Sabbath AM || The Royal Invitation -Part 1 || Jeffery Harriott || EJC Virtual Church || Aug 29, 2020

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blessed sabbath day welcome welcome ever welcome blessed sabbath day keep the sabbath holy and worship him today who said to his disciples i am the living way and if we meekly follow or save your hair below day day of sacred pleasure is the children's dearest friend o gentle loving savior how good and kind how precious is the promise to dwell in every heart welcome welcome everyone [Music] welcome to another sabbath day here at east jamaica conference we invite you to sing with us this morning as we lift up the name of jesus in spirit and in truth our next hymn will be him number 440 how cheering is the christian's hope how chairing is [Music] [Music] us up one passing through this wilderness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and reach the disk my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness hymn number 522 my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness i [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] when he shall come with trumpets [Music] to stand before the throne [Music] all of the ground is sinking stand we are stand on the promises of christ my king through eternal age let his praise is ring here number five one eight [Music] standing on the promises of christ my king through eternal ages let us praise his ring glory in the highest i will shout and sing standing on standing on the promises of christ my savior standing [Applause] [Music] i'm standing on the promises of god standing on the promises that cannot [Music] standing on the promises of [Music] standing [Music] my [Music] standings [Music] i am standing on the promises of god it is so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him at his word him number five two four [Music] tis so sweet to trust in jesus just to take [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to trust in jesus [Music] jesus [Music] yes this means in jesus [Music] oh is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] the lords are rocking him we hide a shelter in the time of storms [Music] cool [Music] a shade [Music] no fears [Music] is [Applause] [Music] a shelter in the time of storms [Music] [Applause] a shelter in the time of storm [Music] said [Music] a shelter in the time of storm [Music] uh harry harry your attention please hey lad i said your attention please thank you now i've been sent by his majesty our lord and savior jesus christ on special assignment what is that assignment you may ask we are having a special celebration now i come with special invitation to these persons they are being specially invited to this grand celebration what is this celebration this celebration is a royal wedding now the following persons are as follows adis miriam jonas murphy andrea agatha chisholm theodore adolphus henry michael frankfurt forsythe and danny elizabeth clark now these persons it is paramount that these persons are dressed appropriately and they're on time failure to do so will result in them being barred from entering so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to leave these special invitations on their seats so when they come let's see how they will react i'm gonna put one here first one here i'm gonna put one more here another here and i'm impressed to have my messenger bird carry these two later on cheers lift up the trumpet and now let it ring jesus is coming again him number 213 as our own in him so i'm gonna change up here is coming again cheer up the pilgrims be joyful and sing jesus is coming again [Music] jesus is coming again coming in glory the lamb that was jesus is coming again [Music] do you know jesus is coming again [Music] knowledge increases men run to and fall jesus is coming again coming again coming again jesus is coming again father we come to you this sabbath morning thanking you for being god thanking you for loving us unconditionally we come to you asking that you'll forgive us even now cleanse us oh god take away anything that is within us that is unlike you and i pray that as we go throughout this sabbath that we will receive blessings that we will not be able to count i pray that we will be attentive to your word and be so in tune with you that whatever may come we will be able to face and to battle them with your strength comfort those who are mourning at this time strengthen those who may feel weak and i pray that when the sabbath will have ended we would be able to be victorious in you give us your grace and your strength even now in jesus name i pray amen sister murphy good morning good morning michael how are you i'm fine thank you how was your week though you know um i had a good week you know at a very very good week i hear you a lot this week i heard you a lot i heard you it sounds like you did have a good week i did i did so how was yours though uh well i i must say thanks to god for the week that was i got a chance to um relax this week for some reason this week felt less stressful even though for this week i had a little bit more to do yeah so i'm happy about that michael you know i mean we've been so focused on what we're doing you know here on earth but i i just feel like it's it's almost time for the lord to come i don't know my spirit just kind of feels like you know it's really preparation time it really should be shifting into higher gear and i just long for a day when you know i'll just go home here's my question to you so yes we feel like it's time for the lord to come but you feel like you are ready hmm ready that's a good question i mean i feel like some days i'm ready but then i feel like i need more time sometimes i feel like i need to do some things to get ready you know i feel like there are some things i need to do to get ready for when he actually comes as a matter of fact i when i think about certain things i wonder like readiness for me i want i want the right suit i don't want god to come and catch me another already understand i need to be dressed in my three-piece suit and i say here he already yeah i mean i want to be dressed in my long white uh should i say frock yeah yes the english people would say frog but um i just want to be properly attached to that when he comes then i won't be found what wanting hold on that's i'm seeing three envelopes here michael somebody leave money for me one second no this looks like an invitation whoa so it it says it is an invitation you are cordially invited to the wedding of the millennium of course the bride jesus christ bridegroom jesus i mean no that's wrong this is wrong it's a long time i don't go to our wedding no sorry it should be church it's the wrong thing i read on the invitation yeah man it's really bridegroom jesus christ and the bride the church yeah yeah well if we have a wedding next week no but i don't have any clothes yet we need to go to the shop [Music] i have a store i have a store that i have a good name there we can get something at those stores if i don't catch that the first one i can try some other ones but hold on there's a third invitation here where is danny where's andrea where's theodore well i'm making sure that i am ready if they aren't ready i need to be ready for this one no but they're friends michael we need to take up their invitation at least you know when they see us we can hand it to them so they can be ready just like we are trying to be i would make sure that i'm ready is it well with your soul [Music] road [Music] to say [Music] is [Music] [Music] but is nailed to his cross and i burn [Music] praise the lord praise the lord oh my [Music] soul it is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] and [Music] my faith shall [Music] be [Music] us [Music] is [Music] it is with my soul it is with my soul [Music] wonderful singing there from alex walker yes she is a member of the glendavon church in the west jamaica conference we thank her so very much and of course the praise team you heard from them earlier they're also from the west jamaica conference of seventh day adventists michael happy sabbath sabbath happy happy sabbath and welcome to those at home it is ejc virtual church happy sabbath to you i know you must be excited about today's broadcast uh in the week i get a chance to talk to some persons out there like in short i just still doing virtual church person still asking when we're going to stop they want to know all of these things thank you so much for tuning in whether you're tuned in from home or tuned in uh from work or you find somewhere you're watching this on the rebroadcast thank you so much for tuning in we thank you so very much as michael said you know the topic for today the theme for today is the royal invitation what do i wear and perhaps you would have seen some clothes behind us yes uh they will play their part in just a few but right now we're going to be heading into i am hearing that discussion the the data situation is not oh right now with that interview that's the news we're getting from our technical team but uh let's see if we can while we try to get that up if we can give a summary of this so we'll be talking about matthew chapter 22 verses 1 to 14. so while we're doing this feel free i know we're worshiping a different modality this morning go and get your bibles if you have it on your app your bible app as i'm bringing up right now we're going to be reading from matthew chapter 22 verses 1 to 14. indeed so you have your bibles in hand i'm reading from the new living translation version of the bible which one are you reading from i can find new living i think i think my app only gives me king james you know i have a multi app not a problem at all so as you get there just want to encourage you again to find matthew chapter 22 we're going to be focusing on verses 1 through to 14 matthew 22 1 through to 14. and in your bibles it may be the the heading there the title may be parable of the great feast that's what it is in the nlt so verse 1 of chapter 22 says jesus also told them other parables he said the kingdom of heaven can be illustrated by the story of a king who prepared a great wedding feast for his son verse three michael go ahead i will tell everyone already i was trying to find your version no problem verse three says when the banquet was ready he sent his servants to notify those who were invited but they all refused to come verse 4 so he sent his other servants to tell them the feast has been prepared the bulls and fattened cattle have been killed and everything is ready come to the banquet all right i find king james versions are going ahead with verse five but they made light of it and went their ways one of his farm another of his merchandise others seized his messengers and insulted them and killed them but when the king heard thereof he was wrath and he sent forth his armies and destroyed those murderers and burned their city verse 8 says and he said to his servants the wedding feast is ready and the guests i invited aren't worthy of honor go therefore into the highways and as many as ye shall find bid them to the marriage so the servants brought in everyone they could find good and bad alike and the banquet hall was filled with guests and when the king came in to see the guest he saw there a man which had not a wedding garment verse 12 friend he asked how is it that you are here without wedding clothes but the man had no reply and said the king to the servants bind him hand and foot and take him away and cast him into the o the outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and here is the verse that we all know so well verse 14. for many are called but you are chosen so michael let's get your thoughts on this passage here matthew 22 1 through to 14. no there are certain verses that i want to pick out and talk about just at the surface now firstly we realized that there was supposed to be a wedding ceremony normally when it comes to weddings you have a few i was going to say a few selected invited guests but sometimes that you have invited guests all right you have specially invited guests but in this case we realize that they're saying you know what go and invite everybody so this morning you realize that we had an invitation maybe you didn't get one of these exact invitations but the the mandate has been given go into the highways i would love to say into the byways go into the highways and just invite everybody let us fill this place as we're here for this one mission but what was what's amazing is that i mean the invitation was issued by this king but nobody accepted the invitation and i'm i'm i'm trying to understand um as we try to get uh dr right to come on robert wright to help us with this passage i'm trying to understand michael the king went to all extents you know he prepared everything that the people would need to eat but the people didn't come are we able to make a comparison with what's happening now you know with with jesus christ and with with us preparing everything i think about the plan of salvation um yes we like to talk about the genesis account things started a certain way these two individuals spoil it for us right if if let me cast blame if if addies and eve didn't eat seriously you know and didn't influence me adam to you understand and uh we cast blame but i must say thanks to the plan of salvation even today evening 2020 michael still has an opportunity at salvation right so this plan has been laid out for all of us and it is in place but it's up does to accept it and how many of us are accepting in an active and a real meaningful way right you know joining us to to help us with this passage is dr robert wright from the northern caribbean university dr wright good morning happy sabbath good morning happy sabbath are you hearing me clearly i we're hearing you know thank you so very much for for being with us on ejc virtual church no we're focusing on matthew chapter 22 1 through to 14. uh could you talk to us a little bit about some of the high points coming out of this passage uh what really is it trying to say to us and what can we glean from it well actually the the um the problem starts so by saying that the kingdom of heaven is like and unto a certain king that i arranged a marriage for his son when you see that expression the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of god it's usually referring to the church god's remain in the life of his church on earth so there's a situation that obtained in the church of god at the time of jesus which was the jewish church all right and uh they were given an invitation to come to the marriage of the son in other words they were invited to have a relationship with the son of jesus christ so when the servants went out to call the people they had already gotten the invitation it was no time for the wedding and they were being reminded that they were given an invitation previously and they are to come to the wedding now in other words the prophets that were sent by god had given them the invitation to renew the covenant relationship with god the messiah has come the son of the king and it is to him that the the church would be married so incidentally some people would ask the question well who is the bride and who are the guests interestingly the guests are the bride because it is we who are the bride of jesus christ the church and he has given invitation to come to him to to to have that official ceremony of the wedding service but we find that the jewish people the the servants that were sent to them the prophets that were sent to them they rejected them and they killed them and the lord ultimately got so upset with this nation those persons who had received the invitation that he sent out the armies and destroyed them that's what happened in 1870 the romans came and destroyed the city destroyed the people and god says to his servant now go to the highways and the byways and invite everybody now the message goes to the gentiles and that is how we are a part of the church today because the message came to us we accepted the message but of course there are some of us who do church we are members of the church but we don't have a relationship with jesus christ so this guest who was found and notice what happened it is the the the the the father of the son who comes to investigate the the the or examines the guests this is what we call now the investigative judgment god is examining his people all right so there comes a time when the father begins the work of investigation begins the work of searching out to see who is really worthy who is dressed in the garb that was given every invitee is given a special garment for the wedding and when you go to revelation 19 you will see that that special garment is really the righteousness of jesus christ without which we cannot enter into eternal habitation with god god so in in in a nutshell that's what i see in the in the parable ultimately he's cast out into out of darkness that signifies eternal lostness those who are not found in the garment of christ's righteousness you know you mentioned that there are some who did not accept the invitation let's zoom in on that a little bit uh i'm i'm trying to imagine why some would reject such a gracious invitation it's a royal invitation the king invited them you know those folk to sit at this table and to eat and to partake but what are the parallels that we we can make uh what are the modern day applications that we can make with the invitation that jesus has issued to us and those who will accept or reject him well it seemed to me from the parable the individuals were more preoccupied with their temporal and material blessings these were distractions they probably according to the the um the history of the jews the messiah did not come the way they expected him and even though they accepted the invitation previously at the time um of the wedding they figured they had more important things to do all right so likewise in the last days as the invitation to to serve god to worship jesus christ to accept him as lord and savior as that investigation goes out you're gonna find that people um will focus more on what they consider to be more important this is also connected to the mark of the beast issue where when that enforcement takes place people will know the word they will have heard the word but they are considering more their economic existence their economic viability and they will reject the word reject the invitation and some of them will become some of the most brutal persecutors of those who are preaching this gospel calling men and women to come out of babylon calling men and women to serve god to reject the mark of the beast reject false worship and to worship god in truth though it will entail some amount of uh suffering on their part so this parable um has end-time applications it is really apocalyptic in its uh in its imports as we talk about the end times in verse 11 when so it says and when the king came and saw the guest saw that there was a man which had not a wedding garment so he was cast out and i heard you like this on to eternal damnation for us what are some ways so we can ensure that we have on the proper garment what are some ways that we can ensure that we are ready for the royal wedding michael the only way uh to be ready is to have a relationship with jesus christ there's no other way there is no other way and uh the the only way to get the wedding garment is to invite jesus christ into our hearts when he comes in he recloses us he transforms us he makes us ready for the wedding feast the indwelling holy spirit um is seen in our lives in the way we live in our behavior in our change of of a lifestyle etc people can look at us and see and know that we have been with jesus christ so the wedding garment is not something that is uh physical but at the same time it is visible thank you so very much dr wright we appreciate your presence with us this morning right here on ejc virtual church have a wonderful sabbath may god continue to bless you all right thank you so very much doc so michael there we have it the royal invitation you know uh the big question of the day is will we accept his invitation that is jesus christ invitation or will we yeah will we be ready since you know because it's one thing to accept invitation but then it's another thing to deal with with it that's a jamaican word term for for um you know procrastinating for those who are watching overseas from overseas right right right so will we accept his invitation or will we reject it well matthew 22 1-14 that is of course the foundation of or uh of our service here today and we're looking forward to talking about the lord some more and uh this is another invitation that has been extended to everyone to everyone will you accept that invitation what are we talking about let's talk about him all right and as the technical team gets that video ready we are going to be going straight into our sabbath school lesson review now this morning michael we have some bright young ones um coming to us from all four zones in the east jamaica conference of seventh-day adventists we'll be doing the primary lesson review for us tristan tristan burger will be conducting the primary school lesson he is from the arnold road 7th day adventist church wonderful followed by jada hall who'll be doing our junior sabbath school lesson review from the washington gardens sda church from the white hall avenue sda church presenting the early teen cyber school lesson this morning samuel mclean will be helping us there and anya brown will be rounding up the group of videos with a youth sabbath school lesson review she's from the wilmington sda church saint thomas zone four good morning and lesson review for the adults where where is it from well i'm seeing the metro mission seventh adventist church and uh marjorie horton will be here with us along with grantley stewart of course he is the itinerant evangelist for zone one so we invite you of course to grab your lesson uh your sabbath school lessons right now and keep it locked right here at egc virtual church we do have our ltah video that is ready so we'll go to that and then the lesson review all right so the adult lesson review will be done live here in studio the videos i've been watching these videos with our younger ones on a weekly basis and at least i'm noticing the effort that they put into it and not only so i like to think in terms of a production yes i noticed some of them they have a script and where they're looking is almost like they have a teleprompter some persons have background music some have costumes all sorts of things happening but we really do appreciate the creativity that goes into the preparation and of course you know i mean i especially enjoy the younger ones the primary focus who go all the way out well uh a extra special blessing is of course in store for each and every one of us so it's now time for our lesson reviews and we'll begin with our primary lesson review okay we're having some technical glitches and you know it happens that's fine uh michael lth let's talk about him um the program begins on october three maybe we should sensitize our viewers about the initiative for those of those four viewers who were not tuned in to or launched just a couple of weeks ago yes it was an awesome launch and the getting to get yourselves registered l t a h dot o r g l t a h as in let's talk about him you can go there you can get yourselves registered so you can be a part of the lessons i still haven't done that as yet michael nick by next week i'm going to tell you yes i've done it there is mercy and grace in the lord and we're going to be checking that out today just want to remind you of the address again it's lt a h dot o r g dot o r g we're going to be taking a song right now as we prepare for or listen and study reviews it's the west jamaica conference uh should i say group prayers to you take it away guys seeking the last the ascalian treating hint number three seven three seeking the lost yes kindly entreating warner's on [Music] speaking today [Music] to the [Music] me [Music] souls that are weak and hearts that are sore leading them forth in ways of salvation [Music] into the [Music] thus i would go on missions of mercy following christ from there today sharing the faith [Music] far upon the [Music] [Music] into the [Music] jesus [Music] happy sabbath everyone my name is tristan berger i am from the arnold road savante adventist church the topic of this week's primary lesson is spreading the word the murmur verse is found in acts 13 verse 2 the holy spirit said set apart for me babas and saul for the work to which i have called them paul and barnabas preached and teaching god's word for one year in antiochus the christians fast and pray they wanted god's guidance on what to do the holy spirit told them to leave their hands on paul and barnabas and pray for them because god had called them to spread the good news in other places they went first the cyprus and witnessed to the pro-counsel when elements the sorcerer tried to turn the pro council against the people paul told him he will lose his side for a while the pro council was amazed one moment elements could see the next he was blind this convinced the pro concert that paul was teaching the truth he listened and learned and soon believed in god god's grace is open to all the holy spirit spoke to the christians and antiochus to send paul and barnabas to share god's word with others god offers the same grace to everyone today we are his messengers of grace to the world let us remember the message god will send us as messengers of his grace sabbath everyone my name is jada hall and i am from the washington grand seventh day adventist church i will be summarizing the junior lesson for this week the title of this week's lesson is let's get organized the power text is taken from first corinthians 14 verses 40. let all things be done decently and in order have you ever felt overwhelmed by a task facing you have you ever felt stress god wants to teach us to approach our lives and our service for him in an organized way he will teach us how to do that just as he did with moses god had spoken to moses in a burning bush and sent him to lead the people of israel out of egypt moses wasn't confident in his own abilities to lead the people of israel yet he accepted the call and decided to trust in god's leading so he went to egypt with his family his father-in-law jethro saw all that was happening to moses with the people and all their complaints he said to moses the work is too heavy for you you cannot handle it alone you are to select capable men who fear god trustworthy men who hate dishonesty and appoint them as officials he also told moses that he should have them bring every difficult case to him the simple case is they can decide themselves moses listened carefully to jethro and the very next day he started choosing men the difficult cases they brought to moses but the simple ones they took care of themselves this meant moses had more time for his two sons and for his beloved wife god teaches us to serve him in an organized way have a blessed sabbath good morning sabah school olas and tattle sticks and stone on words there's all saying say sticks and still may break my bone but oils will never hurt me that's not true words have power power to realize or destroy lives proverbs 18 verse 7 says be careful what you say god is always present and is listening the more of our food is undoing and the ellipse is our snare today very last what you say out of your mouth can be your own dawn fall as teenagers jesus wants us to be godly people who thinks feel and act in harmony with god the holy spirit is available it is for us to invite him in our lives so that christ can be seen and hurt in us as we live our lives let's just remember the powerful message first corinthians 10 verse 21 says whether therefore he eat urging whatever he do do it all to the glory of god thank you have a blessed sabbat hello brothers and sisters my name is anya brown i am a member of the wilmington seventh-day adventist church today i'll be sharing with you a summary of this week's lesson from the cornerstone connections entitled the party is over the main character of the story king belshazzar king of babylon hosted a party for all his important people they drank out of gold and silver goblets that his father nebuchadnezzar took from jerusalem while enjoying his party the king saw something on the plaster of the wall it was the fingers of a human hand writing on it he got frightened and weak after seeing this the king called up all his ancestors enchanters and diviners to read it but none could do it he then called up all his wise men and said to them whoever can read this will wear purple will be given a good chain around the neck and will be the third highest ruler of the kingdom after the wise men heard this they all tried but none were successful can you believe it the white the queen heard this and ran in don't worry my king there is a man in the kingdom who can do this this man was daniel also known as beltas azar call up danielle and he will read it to you she said to the king and that is where the story ends what did you learn from this story i learned that no matter the problem there's always a solution may the lord bless and keep us all thank you very much good morning everyone we want to welcome you as we share and review the adult sabbath school lesson taking just many of the high points i want to say thanks to our children for their beautiful lesson summary and today this morning we we studied a tremendous lesson during the course of this week and sister horton and myself will be looking quickly at this tremendous lesson the memory text says but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear not with arrogance and pride with meekness people ought to know what we believe and as long as you're a child of the living god you should be able to say why you have accepted the faith and what it has done for you and as we look this this this morning there are some powerful points but i'll share just two of them with you in the sabbath afternoon the lesson says although he issued scathing rebukes to the religious leaders of his day he gladly received those who were struggling with sin let me say it again those who were struggling with sin plagued with guilt and hopelessly condemned his grace was for them his mercy extended to even the violence of sinners and it means that includes you who are watching not yet surrendered to christ here is a powerful point the depth of his forgiveness was infinitely deeper than the depth of their sin praise god i say that again the depth of his forgiveness was infinitely deeper than the depth of their sins that's the great almighty god we serve and today we praise him for his love and for his grace we're going to go over to sister horton as she will go into sunday all right sunday receptivity to the gospel john 4 27-30 and the story asks how did jesus interact with the samaritan woman this story brings out the fact that sometimes we can hinder we can become ignorance to the gospel going forth and in verse 27 and it came and upon this came his disciple and they marvel that he talked with the woman yet no man said what seekers though or why are you talking to this woman the woman then left her water pot and she went her way into the city and said to the men come see a man which told me all things that i have ever done and we know the story about the samaritan woman right jesus noticed that jesus attitude broke a cycle in her life there are cycles in our life that keep us boned and every day this woman she came to the well and she carried her water pot and this water pot represents the burdens that we carry every day when she found jesus though the man that can transform all of us life he transformed her life and she left her water pot and when she met jesus christ she left the water part she she didn't need that water anymore because we all know that when we found jesus we found the living water how beautiful it is that we could help people lay down their burdens by our attitude of our conversation and john 4 39 many of the samaritans of that city they believe on him for the saying of the woman which testified imagine if as a church we would testify about the man they they met and this man all of us met him and his name is jesus and how many people would believe on him because this woman testified and we see that persons were drawn to christ so it is our responsibility to follow and to testify so when the samaritan came unto him they besought him that he would tie with them two days and many believe because of this woman's word but the woman also believed because of jesus attitude because that's what we're studying today his attitude opened the door to her heart and she also opened the doors to others so guess what we can mess up somebody day with our attitude or we can send them out with a positive attitude i'm sorry i don't understand could you explain it expand a little more on that for me with us messing up somebody's day yes all right i have an example at with myself i my co-worker she was following instruction given to her and she came to me and she told me what they said to her and in my mind i think she should have known better so she came and she told me what the instructions were and to be honest i lashed it oh my tone of voice was not nice everything about what was said was not nice and she felt i don't want to say small she felt hurt but you know after she left i felt a way to i know i didn't speak to her in a positive way but i had to go back and apologize to her and you know what she said to me she said she was surprised at the way i responded to her because she said we are friends i don't expect you to respond to me in such a way so we have to be very careful of how we respond to people thank you very much i think we could move on to monday we're going to jump right over to monday an attitude adjustment yes and i believe that is applicable to every single one of us there are times when our attitude is not right and rather than drawing others to jesus christ we push them a little further from him the the lesson speaks about two women um and jesus approached them differently while having the same intention and that intention was to save them from their sin the canaanite woman she she was not of the jewish order uh and so if you weren't of the jewish order you were considered as an unclean person and if you notice the attitude of the disciples to both women um one lord just sent her out no because she's she's just pressuring us ah jesus saw in this woman what the disciples didn't see in order for us to see in people what god wants us to see in them we must be anointed with the holy spirit there's this other lady who was we we would call her today in jamaica a woman of the night or so a prostitute for some people when she came and she was anointing jesus's feet with this expensive uh perfume and again the attitude of the disciples was not right and they were the very ones who jesus was training to become soul winners and jesus said let her alone she is doing a tremendous job because and not only that he says wherever the gospel is preached the the what this woman did will be a means of helping somebody to be saved in the kingdom so we all need an attitude adjustment there's a i i have a very powerful experience many years ago this gentleman came i saw this gentleman came to church one sabbath morning his legs was bonded up with cardboard and he was dressed in in tattered clothing head well not up our lock and there are some folks who never even wanted to speak to him or to go to him but i i i bolstered the courage and uh introduced myself and spoke to him he worship with us that sabbath we develop a friendship after he got baptized and he's still a member of the church today so i asked him why is it that you had to dress like that and he said to me it was a destruction he was a part of a gang and he had to behave like he was insane for them not to continue to want to use him to do that which was wrong and so our attitude to to individuals we need to see people the very same way how god sees them in every individual in every individual there is a soul to be saved in the kingdom over to you amen presenting the truth in love friendship alone does not win people to christ we might have many friends people enjoy being with and who enjoy being with us but if we never tell them what jesus means to us and how we change our lives our friendship may make little eternal difference sure we might be fun to be around but god calls us to be more than just fun to be around friendship alone will not bring people to christ but unfriendly attitudes may drive people from christ thank you very much writers that's a very important point thank you very much the foundation of acceptance what is the foundation of acceptance the foundation of acceptance is love in these two passages the apostle paul presents principles on the line or acceptance of one another because christ has forgiven and accepted us we should also forgive and accept each other yes brothers we're out of time i'm just sharing with you on friday we are out of time so let me just say on your summary in christ is the tenderness of the shepherd the affection of the parents and the much less grace of the compassionate savior his blessings he presents in the most alluring terms he is not content merely to announce these blessings he presents them in the most attractive way to excite a desire to possess them and you and i have this privilege he shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them in his bosom may god bless us as we seek to continue to serve him and to develop a continual winning attitude to help men and women be saved in the kingdom of god so that's a very good lesson that we and not know because they have no symptoms you on the other hand could be hospitalized for two months or more if you become infected is it worth it stay socially connected but keep the physical distance stay six feet away and avoid a hospital stay coveted 19 is not over protect yourself while protecting others a message from the ministry of health and wellness we all like to talk well some of us want something good to talk about like what let's talk about him oh no not him let's talk about jesus join the seventh-day adventist church in jamaica from october 3 to 17 2020 for the online let's talk about him evangelistic series under the theme i follow jesus visit the website at for free online bible studies and other resources mark the date on your calendars share with a friend and let's talk about him [Music] smile make them think you're happy [Music] lie and say the things are fine [Music] and hide that empty longing that you feel don't ever show it just keep your heart conceived why are the days so lonely i wonder where where can the heart go for free and who will draw the tear that no one sees there must be someone to share your silent dream [Music] caught like a leaf in the wind looking for a friend where can you turn you spoke the word of a prayer and you found him there arms open wide love in his own jesus he meets you where you are oh jesus [Music] joy comes like the morning and hope deepens as you grow and peace beyond the reaches of your soul come flowing through you for love [Music] [Music] jesus he meets you where you are oh [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus a friend of a wounded [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful sounding great friend of a wounded heart want to welcome you if you're just joining us this morning i'm once again filling in for the president of east jamaica conference pastor eric nathan unable to join us in studio and so it is my privilege to greet you from the administration i want you to know that uh the leadership of the east jamaica conference our president pastor eric nathan our secretary sponsor lynton williams and our treasurer elder uh michael porsches these uh gentlemen today i believe are also visiting all the churches and uh along with the directors of our our conference we want to first of all greet you well and to let you know that we are very happy that you have joined us we know you have um could have been elsewhere we want to in particular greet those from outside of our country jamaica i want to thank you for for joining us this morning i only have about four uh important points that i want to bring to your attention the first is that the administration would like to let our brothers and sisters in saint thomas those in the c4 church and those at the albion church we are aware that you are in quarantine and uh we have received information from your pastors that the members are joining the online that we know your churches are doing online we want to encourage you to be obedient to the protocols of course all of us by now we are aware that the situation has changed we want to take the thing seriously we want you to wear your mask we want you to follow the sanitizing process we want you to um you know follow the the social distancing and so members we are praying for you and we want you to know that the lord has not forgotten you and we want you to know that uh that the lord is with you and um we want you to know that we are praying for you the biggest um uh reminder that you want to share with the church uh uh it needs to make a conference is the let's talk about him campaign you have been seeing the announcement you we know that this was launched but what we want to encourage is our members to join uh with someone who is not a christian not a seventh-day adventist direct them to the word of god the idea my brothers and sisters is for us to introduce people to jesus christ now we are saved and we know how good it is we know how beautiful and how wonderful it is that despite all that is happening in our world because we are anchored in christ we have a different perspective there are many individuals who don't know this and so we want to direct you uh to share with somebody now i want to you to go to the uh website that is a very easy way to introduce your non-adventist friends to the let's talk about him campaign and there you can find news articles there you can find the songs there you can find the uh invitation from the various uh presidents across jamaica talking about the i follow jesus let's talk about him campaign so the question is over the past few days have you introduced anybody to the new bible study have you told anyone about jesus christ and so i want to encourage our members to get on board we do have a couple of days it begins on the 3rd of october is when the product will be the campaign will be launched but of course we want you to know that we need to introduce people to jesus before the campaign begins uh then i would like to share with us uh our pastors in particular uh on monday and tuesday of this week there will be a very special meeting involving all our pastors and our directors this has to do with the upcoming campaign we're going to be talking about the swordpad software we'll be having pastor jeff jefferson talking to our pastors and our leaders as we uh also get ready to put ourselves in the best frame of mind to deal with the uh the campaign that is going to come so that's going to be on monday and tuesday at 9 00 a.m for our pastors and our directors and then we have been um every week we send out what is called from the communication perspective a weekly advisory it is sent from the communication department and we want to invite members of our church to go and subscribe to our mailing list because we send out a lot of uh information from the various departments there you can go to www.ejc six letters and we want you to scroll down on the left hand side look for subscribe to our mailing list and in that way you can become one of the persons in our church who receive our advisory and our information also that is where you can find our giving platform if you want to give a donation or a gift to the church to the virtual church if you want to return your tithe and offering you can find it there and i'll just like to leave with a word of encouragement to everyone who is on this platform yes we know that we are in a crisis as a matter of fact i would want to one more on in the mornings tomorrow will be seven days since we launched the 40 days of per at 5 00 a.m in the mornings we have hundreds of individuals joining where we are praying and it was good to see many of our leaders many of our pastors many of our poor uh warriors um and many of our members in our church who are concerned and have a burden for souls joining us i want you to go to the i follow website again and you'll see the um the zoom uh platform there you can join us in the mornings it's from 5 00 a.m it usually ends by about 6 15 a.m and there we are praying this week jamaica goes to the polls and we want you to be praying we want us to be praying for our nation that uh good sense will prevail and that that the uh the people will speak and that everything will return to normalcy in the shortest possible time yes god sets up leaders and god brings down leaders but we as members of the church can pray that things will go according to plan that everything will work out in with decency and with order thank you very much and may the lord continue to bless you as you worship with us today on ejc virtual church thank you oh i realize you're still here if i can recall i sent out a few invitations earlier today so the names i called they've gotten their invitations oh how could i have how could i have forgotten silly me i have one for you too you are invited to or royal wedding take this it is so good to see you i am so happy that you made it to the store for us to get um an appropriate garment for this wedding michael where are you andrew how are you doing this glasses i'm asked how you do this well you know we have to just take the precautions yeah but it's comfy all right so guys i saw this store in the directory it's called shamars and i've been told that i have everything you know that we need especially for this event that we're going to this wedding um yeah we can find i'm sure what we need to wear here i need something that looks like royalty i understand notice like a mask they must much attack we gotta get something stylish so as we go to the store i'm just happy i came because you know i was one of those um who was dilly-dallying to a meridian of about a hong kong but when i thought about the magnitude of the situation and the fact that they invited me but it feels special nice very very special welcome welcome don't don't touch it this is expensive this is let me hold it for you you know i could actually fit in that you know i think that's a nice thing i mean it is your height can you seriously so how may i help you guys today welcome welcome welcome which one to pick be careful be careful which one to pick this is more your size can you try this one look at them which one to pick this one is your size oh i know right now i can't wear any of these colors i have to careful with the colors that we're on the road where are you guys going what how may i help you all right so we got an invitation by the way don't you think this brings out my eyes no no that's not for you i kind of like this one no no no no all right so thinking no i'm thinking this for you for who for you i'm sorry that's not stylish enough for this wedding it doesn't work it looks like something you would wear you know it's actually a good fit i appreciate your opinion but no you're sure i actually like this so where are you going royal wedding yeah so you guys got selected to go to a royal wedding we got selected to go to a royal wedding so hard to believe we got this invitation this morning and it says that our attire should look royal normal yeah and it should look royal it's all right this this will fit me i think this is you that looks like something you would wear michael no just look a like a stripe no try to try it on that kind of looks really nice with these stripes stripes what about this way you have one i like this this is for me that is for you let's see oh boy why michael this is perfect wow i'm thinking this is yours don't you think or a wedding sir turn around let them see like i'm not trying to try it out try it on you wear the clothes the clothes don't wear you mr shamars i am begging you sir to find me something else for this royale if you don't like this then give you some more options that is you you have something yeah this is nice absolutely nice um all right you know uh michael andrea i really don't think this is a store for us though i don't think somewhere else i agree i don't yes we don't sell your kind look like oh a store at all yes yeah expensive for you anyways it's not one thing that i liked and it's still not all that yes go to somewhere else i sell the finest pieces in the country maybe even the world but nothing for you have a good day sir thank you take care wow all right that's that we haven't ensure i was listening weird from matthew 22 today we have to ensure we have the right garment uh-huh yeah this isn't it no this isn't but really what does the right garment look like though i feel like when i see it i go no that wasn't it at all all right there's another store i know of this one is called vaz's oh that sounds stush houses don't like flowers yeah man so all right let's check it out no let's it's actually right across the road let's go ensure your mouse are secured securely ah wow we are pretty much this is where it is see the entrance here okay hi hi good morning first of all she looked nice yes oh thank you so what brings you to the store this morning oh and she's proper i'm sorry let me switch so we got this royal invitation yes that means you have a very special special event yes we do and what event is that it's the wedding of the millennium ah one where we have been chosen to be special guests of honor oh nice and we have to dress the part okay so before you get into what you want to wear have you considered the type of fabric your color textural well definitely no black okay and for you hold on so what's wrong we can't wear this we can't wear black to the wedding um i don't like black okay we're not mourning we're celebrating okay so we have to have certain colors that can bring that in terms of what is it that you've been invited to so first let me get into a bit of information before you choose what is it that you'd like to wear uh fabric linen it represents royalty fine lining represents royalty and are you christians yeah we're we're all christians oh good symbols of ejc virtual church nice so you would know that fine lining was mentioned in the bible 105 times i never know how many times but you know it's mentioned quite a few all right so of course it also decorates the temple of god and let me just read something to you here the courtyard hangings are of course a fine lining so your temple of course needs to represent that what about texture texture i don't know rough you want something rough smooth something soft soft is good how about dazzling dazzling is this so light yes dazzling is good but the quality in terms of texture as christians what kind of texture would you like to have you mentioned smooth it says here in the word of god teach me your way oh lord and lead me in this smooth path because of my enemies that's psalms 27 11. life is definitely not always smooth but if you put the garment on of christ of course that will definitely lead us through you don't want to be wrinkled either no in terms of a textual no unlike learning that is easily wrinkles the fabric of our faith is to be without wrinkle and it says so in ephesians 5 27 we don't like creases whether in our fresh pressed claws on our faces god doesn't like to see those worry wrinkles on us so when you put on those garments or choose your articles of clothing for this royal invitation just bear those in mind in terms of textual in terms of color and what fabric you would like to i feel like this is the right this is the start all right can you show us what you have please sure i need a three-piece suit i need a three-piece suit really nice dress i need something that dazzles in the fine linen that you spoke about okay oh michael that looks nice i like that for you it's nice and these three pieces can you touch it and feel the oh nice very nice you said you want something to dazzle yes this is me all right oh look at this wow this is good perfect all right let me see if i can find something for you know how about that blue right there wherever oh i like that that's kind of like a royal oh this is nice yes oh nice all right so you all have your garments you know mark twain says clothes makes a man you know so in today's society everyone sizes you based on what you wear but for those of us who are watching this morning what will you be wearing to that royal invitation that we've all been invited to the father deals with us through the context of eternity the holy spirit works through the context of hear and know while we're here in the process of change let us put on the garments that god has chosen for us wow so are you guys ready are you guys excited i feel like yeah this is it yes this is it this is it i'm gonna get a pair of shoes definitely keeping this you're too funny no no as a matter of fact this is exactly what i'm going to wear to this royal wedding you know yeah i think i'll get a nice uh what do you call that scarf yeah yeah go with this and perhaps gold shoes i like gold okay like a mustache mustard kind of gold like you know that purple actually works alone because you're just looking royal already that purple works along with the gray okay miss thank you so much for your time i really do appreciate you helping us to find this and uh we'll send you some pictures yes please thank you um there's one other thing um jesus paid it all right hallelujah hallelujah have a good day the next person in line your friend at school or your co-worker may have coveted 19 and not know because they have no symptoms you on the other hand could be hospitalized for two months or more if you become infected is it worth it stay socially connected but keep the physical distance stay six feet away and avoid a hospital stay coveted 19 is not over protect yourself while protecting others a message from the ministry of health and wellness [Music] it was french journalist and philosopher albert camus who said life is a journey not a destination how well are you enjoying the journey of your life how fulfilled do you feel about your life for me i follow jesus join us your friends the adventist for the i follow jesus digital evangelistic series october 3 to 17 sundays to fridays 7 30 to 8 45 pm and on saturdays 11 a.m to 1 p.m 6 p.m to 7 p.m i follow jesus how about you we invite you to worship with us this morning as we enter our praise and worship segment we begin with blessed be the name of the lord wherever you are in your homes in your cars just listening clap your hands and worship with us blessed be the name of the lord yes here we go blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord be the name of the lord [Music] is one more time blessed be the name of the lord [Music] blessed in the name of the lord [Music] the name of the lord [Music] jesus is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] the name of the lord is [Music] [Music] and this song that we're about to sing due to everything that is happening in and around us we want the holy spirit god's holy spirit to rain down on us so tune your voices with us as we sing holy spirit rain down [Music] holy spirit [Music] oh comforter and friend how we need your touch again holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] let your voice be heard come and change our hearts as we stand on your words holy spirit [Music] oh your touch again holy spirit [Music] let your voice be heard come and change [Music] jehovah is your name [Music] jehovah is your name [Music] that's what i say today [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is your name [Music] is is worthy yes to worship to worship [Music] is [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] of jesus [Music] he is here hallelujah he's here amen [Music] he [Music] bless his name bless his name again [Music] listen closely you gotta hear [Music] he is [Music] here you go [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is not available [Music] he is here you can touch him i say he's here somebody needs to reach that and touch [Music] he's here he's here he's here [Music] here today [Music] every day [Music] i know it do you know it do you know it i know that you will never never be the same [Music] he's here [Music] sometimes this spirit just gets over made us get our tent [Music] sometimes there are no words to say but just hallelujah hallelujah oh lord god is good god is good god is good i testify i might just cried on the entire place this morning but god is good amen that's why i need to reach out and touch him yeah you will never [Music] never be the same [Music] this past couple of days have been moments of trials god has brought me through a period where everything could have been gone and of course for personal reasons i wouldn't divulge to the world but i know that some of you out there have had moments when you don't feel presence of god and i was in a dark moment when i actually i used to hear everybody say it i couldn't feel god where is god where's god i am a christian i'm a seventh adventist from birth and here comes a moment when i can feel god and i was in my room by myself my wife and my children were in the next room and for the first time in my 36 years on earth i actually felt no longer i felt god coming closer to me remember no i couldn't feel god a couple minutes before and i said i looked up in this ceiling i said with tears rolling down god where are you i can't feel you that is why he's here it's such a powerful song because we need to reach out and touch him he's he believes that he will reach you back he's here just believe that he will reach out and touch you yeah and then when he would have gotten over that moment you should never you will never you can never be the same no no no no no just get on your knees and pray to god with a fervent and contrad heart that he will take away all your pain and your sorrow and your tears trust me church believe me i know what i'm saying trust me lord lord he is here as much as we are in a in the virtual church and some of us are used to the church building it doesn't matter once you call upon his name he's there he's right there you'll never be the same he is here reach out and touch him you will never be the same you will never be the same as we invite god in our presence today as we invite the spirit of the lord to dwell amongst us i invite you just to look with me in psalm 95 which embodies the character of god in our lives for us to truly understand the god that we are inviting to us today for us to understand the god that we are worshipping today and as we worship god today verse 1 says oh come let us sing joyfully to the lord let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence oh wow with a song of thanksgiving let us shout joyfully to him with songs for the lord is a great god and the great king above our gods in whose hands are the depths of the earth the peaks of the mountains are his also the sea is his for he made it by his command and his hands formed the dry land oh come oh i don't know if anybody's oh come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the lord our maker in reverent praise and prayer and as we kneel and bow down before him today let us leave everything at the foot of the cross as we invite his presence to worship with us today let us leave all the pain from monday all the heartache from tuesday all the weary tears from wednesday all that beset you on thursday the trials of work on friday i has come before his presence today on this holy sabbath day leaving all to him today and that's why we sing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to the lord not because of anything good that he's done but because of who he is to us today and as we call on his name i'm gonna ask the praise team to sing that song hallelujah as we invite the presence of the lord with us today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i don't know if he's been good to you today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and and today we sing lord i'll praise you lord we praise your high and holy name today [Music] lord we praise you lord we praise you lord your prayers [Music] i don't have anything to give thanks for today lord we pray [Music] almost righteous and ever-loving father god we seek you today not because of our good works this week not because of any good thing we've done over this year but because we've realized now more than ever that we need your presence to fill us god right now as we come to worship your high and holy name lord we ask you will help us to leave all the trials of this life at the door help us to leave all the pain all the anguish all that fills our minds with grief today at the door and let us worship your high and holy name in this place [Music] god you see your children today our needs may differ [Music] our challenges may differ our circumstances are all different amidst all the crisis lord we still praise your high and holy name [Music] because we realize if it had not been for you on our side where would we have been today [Music] so god as we are here to worship your name we act you'll dwell amongst us right now we need your presence right now we need an infilling of your holy spirit lord [Music] help us right now to keep our minds in tune with you to keep our hearts focused on you that as we sing praise unto your name as we lift up your high and holy name we'll not lift it up out of a need but we'll lift it up because we realize who you are let us not praise you just because it's ceremonially right but let us praise you because of all that you've done for us cleanse our hearts cleanse our minds cleanse our soul today and forgive us of all of our sins in your son's name we pray amen and amen and we continue our worship this morning with come every soul by sin oppressed there is mercy with the lord and he will surely give you rest by trusting in his word him number 279 in the key of g only trust him [Music] come every soul [Music] in is [Music] to be [Music] is [Music] he will save you he will set you down [Music] believe in him without [Music] only just [Music] he will set you now come join us [Music] oh [Music] he will save you he will save you now only trust him only trust him only just he will save you he will save you good morning everyone and thank you so much for being with us here on ejc virtual church where we connect you to christ our theme for this morning is the royal invitation what do i wear and since morning we've been trying to pick out our wedding garment since we've been invited by the groom to get married should i say that yes that sounds just about right now there have been so many of you tuning in with us every single sabbath you've been with us sundays when we have our programs mondays all throughout the week and you're here as well giving god thanks now we're looking in the chat addis and we realized that you have some persons who are always there yes we have some some folk who we have um appointed as chat moderators because they have been with us from pretty much day one from inception from inception ejc virtual church we're talking about people like ricardo porteos we're talking about people like karen taylor and othnie lammy we're talking about alicia archer good morning guys and of course they're doing an awesome job monitoring the chat on our behalf and of course we are also in the chat so feel free to share your amends feel free to share your testimonies feel free to participate by way of chatting in the chat and of course we want to remind you that other me karen taylor ricardo porteous and alicia archer they are or chat moderators i can tell you that karen has a habit of keeping persons in line yes the chat starts to get out of hand she tries to whip everybody and she's sure we have to focus on the word focus on the lord and i'm seeing michael here i'm sure he's in the chat michael in the chat of course i just want to say happy sabbath to those who are joining us um while we were having that little praise break the chat yeah i am seeing testimonies in the chat persons are just uh giving god thanks and it seems like that was a moment somebody had a moment there i was well looking on in i was like wow person seems to be enjoying what's happening and it definitely was a nice little worship atmosphere there was someone who messaged me personally to say i really appreciated that praise and worship session a while ago uh well god has been good you know some of us are gifted with the gift of singing michael some of us some of us are gifted with the gift of song and you know um when god has been good to you you you echo it through your gifts yes you know so karim and of course the rest of the members of the praise team they sang from their hearts and god desires that we do everything from our hearts we want to welcome all four thousand four hundred of you who are tuned into our device right no i'm sorry four thousand four hundred devices that are locked into ejc virtual church it is sabbath august 29 2020 just like that the months are rolling by how long have we been here we have been here since march let me tell you the dates march the sabbath after march 10 is what march 17th 17th march 17th yes i no no no but this is the sabbath after march 10th which was the lockdown in jamaica um not not known they that's when they covered right right first confirmed case you know it was just the other day i was having a discussion with our technical director and he indicated that we at that point had done over 150 programs that would have blessed the hearts of of of individuals and i'm told he just updated us a while ago we have done 175 programs are these sabbath programs only or just programs in general overall so between march 17 and today sabbath august 29 the ejc virtual church has produced 175 programs which have been blessing the hearts and lives of men and women everywhere not only that but guess what we have also grown significantly with our subscriptions michael i remember when ejc virtual church started we were just at about six thousand thousand subscribers okay figures all right since here we go so right now twenty four thousand six hundred there whoa okay so it went up so why is it important though for our friends to subscribe well i i can tell you one of the things as just 174 programs thus far 175 maybe that number is new to somebody but as i tune into the programs on a weekly basis yes maybe on sabbaths we have some time but did you know that we also have a show on a monday on a tuesday on yes almost all the days of the week and uh as we continue we are adding more to the channel so it is an active channel and you want to get that notification every time we go live sometimes for you it might just simply mean you get that notification we're live and you're able to tell your neighbor maybe this is your way of you know your own ministry there's a goalie there for and through this platform we're able to reach you even somebody watching from canada right now when unless you come to jamaica to come at ejc to come to church to come to what's great church but now you are able to be at home and still worship with us so as this could be your own little way of helping to spread the message as we go in there for and teach all nations so click subscribe um share and also that bell it's very important sometimes we start at times you're not expecting us to start and we just want to remind you to click the bell on the subscription channel um you know uh michael and andrea as i think about it many times we find excuses for not witnessing many times we find excuses for not inviting people to the grand wedding you know we've been issued this royal invitation and so many times you know a person say well you know i am busy and because we know persons are busy we don't share the love of christ in the way that god will want us to share it to them but i am so happy for social media so even if people are busy even if hairdressers are in their salons that you want to witness to on a sabbath you can just shoot them a link you know and guess what while they're doing what they're doing they can watch and do what they're doing and um and even if you're not going to be doing it in the traditional sense you can also tell them what happened at church like i have some of my co-workers who are every single monday morning such easy well i'm not sure but no and they started oh gosh hear this though and keep it short so persons are interested so you can find creative ways of telling them about christ wonderful it's a it's the royal invitation that's what we're focusing on today part one which suggests that a part two is incoming we'll tell you more about that a little later but of course this invitation has been issued to us it has been issued to you irrespective of your background irrespective of where you're from what you have done you know we're in black today and the black kind of represents or it's classy right that's it it also represents our sinful nature but in spite of that we have been invited to sit at this royal wedding and to be partakers in it but you know we we have an individual who's going to be telling you a little bit more about not only giving yourselves to the lord but giving off your resources to the furtherance of his cause [Music] love stories [Music] amen don't you miss that song [Music] due to the covet crisis we are stuck at home or we are social distancing and we are not able to sing the way we love to sing and to move the way we love to move but thank god for his grace the book of matthew tells us that we are not to store up materials on earth where moth and rust can destroy them nor anywhere where a teeth can break in and steal it but we are to store up in a place we're nothing with us nothing dies and there are no thieves there it also says that where your treasure is there your heart is also my question for you is where is your heart today is it in the right place is it a heart of fear is it a heart of hope a heart of trust of love of envy sadness gladness is it a heart that cares it takes cash to care and at this time i encourage you to give give it with love give your tithe a free will offering a donation ejc virtual church is able to do what we're doing because of the grace and mercy because of the commitment of our volunteers our young people who come day after day volunteering for christ but there is the bill there are the bills there's a light bill the internet the equipment we give god thanks for ministries like the asi who donated an editing computer to us we give god thanks for all those who have given their small contribution we are indeed thankful but as we make or produce another 175 programs we humbly ask that you'll continue to give give let the lord receive it give let the lord bless you you don't have cash to give give up your time share the link subscribe spread the message of god to everyone in the world let us not sit and cry over the losses that covet 19 brought but let us look at opportunity where we can now go into all the world according to matthew and to preach the gospel help us to do so by sharing subscribing and giving god bless you in jesus name [Music] whatever thy gifts may be [Music] [Music] is [Music] we thank you lord for blessing us with life and with life comes opportunity to give continue to bless us o lord in jesus name amen [Music] faithful faithful faithful is our god [Music] god faithfulness me take back what the devil stole from me and i rejoice today for i shall recover [Music] for i shall recover it all faithful faithful faithful is [Music] promised me take back what the devil stole from me and i rejoice today for i shall recover it all yes i rejoice [Music] is [Music] is [Music] god promised me take back what the devil stole from me and i rejoice today for i shall recover it all returns [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus is our god jesus jesus jesus is our god jesus jesus jesus is our god i'm reaping the harvest god promised me take back what the clay alma stole from me i'm breathing the harness that promised me the day back was [Music] i'm reaping the harvest god promise me take back what the devil stole from me i'm breathing the harvest don't promise [Music] me [Music] take back what the devil stole from me and our rejoice today [Music] and our rejoice today [Music] and our rejoice [Music] [Applause] [Music] for i shall recover it [Music] beautiful song indeed beautiful song indeed we are worshiping here this morning and uh whether you're sitting in your living room watching your television or you're watching from your phones we're gonna have a word of prayer at this moment and i want you to bow your heads right where you are and you're going to pray with me a lot of things going on but we have the opportunity of worship and prayer so won't you bow your heads with me while we pray father in heaven we are so thankful for your goodness for your love for your mercies for indeed lord you are a marvelous god we pause to pray for your people scattered across jamaica and the world we are aware law that we are in difficult times we are in a time that is strange to most of us we are at worship but we have to be wearing our masks many of us are unable to go to our churches where we can see and fellowship our brothers and sisters but we know law that you are with us we feel you we know you we we hear you and we want to give you thanks we pray for many across the world lord who today are sad sad because they have lost their jobs sad because they have lost their loved ones there are many today quarantined unable to go about to visit their friends and their families there are many also lord who are bewildered uncertain of what is ahead the future seems dark and bleaky but there are others lord who know you personally as a father and a friend there are others who know you through your words and know that you have promised that you will never leave us nor forsake us we pray lord that you will grant those who are watching and those who are listing the assurance that you are with us and that you will come again for us we pray lord for the one who will come in the not too distant future momentarily to present your words words of assurance you have used them in time past many souls in fact hundreds have been brought to a knowledge of jesus christ through his ministry and through his words we pray that once again you will empower him that you will give him the right words to speak then lord we pray for every person who is who is joining us right now over four thousand five hundred devices we know across jamaica across the world many lord have accepted you as their lord and their savior and they observe and acknowledge that the sabbath is a day that you have given mankind to remember that you are lord and savior that you are our creator and that you will come again as we worship you today lord bless us give us that peace that passeth all understanding we pray lord for those who have lost their jobs those who are at this time in need of financial support we pray lord that you will open the bowels of compassion of your people around the world that we will not be selfish but that we will look around to see who is in need and to see how well we can help them may your people lord who you are called who you have called may we seize seize the opportunity to spread love and to share love and to give hope to those who are around us for we ask these mercies in jesus holy name amen amen [Music] crying just go to sleep go to sleep cara go to sleep oh good morning boys and girls happy service cara is so miserable this morning she just won't go to sleep but i hope she will shortly hush little baby don't you cry mommy's gonna buy you a pretty dime there you go there you go all right let me put her down i need to go and look for margery i heard that she's not feeling so well so let me just run go to the neighbor so that i can say hi to her hi marjorie how are you doing i i just wanna come to say hello to you how you doing all is well i heard you weren't feeling well did you hear that did you hear like a fire regret did you hear that sound yes i hear it oh don't don't worry i don't i don't think it's in your neighborhood you know that we always having those grass fires i i don't think it's enough no no no no no no something is wrong look the people are running look look look see the people are running it's on my avenue oh my god it's my house i need to go i need to go [Music] excuse me excuse me excuse me my baby's in the house yes i need to go in the house i need to go in the house i know where to find her my baby my baby and marjorie ran into the house because she knew where to find her baby and as she got her baby she she struggled to come out with the baby but then the smoke overwhelmed her and she started to coughing and she started to faint away and she fell with the baby but oh god was so good a fireman came in and he took marjorie little cara out and god was so good cara came out without a scratch she didn't even get a burn but mommy wasn't so lucky mommy got some burns but as cara got older and she saw the scars on mommy's hand one day she said mommy your hands are so ugly mommy with tears in her eyes told kari the story about what happened and as she cried and told kari the story kari began to cry and you could see the tears running down her eyes and she was saying mommy i'm so sorry you must have loved me to have ran back into that house to save me now you have the most beautiful hands mommy your hands are so beautiful thank you mommy thank you for saving me boys and girls many years ago someone was hurt because of us he was nailed to a cross they bore the nails in his hands and his feet and he's carrying that scar for you this morning he's carrying it because he loves you just as though marjorie loved carl jesus loves you just the same and one day he's coming again boys and girls and when he comes again you will see those scars in his hands you will see those scars on his feet that he got all because he loves you let us pray heavenly father we thank you for what you have done for us father we thank you for bearing the scars for us father please remind our children each and every day how much you love them in jesus name we pray amen [Applause] we can't remember all the blessings we've shared so many ways jesus has shown us he [Music] we have only just begun when jesus comes [Music] [Applause] [Music] they'll be rejoicing [Music] when jesus comes [Music] we fall into our in the presence of his love and we know we've already tasted of the glories that is to come when we rise up through the skies to meet the souls [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] jesus the clouds will break as the trumpet sounds very glorious singing all around [Music] glory land we [Music] [Music] rejoicing [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy just when jesus goes when jesus [Applause] amen amen our scripture union is taken from revelation 7 verses 1 to 4. that's revelation 7 verses 1 to 4 and it reads and after these things i saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree and i saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the living god and he cried with a loved voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea saying hurt not the earth neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our god in their foreheads and i heard the number of them which were sealed and they were sealed and 140 and 4 000 of all the tribes of the children of israel here endeth a portion of god's word now to speak to us this morning is a man that was born and raised in the most wonderful parish in jamaica and of course that is portland i've known him from i was a child and one thing i can tell you that he speaks the undiluted truth from the bible i'm speaking about evangelist jeffrey harriott who though employed here at east jamaica conference he has delivered messages here in jamaica across the caribbean united states canada as well as the united kingdom and i'm sure that today he'll deliver another power-packed message from god but before he comes we'll have the song of meditation the timeless theme earth and heaven will pass [Music] away it's not a dream god will make all things new that day god is the curse from which i stumbled and fell [Music] is no more tears [Music] [Applause] land [Music] see all around now the nation have come to see the only sound [Music] is [Music] and i know the king and there's no need [Music] [Music] no more [Music] i am with me [Music] prepare just for me where i can live with my savior he turns and there'll be no more no more pain no no no no no more tears no more [Music] [Music] the great i am of the rings [Applause] [Music] praises to the risen lamb help me resonate with the sentiments of the song amen amen i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord for this is the day that the lord hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it ladies and gentlemen i wish i had adequate vocabulary just to express the tremendous feelings of my humility the privilege is mine to participate in this worship service and because it's really a privilege i chose to live no other name than the name of jesus christ so come with me this morning as i take you to one whole well to get some thirst water for a thirsty soul your heads are bowed your eyes are closed let us pray our gracious god and the heavenly father it is with grateful hearts that we have come nothing in our hands we have brought but simple to your cross we have chose to cling we pray oh god today your name and your name alone will be glorified your truth will be personified and those who are watching will be edified bless the service we pray in jesus name amen just before i take you to this well i really want to acknowledge a few of my brothers and sister are watching across jamaica west indies and in places around the world like san andreas colombia new york city florida chicago trinidad and tobago barbados antigua and barbuda canada the cayman islands the turks and caicos islands bahamas and the united kingdom just a few i promise not to mention any name of anyone this morning i don't want to get myself in any trouble but the book is revelation the last book of your bible turn with me to the book of revelation or pastor of scripture that was able to read revelation chapter number seven will be read in verses number one all the way through to number four reading from the king james version as you follow in your versions or paraphrases or translations or trans literation before we read i just want to uh acknowledge a friend who came with me bubba collins from the awful tree seventh-day adventist church i want to thank sister andrea for her kind words of introduction indeed fort lane is one of the best parishes in jamaica amen you're there revelation chapter number seven reading verses number one all the way through to number four and after these things i saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the full wings of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree i saw another angel descending from the east having the seal of the living god the cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea saying hurt not the earth neither the sea nor the trees till we have seal the servants of our god in their foreheads and i heard a number of them that were sealed there were sealed and hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of israel here hands a portion of god's holy word the grass with us the flowers fades but the word of god stands forever i trust that this message finds you and your loved ones in the best of elf for all around us frustration is setting in as millions around the globe contend with the consequences of a pandemic one's robust economy are now crumbling or being paralyzed all together with no projecting end in sight politicians city officials business owners are seeking answers but i suggest that what is needed right now is hope and healing so come with me and let us unpack it together in fact i like your theme the royal invitation what do i wear but i will use as a subject words found in our text that says and after these things and after these things firstly it was never god's plan for any of his children to be experiencing suffering chaos and pain oh no it was never god's plan but this thing called sin it has separated us from god to the point where we it has resulted into painful consequences perplexing atrocities even agonizing diversities but sometimes sometimes it takes serious crisis to get the best out of us it is interesting to note how critical these scriptural references are in our study for they are intimately intertwined with our salvation so john is here saying in verse 1 of chapter 7 that the four angels standing on the four corners of the earth and so the question is what were they doing there i am glad you hacked for they were holding the full wings of the earth why so that the wind of strife will not blow on the earth nor on the scene or on any tree so the prophetic inside of this passage is clear for our god is holding back the winds so that he can seal his people in their forehead so preacher how does this passage relevant to our theme come with me and you will see for our god is in the final phase of intercession for this great work of preparation is soon to be over and the invitation is extended long extended so in terms of how we ought to be attire is very important but when it comes to this marriage supper there are some things that are very monetary which means in order for us to be around that banquet table we must do his will and keep his commandments including the fourth which requires the observance of the seventh-day sabbath of the lord and we must also have the testimony of jesus christ which is identified as the gift of prophecy and so upon the authority of god's holy word i take my stand unequivocally without the fear of any successful contradiction for i do believe that the fourth commandment is a sign or a seal between god and man i want you to underscore that word seal for it is very imperative to our study for the first time the word seal is associated with the sabbath was in 1848 by helen g white and a few months later in january of 1849 joseph bate a pioneer sabbath theologian published a book and call it a seal of the living god and so from the book patriots and prophet page 307 helen white wrote and i quote that the seal of god is the sabbath for the fourth commandment is the only commandment that carries the characteristics of a seal for she observed therefore that a seal is attached to a name and a title and the authority of the law giver and the sabbath commandment can therefore be considered a seal because it is the only one of all the ten in which are found both name and title of the law giver it is the only one that shows by whose authority the law is given thus it contains the seal of the living god end of i must say that the seventh-day adventist church is much more than just another denomination for according to revelation 10 it was born of god out of the great disappointment in 1844 just as the new testament church was born out of the disappointment of the cross in 1831 and in both instances the fathers of christ misunderstood the prophecy and were bitterly disappointed but out of those disappointments god providentially raised up a divine movement of destiny to impact the world according to revelation 12 and verse number 17 for god's last day people will be characterized first of all by keeping his commandments and secondly having the testimony of jesus christ which the angel identified in revelation 19 verse 10 as the gift of prophecy if you also in isaiah 8 verse 20 it says to the law and to the testimony they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them and so according to revelation 14 6 to 12 god's end time church will proclaim the message of the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels messages and the second coming of jesus christ this calling is for every nation kingdred tongue and people to worship the creator by keeping the sabbath day holy for there is no other religious movement in the world that fits the pattern fits this pattern there is no other church or denomination that meets the criteria revelation 10 revelation 12 and revelation 14. and so saints of god we are at a very critical era in the history of our church the prophecies that we have studied for years are now fulfilling right before our very eyes because october 31 2017 marked 500 years of protestant reformation it also marked the end of protestantism because the vatican in collaboration with the lutheran church oh major protestant denomination signed a document putting an end to the protests which started by martin luther 500 years ago on october 31 17 1517 raba he nailed his 95 thesis to the door of wittenberg when he hit lit rather the flame of reformation that caused a huge split between the catholic and protestant churches so after the signing of that document which means the seventh day adventist church the only denomination that is still protesting so the eyes of the world the religious world is on the seventh-day adventist church because we are the only pro denomination that refused to unite with religious apostasy so let me pause to make one point and my point is truth is never said to embarrass anyone but it's always enlightened i say further the christians are never against people but they are against for a system which enslave people and so don't get me wrong for they are good christian in almost every church john 10 number 16 said and other sheep i have which are not of this fault them also will i bring they shall hear my voice there shall be one fold and one shepherd i don't want you to miss take this text out of context for the textures and other sheep i have not will have but i have them already and in order for me to save them i will have to bring them out of religious apostasy and bring them into the truthful so hebrews chapter number two verses one through to number four says therefore we ought to give the more earnest eid to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip for if the words spoken by angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience receive a just recompense of reward how shall we escape we neglect so great salvation which at the first begun to be spoken by the lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him god also bringing them witness bearing them rather weakness both with signs and wonders and with diverse miracles and gifts of the holy ghost according to his own will and so maybe you're a christian maybe you in your christian walk with god there were some things you weren't exposed to but because you never knew any better but now the light has come the word of god said at least ignorance god winks ignorance here doesn't mean hot temper but it simply means lack of knowledge for adult ignorance god winks and because we never knew any better but now truth has come for the minute light comes the minute our mind is exposed to god's will we will have to give an account and so revelation chapter 12 verse number 17 said and the dragon was wrath with the woman went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ it is easy to understand the prophecies for when the bible talks about the remnant of her seed it simply means the last part of the original or god's last day church and so the devil is very angry he is making war with the last part of the church but satan is very furious that god's people are still following the truth even in the last days so i'm happy to tell you that this woman is the church in the safe hands of god for she is founded upon the rock of christ's deity for she's rooted and grounded upon the firm foundation this foundation is christ can somebody say amen the greek word used for rock in this passage is petra which means unmovable for this church is not built on any man for when jesus said in matthew 6 and verse number 18 thou art peter and up on this rock will i build my church the gates of hell hades shall never prevail against it our god could not build this church upon peter for the greek word use of peter here is petrus which means a pebble or a rolling stone in fact sometimes we worry about the church but we have nothing to fear for the future except we forget oh god has led his church in the past for this church is in good hands this church is in safe hands and we need to be careful what we say about the church for i sometimes hear all types of degrading things derogatory things demeaning things about the church but i would have you to know that the church is the bride of jesus christ you better be careful what you talk about jesus's bride for he gave his life for the church for he died for the church he loves the church and he's coming back for the church and under god this church militant must become the church triumphant in fact act of the apostle ellen white says in feeble and effective though it may be it is still the one object upon the face of the earth in which god restore his supreme regard and because he this church is god's true church we will face persecution like never before and so like the three hebrew boys under god we will not bow we will not capitulate we to god we will not compromise god's principle on the altar of expediency we will not capitulate nor give him for we will not adhere to the teaching of men except it is from the straight testimony of jesus christ and so on christ the solid rock i stand all of the crown is sinking sand and so the call of the church is for us to hold on press on hope on fight on pray on our god not finished with us yet and so aside from the four angels that john saw he saw another one his bible tells us that he saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal shane hurt not the earth neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed our servants of our god in their foreheads and so before god's people are sealed the devil will rage war upon the church like never before for like john husk some of us will even be burned to the stake before we are sealed in our forehead matter of fact for john was burned to the stake in germany on july 6 1450 because he didn't agree with the teaching of the roman catholic church one of john's belief was that everyone should be able to read the bible in their own language and he didn't believe also in purgatory for he didn't believe that you can buy your way into god's kingdom and because he was against the corruption in the catholic church he was burned to death even like the waldensians over one thousand seven hundred of them were killed in the year 1655 by the catholic church just because they stood up for jesus it is recorded that the fact of history in the western europe to 50 million people were marketed during the dark ages by both catholic and protestant in the name of christianity for they were torn apart by lions burned to the stake even wrapped in animal skins and fed to wild animals and dogs including mothers and children and even john the revelator himself was banished to the eyes of patmos there in patmos why he was banished to patmos see the caesar empire of rome banish john to patmos because of his own compromising loyalty and devotion to christ so out there in patmos little rocky island about spain miles long and six miles wide on the south course of asia minor modern-day turkey a barren place where romans would banish criminals to work that's where caesar the mission tried killing john when he banished him to this rocky island but what they did they tried killing jon by dipping him into a coal drawn of boiling oil but that did not work out the way they intended it to work out in fact they did john a favor when they dipped him into that cauldron of oil before he were as it were as it were they were baptizing john anew with power from and high they could not kill john that way so they banish him to patmos away from his fellow companionship his fellow believers and out there and famous they thought that john would become disoriented if not senility or if not insanity would fill in and john would not know where he was uh who he was and that john would suffer and die but my bible tells me that john when he looked back and can recall the days when he was preaching through the cities and towns of judea on the blessed day that god sanctified and othered john put down his hammer and john would not work john declare i was in the spirit and the lord's day hear me saints of god we are called to be the head and not the tale hey we are called to shine so that the world may know that righteousness exhausts a nation but sin is proposed to any people uh bless the name of jesus the night is far spent the day here's at hand at any time now the midnight cry can be made anytime now the announcement of the bridegroom can be made and we are invited to this marriage supper the angels are getting ready to blow their trumpets and the bridegroom is getting ready to come for his bride and so that uh he that shall come will come and will not parry and so one of the most pregnant question of all time is where are we now down in the feet of iron and clay weak and divided soon to pass away what will the next great glorious trauma be christ and the second coming and eternity but before he comes can i preach like a feeling now but before he comes ah this kingdom this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a weakness and then shall the end come ah here john said in verse chapter 14 rather one to three he said let not your heart be troubled for he believe in god believe also in me for in my father's house they are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go and prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i jesus will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there he may be also and i say amen i want somebody to know that the first time he came he came as a little baby wrapped in swaddled clothes but the next time when he comes he will be coming back as king of kings and lord of lords the first time he came they mocked him that cheered him even nailed him to an old rugged cross but the second time when he comes every knee shall power and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord and so i still believe that he that shall come will come and will not carry revelation 1 7 tells us that is coming will be visible matthew 24 13 30 and 31 tells us that is coming will be audible matter of fact every eye shall see him every here we'll hear him revelation 14 14 tells us that his coming will be glorious what a happy day that will be for those whose hands is in the hand of the savior acts 1 verse number 11 tells us that is coming will be personal not your mother nor your father but it's you who stand before you high who will stand before the judgment power of god first thessalonians 5 verses number 2 and 3 tells us that his coming will be unexpected and sometimes you think you have time to make your wrongs right but i hate to tell you that when you think it's peace and safety it might be sudden destruction and so after these things what thing preacher i heard you said your subject is after these things you see uh i'm talking about the great lisbon earthquake that took place november 1 1755 and after these things i'm i'm talking about the dark day in history may 19 1780 and after these things i'm talking about the falling of the stars took place november 13 18 33 and after these things i'm talking about falls christ and false prophet ah i'm talking about wars and rumors of wars i'm talking about nation crying for peace and no peace i'm talking about famine and pestilence is like what's happening right now i'm talking about homes falling apart i'm talking about violence and corruption taking over the land i want somebody to know that enough is happening all around us that can destroy us unless we are connected from inside us to the god that is above us then we shall be swallowed up by the evil around us not long from now he that shall come will come but before he comes the bible tells us in daniel that my tail shall stand up john said my chaos shall stand up read for me daniel 12 verse number one as it reads at that time my care shall stand up the great prince will stand it for the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never since there was a nation even to that time and at that time that people shall be delivered everyone that shall be found written in the book of life hear me carefully today beloved i'm not talking about michael jackson the one who passed i'm not talking about michael johnson a very good runner in the past i'm not even speaking about michael manley wonderful former prime minister who passed i'm not talking about jay michael j fox a very good movie star now michelangelo but when the bible talks about michael he's talking about the hack angel you see jesus is not an angel but heart means chief of all the angels and so can i have you to know that we have a high priest we have a friend who stands close to us and stick closer donna brother that friend is jesus the best friend to have is jesus ah the angels are holding back the winds of strife and if the people of god have accomplished their work we will receive the latter rain that refreshing from the presence of the lord and so we will be prepared for the trying hour that is to come so angels will be hatched in to and through in heaven returning from the earth and announces that their work is done the final test would have been brought upon the world and all who have proven themselves loyal to the divine precepts will receive the seal of the living god then jesus will cease his intercession in the sanctuary above lift his hands with a loud voice and say it is done i think you understand what i'm talking about and if you don't let me tell you what it is the truth of the matter is when jesus said when god the father said it is done it simply means that revelation 22 and verse 11 is fulfilled he that isn't just let him be and trust him he that is filthy let him be filthy still he that is right trust let him be righteous still and he that is holy let him be holy still and every cease and every case mother will be decided whether for life or for death the door of mercy then will be slammed shut on the inches of grace and probation would have been closed and jesus is coming back to put on a robe matter of fact before he comes he'll be putting on a robe dipped in blood my king of kings and lord of lords he's coming to take his exile captive home i heard a song that says i'm kind of homesick for a country to which i've never been before no sad goodbye will then be spoken for time somebody's a time for time will not matter anymore build the land sweet view of the land i'm longing for you on some day on thee i'll take my stand where my home shall be eternal through the land sweet view the land can i talk to somebody right here and almost come to a close give me five more minutes oh undertale some will be running to the rocks unto the mountain to hide them from the face of him who is seated upon that throne but on the day the saints of god will be singing swing low sweet chariot coming forth to carry me home on the day the archaeologists will try to search their way out on the day these psychologists will try to think their way out on the day the mathematicians will try to calculate their way out on that day the musicians will try to play their way out on the day the politicians will try to talk their way out on that day the billion and the trillion years will try to buy their way out but i stop here at your service to let you know that there will be no way out can i preach like i feel it john 14 verse 16 jesus said i am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by me before i want you to know before the bridegroom comes he's going to commission gabriel to blow his trumpet and gay braille is gonna ask lord how loud shall i blow it and my jesus gonna answer blow it like ten pills of thunder and blow it until it wakes up the dead and the bible tells us okay braille a matter of fact we come to learn that gabriel is gonna blow his trumpet he's gonna blow it so loud he's gonna put one foot on the mountain and one in the middle of the sea and the trumpet of cable will be so blown lord so loud until it wakes up the dead and the dead in christ shall rise shall it come popping up like popcorn in a hot weather all and those who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with him in the cloud in the sky first thessalonians 4 uh 4 16-17 says for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first that we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the here can somebody say amen can somebody say hallelujah can somebody say thank you jesus i'm happy to know that he that is gone is coming back not confucius no hallow no buddha no he even hail salasi but jesus himself whom you have seen taken up into heaven shall come in like manner for he's coming back with a shouts ah somebody reminded me that in some cemetery there are people who are buried on top of people but when the trumpet sounds when jesus comes back for his people i know sometimes we bury some wretched our sinners and holy and some saints some sayings of god and i would have you to know that when that trumpet sound and for those who have walked by god's principles and god holy words when jesus calls his lovely people back home the graves will give open the trumpet sound and the dead in christ will come popping up i would have you to know beloved that on that day the toe bones will be connected to the foot bone cannot preach it ah the foot bones will be connected to the heel bone and the heel bones will be connected to the ankle bones and the ankle bones will be connected to the leg bones and the leg bones to the thigh bones and the thigh bones to the hip bones and the hip bones to the back bones and the back bones to the shoulder bones and the shoulder bones to the neck bones of the neck bone to the head bone ah i hear paul said in first corinthians 15 50 unknown now i say prejudice that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god neither do it corruption inherit in corruption behold i said behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep come on but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an high how the last trump not donald trump shall sound and the dead in christ shall rise for us we shall be changed this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptable shall i put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then we shall bought to pass the fame that is written death is swallowed up in victory oh death where is thy string o grave where is thy victory for is coming again cannot preach it he's coming again somebody said he's coming again he's coming again can i tell you when he comes a second time there will be no more graveyard diggers that cannot preach it now no more martians no more poor bearers no more cancer somebody know what i'm talking about no more arthritis no more diabetes no more eye blood pressure no more hiv and age no more headache no more backache no more toothache no more footage no more kidney problem no more sickle cell problem no more killing no more fighting no more pnp no more jlp no more democrats no more republicans cannot talk to somebody right here there'd be no more pain no more sorrow no more funerals no more funeral homes no more desperation no more deprivation no more devastation no more discrimination no more segregation no more isolation because john tells us in revelation 21 i saw i say i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth is not passed away and there'd be no more seas no more cease right john saw the holy city the new jerusalem i'm coming to a close coming down from god out of heaven prepare as a bright adorn for her husband have you have on your wedding garment are you prepared for this great gathering i heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and god himself shall wipe away shall be there with them and be their god and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes can somebody say amen there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying no there shall be any more pain for the former things are passed away and he that sat upon the throne said behold i make all things new and he said unto me john writes for these words are true and faithful can i tell you when he said it's done it means therefore that the last trumpet would have been sounded when he comes sin will be eradicated sickness will be unannihilated ah when he comes the last enemy would have been conquered the last tear would have been shed the last burden would have been bore the last valley would have been crossed the last trial would have been ended the last trumpet would have been sounded the last problem would have been solved the last sermon would have been preached the last race would have been run the last victory would have been won the last victory i said would i have been one and sin will be eradicated and sickness will be unannihilated and god's justice will be vindicated and satan will be subjugated in heaven will be populated and the earth will be human communicated and happiness will be perpetuated through obedience will be rewarded and faithful ones will be congratulated the eastern skies will be departed and redemption would have been consummated and salvation will be completed prosecutors will be intimidated i want to be there to crown him as king of kings and lord of lords what about you what about you beloved those are watching online those are in the confines of their homes those are traveling on the busy highway though tune in to hear a word from god i heard the prophet said there will be love without limit and truth without deceased joy without worry elf without disease we will never say goodbye we'll never part again the song said oh sweetheart the titan the greets the pilgrim here as we wander in exile from home i just want to let you know that alicia simpson the condition though we don't i don't know what it is but god knows father you're seated on your throne in your hand is that book and i know you're going through it and i don't want when you get to my name i'm not where i'm supposed to be though preacher i am and i travel the world and preach the hundreds i don't want to be a castaway i want to be saved in god's kingdom and i really want those who are watching and lying to come to the realization and we're going to be uh praying at this moment for this person i don't know what the situation is but i'm going to ask god to have his way there will be a song a sermon and song to bless your heart and then i'll come back to you and make sure i lift you from heaven from her to heaven through the mediation of prayer but at least bowie has as we pray at this moment kind compassionate father the one who sits in holy inhabitations who sits on that throne above you and beneath you and around you human minds can't comprehend what is there one who is alpha and omega the beginning and the end the one who spake and it was done command dead and it stood fast father your daughter her name comes to us at this moment and as i stand between you and your people father there's anything in my personal life that would be into this prayer like david father bled out my transgression move every iniquity cleanse me from my sin so as i make petition on the behalf of your daughter and the countless 800s across the world who are watching by television watching my internet watching by youtube oh god reacts now that you will reach down your love and careful care in hand touch your child father we pray that you will surround her like a mother hand that gather her chick under her wings father we ask now for the holy ghost power to come down in this place father we ask jesus that you will consecrate every movement of your holy spirit father we pray that wherever she is you'll reach out and touch you with your holy hands lord we pray you will come and paralyze the plan of the enemy we pray god that whatever sickness whatever disease or whatever illnesses surround your daughter you will rest ashore she will a faith will be strengthened to know that you are the greatest of all physicians you are the mighty rose of sharon you are the prince of peace you are the bomb in gilead you are the doctor jesus reacts now lord that you'll reach down your loving hands touch your child and the countless numbers of those who who have wrote in the chat need special prayer oh god we ask for a revival and the reformation in your church we actually god that you will do something for he should make a conference that you have never done before we pray god you will told the leaders of this church not just in this conference but in the union and across the world and so that we will come to know that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is better approached to any people oh father have your way heal bless and sanctify let there be a testimony of your goodness thank you lord for hearing we thank you for the victory having wrought we thank you for answering in jesus name amen [Music] just wanna make it to heaven i just wanna make it in just to cross the river wanna be free from sin just want my name written well written in the land book of life dear lord and when this life is over [Music] just wanna have eternal life [Music] and to hear him say him say him say him say hey well done well done you can come on in well done lord well done [Music] anybody wanna see the loved ones uh-huh that they've lost along the way [Music] i just want to walk those of gold the streets of gold [Music] for the half has never been told never been told no no [Music] see i don't want my singing my singing my singing i don't want it to be in vain no no no no i swear to cross the river [Music] as i live from day to day just to hear him say him say well done [Music] well [Music] i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith henceforth there is later for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not only to me but unto all them also that love his appearing and the master in reply shall say well done thy good and faithful servant enter into the joy of thy lord well done well done well done well done [Music] you can come on [Music] you [Music] you can come on in here [Music] we want to hear those words from only one lips and that is the lips of jesus like what he said to paul you have fought a good fight you have kept the faith you have finished your course and this is later for you a crown of righteousness this royal invitation is extended and for those who are watching as i said before we hope that this message finds you and your loved ones in the best of elf now you have heard the words from the lips of our savior words of hope and in these trying times these trying moments what better friend to have but jesus there's a story i heard and this is for somebody who's listening right now who needs to hear that there is hope the story i heard about uh a man who was dying they called this family to his bedside [Music] his dear wife his two sons and his only daughter [Music] and he said to his dear wife good night he said to his eldest of two sons good night he hugged his son and he said be the man of the house he said to his only daughter hugged and kissed her so let mommy be proud of you but little one who was around eight years of age he looked him in the face and he said to him goodbye for a moment the little boy who was eight years of age who fought much that we thought much don't know much about making a decision for jesus little boy said daddy i don't understand you said to my mother my my brother and my sister good night why did you say to me goodbye that he had to explain and he looked him in the eyes with tears in his cheek he said son because your mother [Music] and your brother and your sister have accepted jesus christ as their lord and savior when i die and they die and we meet again we will live throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity but because you have not yet surrendered your life to him i'm not sure i'll ever see you again little boy at daddy's bedside he gave his heart to jesus and that he was able to say to his eight years of age son good night i leave you for a little while i don't know if this will be the last sermon for somebody right where you are let go and let god have your own way ask god to have his own divine way think about it these are trying moments think about it the invitation royal invitation is extended let go and let god father thank you for hearing thank you for answering save your church save your people in jesus name amen to end we turn our hymnals to when peace like a river attendeth my way when sorrows like sea villas roll whatever my lot thou has taught me to say it is well with my soul when [Music] when [Music] my [Music] and lord is shall be [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it is [Music] is is [Music] my soul [Music] and i you know i like to spend some time in the chat and i was seeing some of your comments today can i say you can't feel the spirit moving through technology we can't we can feel the spirit remotely i saw some individuals proclaiming about what today was like for them and i want to say thank you to each and every one of you for tuning in to today's broadcast of ejc virtual church i want to say in particular to alicia continue to hold on you know there are times when each of us we get to that place in our lives where we just kind of feel like letting go but i'm so thankful that we serve a god who does not let us go even when we feel like giving up even when we feel like you know all hope is gone we serve a god who continues to hold us and love us and hold us open keep us close so you did not tune into ejc virtual church by chance you did not hear the preacher by chance it was by divine design and guess what we want to learn more about you so if you look into the chat you'll see that we have a link and when you click it it goes to a form which says give god a chance today online form we're asking for your name the country which you live your email address and we want to find out how it is that we can minister to you if you are in need of special prayer if you want to recommit your life to christ and you can also send your prayer requests there so we're just going to ask you to just take a few seconds or a minute or so to just fill out that form so that we can keep in touch with you we want to say a very happy sabbath to the woodburns who are viewing from portland jamaica happy sabbath pastor arlington woodburn sister woodburn greetings to you you know a message came in on the chat as we as we were listening to evangelist harriet pastor woodburn says you know we baby boomers we are we're not so good with technology but the millennials are indeed doing a great job and the church is in safe hands we thank you pastor for your leadership for your mentorship for leading us yes i was a baby when you were here in eastern make a conference you know thanks for your leadership and may god continue to bless you and of course your family i also want to say happy sabbath to some of the communities that are in quarantine we have brethren who are watching from common communities quarantine and lock down thomas all tuned in happy sabbath to you uh the broadcast continues this afternoon we resume at 2 30 for bible class with pastor oh and pastor joe yeah elder joe of course that's 2 30 this afternoon he can't afford to miss it so grab a quick lunch it is now 103 local time here in jamaica we hope to we hope that you'll rejoin us at 2 30 in the p.m so on behalf of our hard-working production team yeah you are you are oh okay my name is andrea chizom i'm madis jonas murphy it is well with my soul i want to hear it once more i'm michael forsythe [Music] when peace [Music] see below [Music] oh [Music] my is [Music] it is it is [Music] my face shall be [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is it is you
Channel: East Jamaica Conference
Views: 40,617
Rating: 4.7996769 out of 5
Keywords: George floyd, youth, sda, adventist, weekofprayer, church, youth week of prayer 2020, forgiveness and reconciliation, ejcsda, seventh-day adventist, ja adventist online, east jamaica conference of sda, east jamaica conference, ja
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 40sec (13840 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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