FMBC Virtual Service (6.14.20)

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[Music] praise the Lord and welcome to Free Will Baptist Church virtual worship service we appreciate you taking out the time to be a part of our worship experience we pray that the service would be a blessing to you we give God honor glory and praise hallelujah is just another day that the Lord has allowed us to be here amen and thank you God we're gonna hear from our praise team and then I'll come right back [Music] hallelujah hallelu lift up the name of the Lord this morning he's worthy to be praised from the rising of the Sun into the going down of the same hallelujah hallelujah we serve a little God we serve a great guy Paulino a little [Music] and give [Music] how great is our God save me yes how oh brain how great is how great is our God sing with me how great it's like we'll see how brain now hey his eye [Music] the splendor and a keen clothing majesty let all the earth rejoice that all the earth rejoice he wrapped and selfie and darkness tries to hide and trouble it is for and trample it is for how great it's a guy sing with me how great is I the world oh great I worry [Music] see me how he is like ah Oh how great hey Stan and time is soon his hands beginning handy [Music] and son [Music] see me brain is [Music] oh great [Music] Oh [Music] sangmi [Applause] [Music] these are named Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] inside see me hungry [Music] see how Hey like oh great see me hurry see how his son [Music] give him glory give him press ha little nice we thank the praise team for bringing us into worship experience and transforming our minds and to a place of peace where we can hear the word of God the Lord is in his holy temple that all the earth keeps silent before him for God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth are called to worship hallelujah glory God I thank God for Jesus this morning I think him for his everlasting love hallelujah glory to your name father we come before you to worship you to adore you to praise you to magnify you to lift you up hallelujah there is none like you and we give you honor we give you glory we give you praise hallelujah for you're worthy of our praises hallelujah on a prayer list this morning I want to continue to pray for the family of Rufus Johnson brother Tim montcrief in the Jackson Hospital brother Steve Webster Baptist Hospital Raven a coffee William Robeson in the hospital in Tuscaloosa Deborah Collins in the hospital here in Montgomery and Tyrell Felder and we always want to keep praying for our mothers especially mother McCain and mother peden amen if you out there and you never receive the Lord as your Savior I want to give you this opportunity hallelujah to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in your life hallelujah glory to God if you already save and there are other people in the house amen that might be afraid glory to God to speak it openly if you will repeat it in your home even if your say hallelujah it will help someone who's watching with you [Music] father I am a sinner in need of a savior let me repeat that and you repeat it after me father I am a sinner in need of a savior I believe that Jesus is the Son of God I believe that he was born of a virgin I believe that he died on a hill call cavalry I further believe that he rose on the third day with all power in his hand and he now sits at the right hand of the Father on the confession of your faith that Jesus is the Son of God and he was born of a virgin died and resurrected and now sits at the hand of the Father you are now say come on give God some praise for your salvation and coming into the kingdom father we think and we praise you this morning God your mercies are new every day we thank you God for covering and keeping us in the midst of all that is going on in the world god I pray that you would move in a mighty way hallelujah we still believe that this is a god situation hallelujah father you can speak and koba nineteen will cease you can speak and America can become one God we thank you even now for those who own our sick list we pray lifting we pray healing we plead the blood of Jesus over them we pray that every person that touches them their hands would be sanctified every move they make go into God will be guided by your own eye from glory hallelujah we speak healing we speak lifting in their lives today hallelujah no weapon formed against us shall prosper he is our healer he is our deliverer Laura to God and those of you who are viewing you may be going through something but I prayed that God would give you the strength to just hold on just a little while longer and I believe a change is gonna come in your life hallelujah Satan I rebuke you in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Ghost yo hold on God's people in the name of Jesus hallelujah Lord let your spirit flow down like a muddy river god overtake our hearts overtake our minds overtake our situations God we know that you able God hallelujah and we praying that you will hallelujah glory to God I thank you lord but your healing virtue I thank you God but your delivering I thank you for being a provider I thank you for being a protector I thank you God I thank you for all that you've done in our life all that you're doing because we don't give thanks in everything every situation we give your honor we give your glory we give you praise hallelujah glory to the lamb of God glory to the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of a world hallelujah songwriters said glory glory hallelujah mmm [Music] he said glory glory hallelujah [Music] come on Minister Macky help passed out come on somebody come on come on come on anybody leave their burdens down come on somebody do you feel better so much better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh glory to God somebody ought to feel better hallelujah tell them I laid all of my burdens down glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah he is worthy to be praised amen at this time I would like to introduce to some and present two others our senior pastor of freewill Missionary Baptist Church pastor Quentin Byrd and his wife dr. Consuela Bird hallelujah I would like to for you to receive them now hello free wolf family what an honor it is to greet each of you together we are about to enter a new season and I couldn't be more excited July first I will begin my assignment as your next senior pastor I thank God for this amazing opportunity and I want you to know that I've spent and will continue to spend time fasting and praying seeking the guidance and direction of our Heavenly Father for his plans concerning his church and his people over the years I've been blessed with many opportunities to grow professionally educationally and spiritually but one of my greatest blessings has been being chosen by God to serve in his kingdom the Apostle Paul says in 1st Timothy 1 and 12 I think Christ Jesus our Lord who has strengthened me that he considered me faithful and appointed me to his ministry guess what I feel quite the same as I prepare for this next season I am clear that I'm not here because of any individual efforts of my own I know without a shadow of a doubt that it's God's grace that has been poured out on my life I'm also grateful for the impact and influence of people who have loved and invested in me these people I call my Giants of the faith one of such faith Giants is a man we all know and love pastor Edward J Nettles senior for over 17 years pastor nettles has not only served as my pastor but as both my surrogate and spiritual father a mentor and a friend while pastor nettles will be entering a new season of his life I am thrilled that he will not be leading the free wolf family pastor nettles will continue to serve free will in a unique way helping in the leadership transition and continuing the work of the kingdom in and around the greater Montgomery community and although the pandemic of kovat 19 will not allow us to gather together as we would like I promise that we will celebrate pastor nettles and the incredible work and service he has given for so many years let me take a moment and introduce a very special young lady she is the love of my life and this year we celebrate 18 years of an amazing marriage she is my wife doctor Consuela Bird Thank You uh hello freewill family I am honored to serve as your next first lady I'm excited because I know that God's hand is on free will and that he has great things in store for us all just as my husband has shared we look forward to celebrating the service of pastor nettles but it is only fitting that we also celebrate the one who has so beautifully served alongside him sister Beverly Devils what an amazing woman of character integrity and faith just as pastor nettles has been so instrumental in the lives of many sister nettles has been incredible blessing to me to so many others not long actually coming to freewill in 2002 god bless my husband and I to start our family while at freewill we welcome three precious children into the world it was in part because of the great example modeled by sister metals that I was able to find balance on being a wife and mother and having a career I learned as I watched her lead and serve her family and the freewill ministry all while confidently walking in a divine strength as a woman of courage and a woman of God so in addition to celebrating pastor nettles we look forward to celebrating his love and our beloved sister Beverly meadows well family I am convinced I believe that what God has in store for us as we move forward has the potential to literally blow our minds my family are now we are honored and humbled to walk with you into this new season my promise and commitment to you is that our serve faithfully always cover you in prayer and lead with vision compassion integrity and love with the leading of God the commitment of our deacons trustees ministry leaders and volunteers and the support of each of you our free will members and friends together we will accomplish greater works for the kingdom of God hey listen before I let you go I want to extend a very special invitation for you to join me on the first Sunday in July as we kick off a brand-new teaching series titled the pursuit going after your destiny even in the midst of a global pandemic and civil unrest there is something that God has in store for you something he's calling to pursue join us live as we stream our services to your phones or tablets or computers all of your electronic devices listen may God bless each of you stay safe healthy and well I'll see you via our online service starting in July when together we pursue our next season for the kingdom we thank God for pastor bird and all that he's going to bring here to free will amen I say I believe in my heart he's gonna take us higher glory to God amen and I'm so excited about freewheels future glory to God and I'm grateful to God hallelujah that he's coming and he's gonna be equipping the Saints and I am so so grateful my heart is glad thank you so much also we wanted to acknowledge our graduates for 2020 want to say congratulations to Otis Porter Huntington College Barney speedy smart the third part crossing Jada Gartner micro Aaliyah Williams Jeff Davis Carol Felder Jeff Davis the jamia Gibby Jeff Davis do Nia Gibby Jeff Davis Jayla Morris bTW magnet Derrick Franklin Florida Atlantic University Kerwin Brown Jeff Davis Jasmine Thomas Park crossing Jumeirah hives Jeff Davis Mary Francis Elizabeth Hall Alabama Christian Academy I'm Allen southern eunuch Southern Union Community College and Linda Pruett Trenholm State Community College we want to salute our graduates and we thank God for you hallelujah amen I thank you for preparing yourself to step out in life amen and we're so proud of you here at free will amen we thank God for for each of you glory to God we're going to get ready now for our tithes and offering I want to remind you about covet 19 and Montgomery still been a hot spot amen and we need to take every necessary precaution amen and what we have seen and you have heard that many people are being infected and they have no idea where they pick the virus up at so please be careful and mindful wear your mask wear your mask Amen wear your mask amen and and we just believe God that God is going to speak into this situation real real hallelujah and so we'll get ready for Titan offer and always remember do what you can while you can and the Lord will surely bless you you can give several ways through our cash app you can go to give a file or you can mail it in here at the church at 1724 Hill Street Montgomery Alabama 3 6 108 you can also bring it by Monday through Thursday from 10 until 1 and then Fridays from 10 until 12 again that's the cash app give off I mail it in at 17 24 heal Street Montgomery Alabama 3 6 108 and you can drop it by Monday through Thursday from 10 until 1 p.m. and then on Fridays glory to God from 10 until 12 remember however you choose to submit your tithes make sure that your name is on it so that you can get the proper credit we want to make sure that you do that glory to God we appreciate you in advance for all that you're going to do amen amen and I thank God for you in keeping our church trying to keep our church strong hallelujah glory to God even though the doors are closed we still must maintain our facilities and also be prepared for your return father we think and we praise you for the tithes and offerings that we are yet to receive god I pray that you would speak to the hearts of your people and God let them give freely according to their ability god we thank you even now bless them increase them as they trust you to release their ties unto you I pray that it will go further up building of your kingdom in Jesus name I pray amen I won't be long this morning we're gonna go to a familiar passage of scripture John chapter 9 that's the Gospel according to John chapter number 9 John chapter 9 beginning with the first verse and I'll possibly read a few following verses [Music] and it reads and as Jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth and as disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind jesus answered neither has this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of God should be made manifest in him I must warn the works of him that sent me while it is the day that night cometh when no man can work as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world when he had thus spoken he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay and said unto him go wash in the pool of Siloam which is that which is by interpretation sent he went his way therefore and watch and came seeing hallelujah and the neighbors therefore they which before had seen him that he was blind said is not this he that sat and big some said that is he other said he is like him but he said I am he therefore said they unto Him how were thine eyes open and he answered and said a man that is called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said unto me go to the pool of Siloam and wash and I went and I watched and I receive my site hallelujah glory to God if we were to tag this this morning I would give it through the power of the Holy Spirit give him a chance give him a chance no matter what our situation no matter what's going on what's going on in our lives no matter what our plot is in life I'm a firm believer that if you give Jesus a chance he will fix your situation somebody ought to be praising God right now because there are witnesses who are watching can testify that you waited patiently for the Lord and he heard your cry and kideth your every groan hallelujah if you give him a try hallelujah he will work it out for you and for me hallelujah we must give him a liar give him a chance to work a miracle in our life somebody know he's America working God hallelujah amen I know somebody out there hallelujah God has worked on miracle in your life you ought to tell somebody sitting next to you I'm a walking living breathing miracle you just don't know what the Lord has done for me glory to God I know where I should have been coulda been oughta be in but by the grace of God I am here standing now glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah glory to the Lamb of God and the Bible said glory to God and Jesus passed by and he saw the man glory to God the men did not call Jesus Jesus saw the man you can't tell me that God does not say hallelujah loads of God and His disciples asked him saying master who do you see this man or his parents that he was born blind well the disciples did not ask a crazy question because it was the custom of that day that if a child was born with a deferment with a deformity then that means that his parents actually seen hallelujah and the evidence was in amen the condition of the child glory to God so it was in tradition out of tradition that they said this hallelujah but I thank God for Jesus because Jesus will clean it up somebody ought to bless God in here Jesus says in verse 3 neither has this man seen nor his parent but the works of God should be made manifest in him hallelujah God allowed him to be born blind amen he allowed it to happen glory to God so people can be able to see the manifestation of the healing power of Jesus y'all ain't helping me this another situation where they ain't nothing but a setup glory to God don't you remember the Lord said the same thing at Lazarus great hallelujah Lord is not for me hallelujah is for being that do not believe somebody oughta bless God in here I don't know about you but I'm willing to tell God this morning use me Lord however you see fit god I want you to use me in your service hallelujah glory to God anybody want to be used by the Lord anybody want to tell God Here I am God you use me in your service let me be a living testimony just somebody who does not believe hallelujah glory to God and immediately Jesus glory to God he benda kated the parents he said the parents did not sin and this man did not sin all of this should be made manifest in him hallelujah that the glory of God shall be revealed somebody oughta bless God in here I don't know about you but all of us was blind at one time in our life hallelujah don't you remember the song Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found blind but now I see somebody oughta go ahead and testify and tell the truth and say I haven't always seen the way I see now there was a time in my life where I was blind hallelujah but glory be to God Jesus open up my and now I can see there's something about God's grace no matter what you've done in your past no matter what you got going on in your life hallelujah he will open our blood somebody oughta shout right there glory to God you know what we should have been you know where we ought to be but by God's grace Amazing Grace we stand here today hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus and he said I must work the works of him that sit mm-hmm I must work the works of him that sent me Jesus is saying I came to work the works of my father who sent me and I'm working glory to God in the light because I am the light of the world did y'all hear me Jesus but see he didn't take he didn't take any any recognition for the work that he was doing he acknowledged that what I'm doing it's the father in me it's the father in me glory to God didn't F what the were saying I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day night cometh when no man can work y'all he helping me up here so if he sent him and he came to us and we went to him so we must work the work of Jesus while he works the work of the father yolly helping me we are the light of the world how can a dark world see without some light somebody ought to say the only I have like I'm going in the light you're only helping me glory to God I'm not walking in the night dark because in the dark you stumble in the dark the devil catches you somebody better bless God I hear you ought to look around your room and say I am the light not the lightbulb I am the light of the world glory to God because I'm in him and he is in him glory to God somebody I bless God in here hallelujah glory to God I think it was on Wednesday night or the night before hallelujah will like the moon we are reflectors of the light hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah glory to God amen and so Jesus says as long as I'm in the world I'm gonna be the light I'm gonna do what my father sent me to do and then the Bible says he took heed then after he had spoken he spat or spit on the ground and made clay of the spit and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay amen let me tell you something in my day as a boy growing up the one thing you didn't want to do was spit on somebody else hallelujah I've watched I watched young girls when I was little and when we spit on the other and she pulled him earrings off and kicked them shoes off and she was ready to scrap and guys would just rev up like local motors and run right into you hallelujah could spit was a sign of disrespect it's kind of like the worst thing you can do - somebody is spit hallelujah in their face glory to God amen but we don't want to talk about Amen that kind of thing but just to let you know that spitting Amen was an unusual thing to do however in that day they believed hallelujah that spit had some type of medicine in it and and you know you know you know we all have been that place young people you won't understand what I'm about to say but if you're over 40 you know what I'm talking about in the day that we were growing up there were things that they did hallelujah amen and we didn't know all we knew it was medicine hallelujah and there was always a miss somebody on the street or around the corner that everybody went to you got an earache they pulled some oil in it and stuck some cotton in your ear until this day I don't know what the oil is hallelujah step on the nail they get some fatback and put it on in your feet and wrap it with a rag and that's supposed to pull the soreness and the poison out of the nail y'all ain't helping me in here you get stung by a bee they want to put some snuff or tobacco on y'all ain't helping me up in here glory to God they believed in what they were doing hallelujah amen but look where the Lord has brought us from and we give Him glory we give them honor we give Him praise hallelujah glory to God and listen let me tell you something about this man glory to God the Bible says that he spit on him hallelujah Amen you got to understand folk amen that this man is not upset about Jesus spitting on him you know why because he couldn't see y'all he helping me up in here if you can't see it it can't offend you y'all ain't helping me up in here glory to God and even if he could see and say Jesus if you spit go over my spit on me hallelujah go over to God if I had Jesus here today I said not only spit on my spit on my head my heart filled my life hallelujah glory to God hallelujah when you're desperate when you need a blessing you don't care about the spit hallelujah glory to God you just want the healing to be perfected y'all only helping me glory to God and do you not understand that this man hallelujah didn't know nothing about Jesus hallelujah all he knew was he was a man named Jesus y'all they helping me up in here glory to God all you need to know is the name Jesus huh Jes you answer there's no name higher than that name glory to God hallelujah when we need a miracle there's some things you got to look over huh hallelujah there's some things you just got to look over huh you got to turn your back to hallelujah when you want a miracle and you're desperate huh glory to God you gonna go after it come on woman with the issue of blood she was desperate are you desperate this morning are you desperate for a breakthrough are you dust before healing are you desperate for God to provide then act like you're desperate desperate means respirator just go ahead and call on him say lord I need you father I stretch my hand City know somebody showed you there are some things you cannot see and there's some things you have to overlook I don't care where the blessing comes from if I need there's some things in our lives that we gonna have to overlook in order to be blessed by God y'all not hear me foking woke up in your face don't like you don't care nothin about you a man and your inner man is saying don't speak to him make a turn as though you were going this way to keep from speaking to them but in order to get your breakthrough you if you have to speak to folk who don't want to speak to you you have to love folks who don't love you you have to appreciate people who definitely do not appreciate you amen and God get glorified and it doesn't hinder my miracle somebody oughta bless God in here amen and let me tell you and the Bible says I only have a few more minutes and the Bible said that Jesus told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam which means he sent him to the pool he sent him to the pool hallelujah glory to God and this pool is very sacred it's in the Old Testament as well as in the new I don't have time to get into it this morning but he went there for and wash when God tells us to do something that seems foolish to other folk amen they're gonna call you crazy they're gonna talk about you they're gonna say you don't have good sense they don't say all manner of things about you but you gotta get past their foolishness and tell them if God said it I'm gonna do it hallelujah God has blessed me hallelujah over and over again and I don't care what people say or think about me and what God tells me to do if it's foolish to them hallelujah it's alright with me but it's not gonna hinder my blessing if God tells me to go left I'm going left if God tells me go right I'm going right if God tells me to sit down I'm gonna sit down hallelujah even if everybody's standing I'm gonna praise God if everybody is sitting down because if the Lord has done something for you you should always be prepared to give God some praise somebody over bless God in here glory to God I feel the Spirit of the Lord moving in my life hallelujah glory to God amen your next move might be your best move you might want to just ignore people and do what God told you to do hallelujah he has the final say-so hallelujah glory to God don't let nothin and nobody hinder yo praise amen because your praise will lead to your miracle sometimes you have to praise hallelujah when you're still in a rut sometimes you have to praise while you're still in the hospital sometimes you have to praise when you're breaking down at your house hallelujah the Bible said let everything that hath breath praise ye the Lord some money on appraise him is there anybody out there who's ready to praise the Lord why don't you give God your burst praise hallelujah won't you let the King of glory come in who is this King of glory huh he's the Lord yeah means the Lord Marty and manner somebody anybody I'm gonna bless the Lord when the world looks at me crazy I'm gonna bless the Lord hallelujah can I get some help in here glory to God I feel like I'm preaching to myself but God is gonna get glory and I'm gonna get a miracle somebody said I can praise him now and he can bless me later hallelujah glory to God amen ain't worried about food keep talking about my praise hallelujah I'm not apologizing for my praise I need something from God that people can't give me you ought to tell somebody if you can give me what God is gonna give me then I'll shut up but if you can't do what God doing you shut up hallelujah I'm gonna praise my way through is there anybody out there ever praise your way through you are down and broken but when you did like the psalmist David look to the heels from which cometh my help all of my help comes from the Lord hallelujah glory to God and let me tell you something about God Jesus sometimes want us to participate in our own miracle they try not hear me sometimes the Lord wants us to participate in our own miracle listen he could have easily spoke to the man and say see but he did not do it because it was for the glory of God God wanted Jesus wanted to do this in a way where the man will for ever remember you know but ever remember I don't know about you guys but I got some scars hallelujah and every time I look at that scar I remember where I got it from y'all in helping me so the Lord is kind of saying I'm going to do this in a way where you will never forget every time you look around you gonna remember a man named Jesus made some mud patties made some clay and put it on my eyes y'all ain't helping me here and the participation part glory to God and and so God was doing his part he said I'm gonna make some take some spit and I'm gonna make some clay and I'm gonna put it on his eyes and if you notice the Bible says that it was an anointing he anointed his ass hallelujah so he had already set healing in motion but in order to fulfill the miracle the man had to do something y'all a helping me up in here I've already unknown at you now I'm waiting on you glory to God we don't got you in just a minute but listen the man walks to the pool which is a pool of healing amen it's a pool of healing it was like a pond out in the middle of nowhere and the water came up from the ground as though it was a fountain research it in the Old Testament you'll find more about it but he went and he washed as he was instructed you remember hallelujah your blessings when you a participate in your blessing y'all in helping me in here when you participate in it you will remember it hallelujah glory to God amen and so the Bible says amen the Bible says Lord our God is a gotta rush up now he said glory to God to man eyes was open and the people saw him coming back and they didn't recognize him hallelujah some said it was this some say that was that some said this said that he said in verse 11 a man that is called Jesus made clay and anointed eyes and said unto me go to the pool of Siloam and wash and I went and I watched and I received my sight somebody ought to bless God right there when you do what the Lord tells you to do hallelujah you won't get the results that you were expecting somebody oughta bless God in here and the Bible said that the Pharisees were told about it hallelujah they're always gonna be some Pharisees in your blessing they're gonna be some unbelievers who don't believe God in the blessing business you are a touch your neighbor and tell them I know what it is to be blessed by the Lord hallelujah surely goodness and mercy shall follow me hallelujah all the days of my life hallelujah and the Pharisees also asked him how did you receive your sight he said one day uh-huh my eyes was open I watched and I did see and the Pharisee said this is not of God because God don't do work like this on the Sabbath how can a man that is a sinner do such miracle and there was a division among them they said unto the blind man again what says thou him and he opened nine eyes but the Jews did not believe hallelujah concerning his sight hallelujah they went to his parents hallelujah because they still didn't believe you gonna have some naysayers amen they went to his parents and glory to God and the parents said hallelujah glory to God he is of age he can speak for himself somebody oughta bless God in here I need to talk to 25 of y'all who are of age and can speak to yourself somebody ought to help me somebody ought to help me right now amen don't you want God to have a chance to turn your situation around hallelujah well if you're of age you ought to start speaking for yourself if the Lord made a way for you hallelujah huh you are age you ought to speak for yourself if he delivered you you ought to speak for yourself I've tried the Lord and I know what he'll do he walks with me huh he talks with me he tells me I'm his own when I can't sleep at night he rocked me to sleep he is the son of God the only helping me he's the Good Shepherd hallelujah I'm of age I'm gonna speak for myself he's the chief shepherd he is a rock in a weary land the only helping me glory to God what easy to you he's my healer he's my deliverer he's my way out of no way Maryana shout out hallelujah when you give Jesus a chance he will turn the impossible to possible hallelujah a whole things are possible to him that believeth somebody oughta shout I believe hallelujah I'm of age I can speak for myself know what the Lord is done I know where he brought me from I know what he brought me through I was down he picked me up my body failed me but he healed my body my mind was rocked he gave me peace he gave me joy somebody ain't body no matter what you're going through give God a chance somebody say yes I'm gonna give him a chance hallelujah glory to God but the Bible said hey man I'm through now huh but I heard an old preacher huh here in Montgomery huh he's gone on to be with the Lord Holly Lou amen the river mac Parker huh argh used to hear him her clothes out when I was a boy hallelujah and he said there are some people in the Bible huh who's of age and can speak for themselves can I call roll huh I'm a call roll in on a Mac Parker huh he said God was Aram's ridhima huh Abraham's sacrifice Noah's Ark Moses burning bush Joshua battle axe Gideon's fleece Samson power Davis music Solomon we say God's only Son Mary's baby huh Matthews King Marke suffering surgeon the great position John the Word made flesh do you know him have you what is he to you what is it for you have you tried him have you tried him what is he to you somebody oughta shout somebody oughta scream I feel pretty good right now I know who he is I know what he's done hallelujah just give God a chance just come and put it on the altar and say God Oh on the altar and when you lay it down lay that Berlin down you oughta turn around and give God your best praise hallelujah glory to God somebody anybody ought to say yes can I get some help out there somebody need a body all to say yes and that boy said one of the here sin or not but one thing I do know his name is Jesus he's our prophet and He healed me somebody say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah what is he to you huh what is it to you huh hallelujah he died one Friday evening he's your Savior my Savior no deliver your way maker hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah I gave him a chance hallelujah he took me further thought I would go he lifted me higher I thought I ever be my soul looks back and wonder huh how did I make it over because I gave God a chance to change my life somebody anybody yes I think we ought to put a phrase on it come on oh just put a phrase on it I gave God a chance and he turned my life around hallelujah co-signs come on sing come on praise it giving your best break hallelujah won't he do it won't he do it somebody say yes [Music] give God a chance if God came to fix it then nobody can and when people start talking about you calling your crazy because you have a praise on the inside call me whatever you want to call me I know why I'm crazy [Music] you know why praise him because what the song is saying God has smiled on me love for day [Music] but God set me free somebody anybody say pastor I was in despair I was at the end of my rope but God smiled on me hallelujah oh my god my god God y'all help me hallelujah glory to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of a world there is none like You hallelujah I thank you God for pulling us up out of the ashes hallelujah through all of our trials to all of our tribulation Lord you've been good to us if I had ten thousand tongues I couldn't praise you enough [Music] every time a door was closed in my life you open another door I smile because you first smiled on me and the joy of your of you the joy of the Lord is my strength you have always been a present help in times of troubles and I want to tell somebody God didn't bring you this far to leave you alone just look at that scar and remember what God brought you through you ought to have a yet praise hallelujah this is a good time to just have a flashback and said I gave him a chance and look what he's done in my life God can use you in his service we thank you so much for allowing us to come into your home or whatever platform you use we are grateful to God in everything I pray that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding be with you hence now and even forevermore I pray that God was pleased with this message and I pray that it was a blessing to you Father we thank and praise you for the privilege of Prayer the privilege of coming before you to worship you this morning God we ever so grateful of all of your great works toward us and that yet we were and while we were yet sinners you died for us you're worth giving giving a chance you're worth you're worth us giving you a chance and I know you'll work it out for us we pray for the bereaved families and those who were sick I challenge you in Jesus name to give God a chance amen thank you so much god bless you and Godspeed to each of you from Beverly and I we love you so much free will we miss you hallelujah and soon we will be together have a great rest of the day god bless you
Channel: Freewill Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,301
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Id: WUIa3ov9QM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 38sec (4058 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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