evil like snow ice king who lives in the in the forest and he's like evil he's magic he's like a magic evil ice wizard and he's so scary like i remember as a kid being like oh he's gonna [ __ ] die and kris kringle he's such a badass he's just like can you even walk like can you walk and he and and the apparently the snow king i don't even remember this guy he's like a snow wizard the snow king can't walk or something so this [ __ ] he teaches the guy how to walk and turns him good he like tames all these animals he like defeats the guy in the town that makes toys illegal he is just a king okay and he like doesn't care he's like the coolest guy ever and when i was watching that movie i was just like this is santa claus really huh okay he's just like i don't know why they made young santa so damn hot but they did and so honestly i mean when i still i watch that movie and i'm still like chris what is up buddy um i'm gonna save some weird ones for the end because like we're getting basic you know we got like zuko on this list like zuko [ __ ] obviously the only reason i don't still have a crush on zuko is because he's 16 and he's always going to be 16. i mean i know he's not 16 in quora but like this zuko in particular i stand by it he's a sad boy i love a redemption arc like if i don't if i don't have a crush on the guy if i don't like a p like if it physically he does not appeal to me and then i start to catch on that they're gonna do a redemption arc with this guy i'm like i can okay i can buy into this yeah but zuko had it all because he was so bad he was so bad and i love a bad boy and he's got like the scar and like the hair and i just love a sad boy i love a sad boy he is the ultimate sad boy his redemption arc beautiful i could talk about avatar all day i'm like gonna stop myself because i'll just go i'll just go on a tangent about avatar i really will so let's just say that like zuko has my heart forever i would say still crushing but like but he's you know he's like 16 in that picture so i'm just gonna put him on stand by it but you know zuko is my boy forever speaking of bad boys we've got sedo kaiba here i love yu-gi-oh i love the i have like hundreds of cards i love i like literally love playing the card game i used to have my mom bring me to the mall so that i could play in pokemon competitions and [ __ ] like i'm not magic the gathering pokemon yu-gi-oh i'm serious like i will play you and probably win i'm not even kidding anyway yu-gi-oh is my [ __ ] me and my brother used to watch yu-gi-oh and i would be like rooting for kaiba he was not a good person he's a piece of [ __ ] he really is watching the anime again first of all cringy pretty cringy [ __ ] like i was just watching it not too long ago and i was like ooh kaiba is a piece of [ __ ] for sure he's not a nice guy but something about his he's just so confident he's got all the blue eyes white dragon the fact like the first episode he's he takes grandpa's blue eyes white dragon and he already had two he just wanted them all that flex he just wanted to own all of them so that no one else would have any blue eyes white dragon and that move right there like i had to respect it i had to be like i'm i'm listening kaiba if this is how you operate like i'm just attracted to that apparently so kaiba has always been my boy yeah i stand by kaiba i'll always stand by kaba future trunks since he's here let's just talk about future trunks for a second so i'm a big dragon ball z fan future trunks is my favorite character by far and when he i will never forget when i because i watched it like in real time i feel like every day after school watching this [ __ ] and when future trunks first shows up and you're like who's this who's this uh who who's he he comes down he's got a [ __ ] sword purple hair this cool jacket he's from the future i'm sorry what and he's like here to save us he's like aloof he's mysterious who is he it's just a whole thing and like future trunks has been through [ __ ] and then you realize like nobody else has ever been through anything you know like they just they think that death is just a willy-nilly they'll just get the dragon balls they'll just fix it it's fine blah blah blah i just feel like once future trunks came on the scene he put so much into perspective you know i looked at goku and i'm like what are you doing grow the [ __ ] up like i started like losing respect for goku and [ __ ] because future trunks had actually been basically he came from the future because the whole [ __ ] planet gets destroyed and he knows how and why and who did it so he comes back to the past to help them not [ __ ] up because they were gonna and he was like you know what the future sucks so i'm here to help y'all get your [ __ ] together because we're about to get rocked okay i love him he's my sad boy i love him i still have a crush on future trunks it's about time for another baddie let's talk about chell from road to el dorado i hope everybody's seen that movie wrote the road to el dorado is that what it's called yeah one of the gems of my childhood um and this [ __ ] she i she [ __ ] my life up chow ruined my life i think i wasn't i don't think i was ready for a bad [ __ ] of her magnitude when i watched this movie like basically if you haven't seen it it's about these two guys and they're like from spain and they are scammers and like they steal [ __ ] and they like cheat and like gambling and stuff you know they're just like scumbags and they get caught by literally like the conquistadors i think or something i don't remember how they end up on they end up with the conquistadors somehow um and then they escape them but like they're on an island or something basically they end up at el dorado which is like the city of gold but it's like these it's like these aztec people it's like a aztec community but it's also a golden city or whatever i don't know and she's a part she's like one of the aztec baddies the two guys they're like bumbling idiots you know and then they like cross paths with chel and she helps them scam her own people into thinking that they're gods so that they're being worshipped and like chells in on it because she wants to go with them and get the hell out of there and steal all this gold like she's she and she's like scamming the scammers like she's like playing them too and she's just like such a baddie like she they had no right to draw her the way that they did i had nothing but respect for her i mean again just completely scamming men was like her aesthetic and i just can't help but be in love with her every time i see her i love her i want to marry her it's fine let's get some of these basic ass [ __ ] out of the way like danny phantom like obviously me and everybody else in the world love danny phantom i don't even think i need to explain why i mean he's he can walk through walls disappear and fly he's much more unique than the other guys okay so like obviously wasn't ready for danny phantom when he showed up on nickelodeon you know i went to nickelodeon i thought it was kind of like a safe place for me i didn't realize it was a thirst trap and like the whole show was a thirst trap like i was gonna have sam on this list too the the original goth girlfriend but i didn't want to i just like didn't want this to be a danny phantom list you know because it's i mean we all loved them you know but i really was into danny phantom like i would think about him constantly and like would definitely write stories about him and it's fine i don't want to talk about it anyway i'm just going to put him in i don't even know where to put this [ __ ] honestly lol because everybody loved him like i said obviously i stand by it because it was a trap laid for us the whole show okay and uh so yeah that's a thing um speaking of nickelodeon but maybe a little bit less uh conventional it that's that would be stoop kid if you were wondering this is stoop kid um i feel like i am alone in this i don't know i feel like people don't i feel like people like stoop kid but they're not like trying to they're not catching feelings for stoop kid like i was but as you know um i just kind of latch on to people and in fact i'm looking for it in every form of media because i just can't seem to survive without some kind of a romantic interest in every aspect of life so i hadn't had one in hey arnold yet and i think stoop kid spoke to me because he is a complex character okay he looks like he probably listens to metal you know i bet he like is the type of guy that like you can hang out with him and listen to like meshuggah and like corn and iron maiden and he's also a sad boy you know i can't resist he does have a unibrow but it's fine uh in a mullet also that is a mullet you're looking at and he but he's got like this i don't know his his issues are so complex with the stoop and [ __ ] i would have just sat with him on that stoop i would have been like when they were all like stoop kids afraid to leave a stoop i would have rushed out of the crowd and i would have been like shut up everybody like you leave him alone and like i would have just i would have rushed up to the stoop and been like i'm gonna sit with you arnold i'll take this one and i would have taught him how to read and like been with him you know because like you know i just i wanted to save him i wanted to help him heal but he's also stoop kid so i'm gonna say because i'm just i'm not i will be honest with you i have kind of moved on from my feelings about stoop kid like i think that i am not i just i think i latched on and we probably don't have as much in common he's he's a little mean a little too mean for me i think so i'm gonna say oof but at the time though because who else in hey arnold was i supposed to latch onto basically uh then we have let's yeah kakashi he's another pretty basic one i mean kakashi kakashi is the perfect man i'm convinced he is kakashi makes me feel safe always even when he is in over his head i still know that like he's gonna figure it out he's like your friend and i just as a man like as a as a future for me kakashi is perfect because i don't know he's just he's so what a man what a man what a man what a mighty found man like he is he's so strong he's so brave i love the mask i love the eye i love the powers but i love even more the heart the soul the fact that he loves romance novels the fact that he is just a baby he's baby he is baby i just love kakashi so much i will always love him every time i see him my heart lights up i'm still crushing on kakashi now and always this one right here might be a little confusing to you the picture but that is actually a frame from tony hawk pro skater one i think one or two uh my some of my favorite games ever just my whole childhood i was playing every single game every single tony hawk pro skater that came out bought that [ __ ] immediately i think that's the one for the gamecube but either way when i first got tony hawk pro skater the first game i saw you know i was trying to pick my character and as much as i loved tony hawk and rodney mullen and all these skateboarders uh i had actually never heard of bucky lassic until the game but i saw him and you know the first few games the graphics are not great i can i'll i will show you a close-up of that picture um but you kind of see this little picture of the guy and i was it was love at first sight for me with bucky last like i don't know what it was but i was drawn to this man and i was every time i picked bucky i was always bucky he was my go-to and he became my favorite skateboarder because i saw his his image in this game and it felt like soul mates it felt like he was my soul mate i you know at the time i didn't really have access to a computer or anything so it took a while for me to actually be able to like look the guy up and like see him in real time skateboarding so for the longest time bucky only existed to me in the game but he was like this i don't know i was like we were star-crossed lovers like we couldn't truly be together but like i could i always knew where to find him and to i could connect with him by having by skateboarding as him it was like this strange love across dimensions and it was beautiful so yeah he um he really captivated me and the funny thing about bucky elastic is i follow him now on instagram and he has a bunch of turtles and tortoises and reptiles and stuff i felt something there i've saw something in him like you know we're not you know like i've moved on i wouldn't say i'm still crushing on bucky last like especially not tony hawk pro skater one bucky lassic you know but it was a big part of my life i definitely would say i stand by it um and i think that i was right i pinned him you know because he is like he's like a reptile animal guy he's got like a bunch of tortoises again and stuff and i'm like i knew you bucky even then even through the game i just saw that little picture of your face and somehow i knew and it's just a beautiful thing so i stand by that for sure that was love true love i guess speaking of video game characters that i fell for there's leon kennedy um resident evil 4 is like one of my favorite all the resident evil games are just like they mean the world to me leon has always been another he's just like another safe place to run you know you feel like you can just trust leon with your life because he can you know he will always save you he's just a good guy you know i knew i loved leon for life forever when in resident evil 4 he's basically the whole time he's protecting he's like has to go and save the president's daughter ashley and uh i would say that she's really annoying but like i would have been doing the same ass [ __ ] like that would have that's me when i'm playing the game i'm screaming for leon also so i get it ashley honestly and so ashley is like younger than him right and he's like this hot like amazing prodigy who just saved her from like a thousand zombies among other things so much peril so many obstacles that this [ __ ] got herself caught up in the la plaga like it was really a big situation over there with that um and somehow miraculously she got saved by this one man it's amazing that he was able to do everything that he did and at the end they're like on a jet ski and they're like leaving and they won and ashley who is again portrayed as much younger than leon but leon still you know he's like a strapping young man for sure um but he's older and he's in a position of power you know and uh she asks him out she's like so when we get back uh home what are you doing and he's like no thanks because he's a good man he's a good man you know he knows he's probably a like completely and utterly so sick and tired of her it's not even funny but b he is not the type of man who's gonna abuse his position of power you know and take advantage of this young girl and that's how i knew that leon is is my the love of my life every time i see leon it's my heart is a flutter so i will definitely stand by that um who's next we got uh let's talk about aragorn aragorn is he's almost like too good like i feel like there should be a a tear above maybe there should have been a tear above still crushing that was just aragorn because he is my king he is my king i mean how the hell do you watch lord of the rings and not like want to just throw it all away for aragorn like he i just everything about aragorn he's just like this rogue rugged man who like ran away even though he's the literal heir to the throne he's supposed to be the king and he's in love with this elven woman even though all these other women are throwing themselves at him he is willing to go the rest of his life forsaking love because he can't be with arwyn i could go on and on aragorn is my king he is my gang i will never ever turn my back on him okay so this is robin williams if you were wondering um i used to just everything he did i was just in the palm of his hand loved everything like when i was really little like i think i might have started with hook i think it probably started with hook um or jumanji both hook and jumanji like who's watching those movies and not falling head over heels for him when i was like a kid like really young like six seven eight nine every time i saw him on tv i was just like i hope i find a man like that you know and just every his stand-up everything about him i would say i'm not like so crushing because i just like love him in a different way it's definitely not romantic obviously like when he died i was like in denial went through like the stages of grief it was like a real serious situation i miss him forever love him stand by it i would say yeah like not crushing romantically on robin williams haven't been for like since i went into double digit ages but he was definitely a great love of my life another great love of my life li shang um i mean how do you watch mulan and not like lose yourself in him in him like in every he's just a bi king first and foremost and he's just he's a sad boy yeah when i first saw mulan and i saw li shang i was like yeah this is gonna be my this is gonna be a theme in my life it's like this is gonna be a problem for me isn't it like men who act like this who look like this everything down to the man bun like this man was made to [ __ ] up my life honestly yeah i'll always have a burning love for him and i'll never get over it uh so yeah still crushing always gonna be crushing on him okay i've avoided it long enough um he's just been staring at me and i would honestly i think it's gonna make me feel better probably you i'm sure you're confused i'm just gonna rip the band-aid off that is murray the red wiggle and as you probably have figured out i am a little older uh than someone who might have been able to get away with the fact that they were really young and they just didn't know better but i have younger brothers who loved the wiggles and in my defense the wiggles are amazing okay like i just i would watch the wiggles with them and they were little i was babysitting the wiggles have so many bops i'm not even here to debate the fact that like fruit salad driving in the big red car dorothy the dinosaur song like i'm not ashamed of being a wiggles fan what i am ashamed of is how hard i went for murray for like a good six months i was and i was like 12 2 you guys old enough where this shouldn't have happened but it did and i don't really know why i think honestly it was just a comedy like he was like making my brothers laugh he was he had an australian accent in my opinion he was the most attractive out of all the wiggles and he was a guitar player you know i love a good guitarist and he's he's a sweet guy he's a sweet guy all of that together led me down a dark path where i really loved murray a lot to the point where i was like oh my god guys we should go see the wiggles live like the boys the little babies they would love it and i will take them like with you mom like i'll go with you so you don't have to go alone because i wanted to see murray and then one day i just woke up and i was like wait a second he's 45 and also murray the red wiggle uh and thankfully i was you know it was a clean break that was one i was i was as and it's nothing against murray he's a great guy um but i was planning on taking that to my grave and never telling anyone ever in my life here i am i guess i i guess i gave up i don't know so yeah let's remedy that with a good one like zero from a vampire name so zero um okay first of all if you've never watched vampire night i don't know i personally think it's a masterpiece others may not agree i don't know it's a mess actually now that i think about it it's it's quite a mess actually but it was one of the first animes i ever watched and i was really young like i was like 11 you know uh i was super young and zero this character this was passion like passion i had never felt before because oh his arc i'm having i'm getting the cells still to this day zero does it for me like if i if i'm if i need to feel something i'll just like it's on netflix i'll pop on one of my one of the episodes where like zero really does some like dark sad boy [ __ ] because talk about a sad boy basically okay so vampire night long story short is about this girl and she like was uh saved by this vampire uh when she was little and she just doesn't remember her past and she like goes to live with this guy who adopted another kid who's because her parents died and then like another kid's parents died and so this guy raises her and zero together and they like live in the same house and they're like old friends from childhood and zero hates vampires because they live in a world where vampires exist and yuki who's the main girl she has a crush on kaname who's the vampire who saved her and he's really hot but he's problematic honestly but she has a huge crush on kaname and they go to the school where vampires go during the night and then regular kids go during the day and so they have to like interact with them and the vampires are all like really well behaved and they're all really hot because it's like vampires are always good looking and everyone loves them and zero hates vampires okay he hates them because they killed his family so zero hates vampires he wants to kill them he's a vampire killer and then he gets turned into a vampire he gets turned into a vampire y'all so he is going through like this crisis this struggle where he has he has become the very thing he hates and he is struggling with that because he hates vampires and like there's this one scene where he where yuki lets him drink her blood and i'm like telling you when i was i was not ready for that at 11 this is why i am the way i am is because of zero but he was on it he's such a sad boy so he's a sad boy king still to this day forever i don't care how cheesy this [ __ ] is i love zero forever i would die for him death note is another one of the first animes i ever watched my life and l obviously you all know i love a boy who is a damn mess but he's smart and he's awkward as [ __ ] and weird and doesn't really know how to interact with people l is my bag i love him so much i just love him i'm not gonna spoil any of it but it's because if you've never seen death note just watch it like with vampire night all that stuff that i told you happens in like the first episode so i'm not spoiling anything l he's an entire journey and you need to watch death note if you haven't already but he's my baby however i would say that as time goes on i just he's become like he's not i don't know i don't love him the way i used to like i mean it used to be with me and l like fanfic.net all day every day 24 7. not anymore i would say i would say stand by it because i will always stand by l forever to my grave but it's just i don't know i've just he's been in my life for so long and just feel like he's just my old friend you know that i love so much and that we've just been through a lot together and i love him so much so let's talk a little bit about timothy frisbie the from the rats of nim to timothy to the rescue is that what it's called i don't even remember i got like a flashing memory of this movie as i was sitting down to think about all of the like weird childhood crushes i had and i did not watch it and i have not watched it since i was like eight but if you've never seen so that's a book the rats of is that what it's called the rats of nim escape from nem i don't even know the rats in them i think it's mrs frisbee and the rats of nem is that what it's called that's the first one it's a movie too and that's a great movie but then there's a second one and i'm pretty sure the second one is bad i'm pretty sure i would just assume that the second one is actually so bad because the first one's good but then they make a sequel and it's bad but it's about timothy and he's the little boy and the first one who's dying and making everything hard for everyone and mrs frisbie's gotta go do the whole adventure to save him and so he's the one who's dying but he grows up and he has a side bang and he saves everybody and he's like this cool teenager so when i'm eight watching this i become in love with him i obviously he's got a side bang i stood no chance i'm thinking about it now and i'm 100 sure actually that it's a cringy movie um yeah but he's got a side bang and he's cute and he was he's a hero okay and uh for that reason oof but at the time though because i was eight you know and when you're eight i think that you're supposed to love cringy [ __ ] however a movie that i loved when i was eight that wasn't cringy is cats don't dance there's sawyer right there let's talk about her if you have never seen cats don't dance i implore you to watch it i don't know what else to say cats don't dance is an absolute gem and it's like not everybody's seen it and it blows my mind it really does like i i felt like growing up that it was just a classic like everybody had seen that movie like me and my brother again watched that movie like constantly and like acted everything out and like did all the songs and that movie to me is not cringy like i think it's good i'm pretty sure it's good it's been a long time since i watched it but i feel like it's really good and sawyer the cat is my dream girl like she is such a baddie she's like just a no-nonsense [ __ ] like honestly danny the main character cat he's a sweetheart i guess he's just a dreamer but he's kind of like very annoying he's just an annoying man who like takes up man space that like and she and he gets in her face and he's just caught he's like embarrassing himself constantly embarrassing her and she is like doesn't put up with it she's like can you [ __ ] stop can you chill out please because you're really embarrassing people she's just a bad [ __ ] like she's a bomb ass singer she's amazing i love her and i've always been taken by her i don't think i'll ever be able to see her and not catch those feelings oh my god i can't believe i'm running out of space because i still love all of these people i believe it or not i actually did not expect that i thought that i had grown up and like matured but apparently not um okay let's try to do one that's not gonna be there i don't know who's not gonna be there uh knuckles let's talk about knuckles i am not trying to get wrapped up in the sonic community but i'm not to lie to you and just leave out my infatuation with knuckles and i will say that like this goes back to because i am old i'm an elderly person therefore i had a sega genesis and i'm wasn't uh you know i the sonic games had already been out i think when i started playing them they had been out for a little while because they came out when i was like born but i had the first sonic game and i played it and then i had the set and then i got the second sonic game and i was like oh wow tails is introduced cool but then sonic 3 came out i guess i just wasn't i don't know i guess knuckles is just like i wasn't ready for that like he's just so cool and he's bad he's kind of bad he's like a bad boy he's bad to you and i guess i like that because i am damaged i'm toxic i don't know and he was he's just not nice but he's like a character and i just i think that you know he's he's in a kinder so he's like a mono trim which is amazing like akindes are real animals and they never get representation in anything and then he does have like those are like this akinda spines but it looks like long hair and i love long hair boys so what was i supposed to do he's a bad boy with long hair and he's in a kinda so i was doomed knuckles has always been my favorite character i it actually makes me physically sick to see what knuckles has become i don't i don't subscribe to any of that um the new [ __ ] i wouldn't say that i have a romantic anything for knuckles now he's a bad boy that i love oh yeah he's perfect for this for this category this is perfect let's see here i think we should talk about kovu let's just get kovu out of the way obviously i mean if i'm gonna love spirit and like dodger and [ __ ] mewtwo you know that kovu [ __ ] me up forever obvi i mean what were we supposed to do we they left us no choice they made kovu hot they made him hot they made him hotter than we could have ever anticipated honestly he's so hot he's lying that's illegal it is it's technically against the law but he somehow ended up that way it's a very visceral memory like remembering specifically him growing up and sitting there and his mother his crazy ass mother xena is that her name zara xena what the [ __ ] is her name and she's pumped she's like aren't you gonna kill simba and he's like yes and i'm like what and he's got like emo hair he's a lion he's not supposed to have emo hair what so yeah i just never stood a chance ever yep he's the one he's the one kiara lock him down girl i would say definitely at the time because he is a lion for sure and i do not have romantic feelings for lions nor do i have romantic feelings for half wolf half huskies but there's balto because again i mean these are like these are level one animals that we love you know so i feel uncomfortable but better than these are all level one i think i mean come on you didn't you had a crush on baldo and if you didn't yes you did come on balto what a guy like that first movie the first movie is so good and balto he is so cool in that movie he's just so cool like when he helps in the race and stuff and he's talking to jenna and he's just like so cool and everyone treats him like [ __ ] all the townsfolk the other dogs as if they could even balto's half wolf sweetie he could rock your world he could rock your [ __ ] steel honey balto's half wolf y'all are making fun of him for being half wolf i don't even get it i really don't they it was toxic fragile masculinity and balto was so above that he was so secure in his masculinity even though he was insecure about being half wolf that scene where he's like out there he's like trying to get the medicine and stuff and like that wolf finds him i think it's his mom or something right like the white wolf and they like howl together and he like embraces the wolf part of himself and that duck that i really don't like the character but he says the one good thing in the movie i still remember he says a dog cannot make this journey but a wolf can or something like that and then like he remembers that and he like howls you didn't give us even a single ch you didn't even give us a chance to run buddy okay and he is a dog so he's going in this section but make no mistake i'm not ashamed of loving balto and being nine years old and going on balto chat rooms to talk to other fellow balto fans okay i'm just not ashamed i'm not going to apologize for that nor am i going to apologize for being in love with 2d from the gorillas so fervently that when i was and it was like in a weird age where i had just discovered um clint eastwood the song and i watched the music video and i would just watch it like over and over and over constantly and my mom didn't like the song and she wouldn't let me listen to it because they say i'm useless and she didn't like that she's like that is terrible no one's useless i don't want you listening to this it's so negative and i'm like okay that was i had to put my headphones on but i would just like watch that video and i was just like i like him he's like in a band you know i love 2d so much um i love him about as much as this i would say yeah because i still love the gorillas and stuff but i'm not like interested anymore like i i'm over it um let's talk about ryan ross here he is this is the this is as far as the spectrum goes because i loved ryan ross from panic at the disco so deeply and i don't think i let go truly until i was like 18 like honestly like i loved him from when i was like 13 until i was like 18. and there was a good few years of my life where i truly believed i was gonna marry him like i i and i'm not kidding i i know that i joke around a lot i really really really did think that i was gonna make it work because i'm a crafty [ __ ] like i i really thought i was gonna make it work i had a plan you know i was like gonna get really hot after high school and then i was gonna go and like just try to throw myself into his life in some way i was gonna move to las vegas where he lived and just try to try to bump into him and he was gonna discover that i am the girl of his dreams and we were gonna fall in love like there was just no other option for me i was like if i don't make this work i mean then what's the point because that was i love him i loved him i loved his soul i thought i understood him because i read his lyrics you know it's just the first love of your life that you really are like i don't know if i can do life without this man as my husband even though he is a like celebrity and i don't think and like i don't know how i don't know when i don't know where but i'm gonna i'm gonna make this work and like spoiler alert it didn't work out but i found a guitarist who's kind of shy and awkward and he he's better than ryan ross in my opinion i will always stand by ryan ross but i am over it i can't believe i can stand here today and tell you that i'm over the fact that i didn't end up marrying ryan ross but i am over it and i wish i'm nothing but the best i really do i had to move my screen down here because i can't be trusted not to be in love with all of my childhood crushes still i really did think that it was gonna um not be like this but i'm a simp second thing is that the sun came up because i actually didn't sleep and you know my secret now like i just realized like oh my god i bet they could notice i bet they noticed that like i the sun just came up because it was night time and now it's the day how am i gonna readjust to society who knows stay tuned so yeah the sun's gonna be in my face a little it's fine who's next um let's do the poco boys next so gary oak you guys know my type by now i mean he's so bad he's like so rude he's a piece of [ __ ] but i loved him i always loved him from the first episode i actually have a distinct memory of watching the first episode of pokemon like when it aired that's how old i am i'm that old it just seemed like you know ash is just such a little dweeb like and then gary oak like he knew what he wanted he went and took it every single time he really did and he like he knew he knew his worth he's very confident he's such a jackass he's a piece of [ __ ] for sure but he also i in my opinion i think he always had great taste in pokemon too you know he's like an eevee guy i'm an eevee girl for sure i mean it's basic but you know what who what beats an eevee you know you could have everything you want in one pokemon i'm sorry but like i think everybody would take an eevee if they had the chance um and i just i'm not even gonna lie to you i don't know what it is i've just never been a fan of pikachu ever i just don't know what it is i don't know if it's like i think i just think he's over hyped i don't know what it is i just don't really like pikachu that much i love raichu though it's weird anyway any i think gary has an arcanine too so i just always liked him you know and as the years went on i think gary really matured and uh he became a scientist too so yeah i love them i stand by gary oak always i support gary oak there's lance lance is a little bit of a controversial figure in the pokemon world he really is he is lance is a an elite four opponent but i think he's like the leader of the elite four he's like young and like hot and like self-assured and confident and like serious he's a dragon trainer yeah i know he's again a little bit of a controversial figure because like he he does some questionable things like yeah he has three dragonites that are all level 47 even though they don't evolve from dragonair to dragonite until level 55 not really sure if he's like artificially like making his pokemon evolve so i don't really know how he pulled that one off and yeah his aerodactyl knows rockslide even though that's not a move that they can know um so a lot of people think he's cheating or like whatever but he wears a cape okay he knows what he's doing he's a winner y'all are jealous i have always loved lance lance has always [ __ ] me up i stand by lance i don't care what anybody says i really do okay shigo obviously ruined my life as she does with everyone else's life she's bad she's evil she's not nice to kim possible kim possible is my girl and yet i found myself rooting for for chico a lot more than i care to admit because she's a baddie and i stand by her i don't care last but not least kk slider uh y'all already know i got animal crossing when i was really young sat down in my beanbag chair and then this dog is just there and it's a black screen and he's got the spotlight on him and he's just strumming the guitar and he he was also strumming my heart strumming my pain with his fingers singing my life with his words this boy's been killing me softly since 2001. you know i love kk and kk is a dog but when it comes to animal crossing especially kk i mean obviously still crashing forever i don't even care i will always love uk i mean yeah he just does something to me he's not wearing clothes and everybody else in animal crossing is and it is weird but it's not because it's kkk he can do whatever he wants he could do whatever he wants he could wreck my life and i wouldn't even bat an eyelash he could wreck my life he he has on multiple occasions and i just don't even care i let him do it and it is eight o'clock am so yeah that's my list and my psyche i am not okay and i hope that this list has illustrated that in many ways i thank you all for coming on this journey with me and i really honestly encourage you to let me know what your cringy embarrassing questionable childhood crushes are as well so that i don't feel so alone in this i love you all and i will see you in the next one you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 14,140
Rating: 4.9720035 out of 5
Id: adO6R12rrUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 20sec (4280 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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