How I Accidentally Became Friends with Magnus Carlsen

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gg everyone eat [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm done i've done it i've superseded man himself i've hit the next zone everybody at all my competitors thank you and eat [ __ ] cause it is in magnus carlsen himself uh yeah i do think the event is doing a pretty good job in bringing chess to more people i'd never stoop so low as to watch it myself though if i did watch i'd probably be rooting for ludwig that was more of a swedish gothenburg accent but the point remains magnus carlsen himself a ludwig fan xqc malding if you stooped that low and actually watched my superior gameplay maybe you wouldn't be losing all your recent games ah it feels good it feels good to win life i and i want everybody to know because i think a lot of people are concerned i am like i i don't have a big ego here like i'm able to remain level-headed i get it it's just harder for me to relate to you guys now because i think i'm better than you does that makes i know that comes off bad but the facts just remain so each [ __ ] every single person at the pog champs event i'm taking the whole [ __ ] down magnus carlson coaching session nine to nine but anyway i have no [ __ ] clue why that happened i saw on twitter and then i i didn't i was like half asleep and i was and i was like magnus carlson and he tweeted ludwig and i was like huh and then i just kind of like went to lsf and i saw the top post this magazine carl magnus carlson is rooting for ludwig and i was like huh what the [ __ ] happened today how is this the morning i woke up too hi guys this is not ego face everyone is freaking out ego phase this ego phase that the ego is okay i'll make a couple of youtube videos sure a couple of you what is the big deal magnus is my friend and so we have one friend there is nothing wrong with friendship anyway in conclusion magnus carlsen and i are best friends i have to win pogchamps three now i'll i will say i've told this before on stream but i was very close two years ago to uh doing a stream with magnus carlson way back in the day me and magnus had an agreement to do some content together in fact we exchanged 27 emails me and his team now this was 2019 april 2019 so almost two years ago i had about how many maybe a thousand viewers at this time maybe probably 300 actually probably 300 viewers real story yeah real story and basically i had reached out and i said hey i'm a professional gamer and twitch streamer who mainly specializes in fighting games a very casual chess player but love the game and want to dedicate 30 days to full-time setting and practicing to be as good as possible right now my elo is a pathetic 700 i'm curious to see how high i could bring it after fully applying myself i want to use the best tools available and i know play magnus which is an app he had just released at this time that lets you play magnus at different ages of his life is a great tool and i would push it to all viewers during my progression not asking for payment any form or sponsorship but i'd love an exhibition match with magnus on twitch to show how much i've progressed let me know you think and if you're available looking forward to uh meeting mr carlson as well they said thanks for reaching out we'll look hop on a call and we basically work out like a pretty cool plant i reached out and and you can ask all these people i reached out to hugs s fat alpha rad cheese tof bobby scar zell mango all to play a game of chess with me and i said hey this is the combined following of all these people i'm going to play a game with all of them on my road to magnus and that was the content idea and they were like god damn wait this is kind of hype and we we were like we had the plan set up they tell magnus about it right because this was only within the team it wasn't magnus himself it was his team this is the exact message hi ludwig we had a very good response from magnus about doing this but he then thought it would be interesting to play a simul of players so playing multiple players at the same time who did this train to meet him and then he would play them all at the same time a magnus vs the streamer world kind of event do you think this is interesting which makes sense magnus like huh how about instead of playing this shitty ass 1000 rated player we play everybody at once and i said yeah i mean i'm down and then they're like can you confirm all the players and i'm like yeah i'll do that for you i'll do that and then i never followed up because they wanted me to basically connect every single player to their team do all the work of having all 15 do a symbol for magnus and instead of this being an event about me doing road to magnus it was pretty much magnus simul play against 15 big streamers where i am a 300 viewer andy and so pretty much i'm just doing grunt work for a small piece and playing magnus it just didn't feel worth the effort so i didn't do it no [ __ ] way chat look i'm no narc you guys know this about me but magnus carlson just dm me and us that the story was real it is very real it is very real magnus it is very real indeed this is absurd man streaming's an absurd profession huh anyway magnus hey well look if you guys want to set up a simula i'm down or anything i'm easy oh [ __ ] off oh my god you know who told me it was austria during this round do you know who told me i want i want you to take one guess and who backseat gamed told me it was austria when i guessed it was switzerland yeah it was magnus bro magnus you got to give me one game all right you can't have chess and geoguess or you can't be better at both it my ego it's it's gonna fall we have to have it at a certain level we just can't have this i honestly and people don't give me enough credit i am doing this with a huge dis disability is that the right term yeah disadvantage maybe more accurately i'm american i'm not trying to say being in a no i worded that poorly but that's because i'm american too all right you know what let's try this this is a good idea we're going for another round but this time with a special guest magnus how are you doing i'm i'm all right i uh imagine it's quite late for you right now right oh it's okay i'm a night owl all right fair enough fair enough now have you heard of this game before geoguessr uh i haven't actually played before but i was pretty interested in geography when i was little so i'm hoping to help a little bit i am i'm not gonna lie when i saw you dm you the country that i got incorrect and now hearing that you've played this game never in your life and just for some context i've played about like 50 hours in the past two weeks but you know surely surely with our brains combined we can get an excellent score uh even though i'm american let's let's try it looks uh like this looks a bit arabic no definitely does the only thing i can say for certain uh is that it's not israel because they have yellow license plates i don't know if it's like united arab emirates for me we really don't have a lot to go on let's can you zoom in on the street sign yeah this one right here it says 30. yeah and then more arabic i would imagine i uh usually just go for united arab united arab emirates or jordan because like they don't really have it could be jordan yeah it could be jordan oh this is a giant shopping center does it say the bank of something i'm gonna say yes but i can't how can you read that on this one i mean i'm going to squint as hard as i can sure if it did have english words though i think that would be the uae you know because they have they would have like more foreigners yeah it could be uh i mean it doesn't look like dubai or abu dhabi it could be something like sharjah or something oh have you been there yeah well not to sharjah but to to dubai yeah okay so you've okay that's helpful like yeah the world championships going to be in dubai this year oh okay yeah i haven't gotten my invite yet by the way i don't know if there's like does that get lost somewhere anytime for you or yeah it got lost in the mail along with the whole simul business yeah surely surely it'll come though surely it'll come all right uh i'm down for either then you think jordan best i don't know frankly i don't think uh it could be iraq as well actually i have never seen a rock but i so like there are certain countries that they just don't have a lot of information in i just think google doesn't have the cars in like syria iraq iran none of those really come up often yeah probably just go with the uae uh all right i i don't know uh i suspect it's wrong but i'm gonna go with it i'm gonna go with it and i just believe take a stab that's a fantastic guess uh but i said yeah i actually said sharjah but it was it's right there yeah no it's right it's right in between i would say but probably the city skyline could be sharjah from where we were looking it could be yeah wow okay well that's a good start i would argue that was pretty cool okay a little bit less now we're in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere is this this is this not does this give you any norway vibes i would imagine nothing the bay area you think this is california no no i mean no no i mean there is a county called sausalito oh it's obviously not in the bay area yeah yeah yeah you you're probably correct um but as a californian i can assure you my knowledge of california is smaller than yours and i do have this trick which requires the sun which i think is over here which means we're in the southern hem we're in the southern hemisphere i think nice argentina then maybe the sign looked spanish i think argentina could be a fire guess we're just trying to get the country at the end of the day but i think i have let's go with argentina let's just take a stab worst case scenario we're wrong but we still got the one amazing guest to carry us [Music] very close though that was tricky that was tricky i mean the exact right latitude uh but that was that was a tough one what is this this is beautiful this is your wheelhouse i feel like i'm gonna need something more to go on oh we actually might be in the southern hemisphere again oh then australia i think i can't cause this if the sun is in the north you're in the southern hem and then vice versa uh the sun seems to be pretty proudly in the north so i think i'm in the southern hem and we're driving on the left so it's australia new zealand or south africa probably in new zealand because it looks a little a little too cold somehow for for australia to me i don't know i have no clue so i'm just gonna follow your lead here i have no idea no idea if it's new zealand it would be impressive i would be impressed i'm guessing holy [ __ ] i'm pretty impressed i had a bad click i had a bad click admittedly but off your wisdom i mean the country's right and that's what we're looking for imaginably this is american because we haven't this is the u.s yeah must be in the u.s i'm trying to narrow down maybe the state to get just extra bonus points but america's too [ __ ] big i'll keep it a buck i have no clue but i'll go almost maybe i'll go like pennsylvania a little bit centered nice i very will be a little more south oh very alabama oh really yeah that wasn't even close the u.s is a it's an anomaly i don't understand how alabama can look like new hampshire to me i guess uh that's i did something wrong growing up they just gave us nothing at all is there even a road sign i'm gonna imagine that we are driving on the left but i don't know why i think i'm just making that probably just making that up yeah we actually might even be in the northern hemisphere this is a tough one this is the hardest one highland they drive on the left yeah and i think if we are in the northern hem which is where i'm leaning then a country like thailand makes a lot of sense it'd be impressive okay look you have to miss we were too hot we were too hot we had to miss you can't get it every time but so basically driving left was absolutely yeah it was uh me talking us into a falsehood uh also southern hem so pretty much all the information i gave was uh was was quite wrong but hey a good attempt regardless 1500 is nothing to scoff at uh it's like up there with no idea what's good or good or bad but i think on all all but the last one were pretty close look i'm the it's available yeah and then you're bilingual and then all of a sudden you are like the hottest commodity in the country and then everyone in europe speaks minimum two okay i'm i let's do one more round all right then i'll go another stab at it shirley will crush our score that's just the goal just beating our score and uh as long as they're more kind to us which i think they are because we have a flag here i don't know what it is oh there's a sign oh this looks like thailand okay this must be thailand really is that this is thailand how about have you been to thailand what is his confidence i've been to thailand yeah sure it was not at all where i clicked but it was thailand right on the border barely yeah but hey still count okay that's all that matters we're very good uh wow okay well you got that oh my god okay one mile okay there's a large i'm trying to see if it says dot-com but i i don't know if that is c-o-m overcast today so i have no idea what hemisphere we're on look we're driving on the left looks a bit looks a bit shabby i would definitely say it is it's definitely not not too shabby certainly shabby could be an appropriate word the english is what's throwing me off english speaking yeah that's what's throwing me off but i i it could be do they drive on the left in malaysia is that absurd um i know they're driving the left mine doesn't look like local asian nation though yeah let's just decide on a continent probably asia somehow is there any way we can go try and narrow this down because we're really not getting much to go on here okay hold up let's look around let's research is this the ocean wait this is the ocean okay or is it isn't it no i think it's just a vast ocean i can't imagine it's like a it's a huge body of water regardless so the the web address once again if it's not dot com philippine like it looks like dot now i'm seeing it like to be on do you know what it actually looks like it looks like [ __ ] it doesn't look like an oh it looks like a udemy but i don't think anybody uses dot-com because that probably wouldn't fly in an english-speaking country i like the philippines i think if it's not the philippines it's probably malaysia both of them if it's if it's if we think it's an island then it's going to be on on borneo probably you show me look let's just do it this way i'm an american so we need to make this easy is this am i warm here or is this warmer which one do you prefer like this side or this side whatever let's go with just one of them all right i'm gonna go right here cool no i'm switching make it somewhere close to the shore yeah at least yeah yeah but this is brunei and that's too close that's too tropical you're saying i'm going here uh yeah oh my god wow i should have stuck with my click but still fantastic wow it wasn't borneo so we spent a [ __ ] load of time on this but i mean we spent it for good reason we had almost no information and we got it within 150 miles i think it's that's that's good i'm happy with this this actually was this yeah this was nothing brunei oh this was in malaysia yeah i was in malaysia we got the country right uh just a little bit off okay let's who's this we gotta get something from this yeah what is this man they're just plastering it's like a i can't tell if it's like a barber or political no it's a bad hand guy ng nigeria that's dot ng no nicaragua also makes sense okay let's just look around a bit more so they're driving i can't tell what side of the road the colors of the bus is the same as the colors of the flag of nicaragua and ng would also make sense so i've never actually had nicaragua but let's just look around a bit more yeah drugstore okay okay here it says drugstore that's no good do you mean no good in the sense that it changes it's probably not spanish then yeah okay yeah this is not spanish speaking this is not nicaragua this is clearly east asia yeah for sure dot ng though it might not have been dot ng it might have just been ng and that might mean something in the philippines yeah there are spanish names in philippines as well they were colonized by spain at one point it would make perfect sense that it's uh the philippines in spanish uh yeah then i am down to go there is there any reason it wouldn't be the philippines and like thailand or somewhere else in that area i mean they have spanish names and so no i think this must be the philippines okay it is the philippines absolutely i don't think i would have uh gotten this very strange road but it is the philippines which is another great guess uh did not know they're colonized by the spanish and i think we are continuing the asian country trend here this looks like it's probably a muslim country though i thought i saw some yeah i would assume we're in maybe bangladesh yeah bangladesh seems like a great guess it's bangladesh well wait no that's turkey right am i crazy i don't know i'm overthinking it i'm overthinking it don't overthink whoa okay this is a championship run uh just we got everyone so we've gotten everyone so far yeah we are four for four just need to close it out uh and we are driving on the right in this i'm gonna assume european country but they did not give us something too useful here this is one where we have to look at one the sun position which means we're in the northern hem and then two this road signage and like lines does this mean anything to you yeah i'm getting some kind of east in europe vibe maybe okay can you rule out all of the north norway sweden well it's not it's it's not norway okay i mean if it is norway that would be massively embarrassing uh look it would be hard to embarrass yourself after getting uh the philippines if anything you get it wrong you just say you threw for content and it was all a joke and then no one knows better there is a rule i follow though which is when in doubt go poland um um i don't hate it we're just getting nothing here like we are getting nothing could maybe sweden let's go for sweden sweden okay the problem is it's so littered with bodies of water and for me to click anywhere that has just an absence of a body of water should we just take a flyer on estonia oh let's just take a stab east west trees what's the worst thing we can do oh the middle of russia oh never okay we got the eastern europe about the very least i mean it wasn't even a bad guess but that was a tough one but still that actually might be my best score because the best score i've had i technically cheated on um so this is my new best score now cheating but instead with magnus's help uh that's not cheating yeah it's acceptable it's acceptable it's acceptable uh i hope the pog champs people feel the same way about that when i dm you mid game absolutely yeah uh but yeah that was uh that was a pleasure oh thank you that was uh that was fun i'm gonna check out this game and and probably played some more and next time next time i'm gonna be even better yeah yeah i look forward to it let me know let me know how it goes uh we'll play again okay thank you all right magnus have a good night there it is boys insane when he said the spanish are the people who invaded the philippines i was like bro shouldn't you be learning the dvorkski endgame manual how do you know that what am i doing with my life everyone knows that not americans no we spent three years on christopher columbus three years you know how many hours in class we learned the nina the pinta and the santa maria you know how many years a lot i got it down though you see that sadly that motherfucker's not even the one who discovered america all right he thought he was in india guy's actually a complete dumbass that's what the american education system taught me but yeah that was impressive that was uh that was fun that was fun [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 826,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: 6UTePhT7evU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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