MEATBALL MAESTRO | Rainbow Six Siege

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he's on stairs again he's drunk thank you landing [Music] yes yes hello i was wondering if you could play that song again you want to know the difference between a cigar chomping banker and a cigar shopping dictator the banker makes your money disappear while the dictator makes your family disappear you see what i mean and no matter who this man may remind you of el presidente from tropico graves from league of legends sebastiano di ravello from just cause who happens to be one of my favorites by the way rico rodriguez there is no denying that adriano maestro martello here is the most eclectic character ever to be added to rainbow six because he basically pulled a space jam and stole all of the talent from other operators i got his talent trying to fit all of his incredible traits into a single video was like trying to stick a car into a duffel bag it feels impossible because there may be entry fraggers there may be hard breachers there may be supporting operators there may be anchors but there's only one [ __ ] maestro his contribution to rainbow six is his compact laser emplacement or cleave which he calls an evil eye that's awfully reminiscent of that song from tony hawk's pro skater 2. this thing is an amalgamation that like i said steals the talent of several other operators the first and most obvious being castle because just like his giant flex tape barricades this device is totally waterproof i mean bulletproof welcome back to another top 10 today we're going to be counting down the top 10 worst defenders in rainbow six siege number 10 mario ate 26 meatballs in one sitting without marinara sauce number nine cassell only got clout for dying number eight yeah it's bulletproof that's what it does yeah see look at that it doesn't it doesn't break that's what i think he's trying to keep a kid with me [Music] [ __ ] you laser boy i just wanted to hear you scream are you smiling yes he's perpetually smiling [Music] do it again oh my god i wish there were battlecry buttons there is you just have to play castle and get shot in the spleen now that's a lot of damage i want him to upgrade i want him to upgrade from a boat to a country i saw this nation in half it's like west germany and east germany oh it'd be so good the this is berlin wall only with flex seal flex seal can fix anything aquatic diplomatic you name it what about my marriage this man just divorced his wife but with flex seal secondly it's also borrowing from valkyrie because it's also a camera that can be placed in custom locations and is perfect for calling out enemies and handing your teammates free kills like an alley-oop from kobe to shack glass is entrenched and i turn away yes yes the second one there's another one pasta go back go back i'll distract him i'll start hitting him go hit him yes you did it that is such an impactful burst of buckshot his jaw just recoiled backwards the impact the sheer force shotgun shell oh yeah they're standing still if you want a head shot uh one of them is oh no they're they're gone now nice you did you did it you did it one is busting in classrooms where did you get shot from twitch is another operator that comes to mind because once you open the bulletproof visor you can zap people with a laser only instead of 10 damage you deal five damage and instead of firing once every couple seconds you fire like a small african child getting their hands on a bootlegged ak-47 for the first time yeah it's bulletproof twit stop firing at it you are wasting your rounds explosives obviously destroy it thatcher and twitch can temporarily disable it sledge can crush it like barry bonds and it is no longer bulletproof once the visor opens and your laser is activated [ __ ] laser sights always put your evil eye on an indestructible surface and notice i didn't say reinforced surface i said indestructible because if whatever you put it on breaks away goes your evil eye height is better for vision but the floor is better for killing people because you can fire fire fire while your opponent isn't looking and once they target your turret you whip it in the opposite direction not giving them a clear shot while the visor is closing i shot her in the face i just down jackal i killed him yes oh capitao's all the way down now he's in that hallway i can probably take him down yep i did there you go he's got one shot i'm waiting for him to come in i'm going to murder him i've got your mirror over here yes i got him the kill the kill and don't forget if you see a sledge close to your turret you may as well open the shield and dump the laser at him because he's going to smash your [ __ ] up anyways so why not tax him with some damage [Music] and then i turn it away and see see right there though [ __ ] your couch rook or as we call him in the united states lardex the destroyer of buffets is where maestro steals his figure from because this man is denser than a meatball and more death resistant than a cockroach hi rook hey babe i'm looking mighty hungry over there more i'm looking mighty thicker yourself [ __ ] out here boy i got a tie fighter with your name on it god seeing you run matt is the most non-athletic thing i think i've ever seen hey i'm i'm just a little choking i really like isn't kitchen clump oh that's double claymore i got both of the claymores that's worth it in my book nobody expects you're picking up what i'm putting down right like you see how he just does what other operators already do but better i'm not insinuating that he's stealing these roles or he's somehow a thief because he's italian because as far as combat or military scenarios go italy has a bit of a different reputation italians in both world wars guys i have a plan italy has left the game i just think he's more than simply a chunky man with a death star and the more that you play with him the more that you figure out these little ways to use your turret just to annoy the [ __ ] out of the enemy team they can disable but they can't outright kill right unless they have confused i was going to kill him while he's down yes i got him i got him i got him wow dude just keep going and what's more annoying than having a defending operator with an lmg and before you scream at the top of your lungs shanky kang has an lmg and he's on defense that may be true but maestro has one major advantage over ya boy chunks here he can walk around with it i really want to just hip fire somebody's head like this and then go for their buddy and then go for their buddy same places get crossed you want health she ran right into the ball she actually just why do people continually do that it makes no sense oh down below us yeah that's hip fire that is a hip fire headshot you need you need to stop you're real i like your outfit i'll get her i'll get her i'll get her i'll get her all right the hip i feel like i feel like this hip fire is a little bit too much i mean i like i like some some extra when it comes to an operator but this is kind of like jesus i'm gonna pre-fire you so hard boy oh baby he's the last one let's go for it fellas i'm gonna hit fire and you ready wait wait wait wait wait yes i did it he was like he was so shocked he was yes though hopefully i'll get dragged better not do it again twitch oh i hate you twitch uh you all make us higher oh my god that how did you hit that that was a hip fiery cash that was a straight up hip oh i think i should just give up on this game disgusting hey yo cracks you reset me she's in now now she's done got her head shot yes yeah yeah that's what i was talking about i popped off my camera ran it like sprayed it where i thought ying would be and she just boom graped and by that i mean grape exploded not like grape grape wait a minute you know what i mean clarification yeah ubisoft somehow found a way to make chunky even more irrelevant than he already was by adding maestro but at least they mounted two psps on his face as a consolation prize yo nobody's got gamer shades like this to chanka with two 60-inch plasma tvs on his face blocking out the haters oh my god that's huge are those the gunners thank you doris won the tv let's go baby dyrus is out here clapping people with two psps on his face in case it wasn't already obvious enough the pre-fire ability of this thing is bonafide lunacy and it blows my mind how many enemies will voluntarily walk into your laser beam of bullets that increase in accuracy the longer you fire it's like the gab of rainbow six oh they're upstairs okay she's gonna be over here run into my bullets please yes she did it wow it's a it's okay captain i just i saw i saw that yes the free fire he's in vip okay fry him yeah [Laughter] how to cheese with a bulletproof camera and a spaghetti lmg right there just launching linguine at him that's a dude headshot and a double kill what the i feel like saying his name now nani the heck what if you forced me to nitpick some cons to it the ads time is a little sluggish and the initial burst of rounds you dump out do have some wonky recoil so to those of you saying it's just a p90 with more bullets it's not because that thing is way more maneuverable on to just abs ip9 is really good let me get a turn this off please okay that's the chevy i can't see anything give me the headshot game thank you wow she just dropped she's going to see me here still got her oh my god twitch is still alive no don't kill me with this i got a juice juicing i'm over healing no i'm going to say okay where though right got him oh she's not stopped okay we did it oh my lord did you think i was making a mistake like accidentally reviving her instead of magnum i was like nah nah son i know what i'm doing i know what i'm doing but if the recoil or the clunkiness of the ads is too much for you just rip off the acog and throw on a reflex or a hollow it makes it that much easier for yourself and is arguably better if you're sitting on your laser all game as a camping anchor take the whole bigger fool there you go nice elimination wide open uh is that going to come with any recoil got all right she didn't get it yeah the death star totally works you can see your little shoulder god that is cheese that is pure cheese i realize that the aa-12 does exist but its practical application is so incredibly limited i even made you a convenient little flow chart is your target either a wall or a human located right next to a wall yes use the aa-12 in every other situation you're better off using either your sidearm or your knife real [ __ ] watch out sit back what who oh that's fine open concept i'm so glad that i did not hit you smoke i'm so glad you came in and she's planting i can't see anything you can't stop her again we got her i got her i got her oh my god good job i got him too i got him four remaining i watched do it yeah just shoot him once and you got it no but he i'm gonna wait till he comes in because he has to get close to obviously do it perfect that was actually one shot wow you weren't yeah i told you my goodness just shoot him once bro you got him be true [Laughter] maestro moves for no man uh i literally did not move that's great that's great we out here we out here we got a voice jesus i totally shot you in the back of the head you're welcome we out here growling families you can disable me i'm just gonna actually sit right over here i got one through the wall i got to get me two yes [ __ ] exactly yes it goes to show that's how hard this thing hits that was a body shot she just got bodies i realized the whole open area man superior strat meme of opening up the entire site is a thing and you can certainly do that with the aa12 but you're heavily relying on your other teammates to frag out of their minds and you're essentially useless after the prep phase go ahead take the objective i dare you near the hatch i just styled on their ass another one this shouldn't be working why how are you getting these kills i don't know why that is stop do you feel it oh my god i just saw my life flash matt is somehow hating on this strat okay you don't understand how casual works all right it's a different ascended plane of thinking whatever logic you have about this game burn it matt is going to fade on so many people on 2k hey opening up every wall and siege is not a valid attack i ain't catch the fade on 2k i'm sorry there was a there's young man that contacted me yesterday and told me to catch the fade on 2k what does this mean ea representative still sources to catch the fade on actually it would be 2k representatives telling nba y that's why you've got to master his obscene sidearm most of you know as the rhino the game calls it the keratos but in my mind i read a god of war style as kratos boy one shot the disrespect yes right in the face oh baby with the kratos i'm so glad after she hacked that cam that i got to just spray her in the face with hip fire what a revenge god that pistol was nasty or just kill him what an extreme flank there blitz thank you grass oh god where no oh it's crazy oh my god i popped her head open like a grape oh god look at this did you hit fire no no oh my god is he last alive yes ooh that is he looked exactly like the server the mixture of black and white in his uniform oh my god that's not always a perfect camouflage you have no idea i was about to say how high am i that the server is about to shoot me in the face oh wait it's jack i'm [ __ ] suited right now what's going on like this server looks awful jackal-like here boy i long story short it hits like a hand cannon but it fires like a nine mil so unlike the french magnum where your first shot is on target hopefully and then the next five are just bang bang bang bang bang all around the room this revolver can spam six shots extremely quickly in a tight spread with recoil that feels like a water gun ah yep right stairs by cigar it's fused he's super [ __ ] lit yeah you got him eliminated you can have that you can spam that rhino so fast it's just uh no i closed it on him there's too many coming in i think die already you nerd where where uh buy bathrooms hallway i got her the game doesn't make your life any easier because the 410 judge or as rainbow six calls it the bailiff also exists and is a secondary shotgun revolver with more range than your aa-12 which in my opinion is more fun yet less versatile than the rhino they know where i am nope yeah you just shoot through that oh my god he was way closer than i thought dude right here right to your right he's got he's got it right now stage oh grind if you don't have a path just make one look at this what's up yang it's a shotgun i'm pretty sure she did a double take like did this [ __ ] over here just do that he did oh wait don't forget that your evil eye has other uses beyond the conventional ones like giving your teammates lasik or resetting them if their health is too low with your optimal five damage per shot all right so i need some eye surgery done some lasik yeah bro give me laces why don't you hold still then boy okay i'm holding still alright there you go other eye operator standing thank you doctor hey i just reset you with a laser come here come here uh go behind the little pallets got one health there there there you go it's a good resetting tool on defense utility and then clue goes out and gets shot in the face watch and if you put all of this advice to good use you should constantly find yourself with the highest point streaks you've ever had and the lowest accuracy you've ever had because pre-firing 70 rounds in advance and cheesing with a laser is the path to victory you'll ever have that bug where you try to switch your secondary but it doesn't it just takes your primary background instead you invade iraq yeah all the time you ever just accidentally look for weapons of mass destruction in the middle east we have some george bush [ __ ] like honestly on accident but yes and that's about it i would like to thank you very much for watching and be sure to tune in next time when we purge falzino's for belonging to a different [Music] religion [Music] [Applause] [Music] plus [Music] uh hey
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 7,722,484
Rating: 4.9203901 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege gameplay, operation para bellum, new operators, para bellum, siege, multiplayer, rainbow 6 siege, rainbow six, rainbow six siege maestro, rainbow six siege alibi, maestro, rainbow six gameplay, alibi, siege gameplay, rainbow six siege tips, ranked, strategy, rainbow six: siege, ubisoft, rainbow six siege new operators, r6s, dlc, r6, tactical, villa, tom clancy's rainbow six siege, clutch, siege funny moments, update, italian operators, patch, guide, tutorial
Id: _svRr70Bous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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