Exploring an antique abandoned HOUSE of the Belgian Muller family (Demolition Planned)

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So, welcome back everyone, and good morning from the beautiful country of Belgium! Today I have a special place to show you. Despite the fact that this place is pretty well-known in the urbex scene nowadays, I still want to make a documentary on it, because they want to demolish the premises soon. It will be making place for a new property of the neighbor. He wants to build a new house right over here, so soon this will be history forever and we can not wander around anymore. So, today I am going to show it to you. And this was actually once the home of a woman and a man. And we found out that the woman's name was actually Marie. And the house belonged to the "Muller" family. We are going to show you all the beautiful antiques inside, as you can already see there is a wonderful sofa over there and there is even more, so enjoy watching this video! So, right now I'm standing in the garden. And let's just go inside of this place and show you everything that's left behind. The first part over here is quite messy, there are a lot of papers on the ground and some letters. And that's how we also found out the name. What I notice is that many things have actually been written down in French, so I think that the last occupants actually were of French origin. And that's strange because we are in the Flemish part of Belgium today! Right over here they only had a little toilet, but that was everything. There is not even a bathroom in this place. That's quite extraordinary. So, yeah, let's just go inside of the first room over here. And this was their little kitchen. They did not have much means of a kitchen. I mean, there was only an oven, a furnace, and a stove so they could heat up the iron e.g. to iron their clothes. But that was literally everything! I really like this piece of furniture here. The wonderful wooden cabinet with a bench right beneath it. There are still some very old books. Also over here, the crystal is still left on the shelves. Almost pristinely. Even though plenty of urban explorers have already been here, I have to admit that this place is still relatively well-preserved. Some magazines of 1949 and 1959. Wow, plenty of little booklets over here! Also written in the French language. Also, a very vintage can over here. Probably used to be... yeah! There used to be coffee powder inside. The old electricity cables and right over here was actually a fridge. I think this fridge was once manufactured by "Philips" and this was their subbrand. Damn, there are even still some bottles inside. It's a fridge that is quite large in size. Europeans would call this an American fridge, but then a vintage one. Nowadays, modern American fridges have options for ice cubes and cold tap water, and everything. A quite vintage lamp. And there is still a jacket hanging up here on the wonderful wooden coatrack, by the way. It is actually some bamboo. The furnace over here and the pots and pans are still standing on top of it like the last owners just vanished into the blue. They were still cooking their last meal and after that, they just disappeared. A tiny stove over here. And as I told you, the iron is still standing on top of it. It was, of course, used to heat it up. A leather men shoe right next to it. And there are still some old ornaments as well on top of the marble fireplace. Also, a wonderful wooden cupboard over here. The amount of antiques is quite impressive. Some porcelain figurines. A wonderful painting over here. Even all their cutlery is still inside of here. Some matches. And by the way, this cupboard is completely crooked. It is not even standing straight anymore. And, of course, as I said, this was their kitchen, so there are also still plenty of kitchen tools and appliances. There are even still some teabags of the "Carrefour", which's a Belgian supermarket. A little amount of medicine as well over here. Over here, in front of the window, there's still this teddybear standing. It's quite funny. I think there used to be liquor inside of this glass jug. And as you can hear in the background, I'm definitely not the only person inside. There are actually 8 explorers inside of this place right now, so it's getting quite busy. But, yeah, I'm just taking my time trying to make the best out of it and still trying to capture the elegance of this place as much as I can. Over here on top of the table, there are some old books. And as you can see again, everything is written down in the French language. "La nuit de la Saint-Jean". I think this was a complete collection of books from them. Different chapters. Only the glass itself of these glasses is left inside of this case, but nothing more. And what is this? Oh, I think it is a dictionary, yeah! A dictionary from Dutch to French. So, I think these people were definitely of French origin and they just needed that little pocket dictionary to translate certain phrases and words to the Dutch language. Okay, let's go inside the basement. I've not checked it out yet, but look at these eerie stairs going down. What would be inside of the basement, people? Oh, quite low ceilings, by the way, so I have to watch out that I do not get my head covered inside a lot of cobwebs. Oh, they even had a water pump over here. An old tap. Alright. Well, the basement is not very spectacular. Mostly empty spaces and rooms. And there's actually not that much to see. Just some very old storage. Over there is still some wood. It was probably used for the fireplace one day, but that's far it! Alright, let's go back upstairs. As you can see, over here in the hallway, there's actually a lot of garbage and old newspapers. I don't know why, but they just all dumped them here. There's a wonderful staircase going up. Still a lamp over there. And then look at the ceiling. It's strange. They were renovating here, but for some reason that never finished. And then there's this elegant room where I started the introduction as well. Still pristinely the table here with the chairs. A wonderful sofa that I absolutely really like. I think I have even never found a sofa like this inside of a Belgian house. Because this sofa is kind of made in a Portuguese style. I also really like the pillow, by the way, over here. And, of course, the wonderful mirror. Still, an old seat over here as well. It looks a little bit like a mini chaise lounge. I think this was a jewelry box one day, by the way. But, yeah, as you can clearly see right now, it is just completely looted and emptied out. There's still an old picture here too. Damn, it looks like an official business meeting. I'm wondering if those were actual members of the family, and especially of the last owners who lived here. This looks like an old communion picture but this photo has almost completely faded out. There's a wonderful wooden secretary desk here. Also, with an old picture on top of it. This could have been the man of Mrs. Marie Muller who lived here. Wow. "Notre Dame de Paris Hugo". Ah, those are some very old books too. And this book is actually about crime. What's this? Oh, it's an old purse that was made in Brussels. Also, still the old suitcase over here. This is a part of an oil lamp. Another old purse. I guess this one was from Mrs. Marie too. An Asian fan. We often find them, but this one is actually very basic. Wow! Look over here in the corner: the pillar with a wonderful vase on top of it. It's strange that the paint on all the walls is so plain. It almost looks as if this place has caught a fire one day. And then have a look over here in this corner: this cabinet is literally near to collapse. And I definitely think that it will collapse as a whole very soon. And then this wonderful marble plate, that is, of course, heavy in size, will also break and that is just very sad. I hope, at least, before they are going to demolish this place that they will save the numerous antiques and furniture inside and just restore it and give it a new life! Okay, time to go upstairs. I have this floor for my own now. There were other photographers upstairs, but I just kindly waited for them. And now, let's show you what's left behind. I mean, the paint on all the walls and the ceilings is so strange. It does not have any charm. They're just dead colors. And that maybe makes this place look even more abandoned than it actually is. Well, this used to be a bedroom on this floor. But, as you can see, they decoupled the bed and all the parts are literally standing against the wall now. The matrasses, the sheats, they are all just dumped here. This room does not have a lot of charm anymore, but there are still some quite interesting details. Over here is the complete sewing kit of Mrs. Marie for example. Still some wires. And I think the ink jars used to be over here, actually, and all the pencils inside. Look at this! There are even some nails. Maybe Mrs. Marie was diabetic and she needed to inject insulin into herself. And don't shock, but there is also still a part of her denture left behind. Well, a wooden coatrack over here. I really like that even this item that used to be inside of her hair one day is still left here. Beautiful. Oh, and look at this chair! Wow! This is strange. This stove is from the brand "Sony". What the hack? I never even knew that they made stoves. Well, I think they do not make them now anymore, or maybe only electric stoves, but back in the days they apparently did. Also, there is still an old grooming kit. I guess they used to apply the shoe polish on these brushes and then just cleaned their shoes. A quite old-fashioned vanity over here and you can definitely tell that the glass peeling of the mirror is also peeling off. Some other sewing kits inside of this chest. Well, and this is the other perspective of the dumped bed parts. Then let's go to the bedroom on the other side. And, in my opinion, this one is way more beautiful. But it is also way more decayed. I really have to watch my step, because there is literally a huge hole inside of the floor over here. Wow, that's a wonderful wooden bed. Look over here what's written on the chest: "L. Piron". And the name of this place in our community is actually "Maison Piron" (The Piron House). There's written that L. Piron... I think this was the man of Mrs. Marie. I'm now getting the story straight, actually. This man was a director, so the owner of a company in automatic electric devices. Well. let's see what's left behind inside. Hmm, some table sheets. Not something that I was particularly expecting to find. But I think that the man of Mrs. Marie was actually Mr. Piron. Okay, have a look! You can literally see the people downstairs, just chilling there, while I'm just walking here! Hahaha, I can almost touch them if I sink through the floor here. So, I have to be careful! There is another chest, also filled with some sheets, but... Oh, even inside of the wardrobe there are still some clothes hanging up here. Wow! I really like this stove. "Nestormartin" is the brand's name. It's a wonderful old coal stove. You do not see them that much anymore nowadays. Most of these types are actually converted into more modern gas stoves. And then over here are some old photos of the family. I think that the man with the glasses was definitely Mr. Piron. Then over here we have some old photos of them together as well, wow! And I think this was Mrs. Piron. A beautiful woman. And this home is actually also abandoned for a long time already. Compared with the other rooms, you can tell that there used to be wallpaper inside of this room. So, I think they have just peeled the wallpaper off in the other rooms because they were trying to renovate this place, I assume. Is this a lamp or is this literally...?! Yeah, this is like a hairdrying device that you see at a hairdresser when women are drying their hair if they dyed their hair. What is that doing here? That's very odd. Also, a huge chest again, but it's just filled with blankets and sheets. One other detail that you have might not noticed yet, is this. Look at the old mattress. Back in the days, they used to stuff these mattresses with hay. It's just stuffed with hay! Okay, so lastly let's go to the final floor, and then we already actually explored this place as a whole. As I told you, it's not a huge place. It's also maybe not a long video as you normally expect from us, but still, I think it was worth a documentary before it will be history forever. Oh, that looks like an old lamp. Wow, I really like the old coffee can over here! It's huge. Alright... are there literally birds here on the attic, or are they on top of the roof? Well, I see some feathers, so there is a chance that there's a bird trapped inside. Wow. This is one big storage of a lot. There's still a complete china collection over there too. A very old chandelier over there in the corner as well. Well, let's see the date of the newspaper over here because this one looks more modern. 2002! So, I was right, with my assumption of 20 years, I think. And, by then, we actually have the complete story straight. So, long story short. This was the home of Mr. Piron and Mrs. Muller. The man's first name was something with an "L", but I don't know the complete name. The woman's name was Marie. And Mr. Piron was actually the owner of a big company in automatic electric machines, gear, and equipment. Something like that. Their former home is abandoned for 20 years now and soon will be demolished, because the neighbor wants to build a new house on the premises. And, after all, I really hope you liked this little exploration in Belgium again! And if you did, then you know the drill. Please, do not forget to hit that LIKE button right now, because in this way you greatly support our videos and content! And also, leave your thoughts in the COMMENT section right down below. And then as always, I want to thank you for watching again. Also, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to our channel if you do not want to miss out on any future videos, and then we'll see you on our next adventure! Peace-out!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 40,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, everything left behind, antique, antique house, found antiques, exploring, urban exploring, urban exploration, exploration, urban, abandoned places, abandoned place, abandoned house everything left behind, belgian, belgium, belgian house, abandoned belgium, urbex, muller family, abandoned family house, mansion, abandoned mansion, abandoned castle, demolition, exploring with josh, explomo, the proper people, steve ronin, an, antique abandoned house, in belgium
Id: RRdfvKl09j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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