TOP 10 BEST STORAGE UNIT FINDS / Most Expensive Storage Wars Find Compilation / Luckiest Finds Ever

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holy 2019 it was a hails of a crazy year with treasure around every single corner it sure was in today's video we're gonna take you back on memory lane and show you our top top ten top 10 most epic storage unit five best finds and we might even throw in a couple bonus finds so better oh and we have an entire tin can collection of mostly beer from the top to the floor we're gonna go to ebay and type in beer can and go highest to shipping and we're gonna see what's going on here here is a beer can that's sold for $6,000 don't forget that four dollars and 53 cents shipping right there and we've got another can there $3,550 another can here three thousand seventy three dollars another can here three thousand fifty seven dollars and eighty-eight cents four thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars I mean this is just insane to me so the best unit of the day that had the most potential of seen treasure was this unit with the beer cans $50 is all I paid once I have the entire collection out on the dock at the warehouse you can see the size of it 15 clear totes of cans a box of cans today we're going to cash in some of the coins that we've gathered throughout all of the units we've gotten in the last several months so we're at the warehouse let's take a look at all the coin it's cold in here oh yeah it looks like curry mine salad the vast majority of these coins have come from one unit one nickel will get us at one two three four press it again she found a nickel yes one two three four five six what an amazing amount I cannot believe that that's the most incredible thing I've ever seen in my life let's hit receive okay we got to see it and then they'll give us cash our printed receipt we can see exactly how many pennies five thousand three hundred twenty six pennies we had 38 dimes we had 4130 nickels and 3880 four quarters four one two three four five six right above our two lakhs we've never done 2 lakhs before but right above our 2 lakhs we've got spiderwebs now these weren't here as we opened it when we bought it so we know nobody tampered with it and we had extra security in the web's so it's time to open it up as long as our security guard will let us open it up now if you remember the one thing that we saw in here that could pay for the entire unit is this moose this moose easily and this is a very conservative estimate easily can bring in twenty five hundred dollars the most important thing when pricing a moose is what George it's like a lot of things size size matters any woman that tells you size doesn't matter is what George they're lying and so the bigger the rack the more money now we can officially get this scored and we can actually get more money for it as well but we're going to go on a conservative estimate $2,500 on the moose head yes okay are you ready I'm ready all right here we go here we go okay unwrapping it's definitely in here there is definitely something in here and it is it's a beauty whatever it is okay it's empty all right so we know it's empty check that out that's pretty awesome look at that it's a Browning look at that it's a Browning it's got some age to it for sure check that out Wow Wow there we go here I must slide it over look at that there Wow Wow Wow I know I had it wrapped up I've officially dug it out and as you can see there's not just pennies but there's all kinds so we got silver in there too now it's oh holy cow holy cow it's extremely heavy broken there but it looks to be full this is just oh I'm not even sure I can move it by myself we're gonna have to weigh this and cash this all in at the bank the final total two thousand six hundred seventy seven dollars and fourteen cents Hales yes right there right there right there combination no way oh oh my goodness we have to try this oh my goodness I can't believe it I can't believe it alright here we go and one two three there we go Oh Armed Forces commemorative you know this guy had all kinds of stuff from from Germany and maybe he was in the World War what's under the tarp is that what I think it is some work fine right there okay stuff everywhere dollar bills falling out okay look here Delaware the first state 1787 Proof Set I think oh wait I thought that was a page okay there's okay there's Pennsylvania Pennsylvania there's another Delaware State there's another Pennsylvania's might be different what is this I can't see through the viewfinder are those foreign coins those are definitely foreign elizabeth ii looks like money and we still have the kidney stone yeah there you go this looks like monopoly money was it for Indonesia plastic yeah we welcome plastic those are actually pretty cool if you haven't seen them look at I think US money it's gonna become plastic - one day it already has it's called a credit card this is probably silver I don't know who it is we'll have to look all this up oh that's Canada 1909 I would assume this is silver as well from 1909 Canadian yeah we hold the second are you seeing what I'm seeing no wait wait wait do you see what I'm seeing do you see that's what it is is every single one half stars yeah yeah I saw the stars there see look at that every single one has a star so a thousand eighty seven in star notes Justin star knows okay sir alright alright I think we're down to the box too - is it it's real silver yeah seriously nine to five Italy yeah I can't believe it it's going in the lockbox this says compact let's see if we got a little computer it doesn't feel like we have anything oh wait wait wait we got something we got a let's read it a travel-size man inflatable loved ow ah you've gotta be kidding me 26 inch in height this pocket bears the life of the party George put all the appraised jewelry out here on the dinner table so this is just it's it's flowing it's everywhere and not only that she actually calculated all the appraisals she got more of the gold and the jewelry and she's just got it everywhere it's it's everywhere right now so the granddaddy of appraisal value that we know of that's on paper eight thousand four hundred eighty five dollars do you think we have a lot more than we I think you might yeah something some things yes something's no but for the most part I think that you know yeah this could be this could be awesome I can't wait to see you do your work alright this is the ring that I put on in the video you're never gonna believe how much of the retail Fraser I believe it look at that diamond well the official amount is $2,700 now obviously we couldn't show everything and here's just a lot of silver and gold that we didn't even show values for but with all the values we showed if you were doing your math fifteen thousand twenty-five dollars in retail value for gold and silver jewelry found in a $400 storage unit that's the treasure hunting life having to get 2525 to get down and get into ten some Legos in there will you think gentility can find out our bid for five here many 5 bid 7 but 7 he's in now 7 a half he or five or seven but seven anything here nice daughter go have to buy you're still ok 15 20 35 come on now you can head the wrong way 35 30 here now 4 5 5 3 to get down and get body can find you sure 35 last call 35 I sold about $30 many buyer number 117 yeah Manny didn't waste any time getting into the mystery unboxing didn't George man $30 look at this is a brand-new still brand-new sealed feel oh I see Hot Wheels Hot Wheels sealed sealed do I see Legos more Legos lego city seal what's this Lego Disney sealed Manny Barbie holidays sealed go in there Barbie it's okay Manny's got you Manny Manny just passed out you can't believe once you get off my woman Manny okay I think you were trying to get CPR from George is very first unit so he's super excited I can't even get CPR from passing out so more lego ninjago how do you say that Manny Ninjago knit Manny you too man you know your stuff there it is the movies sealed this is all brand new and sealed is that a Disney Princess yeah that's good you can't get those anymore what a swirl what a score okay what's the deal Manny 200 bucks you can have the they're never gonna believe what's in this unit and yes yes that is a beautiful beautiful snowblower right there hiding the most gorgeous dodged guys the window is actually down to the interior is immaculate and rob is gonna pop the hood okay windows are down look at it it's immaculate v8 Hemi now according to lean law George do we own this or don't we own it everything in the unit is what amongst us except for the car final goodbyes to the Challenger you guys [Music] my charger the Judd Dodge Challenger put put what the Hales was here in the dust [Laughter] what the hills was here and then put by Felicia on this aka Challenger we're gonna see if we can buy an abandoned because every abandoned truck deserves some dice in the mirror we're not gonna get a new truck we're looking for the abandoned ones somebody didn't want and we're gonna give it the home that it needs let's do this there's over 30 units for auction near Columbus tomorrow and if we don't get a truck we're not getting that at units so we got to get this deal done here we go there she is George is bringing home the abandoned truck she got the Dodge Ram 2500 heavy duty look at this we're here at second sense with Rob Joe there's Josh and so this is what today is all about right here the vintage Harley so it's beautiful it's got so much character that's the original motor so the the previous owner swapped the motor out that's the original that goes with the bike are saying that Joey looks like you with a beard yeah he could be the bearded you I'm a little cool if you have got a beard and your whole body was tatted this is what but that's a good stat look he's got a portion that's a portion that's a portion of it from second sense to antique archeology there is one of the most coolest things we've ever found in a unit we find cash we find diamonds we find thousands upon thousands of thousands of dollars of jewelry first harley-davidson ever found in a unit for us go into a new home a better home [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 42,740
Rating: 4.9053664 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: WO85kXpSdsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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