RISKING IT ALL FOR MY DREAM VILLAGER (saw SO MANY rare ones) 400 NMT Animal Crossing Villager Hunt

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hey hi hello it's the Amanda files if you know me from a tick-tock not that I'm that relevant on tick-tock but I did get my animal crossing start on there and so I have all of you from tech talk to thank for getting my butt on YouTube finally I'm super excited and I'm you know I have stuff I've always wanted to do on YouTube but I am happy to be starting with Animal Crossing because to be honest there's not much else that I want to do these days then just rot in utter anguish on my island amongst all of the scumbags that I share this rock with I'm kidding I love my villagers but I mean at least like four of them it's a complicated situation over there it's getting better though slowly but surely I've mentioned briefly that there is some tick tock history here with this island so if you want to get all caught up on the tea you can go over to my tik-tok I also plan on at some point figuring out translating all of the tic TOCs over to youtube so you can get all the tea here but uh but yeah we are slowly but surely rebuilding a city in ruins because finally after all of these long years of hating her of shading her of trying every single thing possible to get her to become so miserable that she had no choice but to literally move Gloria the purple haired duck is gone ladies and gentlemen she is gone she was friends with no one she did not fit in from start to finish and I'm glad to never have to see her face again so now now it is time to fill her spot to fill the the hole in my heart that was there way before I even met Gloria it's just always been there I've always had at least one hole in my heart and so it's time to fill that with a man with a good man many of you may already be familiar with with my history on this island in particular this man right here yeah where do we even begin honestly he is a menace goose is my starter villager on new horizons I had him on my Gamecube as well but he never really did anything for me on the Gamecube in this game though he hits a little different I mean look at the man what's up goose what's up you know I'm replacing you today right this man has been absolutely dragging me through the mud and I'm done I'm done with him so that's why today is the day I am going to find me a good man not just any good man now no no I have a favorite villager and his name is Kyle he's one of those special like species which are my favorite thing and he is an African painted dog he's my dream villager so I'm going to stop at nothing to find this man however I will say I do not have good willpower at all so I know it's gonna be really hard for me to pass up like 50 villagers at least if not more obviously again looking for Kyle but I have three villagers that I will make an exception for the sucker herb and Marshall because I'm a basic you guys yes and I love those boys and let me let me just give you guys a glimpse into what we're dealing with here on my island it's in ruin okay I have literally zero cranky snooty or smug villagers benedict's is a great guy but goose is enough chicken you know we already have way too much chicken with just this man right here goose so benedict is next on my chopping block but Benedict Benedict is lazy then we've got Bella Bella is also you know I could take her or leave her she's peppy Chev right love her she's normal Pierce is a jock Bianca my love she's never going anywhere she's peppy Daisy is normal my girl pom pom you are you know she's my bestie she's definitely a peppy girl miss Phoebe Phoebe is sisterly and then goose the jock so I have two jocks normals three Peppy's one lazy one sisterly my goal is to have goose stay forever but watch me as I live happily ever after with another man after all he's put me through and ideally the other man would be this man right here but he won't move he won't move in I've asked him several times he's apparently got somewhere better to be so that's nice so yeah just kind of like a quick disclaimer for those of you who don't know me I'm kind of petty I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda petty I know that there are some people out there who get super sad when their favorite villager is called into question which I understand however you know I my favorite part of the Animal Crossing community and like the thing that's really fun for me personally is the pettiness about the villagers like we all have our favorites and we all have whether you admit it or not we all have those villagers that either like freaked us out cuz they're so hideously ugly or that we have beef with so my favorite villager is Kyle and say I come across a video and somebody's dragging Kyle I'm going into the comments section and I'm gonna defend his honor and till my last breath that's that's the fun of it it's like going in there and being like imagine not liking Kyle like get help some of the funniest comments I've ever read in my life not even when it comes to animal crossing but just in my life is y'all in my comments on tick tock defending your favorite villagers honor when I come for them that is what I live for that's why I come for them I actually I come for them because I just am petty in my heart of hearts and I just can't even help it but part of me like when I'm coming for those villagers I know that y'all are gonna be there to defend them that is what I'm looking forward to the most you guys can also go into the comments and like when I freaked out over a villager that I love you guys can roast them and I will come to their honor and it'll be it'll just be a full-out battle and I love it it's gonna be tea who is trying to tell me that Kyle is ready for this who's trying to tell me he ain't even ready y'all and anything that I'm wearing that has a custom code by the way I will put it in the description because these artists are amazing this like coat with the outfit it's stashed I think Kyle is not ready you know what I'm actually thinking we can do without the Hat I think that has a little too much I just I want him to look up and see me but not like see me you know I don't want to like I don't want to blind the man my heart is filled with joy just knowing that Kyle is literally out there somewhere just like playing his guitar like listening to metal and he has no idea that I'm coming for his whole entire life he has no idea and I love that that gives me like a lot of power so just a reminder and I'm not even like reminding y'all of this I'm reminding myself we're out here looking for Kyle Kyle is end game however if I come upon one of these islands and one of three of these villagers appears it's over end of the story Kyle's gonna have to be put on hold I will say they're all boys for a reason we have three boys on the island two of which are chickens you can see where the problem lies I'm I need help the rest of us are all snatched bays lots of girls on the island and as much as it's going to like rip my soul out if I see like Whitney Diana fuchsia Harry oh god if I see Jerry I'm gonna have to leave her ass to die on one of these islands it's gonna kill me but I'm gonna have to do it cuz I have too many bad on my Island so here we are our first island here I'm ready sir ahh oh my god Avery what are you doing out here in that scar for obvious reasons my friends I'm gonna have to pass on Avery because I mean even though I got rid of Gloria I still like have all these birds that I don't need on my island so yeah Avery Avery Anna I'm sorry Avery as much as I love you I have to pass I can't be doing this with you why are you just out here that's so reckless y'all like what am I actually gonna do if I see Apollo I love Apollo but I cannot I simply do not have room on my island for any birds oh get out of my way Benedict round to round two this is only the second round interesting ooh we are on a bamboo island this is a good sign guys this has to be a good sign okay who's out here in the bamboo who is out here probably somebody classy are you kidding me it can't be Oh coach it's coach come on are you kidding me all right Island number three here we go I just need some eye bleach at this point from coach I just need some I bleach are you kidding me it's buzz listen buzz you're really cool really cool guy I guess you've heard of me yeah no I need to stop we are here on island number four just as the Sun set over the horizon oh god it's beard out now ill get away from me I like your name alive you okay I didn't ask you yeah beardo aina but oh it's a peach Island [Music] he is absolutely one of the worst characters in the entire game cool love it great sweet love it let's get ready for another exciting episode of me screaming oh Jesus who's this this is uh oh my god with a pink monkey what is her name Nana na Nana you're staying here to rot sorry sorry Nana sorry Nana I mean she's a cutie she's like a cute little pink monkey Nana though girl have you seen like any wolves around here about this tall purple eyeshadow leather jacket ringing any bells you're useless you know honestly I might just stay well over home I am done who's on this another bamboo island another bamboo island is it gonna be another disappointment Oh who's here where's the boy are you kidding me I don't believe it this is happening to me again on the bamboo island no less this absolute this rajala diet is following me he's following me stop this is a curse I'm cursed I don't know why I'm cursed you know I'm just trying to find a true love connection out here and instead I'm cursed patty come on don't you have anything better to do patty than to be here with me right now you know and I just remembered you guys is that Erik exists Erik and Bo actually as a matter of fact and that troubles me because I don't know if I'll be able to resist them either but you know knowing my luck I probably we'll never find anyone that I like I'm probably just gonna be pulling up on the same few like raggedy weirdos that I've been pulling up on who's here Mitch oh my girl it's my girly girly girly girly girl and she's here waiting for me to come rescue her from this dusty-ass island and I have to tell her no how do I do this please send me some strength cherry what are you doing out here girlfriend you are better than this what are you doing out here you don't even have a damn ten cherry when I want to bring cherry home so bad and it really pains me does it not do it Oh someday Terry someday I will come back for you I promise I guess that that that makes me feel a little better I was really getting beat over the head with the ugly stick for a few of those islands there so that helps me feel at least like I'm not like totally cursed then again I feel like it's also a curse to taunt me with beautiful girls when I I just I mean I already have I love I love a beautiful girl but I already have so many beautiful girls and I need some beautiful boys damn it cursed she's cursed everybody the girl is cursed I have already lost count and I'm not even at ten yet I don't think Oh Ellie Ellie I like Ellie I like Kelly a lot hey Ellie how you doing I gotta go I'll leave you to it I really am a bit traumatized by these bamboo for us now I've I've had a lot of bad experiences in here tonight who is this Frieda is that her name Frieda Tim bruh whatever you're all the same I thought I might never run into anyone else here yeah I wish I wish you had been right girl all right let's see how this game wants to make a mockery of my life this time oh is that oh it's it's oh my god who is that butch oh my goodness Butch and we got an Alice moth butch can I talk to you for a second can I speak with you please another peach Island so I'm gonna have to fill my pockets here I'm never just gonna leave Belle's sitting oh who is it who is it who is it come on oh it's Pappy I love Pappy oh he's an okapi oh this is hard this is very hard for me this is very hard this one's a hitter this one hits really really oh god he's so cute I want him to come with me I can't happy I'm so sorry I love you so much and I don't deserve you okay so Pappy is another one of my favorite like I love all of the special like species that they take like the initial frame I was like a horse or like a wolf or whatever and they make them into like a very specific species like I'm a super animal nerd and okapi are my favorite they're like one of my favorite animals if you don't know what an okapi is definitely look it up okay API and they're amazing they're related to giraffes but they're totally their own thing and they're very elusive not a lot of people know about them they didn't even really believe that they existed until the early 1900s I think I think they thought they were like cryptids so I love okapis and the more I talk about them and the more this little baby angel keeps poking his head out at me the harder it is to resist him this is a hard one folks all right who's over here Dell Dell the robot ladies and gentlemen as if I need this he's cool but like in a way we're like maybe I want him to like help me in the laboratory because he's a robot the last time we gave robots rights was in Terminator and killed us all that's all I'm saying do I have to climb all the way up God who is that are you kidding are you absolutely kidding me no oh God I only saw the bottom half his foot and I already know who this clown is and let me just tell you right now I'm not happy about it some of you may know this but many of you may not ah during my last a villager search I ran into this man not once as if not once is enough but twice and now he's here again after I explicitly told him that I never want to see his face again this is Klaus and Klaus is clearly obsessed with me somebody needs to come and get this man because it is not going to be me ladies and gentlemen I'm not even gonna humor this man I did not get cute for this Wilbur I really need you to be extra careful I think I have a stalker like this is a life-or-death situation here for me I need you to help me avoid Islands where this man may be lurking because I'm worried for my safety okay oh my god I just remembered unka I just remembered unka how did I forget on guy I should be thinking about ANCA everyday I should be worshipping at the altar of Anka every day what if I run into Anka you guys what would happen I I think okay Uncas my only girl I think that's that I'm declaring that now Anka is the only girl that I'm gonna make an exception for on this journey that's it I have to be strict with myself I really do we're at the bamboo again this is not looking good well we're I'm scared okay who is it who is it ah spar oh no no no that's lucha lucha I am done we already have enough boys out there running around acting like fools by the way he's a bird that disqualifies you right away it's sad because um Blanche is one of my favorite villagers of all time she's like a she's an ostrich villager but again I have a thing for those species she's actually a Tundra Swan that's like her thing and she's my girl it would be very hard to pass up Blanche I think once Phoebe leaves I will definitely be trying to replace Phoebe with Blanche that would be my like ideal situation but I think I think I'm gonna make an exception if I see Alka I mean how do you just leave unka on an island I don't think that's possible there is no way I'm leaving Uncas where do I want to go that's a loaded question I want to go to an island that isn't gonna waste my time you know I work really hard for these nook miles and it's just really sad that some of them are being completely thrown away not gonna lie I think that you guys can do a little bit of a better job scouting these islands for me you know what I'm going through I'm just getting Orville and Wilbur our baby they really are I love them they're my boys you know we mess around okay so now we are hoping for Kyle Kyle Kyle if we don't find Kyle we're also gonna take sure marshal sucker bow Eric or Anka that's a lot I was over here like I'm gonna pick two villagers to be my exceptions and now I have like ten this is me okay Oh who we got oh my god it's fauna I loved fauna oh my god I have got to at least go say hi to her take a picture with my girl fauna one of the prettiest girls in the world actually hi girl look at how cute you look look here a little blouse let's take a silly one look at us go see this is a hot girl summer I don't even care let's see who's gonna break my heart this time oh it's oh gosh what is his name not rasher the other one spiked or something like that let's just go like find out his name it obvious no hard no I don't know I just he looks dangerous to me and not in a good way spike right did I say spike what did I say it's like you know it's 5:00 in the morning I've stayed up all night so it happens right everybody's heard of me obviously I gotta go I got to go return some tapes will it ever end actually it will end because I think I only have I mean I might have enough milk mouths for like one more ticket on top of the three I have so II not that I thought it was gonna go well in just 20 tickets is it gonna cost me a little bit more how can I help you out today or about that is a question isn't it how can you help me out let's see there is a list you can help me out by getting me professional help because this has been a very taxing and very hard situation for me I don't know why it's got to be so hard to find the love of my life or anka who is also the love of my life let's be let's be frank I'm ready I think I don't think we have to go through this every time I mean you see me I I get right off that plane and come right back over here I don't know why we can't just like have have this be like a more fluid loop you know who's this who's this clown oh is that Sidney Melba Melba she's a cutie Melba's cute it must be true what they say about how travel broadens your horizons this change of scenery is giving me a new perspective on life back on my island I like it well enough but don't get any ideas I I hear ya running out of tickets here boys come on throw me a bone Oh bones would be cute I might consider bones I'm consider bones I don't know there's like a lot of cuties I don't know we'll see another bamboo he'll love it I can already see them it's spork is that spork come on little bear are you sure you don't want to come move to my Islands we have a free plot okay if you want to live on your airplane forever that's your choice who's here I have had it with these peaches as much as you know they who's that oh it's a monkey it's um is it delhi is that delhi what a widt sorry oh she scares me every time she's got a scary face it's fine she's very unique leave it at that I've just been grindin trying to make some more nook miles so I can get some nook tickets what is this what are you doing sir see this is what I mean like what is his purpose what are you doing why are you sitting in the middle of like my driveway thank you he's oblivious I swear to God alright guys so after much deliberation and a moment of weakness you girl went on eBay and she got herself 400 400 miles tickets so now we're rich and we have all of the tickets in the world to spend on finding the perfect villager because I will stop at nothing I don't even want to begin to wrap my mind around how the people who get these tickets and sell them get these tickets cuz it took me like hours like basically I made this decision because I ran out of tickets it took me like two hours to make enough knuck miles to buy two tickets and I was like this ain't gonna work this ain't gonna work at all okay so I just broke down I went on eBay apparently it I mean it wasn't like it was I guess you know you just go to somebody's Island after you pay them and they give them to you I guess I mean hey honestly it shouldn't even bring tools because I get so sidetracked like getting little unnecessary things I just need to leave things there I don't know I'm just always trying to make a quick buck you feel that though right come on gig loosen his rein outfit though honestly it's different what am I supposed to do with that goose and it matches his little chicken feet I'm sorry focus on Kyle's paws focus on the cute little imprint of his paws on the sand to replace gooses weird chicken theme hi Orville yes it's your favorite girl I am back again to make more mistakes with you today see what I mean about I don't time-travel but I do occasionally I'm like a little bit like obviously we're still on the same day because very scary very scary is that Tom Nook we'll just fill that space if you don't catch a villager in time so I had to turn back the clock no cuz I I literally spent hours I wasted a full day with like 21 tickets I think I had like 25 tickets in the end or something and and that was because I was lollygagging okay I was pillaging those Islands because I'm greedy but it's it's go time we have 400 tickets to burn through mama I am NOT doing this yes you asked me every time you think I'm gonna pull up and not be ready come on it's fine honestly Orville can spit in my face and I wouldn't be mad at him so like before that was the that was that was practice we're not playing today oh it's Rory it's Rory so I like Rory I do but he's definitely not for me I am really really not a big fan of the lion characters but I like him because he's like a Chinese lion and it's really cool to me oh it's text I've already seen the likes of you text I know exactly what your game is I met text last time I was looking for a villager when I initially found Bianca after Hornsby moved and this was like you know I was kind of doing my same game like I was like no more smooth-talking Birds so type that's like I had to fade that we had like ended up in the same Island I think we're meant to be together I will give the man some props cuz he almost had me in the bag but not this time so you know what I realized I realized that I have 400 tickets and I'm getting Kyle like I don't I guess we'll see if it happens but I really really just want Kyle like it will tear my soul out of my chest to have to pass up Marshall can you imagine passing up Marshall and sure and ANCA uh-oh what is her name is it isn't just like kitty or something or Cat Cat or what is her name no that's not kitty oh my god girl what is your name you're so cute what is them okay this right here knows her villagers let me tell you hi cat hi pretty girl um no I'm leaving you here to die sorry well at least it's a money island so I'll be able to profit off of this probable mistake oh is that tipple yeah that's table and you know I think Thibault would be really great for for Bianca but it's not Bianca's turn it's my turn so oh I already see them it's rainy rainy is so sickening though oh my god she just gave me that look she like flipped her hair she's like I don't want you anyway get me out of here mm-hmm I am NOT a kangaroo person especially not a Walt but it was that Walt for some reason I think his name is Walt I am NOT up to date on my kangaroo lore for a second there I thought it was Pietro who is this lady Oh what's her name her name is like her name is like patty or something what is her name girl Dom not even close I'm like patty girl this uh it's Dhamma boy yeah yeah Dom's a boy for sure Dom is a Dom we are back at it again with the white vans hoping for a Kyle we're always hoping for a Kyle shake me up shake me up give me somebody that I can hardly resist do I have to climb all the way to the top like I actually swear to God if I have to climb all the way for tank for tank come on you leaf headed tank boy I you kidding me absolutely not here for survival training oh it's cookie oh I love cookie cookies one of my favorite girls I respect it okay I see you animal crossing you're finally starting to throw me some curveballs good cookie Lynn get over here right now and give me a hug I love you cookie I've met you before once upon a dream the only thing that can cheer me up after having to reject cookie is Kyle Deirdre y'all are chirping me oh no I feel personally attacked honey I love Deirdre obviously Deirdre is completely and utterly sickening I'm actually gonna puke look at Deirdre listen listen oh dear who is this yep yep Rex actually now Rex is cool Rex is cool I like Rex I think out of all the Lions I think Rex and Rory are my favorite with that being said by Rex so you guys want to know like a secret um I stayed up all night I stayed up all night I did not sleep and it's 12 p.m. I didn't sleep because of this so now I'm wondering if I should get ramen or pad thai because I me I'm giving I'm like rewarding myself with noodles for this because I'm so cracked I like I'm not even like I think I'm not even a like a hundred ticket I did not even close like I think it might be 50 tickets and I'm already like I'm like shattered so it's just funny to me like that I was like I can do this like 400 tickets let's go it's just really grueling I'm gonna do it though you know even if it takes me a lifetime oh I already know it's not Kyle who is that who is that you know what I don't know who that is I actually have to ask him his name it'll come to me once he says it Yuka hi you good bye Yuka who's this oh my god don't tell me it's Chester come on I got pad thai and now I'm full I also got like this really yummy cauliflower that was like I can't even describe it like sauteed and I had like sweet and sour it was like a sweet and spicy sauce on it girl I am ready to get a man he is always lurking by my house can I help you sir I am hyped I'm hope to find a boyfriend goose you tried it though you really did I've been given to some thought I think it's I think I'm I think I'm full like I need Kyle or bust at this point I really am like I was thinking about it while I was eating my noodles and I was like I think I would be able to say bye for now to Anka and to sharp and to bow and Eric even the only one I'm like I'm worried about is Marshall cuz like how do you how do you pass up Marshall like I got a pic Kyle or Marshall you know they're both smug so it's always gonna be Kyle it's always gonna be Kyle please don't be Marshall as long as it's not Marshall oh my god what is this man's name he's got a weird but he's got a weird but ladies and gentlemen I believe that there is no rhyme or reason to any of this like I've heard a lot of theories of like you know that there's sets of the litters that at certain times when you go out looking or that like if you have this many of one type of villager and you don't have like say you don't have a smog or a cranky or a snooty which I don't have any of that you're like gonna get more of those uh yeah no because you would think that if this game was aware of the types of villagers I had and wanted to like diversify my island a little then I wouldn't be getting any Pepe or jock villagers but I've been getting a lot of jocks and a lot of puppies Oh which is weird so you know I feel like I've only gotten a few of the smug and snooty and cranky villagers so I think it's just totally random which is crazy to me that I got my worst II Claus three times out on these islands not this time I got him twice last time I was looking for a villager but still like what are the odds what are the odds tell me why see do you see what I mean ladies and gentlemen I don't know why I'm so obsessed with picking weeds like as if that's the most profitable thing I'm always like a leaf will buy these for a high price but not really like he buys them for their twenty dollars a pop I really have to stop you guys I'm gonna go what if I get a nut challenge to get to get um to sell shells and I'm like girl you just literally spent like ten buy was only ten bucks but like ten bucks on on four hundred Nick miles tickets I think you're good and I have like all the Nook wares you know why am I doing this I think I'm just like I'm trying to like put off the inevitable see I'm like oh these are good weeds I can't pass these up leaf need some weeds why am I doing this because I have a TD or because I'm scared because I don't want to get disappointed again you know the drill Wilbur heart's been broke so many times that I don't know what to believe I don't know if I can believe that you are my friend Wilbur cause look at this who is that again please remind me of your name it's Renee I should have known I should have known I know Renee I know you girl yo yo yo god I have got to get out of here at once Wilbur I know there's a good man inside you I know you hooked me up I know you hooked me up on this island come on Wilbur nice nice it's cashmere that's great I don't know anything anymore I really don't I mean like it's a descent into madness this is actually like you know they always say like oh that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results exhibit a exhibit am i this is my descent into madness who is this Rudy okay Rudy what who told you that goose goose told you that you can have him will over why are you doing this to me what would DotA's do or Vall what would they do they would just screw over their friends they would just put their friends through unnecessary misery when they could just do a whole aerial search for Kyle like we could do a whole search and rescue we could look from air if you could just give me like a window seat I could look out the window and I could direct you and I could tell you when we need to make our descent because there might be a Kyle on the island that's what I would do I don't know what Dodos would do though oh my god Lionel Butch again didn't I have butch already I didn't like that it was getting dark so I just pushed it back a few hours a few hours meeting like in like 12 hours actually it's fine a bamboo never a good sign it's the one with the wart on his nose what's your name again puddles no this is Huck listen rocket she's real sweet but somebody needs to talk to her about her outfit okay it's your responsibility if you love her if she's your friend you gotta talk to her about what she's wearing you really do that is not fair rocket I didn't mean to take all this out on you I really didn't but you look like a vibrator okay Greta she just looks like the Karen that's at the store right now yelling at people for wearing facemasks during a pandemic so I like snake because like I like I like Metal Gear Solid so like of course I like snake but that's about it Hornsby I'm not even gonna talk to him I know him he lived on my island this is where you ended up huh nice doing well for yourself this is amping up y'all the stakes though I wish I could give you to everybody in the comment section who's dragging me right now for leaving you is it ever worth it to climb a mountain oh I'm actually gonna cry because I'm so cracked and I haven't slept okay ladies and gentlemen we are at a crossroads we're at a crossroads you remember what I said in the beginning how I would take succor I'm about to do something that I never thought I would do oh my god uh it hurts me in my soul this is killing me oh my god oh it makes me sick to my stomach y'all if this ain't worth it I swear to God in this life or the next I know that we'll meet again this is not over I gotta leave you here I got it I gotta leave you here I'm so sorry I love you so much I'm devastated I mean if I can weather that I can weather anything and now I owe it to Zucker to find Kyle I owe it to him because if I don't find Kyle then I left him there and I rejected him for nothing it needs to be for something it has to be for something so sucker this one's for you [Music] [Music] I wasn't prepared for this I have no speech prepared I have nothing prepared for this moment whatsoever this is getting real this is getting real it's getting personal he's looking so good in that leather jacket I love Apollo obviously everybody loves Apollo he's not boyfriend material he's grandpa but he is daddy as well he's so daddy that he's also grandpa he's kind of like a Jeff Goldblum the socks I promised sucker I would find Kyle and then Apollo steps on the scene he's not even boyfriend material I just want him on my island for selfish reasons hello he's a bird what I'm about to do is illegal this is probably one of my my darkest moments I'm not proud this is topsy-turvy to me like this is cuckoo this is like kooky I feel like I'm living in an alternate you know I feel like I am like so tired that I like don't even know the mistake that I'm making right now I really I don't know how I'm even doing this now it's on it's like on on like the sucker was one thing obviously I didn't mention that I was gonna stop for Apollo but like I didn't even entertain the idea that I would like run across him and so I didn't even prepare for like how this moment was gonna go it feels totally backwards it feels like walking out of your house with no pants on like it feels crazy and kooky but I'm doing it because because Kyle is worth it Kyle's worth it sucker is worth it I got to do this I'm doing it you guys I'm not gonna stop I'm gonna find Kyle if it's the last thing I do and now I have not only Zucker but I have Apollo on my conscience right now here we go we're doing this we're doing this no more messing around no more mr. nice guy not planned Wolfgang's my second-favorite walls he's like wearing his Leon Kennedy jacket I am done wait here follow me uh I just makes me sad Wolfgang this better be worth it how much more can a girl break after having a pass up Wolfgang who is this Avery again [Music] listen Avery love you love the scarf don't ever want to see you out here again oh my god you again this is the Terminator this is Judgment Day I can't even believe this it can't even believe this am i a joke to you this girl I think this is like a form of psychological torture I'm like I'm like us an experiment right now this is this is messed up oh look at her look at her she's perfect from head to goddamn tentacle okay how am I supposed to leave her here I have to remember sucker I have to remember Apollo I have to remember Wolfgang this might just be the hardest one yet y'all are gonna kill me ah Judy she's such a pretty girl look at those lashes my god she is definitely sending me I mean I'm not gonna invite her no way no way in hell that's so petty if only I'm sorry girl all right is it a go is it a go though Wilbur I'm gonna have a go at you if you're not careful I'm kidding I'm kidding I love Wilbur hmm all right uh who is this are you kidding me this is actually an act of war get an Jovi out here who's this flora Oh flora she is a I don't know have you ever heard of a flamingo she's a flamingo ladies and gentlemen I don't know why Wilbur's doing this to me there's no way that you're telling me that Wilber's didn't see this pink ass flamingo from up in the clouds there's no way he's doing this maliciously to me I told him what Kyle looked like and so this is a personal attack he stopped here he didn't have to uh and he saw a big pink walking around up top on the mountain no less she's on top of a mountain so there's no excuses can you throw me a crumb a crumb of concern for what I'm going through no nothing you got nothing huh all right cool I'm really hoping that you made an effort on this island I really am is this a pink villager are you serious Wilbur why are you doing this to me don't you see that I'm a ragged soul Orville can you can you check your brother please I think he's playing a cool trick on someone who is a weary wayward spirit and I don't think that's very nice oh my god it's my favorite doc it's my favorite girl it's Molly Oh at least I'm getting bang and villagers like this has given me some hope I've been getting hairs after hitters out here for real I am I'm on a I'm on a streak okay the streak is over it's ham free woof like I said I don't like the robots I think that they are inanimate objects this is gonna ruffle a lot of feathers no pun intended but sprocket anit for me at all another day another bamboo nightmare it's fine um we'll see who's out here and then in the stocks out here in the stocks and it's you rodeo the cursed bull he reminds me of the friggin ball that's in the last unicorn that's keeping all the unicorns in the ocean because of the scary King you guys remember that movie are you guys okay I'm just starting to like lose steam you know it's just like such a grueling process here he is there's Keaton love Keaton but not today yep that's me you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation this is unprecedented I'm here on this island with Octavian my boy and to make matters worse I've successfully gotten all three of the octopuses and it is octopuses actually it is a Greek root not a Latin root so it is octopuses however of course everybody you are free to call them octopi octopod as of now I have gotten all three of the octopuses in Animal Crossing so how about that um so high is the sky this is my girl Skye she's a beautiful cloud princess she's in the midsummer cult but it's okay sweetie honestly if you're in that cult with that shirt I am about to jump off this whole entire mountain if you would like to watch for like your cold like and hit my face on the rock and everything it'll be great peach hell here we are peach hell and it's wort jr. I can't even do this and guess what I'm leaving the peaches for the first time in my life that was a hit I took a hit with ward jr. I did not need to see his face right now we're juniors probably one of my worst days but we can even it out with a fresh Kyle I'm never gonna dance again guilty feet of God no rhythm obviously a I'm cracked completely crashed I'm gone and be like why this is bad this hurts me bad but I mean like I you know if anything I'm just like hey Zucker don't worry I'm still not giving up hope like your sacrifice is not going to be in vain I'm gonna get the boy I'm gonna get Kyle and I think the sucker honestly I think that him showing up again he's giving me his blessing he's giving me in Kyle his blessing that's what that's how I choose to interpret it however I am never gonna dance again haha oh my god okay first of all I got really excited for a split second cuz I thought that was Kyle then I realized it was a Vivian Queen Vivian of my life she is so sickening she's so pretty she's my girl she and look at the side I can you she just fried me Vivian ended me it's just kind of funny to me how I'm literally getting all of the wolves except for Kyle I mean who's next Audie we're gonna see Whitney next we're gonna do some logo action some chief and then maybe maybe at the end when I'm bloody and battered then Kyle will come when I've been there's nothing left of me and it's Rosco you look like you would hang out with Kyle tell your friend Kyle to get his ass down here now I need to speak with him immediately I have mad love for Hamlet but he ain't Kyle I do love Antonio though hi Antonio don't even come for him he doesn't have a neckbeard anteaters like all mammals have hair all over their body including their chest and their neck and everywhere he doesn't have a neck beard he's a baby okay be nice to him oh my god is that butch again it is another day it's the same day an animal crossing but it is another day for me I have gotten sleep don't worry I'm a little less crack than I was before and I can't even believe it I I want to I wanted tonight you guys might have noticed a little yesterday I was like in complete denial like why is my controller acting up my controller is broken I have I have droidcon drift you guys it's it's this is a pretty new controller - I am devastated to say the least I ordered a new controller so that'll be coming tomorrow it's it's overnight shipping but hopefully I'll be able to play right now it's being good right now it's being good it's not like completely unplayable I'm so glad that this is like Animal Crossing and not like you know a survival game or something like Resident Evil or like Red Dead Redemption or something god I can't even imagine okay I guess I can't play Red Dead Redemption on the swedge I don't know why I also have a ps4 see oh god the drift I'll try to cut out all the parts where I'm just like screaming money island oh wait they're always on this side I think now see I know how these islands like layouts oh come on really high high cube what is epic you guys did we talk about cubes eyes oh my god are you kidding me he reminds me of like an evil scientist from like outlast that like the one that tries to cut you up Cobb are you kidding me Stu I'm so ready to just see Kyle I just I keep picturing in my head I'm really good at manifesting stuff I manifest the f out of everything in my life I swear to god I've manifested some really cool stuff so I'm like a herpetologist and I study reptiles and amphibians and I went to the Amazon rainforest and I went there to study anacondas and I went there with like a hero of mine he like wrote this book about the Amazon and and then I became friends of them and he's a conservationist too and and I love green anacondas they're my favorite species of snake one of my favorite animals I have a tattoo of one on my arm I love them and I really like you know I went there and I wanted to like prove myself because it's like I'm a small fish in a big pond especially when you go to like the Amazon rainforest like this was nothing compared to anything that I've ever done in my life is the biggest adventure I've ever been on and I wanted to like prove myself to like my hero to like all the people we were with and and we were having like a really really hard time finding any anacondas because they're so hard to find like they're huge but they're really really hard to find because they're they live so much of their life in the water and the water is really murky and you can't just like go diving in the water because there's like electric eels and piranhas and came in long story short it was like a week nobody had found an anaconda and I kept like manifesting in it was just like it's gonna be me I have to find this anaconda it has to be me even though as with all these experts guess who found an anaconda on the day before we left it was me I manifested and I manifested a harpy eagle while we were there too so I'm not like a spiritual person at all I just like sometimes I just manifest stuff it's just that's how it is is that oh oh oh-hoh there are tears springing from my eyes currently so apparently that wasn't just because I was overtired that's because I just cry over Animal Crossing villagers it's fine ah you remember when I said that sucker was very hard but Marshall would be the hardest so here here we are I have every mind to invite this grumpy emo squirrel to my Island right now I have every mind Marshall Francis what do I do see I kind of wish I was like twitch streaming this so that I would have like people they would all be telling me like what are you doing take the boy take the boy I can't even believe this I thought for sure when I say whether I said this I don't even know if I said this or not but I thought for sure I was like there's no way I'm gonna be I'm gonna be running across friggin Marshall there's just no way there's just no way or so I thought I can't believe this right now can you guys believe this cuz I can't so um in case you haven't noticed yet Marshall the squirrel is here on this island with me I made a promise to sucker and I made a promise to Kyle the wolf y'all in the beginning remember when I said in the beginning who did I say I was gonna stop for I just I'm so desperately sad I gotta go I gotta go before I change my mind marshal I'm sorry [Music] this one goes out to all the villagers we left for dead [Music] [Music] next time on the search for Kyle my life is a joke [Music]
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 103,052
Rating: 4.7793655 out of 5
Id: 1bkF9_c4z30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 48sec (3408 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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